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The Infographics Show, Why The Zodiac Killer Was Never Found

Why The Zodiac Killer Was Never Found

December 20, 1968 - Around 10:15 pm 17 year old David Faraday and 16 year old Betty Lou

Jensen parked at a gravel turnout--a well known popular lover's lane on Lake Herman

Road, in the small Northern California town of Benicia.

Sadly, the teenage sweethearts never made it home after their date.

They were found shot to death shortly after 11 pm.

Thus began the reign of terror by the Zodiac Killer.

From December 1968 through October 1969, a serial killer who came to be known as the"Zodiac

Killer" from the cryptic letters he sent to the press plagued the California Bay Area.

Despite his brazen crimes and his clues to the authorities, the Zodiac Killer was never


A number of suspects have been named by law enforcement and amateur investigators over

the years, but there has been no definitive proof as to whom the Zodiac Killer was.

There are a lot of reasons why the Zodiac Killer was never found, but first a quick

run down of the depraved acts of that made him so notorious.

Nearly seven months after the murders in Benicia, the Zodiac Killer struck again.

On July 4, 1969, another young man and woman, Michael Mageau and Darlene Ferrin were shot

in Vallejo, California around midnight, as they sat in a car parked at a golf course.

The killer actually called the police from a pay phone at about 12:40 am and reported

the double murder, also mentioning that he ‘had killed the kids last year' in reference

to the Benicia slayings.

Maegeau survived the attack, but wasn't able to provide a description to the police.

On July 31, 1969 the Zodiac Killer sent letters to three local newspapers: The San Francisco

Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner and the Vallejo Times-Herald.

Each of the letters contained a confession of the two murders and one third of a cipher.

When assembled and cracked, the cipher discussed how much the Zodiac Killer liked killing.

On September 27, 1969 came the third attack.

One evening two college students, Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard were relaxing by the shore

of Lake Berryessa about 25 miles (40 km) from Napa, California when they were approached

by a man wearing a homemade executioner's mask.

He claimed to be an escaped prison convict who was trying to get to Mexico.

He needed the students' money and car.

He tied them up and then without warning pulled out a knife and stabbed them.

Then he used a marker to vandalize Bryan's car, memorializing his killing before making

his escape.

Again the killer called the police from a payphone to alert them about the attack.

Meanwhile, good Samaritans had found the victims and they were rushed to the hospital.

Miraculously Hartnell survived his stabbing.

A fourth attack happened on October 11, 1969.

In the Presidio Heights area of San Francisco the Zodiac Killer shot a cab driver, Paul

Stine, and then cut off and stole a part of the cabbie's bloody shirt.

From then on, the killer sent taunting letters to the press and police, referring to himself

as the Zodiac and discussing the mystical and intellectual bases of his motivation for

the killings.

He also provided unknown details of his crimes, made threats and offered puzzles and coded

clues to future murder plots.

Twice he even included pieces of Stine's bloody shirt with his letters as proof.

The fourth attack was the final one.

For the next five years, the Zodiac Killer continued to send letters to the media and

authorities, until 1974, though he may have sent correspondence until 1978--no one can

be sure if all the messages received really came from the killer.

Over time the authorities have interviewed nearly 2,500 people regarding the crimes.

Due to the killer's communication with newspapers which somewhat sensationally printed his letters,

the public was highly interested in the Zodiac Killer.

Even today, tips still pour in and people have confessed to being the Zodiac killer

and made accusations to authorities that various family members or colleagues were the Zodiac


Internet groups pour over every detail of the crimes in an attempt to crack the killer's


So far, only 1 of the 4 pictograms sent by the killer has ever been decoded, one of the

3 unsolved puzzles allegedly provides the name of the Zodiac Killer.

Here are some reasons as to why the Zodiac Killer was never found:

Number 1: The locations the murders took place in.

The Zodiac Killer murdered his victims during the course of about a year, over a wide ranging


The first two murders took place 7 months apart in Benicia and Vallejo, California.

Though the two murder scenes were less than 5 miles (8 km) apart, they were in different

municipalities and were therefore investigated by different police departments.

As was the third attack near Nappa and the fourth attack in San Francisco.

Four separate jurisdictions with different processes separately worked the cases during

a time when each police department was an entity unto itself which leads us to the next

reason why the Zodiac Killer wasn't caught:

Number 2: Mishandled police work.

A variety of police mistakes were made with the Zodiac cases.

During the Zodiac Killer's final attack, witnesses called police to alert them of a cab driver

being shot by a middle aged white male.

On the first report over the police radio, the operator described the shooter as a black


Because of the mistaken description, two officers ignored a white man who crossed their paths

as they were arriving to the crime scene.

In one of his letters, the Zodiac Killer sent a swatch of the cabbie's bloodstained shirt

and taunted the police for their mistake in not apprehending him when they had the chance.

An ongoing mistake that all the jurisdictions were guilty of was lack of information sharing.

During the 1960s there was very little inter-agency cooperation.

