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The Infographics Show, White Room Torture - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind

White Room Torture - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind

You'd have preferred they just went ahead and broke your bones, or perhaps ran your

head under freezing cold water until you thought you were drowning.

It would have been much better than the whiteness, that deafening, unrelenting, whiteness.

For months on end you saw no colors at all.

The cell was white... the walls, the door, and the floor.

Your clothes were white, and all day and night they kept a bright white light shining.

When they put food through the door, it was always the same dish – white rice...on a

white plate.

Never did you hear any voices, except those inside your head.

If you wanted to use the bathroom, you had to slip a piece of white paper under the door.

Then guards, wearing padded shoes, would shuffle along silently to open the door, and then

you could use the white bathroom.

After months of this you started to forget who you were.

The voices in your head became real.

You couldn't even remember what your parents looked like.

Welcome to the world of white torture.

What we just described to you is what is sometimes called an “enhanced interrogation technique”,

and in this case what is referred to as extreme sensory deprivation.

The person who suffered it is one Amir Fakhravar, a former prisoner in Iran.

His crime was being critical of the Iranian regime.

As an activist in the late 90s and early 2000s, he said that he was imprisoned and interrogated

on a number of occasions.

He said that he has be beaten to the extent that his bones were broken, but nothing, nothing

was as brutal as white torture.

The good news for him is when he got out after spending eight months in that white room,

he managed to flee Iran and move to the USA.

He was lucky.

Other former regime critics who have had a stay at the notorious Evin Prison in Iran

have described how some inmates were tortured to death there.

Some prisoners have been executed at Evin, others had parts of them amputated, some have

been blinded, and most were kept in what has been called horrific conditions.

Let's stick with Iran for a minute and hear what an Iranian journalist named Ebrahim Nabavi

had to say about white torture.

In 2004, he got on the phone to Human Rights Watch.

This is part of the conversation: “Since I left Evin, I have not been able

to sleep without sleeping pills.

It is terrible.

The loneliness never leaves you, long after you are free.

Every door that is closed on you ... This is why we call it white torture.

They get what they want without having to hit you…

You begin to break.

And once you break, they have control.

And then you begin to confess.”

Another former prisoner in one of Iran's white cells described it like this:

“After three days, it becomes so, so difficult.

Different people break at different times.

We used to talk about when people would break.

Some people broke after a few days, some could last much, much longer.

It is absolute silence.

After three days, I just wanted any words.

Even if it was swearing, even if it was a harsh interrogation.”

In a nutshell, that's what white torture is all about…breaking a person.

It's when a government – and as you'll see, not only the Iranian government – wants

a person to experience hell and so tells them what they want to know.

It leaves no bruises, no scars, except for ones of the psychological kind.

Has this ever happened to prisoners housed in the USA?

According to human rights organizations, the answer is yes.

The New York Times in 2019 talked about the CIA's torture program, the enhanced interrogation

techniques that have been used at Guantánamo Bay and others black sites, such as a secret

prison the CIA had in Thailand.

The techniques used included things such as keeping men in stress positions so they couldn't

sleep for days, or waterboarding prisoners, or keeping men confined in a small box where

they couldn't properly sit.

The organization called “European Democratic Lawyers” wrote that “interrogatory technicians”

working at the Guantánamo facility would sometimes take men and cover their eyes and


They'd then put thick gloves on the prisoner's hands and tie their feet.

This kind of sensory deprivation was called a kind of white torture, but it sounds more

like dark torture.

Still, the outcome is the same…the prisoner begins to lose his mind.

A similar thing went down at Abu-Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the world got to know about this

after a series of photos were released.

The U.S. Army would at times dress men in boiler suits, tie them, put masks over their

mouths, and cover their eyes and ears.

The result of the torture would always be a numbing of the prisoner's senses, so much so

that they began to mentally unravel.

But the British were doing a similar thing a long time before it happened in Iraq.

In the 1970s, people suspected of being involved with the Irish Republican Army were taken

from their homes or off the streets without standing trial.

They were then taken to a secret interrogation center and were put through something called

the “Five Techniques.”

Those were: hooding, wall-standing, deprivation of sleep, subjection to noise, and deprivation

of food and drink.

When the men were in their cells they were handcuffed and hooded, so they were literally

in the dark all the time.

To make things worse, the British continuously played a recording of a hissing noise, or

what's been called a kind of white noise.

The prisoners might at any time get kicked in the groin, having not even known someone

had entered the cell.

This created constant stress and the inability to sleep.

What was the object of this sensory deprivation?

It was to cause the worst kind of depression, crippling anxiety, and after a while hallucinations

and even loss of consciousness.

The Brits used it in the Iraq war, too, and imported it to the U.S., Israel and Brazil.

How do countries get away with this?

Well, they say it's not strictly torture and more enhanced interrogation, something

human rights groups have been criticizing for years.

In Venezuela, the authorities have their own take on white torture.

Underneath a building in the city of Caracas there is a place called, “La Tumba”, or

“The Tomb” in English.

There, prisoners are kept in tiny cells, cells that are painted white.

They're not allowed any interaction with guards or other prisoners, and they can hear

no sounds.

All day and night a bright light shines in their cell, and so after a while the prisoners

have no idea what time it is.

Not surprisingly, there are reports of some of them trying to kill themselves.

Others might suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, or hallucinations.

One mother of an inmate there told the media, “He's buried alive, practically waiting

to die.”

Could you survive white torture?

We doubt it…we doubt anyone could get through white torture without succumbing to madness.

Human Rights Watch spoke to a former inmate of a place called Prison 59 in Iran.

That prisoner had seen the isolation cells and had this to say about them, “I cannot

imagine spending one night in those solitary cells without losing my mind.”

And it's not just about what happens in the white rooms, but what happens once you

get out.

As one former detainee in Iran said, “I went in as one person and came out another


Now you need to watch this, “Crucifixion - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind.”

Or have a look at this, “Boiling Alive - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind.”

