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inside reading 3, 1- the architecture of marketplace

1- the architecture of marketplace

Buildings are among the most lasting of human creations. Their forms and functions are evidence of the dynamic social life that has long been tied to centers of economic and political power. One ancient structure and gathering place, the marketplace, has evolved into what we call today the regional shopping center or mall. It is often constructed on a site so big that it requires a location outside of the crowded urban center. There it sometimes develops into a commercial rival to the older city center.

In many ways, these 21st-century malls are nothing new. In fact, they follow a long tradition of commercial expansion that began with the development of the first long-distance trade networks and markets. These markets were temporary at first, but they became more permanent with the rise of cities in the Middle East about five thousand years ago. They grew alongside the rivers, harbors, and overland caravan routes that connected the swelling towns of the agricultural era.

The population growth and economic prosperity of the agricultural society made possible the advancement of specialized craftspeople and merchants. These people met to barter, buy, or sell their merchandise in a place that was accessible, safe, and regulated. By 2000 BC, in the ancient Sumerian city of Ur (in what is now Iraq), the covered bazaar and the shop-lined street had established itself.

The traditional bazaar consists of shops in streets that can be closed off by gates at each end. This follows the historical town-planning requirement that commercial and residential areas be kept strictly apart. Though they are far from uniform, bazaars are typically divided into various sections that each specialize in a single trade or craft. In small towns, the bazaar can be as small as a single covered street, while in large cities it can be a vast area filled with mazelike passageways. The Grand Bazaar of Tehran is ten kilometers long, while the one in Istanbul, dating from the 15th century, has more than 58 streets and 4,000 shops. Historically, as in modem times, the bazaar was a source of tax revenue for the government. In return, the government provided the bazaars with a system of internal security and justice.

In the Greek cities of the 5th century BC, the marketplace was the agora. The historian Lewis Mumford describes the agora as an open-air "place of assembly ... where the interchange of news and opinion played almost as important a part as the interchange of goods." The agora was also a place for seasonal festivals and sports such as horse racing. The expansion of the agora in both physical size and variety of traded goods reflected the shift in the Greek economy from neighborly rural trading to long- distance multicultural exchange. The descendants of the agora are the piazzas and plazas in both Europe and the Americas.

One of the most appealing variations on the model of the ancient marketplace was the European arcade that appeared in the 18th century. An arcade was typically a covered set of city streets similar to the bazaar. but it retained some of the openness of the agora through the use of vaulted, or arched, skylights. One of the first arcades was the Gostiny Dvor in St. Petersburg, Russia, built between 1757 and 1785. It has an open floor that simulates the Italian piazza but is covered by a glass roof that imitates the openness of the agora even during cold Russian winters. The Gostiny Dvor remains one of the finest shopping centers in Northern Europe.

In Southern Europe, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, named after the first king of united Italy, opened in Milan in 1867. Vaulted iron and glass ceilings provide both shelter and light for shopping in the middle of a dense city.

A young Viennese architect named Victor Gruen was among the many visitors who were favorably impressed by the Galleria. In the 1950s, Gruen was commissioned to design a regional shopping mall in the state of Minnesota in the northern United States. The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II served as the starting concept for his mail design.

The cold weather in Minnesota posed a special challenge to shopper comfort. Gruen's approach was to enclose the whole building. The mall was built away from big cities and was accessible mainly by automobile, so it required a sea of automobile parking spaces outside. The result, called Southdale, was a spacious suburban destination. It attempted to retain the inviting festivity of the agora, the energy of the bazaar, and the lightness of the arcade. It included enhanced climate control, easy access, and a range of other inviting conveniences and attractions. Southdale soon became the archetype for the modern mall.

Since Southdale, huge regional shopping mails have sprung up all over the worid. They commonly include several main "anchor" stores, an ice skating rink, movie theaters, a themed hotel, and an amusement park or other major attraction. Such huge shopping and entertainment centers depend on the willingness and ability of people to travel some distance and shop or play for long periods of time.

In the early 2000s, hundreds of such mails were constructed in the People's Republic of China. In 2008, a vast complex in the United Arab Emirates, the Dubai Mali, attracted over 37 million visitors in its first year alone. The mail, one of the largest in the world, features over 1,200 stores, a marine aquarium, and an Olympic-size ice skating rink. It is a magnet for visitors, and its surrounding neighborhood has been called "the new heart of the city." Other world malls of note include the Istanbul Cevahir, the Mail Taman Anggrek (Orchid Garden Mali) in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the West Edmonton Mali in Alberta, Canada, which features a water park.

