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The Infographics Show, What If You Used 100% Of Your Brain At The Same Time?

What If You Used 100% Of Your Brain At The Same Time?

It's a question that irks many neurobiologists: “what if we could use 100% of our brains?”

The idea that we only use about 10% of our brains is a popular theory with no true, identifiable


It has widely been used as the premise in movies, such as Lucy – about Scarlett Johansson

accessing her full brain capacity and developing superpowers – as well as Limitless – about

Bradley Cooper taking a drug that also helps him use his full brain capacity and gain superpowers.

So, what makes this idea so believable and is there any truth to it?

What would real-life super mental powers be like?

A lot of us might like to imagine that we only use a small fraction of our potential

in order to explain our flaws and imperfections.

We like to think that we are capable of being more than we are, but that some obstacle prevents

us from reaching the state of our highest being.

After all, having an obstacle to something gives us the perfect excuse not to get there.

Think about when you don't feel guilty about not going for a run because it's raining

outside, or you can't do your errands because there's a reported traffic jam.

When there's a justifiable reason to not do something that you don't want to do,

you feel content and cozy about not doing it, right?

Thus, some people might like the 10% brain idea because it gives them an excuse to be


It may also provide us with a satisfying explanation for humanity's shortcomings and the odd

eccentricities of behavior from other people.

Thus, we think, “well, we are a higher species, we just can't access our full potential

because we only use 10% of our brains,” and having an explanation that simultaneously

compliments what we are while giving us an excuse not to be that way makes us feel satisfied.

Well, we hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that we only use 10% brain of our brain

capacity has largely been debunked as a myth.

Modern brain scans show that there is activity throughout the entire brain, even at moments

when we are resting.

This means, that you already utilize the full organ.

Now, we know that this piece of information must be incredibly disappointing for you if

you were an avid believer of the idea.

And you wouldn't be alone.

A survey of schoolteachers taken in Britain and The Netherlands found that as many as

48% and 46%, respectively, endorsed this myth.

In the U.S., 65% of people were found to believe it.

We're sorry to have to inform you that you don't possess the capacity to display any

Lucy-like superhuman abilities that we know of.

Some people continuously use this claim to explain their psychic abilities.

Don't fall for it though because, more often than not, it's probably a hoax or a scheme

to obtain your money for sham psychic services.

Still, Hollywood endorses this myth as truth with their premises and story ideas for films,

feeding it into the minds of viewers.

But biologists make the argument that we would not have evolved such large brains if we only

tapped into such a tiny portion of them.

Think of it this way, if the 10% brain myth were based on fact, then that would imply

that most of the brain is unnecessary or unimportant.

In actuality, the brain, as an organ, is pretty amazing and is actually quite resourceful.

There are no unused parts.

Additionally, if we only used 10% of our brains, then minor brain damage wouldn't be as devastating

as it is with so much spare capacity.

According to Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, quoted by livescience.com, “even simple tasks generally

require contributions of processing areas spread throughout virtually the whole brain.”

Though there aren't any drugs that help you use 100% of your brain like Limitless

because, well, you already do that, there does exist chemicals and drugs that can boost

the brain's ability to remember, process information, or be alert – like with coffee

for example.

A moderate amount of coffee makes us feel energized and ready to take on the day.

It helps us complete homework assignments, stay on task, and study for that dreaded final

exam or write that term paper.

Need to get through that boring 3-hour meeting, coffee can help with this too.

For most of us, it is a lot harder to focus on these types of daunting mental tasks without

the energy boost from coffee.

So, would drinking more coffee lead to using greater mental capacity?

Could this useful beverage turn you into a productive superhero of sorts?

Well, not really.

Too much of anything is never a good thing.

This includes heightened alertness.

The caffeine in coffee stimulates adrenal glands that release adrenaline through your


This, in turn, can make you feel on edge.

This is especially bad if you already have anxiety because it can make this feeling even


Adrenaline from caffeine increases your heartrate and heightens the “flight or fight” response.

So, you may react with panic at something small, such as your cat sneaking up on you

while you're working at your desktop computer at home.

Adderall is another brain-altering substance that tends to be used to assist people with

ADHD who have trouble concentrating.

It stimulates the nervous system, which increases one's ability to focus and control behavior.

It does this by increasing activity of the brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine.

Like caffeine, however, this drug triggers the body's “fight or flight” response.

Thus, too much Adderall can lead to some very unpleasant side effects including nervousness,

restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, shortness of breath, tremors, changes in sex drive,

shakiness, or loss of appetite, just to name a few.

With substances such as coffee and Adderall, we suppose it is possible to have a mental

superpower of sorts.

But only if your power is super anxiety.