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White Room Torture - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind |||||||||l'humanité Sensory deprivation chamber|Isolation chamber|Extreme psychological suffering|Most severe|Severe consequences||||| ||tortura psicológica||||||| ||||처벌|||||인류 ||شکنجه اتاق سفید||مجازات‌های اتاق سفید||||| |||||||||людство ||mučení v bílé místnosti|||||||lidstvo Blanco||||||||de|la humanidad Folter im Weißen Saal - Die schlimmsten Bestrafungen in der Geschichte der Menschheit Βασανιστήρια στο Λευκό Δωμάτιο - Οι χειρότερες τιμωρίες στην ιστορία της ανθρωπότητας Tortura en la Sala Blanca - Los peores castigos de la historia de la humanidad Torture en chambre blanche - Les pires châtiments de l'histoire de l'humanité Tortura nella Stanza Bianca - Le peggiori punizioni nella storia dell'umanità 白い部屋の拷問 - 人類史上最悪の刑罰 화이트 룸 고문 - 인류 역사상 최악의 형벌 Kankinimai Baltajame kambaryje - baisiausios bausmės žmonijos istorijoje Tortury w białej sali - najgorsze kary w historii ludzkości Tortura na Sala Branca - Os piores castigos da História da Humanidade Пытки в белой комнате - худшие наказания в истории человечества Beyaz Oda İşkencesi - İnsanlık Tarihinin En Kötü Cezaları Катування в білих кімнатах - найстрашніші покарання в історії людства 白屋酷刑——人类历史上最严重的刑罚 白室酷刑-人類史上最嚴重的懲罰

You'd have preferred they just went ahead and broke your bones, or perhaps ran your ||préféré|||||||||||| You would||||simply|proceeded|proceeded|||||||| ||ترجیح می‌دادی||||جلوتر||شکستند||استخوان‌هایت را||شاید|دویدند یا| ||pageidautina||||tiesiog ėmė|||||||| ||віддав перевагу||||вперед|||||||| ||||||dopředu|||||nebo možná||běželi s tvým| ||好ましい|||||||||||| ||||||||rompieron||huesos|||| كنت تفضل أن يذهبوا إلى الأمام وكسروا عظامك ، أو ربما ركضوا Hubieras preferido que te rompieran los huesos o que te hicieran correr... 彼らが先に進んであなたの骨を折ったか、おそらくあなたの骨を走らせたほうがよかったでしょう Je had liever gehad dat ze gewoon doorgingen en je botten braken, of misschien je Você teria preferido que eles simplesmente fossem em frente e quebrassem seus ossos, ou talvez corressem Вы бы предпочли, чтобы они просто переломали вам кости или, может быть, прогнали Sadece devam etmelerini ve kemiklerinizi kırmalarını tercih ederdiniz veya belki de 你宁愿他们直接打断你的骨头,或者把你的 你更希望他们直接去打断你的骨头,或者把你的头浸入冰冷的水下,直到你以为自己快淹死。

head under freezing cold water until you thought you were drowning. ||||||||||sinking underwater ||یخ‌زدگی شدید||||||||غرق شدن ||||||||||skęstantis jausmas ||||||||||тонути ||||||||||topit se ||||||||||溺れている ||||||||||ahogándote رأس تحت الماء البارد المتجمد حتى ظننت أنك تغرق. cabeza bajo el agua helada hasta que creías que te ahogabas. cabeça debaixo de água gelada até pensar que se estava a afogar. Boğulduğunuzu düşünene kadar başınızı dondurucu soğuk su altında tutun. 将头浸入冰冷的水中,直到您以为自己快要溺水了。 这样会比那种白色更好,那种耳聋的、毫不停息的白色。

It would have been much better than the whiteness, that deafening, unrelenting, whiteness. ||||||||||assourdissant|implacable|blancheur assourdissante |||||more preferable|||white noise||overwhelmingly intense whiteness|never-ending| ||||||||brancura||ensurdecedora|incessante| ||||||||Weißheit||ohrenbetäubend|unbarmherzig| |||||||||||끊임없는| ||||||||سفیدی مطلق||کرکننده|بی‌امان| ||||||||||girgždantis|nepaliaujantis| ||||||||білизна||оглушлива|невблаганна| ||||||||bělosť||ohlušující|neúprosná| ||||||||||耳をつんざ|容赦ない| ||||||||blancura ensord||ensordecedora|implacable|blancura ensordecedora كان من الممكن أن يكون أفضل بكثير من البياض ، ذلك البياض الذي يصم الآذان ، والذي لا يلين. It would have been much better than the whiteness, that deafening, unrelenting, whiteness. Habría sido mucho mejor que la blancura, esa blancura ensordecedora e implacable. Teria sido muito melhor do que a brancura, aquela brancura ensurdecedora e implacável. Beyazlıktan, sağır edici, amansız beyazlıktan çok daha iyi olurdu. 它们会比每天都要对同一件事做出同一种判断更好。

For months on end you saw no colors at all. |||||||رنگ‌ها|| لأشهر متتالية لم ترَ أي ألوان على الإطلاق. For months on end you saw no colors at all. Durante meses no viste ningún color. 몇 달 동안은 색상이 전혀 보이지 않았습니다. Durante meses a fio não se viam cores nenhumas. 连续几个月你都看不到任何颜色。 数月来你根本看不到任何颜色。

The cell was white... the walls, the door, and the floor. |سلول||||دیوارها||||| |kamera||||||||| |部屋||||||||| كانت الزنزانة بيضاء ... الجدران والباب والأرض. The cell was white... the walls, the door, and the floor. A cela era branca... as paredes, a porta e o chão. 牢房是白色的......墙壁、门和地板。

Your clothes were white, and all day and night they kept a bright white light shining. ||||||||||||درخشان|||درخشیدن ||||||||||||ryškiai||| كانت ملابسك بيضاء ، وكانت طوال النهار والليل تحتفظ بضوء أبيض ساطع. Your clothes were white, and all day and night they kept a bright white light shining. As tuas roupas eram brancas e, de dia e de noite, brilhava uma luz branca e brilhante. 你的衣服是白色的,整天整夜都发出明亮的白光。

When they put food through the door, it was always the same dish – white rice...on a ||||||||||||غذا||برنج سفید|| عندما يدخلون الطعام عبر الباب ، كان دائمًا نفس الطبق - الأرز الأبيض ... Quando passavam a comida pela porta, era sempre o mesmo prato - arroz branco... numa

white plate. |بشقاب سفید |dish placa branca. 白色的盘子。

Never did you hear any voices, except those inside your head. ||||||به‌جز||درون سرت|| لم تسمع أبدًا أي أصوات باستثناء تلك التي بداخل رأسك. Nunca ouviste vozes, exceto as da tua cabeça. 除了你脑海中的声音,你从未听到其他声音。