Different jurisdictions were possessive of their cases, red tape and egos got in the


Even when the police wanted to share case files, it was harder to share back then.

Which once again brings us to the next reason why the Zodiac Killer wasn't caught:

Number 3: The time period.

During the Zodiac Killer's spree there was no ease of sharing information via technology--there

were no fax machines, no computers, no cellular phones, no AFIS-- Automated Fingerprint Identification


Also the police may have had too much information and trouble parsing it.

Once the Zodiac Killer's correspondence was published, the police were inundated with

a wide variety of tips from the public.

Beyond all the technology and software which helps police gather data and analyze cases,

modern forensics was still in its infancy.

Crime scene investigation -CSI- was minimal and the evidence collected wasn't well preserved.

Since then pieces of evidence been endlessly handled by the police.

The Zodiac case was so popular and had developed such as mystique that evidence was sought

out by curious authorities not directly working the case.

Over the years, evidence has been rifled through, taken home by retiring cops who wanted to

continue to work the case and even stolen as souvenirs.

Of course DNA testing wasn't yet possible at the time of the crimes.

Since then, authorities have attempted to perform DNA tests on some items known to have

been handled by the Zodiac Killer such as the stamps from letters he sent.

Unfortunately since the evidence was poorly collected and has since degraded, investigators

haven't yet been able to build a complete DNA profile from collected materials.

However, testing is continuing.

Also hampering the investigations was the fact that serial killers were poorly understood

during the late 1960s.

The FBI was just beginning to study the behavior of serial killers and to profile them.

Most police departments simply were not experienced with these types of crime and had no set process

for working serial murders with unconnected victims that seemingly had little or no motive.

Number 4: It's been hard to identify the Zodiac Killer because he had a fairly low

victim count.

In one of his letters to the media, the Zodiac Killer claimed to have murdered 37 victims.

Officials can only confirm seven victims, four men and three women with two of the men

surviving their attempted murders.

In dispute are another 4 murders that were possibly committed by the Zodiac Killer and

1 more survivor.

The low body count made it hard for police to establish patterns when it came to the


By comparison, other well known serial killers such as Ted Bundy or the Green River Killer

murdered upwards of 30 people.

During the reign of the Zodiac Killer, the Manson Family began their own spree, killing

8 people.

The main reason why the Zodiac Killer has become so notorious is his cryptic, threatening

and taunting letters, many of which were printed in the local newspapers.

Considering the similiarity of the crimes, the police might have eventually linked the

first two attacks together: the murder of the couples in Benicia and Valleho.

But the MO for the stabbings of the third attack and the fourth, the shooting of a cabbie,

don't fit.

Until the Zodiac Killer taunted the police about the crime, SFPD was investigating the

cabbie's murder as a robbery gone wrong.

Without the Zodiac Killer announcing his murders, linking them and threatening future crimes,

the murders have just been sad blimps in police records.

Number 5: Entertwined with the low body count making it hard to notice patterns and identify

the Zodiac Killer, is the killer's MO or modus operandi.

Serial killers tend to use same method to murder each time, refining their technique

based on previous crimes.

Also they tend to pick the same type of victims.

The Zodiac Killer both stabbed and shot his victims and preyed on couples and a single


In his letters, the killer threatened to blow up various locations and even included instructions

for making a bomb, showing that he was well acquainted with how explosives worked.

Usually the method of killing is very personal to the serial killer and while they alter

it as needed, they rarely switch to an altogether different method of murder.

Once again, the police wouldn't have connected the murder of the cabbie with the Zodiac Killer

if he hadn't made a taunting confession in one of his letters.

The Zodiac Killer seems to defy the typical classifications the FBI has created for killers,

in fact he would be categorized as a ‘mixed killer.'

He displayed traits of both serial and spree killers, as well as both organized and disorganized


Which brings us to the next reason why the Zodiac killer was never identified:

Number 6: The Zodiac Killer many have been more than one person.

There have been many different theories as to the identity of the Zodiac killer over

the years.

The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was even bandied about as a suspect for a while.

The police only publicly named a single suspect--Arthur Leigh Allen a Vallejo, California schoolteacher

who was institutionalized in 1975 for child molestation.

Allen died in 1992 and in 2002 was exonerated when a relative of his provided a DNA sample

to test against possible Zodiac Killer DNA found on a stamp.

There is definitely a camp of investigators that believe that the Zodiac Killer is multiple


They point to the unusual mixed serial killer traits, the changing MO and the intricate

pictograms as proof that more than a single person was involved.

Number 7: The Zodiac Killer has managed to evade capture because he was simply lucky.

The Zodiac Killer committed his murders publically, and yet hardly anyone saw anything.

When he shot the cabbie, he actually briefly lingered at the scene and was seen by some

local teens.

In the poor light of a dim fall evening, they weren't able to get a good look at him.

Likewise, it was pure luck that the police operator misidentified his description Also

while walking away from the scene of that shooting, the Zodiac Killer just happened

to turn in a direction away from the officers arriving at the scene; if he had gone the

other way, he would have met them head on.

