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The Infographics Show, YOU vs PIGGY - Can You Defeat and Survive This Roblox Monster

YOU vs PIGGY - Can You Defeat and Survive This Roblox Monster

It all started so innocently.

A brilliant doctor, desperate to save his wife, concocts what he hopes will be a miracle

cure for a deadly virus.

Hoping to speed along the development process, the doctor enlists the help of a family- the

Piggies- who want nothing more than to help the doctor develop his cure.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but in this case it's not hell

those good intentions lead, but a full-blown zombie apocalypse.

Now half the world's been infected and you're fighting for your life, but of all the infected

out tear you limb from limb, none are more dangerous than the original infected- the

Piggy family.

So how are you going to fight and defeat Piggy?

Substance 128, or the potion, has various effects on its host, but mainly acts as a


It's not known exactly what Mr. P, its developer, used to create Substance 128, but it either

includes live bacteria or viruses, or perhaps a chemical that short circuits a living brain.

This is because unlike normal neurotoxins that kill their victim outright, Substance

128 instead seems to selectively destroy- or suppress- only the parts of the brain responsible

for higher thinking.

Motor skills and reflexes are maintained, but the ability to reason or act past a rudimentary

level of intelligence are all gone in those infected.

Perhaps Substance 128 contains living cells that act as parasites, or the chemicals simply

destroy parts of the brain devolving the victim to a primal intelligence.

Whatever the case, after the Piggy family was infected, they were able to rapidly infect


This means that the original substance was either a virus, or perhaps an ordinary virus

already infecting the Piggy family was mutated to create the zombie-like aggression and loss

of intelligence.

Whatever the case, Substance 128 is now fully viral, and social distancing won't save you

from the Piggy apocalypse.

The Piggies, as the infected are typically known, show highly increased aggression, although

peculiarly they don't display the typical feeding behavior associated with other zombies

or even predators.

Instead, Piggies seek to simply kill non-infected, and will completely ignore other infected

around them.

This hints at two things- the first being that some higher brain function might still

be preserved within infected hosts, and two, that the infection might be heightening some

innate sense of territoriality, leading the infected to be extremely aggressive due to

a perceived violation of their territory.

No matter how far you run from a Piggy though, they will not stop chasing you, meaning that

the infected seem to consider the entire world their territory and simply fleeing won't be

enough to win the day.

Because of their heightened aggression and a lack of self-preservation, Piggies have

greater strength than the non-infected, though still enough self-preservation to avoid obviously

suicidal things like running into pits or through fire.

Again, this means that some form of higher intelligence is still present in the infected,

making Piggies more dangerous zombies than your traditional walking dead.

Because of the sheer number of infected, escape is likely going to be your best option.

Going hand to hand with a Piggy is going to likely end poorly for you, given both each

individual's heightened strength and the sheer numbers of infected that will certainly show

up to the site of any battle.

It's best then to keep this fight at a distance, so firearms are going to be your preferred

tool for eliminating Piggies- but be careful, the sound of gunfire is certain to draw even

more infected to your location.

Perhaps you'd be better served with more silent ranged weapons like bows and arrows, with

compound bows available in basically any hunting store across the US.

The most terrifying aspect of the Piggy apocalypse however is the simple fact that you can never

be sure of who's infected and who isn't.

While it may be obvious to tell certain infected apart from the non-infected due to wounds

they've suffered, and seem to ignore- others won't be so easy to identify.

The infection is fairly quick acting, but other than an immediate increase in strength

and aggression, there's no physical changes that could easily identify someone as infected.

Your best friend could very well be an infected and you sadly won't know until they're trying

to smash your bones to jelly with a baseball bat.

For this reason, to survive a real-world Piggy apocalypse, you're going to want to do the

opposite of what we typically recommend in these scenarios, and go the solo route.

Teaming up is always a great way of boosting your odds of survival, but in this world gone

Piggy mad, a teammate could be a liability.

