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The Infographics Show, The Demonic Possession Of The Nuns Of Loudun

The Demonic Possession Of The Nuns Of Loudun

Loudun, France 1632.

It's late at night when suddenly, Jeanne awoke from a deep sleep to find a man standing

over her mat.

The mysterious stranger wept, begging her to pray with him.

Fumbling in terror, she excused herself and fled, fetching another nun who saw nothing….but

for the rest of the night both of them were disturbed by mysterious whispers.

Over the next several days, Jeanne began seeing the phantasm during the daytime.

Sometimes he begged her to pray.

Sometimes he whispered lascivious things to her.

Jeanne's skin crawled, it felt like her very bones itched.

Soon many of the nuns in the Ursuline convent of Loudun began experiencing similar symptoms.

Blood raced through their veins, their hearts pounded.

They hallucinated.

Voices urged them to do wicked things.

No matter how much penance and self flagellation the nuns performed, the symptoms persisted.

Their confessor thought they were possessed by demons.

He began holding exorcisms; sprinkling the nuns with holy water and praying over them.

The nuns cried out and mewled like cats.

They writhed and contorted their bodies into sexual positions.

By the authority of God, the priest demanded to know who had cursed the brides of Christ.

The eyes of one of the nuns rolled back into her head and a deep voice emanated from her


“Urban Grandier,” answered the demon.

Father Urban Grandier--the clergy had been betrayed by one of their own.

In 1617, Urbain Grandier was appointed the parish priest of the Church of Saint-Pierre-du-Marche

in the small town of Loudun.

He made a stir when he arrived at his post.

He was good looking, wealthy and well educated.

Over the next few years Grandier garnered quite a reputation.

Despite the fact that priests were supposed to be celibate, he had secret affairs with

several women of the town.

Quick witted and clever, Grandier was good at criticizing townspeople who disagreed with


Some felt he was sympathetic to Huguenots, Protestant Christians who believed that simple

devout faith was preferable in religious life than the lavish ceremonies of the Roman Catholics.

There had been an ongoing power struggle between the religious sects for some time and Grandier

found himself in the middle of it.

His sexual escapades and his political beliefs made him a lot of enemies and only added fuel

to the fire.

Meanwhile, in 1626 near Loudun, the Ursuline convent was established.

The convent quickly became a popular place to send noble daughters who couldn't be

married off due to lack of money for a dowry or other reasons.

One of the few joys of the austere lives of the Ursuline nuns was gossiping about townspeople,

the most popular topic being Father Grandier.

After the first prioress passed away, in 1627, a new superior was appointed: Jeanne des Anges.

She had been sent to the convent because her hunchback and unattractive appearance made

her marriage prospects poor.

Ambitious Jeanne manipulated and lied her way into being appointed mother superior.

Though the women ran the nunnery themselves, they still confessed to a male priest.

Jeanne was apparently obsessed with Grandier and asked him to be the convent's chaplain.

He declined the honor.

In other accounts, Grandier wanted the position, but due to his behavior he wasn't considered

a suitable confessor for pure, young Brides of Christ.

Either way, Father Mignon who had a sterling reputation was selected to be the confessor

for the nuns of Ursuline.

In 1630, some of Grandier's critics managed to bring charges against him for immorality.

An enemy, the bishop of Poitiers found him guilty.

However, due to his connections to high political figures, Grandier was restored to full clerical

duties within the year.

Not long afterwards, the Loudun region was struck by a typhus plague.

The covent and other areas self segregated to limit exposure to sickness.

While the plague mainly subsided after about 6 months, anxiety, paranoia and other mental

health issues were rampant among the citizens.

By this time Jeanne had been prioress for about 5 years.

She was in charge of 17 nuns with an average age of 25.

For a long time, Jeanne had stewed over the fact that Father Grandier wasn't the confessor

for the nunnery.

She worked herself into hallucinations or lied and claimed she was experiencing hallucinations.

Real or not, she confessed to Father Mignon about visions of Grandier tormenting her.

Father Mignon and his assistant Father Barre were not fans of Grandier; they promptly turned

this odd situation to their advantage.

Later some of the nuns were to claim that Father Mignon harassed and tricked them into

being possessed.

It's possible that the Bishop of Poitiers conspired with Father Mignon to get the nuns

to claim that Father Grandier had bewitched them.

The truth is lost to history.

Symptoms spread throughout the nuns and soon most of the nunnery was afflicted with possession.

The nuns experienced everything from fits, to beatings from invisible spectres and hives.

Curiously some of the nuns seemed to suddenly speak foreign languages or displayed superhuman

strength, and a host of other crazy symptoms.