We imagine that a heroic figure named Anxiety Man, running around fighting crime with his

heightened sense of focus at the speed of panic, would be pretty amusing to say the


Though it's fun to think about, a hero like this would probably not be a good role model

for kids because he would teach the value of dependence on substances.

“Remember kids to drink a cup of coffee or two, or three per day.

Also don't forget your daily dose or dosages of Adderall to go with it, if you want to

be super hyped up like me!”

Yeah, we don't think that would go over too well with their parents.

Now you may be thinking that, since you already use 100% of your brain, there's not much

else you can do aside from taking drugs to boost its functioning – which, we wouldn't

recommend without consulting a doctor.

But there are always ways to improve yourself and your mental abilities.

So how can you unlock your full potential?

Well, for one, you can read more.

This might not be what you were hoping to hear.

Heck, you might now be thinking that this episode of the Infographics show has taken

a very boring turn.

Yet aside from expanding your mind with knowledge, reading has also been shown to improve cognitive


It forces your brain to work, which makes your thinking sharper.

So, maybe you should actually read the chapters of that book that was assigned to you in your

English class.

We know you probably don't get Shakespeare – a lot of us modern-day-dwellers don't

– but we would commend you for trying anyway.

Maybe you'll come up with an interesting Infographics Show topic in the process and

send your idea to us.

Like, “what's the deal with the Montagues and Capulets and why can't they just get

a grip?”

We'll leave it up to you.

Reading isn't the only way to improve brain functioning.

Arguably even more boring is solving arithmetic problems.

Okay, seriously?

You're probably slamming your head against the wall right now with how dull this episode

has gotten.

If you're shaking your head, thinking, “yeah, right!” we don't blame you!

A lot of people would choose not to do any of these things if they can help it.

But solving arithmetic problems has a lot of benefits which include stopping your brain

from deteriorating too much as you grow older.

Our suggestions won't grant you cool mental superpowers like Lucy.

But they will help you have the upper hand when tasked with challenges that force you

to stretch your brain's cognitive muscles.

If your teacher calls on you in class to answer a question, you'll look like the smartest

guy there as you immediately come up with an answer.

Other kids will either think this is cool or just pick on you for being a “nerd.”

This leads to our other superpower, aside from super anxiety, which is super nerdom.

If you combine super anxiety with super nerdom, you'll have a person who is always on time,

always completing tasks and assignments, always doing all the readings, always possessing

the answer to every question, and never getting the girl.

This individual would also be high on neuroticism.

Some people also believe that you can access your full potential by simply being your best

self and helping others.

This is another way of improving yourself by being moral and ethical.

Now we've stooped to a new low.

If you're still watching this, you might be thinking, “okay, c'mon.

You talked about medicine, then reading, then math, and now you're saying we should go


I watch this show to get away from all that stuff!”

But there is an abundance of research on the effects of altruism on the brain, which shows

the activation of dopamine upon helping others.

In essence, helping others makes you feel good.

Now, this doesn't mean that we expect you to drop everything and go volunteer at a homeless

shelter or risk your life resuscitating a bunch of orphaned, injured puppies from a

bus accident while treating their cancer with hugs like the guy she told you not to worry


Instead, you can do small things like hold open the door for other people or stop to

pay someone a compliment.

In this way, you can make someone's day, which makes you feel like your best self.

This leads to our third real-life superpower, super helpfulness.

The super helpful guy makes friends everywhere he goes.

People always remember him for being a good Samaritan, positive role model and friend

to the community.

A hero with super anxiety, nerdom and helpfulness combined together shines like a beacon of


He stands tall and proud with his cape flapping with the wind behind him.

When the wind picks up, he jolts out of his skin from the heightened sound while proceeding

to tremble in an isolated corner in fetal position to get over the scare.

Then he panics about being late for his new job while offering to work more overtime hours

to make up for it.

We admit that real-life superpowers aren't as intriguing as action-packed, fictional

superpowers in movies.

So, we'll go ahead and wrap up this episode so you can watch an exciting marvel or DC


Chances are though, we've taken away the believability of these films by shedding an

all-too-realistic light on the nature of what it really means to be super powerful.

Now that the secret is out and you know that you already use 100% of your brain capacity,

you're probably going to sulk in your chair for a while pondering the meaning of your

boring existence in this flat, non-exciting world.

For this, we recommend that you try watching our other video “Why Do You Even Exist?”

Maybe you'll derive some insight from it.