If however you absolutely must team up, then you can take some preventative measures to

identify an infected before they get too close.

For example, you could come up with challenge phrases the way that US military sentries


Simply come up with a question or statement, and a response that the person being challenged

has to reply with.

It could make sense or be completely nonsensical, but it should always be the same response.

You could for example make your challenge phrase be, “Who has the most overpriced

and terrible sushi in the world?” and the response would be, “Wokcano”.

That's not only a true statement, but a good challenge phrase because the infected don't

have the higher intelligence necessary to come up with a coherent answer.

This way if you suspect that a friend who's been out of sight for too long is an infected,

you can simply ask them who makes the worst sushi in the world, and they'll tell you Wokcano,

marking them as safe and uninfected.

If however you get no response, it's time to run and treat your friend as just another


Sadly, you're not going to win a fight against the Piggy apocalypse, because as the Coronavirus

has shown us, infections spread at blistering speed across the world.

Your best bet is to let nature take its course and simply flee for the hills.

Find somewhere remote and cold to hide out at and wait the apocalypse out.

With no higher thinking skills, Piggies will be unable to feed themselves or protect themselves

from the elements, and within a few weeks only a few stragglers should be left alive.

At that point it'll be your job to reclaim the world, and perhaps find Mr. P and punish

him for the evil he so carelessly unleashed on the world.

Ready for more epic showdowns?

Check out You Versus The Rake.

Or check out this other video instead!

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YOU vs PIGGY - Can You Defeat and Survive This Roblox Monster ||Prasátko|||||||| |||||||||game platform| ||ピギー|||||||ロブロックス| YOU vs PIGGY - Kannst du dieses Roblox-Monster besiegen und überleben? YOU vs PIGGY - Μπορείτε να νικήσετε και να επιβιώσετε αυτό το τέρας του Roblox YOU vs PIGGY - ¿Puedes derrotar y sobrevivir a este monstruo de Roblox? YOU vs PIGGY - Pouvez-vous vaincre et survivre à ce monstre de Roblox ? VOI contro PIGGY - Riuscirete a sconfiggere e sopravvivere a questo mostro di Roblox? YOU vs PIGGY - あなたはこのRobloxモンスターを倒し、生き残ることができますか? 당신과 피기 - 이 로블록스 몬스터를 물리치고 살아남을 수 있을까요? YOU vs PIGGY - Ar galite nugalėti ir išgyventi šį "Roblox" monstrą TY vs PIGGY - Czy możesz pokonać i przetrwać tego potwora Roblox? YOU vs PIGGY - Consegues derrotar e sobreviver a este monstro do Roblox? ВЫ против PIGGY - сможете ли вы победить и выжить этого монстра Roblox YOU vs PIGGY - Bu Roblox Canavarını Yenip Hayatta Kalabilir misin? YOU vs PIGGY - 你能打败并生存这个 Roblox 怪物吗 YOU vs PIGGY - 你能打敗並生存這個 Roblox 怪物嗎

It all started so innocently. ||||so unschuldig ||||無邪気に بدأ كل شيء ببراءة.

A brilliant doctor, desperate to save his wife, concocts what he hopes will be a miracle |||verzweifelt|||||erfindet||||||| ||||||||creates a mixture||||||| |||必死の|||||作り出す||||||| طبيب لامع ، يائسًا لإنقاذ زوجته ، يلفق ما يأمل أن يكون معجزة Um médico brilhante, desesperado para salvar sua esposa, inventa o que ele espera que seja um milagre. Karısını kurtarmak için çaresiz kalan zeki bir doktor, mucize olmasını umduğu bir şey uydurur

cure for a deadly virus. علاج لفيروس قاتل.

Hoping to speed along the development process, the doctor enlists the help of a family- the |||||||||seeks assistance from|||||| |||||||||協力を得る|||||| على أمل الإسراع في عملية التطوير ، يستعين الطبيب بمساعدة عائلة- Na esperança de acelerar o processo de desenvolvimento, o médico conta com a ajuda de uma família - o Gelişim sürecini hızlandırmayı uman doktor, bir aileden yardım ister.