Father Mignon began holding exorcisms at the convent.

When prayed over or sprinkled with holy water, the nuns reacted, twisting their bodies into

odd shapes, uttering blasphemies in deep voices and crudely propositioning the priests in

graphic sexual terms.

When questioned, some of the nuns named the demons who had taken over their bodies.

Others, especially Jeanne claimed that Grandier had seduced them and that he was a magician

practicing the dark arts.

At first, Grandier was incredulous and laughed off the nuns' claims.

It was a foolish misculation.

The Witchcraft Act of 1604 called for the death penalty upon conviction of sorcery,

Witchcraft, and diabolical Pact.

As the accusations of witchcraft persisted, Grandier began to take the issue seriously

and mount a defense.

He wrote the Archbishop of Bordeaux, who ended up sending his personal physician to examine

the nuns.

The doctor found no evidence of true possession.

In March of 1633, the Archbishop ordered the exorcisms ceased and the convent sequestered.

The issue died down for several months, but later in the year the hysteria returned.

Cardinal Richelieu, who held power both in the Catholic church and as King Louis XIII's

chief minister got involved on behalf of the government.

Previously Richelieu and Grandier had clashed over Huguenots issues.

In November 1633, Richelieu appointed a political crony of his, Jean De Laubardemont, as leader

of a commission to investigate if Grandier was a witch.

As a precaution Grandier was arrested and imprisoned in the Castle of Algiers so he

couldn't flee the area.

The priests resumed exorcisms, but with a twist--instead of being held at the convent,

the exorcisms began being held publically.

In addition to Father Mignon and Father Barres, two other priests who specialized in exorcism-

Father Tranquille, and Father Lactance- joined the proceedings.

Up to 7,000 spectators came to see the possessed nuns.

Seeing the sexual acting out of the nuns turned public opinion against Grandier.

Also, many of the townspeople converted from Protestant to Catholicism as a result of the

public exorcisms.

Meanwhile, the commission questioned Grandier, adding further accusations.

They forced him to sign statements and denials which were then taken by Laubardemont to the

royal court in Paris.

The commission also intercepted letters and petitions from Grandier's supporters.

In May of 1634, Laubardemont returned to Loudun with a Decree of the Council, extending his

powers and prohibiting Parlement and all other judges from interfering in the matter, as

well as forbidding all parties concerned from appealing under penalty of a fine.

In fact, several Grandier supporters chose to flee France because of fear of the authorities

denouncing them as accessory witches.

During the trial an alleged pact made between Grandier and the Devil was brought to light.

The pact which confirmed Grandier's wicked duplicity was said to be stolen from Lucifer's

cabinet of devilish agreements by one of the tormenting demons.

The agreement allegedly written backward by Grandier in Latin and signed in Blood, outlined

Grandier's duties to the Devil and the benefits he would receive in turn.

Cosigners were Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, ELIMI, Leviathan, and Astaroth, and it was

notarized by “signature and mark of the chief devil, and my lords the princes of hell.”

Some nuns including Jeanne des Anges began recanting their testimonies of possession,

proclaiming Grandier's innocence.

She even appeared in court with a noose around her neck, threatening to hang herself if they

didn't let her recant her prior lies.

Ultimately, 72 witnesses swore evidence against Grandier.

Forgoing normal court procedures, the Royal Commission quickly passed a sentence on August

18, 1634.

Urbain Grandier was found guilty of sorcery and placing evil spells to cause the possession

of the Ursuline nuns.

His punishment was to be burned alive at the stake.

However, before his execution Grandier was subjected to various tortures including the

boot in order to force him to name his accomplices.

Though they broke both his legs, Grandier refused to provide names.

He apologized for his previous lascivious ways, but steadfastly maintained his innocence

of witchcraft and any contracts with the devil.

Often the condemned were allowed to make a last statement to the crowd and were compassionately

strangled before burning at the stake.

However, Grandier was not allowed this small mercy.

Once he was on the scaffold the friars deluged him with holy water, preventing him from speaking.

Also Father Lactance lit the funeral pyre before the executioner could strangle Grandier,

causing him to be burned alive.

But Grandier had the last word.

As he struggled against the flames, Grandier reportedly told Father Lactance that he would

see God in 30 days.

Grandier was correct; Father Lactance died within a month.

In fact Grandier's death seemed to unleash a curse upon several people involved with

the trial.Within five years, Father Tranquille, one of the trial judges, Louis Chauvet and

Dr. Mannoury, a fraudulent physician, fell into delirium and died insane.

Father Barre eventually ended up being banished from the church for conspiring to accuse a

priest of rape on the altar.