From moveable markets, to bazaars and agoras, to the sprawling modern regional mall. the social function of a marketplace has changed greatly. One thing remains the same: these centers of trade and retail marketing indicate economic prosperity and serve as global status symbols.

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1- the architecture of marketplace این|معماری||بازارگاه ||possessive form|marketplace architecture |市场架构||市场架构 1- هندسة السوق 1- die Architektur des Marktplatzes 1- the architecture of marketplace 1- la arquitectura del mercado 1- l'architettura del mercato 1- 市場のアーキテクチャ 1- a arquitetura do mercado 1 - архитектура рынка 1- pazar yeri̇ni̇n mi̇mari̇si̇ 1- архітектура маркетплейсу 1-市场架构 1-市场架构

Buildings are among the most lasting of human creations. ساختمان‌ها|هستند|در میان|||||| Structures|||the|most enduring|durable|of|humanity's|works |||||持久的|||建筑物是人类最持久的创作之一。 المباني هي من بين أكثر الإبداعات البشرية ديمومة. Buildings are among the most lasting of human creations. 建物は人間の創造物の中で最も長持ちするもののひとつである。 建筑物是人类最持久的创造物之一。 Their forms and functions are evidence of the dynamic social life that has long been tied to centers of economic and political power. |شکل‌ها||||||||||||||پیوند خورده||||||| possessive pronoun|||roles|are indicative of|indicators|of||active|societal|social interactions|which|has been|historically|long associated|connected|related to|hubs|of|financial|and|governmental|influence إن أشكالها ووظائفها دليل على الحياة الاجتماعية الديناميكية التي طالما ارتبطت بمراكز القوة الاقتصادية والسياسية. 它们的形式和功能是长期以来与经济和政治权力中心联系在一起的动态社会生活的证据。 它们的形态和功能证明了长期以来与经济和政治权力中心密切联系的动态社会生活。 One ancient structure and gathering place, the marketplace, has evolved into what we call today the regional shopping center or mall. ||ساختمان||||||||||||||||مرکز خرید|| ||building||||the|||||what|||now|||||| ||||reunión|||mercado||evolucionado||||||||||| ||||聚集地|||||||||||||||| 古代の建造物のひとつであり、人々が集まる場所であった市場は、今日私たちが地域のショッピングセンターや郵便局と呼ぶものへと進化した。 一个古老的结构和聚集地,市场,已经演变成我们今天所说的区域购物中心或邮局。 一个古老的建筑和聚集地,市场,已经发展成了我们今天所称的地区购物中心或商场。 It is often constructed on a site so big that it requires a location outside of the crowded urban center. ||a menudo||||||||||||||||| 多くの場合、大きな敷地に建設されるため、混雑した都心部以外の場所が必要となる。 Genellikle kalabalık şehir merkezinin dışında bir yer gerektirecek kadar büyük bir alana inşa edilir. 它通常建在一个如此大的地方,以至于它需要一个位于拥挤的城市中心之外的位置。 它通常建造在一个非常大的场地上,以至于需要选址在拥挤的城市中心之外。 There it sometimes develops into a commercial rival to the older city center. |||||||конкурент||||| |||se convierte||||||||| そして時に、旧市街地の商業的ライバルとして発展する。 在那里,它有时会发展成为旧市中心的商业竞争对手。 在那里,它有时会发展成为老城中心的商业竞争对手。