If you wanted to use the bathroom, you had to slip a piece of white paper under the door. ||||||||||glisser|||||||| ||||||||||slide|||||||| ||||||||||schieben|||||||| ||||||||||종이 조각|||||||| ||||||||||سراندن|||||||| ||||||||||įkišti|||||||| ||||||||||просунути|||||||| ||||||||||vsunout|||||||| إذا أردت استخدام الحمام ، كان عليك وضع قطعة من الورق الأبيض تحت الباب. 화장실을 사용하려면 문 아래에 흰 종이를 끼워야 했습니다. Se você quisesse usar o banheiro, tinha que enfiar um pedaço de papel branco por baixo da porta. Если вы хотели воспользоваться туалетом, вам нужно было просунуть под дверь листок белой бумаги. Banyoyu kullanmak istiyorsanız, kapının altından bir parça beyaz kağıt atmanız gerekiyordu. 如果你想使用浴室,你必须在门下塞一张白纸。

Then guards, wearing padded shoes, would shuffle along silently to open the door, and then |||rembourrées|||se faufiler|||||||| |||cushioned or insulated|||walk quietly|||||||| |||gepuffert|||schlurfen|||||||| |نگهبانان||پوشیده شده|||کشیدن پاها||بی‌صدا|||||| |sargybiniai||paminkštinti|||šlepsėti|||||||| |||підбиті||||||||||| |||polstrované|||plížit se|||||||| |||詰め物入りの|||足音を立て|||||||| |||acolchado|||deslizarse sigilosamente|||||||| ثم كان الحراس ، الذين يرتدون أحذية مبطنة ، يجرون بهدوء لفتح الباب ، ثم Depois os guardas, usando sapatos acolchoados, baralhariam silenciosamente para abrir a porta, e depois Затем охранники, обутые в мягкие ботинки, бесшумно пробирались к открытой двери, а затем Sonra, dolgulu ayakkabılar giyen gardiyanlar, kapıyı açmak için sessizce yürürdü ve sonra

you could use the white bathroom. يمكنك استخدام الحمام الأبيض. podia usar a casa de banho branca. beyaz banyoyu kullanabilirsin.

After months of this you started to forget who you were. بعد شهور من هذا بدأت تنسى من أنت. Depois de meses assim, começou a esquecer-se de quem era. 经过几个月后,你开始忘记了自己是谁。

The voices in your head became real. أصبحت الأصوات في رأسك حقيقية. As vozes na tua cabeça tornaram-se reais. 你脑海中的声音变得真实起来。

You couldn't even remember what your parents looked like. لا يمكنك حتى تذكر شكل والديك. Nem sequer te lembravas de como eram os teus pais. 你甚至连父母长什么样都记不起来了。

Welcome to the world of white torture. ||||||Vítejte ve světě bílé tortury. ||||||kankinimas مرحبا بكم في عالم التعذيب الأبيض. Bem-vindo ao mundo da tortura branca.

What we just described to you is what is sometimes called an “enhanced interrogation technique”, ||||||||||||amélioré|| ||||||||||referred to as||improved|intense questioning method| |||||||||||||interrogation| ||||||||||||verbessert|verhörtechnik| ||||||||||||강화된|| |||توضیح دادیم|||||||||پیشرفته|بازجویی پیشرفته|تکنیک بازجویی پیشرفته ||||||||||||pagerinta apklausa|apklausa|technika ||||||||||||покращений|допит із застосуванням|техніка допиту |||||||||||||výslechová technika| |||||||||||||尋問技術| ||||||||||||mejorada|interrogación mejorada| ما وصفناه لك للتو هو ما يسمى أحيانًا "أسلوب استجواب محسّن" ، O que acabámos de descrever é aquilo a que por vezes se chama uma "técnica de interrogatório reforçada",

and in this case what is referred to as extreme sensory deprivation. ||||||||||perceptual experiences|sensory isolation ||||||||||sensorisch|sensorische Deprivation ||||||||||감각적인| ||||||ارجاع داده شده|||||محرومیت حسی شدید ||||||nurodoma||||sensorinis|deprivacija ||||||називають||як|||сенсорна депривація |||||||||||剥奪 وفي هذه الحالة ما يشار إليه بالحرمان الحسي الشديد. 그리고 이 경우에는 극도의 감각 박탈이라고 합니다. e, neste caso, o que é referido como privação sensorial extrema.

The person who suffered it is one Amir Fakhravar, a former prisoner in Iran. |||||||a man named|Amir Fakhravar||||| ||||||||Amir Fakhravar||||| |||||||아미르|파크라바르||||| |||رنج کشیده||||امیر فخراور|امیر فخراور||سابق|||ایران Ця|||постраждав|||||||колишній в'язень||| |||||||Amir Fakhravar|Amir Fakhravar||ex prisionero||| الذي عانى منه أمير فخرافار سجين سابق في إيران. 피해를 입은 사람은 이란의 전직 수감자 아미르 파크라바르입니다. A pessoa que sofreu é Amir Fakhravar, um ex-prisioneiro no Irã.

His crime was being critical of the Iranian regime. |جرم او انتقاد||||||ایران|رژیم ایران ||||expressing disapproval|||| |||||||이란 정부| كانت جريمته انتقاد النظام الإيراني. 그의 범죄는 이란 정권에 비판적이었던 것입니다. Seu crime foi ser crítico do regime iraniano.

As an activist in the late 90s and early 2000s, he said that he was imprisoned and interrogated |||||||||||||||||questioned under pressure |||||||||||||||||sorgulandı |||||||||||||||||befragt ||활동가|||||||||||||||조사받았다 ||فعال حقوق بشر|||||||||||||زندانی شد||بازجویی شد |||||||||||||||||apklaustas |||||||||||||||ув'язнений||допитували |||||||||||||||||vyslýchán |||||||||||||||||尋問された كناشط في أواخر التسعينيات وأوائل القرن الحادي والعشرين ، قال إنه سُجن واستُجوب 90년대 말과 2000년대 초에 활동가로서 투옥되어 심문을 받았다고 말했습니다. Como ativista no final dos anos 90 e início dos anos 2000, ele disse que foi preso e interrogado

on a number of occasions. ||||موارد متعدد ||||kartais ||||instances ||||кілька разів في عدد من المناسبات. 를 여러 차례 사용했습니다. em várias ocasiões.

