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developing tactics for listening, 1- listening 1

1- listening 1

1. A: So how was your weekend, Alexis?

B: Well I wanted to go to a club with my friend, but she was too tired to go out.

A: So what did you do?

B: We just stayed home and watched TV

2. A: I had a great weekend.

B: What happened?

A: I went to my sister's house. I helped her clean the garage.

B: Really?

A: Yeah. But she made me a really great dinner that night.

B: All right!

3. A: What did you do last weekend?

B: Ummm, I spent most of the time at the gym.

A: How come?

B: Well, I plan to enter a bodybuilding competition next month.

A: Gee, I didn't know you were a bodybuilder.

B: Yeah. Want to see my muscles?

4. A: So, what was your weekend like?

B: Not very good. My brother came over.

A: Yeah?

B: Well, he's got three young boys. I spent all weekend playing with my nephews. Now I'm exhausted.

A: I'll bet!

5. A: Did you have a nice weekend?

B: Mmm. Not too bad.

A: Did you do anything special?

B: Well, I saw a really good movie.

A: With who?

B: Oh, I don't think you know him. It's this really good-looking guy I just met.

6. A: Did you have a nice weekend. Theresa?

B: It was okay.

A: So what did you do?

B: Well, I met some friends on Saturday, and we watched a DVD.

A: How about Sunday? Did you see the World Series on TV?

B: The what?

A: The baseball game.

B: Oh. No, I was too tired. I slept most of the day.

A: You're kidding! You missed a really great game.

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1- listening 1 듣기 escucha activa escutando 1- Hören 1 1- listening 1 1- escucha 1 1- écoute 1 1- ascolto 1 1- リスニング 1 1- 듣기 1 1- klausymasis 1 1- słuchanie 1 1- audição 1 1 - прослушивание 1 1- Dinleme 1 1- прослуховування 1 1-听力1 1-聽力1

1. 1. 1. A: So how was your weekend, Alexis? |||||Wochenende|Alexis ||||||name of person |||||weekend|Alexis ||cómo estuvo|||fin de semana|Alexis A: Also, wie war dein Wochenende, Alexis? R: ¿Qué tal el fin de semana, Alexis? پاسخ: پس آخر هفته شما چطور بود، الکسیس؟ A : Comment s'est passé ton week-end, Alexis ? R: Com'è andato il weekend, Alexis? A: Hafta sonun nasıldı, Alexis?

B: Well I wanted to go to a club with my friend, but she was too tired to go out. ||||||||Club||||||||||| ||||||||nightclub||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||iść|na zewnątr |||quería||||||||amiga||||demasiado|cansada||ir| B: Nun, ich wollte mit meiner Freundin in einen Club gehen, aber sie war zu müde, um auszugehen. B: Bueno, yo quería ir a una discoteca con mi amiga, pero ella estaba demasiado cansada para salir. B : Je voulais aller en boîte avec mon amie, mais elle était trop fatiguée pour sortir. B: Volevo andare in discoteca con la mia amica, ma lei era troppo stanca per uscire. B: Arkadaşımla bir kulübe gitmek istedim ama dışarı çıkamayacak kadar yorgundu. B: 嗯,我想和朋友去俱乐部,但她太累了,不想出去。

A: So what did you do? A: Also, was hast du gemacht? R: ¿Y qué hiciste? A : Qu'avez-vous fait ? R: Allora, cosa hai fatto? A: Vậy bạn đã làm gì? A: 那你们做了什么?

B: We just stayed home and watched TV B: Nos quedamos en casa viendo la tele B : Nous sommes restés à la maison et avons regardé la télévision B: Siamo rimasti a casa a guardare la TV B: 我们就呆在家里看电视。

2. A: I had a great weekend. R: He pasado un fin de semana estupendo. R: Ho trascorso un fine settimana fantastico.

B: What happened? B: ¿Qué ha pasado? B : Que s'est-il passé ?

A: I went to my sister's house. |||||Schwester's| A: Ich ging zum Haus meiner Schwester. R: Fui a casa de mi hermana. A : Je suis allé chez ma sœur. R: Sono andato a casa di mia sorella. I helped her clean the garage. |||||차고 |||||garaje Ich half ihr, die Garage aufzuräumen. La ayudé a limpiar el garaje. Je l'ai aidée à nettoyer le garage. L'ho aiutata a pulire il garage. Tôi giúp cô ấy dọn dẹp gara.

B: Really? B.: Wirklich? B : Vraiment ? B: Davvero?