During the stabbing at Lake Berryessa, the killer had a prolonged interaction with his

victims, first he tied them up, then stabbed them and then finally wrote on their car.

The length of time spent at the crime scene increased the possibility of a third party

showing up, but no one did.

It's not known whether the Zodiac Killer purposely spread his crimes across multiple

jurisdictions, but even he couldn't have foreseen how different agencies would fail

to close ranks and communicate poorly.

Number 8: The final reason why the Zodiac Killer was never caught was because he abruptly

stopped killing.

A hallmark of serial killers is their compulsion to murder--rarely do serial offenders voluntarily

cease killing sprees.

Usually serial killers stop because they are caught and institutionalized in a prison or


It's possible the Zodiac Killer might have stopped because he died.

Some think he moved away from the Bay Area and continued to kill in another location.

Or he may have continued to kill in the Bay Area but for reasons unknown kept silent about

his crimes; in the early 1970s a few unsolved murders happened in Santa Rosa, CA which some

point to the Zodiac Killer for.

Others believe that the Zodiac Killer quit because they were caught and jailed, just

for a different crime.

Some think that the Zodiac Killer completed his mission and that's why he stopped murdering.

His real objective wasn't murder, but to make society pay attention to hm.

He succeeded at that perhaps even beyond his wildest dreams.

Some 40 years later, the Zodiac Killer has become a American legend--our Jack the Ripper.

Countless internet groups are devoted to him.

The police ended up diverting a significant amount of the resources arrayed against him

to chase obscure leads in an attempt to solve his puzzles.

He inspired and spawned at least two other serial killers that we know of, perhaps more.

He's inspired several movies, fiction and documentaries, books and even songs.

Even now the case has been reopened, the police convinced that in their files is a clue that

just has to be found to crack the case wide open and reveal the identity of one of America's

most infamous serial killers.

What do you think was the biggest issue in preventing the capture of the Zodiac Killer?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video You Won't Believe Who Jack The Ripper Is - New

2019 DNA Test Reveals His Identity!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

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Why The Zodiac Killer Was Never Found لماذا||الأبراج|||| for what reason|||||| Warum der Zodiac-Killer nie gefunden wurde Γιατί ο δολοφόνος Zodiac δεν βρέθηκε ποτέ Why The Zodiac Killer Was Never Found Por qué nunca se encontró al asesino del Zodíaco Pourquoi le tueur du Zodiaque n'a jamais été retrouvé Perché il killer dello Zodiaco non è mai stato trovato ゾディアック殺人犯はなぜ発見されなかったのか Kodėl Zodiako žudikas niekada nebuvo rastas Dlaczego nigdy nie znaleziono zabójcy Zodiaka? Porque é que o assassino do Zodíaco nunca foi encontrado Почему убийца Зодиак так и не был найден Zodyak Katili Neden Asla Bulunamadı? 为什么十二宫杀手从未被发现 為什麼十二宮殺手從未被發現

December 20, 1968 - Around 10:15 pm 17 year old David Faraday and 16 year old Betty Lou ||||||||||بيتي لو|بيتي لو December 20, 1968 - Around 10:15 pm 17 year old David Faraday and 16 year old Betty Lou 20 грудня 1968 року - Близько 22:15 17-річний Девід Фарадей і 16-річна Бетті Лу 1968年12月20日晚上大约10:15,17岁的大卫·法拉迪和16岁的贝蒂·露琪

Jensen parked at a gravel turnout--a well known popular lover's lane on Lake Herman ||||small stones|pull-off||||||||| ||||حصى|موقف سيارات||||||زقاق العشاق|على|بحيرة| ||||砂利|||||||||| Jensen parked at a gravel turnout--a well known popular lover's lane on Lake Herman Jensen aparcó en un desvío de grava... un conocido carril para amantes del lago Herman. Jensen parkeerde bij een grindwissel - een bekende populaire minnaarsbaan aan het Herman-meer 詹森停在贝尼西亚镇上著名的情侣胜地——赫尔曼湖畔的碎石停车场。

Road, in the small Northern California town of Benicia. Road, in the small Northern California town of Benicia. 这个小镇位于加利福尼亚州北部。

Sadly, the teenage sweethearts never made it home after their date. Sadly, the teenage sweethearts never made it home after their date. Lamentablemente, los novios adolescentes nunca llegaron a casa después de su cita. Infelizmente, os namorados adolescentes nunca chegaram a casa depois do encontro. 未幸邦尼维西亚。

They were found shot to death shortly after 11 pm. |||مُطلق||||| They were found shot to death shortly after 11 pm. Fueron encontrados muertos a tiros poco después de las once de la noche. 他们在晚上11点左右被发现枪杀身亡。

Thus began the reign of terror by the Zodiac Killer. In this way||||||||| Thus began the reign of terror by the Zodiac Killer. Assim começou o reinado de terror do Assassino do Zodíaco. 随后,被称为“北区凶手”的恐怖统治开始了。

