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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 5 - Why so Selfish

Lesson 5 - Why so Selfish

Man! Peter is so selfish about his stuff!

Listen to this! Yesterday I needed to borrow his car for just a few minutes to visit a friend of mine.

But, believe it or not, he said he wouldn't let me take it. On top of that, just a few moments ago he got angry at me 'cause I used his laptop for checking some stuff on the net! I'm always pretty relaxed and generous about my stuff! Last month he borrowed my fishing gear without even asking and I never said a word about it!

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Lesson 5 - Why so Selfish |||自私 Lesson 1||| Lektion 5 - Warum so egoistisch Μάθημα 5 - Γιατί τόσο εγωιστής Lesson 5 - Why so Selfish Lección 5 - ¿Por qué tan egoísta? Leçon 5 - Pourquoi tant d'égoïsme Lezione 5 - Perché così egoista 第5課 なぜそんなに利己的なのか Lekcja 5 - Dlaczego jesteśmy tacy samolubni? Lição 5 - Porquê tanto egoísmo? Урок 5 - Почему так эгоистично Ders 5 - Neden Bu Kadar Bencilsiniz? 第五课 - 为什么这么自私 第五課 - 為什麼這麼自私

Man! 哇塞 おとこ! Peter is so selfish about his stuff! |||自私|||东西 |||possessive|||belongings ピーターは自分のものについてとても利己的です!

Listen to this! Listen to this! これを聴いて! Yesterday I needed to borrow his car for just a few minutes to visit a friend of mine. |||||||||||||ziyaret etmek|||| 昨日、私の友人を訪ねるために彼の車をほんの数分間借りる必要がありました。

But, believe it or not, he said he wouldn't let me take it. |相信||||||||||| しかし、信じられないかもしれませんが、彼は私にそれを取らせないだろうと言いました。 On top of that, just a few moments ago he got angry at me  'cause I used his laptop for checking some stuff on the net! |此外|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||browsing||||| その上、ほんの少し前に彼は私に腹を立てました。なぜなら私は彼のラップトップを使ってネット上のいくつかのものをチェックしたからです! I'm always pretty relaxed and generous about my stuff! ||相当|放松的||||| ||oldukça|||cömert||| 私はいつもかなりリラックスしていて、自分のものについて寛大です! Last month he borrowed my fishing gear without even asking and I never said a word about it! |||||钓鱼|渔具||||||||||| ||||||equipment||||||||||| |||||balık tutma|donanım||||||||||| 先月、彼は尋ねることさえせずに私の釣り道具を借りました、そして私はそれについて一言も言わなかった!