Piggies- who want nothing more than to help the doctor develop his cure. Helpful assistants|||||||||||| Piggies- الذين لا يريدون أكثر من مساعدة الطبيب في تطوير علاجه. Doktorun tedavisini geliştirmesine yardım etmekten başka bir şey istemeyen domuzcuklar.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but in this case it's not hell |||||||covered with|||||||||| |||||||舗装された|||||||||| يقولون إن الطريق إلى الجحيم مرصوف بالنوايا الحسنة ، لكن في هذه الحالة ليس الجحيم Cehenneme giden yol iyi niyet taşlarıyla döşelidir derler ama bu durumda cehennem değildir.

those good intentions lead, but a full-blown zombie apocalypse. |||||||||黙示録 هذه النوايا الحسنة تؤدي ، ولكن نهاية العالم غيبوبة كاملة. essas boas intenções levam, mas um apocalipse zumbi completo. bu iyi niyetler yol açar, ancak tam gelişmiş bir zombi kıyameti.

Now half the world's been infected and you're fighting for your life, but of all the infected الآن نصف سكان العالم مصابون وأنت تحارب من أجل حياتك ، ولكن من بين جميع المصابين Agora, metade do mundo foi infetado e tu estás a lutar pela tua vida, mas de todos os infectados

out tear you limb from limb, none are more dangerous than the original infected- the |||body part||||||||||| تمزق أحد أطرافك من طرفك ، فليس هناك ما هو أكثر خطورة من المصاب الأصلي trek je ledemaat uit ledemaat, geen enkele is gevaarlijker dan de originele geïnfecteerde que vos rasgam membro a membro, nenhum é mais perigoso do que o infetado original - o и отрывают вас от земли, но ни один из них не опаснее, чем первоначальный инфицированный - sizi uzuvlarından koparır, hiçbiri orijinal enfekte olandan daha tehlikeli değildir-

Piggy family. عائلة الخنزير.

So how are you going to fight and defeat Piggy? إذن كيف ستقاتل وتهزم Piggy؟

Substance 128, or the potion, has various effects on its host, but mainly acts as a |||Trank||||||||||| 物質|||||||||||||| المادة 128 ، أو الجرعة ، لها تأثيرات مختلفة على مضيفها ، ولكنها تعمل بشكل أساسي ك

neurotoxin. Neurotoxin Nerve poison 神経毒 السم العصبي.

It's not known exactly what Mr. P, its developer, used to create Substance 128, but it either من غير المعروف بالضبط ما استخدمه مطور السيد P لإنشاء Substance 128 ، ولكنه أيضًا Não se sabe exatamente o que o Sr. P, seu desenvolvedor, usou para criar a Substância 128, mas Geliştiricisi Bay P'nin Madde 128'i yaratmak için ne kullandığı tam olarak bilinmemekle birlikte,

includes live bacteria or viruses, or perhaps a chemical that short circuits a living brain. تشمل البكتيريا الحية أو الفيروسات ، أو ربما مادة كيميائية تقصر دماغًا حيًا. inclui bactérias ou vírus vivos, ou talvez uma substância química que causa um curto-circuito em um cérebro vivo. в том числе живые бактерии или вирусы, или, возможно, химическое вещество, замыкающее живой мозг. canlı bakteri veya virüsleri veya belki de canlı bir beyinde kısa devre yapan bir kimyasal içerir.