A: Yeah. But she made me a really great dinner that night. |||||||Abendessen|| Aber sie hat mir an diesem Abend ein wirklich tolles Abendessen gemacht. Pero esa noche me hizo una cena estupenda. Mais elle m'a préparé un excellent dîner ce soir-là. Ma quella sera mi preparò un'ottima cena. Ama o gece bana gerçekten harika bir yemek yaptı. Nhưng tối hôm đó cô ấy đã nấu cho tôi một bữa tối thực sự tuyệt vời. 但她那天晚上给我做了一顿非常棒的晚餐。

B: All right! B: ¡Muy bien! B : Très bien ! B: Pekala! B:好的!

3. 3. A: What did you do last weekend? R: ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado? A : Qu'avez-vous fait le week-end dernier ? R: Cosa avete fatto lo scorso fine settimana? A: 你上个周末做了什么?

B: Ummm, I spent most of the time at the gym. |Ähm|||||||||Fitnessstudio |ehh|||||||||gimnasio B: Ummm, pasé la mayor parte del tiempo en el gimnasio. B : Ummm, j'ai passé la plupart du temps à la salle de sport. B: Ummm, çoğu zaman spor salonunda geçirdim. B: 嗯,我大部分时间都在健身房里。

A: How come? |Как так| |Wie| |Nasıl olur| |어째서|왜 R: ¿Por qué? A : Comment cela se fait-il ? C: Nasıl olur? В: Чому? A: Tại sao vậy? A: 为什么?

B: Well, I plan to enter a bodybuilding competition next month. |||||||muscle building|event|| |||habe vor||anmelden für||Bodybuilding-Wettbewerb|||nächsten Monat |İyi||||||||| ||||||||比赛|| |||||||كمال الأجسام||| ||||||||zawody kulturystycz|| |||||||culturismo|competencia|| B: Nun, ich habe vor, nächsten Monat an einem Bodybuilding-Wettbewerb teilzunehmen. B: Bueno, tengo previsto presentarme a una competición de culturismo el mes que viene. B : J'ai l'intention de participer à un concours de culturisme le mois prochain. B: Beh, ho intenzione di partecipare a una gara di bodybuilding il mese prossimo. B: Vâng, tôi dự định tham gia một cuộc thi thể hình vào tháng tới. B: 嗯,我打算下个月参加健美比赛。 B:嗯,我計劃下個月參加健美比賽。

A: Gee, I didn't know you were a bodybuilder. ||||||||бодибилдер |Wow||||||| |Mensch|||||||Kraftsportler |와우||||||| ||||||||健美运动员 ||||||||culturist |vaya|||||||culturista R: Vaya, no sabía que fueras culturista. A : Je ne savais pas que tu étais culturiste. R: Cavolo, non sapevo che fossi un culturista. C: Vay, vücut geliştiricisi olduğunu bilmiyordum. A: Trời ơi, tôi không biết anh là một vận động viên thể hình đấy. A: 啊,我不知道你是一个健美运动员。 A:哎呀,我不知道你是健美選手。

B: Yeah. B: 是的。 Want to see my muscles? ||||Muskeln ||||músculos ¿Quieres ver mis músculos? Vous voulez voir mes muscles ? Vuoi vedere i miei muscoli? Kaslarımı görmek ister misin?

4. A: So, what was your weekend like? R: ¿Qué tal el fin de semana? A : Comment s'est déroulé votre week-end ? R: Allora, com'è stato il vostro weekend? A: Peki, hafta sonunuz nasıldı? A: 那么,你的周末过得怎么样?

B: Not very good. B: No muy bien. B : Pas très bien. B: 不太好。 乙:不太好。 My brother came over. |||to visit ||왔다|와서 Vino mi hermano. Mon frère est venu. È venuto mio fratello. Kardeşim geldi. Anh trai tôi đã đến. 我哥哥过来了。 我哥哥過來了。

A: Yeah? A : Oui ? C: Evet?

B: Well, he's got three young boys. B: Bueno, tiene tres hijos pequeños. B : Il a trois jeunes garçons. B: Beh, ha tre figli piccoli. B: Chà, anh ấy có ba cậu con trai. B: 哦,他有三个年幼的男孩。 B:嗯,他有三個小男孩。 I spent all weekend playing with my nephews. |||||||Neffen |||||||yeğenlerim |||||||sobrinos |||||||siostrzeńcami Me pasé todo el fin de semana jugando con mis sobrinos. J'ai passé tout le week-end à jouer avec mes neveux. Ho passato tutto il fine settimana a giocare con i miei nipoti. Bütün hafta sonunu yeğenlerimle oynayarak geçirdim. Tôi đã dành tất cả các ngày cuối tuần để chơi với cháu trai của tôi. 我整个周末都在和侄子们一起玩。 我整個週末都和我的侄子們一起玩。 Now I'm exhausted. ||Jetzt bin ich erschöpft. ||너무 피곤해 ||现在我累坏了。 ||agotado ||Acum sunt epuizat. ||wyczerpany Ahora estoy agotada. Maintenant, je suis épuisé. Ora sono esausto. Şimdi yoruldum. Bây giờ tôi đã kiệt sức. 现在我筋疲力尽。