From December 1968 through October 1969, a serial killer who came to be known as the"Zodiac From December 1968 through October 1969, a serial killer who came to be known as the"Zodiac Entre diciembre de 1968 y octubre de 1969, un asesino en serie conocido como el "Zodíaco 从1968年12月到1969年10月,一名被称为“北区凶手”的连环杀手开始了他的恐怖活动。

Killer" from the cryptic letters he sent to the press plagued the California Bay Area. Killer" from the cryptic letters he sent to the press plagued the California Bay Area. O "assassino" das cartas enigmáticas que enviava à imprensa assolava a zona da baía da Califórnia. Убийца" из загадочных писем, которые он рассылал в прессу, заполонил район Калифорнийского залива. 因为他给新闻界发去了一些晦涩的信件,犹如一个杀手困扰着加利福尼亚湾区。

Despite his brazen crimes and his clues to the authorities, the Zodiac Killer was never ||bold and shameless||||hints or evidence|||||||| Despite his brazen crimes and his clues to the authorities, the Zodiac Killer was never 尽管他大胆的犯罪行为和向当局提供的线索,佐迪亚克杀手从未被抓获。

caught. caught. 尽管他肆无忌惮的犯罪行为和向当局提供的线索,佐迪亚克杀手从未被抓获。

A number of suspects have been named by law enforcement and amateur investigators over |||suspected individuals||||||law enforcement agencies|||| A number of suspects have been named by law enforcement and amateur investigators over As autoridades policiais e os investigadores amadores apontaram uma série de suspeitos ao longo de 但拘押他们仍然是一个谜。

the years, but there has been no definitive proof as to whom the Zodiac Killer was. |||||||conclusive|||||||| the years, but there has been no definitive proof as to whom the Zodiac Killer was. ,但没有确凿证据表明是哪个“占星杀手”。

There are a lot of reasons why the Zodiac Killer was never found, but first a quick There are a lot of reasons why the Zodiac Killer was never found, but first a quick 有很多原因解释为何“占星杀手”从未被找到,但首先快速来看一看

run down of the depraved acts of that made him so notorious. ||||immoral or wicked|||||||infamous ||||堕落した||||||| run down of the depraved acts of that made him so notorious. 对他臭名昭著的邪恶行为做了概述。

Nearly seven months after the murders in Benicia, the Zodiac Killer struck again. Nearly seven months after the murders in Benicia, the Zodiac Killer struck again. 在贝尼西亚发生谋杀案近七个月后,太阳神杀手再次行凶。

On July 4, 1969, another young man and woman, Michael Mageau and Darlene Ferrin were shot On July 4, 1969, another young man and woman, Michael Mageau and Darlene Ferrin were shot 1969年7月4日,另一对年轻男女迈克尔·马戈和达琳·费林遭枪击。

in Vallejo, California around midnight, as they sat in a car parked at a golf course. in Vallejo, California around midnight, as they sat in a car parked at a golf course. 在加利福尼亚州瓦列霍市午夜左右,他们坐在一个停在高尔夫球场的汽车里。

The killer actually called the police from a pay phone at about 12:40 am and reported The killer actually called the police from a pay phone at about 12:40 am and reported 凶手实际上在凌晨约12:40打电话给警察报警,并报告

the double murder, also mentioning that he ‘had killed the kids last year' in reference the double murder, also mentioning that he ‘had killed the kids last year' in reference 这起双重谋杀案,并提到他“去年已经杀了孩子”

to the Benicia slayings. |||killings to the Benicia slayings. 至贝尼西亚杀人案。

Maegeau survived the attack, but wasn't able to provide a description to the police. Maegeau survived the attack, but wasn't able to provide a description to the police. 梅乔幸存了这次袭击,但不能向警察提供描述。

On July 31, 1969 the Zodiac Killer sent letters to three local newspapers: The San Francisco On July 31, 1969 the Zodiac Killer sent letters to three local newspapers: The San Francisco 1969年7月31日,太阳神杀手向三家当地报纸寄信:旧金山

Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner and the Vallejo Times-Herald. Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner and the Vallejo Times-Herald. 《编年史》、旧金山检查者和瓦列霍时报。

Each of the letters contained a confession of the two murders and one third of a cipher. ||||||||||||||||coded message ||||||||||||||||暗号 Each of the letters contained a confession of the two murders and one third of a cipher. 每封信都包含了两起谋杀案的自供以及密码的三分之一。

When assembled and cracked, the cipher discussed how much the Zodiac Killer liked killing. When assembled and cracked, the cipher discussed how much the Zodiac Killer liked killing. Когда шифр был собран и взломан, в нем говорилось о том, как сильно убийца Зодиак любил убивать. 当这些信息被整理并破译后,密码表明太阳神杀手有多喜欢杀人。

On September 27, 1969 came the third attack. On September 27, 1969 came the third attack.

