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The Infographics Show, The Evil Torture Nuns of Magdalene Asylum

The Evil Torture Nuns of Magdalene Asylum

Sweat stung Marie's eyes.

Her drab gray dress clung to her damp and itchy skin.

No matter the time of year, the laundry room was always humid.

It was Marie's job to feed the heavy damp sheets through large hot rollers to dry them.


The nuns walked back and forth supervising the long rows of women washing, mending and


Each nun carried a long, thick strap tied to their belt.

If you worked too slow, you got the strap.

The room was quiet.

In fact the only sounds were the clanking of machinery, rasp of scrub brushes and the

hiss of steam.

Singing or chit chat was not allowed.

The Magdelenes needed to work hard, contemplate their sins and be penitent in order for God

to forgive them.

A nun paused by a girl just down the row from Marie--the girl was new, Marie thought the

girl's name was Grace, but wasn't sure.

The nun said something to Grace.

Before Grace could answer, a strap whistled as it flew through the air, before landing

with a loud crack on her arm.

Marie flinched, she knew well that pain.

The last time she had been whipped, her bruises had taken several days to fade.

Grace cried out, and tried to back away down the aisle, but she was trapped; a second nun

approached her from the other direction.

One of the nuns began dragging Grace by her ear towards the door.

She screamed for someone, anyone to help her.

But the other women kept their eyes on their work and pretended not to hear.

They couldn't, wouldn't come to her aid lest they be punished too.

In 1993, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity in Dublin, Ireland sold part of the land of High

Park Convent to a developer for £1.5 million [about 2 million USD at the time].

However, there was an unusual provision to the sale.

The land contained a mass grave of 133 Magdalenes or women had been institutionalized in High

Park's Magdalene Laundry.

In fact, High Park had been the largest such laundry in Ireland.

The plan was that the nuns and the developer split the costs of exhuming and cremating

the bodies.

Then the ashes would be reburied in another mass grave, in Glasnevin cemetery.

But when the project got underway, the mass grave was found to have a dark secret.

The first Magdalene Asylum was opened in 1758 in London, England by a trio of philanthropist


They wanted to create a place where prostitutes could be rehabilitated.

In addition to attending church and learning manners, the women did household chores and

various crafts to contribute to the institution.

Generally, the women earned a small sum of money for their craft work.

The idea of Magdalene Asylums spread.

Soon there were homes in several countries including the United States, Canada and Sweden.

The asylums were run by several different religious organizations.

Each group had different regulations governing its homes and experienced varying degrees

in successfully rehabilitating the Magdelenes or penitents as they were now called.

Over time the asylums began to function as penitentiary work-houses where the women were

required to labor.

That was especially true of Ireland, where after the Great Famine the Magdalene Asylums

started to evolve into forced labor laundries run by 4 female Catholic religious orders.

By the late 1800s, innstead of just sex workers, Magdalene Laundries also came to house any

women considered outside the bounds of regular society.

That meant women who became pregnant outside of marriage, women who were seen as promiscuous

or wayward, etc.

Not only did this open up a larger labor pool for the laundries, but promoted a Catholic

viewpoint and removed undesirables from the wider populace.

Following Irish independence in 1922, there were 10 Magdalene laundries throughout the

country run by the 4 orders.

They operated with quiet support from the state and even received lucrative laundry

contracts from the army and other government departments.

The judicial system even sentenced women to the laundries.

It would make sense that some penitents of High Park ended up buried on the covnent grounds.

However, instead of the 133 bodies the nuns claimed were buried, there were 155 bodies


22 women were unlisted.

Also, despite it being a criminal offence to fail to register a death which occurs on

one's premises, only 75 death records were found.

Many records were missing names, the penitents were listed as Magdalene of St Cecilia, Magdalene

of Lourdes, etc.

The discovery of the extra bodies in the mass grave not to mention the shoddy records ripped

open a poorly healed wound in Irish society, creating a public scandal.

How could the Magdalenes have received proper care in these institutions, yet their burial

records didn't even state their names?

Survivors began coming forward telling stories of what their lives were like in the laundries.

It wasn't pretty; many described harsh conditions, enslavement, starvation, severe psychological

and physical abuse.

The Magdalenes' reasons for ending up at the laundries were varied and in many cases


Unwedded mothers, promiscuous women, outspoken women, women deemed too pretty, orphans, women

who had been sexually abused, women who had broken the law and on and on.

All were neatly tucked away in laundries out of the view of regular society.

Unwedded mothers were especially harshly treated.

In many cases the women were separated from their newborns.

Their babies were adopted out or sent to orphanages.

After a short stay in the infirmary, new mothers would quickly be sent back to work.

One woman recalled being warned by other penitents to pad her chest, the nuns hated any evidence

of unwed mothers and she would be singled out for punishment if she leaked milk--a common

problem for new mothers.

Some mothers were punished by the nuns for begging to see their babies one last time

before the child was adopted.

In other cases the nuns ran orphanages, industrial schools and Magdalene laundries all on the

same plot of land.

Though they lived but few buildings away, mothers were not allowed contact with their

illegitimate children.

Many survivors spoke of being held prisoner.