How would you improve the extent of your mental potential?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video Weirdest Brain Disorders!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

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What If You Used 100% Of Your Brain At The Same Time? Ce|||||||||| qué pasaría|si||||||||| E se|||||||||| Was wäre, wenn Sie 100 % Ihres Gehirns gleichzeitig nutzen würden? What If You Used 100% Of Your Brain At The Same Time? ¿Y si utilizara el 100% de su cerebro al mismo tiempo? Et si vous utilisiez 100 % de votre cerveau en même temps ? E se si usasse il 100% del cervello nello stesso momento? 脳の100%を同時に使うとしたら? 동시에 두뇌를 100% 사용한다면 어떨까요? E se usasse 100% do seu cérebro ao mesmo tempo? Что если бы вы использовали 100% своего мозга в одно и то же время? Beyninizin %100'ünü Aynı Anda Kullanırsanız Ne Olur? Що, якби ви використовували 100% свого мозку одночасно? 如果你同时使用 100% 的大脑会怎样? 如果同时使用 100% 的大脑会怎样?

It's a question that irks many neurobiologists: “what if we could use 100% of our brains?” ||||annoys||brain scientists|||||||| ||||irrita||neurobiologistas|||||||| ||||nervt||Neurobiologen|||||||| |||这个|困扰||神经生物学家||||||||大脑 ||||||علماء الأعصاب|||||||| ||||îi enervează|||||||||| ||||molesta|||||||||| It's a question that irks many neurobiologists: “what if we could use 100% of our brains?” Es una pregunta que irrita a muchos neurobiólogos: "¿Y si pudiéramos utilizar el 100% de nuestro cerebro?".

The idea that we only use about 10% of our brains is a popular theory with no true, identifiable |||||||||||||||||clear evidence |||||||||||||||||identificável |||||||||||||理论||||可识别的 |||||||||||||||||يمكن تحديده |||||||||||||||||identificabil |idea|||||||nuestro|||||||||identificable La idea de que sólo utilizamos el 10% de nuestro cerebro es una teoría muy extendida que no tiene nada que ver con la realidad.

origin. Starting point origen.

It has widely been used as the premise in movies, such as Lucy – about Scarlett Johansson ||广泛地|||||前提|||||||| ||foarte mult||||||||||||| |||||||فكرة أساسية|||||||| |||||||premissa|||||||| |||||||main idea|||||Scarlett Johansson film||Scarlett Johansson|Scarlett Johansson movie Se ha utilizado ampliamente como premisa en películas, como Lucy - sobre Scarlett Johansson 它被广泛用作电影的前提,如《露西》--讲述斯嘉丽-约翰逊的故事

accessing her full brain capacity and developing superpowers – as well as Limitless – about |||||||超能力||||| الوصول إلى|||||||||||| |||||||||||Boundless potential unlocked| accediendo a toda su capacidad cerebral y desarrollando superpoderes - así como Limitless - sobre 以及《无极限》(Limitless),讲述了她如何充分发挥大脑的能力,开发超能力。

Bradley Cooper taking a drug that also helps him use his full brain capacity and gain superpowers. Limitless protagonist|Limitless protagonist||||||||||||||| ||||droga|||||||||||| 布莱德利-库珀(Bradley Cooper)服用一种药物,这种药物还能帮助他充分发挥脑力,获得超能力。

So, what makes this idea so believable and is there any truth to it? ||||idea||creíble|||||||

What would real-life super mental powers be like? Ce|||||||| qué|verbo auxiliar|de la vida real|||||| ¿Cómo serían los superpoderes mentales en la vida real?

A lot of us might like to imagine that we only use a small fraction of our potential ||||||||||||||small part|||untapped abilities ||||||||||||||جزء||| ||||podríamos|gustaríamos||imaginar|||||||||| muitos de nós||||||||||||||||| A muchos de nosotros nos gusta imaginar que sólo utilizamos una pequeña fracción de nuestro potencial.

in order to explain our flaws and imperfections. |||||||Unvollkommenheiten |||||عيوب||عيوب |||||weaknesses||shortcomings |con el fin de||explicar||defectos||

We like to think that we are capable of being more than we are, but that some obstacle prevents |||||||قادر||||||||||عائق|يمنع |||||||||||||||||hindrance| ||||||||||||||||||impede |||||||capaces||||||||||obstáculo|previene que

us from reaching the state of our highest being. |||||||más alto| ||alcançar|||||| 我们无法达到最高境界。

After all, having an obstacle to something gives us the perfect excuse not to get there. ||||obstáculo||||||||||| Al fin y al cabo, tener un obstáculo para llegar a algo nos da la excusa perfecta para no conseguirlo. 毕竟,有了障碍,我们就有了完美的借口不去做某事。

Think about when you don't feel guilty about not going for a run because it's raining |||||||||||||||está lloviendo Piensa en cuándo no te sientes culpable por no salir a correr porque está lloviendo 想想你什么时候不会因为下雨而不去跑步而感到内疚

outside, or you can't do your errands because there's a reported traffic jam. ||||||跑腿事务||||||交通堵塞 ||||||tasks or chores||||||traffic congestion ||||||المشاوير||||مُبلغ عنه||ازدحام مروري ||||||mandados||||reportado||congestión de tráfico ||||||afazeres|||||| fuera, o no puedes hacer tus recados porque hay un atasco denunciado.