One evening two college students, Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard were relaxing by the shore One evening two college students, Bryan Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard were relaxing by the shore

of Lake Berryessa about 25 miles (40 km) from Napa, California when they were approached of Lake Berryessa about 25 miles (40 km) from Napa, California when they were approached

by a man wearing a homemade executioner's mask. ||||||処刑人| by a man wearing a homemade executioner's mask.

He claimed to be an escaped prison convict who was trying to get to Mexico. He claimed to be an escaped prison convict who was trying to get to Mexico.

He needed the students' money and car. He needed the students' money and car.

He tied them up and then without warning pulled out a knife and stabbed them. He tied them up and then without warning pulled out a knife and stabbed them.

Then he used a marker to vandalize Bryan's car, memorializing his killing before making |||||||Bryan's car||commemorating|||| ||||||落書きする||||||| Then he used a marker to vandalize Bryan's car, memorializing his killing before making

his escape. his escape.

Again the killer called the police from a payphone to alert them about the attack. ||||||||公衆電話|||||| Again the killer called the police from a payphone to alert them about the attack. Вбивця знову зателефонував до поліції з таксофону, щоб попередити про напад.

Meanwhile, good Samaritans had found the victims and they were rushed to the hospital. Meanwhile, good Samaritans had found the victims and they were rushed to the hospital. Тим часом добрі самаряни знайшли потерпілих і доставили їх до лікарні.

Miraculously Hartnell survived his stabbing. Miraculously Hartnell survived his stabbing. Дивом Хартнелл вижив після удару ножем.

A fourth attack happened on October 11, 1969. A fourth attack happened on October 11, 1969. Четвертий напад стався 11 жовтня 1969 року.

In the Presidio Heights area of San Francisco the Zodiac Killer shot a cab driver, Paul In the Presidio Heights area of San Francisco the Zodiac Killer shot a cab driver, Paul У районі Пресідіо Хайтс у Сан-Франциско Вбивця-Зодіак застрелив водія таксі Пола

Stine, and then cut off and stole a part of the cabbie's bloody shirt. Stine, and then cut off and stole a part of the cabbie's bloody shirt.

From then on, the killer sent taunting letters to the press and police, referring to himself ||||||mocking||||||||| From then on, the killer sent taunting letters to the press and police, referring to himself

as the Zodiac and discussing the mystical and intellectual bases of his motivation for as the Zodiac and discussing the mystical and intellectual bases of his motivation for як Зодіаку та обговорюючи містичні та інтелектуальні основи його мотивації до 作为黄道十二宫的一部分,并讨论他实施谋杀行为的神秘和智力基础。

the killings. the killings. 他还提供了关于他犯罪行为的未知细节,发出了威胁,并提供了谜题和编码。

He also provided unknown details of his crimes, made threats and offered puzzles and coded He also provided unknown details of his crimes, made threats and offered puzzles and coded Він також розповідав невідомі деталі своїх злочинів, погрожував, пропонував загадки та шифрувався 犯罪动机。

clues to future murder plots. clues to future murder plots. 未来谋杀计划的线索。

Twice he even included pieces of Stine's bloody shirt with his letters as proof. Twice he even included pieces of Stine's bloody shirt with his letters as proof. 他甚至两次在信中附上了斯坦恩血迹斑斑的衬衫碎片作为证据。

The fourth attack was the final one. The fourth attack was the final one. 第四次袭击是最后一次。

For the next five years, the Zodiac Killer continued to send letters to the media and For the next five years, the Zodiac Killer continued to send letters to the media and

authorities, until 1974, though he may have sent correspondence until 1978--no one can authorities, until 1974, though he may have sent correspondence until 1978--no one can

be sure if all the messages received really came from the killer. be sure if all the messages received really came from the killer.

Over time the authorities have interviewed nearly 2,500 people regarding the crimes. Over time the authorities have interviewed nearly 2,500 people regarding the crimes.

Due to the killer's communication with newspapers which somewhat sensationally printed his letters, Due to the killer's communication with newspapers which somewhat sensationally printed his letters, Благодаря общению убийцы с газетами, которые с некоторой долей сенсации печатали его письма,

the public was highly interested in the Zodiac Killer. the public was highly interested in the Zodiac Killer.

Even today, tips still pour in and people have confessed to being the Zodiac killer Even today, tips still pour in and people have confessed to being the Zodiac killer

and made accusations to authorities that various family members or colleagues were the Zodiac and made accusations to authorities that various family members or colleagues were the Zodiac и выдвинул обвинения властям в том, что различные члены семьи или коллеги являются Зодиаком

Killer. Killer.

Internet groups pour over every detail of the crimes in an attempt to crack the killer's Internet groups pour over every detail of the crimes in an attempt to crack the killer's Интернет-группы изучают каждую деталь преступлений, пытаясь раскрыть тайну убийцы

identity. identity.