He said that he has be beaten to the extent that his bones were broken, but nothing, nothing |||||||||degree|||||||| ||||||때리다||||||||||| ||||||کتک خورده|||حدی که|||||||| |||||||||iki tokio lygio|||||||| |||||||||мірою|||||||| ||||||zbitý||||||||||| قال إنه ضُرب حتى كسرت عظامه ، لكن لا شيء ، لا شيء 그는 뼈가 부러 질 정도로 맞았다고 말했지만 아무것도, 아무것도 아닙니다. Ele disse que foi espancado a ponto de quebrar seus ossos, mas nada, nada Kemikleri kırılacak kadar dövüldüğünü söyledi ama hiçbir şey, hiçbir şey

was as brutal as white torture. ||بی‌رحمانه||| كان وحشيًا مثل التعذيب الأبيض. foi tão brutal quanto a tortura branca.

The good news for him is when he got out after spending eight months in that white room, |||||||||||گذراندن|||||| الخبر السار بالنسبة له هو عندما خرج بعد أن أمضى ثمانية أشهر في تلك الغرفة البيضاء 그에게 좋은 소식은 그 하얀 방에서 8개월을 보낸 후 나왔을 때입니다, A boa notícia para ele é que, quando saiu após passar oito meses naquela sala branca,

he managed to flee Iran and move to the USA. |성공적으로 처리했다||탈출하다|||||| |موفق شد||فرار کردن||||||ایالات متحده آمریکا |pavyko||pabėgti|||||| |||втекти|||||| |||逃れる|||||| |||huir de|||||| تمكن من الفرار من إيران والانتقال إلى الولايات المتحدة. conseguiu fugir do Irã e se mudar para os EUA.

He was lucky. ||او خوش‌شانس بود. كان محظوظا. Ele teve sorte.

Other former regime critics who have had a stay at the notorious Evin Prison in Iran |||||||||||célèbre pour sa mauvaise réputation|||| ||||||||time|||infamous|Evin Prison|Evin Prison|| ||||||||||||Evin-Gefängnis||| |||비판자들||||||||악명 높은|에빈 감옥||| |||منتقدان رژیم سابق||||||||بدنام|اوین زندان بدنام|زندان اوین|| ||режим влади|||||||||сумнозвісний|||| |||||měli||||||proslulý||||Íránu ||政権|||||||||悪名高い|エビン||| منتقدون آخرون للنظام السابق أقاموا في سجن إيفين سيئ السمعة في إيران Outros ex-críticos do regime que permaneceram na notória prisão de Evin, no Irã

have described how some inmates were tortured to death there. ||||détenus||||| ||||수감자||||| ||||زندانیان||شکنجه شدند||تا سر حد مرگ| ||||kaliniai||||| ||||ув'язнені||||| popisovali|popsali|||vězni||mučeni||| ||||囚人たち||拷問された||| ||||reclusos||||| وصفوا كيف تم تعذيب بعض السجناء حتى الموت هناك. hebben beschreven hoe sommige gevangenen daar werden doodgemarteld. descreveram como alguns reclusos foram torturados até à morte.

Some prisoners have been executed at Evin, others had parts of them amputated, some have ||||||Evin Prison||||||limbs removed|| ||||처형되었다||||||||절단된|| |زندانیان|||اعدام شده‌اند||||||||قطع عضو|| ||||įvykdyti mirties bausmę||Evino||||||amputuoti|| ||||popraveni|||||||||| ||||||||||||切断された|| ||||||Evin prisión|||||||| تم إعدام بعض السجناء في إيفين ، والبعض الآخر بتر أجزاء منهم Alguns prisioneiros foram executados em Evin, outros tiveram partes do corpo amputadas, alguns têm

been blinded, and most were kept in what has been called horrific conditions. |||||||||||horrenden| |کور شده‌اند||||||||||وحشتناک|شرایط وحشتناک |||||||||||baisiomis sąlygomis| |||||||||||жахливі умови|умови утримання |||||||||||děsivé| |||||||||||悲惨な| أصيب بالعمى ، واحتُجز معظمهم في ما يسمى بظروف مروعة. foram cegados e a maioria foi mantida em condições que foram chamadas de horríveis.

Let's stick with Iran for a minute and hear what an Iranian journalist named Ebrahim Nabavi ||||||||||||روزنامه‌نگار ایرانی||ابراهیم نبوی|نابَوی |likti|||||||||||||| |stay|||||||||||||Ebrahim Nabavi|Ebrahim Nabavi ||||||||||||||에브라힘|나바비 ||||||||||||||Ebrahim Nabavi|Ebrahim Nabavi دعنا نلتزم بإيران دقيقة ونستمع إلى كلام صحفي إيراني اسمه إبراهيم نبوي Vamos ficar com o Irã por um minuto e ouvir o que um jornalista iraniano chamado Ebrahim Nabavi Bir dakikalığına İran'da kalalım ve Ebrahim Nabavi adlı İranlı bir gazetecinin söylediklerini dinleyelim

had to say about white torture. 는 백색 고문에 대해 이렇게 말했습니다. teve a dizer sobre a tortura branca.

In 2004, he got on the phone to Human Rights Watch. |||||||lidská práva|| ||||||||حقوق بشر| في عام 2004 ، اتصل بهاتف هيومن رايتس ووتش. 2004년, 그는 휴먼라이츠워치에 전화를 걸었습니다. Em 2004, ele ligou para a Human Rights Watch. В 2004 году он позвонил в организацию Human Rights Watch.

This is part of the conversation: “Since I left Evin, I have not been able هذا جزء من المحادثة: "منذ أن تركت إيفين ، لم أتمكن من ذلك Esta é uma parte da conversa: "Desde que saí de Evin, não tenho sido capaz de

to sleep without sleeping pills. ||||قرص‌های خواب ||||medications للنوم بدون حبوب منومة. para dormir sem comprimidos para dormir.

It is terrible.

The loneliness never leaves you, long after you are free. |osamělost|||||||| |تنهایی|||||||| |самотність|||||||| لا تتركك الوحدة أبدًا ، بعد فترة طويلة من تحررك. 자유로워진 후에도 외로움은 떠나지 않습니다. A solidão nunca nos deixa, mesmo depois de estarmos livres. Yalnızlık, özgür olduktan sonra da seni asla terk etmez.

Every door that is closed on you ... This is why we call it white torture. كل باب يغلق عليك .. لهذا نسميه التعذيب الأبيض. Todas as portas que se fecham para si ... É por isso que lhe chamamos tortura branca. Каждая закрытая перед вами дверь... Вот почему мы называем это белой пыткой. Sana kapanan her kapı... Bu yüzden beyaz işkence diyoruz.

