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developing tactics for listening, 1- listening 2

1- listening 2

1. A: So how was your weekend?

B: Oh, I went to see that new science fiction movie downtown.

A: Oh, yeah? How was it?

B: Boring. I think I fell asleep in the middle of it.

2. A: What was your weekend like?

B: Awful.

A: How come?

B: I went to the beach for the weekend. But it was cold and wet the whole time.

A: Oh, yuck!

3. A: So, what did you do over the weekend?

B: Oh. I stayed home and read.

A: Sounds pretty boring.

B: Not really. I finished reading a terrific novel. Want to borrow it?

A: Maybe some other time.

4. A: How was your weekend?

B: I went to a great outdoor concert and met some really interesting people. And guess what? I met this guy who loves tennis. We're going to get together for a game on Saturday.

A: So you're not playing tennis with me?

B: Oh, well, umm-no, sorry!

5. A: Did you do anything interesting over the weekend?

B: Well, I had to study for an exam.

A: All weekend?

B: Yeah. It was pretty awful.

A: When's the exam?

B: Today.

A: Well, good luck.

B: Thanks. I'll need it.

6. A: Did you have a good weekend?

B: Yeah, I had a great weekend. I was out both Friday and Saturday night with friends, but now I'm so tired. I won't do that again for a while.

A: Too bad. I was going to ask you out next weekend.

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1. A: So how was your weekend? R: ¿Qué tal el fin de semana? R: Com'è andato il fine settimana? A: Peki hafta sonunuz nasıldı?

B: Oh, I went to see that new science fiction movie downtown. ||||||||科幻||| |||||||||Science-Fiction||Innenstadt |||||||||||în centru |||||||||||en el centro |||||||||||w centrum B: Oh, fui a ver esa nueva película de ciencia ficción al centro. B : Oh, je suis allé voir ce nouveau film de science-fiction en ville. B: Oh, şehir merkezindeki yeni bilim kurgu filmini izlemeye gittim. B: 哦,我去市中心看了那部新的科幻电影。

A: Oh, yeah? R: ¿Ah, sí? A : Ah oui ? A: Ah, öyle mi? A: 哦,是吗? How was it? ¿Cómo ha ido? Comment cela s'est-il passé ? Com'è andata? 怎么样?

B: Boring. |Langweilig. |Plictisitor B: Aburrido. B : Ennuyeux. B: 无聊。 I think I fell asleep in the middle of it. ||我|||在|||| |||||||mijloc|| ||||addormentato|||metà|| Creo que me quedé dormido a la mitad. Je crois que je me suis endormie en plein milieu. Credo di essermi addormentato nel bel mezzo. Sanırım ortasında uyuyakalmışım. 我觉得我在看的时候睡着了。

2. 2. A: What was your weekend like? ||war||| R: ¿Qué tal el fin de semana? R: Com'è stato il vostro fine settimana? A: Hafta sonu beğenileriniz nasıldı? A: 你周末过得怎么样?

B: Awful. |Schrecklich. |رهيب |groaznic |Okropnie |terrible B: Horrible. B : Affreux. B: Terribile. B: 真糟糕。

A: How come? |Why is that?| R: ¿Por qué? A : Comment cela se fait-il ? C: Nasıl olur? A: 为什么呢?

B: I went to the beach for the weekend. |||||plajă||| B: Me fui a la playa el fin de semana. B : Je suis allé à la plage pour le week-end. B: Sono andato al mare per il fine settimana. B: 我周末去了海滩。 But it was cold and wet the whole time. |它||||||| |||frig||umed||tot timpul| |||||damp||| Pero hacía frío y estaba mojado todo el tiempo. Mais il faisait froid et humide tout le temps. Ama her zaman soğuk ve ıslaktı. 但是整个时间都冷和潮湿。

A: Oh, yuck! ||фу противно ||disgusting sound ||Oh, igitt! ||bleah ||哎呀,真恶心! ||يؤسفني ذلك ||фу жахливо ||bleah ||fuj A : Oh, beurk ! R: Oh, che schifo! A: Ah, kahretsin! A: 啊,呸!

3. A: So, what did you do over the weekend? R: ¿Qué has hecho durante el fin de semana? A : Qu'avez-vous fait pendant le week-end ? A: Peki, hafta sonu ne yaptın? A: 呃,周末你做什么了?

B: Oh. B: 噢。 I stayed home and read. 我|||| ||||am citit Me quedé en casa leyendo. Je suis restée à la maison et j'ai lu. 我呆在家里看书。

A: Sounds pretty boring. R: Suena bastante aburrido. A : Cela semble plutôt ennuyeux. R: Sembra piuttosto noioso.