When there's a justifiable reason to not do something that you don't want to do, |||正当理由||||||||||| |||rechtfertigender||||||||||| In case|||valid or reasonable||||||||||| |||مبرر||||||||||| |||justificable|||||||||||

you feel content and cozy about not doing it, right? ||راضٍ ومريح||مريح|||عدم القيام|| ||||comfortable and relaxed||||| ||||aconchegado||||| ||satisfecho y cómodo||cómodo|||no hacerlo|| te sientes contento y tranquilo por no hacerlo, ¿verdad? 你会对不做这件事感到满足和惬意,对吗?

Thus, some people might like the 10% brain idea because it gives them an excuse to be Therefore||||||||||||||| assim||||||||||||||| Así, a algunas personas les puede gustar la idea del 10% de cerebro porque les da una excusa para ser Так, некоторым людям может понравиться идея о 10 % мозга, потому что это дает им повод быть 因此,有些人可能会喜欢 "10% 大脑 "的想法,因为这给了他们一个借口去

imperfect. unvollkommen (1)

It may also provide us with a satisfying explanation for humanity's shortcomings and the odd |||||||fulfilling|||human beings'|flaws and limitations||| |||||||||||نواقص|||الغريب |||||||||||falhas|||peculiar Puede que también nos proporcione una explicación satisfactoria de los defectos de la humanidad y de las extrañas 它还可能为我们提供一个令人满意的解释,说明人类的缺点和奇特之处。

eccentricities of behavior from other people. 怪癖||||| unusual behaviors||||| غرائب السلوك||||| excentricidades|||||

Thus, we think, “well, we are a higher species, we just can't access our full potential |||||||أعلى|نوع||||||| ||||||||higher life form|||||||

because we only use 10% of our brains,” and having an explanation that simultaneously ||||||||||||at the same time ||||||||||||في الوقت نفسه

compliments what we are while giving us an excuse not to be that way makes us feel satisfied. enhances||||||||||||||||| elogia lo que somos al tiempo que nos da una excusa para no ser así nos hace sentir satisfechos. 在恭维我们的同时,也给了我们一个不这样做的借口,这让我们感到满足。

Well, we hate to burst your bubble, but the idea that we only use 10% brain of our brain ||||"disappoint"||false belief||||||||||| ||||تحطيم||||||||||||| ||||estourar||bolha||||||||||| Bueno, odiamos reventar tu burbuja, pero la idea de que sólo usamos el 10% de nuestro cerebro Не хотелось бы ломать вам голову, но идея о том, что мы используем только 10 % нашего мозга

capacity has largely been debunked as a myth. ||||被揭穿||| ||إلى حد كبير||تم دحضه|||أسطورة ||||proven false|||false belief ||||desmentida|||

Modern brain scans show that there is activity throughout the entire brain, even at moments 现代脑部扫描显示,整个大脑都有活动,即使在某些时刻也是如此。

when we are resting.

This means, that you already utilize the full organ. |||||利用||| هذا|||||تستخدم|||عضو |||||make use of||| 这意味着,您已经利用了整个器官。

Now, we know that this piece of information must be incredibly disappointing for you if |||||||||||let down||| 现在,我们知道这一信息一定会让您非常失望,如果

you were an avid believer of the idea. |||enthusiastic|firm supporter||| |||مؤمن بشغف|||| eras un ávido creyente de la idea. 你是这个想法的狂热信徒。

And you wouldn't be alone. 你也不会孤单。

A survey of schoolteachers taken in Britain and The Netherlands found that as many as |||学校教师||||||||||| |استطلاع رأي||||||||||||| |||||||||the Netherlands||||| 在英国和荷兰对学校教师进行的一项调查发现,多达

48% and 46%, respectively, endorsed this myth. |分别|支持|| |in that order|supported|| ||أيد|| 分别有 48% 和 46% 的人赞同这一说法。

In the U.S., 65% of people were found to believe it.

We're sorry to have to inform you that you don't possess the capacity to display any ||||||||||تمتلك||||| 很抱歉,我们必须通知您,您没有能力显示任何

Lucy-like superhuman abilities that we know of.