So far, only 1 of the 4 pictograms sent by the killer has ever been decoded, one of the So far, only 1 of the 4 pictograms sent by the killer has ever been decoded, one of the

3 unsolved puzzles allegedly provides the name of the Zodiac Killer. ||supposedly||||||| 3 unsolved puzzles allegedly provides the name of the Zodiac Killer.

Here are some reasons as to why the Zodiac Killer was never found: Here are some reasons as to why the Zodiac Killer was never found:

Number 1: The locations the murders took place in. Number 1: The locations the murders took place in.

The Zodiac Killer murdered his victims during the course of about a year, over a wide ranging The Zodiac Killer murdered his victims during the course of about a year, over a wide ranging

area. area.

The first two murders took place 7 months apart in Benicia and Vallejo, California. The first two murders took place 7 months apart in Benicia and Vallejo, California.

Though the two murder scenes were less than 5 miles (8 km) apart, they were in different Though the two murder scenes were less than 5 miles (8 km) apart, they were in different

municipalities and were therefore investigated by different police departments. local government areas|||||||| municipalities and were therefore investigated by different police departments.

As was the third attack near Nappa and the fourth attack in San Francisco. As was the third attack near Nappa and the fourth attack in San Francisco.

Four separate jurisdictions with different processes separately worked the cases during Four separate jurisdictions with different processes separately worked the cases during Quatro jurisdições distintas, com processos diferentes, trabalharam separadamente os casos durante

a time when each police department was an entity unto itself which leads us to the next ||||||||independent organization|||||||| a time when each police department was an entity unto itself which leads us to the next numa altura em que cada departamento de polícia era uma entidade em si, o que nos leva à seguinte questão

reason why the Zodiac Killer wasn't caught: reason why the Zodiac Killer wasn't caught:

Number 2: Mishandled police work. |Mishandled|| Number 2: Mishandled police work. Número 2: Trabalho policial mal feito.

A variety of police mistakes were made with the Zodiac cases. A variety of police mistakes were made with the Zodiac cases.

During the Zodiac Killer's final attack, witnesses called police to alert them of a cab driver During the Zodiac Killer's final attack, witnesses called police to alert them of a cab driver Під час останнього нападу Вбивці-Зодіака свідки зателефонували в поліцію, щоб повідомити про водія таксі

being shot by a middle aged white male. being shot by a middle aged white male. в яку стріляв білий чоловік середнього віку.

On the first report over the police radio, the operator described the shooter as a black |||broadcast|||||||||||| On the first report over the police radio, the operator described the shooter as a black У першому повідомленні по поліцейській радіостанції оператор описав стрільця як чорношкірого

male. male. чоловічої статі.

Because of the mistaken description, two officers ignored a white man who crossed their paths Because of the mistaken description, two officers ignored a white man who crossed their paths Через помилковий опис двоє поліцейських проігнорували білого чоловіка, який перетнув їм дорогу

as they were arriving to the crime scene. as they were arriving to the crime scene. коли вони прибули на місце злочину.

In one of his letters, the Zodiac Killer sent a swatch of the cabbie's bloodstained shirt In one of his letters, the Zodiac Killer sent a swatch of the cabbie's bloodstained shirt

and taunted the police for their mistake in not apprehending him when they had the chance. |mocked||||||||catching|||||| and taunted the police for their mistake in not apprehending him when they had the chance.

An ongoing mistake that all the jurisdictions were guilty of was lack of information sharing. An ongoing mistake that all the jurisdictions were guilty of was lack of information sharing. Um erro constante de que todas as jurisdições foram culpadas foi a falta de partilha de informações. Постійною помилкою, якої припускаються всі юрисдикції, є недостатній обмін інформацією.

During the 1960s there was very little inter-agency cooperation. During the 1960s there was very little inter-agency cooperation. У 1960-х роках міжвідомча співпраця була дуже обмеженою.

Different jurisdictions were possessive of their cases, red tape and egos got in the Different jurisdictions were possessive of their cases, red tape and egos got in the Разные юрисдикции придерживались своих дел, бюрократия и эго мешали Різні юрисдикції були власниками своїх справ, бюрократія та егоїзм заважали

way. way.

Even when the police wanted to share case files, it was harder to share back then. Even when the police wanted to share case files, it was harder to share back then. Навіть коли поліція хотіла поділитися матеріалами справ, тоді це було складніше зробити.

Which once again brings us to the next reason why the Zodiac Killer wasn't caught: Which once again brings us to the next reason why the Zodiac Killer wasn't caught:

Number 3: The time period. Number 3: The time period.

During the Zodiac Killer's spree there was no ease of sharing information via technology--there During the Zodiac Killer's spree there was no ease of sharing information via technology--there

were no fax machines, no computers, no cellular phones, no AFIS-- Automated Fingerprint Identification were no fax machines, no computers, no cellular phones, no AFIS-- Automated Fingerprint Identification

System. System.

Also the police may have had too much information and trouble parsing it. |||||||||||analyzing or interpreting| Also the police may have had too much information and trouble parsing it. Крім того, поліція могла мати занадто багато інформації і мати проблеми з її аналізом.