B: Not really. B: En realidad, no. B : Pas vraiment. B: Non proprio. I finished reading a terrific novel. ||||großartig|Roman ||||fantastica|romanzo |||一本|精彩的|小说 ||||رائع| ||||fantástica| ||||terifiantă| ||||świetną| He terminado de leer una novela estupenda. J'ai terminé la lecture d'un excellent roman. Harika bir roman okumayı bitirdim. 我刚刚读完了一本很棒的小说。 Want to borrow it? ||ausleihen| Would like||| ||pożyczyć| ¿Quieres que te lo preste? Vous voulez l'emprunter ? Vuoi prenderlo in prestito? Ödünç almak ister misin? 想要借阅吗?

A: Maybe some other time. R: Quizá en otra ocasión. R : Peut-être une autre fois. R: Forse un'altra volta. C: Belki başka bir zaman. A:也许以后吧。

4. A: How was your weekend? R: ¿Qué tal el fin de semana?

B: I went to a great outdoor concert and met some really interesting people. ||||||на свежем воздухе||||||| ||||||Freiluft|Konzert|||||| ||||||outdoor||||||| ||||||al aire libre||||||| |||||||音乐会|||||| B: Fui a un gran concierto al aire libre y conocí a gente muy interesante. B : J'ai assisté à un super concert en plein air et j'ai rencontré des gens très intéressants. B: Harika bir açık hava konserine gittim ve gerçekten ilginç insanlarla tanıştım. And guess what? ¿Y adivina qué? Et devinez quoi ? E indovinate un po'? Ve tahmin et ne oldu? I met this guy who loves tennis. |||||liebt|Tennis ||||||tenis Conocí a un tipo al que le encanta el tenis. J'ai rencontré un homme qui aime le tennis. Tenisi seven bu adamla tanıştım. We're going to get together for a game on Saturday. Vamos a reunirnos para un partido el sábado. Nous allons nous retrouver pour un match samedi. Cumartesi günü bir oyun için bir araya geleceğiz.

A: So you're not playing tennis with me? R: ¿Así que no vas a jugar al tenis conmigo? A : Tu ne joues donc pas au tennis avec moi ? A: Yani benimle tenis oynamıyorsun?

B: Oh, well, umm-no, sorry! ||nun|ähm|| |||umm|| B: Oh, bueno, umm-no, ¡lo siento! B : Oh, eh bien, umm-no, désolé ! B: Oh, şey, um-hayır, üzgünüm!

5. A: Did you do anything interesting over the weekend? R: ¿Ha hecho algo interesante durante el fin de semana? A : Avez-vous fait quelque chose d'intéressant pendant le week-end ?

B: Well, I had to study for an exam. ||||||||Prüfung ||||||||esame B: Bueno, tenía que estudiar para un examen. B : Eh bien, je devais étudier pour un examen. B: Şey, bir sınava çalışmam gerekiyordu. B:好吧,我得为考试而学习。

A: All weekend? R: ¿Todo el fin de semana? A : Tout le week-end ? A:整个周末?

B: Yeah. B: Sí. B:是的。 It was pretty awful. это|было|| ||destul de| Fue bastante horrible. C'était assez horrible. È stato piuttosto terribile. Oldukça korkunçtu. 那真的很糟糕。

A: When's the exam? |Wann ist|| |Quando è|| |cuándo es|| R: ¿Cuándo es el examen? A : Quand a lieu l'examen ? A: 考试是什么时候?

B: Today. B: Hoy. B : Aujourd'hui. B: 今天。

A: Well, good luck. |||noroc R: Bueno, buena suerte. A : Eh bien, bonne chance.

B: Thanks. I'll need it. Lo necesitaré. J'en aurai besoin. Ne avrò bisogno. 我需要它。

6. 6. 6。 A: Did you have a good weekend? |||||gut| R: ¿Ha pasado un buen fin de semana? A: İyi bir hafta sonu geçirdin mi? A: 你周末过得好吗?

B: Yeah, I had a great weekend. B: Sí, he pasado un fin de semana estupendo. B: Evet, harika bir hafta sonu geçirdim. I was out both Friday and Saturday night with friends, but now I'm so tired. ||вне|||||||||||| Salí tanto el viernes como el sábado por la noche con amigos, pero ahora estoy muy cansada. Je suis sortie vendredi et samedi soir avec des amis, mais je suis tellement fatiguée. Arkadaşlarla hem Cuma hem de Cumartesi gecesi dışarıdaydım ama şimdi çok yorgunum. I won't do that again for a while. |nie będę|||||| No volveré a hacerlo en un tiempo. Je ne le referai pas avant un certain temps. Bunu bir süre daha yapmayacağım. 我一段时间内不会再这样做了。

A: Too bad. R: Lástima. A : Dommage. R: Peccato. C: Çok kötü. A: 太糟糕了。 I was going to ask you out next weekend. |||||тебя||| Iba a invitarte a salir el próximo fin de semana. J'allais t'inviter à sortir le week-end prochain. Volevo chiederti di uscire il prossimo fine settimana. Önümüzdeki hafta sonu sana çıkma teklif edecektim. 我本来打算下个周末约你出去。