Not long after Grandier's death, Father Jean-Joseph Surin came to Loudon to perform


Jeanne de Anges had flip flopped back and forth between being possessed and claiming

that she lied.

Father Surin attempted an exorcism for her and allegedly became possessed by Jeanne's


Haunted, he went into a slow decline, eventually becoming unable to eat, dress himself, walk,

read, or write.

He tried to commit suicide, but was taken in by the Jesuit College at Saintes, and was

slowly nursed back to health.

However, Jeanne des Anges recovered from her malady.

She ended up travelling France displaying the curious physical sign from God that was

proof of her exorcism and supernatural healing: the names of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and François

de Sales miraculously and indelibly etched on her left hand.

The exorcisms continued until 1637, 3 years after Grandier's death.

They had become quite the tourist attraction, twice a day except Sundays, the afflicted

nuns were exorcised for the titillation of the crowds.

Finally Cardinal Richeliu cut off financial support and the shows ended.

Now, check out this video on an ancient torture method, the Roman Candle.:

The Enfield Poltergeist caused panic and fear in a small town in England.

But what was really going on?:

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The Demonic Possession Of The Nuns Of Loudun |||||||Loudun Die dämonische Besessenheit der Nonnen von Loudun Η δαιμονική κατοχή των μοναχών του Loudun La posesión demoníaca de las monjas de Loudun La possession démoniaque des moniales de Loudun La possessione demoniaca delle suore di Loudun 루둔의 수녀들의 악마 빙의 Loudun vienuolių demoniškas apsėdimas De demonische bezetenheid van de nonnen van Loudun Demoniczne opętanie zakonnic z Loudun A possessão demoníaca das freiras de Loudun Демоническая одержимость монахинь из Лаудуна Loudun Rahibelerinin Şeytani Ele Geçirilişi Sự chiếm hữu ma quỷ của các nữ tu của Loudun 卢登修女的恶魔附体 勞登修女的惡魔附身

Loudun, France 1632.

It's late at night when suddenly, Jeanne awoke from a deep sleep to find a man standing

over her mat. ||floor covering

The mysterious stranger wept, begging her to pray with him. |||cried||||||

Fumbling in terror, she excused herself and fled, fetching another nun who saw nothing….but tastend|||||||||||||| Fumbling||fear||apologized|||ran away|bringing||female religious member|||| Aterrorizada, desculpou-se e fugiu, indo buscar outra freira que não viu nada....mas

for the rest of the night both of them were disturbed by mysterious whispers.

Over the next several days, Jeanne began seeing the phantasm during the daytime.

Sometimes he begged her to pray. |||||seek divine help Por vezes, pedia-lhe que rezasse.

Sometimes he whispered lascivious things to her. |||lewd||| Por vezes, sussurrava-lhe coisas lascivas.

Jeanne's skin crawled, it felt like her very bones itched. ||felt uneasy||||||| A pele de Joana arrepiava-se, parecia que os seus ossos tinham comichão. По коже Жанны поползли мурашки, казалось, что зудят самые кости.

Soon many of the nuns in the Ursuline convent of Loudun began experiencing similar symptoms.

Blood raced through their veins, their hearts pounded. |rushed quickly||||||beat forcefully

They hallucinated. Eles alucinaram.

Voices urged them to do wicked things. |encouraged||||evil or immoral| As vozes incitavam-nos a fazer coisas más.

No matter how much penance and self flagellation the nuns performed, the symptoms persisted. ||||Buße|||Selbstgeißelung|||||| ||||penance||||||||| Por mais penitências e autoflagelações que as freiras fizessem, os sintomas persistiam.

Their confessor thought they were possessed by demons. O seu confessor pensou que estavam possuídos por demónios.

He began holding exorcisms; sprinkling the nuns with holy water and praying over them. ||||sprinkling||||||||| Começou a fazer exorcismos, a aspergir as freiras com água benta e a rezar sobre elas.

The nuns cried out and mewled like cats. |||||wimmerten|| |religious women||||whimpered or cried||

They writhed and contorted their bodies into sexual positions. |wanden||verkrampft||||| |twisted and squirmed||twisted||||| Contorciam-se e contorciam os seus corpos em posições sexuais.

By the authority of God, the priest demanded to know who had cursed the brides of Christ. ||||||||||||placed a curse on|||| Com a autoridade de Deus, o padre exigiu saber quem tinha amaldiçoado as noivas de Cristo.