Once the Zodiac Killer's correspondence was published, the police were inundated with ||||letters and messages||||||flooded with responses| Once the Zodiac Killer's correspondence was published, the police were inundated with

a wide variety of tips from the public. a wide variety of tips from the public.

Beyond all the technology and software which helps police gather data and analyze cases, Beyond all the technology and software which helps police gather data and analyze cases,

modern forensics was still in its infancy. |forensic science||||| modern forensics was still in its infancy.

Crime scene investigation -CSI- was minimal and the evidence collected wasn't well preserved. Crime scene investigation -CSI- was minimal and the evidence collected wasn't well preserved.

Since then pieces of evidence been endlessly handled by the police. Since then pieces of evidence been endlessly handled by the police. Desde então, os elementos de prova têm sido objeto de um trabalho interminável por parte da polícia.

The Zodiac case was so popular and had developed such as mystique that evidence was sought |||||||||||aura of mystery||||looked for The Zodiac case was so popular and had developed such as mystique that evidence was sought

out by curious authorities not directly working the case. |||||actively involved in|||

Over the years, evidence has been rifled through, taken home by retiring cops who wanted to ||||||searched thoroughly through||||||||| За эти годы улики были перерыты, их забрали домой уходящие на пенсию полицейские, которые хотели

continue to work the case and even stolen as souvenirs.

Of course DNA testing wasn't yet possible at the time of the crimes.

Since then, authorities have attempted to perform DNA tests on some items known to have

been handled by the Zodiac Killer such as the stamps from letters he sent.

Unfortunately since the evidence was poorly collected and has since degraded, investigators

haven't yet been able to build a complete DNA profile from collected materials.

However, testing is continuing.

Also hampering the investigations was the fact that serial killers were poorly understood |Hindering|||||||||||

during the late 1960s.

The FBI was just beginning to study the behavior of serial killers and to profile them.

Most police departments simply were not experienced with these types of crime and had no set process

for working serial murders with unconnected victims that seemingly had little or no motive. 对于全无关连的看起来没有或很少动机的受害者的连环谋杀案无法完成。

Number 4: It's been hard to identify the Zodiac Killer because he had a fairly low 第四点:很难确定十二宫杀手是谁,因为他的受害者数量相对较少。

victim count. 受害人数量。

In one of his letters to the media, the Zodiac Killer claimed to have murdered 37 victims.

Officials can only confirm seven victims, four men and three women with two of the men

surviving their attempted murders. ||tried or failed|

In dispute are another 4 murders that were possibly committed by the Zodiac Killer and |"Under debate"||||||||||||

1 more survivor.

The low body count made it hard for police to establish patterns when it came to the


By comparison, other well known serial killers such as Ted Bundy or the Green River Killer

murdered upwards of 30 people.

During the reign of the Zodiac Killer, the Manson Family began their own spree, killing

8 people.

The main reason why the Zodiac Killer has become so notorious is his cryptic, threatening

and taunting letters, many of which were printed in the local newspapers.

Considering the similiarity of the crimes, the police might have eventually linked the

first two attacks together: the murder of the couples in Benicia and Valleho.

But the MO for the stabbings of the third attack and the fourth, the shooting of a cabbie, |||||knife attacks||||||||||||taxi driver Але почерк ножових поранень під час третього нападу і четвертого - вбивство таксиста - схожий,

don't fit.

Until the Zodiac Killer taunted the police about the crime, SFPD was investigating the

cabbie's murder as a robbery gone wrong. o assassínio do taxista como um assalto que correu mal.

Without the Zodiac Killer announcing his murders, linking them and threatening future crimes, Sem que o Assassino do Zodíaco anunciasse os seus assassínios, ligando-os e ameaçando futuros crimes,

the murders have just been sad blimps in police records. ||||||minor incidents||| de moorden zijn zojuist droevige blimps in politieregisters. os homicídios foram apenas tristes balões nos registos policiais. Убийства были лишь грустными слепками в полицейских протоколах. вбивства були лише сумними відмітками в поліцейських протоколах.

Number 5: Entertwined with the low body count making it hard to notice patterns and identify |verflochten||||||||||||| |Interconnected|||||||||||||

the Zodiac Killer, is the killer's MO or modus operandi.

Serial killers tend to use same method to murder each time, refining their technique

based on previous crimes.

Also they tend to pick the same type of victims.

The Zodiac Killer both stabbed and shot his victims and preyed on couples and a single


In his letters, the killer threatened to blow up various locations and even included instructions

for making a bomb, showing that he was well acquainted with how explosives worked. |||Explosive device||||||||||

Usually the method of killing is very personal to the serial killer and while they alter |||||||||||||||change over time

it as needed, they rarely switch to an altogether different method of murder.

Once again, the police wouldn't have connected the murder of the cabbie with the Zodiac Killer

if he hadn't made a taunting confession in one of his letters.