This is because unlike normal neurotoxins that kill their victim outright, Substance |||||nerve poisons|||||| هذا لأنه على عكس السموم العصبية الطبيعية التي تقتل ضحيتها تمامًا ، الجوهر Isso ocorre porque, ao contrário das neurotoxinas normais que matam sua vítima imediatamente, a Substância Bunun nedeni, kurbanlarını doğrudan öldüren normal nörotoksinlerin aksine, Madde

128 instead seems to selectively destroy- or suppress- only the parts of the brain responsible 128 بدلاً من ذلك يبدو أنه يدمر أو يقمع بشكل انتقائي فقط أجزاء الدماغ المسؤولة Em vez disso, o 128 parece destruir seletivamente - ou suprimir - apenas as partes do cérebro responsáveis 128 bunun yerine beynin sadece sorumlu kısımlarını seçici olarak yok ettiği veya baskıladığı görülmektedir.

for higher thinking. لتفكير أعلى. para um pensamento mais elevado.

Motor skills and reflexes are maintained, but the ability to reason or act past a rudimentary |||||||||||||||basic or simple motor|habilidades motoras||reflexos|||||||||||| يتم الحفاظ على المهارات الحركية وردود الفعل ، ولكن القدرة على التفكير أو التصرف بعد بدائية As habilidades motoras e os reflexos são mantidos, mas a capacidade de raciocinar ou agir além de um nível rudimentar Motor beceriler ve refleksler korunur, ancak akıl yürütme veya ilkel bir seviyenin ötesinde hareket etme yeteneği

level of intelligence are all gone in those infected. ||inteligência|||||| ذهب مستوى الذكاء جميع المصابين. zeka seviyesinin hepsi bu enfekte kişilerde yok oldu.

Perhaps Substance 128 contains living cells that act as parasites, or the chemicals simply ربما تحتوي المادة 128 على خلايا حية تعمل كطفيليات أو مواد كيميائية ببساطة

destroy parts of the brain devolving the victim to a primal intelligence. |||||regressing to|||||| ||||||||||primal| تدمير أجزاء من الدماغ وتحويل الضحية إلى ذكاء بدائي. destruir partes do cérebro, devolvendo a vítima a uma inteligência primitiva. kurbanı ilkel bir zekaya devreden beynin bazı kısımlarını yok etmek.

Whatever the case, after the Piggy family was infected, they were able to rapidly infect مهما كانت الحالة ، بعد إصابة عائلة Piggy ، كانوا قادرين على نقل العدوى بسرعة Seja qual for o caso, depois de a família Piggy ter sido infetada, foi capaz de infetar rapidamente Durum ne olursa olsun, Piggy ailesi enfekte olduktan sonra hızla


This means that the original substance was either a virus, or perhaps an ordinary virus وهذا يعني أن المادة الأصلية كانت إما فيروساً أو ربما فيروساً عادياً Isso significa que a substância original era um vírus ou talvez um vírus comum Bu, orijinal maddenin ya bir virüs ya da belki de sıradan bir virüs olduğu anlamına gelir.

already infecting the Piggy family was mutated to create the zombie-like aggression and loss تم تحوير عائلة Piggy التي أصابت بالفعل عائلة Piggy لخلق عدوان يشبه الزومبي وخسارة já infectando a família Piggy foi mutado para criar a agressão e perda semelhantes a zumbis Piggy ailesine zaten bulaşmış olan hastalık mutasyona uğrayarak zombi benzeri saldırganlık ve kayıp

of intelligence.

Whatever the case, Substance 128 is now fully viral, and social distancing won't save you مهما كان الأمر ، فإن Substance 128 أصبح الآن فيروسيًا بالكامل ولن يوفر لك التباعد الاجتماعي Seja qual for o caso, a Substância 128 é agora totalmente viral, e o distanciamento social não o vai salvar

from the Piggy apocalypse. من نهاية العالم Piggy.