In many ways, these 21st-century malls are nothing new. 多くの点で、こうした21世紀のメールは目新しいものではない。 在许多方面,这些 21 世纪的邮件并不是什么新鲜事。 In fact, they follow a long tradition of commercial expansion that began with the development of the first long-distance trade networks and markets. 実際、最初の長距離交易網と市場の発展から始まった商業拡大の長い伝統に従っている。 事实上,它们遵循着从第一个长途贸易网络和市场的发展开始的商业扩张的悠久传统。 事实上,它们遵循了商业扩张的悠久传统,该传统始于第一批长途贸易网络和市场的发展。 These markets were temporary at first, but they became more permanent with the rise of cities in the Middle East about five thousand years ago. 这些市场起初是暂时的,但随着大约五千年前中东城市的兴起,它们变得更加永久。 这些市场起初是临时的,但随着大约五千年前中东城市的兴起,它们变得更加永久。 They grew alongside the rivers, harbors, and overland caravan routes that connected the swelling towns of the agricultural era. ||沿着|||港口||陆路|商队路线|||||膨胀的||||农业的| |||||ports||land-based|trade routes|||||growing||||| |||||||сухопутных||||||развивающиеся||||| They grew alongside the rivers, harbors, and overland caravan routes that connected the swelling towns of the agricultural era. 農耕時代に膨れ上がった町々を結ぶ川や港、陸路のキャラバンルートとともに発展した。 它们沿着河流、港口和陆路商队路线生长,这些路线连接了农业时代不断膨胀的城镇。 它们伴随着河流、港口和陆地马车路线的发展而壮大,连接了农业时代蓬勃发展的城镇。

The population growth and economic prosperity of the agricultural society made possible the advancement of specialized craftspeople and merchants. |||||繁荣||||||||发展|||工匠|| ||||||||||||||||skilled artisans|| ||||||||||||||||||торговцы 农业社会的人口增长和经济繁荣使专业手工业者和商人的进步成为可能。 农业社会人口增长和经济繁荣使得专业工匠和商人得以发展。 These people met to barter, buy, or sell their merchandise in a place that was accessible, safe, and regulated. ||||以物易物|||||商品|||||||||受监管的 ||||trade goods|||||goods|||||||||controlled |||||||||товары||||||||| These people met to barter, buy, or sell their merchandise in a place that was accessible, safe, and regulated. 这些人在一个方便、安全和受监管的地方会面,以物易物、购买或出售他们的商品。 这些人在一个便利、安全且受管制的地方相遇进行交换、购买或销售商品。 By 2000 BC, in the ancient Sumerian city of Ur (in what is now Iraq), the covered bazaar and the shop-lined street had established itself. |公元前||||苏美尔人|||乌尔|||||||有顶棚的|集市|||||||| |||||Sumerian|||Ur|||||||||||||||| ||||||||Ур||||||||базар|||||||| 到公元前 2000 年,在古老的苏美尔城市乌尔(现在的伊拉克),有盖的集市和商店林立的街道已经建立起来。 到公元前2000年,在古代苏美尔城市乌尔(现今的伊拉克境内),有盖的集市和店铺林立的街道已经确立起来。

The traditional bazaar consists of shops in streets that can be closed off by gates at each end. ||||的|商店|||||||||||| 传统的集市由街道上的商店组成,可以通过两端的大门关闭。 This follows the historical town-planning requirement that commercial and residential areas be kept strictly apart. ||||||||||housing||||| これは、商業地区と住宅地区を厳格に分けるという歴史的な町づくりの要求に従ったものである。 这遵循了商业和住宅区严格分开的历史城镇规划要求。 Though they are far from uniform, bazaars are typically divided into various sections that each specialize in a single trade or craft. |||||统一|||||||||||||||| ||||||markets|||||||||focus on|||||| ||||||базары|||||||||||||||ремесло 画一的とは言い難いが、バザーは通常、ひとつの貿易や工芸に特化したさまざまなセクションに分かれている。 尽管它们远非统一,但集市通常分为不同的部分,每个部分专门从事单一行业或工艺。 尽管集市并不一致,但通常分为各个部分,每个部分专门从事单一贸易或手工艺。 In small towns, the bazaar can be as small as a single covered street, while in large cities it can be a vast area filled with mazelike passageways. |小型|小镇|||||||||||||||||||||||||通道 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||labyrinthine|corridors ||||||||||||||||||||||||||лабиринтообразными|переходы 小さな町では、バザールは屋根のある通り一本ほどの小さなものだが、大都市では迷路のような通路で埋め尽くされた広大なエリアになることもある。 在小城镇,集市可以小到只有一条有盖的街道,而在大城市,它可以是一个充满迷宫般通道的广阔区域。 在小城镇,集市可能只是一条有顶的街道,而在大城市,它可能是一个充满迷宫般通道的广阔区域。 The Grand Bazaar of Tehran is ten kilometers long, while the one in Istanbul, dating from the 15th century, has more than 58 streets and 4,000 shops. ||||德黑兰|||||||||||||||||||| ||||Tehran|||||||||||||||||||| ||||Тегеран|||||||||||||||||||| 德黑兰的大巴扎长达 10 公里,而伊斯坦布尔的大巴扎可追溯至 15 世纪,拥有 58 多条街道和 4,000 多家商店。 德黑兰的大巴扎长达十公里,而伊斯坦布尔的大巴扎始建于15世纪,有58条街道和4000家商店以上。 Historically, as in modem times, the bazaar was a source of tax revenue for the government. |||современные|||||||||||| ||||||||||||税收收入||| 从历史上看,与现代一样,集市是政府税收的来源。 In return, the government provided the bazaars with a system of internal security and justice. その見返りとして、政府はバザールに治安と司法のシステムを提供した。 作为回报,政府为集市提供了内部安全和司法系统。 作为回报,政府为集市提供了一个内部安全和司法系统。