They get what they want without having to hit you… يحصلون على ما يريدون دون أن يضربوك ... Conseguem o que querem sem terem de vos bater... Sana vurmak zorunda kalmadan istediklerini alıyorlar…

You begin to break. Começa a quebrar. Kırılmaya başlıyorsun.

And once you break, they have control. وبمجرد أن تنكسر ، يكون لديهم السيطرة. E quando se quebra, eles têm o controlo.

And then you begin to confess.” |||||A pak začneš přiznávat. |||||坦白交代 |||||prisipažinti |||||зізнаватися ثم تبدأ في الاعتراف ".

Another former prisoner in one of Iran's white cells described it like this: ||||||ایران||سلول‌های سفید|||| ||||||이란의|||||| وصفها سجين سابق آخر في إحدى الزنازين البيضاء الإيرانية على النحو التالي: Um outro ex-prisioneiro de uma das celas brancas do Irão descreveu-o da seguinte forma:

“After three days, it becomes so, so difficult. "Ao fim de três dias, torna-se muito, muito difícil.

Different people break at different times. Pessoas diferentes quebram em momentos diferentes.

We used to talk about when people would break. Costumávamos falar sobre quando as pessoas iriam quebrar. Мы часто говорили о том, когда люди ломаются. İnsanların ne zaman kırılacağı hakkında konuşurduk.

Some people broke after a few days, some could last much, much longer.

It is absolute silence. ||کاملاً|سکوت مطلق إنه صمت مطلق. É o silêncio absoluto. Mutlak sessizlik.

After three days, I just wanted any words. Ao fim de três dias, só queria palavras.

Even if it was swearing, even if it was a harsh interrogation.” |||||||||||Befragung ||||욕설||||||| ||||حتی اگر فحش بود||||||سختگیرانه|بازجویی شدید ||||prakeikimas||||||griežtas|apklausa ||||лайка||||||суворий|допит ||||nadávky||||||drsný| |||だった|||||||厳しい| ||||||||||severo| حتى لو كان سببا ، حتى لو كان استجوابا قاسيا ". 욕설을 하거나 가혹한 심문을 하더라도 말이죠." Zelfs als het vloekte was, ook al was het een harde ondervraging. " Mesmo que fosse um palavrão, mesmo que fosse um interrogatório duro.” Küfür de olsa, sert sorgulama da olsa.”

In a nutshell, that's what white torture is all about…breaking a person. ||En bref|||||||||| ||summary|||||||||| 요약하자면||요약하자면|||||||||| ||خلاصه بگویم||||||||شکستن|| ||trumpai tariant|||||||||| ||коротко кажучи|||||||||| ||要するに|||||||||| باختصار ، هذا ما يدور حوله التعذيب الأبيض ... تحطيم شخص. Em suma, é disso que se trata a tortura branca... quebrar uma pessoa. Özetle, beyaz işkencenin anlamı budur... bir insanı kırmak.

It's when a government – and as you'll see, not only the Iranian government – wants ||||a také||||||||| |||уряд|||||||||| إنه عندما تريد حكومة - وكما سترون ، ليس فقط الحكومة الإيرانية - É quando um governo - e, como se verá, não apenas o governo iraniano - quer Bir hükümet - ve göreceğiniz gibi, sadece İran hükümeti değil -

a person to experience hell and so tells them what they want to know. ||||지옥||||||||| ||||пекло||||||||| أي شخص يواجه الجحيم ويخبرهم بما يريدون معرفته.

It leaves no bruises, no scars, except for ones of the psychological kind. |||ecchymoses||||||||| |||||||||||mental| |||Prellungen||||||||| |||کبودی‌ها||جای زخم||||||روانی| |||sumušimai||randus||||||| |||||шрами||||||| |||modřiny||jizvy||||||| |||痣や傷跡||傷跡||||||| |||moretones||||||||| لا يترك أي كدمات أو ندبات إلا كدمات نفسية. 멍이나 흉터는 남지 않지만, 심리적 상처는 남습니다.

Has this ever happened to prisoners housed in the USA? ||||||نگهداری شده||| ||||||kept in detention||| ||||||수용된||| هل حدث هذا من قبل للسجناء المقيمين في الولايات المتحدة؟ 미국에 수용된 수감자에게 이런 일이 발생한 적이 있나요? Isso já aconteceu com prisioneiros alojados nos EUA?

According to human rights organizations, the answer is yes. ||||سازمان‌های حقوق بشری|||| وبحسب منظمات حقوق الإنسان فإن الجواب نعم.

The New York Times in 2019 talked about the CIA's torture program, the enhanced interrogation ||||||||سازمان سیا||برنامه شکنجه سیا|||بازجویی پیشرفته ||||||||Central Intelligence Agency's||||improved| ||||||||CIA의||||| تحدثت نيويورك تايمز في عام 2019 عن برنامج التعذيب التابع لوكالة المخابرات المركزية ، والاستجواب المعزز

techniques that have been used at Guantánamo Bay and others black sites, such as a secret ||||||گوانتانامو بای|خلیج گوانتانامو||||سایت‌های مخفی|||| ||||||torture methods|Guantánamo detention facility|||||||| ||||||관타나모 베이||||||||| |||||||Bahía de Guantánamo|||||||| التقنيات التي تم استخدامها في خليج غوانتانامو وغيرها من المواقع السوداء ، مثل السر 관타나모 만과 다른 비밀 기지에서 사용되었던 기법들입니다. técnicas que têm sido usadas na Baía de Guantánamo e outros sítios negros, como um segredo

prison the CIA had in Thailand. ||سازمان سیا|||تایلند detention facility|||||Thailand ||중앙정보국|||

The techniques used included things such as keeping men in stress positions so they couldn't ||||||||مردان||موقعیت‌های استرس‌زا|||| تضمنت الأساليب المستخدمة أشياء مثل إبقاء الرجال في أوضاع مجهدة حتى لا يتمكنوا من ذلك As técnicas utilizadas incluíam coisas como manter os homens em posições de stress para que não pudessem

sleep for days, or waterboarding prisoners, or keeping men confined in a small box where ||||torture par noyade|||||||||| ||||Torture by drowning|||||kept in captivity||||| |||||||||eingeschlossen||||| ||||워터보딩|||||||||| ||||آب‌بازی شکنجه‌ای|||||محبوس||||| ||||vandens kankinimas|||||apribotas||||| |||||||||ув'язнений||||| ||||水責め|||||閉じ込めら||||| ||||ahogamiento simulado|||||||||| النوم لأيام ، أو الإيهام بالسجناء ، أو حبس الرجال في صندوق صغير حيث dormir por dias, ou afogar prisioneiros, ou manter homens confinados em uma pequena caixa onde

they couldn't properly sit. |||نمی‌توانستند بنشینند ||належним чином| não conseguiam sentar-se corretamente.