The Piggies, as the infected are typically known, show highly increased aggression, although الخنازير ، كما يُعرف المصابون عادةً ، تظهر عدوانية متزايدة للغاية Os Piggies, como os infectados são tipicamente conhecidos, mostram uma agressividade altamente aumentada, embora Virüsün bulaştığı Domuzcuklar, tipik olarak bilindiği gibi, oldukça artan saldırganlık gösterirler.

peculiarly they don't display the typical feeding behavior associated with other zombies من الغريب أنهم لا يعرضون سلوك التغذية النموذجي المرتبط بالزومبي الآخرين peculiarmente, não apresentam o comportamento alimentar típico associado a outros zombies Diğer zombilerde görülen tipik beslenme davranışını göstermezler.

or even predators. ||Raubtiere

Instead, Piggies seek to simply kill non-infected, and will completely ignore other infected بدلاً من ذلك ، يسعى Piggies ببساطة إلى قتل غير المصابين ، وسوف يتجاهل المصابين الآخرين تمامًا Em vez disso, os Piggies procuram simplesmente matar os não infectados e ignorarão completamente outros infectados. Bunun yerine, Domuzcuklar sadece enfekte olmayanları öldürmeye çalışır ve diğer enfekte olanları tamamen görmezden gelir

around them.

This hints at two things- the first being that some higher brain function might still هذا يلمح إلى شيئين - الأول هو أن بعض وظائف الدماغ العليا قد لا تزال موجودة Isso sugere duas coisas - a primeira é que alguma função cerebral superior ainda pode Bu iki şeye işaret ediyor: Birincisi, bazı yüksek beyin fonksiyonlarının hala

be preserved within infected hosts, and two, that the infection might be heightening some يتم الحفاظ عليها داخل العوائل المصابة ، وثانيًا ، أن العدوى قد تزيد من حدة بعض ser preservado dentro de hospedeiros infectados, e dois, que a infecção pode estar aumentando alguns enfekte olmuş konaklarda korunuyor olabilir ve ikincisi, enfeksiyon bazı

innate sense of territoriality, leading the infected to be extremely aggressive due to |||territorial instinct||||||||| الشعور الفطري بالأراضي ، مما يؤدي إلى أن يكون المصاب عدوانيًا للغاية بسبب doğuştan gelen bölgecilik duygusu, enfekte kişinin aşırı saldırgan olmasına yol açar.

a perceived violation of their territory. انتهاك واضح لأراضيهم. uma suposta violação de seu território. topraklarının ihlali olarak algılanmıştır.

No matter how far you run from a Piggy though, they will not stop chasing you, meaning that بغض النظر عن المسافة التي تركتها بعيدًا عن Piggy ، فلن يتوقفوا عن مطاردتك ، مما يعني ذلك Bir Piggy'den ne kadar uzağa kaçarsanız kaçın, sizi kovalamaktan vazgeçmeyeceklerdir, yani

the infected seem to consider the entire world their territory and simply fleeing won't be ||||||||||||running away|| يبدو أن المصابين يعتبرون العالم بأسره أراضيهم وببساطة لن يكون الفرار كذلك

enough to win the day. günü kazanmak için yeterli.

Because of their heightened aggression and a lack of self-preservation, Piggies have بسبب عدوانهم المتزايد ونقص الحفاظ على الذات ، فإن Piggies لديها Por causa de sua agressividade aumentada e falta de autopreservação, os Piggies Artan saldırganlıkları ve kendilerini koruma konusundaki eksiklikleri nedeniyle Domuzcuklar

greater strength than the non-infected, though still enough self-preservation to avoid obviously قوة أكبر من غير المصابين ، على الرغم من أنه لا يزال كافياً للحفاظ على الذات لتجنبها بشكل واضح Enfekte olmayanlara göre daha güçlüdürler, ancak yine de açık bir şekilde kaçınmaya yetecek kadar kendilerini korurlar.

suicidal things like running into pits or through fire. |||||dangerous situations||| الأشياء الانتحارية مثل الوقوع في الحفر أو من خلال النار. coisas suicidas como correr para poços ou através do fogo. çukurlara ya da ateşe doğru koşmak gibi intihara meyilli şeyler.

Again, this means that some form of higher intelligence is still present in the infected,

making Piggies more dangerous zombies than your traditional walking dead.

