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Go For It (Basic), Lesson 30 - Netflix and wine

Lesson 30 - Netflix and wine

Most people know I don't like staying in during the weekends but sometimes that's all I want after a tough week at the office. Take today as an example, I want nothing but to watch

my favorite series on Netflix and pour myself a nice glass of red wine.

I'm not antisocial or anything, don't get me wrong, alright? I also like going out with my friends to talk, laugh and relax together

but there are days like today when I don't wanna do anything. I just think that when I'm too tired it's better to stay home instead of looking like a zombie in front of everybody!

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Lesson 30 - Netflix and wine Μάθημα 30 - Netflix και κρασί Lección 30 - Netflix y vino Lição 30 - Netflix e vinho

Most people know I don't like staying in during the weekends ほとんどの人は私が週末に滞在するのが好きではないことを知っています but sometimes that's all I want after a tough week at the office. でも時々、オフィスでの厳しい一週間の後に私が欲しいのはそれだけです。 Take today as an example, I want nothing but to watch 今日を例にとると、私はただ見たいだけです

my favorite series on Netflix and pour myself a nice glass of red wine. ||剧集||||倒||||||| Netflixでの私のお気に入りのシリーズで、素敵なグラスの赤ワインを注いでください。

I'm not antisocial or anything, don't get me wrong, alright? ||反社会||||||| 私は反社会的でも何でもありません、誤解しないでくださいね? I also like going out with my friends to talk, laugh and relax together 友達と話したり、笑ったり、リラックスしたりするのも好きです。

but there are days like today when I don't wanna do anything. でも今日のように何もしたくない日があります。 I just think that when I'm too tired it's better to stay home 疲れたら家にいるほうがいいと思う instead of looking like a zombie in front of everybody! |||||僵尸||||