The eyes of one of the nuns rolled back into her head and a deep voice emanated from her ||||||||||||||||ausströmte|| Os olhos de uma das freiras voltaram a fechar-se na sua cabeça e uma voz profunda emanou dela


“Urban Grandier,” answered the demon. "Urban Grandier", respondeu o demónio.

Father Urban Grandier--the clergy had been betrayed by one of their own. ||||Klerus|||||||| ||||religious leaders|||deceived or exposed||||| O Padre Urban Grandier... O clero foi traído por um dos seus. Отец Урбан Грандье - духовенство было предано одним из своих.

In 1617, Urbain Grandier was appointed the parish priest of the Church of Saint-Pierre-du-Marche ||||ernannt||Pfarr||||||Heiliger|||Mark ||||||local church community|||||||||

in the small town of Loudun.

He made a stir when he arrived at his post. |||Aufsehen|||||| |||caused a commotion|||||| Fez furor quando chegou ao seu posto. Прибыв на место, он произвел фурор.

He was good looking, wealthy and well educated. Era bem-parecido, rico e bem-educado.

Over the next few years Grandier garnered quite a reputation. ||||||erwarb||| ||||||gained||| Nos anos que se seguiram, Grandier ganhou uma grande reputação.

Despite the fact that priests were supposed to be celibate, he had secret affairs with |||||||||abstaining from sex||||relationships| Apesar do facto de os padres deverem ser celibatários, teve casos secretos com

several women of the town. várias mulheres da cidade.

Quick witted and clever, Grandier was good at criticizing townspeople who disagreed with |mentally sharp||||||||||| De raciocínio rápido e inteligente, Grandier era bom a criticar os habitantes da cidade que discordavam de


Some felt he was sympathetic to Huguenots, Protestant Christians who believed that simple ||||||Protestant Christians|||||| Alguns sentiram que ele simpatizava com os huguenotes, cristãos protestantes que acreditavam que o simples

devout faith was preferable in religious life than the lavish ceremonies of the Roman Catholics. fromm|||||||||üppigen||||| |||||||||extravagant||||| a fé devota era preferível na vida religiosa do que as cerimónias luxuosas dos católicos romanos.

There had been an ongoing power struggle between the religious sects for some time and Grandier ||||||||||groups||||| Desde há algum tempo que se assiste a uma luta pelo poder entre as seitas religiosas e Grandier

found himself in the middle of it. deu por si no meio da situação.

His sexual escapades and his political beliefs made him a lot of enemies and only added fuel ||adventures|||||||||||||| As suas escapadelas sexuais e as suas convicções políticas fizeram-lhe muitos inimigos e só serviram para alimentar

to the fire. para o fogo.

Meanwhile, in 1626 near Loudun, the Ursuline convent was established.

The convent quickly became a popular place to send noble daughters who couldn't be

married off due to lack of money for a dowry or other reasons. |||||||||Mitgift||| |||||||||bridal payment shortage|||

One of the few joys of the austere lives of the Ursuline nuns was gossiping about townspeople, |||||||strengen||||||||| |||||||simple|||||||spreading rumors||local residents

the most popular topic being Father Grandier.

After the first prioress passed away, in 1627, a new superior was appointed: Jeanne des Anges. |||Priorin|||||||||Jeanne der Engel||der Engel |||female head|||||||||||of the Angels

She had been sent to the convent because her hunchback and unattractive appearance made |||||||||Buckeliger|||| |||||||||curved spine||||

her marriage prospects poor.

Ambitious Jeanne manipulated and lied her way into being appointed mother superior.

Though the women ran the nunnery themselves, they still confessed to a male priest. |||||female monastery|||||||| Хотя женщины сами управляли женским монастырем, они все равно исповедовались у священника-мужчины.

Jeanne was apparently obsessed with Grandier and asked him to be the convent's chaplain. ||||||||||||Kloster|Kaplan ||||||||||||of the convent|spiritual advisor

He declined the honor. |refused|| Он отказался от этой чести.

In other accounts, Grandier wanted the position, but due to his behavior he wasn't considered По другим данным, Грандье хотел занять эту должность, но из-за его поведения его не рассматривали.

a suitable confessor for pure, young Brides of Christ.

Either way, Father Mignon who had a sterling reputation was selected to be the confessor |||||||vorbildlich||||||| |||Father Mignon||||excellent|||||||

for the nuns of Ursuline.

In 1630, some of Grandier's critics managed to bring charges against him for immorality. |||Grandier's||||||||| В 1630 году некоторым критикам Грандье удалось выдвинуть против него обвинения в безнравственности.