A: I'll bet! |I will|emphasize agreement |Ich wette!|Wetten 내기할게||내기할게 ||打赌 ||أراهن أنك ||pariu R: ¡Ya lo creo! A : J'en suis sûr ! R: Ci scommetto! C: Bahse girerim! A: Tôi sẽ đặt cược! A: 我打赌! 答:我敢打賭!

5. 5. A: Did you have a nice weekend? R: ¿Has pasado un buen fin de semana? A : Avez-vous passé un bon week-end ? R: Avete trascorso un bel fine settimana? A: 你周末过得愉快吗?

B: Mmm. |Mmm. |mmm Not too bad. ||Nicht schlecht. No está mal. Pas trop mal.

A: Did you do anything special? |||||特别的 R: ¿Ha hecho algo especial? A : Avez-vous fait quelque chose de spécial ?

B: Well, I saw a really good movie. B: Bueno, vi una película muy buena. B : J'ai vu un très bon film. B: Beh, ho visto un film davvero bello.

A: With who? R: ¿Con quién? A : Avec qui ?

B: Oh, I don't think you know him. B: Oh, no creo que lo conozcas. B : Oh, je ne pense pas que vous le connaissiez. B: Oh, non credo che tu lo conosca. It's this really good-looking guy I just met. Es un chico muy guapo que acabo de conocer. C'est ce très beau garçon que je viens de rencontrer. È un ragazzo molto bello che ho appena conosciuto. Yeni tanıştığım bu gerçekten yakışıklı adam. Đây là anh chàng đẹp trai mà tôi vừa mới gặp. 我刚认识的一个长得非常帅的家伙。

6. 6. A: Did you have a nice weekend. R: ¿Has pasado un buen fin de semana? R: Avete trascorso un bel fine settimana. A: 你周末过得愉快吗。 Theresa? Theresa? Theresa Theresa? Theresa? 特蕾莎?

B: It was okay. B: Es war in Ordnung. B: Estuvo bien. B : C'était bien. B: È andata bene. B: 还好。

A: So what did you do? A: Also, was hast du gemacht? R: ¿Y qué hiciste? A : Qu'avez-vous fait ? R: Allora, cosa hai fatto? A: 那你做了什么?

B: Well, I met some friends on Saturday, and we watched a DVD. ||||||am|Samstag|||||DVD ||||||||||||una película B: Bueno, el sábado quedé con unos amigos y vimos un DVD. B : J'ai rencontré des amis samedi et nous avons regardé un DVD. B: Beh, sabato ho incontrato degli amici e abbiamo guardato un DVD.

A: How about Sunday? |||domingo R: ¿Qué tal el domingo? R : Pourquoi pas le dimanche ? Did you see the World Series on TV? |||||系列|| ¿Viste las Series Mundiales por televisión? Avez-vous vu les World Series à la télévision ? 你有在电视上看世界大赛吗?

B: The what? B: ¿El qué? B : Le quoi ? B: Cosa? B: Cái gì cơ? B: 什么?

A: The baseball game. ||Das Baseballspiel.| ||meciul de baseball| R: El partido de béisbol. A : Le match de baseball. R: La partita di baseball. A: 棒球比赛。

B: Oh. B : Oh. No, I was too tired. No, estaba demasiado cansado. No, ero troppo stanco. Không, tôi quá mệt. I slept most of the day. |am dormit|||| |잠을 잤다|||| |dormí|||| He dormido casi todo el día. J'ai dormi presque toute la journée. Ho dormito quasi tutto il giorno.

A: You're kidding! |Du machst Witze!|Machst Witze ||glumești ||жартуєш A: You're kidding! R: ¡Estás de broma! A : Vous plaisantez ! R: Stai scherzando! C: Şaka yapıyorsun! A: 你开玩笑吧! You missed a really great game. |ai ratat|||grozav|meci Te has perdido un gran partido. Vous avez manqué un grand match. Gerçekten harika bir oyunu kaçırdın. 你错过了一场非常精彩的比赛。