In the Greek cities of the 5th century BC, the marketplace was the agora. |||||||||||||集市广场 |||||||||||||agora |||||||||||||агора 紀元前5世紀のギリシャの都市では、市場はアゴラだった。 在公元前 5 世纪的希腊城市中,市场是集市。 在公元前5世纪的希腊城市中,市场是agora。 The historian Lewis Mumford describes the agora as an open-air "place of assembly ... where the interchange of news and opinion played almost as important a part as the interchange of goods." |历史学家||||||||||||集会场所|||||||||||||||||| |||Mumford||||||||||gathering|||exchange||||||||||||||| |||Mumford|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||Мамфорд|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 歴史家のルイス・マンフォードは、アゴラを野外の "集会場......そこでは、ニュースや意見の交換が、商品の交換と同じくらい重要な役割を果たしていた "と表現している。 历史学家刘易斯·芒福德(Lewis Mumford)将集市描述为一个露天的“集会场所……在这里,新闻和意见的交流几乎与货物交流一样重要。” 历史学家刘易斯·蒙福德(Lewis Mumford)将agora描述为一个露天的“集会场所……在那里,新闻和意见的交流几乎和物品的交换一样重要。” The agora was also a place for seasonal festivals and sports such as horse racing. |public square||||||||||||| 集市也是季节性节日和赛马等运动的场所。 The expansion of the agora in both physical size and variety of traded goods reflected the shift in the Greek economy from neighborly rural trading to long- distance multicultural exchange. ||||||||||||||||||||||соседской||||||| ||||||||||||traded goods||||||||||local||||||diverse cultural| |||||||||||||||||||||||乡村|||||| 集市在实物规模和贸易商品种类上的扩大反映了希腊经济从邻近的农村贸易向长途多元文化交流的转变。 阿戈拉的扩张不仅体现在物理规模上,也体现在交易商品种类上,这反映了希腊经济从乡村邻里贸易转向长距离多元文化交流。 The descendants of the agora are the piazzas and plazas in both Europe and the Americas. |后裔|||||||||||||| |||||||public squares||public squares|||||| |||||||plazas públicas|||||||| |||||||пьяццы||площади|||||| 集市的后裔是欧洲和美洲的广场和广场。 阿戈拉的后代是欧洲和美洲的广场和市场。

One of the most appealing variations on the model of the ancient marketplace was the European arcade that appeared in the 18th century. ||||||||||||||||拱廊商场|||||| ||||||||||||||||arcada europea|||||| ||||||||||||||||аркада|||||| 古代の市場をモデルにした最も魅力的なバリエーションのひとつが、18世紀に登場したヨーロッパのアーケードである。 古代市场模型最吸引人的变化之一是出现在 18 世纪的欧洲拱廊。 古代市场模式中最吸引人的变体之一是出现在18世纪的欧洲拱廊。 An arcade was typically a covered set of city streets similar to the bazaar. 拱廊通常是类似于集市的一组有盖的城市街道。 街机厅通常是一组有顶的城市街道,类似于市场。 but it retained some of the openness of the agora through the use of vaulted, or arched, skylights. ||保留||||||||||||拱形的||拱形的|天窗 ||||||transparency||||||||arched||curved|skylights ||||||||||||||сводчатых||арочных|световые люки しかし、アーチ型の天窓を使うことで、アゴラの開放的な雰囲気を残している。 但它通过使用拱形或拱形天窗保留了集市的一些开放性。 但通过使用拱形的穹顶或拱顶天窗,街机厅仍保留了一些广场的开放性。 One of the first arcades was the Gostiny Dvor in St. |||||||Гостиный двор|Гостиный двор|| |||||||Gostiny Dvor|shopping arcade|| ||||arcadas|||Góndola comercial|Dvor comercial|| 最初のアーケードのひとつは、サンクトペテルブルクのGostiny Dvorだった。 最早的拱廊之一是圣彼得堡的 Gostiny Dvor。 最早的街机厅之一是圣彼得堡的戈斯京多夫。 Petersburg, Russia, built between 1757 and 1785. It has an open floor that simulates the Italian piazza but is covered by a glass roof that imitates the openness of the agora even during cold Russian winters. |||||||||площадь|||||||||имитирует|||||||||| ||||||mimics|||square||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||plaza italiana||||||||||||||||||| イタリアの広場を模したオープンフロアだが、ロシアの寒い冬でもアゴラの開放感を模したガラス屋根で覆われている。 它有一个模拟意大利广场的开放式地板,但覆盖着一个玻璃屋顶,即使在俄罗斯寒冷的冬天也能模仿集市的开放性。 The Gostiny Dvor remains one of the finest shopping centers in Northern Europe. Gostiny Dvor 仍然是北欧最好的购物中心之一。