Some people continuously use this claim to explain their psychic abilities. ||repeatedly|||||||mental powers|psychic powers ||بشكل مستمر|||||||قدرات نفسية|

Don't fall for it though because, more often than not, it's probably a hoax or a scheme |||||||||||likely a scam||deception or trick|||deceptive plan |||||||||||||خدعة|||خطة |caia||||||||||||farsa||| Pero no caiga en la trampa porque, en la mayoría de los casos, se trata de un engaño. 但千万别上当,因为很多时候,这很可能是一个骗局或阴谋

to obtain your money for sham psychic services. |||||骗局|骗取钱财的通灵者| |||||fraudulent|fraudulent psychic services| |||||falsa|| 来骗取你的虚假通灵服务费。

Still, Hollywood endorses this myth as truth with their premises and story ideas for films, ||支持|||||||前提||||| ||stützt|||||||||||| |film industry|supports|||||||story settings||||| ||يدعم|||||||||||| Aun así, Hollywood refrenda este mito como verdad con sus premisas e ideas argumentales para las películas, Тем не менее, Голливуд утверждает этот миф как истину в своих предпосылках и сюжетных идеях для фильмов,

feeding it into the minds of viewers. introduciéndola en la mente de los espectadores. 将其灌输到观众的脑海中。

But biologists make the argument that we would not have evolved such large brains if we only |scientists studying life|||claim||||||developed over time||||||

tapped into such a tiny portion of them. utilized||||||| استفاد من||||صغير|جزء|| explorado||||||| 而这只是其中很小的一部分。

Think of it this way, if the 10% brain myth were based on fact, then that would imply ||||||||||||||||suggest ||||||||||||||||يُشير إلى ||||||||||||||||implicaria Piénsalo de esta manera, si el mito del 10% del cerebro estuviera basado en hechos, entonces eso implicaría

that most of the brain is unnecessary or unimportant. que la mayor parte del cerebro es innecesaria o carece de importancia.

In actuality, the brain, as an organ, is pretty amazing and is actually quite resourceful. |||||||||||||相当|足智多谋 ||||||||||||||clever and adaptable ||||||||||||||engenhoso

There are no unused parts.

Additionally, if we only used 10% of our brains, then minor brain damage wouldn't be as devastating |||||||||less significant||||||extremely harmful

as it is with so much spare capacity. ||||||extra or unused|

According to Dr. Scott Lilienfeld, quoted by livescience.com, “even simple tasks generally |||||||科学生活||||| |||Dr. Lilienfeld|Dr. Lilienfeld|||Live Science|||||

require contributions of processing areas spread throughout virtually the whole brain.” |||||||almost entirely|||

Though there aren't any drugs that help you use 100% of your brain like Limitless

because, well, you already do that, there does exist chemicals and drugs that can boost

the brain's ability to remember, process information, or be alert – like with coffee |||||||||Stay awake|||

for example.

A moderate amount of coffee makes us feel energized and ready to take on the day.

It helps us complete homework assignments, stay on task, and study for that dreaded final |||||||||||||feared|

exam or write that term paper.

Need to get through that boring 3-hour meeting, coffee can help with this too.

For most of us, it is a lot harder to focus on these types of daunting mental tasks without |||||||||||||||艰巨的||| |||||||||||||||intimidating||| |||||||||||||||intimidantes||| Para la mayoría de nosotros, es mucho más difícil concentrarse en este tipo de tareas mentales desalentadoras sin

the energy boost from coffee.

So, would drinking more coffee lead to using greater mental capacity?

Could this useful beverage turn you into a productive superhero of sorts? |||||||||超级英雄|| |||Energy drink|||||||| |||bebida||||||||

Well, not really.

Too much of anything is never a good thing.

This includes heightened alertness. ||aumentada|alerta

The caffeine in coffee stimulates adrenal glands that release adrenaline through your |咖啡因||||肾上腺|腺体|||肾上腺素|| |||||Nebennieren|||||| ||||activates|adrenal glands|||||| Кофеин, содержащийся в кофе, стимулирует работу надпочечников, которые выделяют адреналин через ваши


This, in turn, can make you feel on edge. ||||||||如坐针毡 ||||||||nervous or anxious

This is especially bad if you already have anxiety because it can make this feeling even

worse. 更糟。

Adrenaline from caffeine increases your heartrate and heightens the “flight or fight” response. 肾上腺素|||||心率||||||| |||||Herzfrequenz||steigert||||| Epinephrine hormone||stimulant in coffee|||||||||| La adrenalina de la cafeína aumenta el ritmo cardíaco e intensifica la respuesta de "huida o lucha".

So, you may react with panic at something small, such as your cat sneaking up on you |||||||||||||creeping up on||| Así, puede reaccionar con pánico ante algo pequeño, como que su gato se le acerque sigilosamente

while you're working at your desktop computer at home. |||||桌面电脑|||

Adderall is another brain-altering substance that tends to be used to assist people with Adderall|||||||||||||| stimulant medication||||changing||||||||help|| Adderall es otra sustancia que altera el cerebro y que tiende a utilizarse para ayudar a las personas con

ADHD who have trouble concentrating. ADHD||||

It stimulates the nervous system, which increases one's ability to focus and control behavior. |activates||||||||||||

It does this by increasing activity of the brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine. ||||||||||||去甲肾上腺素 ||||||||||||noradrenaline

Like caffeine, however, this drug triggers the body's “fight or flight” response. |||||||body's response||||

Thus, too much Adderall can lead to some very unpleasant side effects including nervousness, |||excessive Adderall use||||||||||

restlessness, difficulty falling asleep, shortness of breath, tremors, changes in sex drive, 烦躁不安||||呼吸急促|||震颤|||| nervous agitation|||||||shaking or quivering|||| Inquietud, dificultad para conciliar el sueño, dificultad para respirar, temblores, cambios en el deseo sexual,

shakiness, or loss of appetite, just to name a few. 颤抖||||||||| ||||desire to eat|||||

With substances such as coffee and Adderall, we suppose it is possible to have a mental |chemical compounds||||||||||||||

superpower of sorts.

But only if your power is super anxiety.

We imagine that a heroic figure named Anxiety Man, running around fighting crime with his We envision||||||||||||||

heightened sense of focus at the speed of panic, would be pretty amusing to say the ||||||||||||divertido||| a la velocidad del pánico, sería bastante divertido decir la


Though it's fun to think about, a hero like this would probably not be a good role model

for kids because he would teach the value of dependence on substances. |||||||||reliance on substances||

“Remember kids to drink a cup of coffee or two, or three per day.

Also don't forget your daily dose or dosages of Adderall to go with it, if you want to |||||||剂量||阿得拉尔|||||||| |||||||||medication for ADHD|||||||| 另外,如果你想的话,不要忘记你的每日剂量或与它一起服用的 Adderall

be super hyped up like me!” ||超级兴奋||| estar súper emocionado como yo". 像我一样超级兴奋!”

Yeah, we don't think that would go over too well with their parents.

Now you may be thinking that, since you already use 100% of your brain, there's not much

else you can do aside from taking drugs to boost its functioning – which, we wouldn't

recommend without consulting a doctor.

But there are always ways to improve yourself and your mental abilities.

So how can you unlock your full potential?

Well, for one, you can read more.

This might not be what you were hoping to hear.

Heck, you might now be thinking that this episode of the Infographics show has taken Darn|||||||||||||| Heck, puede que ahora estés pensando que este episodio del programa Infographics ha tomado

a very boring turn.

Yet aside from expanding your mind with knowledge, reading has also been shown to improve cognitive |||||||||||||||mental processes


It forces your brain to work, which makes your thinking sharper. ||||||||||more acute Obliga al cerebro a trabajar, lo que agudiza el pensamiento.

So, maybe you should actually read the chapters of that book that was assigned to you in your

English class.

We know you probably don't get Shakespeare – a lot of us modern-day-dwellers don't ||||||莎士比亚|||||||现代人| ||||||old English literature|||||||modern people| |||||||||||||habitantes| Sabemos que probablemente no entiendas a Shakespeare - muchos de nosotros, habitantes de hoy en día, no lo entendemos.

– but we would commend you for trying anyway. - pero le felicitamos por intentarlo de todos modos.

Maybe you'll come up with an interesting Infographics Show topic in the process and Tal vez se te ocurra un tema interesante para el Infographics Show en el proceso y

send your idea to us.

Like, “what's the deal with the Montagues and Capulets and why can't they just get ||||||蒙太古家族||卡普莱特家族|和||||| ||||||feuding family name||feuding family|||||| Como, "¿qué pasa con los Montesco y los Capuleto y por qué no pueden simplemente obtener

a grip?” |uma pegada?” ¿un apretón?"

We'll leave it up to you.

Reading isn't the only way to improve brain functioning. ||||||||Gehirnfunktion

Arguably even more boring is solving arithmetic problems. 可以说||||||算术问题| Possibly even more||||||| Podría decirse que aún más aburrido es resolver problemas aritméticos. 可以说,解决算术问题更加无聊。

Okay, seriously?

You're probably slamming your head against the wall right now with how dull this episode ||撞头||||||此刻|||||| ||||||||||||uninteresting|| Probablemente te estés dando cabezazos contra la pared ahora mismo con lo aburrido que ha sido este episodio 你现在可能正因为这一集太无聊而头疼

has gotten. ha conseguido.

If you're shaking your head, thinking, “yeah, right!” we don't blame you! Si está sacudiendo la cabeza y pensando "sí, claro", no le culpamos. Если вы качаете головой и думаете: "Да, точно!", мы вас не виним! 如果您摇着头,想着“是的,对!”我们不会责怪您!

A lot of people would choose not to do any of these things if they can help it. 如果可以的话,很多人会选择不做任何这些事情。

But solving arithmetic problems has a lot of benefits which include stopping your brain ||算术问题||||||||||| 但解决算术问题有很多好处,包括让你的大脑停下来

from deteriorating too much as you grow older. |getting worse|||||| 随着年龄的增长,身体状况也不会恶化。

Our suggestions won't grant you cool mental superpowers like Lucy. |||give you|||||| Nuestras sugerencias no te otorgarán superpoderes mentales como Lucy. 我们的建议不会赋予您像露西一样超强的精神超能力。

But they will help you have the upper hand when tasked with challenges that force you Pero le ayudarán a tener ventaja cuando se enfrente a retos que le obliguen a 但当你面临挑战时,它们会帮助你占上风

to stretch your brain's cognitive muscles. 来拓展你大脑的认知能力。

If your teacher calls on you in class to answer a question, you'll look like the smartest 如果你的老师在课堂上叫你回答问题,你看起来会是最聪明的

guy there as you immediately come up with an answer. 你就立刻想到了答案。

Other kids will either think this is cool or just pick on you for being a “nerd.” |孩子们|||||||||||你||||书呆子 Los demás niños pensarán que esto es guay o simplemente se meterán contigo por ser un "empollón". Другие дети будут либо считать, что это круто, либо просто задирать вас за то, что вы "ботаник". 其他孩子要么认为这很酷,要么只是嘲笑你是“书呆子”。

This leads to our other superpower, aside from super anxiety, which is super nerdom. |||||||||||||极度书呆子 |||||||||||||Nerdtum |||||||||||||extreme geekiness 除了超级焦虑之外,这还引出了我们的另一项超能力,那就是超级书呆子气。

If you combine super anxiety with super nerdom, you'll have a person who is always on time, |||||||extreme nerdiness||||||||| |||||||nerdom||||||||| Si combinas superansiedad con supernerviosismo, tendrás una persona que siempre llega a tiempo, 如果你把超级焦虑和超级书呆子气质结合起来,你就会发现一个人总是准时,

always completing tasks and assignments, always doing all the readings, always possessing siempre completando tareas y asignaciones, siempre haciendo todas las lecturas, siempre poseyendo 总是完成任务和作业,总是读完所有的书,总是拥有

the answer to every question, and never getting the girl. la respuesta a cada pregunta, y nunca conseguir a la chica. 每一个问题的答案,却永远得不到女孩的欢心。

This individual would also be high on neuroticism. |||||||神经质高 |||||||emotional instability Este individuo también sería alto en neuroticismo. 这个人的神经质也会很高。

Some people also believe that you can access your full potential by simply being your best Algunas personas también creen que puedes acceder a todo tu potencial simplemente dando lo mejor de ti. 有些人还认为,只要做到最好,就能充分发挥自己的潜力

self and helping others. uno mismo y ayudar a los demás.

This is another way of improving yourself by being moral and ethical.

Now we've stooped to a new low. ||sunk down to|||| Ahora hemos caído más bajo. Теперь мы опустились на новую ступень.

If you're still watching this, you might be thinking, “okay, c'mon. ||||||||||come on Si todavía estás viendo esto, puede que estés pensando, "vale, vamos.

You talked about medicine, then reading, then math, and now you're saying we should go Hablaste de medicina, luego de lectura, luego de matemáticas, y ahora dices que deberíamos ir


I watch this show to get away from all that stuff!” ||||||逃离|||| 我看这个节目是为了逃避所有那些事情!”

But there is an abundance of research on the effects of altruism on the brain, which shows |||||||||||利他主义的影响||||| ||||plenty|||||||selfless concern||||| Pero hay abundantes investigaciones sobre los efectos del altruismo en el cerebro, que muestran

the activation of dopamine upon helping others. |激活||多巴胺激活||| 帮助别人时多巴胺的激活。

In essence, helping others makes you feel good.

Now, this doesn't mean that we expect you to drop everything and go volunteer at a homeless

shelter or risk your life resuscitating a bunch of orphaned, injured puppies from a |||||抢救||||孤儿的|受伤的|一群小狗|| |||||wiederbeleben|||||||| |||||saving the lives||||abandoned or parentless|||| refugio o arriesgar tu vida resucitando a un montón de cachorros huérfanos y heridos de un 收容所或冒着生命危险救治一群孤儿受伤的小狗

bus accident while treating their cancer with hugs like the guy she told you not to worry accidente de autobús mientras trata su cáncer con abrazos como el que te dijo que no te preocuparas


Instead, you can do small things like hold open the door for other people or stop to Вместо этого вы можете делать небольшие вещи, например, открывать дверь для других людей или останавливаться, чтобы

pay someone a compliment. |||Give praise

In this way, you can make someone's day, which makes you feel like your best self.

This leads to our third real-life superpower, super helpfulness. ||||第三个||||| |||||||||exceptional assistance 这就引出了我们现实生活中的第三个超能力:超级乐于助人。

The super helpful guy makes friends everywhere he goes. 这位超级乐于助人的人走到哪里都能结交朋友。

People always remember him for being a good Samaritan, positive role model and friend ||||||||好撒玛利亚人||||| ||||||||kind-hearted person||||| ||||||||samaritano||||| 人们总是记得他是一位善良的撒玛利亚人、积极的榜样和朋友。

to the community. 对社区。

A hero with super anxiety, nerdom and helpfulness combined together shines like a beacon of |||||||||||||灯塔般的| ||||||||||stands out brightly|||guiding light| Un héroe con superansiedad, frikismo y servicialidad combinados brilla como un faro de 一个集超级焦虑、书呆子气和乐于助人于一身的英雄,就像一盏


He stands tall and proud with his cape flapping with the wind behind him. |站立||||||斗篷|飘动||||| ||||||||fluttering in wind||||| Permanece erguido y orgulloso con su capa ondeando al viento a sus espaldas. 他昂首挺胸,斗篷在身后随风飘扬。

When the wind picks up, he jolts out of his skin from the heightened sound while proceeding ||||||吓一跳|||||||||| ||||||suddenly jumps|||||||||| ||||||sobressalta|||||||||| Cuando el viento se levanta, se sobresalta por el sonido intensificado mientras avanza. 当风起时,他被不断增大的声音吓得魂飞胆丧,继续前行

to tremble in an isolated corner in fetal position to get over the scare. |颤抖|||孤立的|||胎儿姿势|胎儿姿势||||| |Shake with fear||||||curled up tightly|||||| temblar en un rincón aislado en posición fetal para superar el susto. дрожать в укромном уголке в позе эмбриона, чтобы пережить испуг. 在一个孤立的角落里蜷缩着身子颤抖着以克服恐惧。

Then he panics about being late for his new job while offering to work more overtime hours ||惊慌失措|||||||||||||| 然后他担心自己在新工作中迟到,并提出愿意加班

to make up for it.

We admit that real-life superpowers aren't as intriguing as action-packed, fictional ||||||||引人入胜|||| ||||||||fascinating||||imaginary or invented 我们承认,现实生活中的超能力并不像充满动作的虚构电影那样吸引人

superpowers in movies.

So, we'll go ahead and wrap up this episode so you can watch an exciting marvel or DC |||||||||||||||奇迹电影|| |||||||||||||||superhero movie||Detective Comics 所以,我们将继续结束这一集,这样你就可以观看一部激动人心的漫威或 DC


Chances are though, we've taken away the believability of these films by shedding an |||||||可信度|||||剥离| |||||||Glaubwürdigkeit|||||| |||||||credibility|||||removing an element| ||||||||||||derramando| Lo más probable, sin embargo, es que le hayamos quitado verosimilitud a estas películas desprendiéndonos de un 但很有可能,我们已经通过抛弃

all-too-realistic light on the nature of what it really means to be super powerful. 非常现实地阐明了超级强大的真正含义。

Now that the secret is out and you know that you already use 100% of your brain capacity, 现在秘密已经揭晓,你知道你已经使用了 100% 的大脑容量,

you're probably going to sulk in your chair for a while pondering the meaning of your ||||闷闷不乐|||||||思考着|||| ||||schmollen||||||||||| ||||brood|||||||reflecting on|||| probablemente te enfurruñarás en tu silla durante un rato reflexionando sobre el significado de tu 你可能会坐在椅子上生闷气,思考你这句话的含义

boring existence in this flat, non-exciting world. existencia aburrida en este mundo plano y sin emoción.

For this, we recommend that you try watching our other video “Why Do You Even Exist?”

Maybe you'll derive some insight from it. ||gain||understanding or clarity|| Tal vez te sirva de ayuda.

How would you improve the extent of your mental potential? |||||range or capacity||||

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video Weirdest Brain Disorders! |||||||||最奇怪的|| |||||||||Most unusual||Abnormal conditions |||||||||mais estranho|| No se pierda nuestro otro vídeo: Los trastornos cerebrales más extraños.

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!