The organization called “European Democratic Lawyers” wrote that “interrogatory technicians” |سازمان وکلای دموکراتیک اروپا||اروپایی|دموکراتیک|وکلای دموکرات اروپایی|||تکنسین‌های بازجویی| ||||||||vernehmende Techniker| |||||European Democratic Lawyers|||questioning experts|interrogation specialists ||||||||질문하는|전문가들 ||||||||尋問技術者|技術者 كتبت المنظمة المسماة "المحامون الديمقراطيون الأوروبيون" أن "الاستجواب التقنيين" La organización llamada “Abogados Demócratas Europeos” escribió que los “técnicos interrogatorios” A organização chamada "European Democratic Lawyers" escreveu que os "técnicos de interrogatório"

working at the Guantánamo facility would sometimes take men and cover their eyes and |||گوانتانامو|||||||||| ||||įstaiga||||||||| |||Guantánamo Bay|detention center||||||||| ||||시설||||||||| ||||об'єкт Гуантанамо||||||||| العمل في مرفق غوانتنامو أحيانًا يأخذ الرجال ويغطي أعينهم و que trabajaban en la instalación de Guantánamo a veces tomaban a hombres y les cubrían los ojos y a trabalhar nas instalações de Guantánamo, por vezes levava homens e tapava-lhes os olhos e

ears. oídos.

They'd then put thick gloves on the prisoner's hands and tie their feet. ||||||||||svázat|| آنها سپس|||کلفت||||زندانی|دست‌های زندانی||بستن|| |||||||the inmate's|||bind|| 그런 다음 죄수의 손에 두꺼운 장갑을 끼우고 발을 묶었습니다. Eles então colocavam luvas grossas nas mãos do prisioneiro e amarravam seus pés. Затем они надевали на руки пленника толстые перчатки и связывали ноги.

This kind of sensory deprivation was called a kind of white torture, but it sounds more ||||محرومیت حسی||||||||||| كان يسمى هذا النوع من الحرمان الحسي نوعًا من التعذيب الأبيض ، لكنه يبدو أكثر Esse tipo de privação sensorial foi chamado de tortura branca, mas soa mais

like dark torture. مثل التعذيب الأسود. como uma tortura negra.

Still, the outcome is the same…the prisoner begins to lose his mind. ||نتیجه||||||شروع می‌کند|||| ||rezultatas|||||||||| ||результат|||||||||| ومع ذلك ، فإن النتيجة هي نفسها .. السجين يبدأ يفقد عقله. Toch is het resultaat hetzelfde ... de gevangene begint zijn verstand te verliezen. No entanto, o resultado é o mesmo... o prisioneiro começa a perder a cabeça.

A similar thing went down at Abu-Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the world got to know about this ||||||ابوغریب|ابوغریب|||عراق|||||||| ||||||Abu-Ghraib prison|Abu-Ghraib prison||||||||||| ||||||아부|아부 그레브|||이라크의 아부 그라이브|||||||| 이라크의 아부 그라이브 교도소에서도 비슷한 일이 일어났고, 전 세계가 이 사실을 알게 되었습니다. Aconteceu algo semelhante na prisão de Abu-Ghraib, no Iraque, e o mundo ficou a saber

after a series of photos were released. بعد إصدار سلسلة من الصور.

The U.S. Army would at times dress men in boiler suits, tie them, put masks over their ||||||||||combinaisons de travail|combinaisons de travail|||||| ||||||||||protective clothing|boiler suits|bind|||faces or heads|| ||||||||||Overallanzüge||||||| ||||||||||보일러||||||| |ارتش ایالات متحده||||||لباس پوشاندن|||لباس کار|||||ماسک‌ها|| ||||||||||darbo drabužiai||||||| ||||||||||котелкові костюми||||||| ||||||||||kotlové obleky||||||| ||||||||||traje de caldera||||||| كان الجيش الأمريكي يرتدي الرجال في بعض الأحيان بدلات المرجل ويربطهم ويضع أقنعة فوقهم O Exército dos EUA às vezes vestia os homens em macacões, amarrava-os, colocava máscaras sobre suas Временами армия США одевала мужчин в костюмы для бойлеров, завязывала им галстуки, надевала маски. ABD Ordusu zaman zaman erkeklere tulum giydirir, bağlar, yüzlerine maske takardı.

mouths, and cover their eyes and ears. دهان‌ها|||||| boca e tapem os olhos e os ouvidos.

The result of the torture would always be a numbing of the prisoner's senses, so much so |||||||||engourdissement||||||| |||||||||dulling||||||| |||||||||betäubend||||||| |||||||||마비시키는||||||| |||||||||بی‌حس شدن||||حواس||| |||||||||nutirpimas||||||| |||||||||оніміння||||||| |||||||||麻痺||||||| |||||||||entumecimiento||||||| ستكون نتيجة التعذيب دائمًا تخديرًا لحواس السجين كثيرًا O resultado da tortura seria sempre um entorpecimento dos sentidos do prisioneiro, tanto İşkencenin sonucu her zaman mahkumun duyularının uyuşması olurdu, öyle ki

that they began to mentally unravel. |||||se désagréger mentalement ||||in their minds|fall apart mentally |||||sich auflösen |||||정신적으로 무너지다 ||||ذهنی|از هم پاشیدن |||||susipainioti |||||розпадатися психічно |||||začali se hroutit |||||精神的に崩 ||comenzaron|||desmoronarse mentalmente حتى بدأوا في الانهيار العقلي. zihinsel olarak çözülmeye başladılar.

But the British were doing a similar thing a long time before it happened in Iraq. لكن البريطانيين كانوا يفعلون شيئًا مشابهًا قبل وقت طويل من حدوثه في العراق. Mas os britânicos estavam fazendo algo semelhante muito antes de acontecer no Iraque.