The Zodiac Killer seems to defy the typical classifications the FBI has created for killers, |||||challenge|||||||||

in fact he would be categorized as a ‘mixed killer.'

He displayed traits of both serial and spree killers, as well as both organized and disorganized


Which brings us to the next reason why the Zodiac killer was never identified:

Number 6: The Zodiac Killer many have been more than one person.

There have been many different theories as to the identity of the Zodiac killer over

the years.

The Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, was even bandied about as a suspect for a while.

The police only publicly named a single suspect--Arthur Leigh Allen a Vallejo, California schoolteacher

who was institutionalized in 1975 for child molestation. ||||||child abuse die in 1975 werd geïnstitutionaliseerd wegens kindermisbruik.

Allen died in 1992 and in 2002 was exonerated when a relative of his provided a DNA sample ||||||cleared of blame|||||||||

to test against possible Zodiac Killer DNA found on a stamp.

There is definitely a camp of investigators that believe that the Zodiac Killer is multiple


They point to the unusual mixed serial killer traits, the changing MO and the intricate ||||||||||||||complex and detailed

pictograms as proof that more than a single person was involved.

Number 7: The Zodiac Killer has managed to evade capture because he was simply lucky.

The Zodiac Killer committed his murders publically, and yet hardly anyone saw anything.

When he shot the cabbie, he actually briefly lingered at the scene and was seen by some

local teens.

In the poor light of a dim fall evening, they weren't able to get a good look at him.

Likewise, it was pure luck that the police operator misidentified his description Also

while walking away from the scene of that shooting, the Zodiac Killer just happened

to turn in a direction away from the officers arriving at the scene; if he had gone the 转身朝着赶到现场的警官的方向走去;如果他走另一个方向,他就会正面遇到他们。

other way, he would have met them head on. 在Lake Berryessa的刺杀案中,凶手与他有 prolonged 互动

During the stabbing at Lake Berryessa, the killer had a prolonged interaction with his ||||||||||extended||| 与警察赶到现场的方向相反

victims, first he tied them up, then stabbed them and then finally wrote on their car.

The length of time spent at the crime scene increased the possibility of a third party

showing up, but no one did.

It's not known whether the Zodiac Killer purposely spread his crimes across multiple

jurisdictions, but even he couldn't have foreseen how different agencies would fail

to close ranks and communicate poorly.

Number 8: The final reason why the Zodiac Killer was never caught was because he abruptly ||||||||||||||suddenly

stopped killing.

A hallmark of serial killers is their compulsion to murder--rarely do serial offenders voluntarily Характерною рисою серійних убивць є їхній примус до вбивства - рідко коли серійні злочинці вбивають добровільно.

cease killing sprees. припинити вбивства.

Usually serial killers stop because they are caught and institutionalized in a prison or Зазвичай серійні вбивці зупиняються, коли їх ловлять і саджають у в'язницю або

asylum. refuge or protection притулок.

It's possible the Zodiac Killer might have stopped because he died.

Some think he moved away from the Bay Area and continued to kill in another location.

Or he may have continued to kill in the Bay Area but for reasons unknown kept silent about

his crimes; in the early 1970s a few unsolved murders happened in Santa Rosa, CA which some

point to the Zodiac Killer for.

Others believe that the Zodiac Killer quit because they were caught and jailed, just

for a different crime.

Some think that the Zodiac Killer completed his mission and that's why he stopped murdering.

His real objective wasn't murder, but to make society pay attention to hm.

He succeeded at that perhaps even beyond his wildest dreams. Conseguiu-o, talvez até para além dos seus sonhos mais loucos.

Some 40 years later, the Zodiac Killer has become a American legend--our Jack the Ripper. Спустя 40 лет убийца Зодиак стал американской легендой - нашим Джеком Потрошителем.

Countless internet groups are devoted to him. ||||dedicated to|| Inúmeros grupos na Internet são-lhe dedicados.

The police ended up diverting a significant amount of the resources arrayed against him ||||redirecting|||||||arranged or organized|| De politie heeft uiteindelijk een aanzienlijk deel van de middelen die tegen hem waren opgesteld, omgeleid A polícia acabou por desviar uma parte significativa dos recursos que tinha contra ele

to chase obscure leads in an attempt to solve his puzzles. para perseguir pistas obscuras na tentativa de resolver os seus puzzles.

He inspired and spawned at least two other serial killers that we know of, perhaps more.

He's inspired several movies, fiction and documentaries, books and even songs.

Even now the case has been reopened, the police convinced that in their files is a clue that

just has to be found to crack the case wide open and reveal the identity of one of America's para desvendar o caso e revelar a identidade de um dos maiores criminosos da América.

most infamous serial killers.

What do you think was the biggest issue in preventing the capture of the Zodiac Killer? Qual acha que foi o maior problema para impedir a captura do Assassino do Zodíaco?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video You Won't Believe Who Jack The Ripper Is - New

2019 DNA Test Reveals His Identity!

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