Because of the sheer number of infected, escape is likely going to be your best option. نظرًا للعدد الهائل من المصابين ، فمن المرجح أن يكون الهروب هو أفضل خيار لك. Devido ao grande número de infectados, a fuga provavelmente será sua melhor opção.

Going hand to hand with a Piggy is going to likely end poorly for you, given both each من المحتمل أن ينتهي التعامل مع Piggy بشكل سيئ بالنسبة لك ، بالنظر إلى كل منهما Ir de mãos dadas com um Porquinho provavelmente terminará mal para você, dado que cada um Bir Piggy ile el ele tutuşmak, her ikisi de göz önüne alındığında, muhtemelen sizin için kötü sonuçlanacaktır.

individual's heightened strength and the sheer numbers of infected that will certainly show قوة الفرد المتزايدة والأعداد الهائلة للمصابين التي ستظهر بالتأكيد

up to the site of any battle. до места любой битвы.

It's best then to keep this fight at a distance, so firearms are going to be your preferred |||||||||||guns|||||| من الأفضل بعد ذلك إبقاء هذه المعركة بعيدة ، لذلك ستكون الأسلحة النارية هي المفضلة لديك

tool for eliminating Piggies- but be careful, the sound of gunfire is certain to draw even ||||||||||weapon discharge||||| أداة للقضاء على Piggies - ولكن كن حذرًا ، فمن المؤكد أن صوت إطلاق النار سيتساوى mas cuidado, o som do tiro é capaz de atrair ainda mais os Piggies.

more infected to your location.

Perhaps you'd be better served with more silent ranged weapons like bows and arrows, with ||||||||long-distance|||||| ربما يكون من الأفضل لك تقديم المزيد من الأسلحة ذات المدى الصامت مثل الأقواس والسهام ، بـ Talvez você esteja melhor servido com armas de longo alcance mais silenciosas, como arcos e flechas, com

compound bows available in basically any hunting store across the US. Компаунд-луки можно купить практически в любом охотничьем магазине США.

The most terrifying aspect of the Piggy apocalypse however is the simple fact that you can never ومع ذلك ، فإن الجانب الأكثر رعبا في نهاية العالم Piggy هو حقيقة أنه لا يمكنك أبدا Ancak Domuzcuk kıyametinin en korkutucu yönü, hiçbir zaman

be sure of who's infected and who isn't. ter a certeza de quem está infetado e de quem não está.

While it may be obvious to tell certain infected apart from the non-infected due to wounds في حين أنه قد يكون من الواضح تمييز بعض المصابين عن غير المصابين بسبب الجروح Embora possa ser óbvio distinguir alguns infectados dos não infectados devido às feridas Yaralar nedeniyle bazı enfekte kişileri enfekte olmayanlardan ayırmak açık olsa da

they've suffered, and seem to ignore- others won't be so easy to identify. لقد عانوا ، ويبدو أنهم يتجاهلون - لن يكون من السهل التعرف على الآخرين. Acı çekmiş ve görmezden gelmiş gibi görünseler de diğerlerini tespit etmek o kadar kolay olmayacaktır.

The infection is fairly quick acting, but other than an immediate increase in strength A infeção tem uma ação bastante rápida, mas para além de um aumento imediato da força Enfeksiyon oldukça hızlı etki eder, ancak ani bir güç artışı dışında

and aggression, there's no physical changes that could easily identify someone as infected.

Your best friend could very well be an infected and you sadly won't know until they're trying

to smash your bones to jelly with a baseball bat. bir beyzbol sopasıyla kemiklerini jöleye çevirmek için.

For this reason, to survive a real-world Piggy apocalypse, you're going to want to do the Bu nedenle, gerçek dünyadaki bir Piggy kıyametinde hayatta kalmak için şunları yapmak isteyeceksiniz

opposite of what we typically recommend in these scenarios, and go the solo route. Bu senaryolarda genellikle önerdiğimizin tersini yapın ve solo rotayı izleyin.