An enemy, the bishop of Poitiers found him guilty. |||church official||bishop of Poitiers|||

However, due to his connections to high political figures, Grandier was restored to full clerical ||||||||||||||church position No entanto, devido às suas ligações a altas personalidades políticas, Grandier foi restituído ao seu estatuto de clérigo

duties within the year. funções durante o ano.

Not long afterwards, the Loudun region was struck by a typhus plague. ||||||||||typhus plague| Pouco tempo depois, a região de Loudun foi atingida por uma praga de tifo.

The covent and other areas self segregated to limit exposure to sickness. ||||||abgeschottet||||| O covento e as outras zonas estão segregados para limitar a exposição a doenças. Ковент и другие помещения отделены друг от друга, чтобы ограничить возможность заражения болезнями.

While the plague mainly subsided after about 6 months, anxiety, paranoia and other mental ||||nachgelassen|||||||| ||||lessened|||||||| Embora a peste tenha desaparecido após cerca de 6 meses, a ansiedade, a paranoia e outras perturbações mentais

health issues were rampant among the citizens. |||verbreitet||| |||widespread||| os problemas de saúde eram frequentes entre os cidadãos. среди граждан распространены проблемы со здоровьем.

By this time Jeanne had been prioress for about 5 years. ||||||Priorin||| ||||||head of a convent|||

She was in charge of 17 nuns with an average age of 25. Era responsável por 17 freiras com uma idade média de 25 anos.

For a long time, Jeanne had stewed over the fact that Father Grandier wasn't the confessor ||||||nachgedacht||||||||| ||||||brooded||||||||| Durante muito tempo, Jeanne ficou a pensar no facto de o Padre Grandier não ser o confessor Долгое время Жанна размышляла над тем, что отец Грандье не был исповедником.

for the nunnery.

She worked herself into hallucinations or lied and claimed she was experiencing hallucinations. Ela tinha alucinações ou mentia e dizia que estava a ter alucinações.

Real or not, she confessed to Father Mignon about visions of Grandier tormenting her. ||||||||||||quälen|

Father Mignon and his assistant Father Barre were not fans of Grandier; they promptly turned |Mignon|||||Barre|||||Grandier||| ||||||Barre|||||||without delay| O Padre Mignon e o seu assistente, o Padre Barre, não eram fãs de Grandier e viraram-se imediatamente para ele.

this odd situation to their advantage.

Later some of the nuns were to claim that Father Mignon harassed and tricked them into |||||||||||pressured||deceived|| Mais tarde, algumas das freiras viriam a afirmar que o Padre Mignon as assediou e enganou para que Позднее некоторые монахини утверждали, что отец Миньон домогался и склонял их к

being possessed.

It's possible that the Bishop of Poitiers conspired with Father Mignon to get the nuns ||||||Poitiers|||||||| É possível que o bispo de Poitiers tenha conspirado com o padre Mignon para que as freiras

to claim that Father Grandier had bewitched them. ||||||verzaubert| ||||||cast a spell| para dizer que o Padre Grandier os tinha enfeitiçado.

The truth is lost to history. A verdade perdeu-se na história.

Symptoms spread throughout the nuns and soon most of the nunnery was afflicted with possession.

The nuns experienced everything from fits, to beatings from invisible spectres and hives. |||||Anfällen|||||Gespenster||Quaddeln ||||||||||||Skin rashes As freiras experimentaram tudo, desde ataques, a espancamentos de espectros invisíveis e urticária.

Curiously some of the nuns seemed to suddenly speak foreign languages or displayed superhuman

strength, and a host of other crazy symptoms. força, e uma série de outros sintomas loucos.

Father Mignon began holding exorcisms at the convent.

When prayed over or sprinkled with holy water, the nuns reacted, twisting their bodies into ||||doused|||||||||| Quando rezavam ou aspergiam com água benta, as freiras reagiam, torcendo os seus corpos em

odd shapes, uttering blasphemies in deep voices and crudely propositioning the priests in |||||||||anbaggern||| ||making sounds||||||coarsely|||| formas estranhas, proferindo blasfémias em voz alta e propondo grosseiramente aos sacerdotes странные фигуры, произносящие богохульства глубокими голосами и грубо предлагающие священникам в

graphic sexual terms. termos sexuais gráficos. графические сексуальные термины.

When questioned, some of the nuns named the demons who had taken over their bodies.

Others, especially Jeanne claimed that Grandier had seduced them and that he was a magician Outras, nomeadamente Jeanne, afirmaram que Grandier as tinha seduzido e que era um mágico

practicing the dark arts.

At first, Grandier was incredulous and laughed off the nuns' claims. ||||ungläubig|||||| No início, Grandier ficou incrédulo e riu-se das afirmações das freiras.