In Southern Europe, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, named after the first king of united Italy, opened in Milan in 1867. ||||Галерея Витторио Эмануэле II|Витторио|Эмануэле II||||||||||||| ||||Gallery|Vittorio Emanuele|Emanuele II||||||||||||Milan| ||||galería comercial|Vittorio Eman|Emanuele II||||||||||||| 在南欧,以统一意大利的第一位国王命名的埃马努埃莱二世长廊于 1867 年在米兰开业。 Vaulted iron and glass ceilings provide both shelter and light for shopping in the middle of a dense city. сводчатые|||||||||||||||||| arched||||ceilings|||||||||||||| 鉄とガラスでできた吹き抜けの天井は、密集した都会の真ん中でショッピングを楽しむための庇と光を提供してくれる。 拱形铁和玻璃天花板为在人口稠密的城市中心购物提供了遮蔽和照明。

A young Viennese architect named Victor Gruen was among the many visitors who were favorably impressed by the Galleria. ||венецианский||||Грюэн||||||||положительно|||| ||architect|||Victor Gruen|Gruen||||||||positively|||| ||||||Gruen|||||||||||| 一位年轻的维也纳建筑师维克多·格鲁恩 (Victor Gruen) 是众多对拱廊印象深刻的游客之一。 In the 1950s, Gruen was commissioned to design a regional shopping mall in the state of Minnesota in the northern United States. ||||||||||||||||Minnesota||||| 1950年代、グリュエンはアメリカ北部のミネソタ州にある地域ショッピングモールの設計を依頼された。 1950 年代,Gruen 受委托在美国北部的明尼苏达州设计一个区域性购物中心。 The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II served as the starting concept for his mail design. ||||||||initial||||| ヴィットーリオ・エマヌエーレ2世のガレリアは、彼のメールデザインの出発点となった。 Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II 作为他邮件设计的起始概念。

The cold weather in Minnesota posed a special challenge to shopper comfort. |||||представляло|||||| |||||presented|||||| 明尼苏达州的寒冷天气对购物者的舒适度提出了特殊挑战。 Gruen's approach was to enclose the whole building. подход Грюэна||||обнести||| Gruen's approach||||surround||| de Gruen||||||| Gruen 的方法是将整栋建筑围起来。 The mall was built away from big cities and was accessible mainly by automobile, so it required a sea of automobile parking spaces outside. このモールは大都市から離れた場所に建設され、主に自動車でアクセスするため、屋外には自動車用の駐車スペースが必要だった。 商场建在远离大城市的地方,主要靠汽车到达,所以外面需要一大片汽车停车位。 The result, called Southdale, was a spacious suburban destination. |||Саутдейл|||просторный|| |outcome||Southdale shopping center||||residential area| |||Southdale||||| その結果、サウスデールと呼ばれる広々とした郊外の目的地が誕生した。 结果,被称为 Southdale,是一个宽敞的郊区目的地。 It attempted to retain the inviting festivity of the agora, the energy of the bazaar, and the lightness of the arcade. ||||||праздничность|||||||||||||| |sought|||||celebratory atmosphere|||||||||||airiness||| アゴラの魅力的な祝祭性、バザールの活気、アーケードの軽快さを維持しようとしたのだ。 它试图保留集市的诱人节日、集市的活力和拱廊的轻盈。 It included enhanced climate control, easy access, and a range of other inviting conveniences and attractions. |||||||||||||удобства|| ||improved|||||||||||amenities|| 它包括增强的气候控制、便捷的访问以及一系列其他吸引人的便利设施和景点。 Southdale soon became the archetype for the modern mall. ||||model|||| サウスデールはすぐに近代的モールの原型となった。 Southdale 很快成为现代购物中心的原型。