Teaming up is always a great way of boosting your odds of survival, but in this world gone Collaborating||||||||||||||||| A formação de equipas é sempre uma óptima forma de aumentar as probabilidades de sobrevivência, mas neste mundo sem Takım kurmak her zaman hayatta kalma şansınızı artırmanın harika bir yoludur, ancak bu dünyada

Piggy mad, a teammate could be a liability. |||fellow player|||| Piggy mad, bir takım arkadaşı bir sorumluluk olabilir.

If however you absolutely must team up, then you can take some preventative measures to ومع ذلك ، إذا كان لا بد من التعاون معًا ، فيمكنك اتخاذ بعض الإجراءات الوقائية Se, no entanto, tiverem mesmo de se juntar, podem tomar algumas medidas preventivas para Ancak mutlaka ekip kurmanız gerekiyorsa, bazı önleyici tedbirler alabilirsiniz

identify an infected before they get too close.

For example, you could come up with challenge phrases the way that US military sentries ||||||||||||||guards on duty Örneğin, ABD askeri nöbetçilerinin yaptığı gibi meydan okuma cümleleri kurabilirsiniz


Simply come up with a question or statement, and a response that the person being challenged Basitçe bir soru veya ifade ile gelin ve meydan okunan kişiye bir yanıt verin

has to reply with.

It could make sense or be completely nonsensical, but it should always be the same response. |||||||Gibberish|||||||| ||||||||pero||||||| Mantıklı veya tamamen saçma olabilir, ancak her zaman aynı yanıt olmalıdır.

You could for example make your challenge phrase be, “Who has the most overpriced |||||||||||||too expensive

and terrible sushi in the world?” and the response would be, “Wokcano”. |||||||||||Bad sushi restaurant

That's not only a true statement, but a good challenge phrase because the infected don't

have the higher intelligence necessary to come up with a coherent answer. لديهم ذكاء أعلى ضروري للتوصل إلى إجابة متماسكة. tutarlı bir cevap bulmak için gerekli olan yüksek zekaya sahiptir.

This way if you suspect that a friend who's been out of sight for too long is an infected, Bu şekilde, uzun süredir ortalıkta görünmeyen bir arkadaşınızın enfekte olduğundan şüphelenirseniz,

you can simply ask them who makes the worst sushi in the world, and they'll tell you Wokcano,

marking them as safe and uninfected. |||||free of infection onları güvenli ve enfekte olmamış olarak işaretler.

If however you get no response, it's time to run and treat your friend as just another Buna rağmen yanıt alamazsanız, kaçma ve arkadaşınıza sıradan biri gibi davranma zamanı gelmiş demektir.


Sadly, you're not going to win a fight against the Piggy apocalypse, because as the Coronavirus للأسف ، لن تربح معركة ضد نهاية العالم Piggy ، لأن مثل Coronavirus

has shown us, infections spread at blistering speed across the world. ||||||rapidly accelerating||||

Your best bet is to let nature take its course and simply flee for the hills. أفضل رهان هو ترك الطبيعة تأخذ مجراها والفرار ببساطة إلى التلال.

Find somewhere remote and cold to hide out at and wait the apocalypse out. ابحث عن مكان بعيد وبارد للاختباء فيه وانتظر نهاية العالم. Saklanmak için uzak ve soğuk bir yer bulun ve kıyameti bekleyin.

With no higher thinking skills, Piggies will be unable to feed themselves or protect themselves

from the elements, and within a few weeks only a few stragglers should be left alive. |||||||||||remaining survivors|||| ve birkaç hafta içinde sadece birkaç kişi hayatta kalacaktır.

At that point it'll be your job to reclaim the world, and perhaps find Mr. P and punish

him for the evil he so carelessly unleashed on the world. له من أجل الشر الذي أطلقه بلا مبالاة على العالم. o mal que ele tão descuidadamente desencadeou no mundo.

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