It was a foolish misculation. ||||Fehlkalkulation ||||miscalculation Foi um erro de cálculo insensato. Это был глупый просчет.

The Witchcraft Act of 1604 called for the death penalty upon conviction of sorcery, |sorcery or magic||||||||||| A Lei da Feitiçaria de 1604 previa a pena de morte em caso de condenação por feitiçaria,

Witchcraft, and diabolical Pact.

As the accusations of witchcraft persisted, Grandier began to take the issue seriously ||||sorcery or magic|||||||| Como as acusações de bruxaria persistiam, Grandier começou a levar o assunto a sério

and mount a defense. |und eine Verteidigung aufbauen|| |establish||defense strategy e montar uma defesa.

He wrote the Archbishop of Bordeaux, who ended up sending his personal physician to examine |||||Bordeaux||||||||| Escreveu ao arcebispo de Bordéus, que acabou por enviar o seu médico pessoal para examinar

the nuns.

The doctor found no evidence of true possession.

In March of 1633, the Archbishop ordered the exorcisms ceased and the convent sequestered. ||||||||aufhörten||||abgeschottet ||||||||||||isolated or confined В марте 1633 г. архиепископ приказал прекратить экзорцизм и конфисковать монастырь.

The issue died down for several months, but later in the year the hysteria returned.

Cardinal Richelieu, who held power both in the Catholic church and as King Louis XIII's |Richelieu||||||||||||Ludwig|Ludwig XIII |Cardinal Richelieu|||||||||||||Louis XIII's

chief minister got involved on behalf of the government. o ministro-chefe envolveu-se em nome do governo. От имени правительства в дело включился главный министр.

Previously Richelieu and Grandier had clashed over Huguenots issues. |||||konfrontiert||| |||||conflicted, argued, disagreed||| Anteriormente, Richelieu e Grandier tinham-se desentendido sobre questões relacionadas com os huguenotes.

In November 1633, Richelieu appointed a political crony of his, Jean De Laubardemont, as leader ||||||Freundschaftsgefährte|||||Laubardemont|| ||||||trusted associate|||||Jean De Laubard|| Em novembro de 1633, Richelieu nomeou Jean de Laubardemont, seu amigo político, como líder

of a commission to investigate if Grandier was a witch. |||||||||practitioner of witchcraft de uma comissão para investigar se Grandier era uma bruxa.

As a precaution Grandier was arrested and imprisoned in the Castle of Algiers so he ||||||||||||Algiers|| ||||||||||||Algiers Castle|| В качестве меры предосторожности Грандье был арестован и заключен в Алжирский замок, чтобы он

couldn't flee the area. |escape from||

The priests resumed exorcisms, but with a twist--instead of being held at the convent, Os padres voltaram a fazer exorcismos, mas com uma diferença: em vez de serem feitos no convento, Священники возобновили экзорцизм, но с изюминкой - вместо того, чтобы проводить его в монастыре,

the exorcisms began being held publically. os exorcismos começaram a ser feitos publicamente. экзорцизмы стали проводиться публично.

In addition to Father Mignon and Father Barres, two other priests who specialized in exorcism- |||||||Barres||||||| |||||||Barres|||||||

Father Tranquille, and Father Lactance- joined the proceedings. |Ruhig|||Vater Lactance|||Verhandlungen |Father Tranquille|||Lactance|||

Up to 7,000 spectators came to see the possessed nuns. ||people watching||||||

Seeing the sexual acting out of the nuns turned public opinion against Grandier. O facto de as freiras se comportarem de forma sexual fez com que a opinião pública se voltasse contra Grandier. Вид сексуального поведения монахинь настроил общественное мнение против Грандье.

Also, many of the townspeople converted from Protestant to Catholicism as a result of the

public exorcisms.

Meanwhile, the commission questioned Grandier, adding further accusations. Entretanto, a comissão interrogou Grandier, acrescentando outras acusações.

They forced him to sign statements and denials which were then taken by Laubardemont to the Obrigaram-no a assinar declarações e desmentidos que foram depois levados por Laubardemont ao Они заставили его подписать заявления и отрицания, которые затем были доставлены Лобардемоном в

royal court in Paris.

The commission also intercepted letters and petitions from Grandier's supporters. ||||||||Grandier| A comissão também interceptou cartas e petições dos apoiantes de Grandier.

In May of 1634, Laubardemont returned to Loudun with a Decree of the Council, extending his |||||||||Dekret||||| |||||||||official order|||||

powers and prohibiting Parlement and all other judges from interfering in the matter, as |||Parliament|||||||||| e proibindo o Parlamento e todos os outros juízes de interferir na matéria, como

well as forbidding all parties concerned from appealing under penalty of a fine. bem como a proibição de recurso a todas as partes interessadas, sob pena de coima.