Some had their names changed or were assigned and called by a number when they entered the


Also the women were forced to cut their hair and give up personal mementos.

Their clothing was replaced with coarse, drab dresses in dull colors such as gray or brown.

Magdalenes were not permitted to make friends with their comrades; they were only there

to work.

Their correspondence with the outside world was limited and in some cases nuns hid or

stole letters from family or sweethearts.

The women were made to work 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

Schedules mentioned by the survivors varied, but generally they involved waking very early

in the morning, going to morning prayers, then a quick breakfast, working a 12 or 13

shift before dinner and having an hour or so afterwards for more prayers or quiet contemplation

before lights out.

The dormitories had bars on the windows, and the women were locked in at night.

When penitents were allowed outside, they were confined to the grounds of the laundries

by high bricked walls topped with glass or barbed wire.

When women did escape, if caught they were sent back to the institution.

Girls as young as 12 or 13 were sent to the laundries.

One girl was only 8 when she entered.

Some Magdalenes ended up functionally illiterate because they were pulled out of school and

sent to the laundries.

Even when women were of legal age, they were not allowed to leave.

Some Magdalenes were poorly fed, bread and water was a common diet.

They were kept just shy of malnourishment while the nuns allegedly ate well.

The laundry work was hot, tedious and dangerous.

Many survivors described being burned by steam or hot irons.

The long hours spent standing or bent over sewing caused varicose veins and lifelong

back problems in young women.

All the while, nuns would watch the women work and hit them with straps if they were

too slow or made mistakes.

After their laundry shift, a penitent might have had further chores contributing to the

upkeep of the institution.

Every moment of their waking hours, the penitents were governed by the nuns.

Verbal abuse and beatings were common.

Many Magdalenes also experienced religious, emotional or sexual abuse.

Nuns shamed them for vanity, being wicked and their burgeoning bodies.

Some penitents were made to bind their chest because they had large breasts.

Some were made to feel useless, worthless and that the world didn't want them.

Many nuns took delight in their positions of power, punishing every little infraction

including Magdalenes looking them in the eye and not showing proper authority.

Most penitents ended up staying at a laundry for an average of 3 years.

Rules stated that a woman could only be released if someone, generally a family member, requested

their release.

When the women left, they were not given wages or were given an insultingly small amount

of money for their years of hard labor.

Long after they had left the laundries, the memories heavily affected some Magdalenes.

Many women suffered nightmares or struggled with healthy sexual relationships when they

married because ideas of purity and sin were so ingrained.

After the initial scandal over the mass grave of High Park, several Magdalene survivors

bravely provided their testimonies for documentaries and other media.

This helped to alert the public about the abuses that had happened at the laundries.

After several years of lobbying, in 2001 the Irish government acknowledged that the women

enslaved in Magdalene laundries were victims of abuse.

Despite calls for a thorough investigation the Irish government refused, claiming that

the institutions were privately run and it would be outside the bounds of the state to

probe their history, completely ignoring the fact that the government repeatedly awarded

lucrative contracts to laundries with no oversight of how their operations were being run.

Furthermore, it was an open secret that the state even used the laundries as a de facto

jail or halfway home.

In 2001, an advocacy group called Justice for Magdalenes presented its case to the United

Nations Committee Against Torture.

They claimed that the exploitation of women that took place at the Magdalene laundries

amounted to human-rights violations.

At the urging of the UN panel, the Irish government finally created an inquiry into the laundries.

After an 18 month investigation, the government issued a report that found considerable state

involvement in the admission of thousands of women into the laundries.

The report also found that while the penitents suffered significant levels of verbal abuse,

there wasn't evidence of physical and sexual abuse.

Some survivors felt that the report swept some of the abusive treatment they endured

under the rug.

The nuns in the Catholic Church felt vindicated, sure maybe the institutions were overly strict,

but they provided a service, taking in women who had nowhere else to go.

About 2 weeks after the government report was issued, the government bowed to pressure

from the survivors and advocacy groups and the Irish prime minister issued a formal state


The government also created a £50 million victim's compensation fund.

Most of the laundries closed in the early 1970's; Irish society was changing and new

advanced and cheap technology for laundering was making the institutions obsolete.

The last Magdalene Laundry closed in 1996.

It was a small institution with only 40 women.

The women were mainly elderly or developmentally disabled and chose to stay with the nuns despite

the closing of the laundry.

The horrors of the Magdalene Laundries will never be fully known.

Many of the victims passed away long before any inquiries began.

It's estimated that some 11,000 women were confined to these institutions in the 20 century.

Today, various historical and media groups continue to collect the stories of survivors

and delve into the history of the Magdalene Laundries.

The Catholic Church is adamant that it did nothing wrong and that the institutions were

run as non profits.

As a result, the church has refused to contribute to any victim's compensation fund.

Also the religious orders have declined to provide records and archival information for

investigators and historians.

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The Evil Torture Nuns of Magdalene Asylum |||||Religious institution name|Mental institution |||||マグダレナ|マグダレン精神 Die bösen Folterschwestern des Magdalenen-Asyls Οι κακές καλόγριες των βασανιστηρίων του ασύλου της Μαγδαληνής Las malvadas monjas torturadoras del manicomio de la Magdalena Les religieuses tortionnaires de l'asile de Magdala Le malvagie suore torturatrici del manicomio Magdalene マグダレーン・アサイラムの邪悪な拷問修道女たち Piktosios Magdalenos prieglaudos kankintojos As freiras torturadoras do Asilo de Madalena Злые монахини-мучительницы из приюта Магдалины Magdalene Akıl Hastanesinin Kötü İşkenceci Rahibeleri 抹大拉庇护所的邪恶酷刑修女 抹大拉庇護所的邪惡酷刑修女

Sweat stung Marie's eyes. ||belonging to Marie| 汗|しみた|| لسع العرق عيون ماري. Sweat stung Marie's eyes. Het zweet prikte in Marie's ogen. O suor picou os olhos de Marie. Пот застилал глаза Мари. Marie'nin gözlerini ter soktu.

Her drab gray dress clung to her damp and itchy skin. |dull and colorless|||stuck to|||slightly wet||| |地味な|||ぴったりと|||湿った||| تشبث ثوبها الرمادي الباهت بجلدها الرطب والمثير للحكة. 無骨なグレーのドレスが、湿って痒くなった肌にまとわりつく。 Seu vestido cinza monótono grudava em sua pele úmida e com coceira.

No matter the time of year, the laundry room was always humid. بغض النظر عن الوقت من العام ، كانت غرفة الغسيل رطبة دائمًا. 時期に関係なく、洗濯室はいつも湿度が高かった。

It was Marie's job to feed the heavy damp sheets through large hot rollers to dry them. |||||||||||||drying cylinders||| كانت مهمة ماري هي تغذية الصفائح الرطبة الثقيلة من خلال بكرات ساخنة كبيرة لتجفيفها. Era trabalho de Marie passar os pesados lençóis úmidos por grandes rolos quentes para secá-los.

. مرات عديدة كانت قد أحرقت يديها. Muitas vezes ela queimou as mãos.

The nuns walked back and forth supervising the long rows of women washing, mending and |||||||||||||repairing clothes| |修道女たち||||||||||||| سار الراهبات ذهابًا وإيابًا يشرفن على الصفوف الطويلة من غسل النساء وإصلاحهن As freiras andavam de um lado para o outro supervisionando as longas filas de mulheres lavando, consertando e


Each nun carried a long, thick strap tied to their belt. ||||||leather whipping tool|||| كانت كل راهبة تحمل حزامًا سميكًا وطويلًا مربوطًا بحزامها. Cada freira carregava uma tira longa e grossa amarrada ao cinto.

If you worked too slow, you got the strap. Se você trabalhou muito devagar, você pegou a correia.

The room was quiet.

In fact the only sounds were the clanking of machinery, rasp of scrub brushes and the ||||||||||harsh scraping sound||cleaning brushes|cleaning tools|| ||||||||||こすり音||||| في الواقع ، كانت الأصوات الوحيدة هي قعقعة الآلات ، وقشعريرة فرش التنظيف و Na verdade, os únicos sons eram o barulho de máquinas, raspagem de escovas e o

hiss of steam. steam release sound|| silvo de vapor.

Singing or chit chat was not allowed. ||casual conversation|||| الغناء أو الدردشة غير مسموح بها. Cantar ou bater papo não era permitido.

The Magdelenes needed to work hard, contemplate their sins and be penitent in order for God |penitent women||||||||||sorry for sins|||| |マグダラの|||||||||||||| كان على المجديلين أن يعملوا بجد ، وأن يتأملوا في خطاياهم وأن يتوبوا من أجل الله As Madalenas precisavam trabalhar duro, contemplar seus pecados e se arrepender para que Deus

to forgive them.

A nun paused by a girl just down the row from Marie--the girl was new, Marie thought the راهبة أوقفتها فتاة أسفل الصف من ماري - كانت الفتاة جديدة ، اعتقدت ماري Uma freira parou perto de uma garota logo abaixo de Marie - a garota era nova, Marie pensou que o

girl's name was Grace, but wasn't sure.

The nun said something to Grace.

Before Grace could answer, a strap whistled as it flew through the air, before landing ||||||cut through air|||||||| ||||||ヒューッと音|||||||| قبل أن تتمكن جريس من الإجابة ، أطلق حزام صفير أثناء تحليقه في الهواء قبل الهبوط Antes que Grace pudesse responder, uma cinta assobiou enquanto voava pelo ar, antes de pousar.

with a loud crack on her arm. مع طقطقة مدوية في ذراعها. com um forte estalido no braço.

Marie flinched, she knew well that pain. |Marie recoiled, understanding.||||| |身をひねった||||| Marie estremeceu, ela conhecia bem aquela dor.

The last time she had been whipped, her bruises had taken several days to fade. في المرة الأخيرة التي جُلدت فيها ، استغرقت كدماتها عدة أيام حتى تتلاشى. A última vez que ela foi chicoteada, seus hematomas levaram vários dias para desaparecer.

Grace cried out, and tried to back away down the aisle, but she was trapped; a second nun صرخت جريس وحاولت التراجع عن الممر لكنها كانت محاصرة راهبة ثانية Grace gritou e tentou recuar pelo corredor, mas estava presa; uma segunda freira Грейс вскрикнула и попыталась отступить к алтарю, но оказалась в ловушке: вторая монахиня

approached her from the other direction. اقترب منها من الاتجاه الآخر.

One of the nuns began dragging Grace by her ear towards the door. بدأت إحدى الراهبات في جر جريس من أذنها نحو الباب. Uma das freiras começou a arrastar Graça pela orelha em direção à porta.

She screamed for someone, anyone to help her.

But the other women kept their eyes on their work and pretended not to hear. Mas as outras mulheres mantinham os olhos no trabalho e fingiam não ouvir.

They couldn't, wouldn't come to her aid lest they be punished too. |||||||for fear that|||| |||||||〜しないように|||| لم يستطيعوا ، ولن يأتوا لمساعدتها خشية أن يعاقبوا أيضًا. Eles não podiam, não viriam em seu auxílio para não serem punidos também.

In 1993, Sisters of Our Lady of Charity in Dublin, Ireland sold part of the land of High في عام 1993 ، باعت راهبات سيدة المحبة في دبلن بأيرلندا جزءًا من أرض السامي Em 1993, as Irmãs de Nossa Senhora da Caridade em Dublin, na Irlanda, venderam parte do terreno de High

Park Convent to a developer for £1.5 million [about 2 million USD at the time]. |Religious residence building||||||||US dollars||| Park Convent para um desenvolvedor por £ 1,5 milhão [cerca de 2 milhões de dólares na época].

However, there was an unusual provision to the sale. |||||条項||| ومع ذلك ، كان هناك بند غير عادي للبيع. No entanto, houve uma disposição incomum para a venda.

The land contained a mass grave of 133 Magdalenes or women had been institutionalized in High |||||||institutionalized women||||||| |||||||マグダレナ||||||| احتوت الأرض على مقبرة جماعية لـ 133 مجدلين أو امرأة تم إضفاء الطابع المؤسسي عليها في المرتفعات A terra continha uma vala comum de 133 Madalenas ou mulheres foram institucionalizadas em High

Park's Magdalene Laundry. Park's Magdalene Laundry|| Lavanderia Madalena Park.

In fact, High Park had been the largest such laundry in Ireland. في الواقع ، كانت High Park أكبر مغسلة ملابس في أيرلندا. Na verdade, High Park era a maior lavanderia desse tipo na Irlanda.

The plan was that the nuns and the developer split the costs of exhuming and cremating |||||religious sisters||||||||digging up||burning the remains |||||||||||||遺体掘||火葬する ||||||||desarrollador inmobiliario||||||| كانت الخطة تقسم الراهبات والمطور تكاليف استخراج الجثث وحرقها O plano era que as freiras e o promotor dividissem os custos da exumação e cremação

the bodies.

Then the ashes would be reburied in another mass grave, in Glasnevin cemetery. |||||buried again||||||a Dublin cemetery|burial ground ||||||||||||グラスネビン ثم يُعاد دفن الرماد في مقبرة جماعية أخرى ، في مقبرة جلاسنيفين.

But when the project got underway, the mass grave was found to have a dark secret. |||||in progress|||||||||| ولكن عندما بدأ المشروع ، تبين أن المقبرة الجماعية بها سر غامض. Maar toen het project van start ging, bleek het massagraf een duister geheim te bevatten. Mas quando o projeto começou, descobriu-se que a vala comum guardava um segredo obscuro.

The first Magdalene Asylum was opened in 1758 in London, England by a trio of philanthropist تم افتتاح أول ملجأ مجدلين في عام 1758 في لندن ، إنجلترا من قبل ثلاثة من فاعلي الخير O primeiro Asilo Madalena foi inaugurado em 1758 em Londres, Inglaterra, por um trio de filantropos


They wanted to create a place where prostitutes could be rehabilitated. ||||||||||helped to recover |||||||売春婦|||更生される لقد أرادوا إنشاء مكان يمكن فيه إعادة تأهيل البغايا.

In addition to attending church and learning manners, the women did household chores and |||||||social etiquette|||||| |||||||||||tareas del hogar|tareas del hogar| بالإضافة إلى حضور الكنيسة وتعلم الآداب ، قامت النساء بالأعمال المنزلية و Além de frequentar a igreja e aprender boas maneiras, as mulheres faziam tarefas domésticas e

various crafts to contribute to the institution. |handmade items||||| الحرف المختلفة للمساهمة في المؤسسة. diversos ofícios para contribuir com a instituição.

Generally, the women earned a small sum of money for their craft work. بشكل عام ، تكسب النساء مبلغًا صغيرًا من المال مقابل أعمالهن الحرفية. Geralmente, as mulheres ganhavam uma pequena quantia em dinheiro pelo seu trabalho artesanal.

The idea of Magdalene Asylums spread. ||||refuges for women|

Soon there were homes in several countries including the United States, Canada and Sweden. Logo havia casas em vários países, incluindo Estados Unidos, Canadá e Suécia.

The asylums were run by several different religious organizations. كانت المصحات تديرها عدة منظمات دينية مختلفة.

Each group had different regulations governing its homes and experienced varying degrees كان لكل مجموعة أنظمة مختلفة تحكم منازلها وشهدت درجات متفاوتة Cada grupo tinha diferentes regulamentos que governavam suas casas e experimentavam graus variados

in successfully rehabilitating the Magdelenes or penitents as they were now called. ||restoring the Magdelenes||||repentant women||||| في إعادة تأهيل Magdelenes أو التائبين بنجاح كما يطلق عليهم الآن.

Over time the asylums began to function as penitentiary work-houses where the women were ||||||||prison-like institutions|||||| مع مرور الوقت ، بدأت المصحات تعمل كمنازل عمل للسجون حيث كانت النساء Com o tempo os asilos passaram a funcionar como casas de trabalho penitenciárias onde as mulheres eram

required to labor. مطلوب للعمل. obrigado a trabalhar.

That was especially true of Ireland, where after the Great Famine the Magdalene Asylums كان هذا ينطبق بشكل خاص على أيرلندا ، حيث بعد المجاعة الكبرى المجدلية Asylums Isso foi especialmente verdade na Irlanda, onde, após a Grande Fome, o Asilo Madalena Особенно это касалось Ирландии, где после Великого голода были построены приюты Магдалины.

started to evolve into forced labor laundries run by 4 female Catholic religious orders. ||||||forced labor laundries|||||| بدأت تتطور إلى مغاسل للعمل الجبري تديرها 4 رهبانيات كاثوليكيات. começou a evoluir para lavanderias de trabalho forçado administradas por 4 ordens religiosas católicas femininas. начали превращаться в прачечные для принудительного труда, которыми управляли 4 женских католических религиозных ордена.

By the late 1800s, innstead of just sex workers, Magdalene Laundries also came to house any ||||"in place of"||||||||||| بحلول أواخر القرن التاسع عشر ، وبدلاً من عاملات الجنس فقط ، جاءت مغاسل المجدلية لإيواء أي منها No final dos anos 1800, em vez de apenas profissionais do sexo, as Lavanderias Madalena também passaram a abrigar qualquer

women considered outside the bounds of regular society. تعتبر المرأة خارج حدود المجتمع العادي. mulheres consideradas fora dos limites da sociedade regular. Женщины, которые считаются вне рамок обычного общества.

That meant women who became pregnant outside of marriage, women who were seen as promiscuous ||||||||||||||sexually indiscriminate وهذا يعني أن النساء اللواتي حملن خارج إطار الزواج ، أي النساء اللواتي كان يُنظر إليهن على أنهن منحلقات

or wayward, etc. |Unpredictable or erratic| ou desobediente, etc.

Not only did this open up a larger labor pool for the laundries, but promoted a Catholic لم يؤدي هذا إلى فتح مجموعة عمل أكبر للمغاسل فحسب ، بل شجع كاثوليكيًا Isso não apenas abriu um grupo maior de mão-de-obra para as lavanderias, mas também promoveu uma cultura católica.

viewpoint and removed undesirables from the wider populace. |||unwanted individuals||||general public وجهة نظر وإزالة غير المرغوب فيهم من عامة الناس. ponto de vista e removeu indesejáveis da população em geral.

Following Irish independence in 1922, there were 10 Magdalene laundries throughout the بعد الاستقلال الأيرلندي في عام 1922 ، كان هناك 10 مغاسل مجدلية في جميع أنحاء البلاد Após a independência irlandesa em 1922, havia 10 lavanderias Madalena em todo o

country run by the 4 orders. país gerido pelas 4 ordens.

They operated with quiet support from the state and even received lucrative laundry لقد عملوا بدعم هادئ من الدولة وحتى تلقوا غسيلًا مربحًا Eles operavam com apoio discreto do estado e até recebiam roupas lucrativas

contracts from the army and other government departments. عقود من الجيش والدوائر الحكومية الأخرى.

The judicial system even sentenced women to the laundries. |legal or court-related||||||| حتى أن النظام القضائي حكم على النساء في المغاسل.

It would make sense that some penitents of High Park ended up buried on the covnent grounds. |||||||||||||||convent| |||||||||||||||修道院| قد يكون من المنطقي أن بعض التائبين من هاي بارك انتهى بهم الأمر مدفونين على أرض مغطاة. Faria sentido que alguns penitentes de High Park acabassem enterrados no terreno do pacto. Логично, что некоторые кающиеся Хай-Парка были похоронены на территории монастыря.

However, instead of the 133 bodies the nuns claimed were buried, there were 155 bodies ومع ذلك ، فبدلاً من الجثث الـ 133 التي ادعت الراهبات أنها دفنت ، كان هناك 155 جثة No entanto, em vez dos 133 corpos que as freiras afirmaram terem sido enterrados, havia 155 corpos.

exhumed. Dug up. 掘り起こ قبر.

22 women were unlisted. ||not included كانت 22 امرأة غير مدرجة. 22 mulheres não estavam listadas.

Also, despite it being a criminal offence to fail to register a death which occurs on أيضًا ، على الرغم من كونها جريمة جنائية عدم تسجيل الوفاة التي تحدث في Além disso, apesar de ser uma ofensa criminal deixar de registrar uma morte que ocorre em

one's premises, only 75 death records were found. |one's property||||| أماكن العمل ، تم العثور على 75 سجل وفاة فقط. nas instalações de um deles, apenas foram encontrados 75 registos de óbitos. одного помещения, было найдено всего 75 записей о смерти.

Many records were missing names, the penitents were listed as Magdalene of St Cecilia, Magdalene |||||||||||||of St Cecilia| العديد من السجلات كانت مفقودة من الأسماء ، تم إدراج التائبين على أنهم مجدلين في سانت سيسيليا ، المجدلية In veel records ontbraken namen, de boetelingen werden vermeld als Magdalena van St. Cecilia, Magdalena

of Lourdes, etc. |of Lourdes|

The discovery of the extra bodies in the mass grave not to mention the shoddy records ripped ||||||||||||||Poor quality|| ||||||||||||||粗悪な|| اكتشاف الجثث الزائدة في المقبرة الجماعية ناهيك عن السجلات الرديئة الممزقة A descoberta dos corpos extras na vala comum, sem mencionar os registros de má qualidade rasgados Обнаружение лишних тел в братской могиле, не говоря уже о некачественных записях, разорвало

open a poorly healed wound in Irish society, creating a public scandal. فتح جرحًا سيئ الالتئام في المجتمع الأيرلندي ، مما تسبب في فضيحة عامة.

How could the Magdalenes have received proper care in these institutions, yet their burial Como as Madalenas poderiam ter recebido os devidos cuidados nessas instituições, mas seu sepultamento

records didn't even state their names? os registos nem sequer indicaram os seus nomes?

Survivors began coming forward telling stories of what their lives were like in the laundries. Os sobreviventes começaram a contar histórias de como eram suas vidas nas lavanderias.

It wasn't pretty; many described harsh conditions, enslavement, starvation, severe psychological |||||||forced labor||| |||||||奴隷状態|||

and physical abuse. ||身体的虐待

The Magdalenes' reasons for ending up at the laundries were varied and in many cases Причины, по которым магдалины попадали в прачечные, были самыми разнообразными, и во многих случаях

arbitrary. Random or capricious. 恣意的な

Unwedded mothers, promiscuous women, outspoken women, women deemed too pretty, orphans, women Single||||||||||| ||||||||||孤児| Mães solteiras, mulheres promíscuas, mulheres francas, mulheres consideradas bonitas demais, órfãs, mulheres

who had been sexually abused, women who had broken the law and on and on. que foram abusadas sexualmente, mulheres que infringiram a lei e assim por diante.

All were neatly tucked away in laundries out of the view of regular society. |||hidden or stored|||||||||| Todos foram cuidadosamente guardados em lavanderias fora da vista da sociedade comum. Все они были аккуратно спрятаны в прачечных вдали от посторонних глаз.

Unwedded mothers were especially harshly treated. Unmarried||||| ||||厳しく|

In many cases the women were separated from their newborns.

Their babies were adopted out or sent to orphanages. Seus bebês foram adotados ou enviados para orfanatos.

After a short stay in the infirmary, new mothers would quickly be sent back to work. ||||||medical facility||||||||| Depois de uma curta estadia na enfermaria, as novas mães eram rapidamente enviadas de volta ao trabalho.

One woman recalled being warned by other penitents to pad her chest, the nuns hated any evidence |||||||||詰め物を||||||| Uma mulher se lembra de ter sido avisada por outros penitentes para encher o peito, as freiras odiavam qualquer evidência Одна женщина вспоминала, как другие кающиеся предупреждали ее, чтобы она набивала грудь, - монахини ненавидели любые доказательства.

of unwed mothers and she would be singled out for punishment if she leaked milk--a common |not married||||||isolated||||||||| de mães solteiras e ela seria punida se vazasse leite - um problema comum

problem for new mothers.

Some mothers were punished by the nuns for begging to see their babies one last time

before the child was adopted. ||||養子にされた

In other cases the nuns ran orphanages, industrial schools and Magdalene laundries all on the Em outros casos, as freiras dirigiam orfanatos, escolas industriais e lavanderias Madalena

same plot of land. |same piece of land||

Though they lived but few buildings away, mothers were not allowed contact with their Embora morassem a poucos prédios de distância, as mães não podiam ter contato com seus filhos.

illegitimate children. born out of wedlock| filhos ilegítimos.

Many survivors spoke of being held prisoner. Muitos sobreviventes falaram de terem sido mantidos prisioneiros. Многие выжившие рассказывали о том, как их держали в плену.

Some had their names changed or were assigned and called by a number when they entered the |||||||given||||||||| Alguns tiveram seus nomes alterados ou foram designados e chamados por um número quando entraram no


Also the women were forced to cut their hair and give up personal mementos. |||||||||||||personal keepsakes |||||||||||||思い出の品

Their clothing was replaced with coarse, drab dresses in dull colors such as gray or brown. |||||粗い|||||||||| Suas roupas foram substituídas por vestidos grosseiros e monótonos em cores opacas, como cinza ou marrom.

Magdalenes were not permitted to make friends with their comrades; they were only there |||||||||fellow residents|||| As Madalenas não tinham permissão para fazer amizade com seus camaradas; eles só estavam lá

to work.

Their correspondence with the outside world was limited and in some cases nuns hid or Sua correspondência com o mundo exterior era limitada e, em alguns casos, as freiras se escondiam ou

stole letters from family or sweethearts. roubou cartas de familiares ou namorados.

The women were made to work 6 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

Schedules mentioned by the survivors varied, but generally they involved waking very early

in the morning, going to morning prayers, then a quick breakfast, working a 12 or 13 de manhã, indo às orações matinais, depois um café da manhã rápido, trabalhando 12 ou 13

shift before dinner and having an hour or so afterwards for more prayers or quiet contemplation |||||||||||||||静かな瞑想

before lights out. antes que as luzes se apaguem.

The dormitories had bars on the windows, and the women were locked in at night. Os dormitórios tinham grades nas janelas e as mulheres ficavam trancadas à noite.

When penitents were allowed outside, they were confined to the grounds of the laundries Quando os penitentes foram autorizados a sair, eles foram confinados ao terreno das lavanderias

by high bricked walls topped with glass or barbed wire. ||made of bricks||||||sharp, spiked| ||||||||有刺| por altos muros de tijolos encimados por vidro ou arame farpado.

When women did escape, if caught they were sent back to the institution.

Girls as young as 12 or 13 were sent to the laundries.

One girl was only 8 when she entered.

Some Magdalenes ended up functionally illiterate because they were pulled out of school and |||||機能的に非|||||||| Algumas Madalenas acabaram por se tornar analfabetas funcionais porque foram retiradas da escola e

sent to the laundries.

Even when women were of legal age, they were not allowed to leave. Mesmo quando as mulheres eram maiores de idade, elas não tinham permissão para sair. Даже когда женщины достигали совершеннолетия, им не разрешалось уезжать.

Some Magdalenes were poorly fed, bread and water was a common diet.

They were kept just shy of malnourishment while the nuns allegedly ate well. ||||||near starvation|||||| ||||||栄養失調||||伝えられるところ|| Elas foram mantidas a salvo da desnutrição enquanto as freiras supostamente comiam bem. Монахини, как утверждалось, питались в меру, не допуская недоедания.

The laundry work was hot, tedious and dangerous. |||||退屈な||

Many survivors described being burned by steam or hot irons. |||||||||heated metal objects Muitos sobreviventes descreveram ter sido queimados por vapor ou ferros quentes.

The long hours spent standing or bent over sewing caused varicose veins and lifelong ||||||||||swollen, twisted||| ||||||||||静脈瘤||| As longas horas passadas em pé ou debruçadas sobre a costura causaram varizes e lesões ao longo da vida

back problems in young women.

All the while, nuns would watch the women work and hit them with straps if they were |||||||||||||leather belts||| Durante todo o tempo, as freiras observavam as mulheres trabalhando e batiam nelas com correias se estivessem

too slow or made mistakes.

After their laundry shift, a penitent might have had further chores contributing to the

upkeep of the institution. Maintenance or care||| manutenção da instituição.

Every moment of their waking hours, the penitents were governed by the nuns. |||||||懺悔者||||| Cada momento de suas horas de vigília, os penitentes eram governados pelas freiras. Каждую минуту своего бодрствования кающиеся находились под контролем монахинь.

Verbal abuse and beatings were common. |||physical assaults||

Many Magdalenes also experienced religious, emotional or sexual abuse. Muitas Madalenas também sofreram abuso religioso, emocional ou sexual.

Nuns shamed them for vanity, being wicked and their burgeoning bodies. ||||excessive pride||morally wrong|||rapidly developing| ||||虚栄心|||||急成長する| As freiras os envergonhavam por sua vaidade, por serem perversos e por seus corpos florescentes.

Some penitents were made to bind their chest because they had large breasts. Algumas penitentes foram obrigadas a amarrar o peito porque tinham seios grandes.

Some were made to feel useless, worthless and that the world didn't want them.

Many nuns took delight in their positions of power, punishing every little infraction ||||||||||||minor offense Muitas freiras se deliciavam com suas posições de poder, punindo cada pequena infração

including Magdalenes looking them in the eye and not showing proper authority. incluindo Madalena olhando-os nos olhos e não mostrando a devida autoridade.

Most penitents ended up staying at a laundry for an average of 3 years. A maioria dos penitentes acabou ficando em uma lavanderia por uma média de 3 anos. Большинство кающихся в итоге оставались в прачечной в среднем 3 года.

Rules stated that a woman could only be released if someone, generally a family member, requested As regras estabeleciam que uma mulher só poderia ser liberada se alguém, geralmente um membro da família, solicitasse Согласно правилам, женщина могла быть освобождена только в том случае, если кто-то, как правило, член семьи, просил об этом.

their release.

When the women left, they were not given wages or were given an insultingly small amount Quando as mulheres partiram, elas não receberam salários ou receberam uma quantia insultuosamente pequena.

of money for their years of hard labor.

Long after they had left the laundries, the memories heavily affected some Magdalenes. Muito tempo depois de terem saído das lavanderias, as lembranças afetaram fortemente algumas Madalenas.

Many women suffered nightmares or struggled with healthy sexual relationships when they Muitas mulheres tiveram pesadelos ou tiveram problemas com relacionamentos sexuais saudáveis quando

married because ideas of purity and sin were so ingrained. |||||||||deeply embedded beliefs ||||純潔|||||根深い casados porque as ideias de pureza e pecado estavam tão enraizadas.

After the initial scandal over the mass grave of High Park, several Magdalene survivors

bravely provided their testimonies for documentaries and other media. |||証言|||||

This helped to alert the public about the abuses that had happened at the laundries.

After several years of lobbying, in 2001 the Irish government acknowledged that the women Após vários anos de lobby, em 2001 o governo irlandês reconheceu que as mulheres

enslaved in Magdalene laundries were victims of abuse. |||workhouses||||

Despite calls for a thorough investigation the Irish government refused, claiming that Apesar dos apelos para uma investigação completa, o governo irlandês recusou, alegando que

the institutions were privately run and it would be outside the bounds of the state to as instituições eram privadas e estaria fora dos limites do estado

probe their history, completely ignoring the fact that the government repeatedly awarded 調査する|||||||||||

lucrative contracts to laundries with no oversight of how their operations were being run. 利益のある|契約|||||||||||| contratos lucrativos para lavanderias sem supervisão de como suas operações estavam sendo executadas.

Furthermore, it was an open secret that the state even used the laundries as a de facto ||||||||||||||||in practice Além disso, era um segredo de polichinelo que o estado até usava as lavanderias como um

jail or halfway home. prisão ou casa de correção.

In 2001, an advocacy group called Justice for Magdalenes presented its case to the United ||擁護団体||||||||||| Em 2001, um grupo de defesa chamado Justice for Magdalenes apresentou seu caso aos Estados Unidos.

Nations Committee Against Torture.

They claimed that the exploitation of women that took place at the Magdalene laundries

amounted to human-rights violations. representaram violações dos direitos humanos.

At the urging of the UN panel, the Irish government finally created an inquiry into the laundries. ||||||advisory group|||||||investigation||| Por insistência do painel da ONU, o governo irlandês finalmente abriu um inquérito sobre as lavanderias.

After an 18 month investigation, the government issued a report that found considerable state

involvement in the admission of thousands of women into the laundries. envolvimento na admissão de milhares de mulheres nas lavanderias.

The report also found that while the penitents suffered significant levels of verbal abuse,

there wasn't evidence of physical and sexual abuse.

Some survivors felt that the report swept some of the abusive treatment they endured ||||||覆い隠した||||||| Alguns sobreviventes sentiram que o relatório varreu parte do tratamento abusivo que sofreram Некоторым пострадавшим показалось, что в отчете умалчивается о жестоком обращении, которому они подвергались

under the rug. debaixo do tapete.

The nuns in the Catholic Church felt vindicated, sure maybe the institutions were overly strict, |||||||proved right||||||| |||||||正当化された||||||| As freiras da Igreja Católica se sentiram justificadas, com certeza talvez as instituições fossem excessivamente rígidas,

but they provided a service, taking in women who had nowhere else to go. mas prestavam um serviço, acolhendo mulheres que não tinham para onde ir.

About 2 weeks after the government report was issued, the government bowed to pressure ||||||||||gave in|| Cerca de 2 semanas após a emissão do relatório do governo, o governo cedeu à pressão

from the survivors and advocacy groups and the Irish prime minister issued a formal state


The government also created a £50 million victim's compensation fund.

Most of the laundries closed in the early 1970's; Irish society was changing and new A maioria das lavanderias fechou no início dos anos 1970; A sociedade irlandesa estava mudando e novos

advanced and cheap technology for laundering was making the institutions obsolete. ||||||||||時代遅れ

The last Magdalene Laundry closed in 1996.

It was a small institution with only 40 women.

The women were mainly elderly or developmentally disabled and chose to stay with the nuns despite ||||||cognitively impaired||||||||| As mulheres eram principalmente idosas ou com problemas de desenvolvimento e optaram por ficar com as freiras, apesar

the closing of the laundry. o fecho da lavandaria.

The horrors of the Magdalene Laundries will never be fully known.

Many of the victims passed away long before any inquiries began. |||||||||investigations or questions|

It's estimated that some 11,000 women were confined to these institutions in the 20 century. ||||||restricted to institutions|||||| Estima-se que cerca de 11.000 mulheres estiveram confinadas a estas instituições no século XX.

Today, various historical and media groups continue to collect the stories of survivors

and delve into the history of the Magdalene Laundries. |掘り下げ||||||| e mergulhe na história das Lavanderias Madalena.

The Catholic Church is adamant that it did nothing wrong and that the institutions were ||||firmly insistent|||||||||| ||||断固たる|||||||||| A Igreja Católica afirma que não fez nada de errado e que as instituições foram

run as non profits. executar como sem fins lucrativos.

As a result, the church has refused to contribute to any victim's compensation fund.

Also the religious orders have declined to provide records and archival information for Também as ordens religiosas se recusaram a fornecer registros e informações de arquivo para

investigators and historians.

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