In the 1970s, people suspected of being involved with the Irish Republican Army were taken ||||podezřelí z|||||||||| ||||مظنون به||||||ایرلندی|جمهوری‌خواه||| ||||||||||Irish Republican Army|||| ||||의심받은|||||||공화국||| في السبعينيات ، تم اعتقال أشخاص يشتبه في تورطهم مع الجيش الجمهوري الأيرلندي 1970년대에 아일랜드 공화군에 연루된 것으로 의심되는 사람들이 연행되었습니다. 1970'lerde İrlanda Cumhuriyet Ordusu ile ilişkisi olduğundan şüphelenilen kişiler

from their homes or off the streets without standing trial. ||خانه‌هایشان||||خیابان‌ها||محاکمه شدن| ||||||||facing a trial|court proceedings ||||||||재판을 받지 않고|재판 |||||||||juicio |||||||||судовий розгляд من منازلهم أو خارج الشوارع دون محاكمة. 재판을 받지 않고도 집이나 거리에서 벗어날 수 있습니다. das suas casas ou fora das ruas sem julgamento permanente. evlerinden ya da sokaklardan mahkemeye çıkarılmadan çıkarıldılar.

They were then taken to a secret interrogation center and were put through something called |||||||بازجویی||||||| |||||||questioning facility||||||| ثم اقتيدوا إلى مركز استجواب سري ووضعوا في أمر يسمى

the “Five Techniques.” as "Cinco Técnicas".

Those were: hooding, wall-standing, deprivation of sleep, subjection to noise, and deprivation ||mise sous capuche||||||soumission à|||| ||Covering the head||||||exposure to control|||| ||모자 쓰기||||||복종|||| ||سرپوش‌گذاری|دیوار|||||تحت فشار قرار دادن|||| ||uždengimas|||trūkumas|||pavergimas|||| ||надягання капюшона||||||піддавання впливу|||| ||nasazování kapuce||stání u zdi|||||||| ||フードを被せる|壁に立つ|壁に立つ||||服従|||| ||Encapuchamiento||||||sujeción a ruido|||| وهي: تغطية الرأس ، والوقوف على الحائط ، والحرمان من النوم ، والضوضاء ، والحرمان 후드, 벽걸이, 수면 부족, 소음에 대한 노출, 박탈감 등이 있었습니다. Foram eles: encapuzado, ficar em pé na parede, privação de sono, sujeição a barulho e privação Bunlar: çuval geçirme, duvarda bekletme, uykudan mahrum bırakma, gürültüye maruz bırakma ve mahrum bırakma

of food and drink.

When the men were in their cells they were handcuffed and hooded, so they were literally |||||||||menottés||encagoulés|||| |||||||||restrained and blindfolded||wearing hoods|||| |||||||||수갑이 채워진||후드가 씌워진|||| |||||||||دستبند زده||کلاه‌دار||||به معنای واقعی |||||||||antrankiai uždėti||su kaukė||||literaliai |||||||||spoutaní a s kapucí||||||doslova |||||||||手錠をかけられ||フードを被せられた|||| عندما كان الرجال في زنازينهم ، تم تقييد أيديهم وتغطية رؤوسهم بالأصفاد ، لذلك كانوا حرفياً Quando os homens estavam em suas celas, eles foram algemados e encapuzados, então eles foram literalmente

in the dark all the time.

To make things worse, the British continuously played a recording of a hissing noise, or ||||||||||||sifflement|| ||||||||||||sibilant sound|| ||||||||||||zischendes Geräusch|| ||||||||||||쉿하는 소리|| |||بدتر کردن|||به طور مداوم|||ضبط صدا|||صدای هیس هیس|| ||||||nuolat||||||šnypštimas|| ||||||||||||syčení|| ||||||||||||シューという音|| ||||||||||||<siseo>|| لجعل الأمور أسوأ ، شغّل البريطانيون باستمرار تسجيلًا لضوضاء الهسهسة أو

what's been called a kind of white noise. ||||||білий шум|

The prisoners might at any time get kicked in the groin, having not even known someone ||||||||||l'aine||||| ||||||||||lower abdomen area||||| ||||||||||사타구니||||| |||||||لگد خوردن|||کشاله ران||||| ||||||||||kirkšnies||||| ||||||||||пах||||| ||||||||||třísla||||| ||||||||||股間||||| ||||||||||ingle||||| قد يتعرض السجناء في أي وقت للركل في الفخذ ، بعد أن لم يعرفوا أحداً 죄수들은 언제든지 사타구니를 걷어차고 누군가를 알지 못합니다. Os prisioneiros podem, a qualquer momento, levar um pontapé nas virilhas, sem sequer conhecerem alguém Заключенные могли в любой момент получить удар ногой в пах, даже не подозревая, что кто-то Mahkumlar her an kasıklarına tekme yiyebilirler, hem de hiç tanımadıkları biri tarafından

had entered the cell. |وارد شده بود|| |||kamera |||prison cell

This created constant stress and the inability to sleep. ||||||ناتوانی در خوابیدن|| ||nuolatinį||||nesugebėjimas|| ||||||нездатність|| هذا خلق ضغوطًا مستمرة وعدم القدرة على النوم.

What was the object of this sensory deprivation? |||purpose|||| ماذا كان موضوع هذا الحرمان الحسي؟

It was to cause the worst kind of depression, crippling anxiety, and after a while hallucinations |||||||||débilitante|||||| |||||||||debilitating||||||hallucinations |||||||||lähmend||||||Halluzinationen |||||||||심각한||||||환각 ||||||||افسردگی شدید|فلج‌کننده|اضطراب شدید|||||توهمات |||||||||paralyžuojantis|nerimas||||| ||||||||||тривога||||| |||||||||ochromující|||||| |||||||||重度の||||||幻覚 |||||||||paralizante|||||| كان من المفترض أن يسبب أسوأ أنواع الاكتئاب والقلق الشديد وبعد فترة من الهلوسة Era para causar o pior tipo de depressão, ansiedade paralisante e, depois de um tempo, alucinações.

and even loss of consciousness. ||||a dokonce ztráta vědomí ||از دست دادن||از دست دادن هوشیاری ||||sąmonė ||||의식 ||||і навіть втрата свідомості e até perda de consciência.

The Brits used it in the Iraq war, too, and imported it to the U.S., Israel and Brazil. |بریتانیایی‌ها|||||||||وارد کردند||||||اسرائیل||برزیل ||||||||||||||||Israel||Brazil استخدمها البريطانيون في حرب العراق أيضًا ، واستوردوها إلى الولايات المتحدة وإسرائيل والبرازيل.

How do countries get away with this? ||||||this behavior 어떻게|||빠져나가다||| 국가들은 어떻게 이 문제를 해결하고 있을까요? Как странам это сходит с рук? Ülkeler bundan nasıl kurtulur?