In fact, several Grandier supporters chose to flee France because of fear of the authorities De facto, vários apoiantes de Grandier optaram por fugir de França por medo das autoridades

denouncing them as accessory witches. verleumden|||| |||accomplice in crime| denunciando-as como bruxas acessórias.

During the trial an alleged pact made between Grandier and the Devil was brought to light. ||||angeblich||||||||||| Durante o processo, foi revelado um alegado pacto entre Grandier e o Diabo.

The pact which confirmed Grandier's wicked duplicity was said to be stolen from Lucifer's |||||||||||||Lucifer Diz-se que o pacto que confirmava a duplicidade perversa de Grandier tinha sido roubado do Договор, подтверждающий нечестивое двуличие Грандье, как говорят, был украден у Люцифера.

cabinet of devilish agreements by one of the tormenting demons. ||satanic||||||| gabinete de acordos diabólicos de um dos demónios atormentadores.

The agreement allegedly written backward by Grandier in Latin and signed in Blood, outlined ||||in reverse|||||||||described in detail O acordo, alegadamente redigido por Grandier em latim e assinado em sangue, descrevia

Grandier's duties to the Devil and the benefits he would receive in turn.

Cosigners were Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, ELIMI, Leviathan, and Astaroth, and it was Mitunterzeichner||||Luzifer|ELIMI|der Leviathan||Astaroth||| Joint signatories|||Lord of Flies||Elimi|Leviathan||Astaroth|||

notarized by “signature and mark of the chief devil, and my lords the princes of hell.” ||||Markierung||||||||||| authenticated||||||||||||||| autenticado por "assinatura e marca do chefe dos demónios, e dos meus senhores, os príncipes do inferno". нотариально заверенная "подписью и знаком главного дьявола и моих господ - князей ада".

Some nuns including Jeanne des Anges began recanting their testimonies of possession, |||||||widerrufen|||| |||||||withdrawing||||

proclaiming Grandier's innocence.

She even appeared in court with a noose around her neck, threatening to hang herself if they |||||||Schlinge||||||||| |||||||suicide device||||||||| Chegou mesmo a comparecer no tribunal com uma corda à volta do pescoço, ameaçando enforcar-se se

didn't let her recant her prior lies. |||widerrufen||| |||take back||| não a deixou desmentir as suas mentiras anteriores.

Ultimately, 72 witnesses swore evidence against Grandier. ||testified under oath||| No final, 72 testemunhas depuseram contra Grandier.

Forgoing normal court procedures, the Royal Commission quickly passed a sentence on August Skipping|||||||||||| Sem recorrer aos procedimentos judiciais normais, a Comissão Real proferiu rapidamente uma sentença em agosto de

18, 1634.

Urbain Grandier was found guilty of sorcery and placing evil spells to cause the possession

of the Ursuline nuns. das freiras Ursulinas.

His punishment was to be burned alive at the stake. |||||||||Pfahl |||||||||wooden post O seu castigo foi ser queimado vivo na fogueira. Его наказанием было сожжение на костре.

However, before his execution Grandier was subjected to various tortures including the No entanto, antes da sua execução, Grandier foi sujeito a várias torturas, incluindo a

boot in order to force him to name his accomplices. Stiefel||||||||| coerce||||||||| para o obrigar a dizer o nome dos seus cúmplices.

Though they broke both his legs, Grandier refused to provide names. Apesar de lhe terem partido as duas pernas, Grandier recusou-se a dar nomes.

He apologized for his previous lascivious ways, but steadfastly maintained his innocence ||||||||unerschütterlich||| ||||||||firmly||| Pediu desculpa pelas suas anteriores atitudes lascivas, mas manteve firmemente a sua inocência

of witchcraft and any contracts with the devil.

Often the condemned were allowed to make a last statement to the crowd and were compassionately |||||||||||||||mit Mitgefühl Muitas vezes, os condenados eram autorizados a fazer uma última declaração à multidão e eram compassivamente Часто приговоренным разрешали выступить перед толпой с последним словом, и они с состраданием принимали его.

strangled before burning at the stake. erwürgt||||| choked to death||||| estrangulado antes de ser queimado na fogueira. Задушен перед сожжением на костре.

However, Grandier was not allowed this small mercy. No entanto, Grandier não teve direito a esta pequena misericórdia.