Since Southdale, huge regional shopping mails have sprung up all over the worid. |||||центры торговли||появились|||||мире |||||||emerged|||||world ||||||||||||mundo 自 Southdale 以来,巨大的区域性购物邮件如雨后春笋般在世界各地涌现。 They commonly include several main "anchor" stores, an ice skating rink, movie theaters, a themed hotel, and an amusement park or other major attraction. |||||anchor|||||||cinemas||||||||||| ||||principales||||||||||||||||||| 一般的には、いくつかの主要な「アンカー」店舗、アイススケートリンク、映画館、テーマホテル、遊園地やその他の主要なアトラクションが含まれる。 它们通常包括几家主要的“主力”商店、溜冰场、电影院、主题酒店、游乐园或其他主要景点。 Such huge shopping and entertainment centers depend on the willingness and ability of people to travel some distance and shop or play for long periods of time. |||||||||готовность||||||||||||||||| 如此巨大的购物和娱乐中心取决于人们长途旅行并长时间购物或玩耍的意愿和能力。

In the early 2000s, hundreds of such mails were constructed in the People's Republic of China. |||||||mails|||||||| 在 2000 年代初期,在中华人民共和国建造了数百个这样的邮件。 In 2008, a vast complex in the United Arab Emirates, the Dubai Mali, attracted over 37 million visitors in its first year alone. ||||||||Arab Emirates|||Mall||||||||| ||||||||Emiratos Árab|||||||||||| 2008 年,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜马里的一个巨大综合体仅在第一年就吸引了超过 3700 万游客。 The mail, one of the largest in the world, features over 1,200 stores, a marine aquarium, and an Olympic-size ice skating rink. |shopping mall||||||||||||||||||||ice skating rink 该邮件是世界上最大的邮件之一,拥有 1,200 多家商店、一个海洋水族馆和一个奥林匹克规模的溜冰场。 It is a magnet for visitors, and its surrounding neighborhood has been called "the new heart of the city." |||attraction||||||||||||||| 観光客を惹きつけ、周辺地域は "街の新しい中心 "と呼ばれている。 它吸引着游客,其周边社区被称为“城市的新心脏”。 Other world malls of note include the Istanbul Cevahir, the Mail Taman Anggrek (Orchid Garden Mali) in Jakarta, Indonesia, and the West Edmonton Mali in Alberta, Canada, which features a water park. ||||||||Цевahir|||Мали Таман|Торговый центр Анггрек|||||Джакарта|||||||||||||| ||||||||Cevahir Mall|||Mall|Orchid Garden Mall|Orchid Garden||||Jakarta Indonesia|||||||||||||| ||||||||Cevahir|||Taman Anggrek|Taman Anggrek|Orquídea|||||||||||||||||| その他の世界のモールとしては、イスタンブールのセバヒル、インドネシアのジャカルタにあるメイル・タマン・アングレック(蘭園マリ)、カナダのアルバータ州にあるウェスト・エドモントン・マリ(ウォーターパークを併設)などがある。 其他世界著名的购物中心包括伊斯坦布尔 Cevahir、印度尼西亚雅加达的 Mail Taman Anggrek(马里兰花园)和加拿大艾伯塔省的西埃德蒙顿马里,其中设有水上乐园。

From moveable markets, to bazaars and agoras, to the sprawling modern regional mall. ||||||агоры|||разрастающийся||| |movable|||||public squares|||expansive||| ||||||agoras|||||| 移動可能な市場から、バザールやアゴラ、そして広大な近代的地域モールまで。 从流动市场到集市和集市,再到庞大的现代区域购物中心。 the social function of a marketplace has changed greatly. 市场的社会功能发生了很大变化。 One thing remains the same: these centers of trade and retail marketing indicate economic prosperity and serve as global status symbols. ||||||||||retail|||||||||| 有一件事保持不变:这些贸易和零售营销中心表明经济繁荣并成为全球地位的象征。