Well, they say it's not strictly torture and more enhanced interrogation, something |||||کاملاً|||||| |||||griežtai tiksliai||||pagerinta|apklausa su kankinimais| ||言う||||||||尋問| |||||严格来说|||||| حسنًا ، يقولون إنه ليس تعذيبًا صارمًا والمزيد من الاستجواب المحسن ، شيء 글쎄, 그들은 그것이 엄밀히 말하면 고문과 더 강화 된 심문이 아니라고 말합니다. Şey, bunun tam olarak işkence ve daha gelişmiş sorgulama olmadığını söylüyorlar, bir şey

human rights groups have been criticizing for years. |||||انتقاد کرده‌اند|| كانت جماعات حقوق الإنسان تنتقد منذ سنوات.

In Venezuela, the authorities have their own take on white torture. |ونزوئلا||مقامات دولتی||||||| |||당국||||||| في فنزويلا ، للسلطات رأيها الخاص في تعذيب البيض. 베네수엘라에서는 당국이 백색 고문에 대해 나름대로의 해석을 가지고 있습니다. Na Venezuela, as autoridades têm sua própria opinião sobre a tortura branca. Venezuela'da yetkililer beyaz işkenceyi kendi açılarından ele alıyor.

Underneath a building in the city of Caracas there is a place called, “La Tumba”, or زیر ساختمان|||||||کاراکاس||||||لا تومبا|| Po|||||||Karakasas|||||||| Beneath|||||||Caracas, Venezuela|||||||The Tomb| ||||||의|카라카스|||||||무덤| تحت مبنى في مدينة كاراكاس يوجد مكان يسمى "لا تومبا" أو Debaixo de um prédio na cidade de Caracas existe um lugar chamado “La Tumba”, ou Caracas şehrinde bir binanın altında "La Tumba" ya da diğer adıyla

“The Tomb” in English. |مقبره|| |kapas|| |The Tomb|| |La Tumba|| "القبر" باللغة الإنجليزية.

There, prisoners are kept in tiny cells, cells that are painted white. هناك ، يتم وضع السجناء في زنازين صغيرة ، زنازين مطلية باللون الأبيض.

They're not allowed any interaction with guards or other prisoners, and they can hear ||||تعامل||||||||| ||||взаємодія||||||||| ||||||狱警||||||| لا يُسمح لهم بأي تعامل مع الحراس أو غيرهم من السجناء ويمكنهم السماع

no sounds.

All day and night a bright light shines in their cell, and so after a while the prisoners |||||intense||illuminates||||||||||

have no idea what time it is.

Not surprisingly, there are reports of some of them trying to kill themselves. ||||گزارش‌هایی||||||||خودشان را |Не дивно|||||||||||

Others might suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, or hallucinations. ||||throwing up|diarrhea||seeing things |||||설사|| ||رنج بردن||استفراغ|اسهال|| ||страждати від||||| Jiní lidé||||zvracení|průjem|| ||||嘔吐|下痢||

One mother of an inmate there told the media, “He's buried alive, practically waiting ||||détenu||||||||| ||||prisoner||||||entombed||almost entirely| ||||수감자||||||||| |مادر یک زندانی|||زندانی||||||دفن شده||عملاً| ||||kalinys||||||||| ||||ув'язнений||||||||| ||||vězeň||||||pohřbený zaživa||| ||||受刑者||||||||| ||||Recluso||||||||| وقالت والدة نزيل هناك لوسائل الإعلام ، "لقد دفن حيا ، عمليا ينتظر Oradaki bir mahkûmun annesi medyaya şunları söyledi: "Diri diri gömülmüş, resmen bekliyor.

to die.” |مردن

Could you survive white torture? ||آیا می‌توانی تحمل کنی؟||

We doubt it…we doubt anyone could get through white torture without succumbing to madness. ||||||||||||céder à la|| ||||||||||||giving in to|| ||||||||||||굴복하는 것||광기 ||||||||||||تسلیم شدن|| ||||||||||||pasiduodant|| ||||||||||||піддатися|| |pochybujeme|||||||||||podlehnout||šílenství ||||||||||||屈する|| ||||||||||||sucumbir|| Duvidamos... duvidamos que alguém consiga passar por uma tortura branca sem sucumbir à loucura. Bundan şüpheliyiz... Herhangi birinin deliliğe yenik düşmeden beyaz işkenceyi atlatabileceğinden şüpheliyiz.

Human Rights Watch spoke to a former inmate of a place called Prison 59 in Iran. |||صحبت کرد||||زندانی سابق||||||| |entitlements|||||||||||Prison 59|| 휴먼라이츠워치는 이란의 59 교도소라는 곳의 전 수감자와 이야기를 나눴습니다. İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü İran'da Cezaevi 59 adlı bir yerde kalan eski bir mahkumla konuştu.

That prisoner had seen the isolation cells and had this to say about them, “I cannot |||||||||||||||nemohu |||||سلول‌های انفرادی|||||||||| 그 죄수는 격리 수용소를 본 후 다음과 같이 말했습니다."나는 할 수 없습니다. Bu mahkum tecrit hücrelerini görmüş ve onlar hakkında şunları söylemişti

imagine spending one night in those solitary cells without losing my mind.” |||||||||zešílet|| ||||||تنها|||دیوانه شدن|| ||||||isolated||||| ||||||고독한||||| ||||||одиночних|||||

And it's not just about what happens in the white rooms, but what happens once you ||||||||||اتاق‌های سفید||||| 그리고 하얀 방에서 일어나는 일뿐만 아니라, 일단 당신이 Ve bu sadece beyaz odalarda olanlarla ilgili değil, aynı zamanda

get out.

As one former detainee in Iran said, “I went in as one person and came out another |||prisoner||||||||||||| |||구금자||||||||||||| |||بازداشتی||||||||||||| |||suimtas asmuo||||||||||||| |||затриманий||||||||||||| |||zadržená osoba||||||||||||| |||拘束者||||||||||||| |||detenido/a|||||||||||||


Now you need to watch this, “Crucifixion - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind.” ||||||execution by nailing||||||| ||||||Kreuzigung||||||| ||||||십자가형||||||| ||||||مصلوب شدن||||||| ||||||Kryžiaus mirtis||Baudos|||||žmonija ||||||Crucifixión|||||||

Or have a look at this, “Boiling Alive - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind.” ||||||Boiling Alive|||||||| 또는 "산 채로 삶기 - 인류 역사상 최악의 형벌"을 살펴보세요.