Once he was on the scaffold the friars deluged him with holy water, preventing him from speaking. |||||Gerüst||Mönche|überschwemmten|||||||| |||||execution platform||religious men|drenched|||||||| Uma vez no cadafalso, os frades encheram-no de água benta, impedindo-o de falar. Как только он оказался на эшафоте, монахи облили его святой водой, не давая говорить.

Also Father Lactance lit the funeral pyre before the executioner could strangle Grandier, |||||Beerdigung|Leichnam|||||| ||||||funeral pyre|||||| Também o Padre Lactance acendeu a pira funerária antes que o carrasco pudesse estrangular Grandier, Также отец Лактанс зажег погребальный костер, прежде чем палач успел задушить Грандье,

causing him to be burned alive. fazendo-o ser queimado vivo.

But Grandier had the last word. Mas Grandier tem a última palavra.

As he struggled against the flames, Grandier reportedly told Father Lactance that he would Enquanto se debatia contra as chamas, Grandier terá dito ao Padre Lactance que iria

see God in 30 days.

Grandier was correct; Father Lactance died within a month. Grandier tinha razão; o Padre Lactance morreu no espaço de um mês.

In fact Grandier's death seemed to unleash a curse upon several people involved with ||||||set free||||||| De facto, a morte de Grandier parece ter lançado uma maldição sobre várias pessoas envolvidas com

the trial.Within five years, Father Tranquille, one of the trial judges, Louis Chauvet and |||||||||||||Chauvet| |||||||||||||Louis Chauvet|

Dr. Mannoury, a fraudulent physician, fell into delirium and died insane. |Mannoury||betrügerischen||||||| |Dr Mannoury|||||||||

Father Barre eventually ended up being banished from the church for conspiring to accuse a |||||||||||verschwören||| ||||||expelled|||||||| В итоге отец Барре был изгнан из церкви за заговор с целью обвинить

priest of rape on the altar. |||||altar священник, изнасилованный на алтаре.

Not long after Grandier's death, Father Jean-Joseph Surin came to Loudon to perform |||||||Joseph|Surin|||Loudon|| ||||||||Surin|||Loudon||


Jeanne de Anges had flip flopped back and forth between being possessed and claiming |||||changed repeatedly|||||||| Жанна де Анж металась туда-сюда между одержимостью и претензиями.

that she lied.

Father Surin attempted an exorcism for her and allegedly became possessed by Jeanne's


Haunted, he went into a slow decline, eventually becoming unable to eat, dress himself, walk, Tormented|||||||||||||| Assombrado, entrou num lento declínio, acabando por ficar incapaz de comer, de se vestir, de andar, Призраки не давали ему покоя, и в конце концов он стал не в состоянии есть, одеваться и ходить,

read, or write.

He tried to commit suicide, but was taken in by the Jesuit College at Saintes, and was |||||||||||Jesuitenhochschule|||Saintes|| |||||||||||Jesuit College|||Saintes|| Tentou suicidar-se, mas foi acolhido pelo colégio jesuíta de Saintes e foi Он пытался покончить жизнь самоубийством, но был принят иезуитским колледжем в Сенте и был

slowly nursed back to health. lentamente, a saúde foi recuperada.

However, Jeanne des Anges recovered from her malady. |||||||Krankheit |||||||illness No entanto, Jeanne des Anges recuperou da sua doença. Однако Жанна дез Анж оправилась от своего недуга.

She ended up travelling France displaying the curious physical sign from God that was Acabou por viajar por França exibindo o curioso sinal físico de Deus que era

proof of her exorcism and supernatural healing: the names of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and François ||||||||||||||Franziskus ||||||||||||||Francis prova do seu exorcismo e da sua cura sobrenatural: os nomes de Jesus, Maria, José e Francisco

de Sales miraculously and indelibly etched on her left hand. |Verkäufe|wunderbarerweise||unvergänglich|eingraviert|||| ||||permanently|permanently marked|||| de Sales, milagrosa e indelevelmente gravada na sua mão esquerda.

The exorcisms continued until 1637, 3 years after Grandier's death.

They had become quite the tourist attraction, twice a day except Sundays, the afflicted Tornaram-se uma verdadeira atração turística: duas vezes por dia, exceto aos domingos, os aflitos

nuns were exorcised for the titillation of the crowds. |||||Erregung||| |||||amusement||| As freiras eram exorcizadas para a excitação das multidões.

Finally Cardinal Richeliu cut off financial support and the shows ended. |Kardinal||||||||| ||Richelieu||||||||

Now, check out this video on an ancient torture method, the Roman Candle.:

The Enfield Poltergeist caused panic and fear in a small town in England. |Enfield|||||||||||

But what was really going on?: