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The Infographics Show, Science Experiment Proves Afterlife Is Real

Science Experiment Proves Afterlife Is Real

We have all thought about what happens after we die.

Do we go to a place in the sky and are welcomed by family and friends?

Do we get reincarnated as a beautiful butterfly?

Is there nothing at all?

At this point in time, no one can definitively say what happens to your consciousness or

spirit after you die.

However, doctors such as Sam Parnia at NYU Langone Health have discovered evidence that

after the body dies, your consciousness may continue on.

Is this proof there is an afterlife?

Can science provide evidence for the existence of consciousness after the body shuts down?

Let's find out.

Someone is considered clinically dead when their heart stops beating.

It is called death by cardiopulmonary criteria.

Death occurs in this way because the heart stops pumping oxygen rich blood and nutrients

around the body, which causes all the organs and tissues to shut down.

Advances in medical practices such as CPR and defibrillators have made death reversible

in a sense.

It is believed right now that after the heart stops, you still have five to ten minutes

before you brain cells die and brain damage becomes irreversible.

However, recent research suggests that five to ten minutes worth of brain activity after

the heart stops beating is incorrect.

Instead, a person may have hours, or even days, of brain activity after their heart


If this is true, then what is happening in your brain when you are clinically declared


What is your consciousness doing?

This paradox is what medical researchers are trying to figure out.

What is consciousness?

Where does it lie within the body?

Your consciousness makes you, you.

It is undeniably a product of the brain, but we are not entirely sure where your consciousness

is manifested and kept within the nervous system.

Is it in the muscle tissue?

The synapsis?

Or is it the energy flowing between nerves that gives us consciousness?

Because of countless research studies, we know that when we have a thought parts of

our brain send chemical and electrical signals through the nerve cells.

Since thoughts and consciousness are closely related, our essence may be contained within

the cells and chemicals of the brain.

This means your sense of self, and what makes you you, could just be bundles of proteins

and organic compounds.

You may ask, “when the brain shuts down and the cells start to die does our consciousness

go with it?”

That's the question Dr. Sam Parina and others are trying to figure out.

Can one brain cell hold your consciousness or do you need millions of brain cells to

create who you are? Parina states that there is no reason to believe that millions of cells

are necessary for your consciousness to exist.

It's difficult to quantify, but your consciousness may be contained in every one of your trillions

of cells.

Just think, every time you lose a brain cell you may be losing a part of yourself.

Spooky right?

If your brain hurts from thinking about what gives you consciousness, stay with me for

just a while longer.

Regardless of which part of the brain gives you emotions, personality, and your essence,

none of that matters when all of your cells die.

So what happens to you after the heart stops beating and your consciousness moves on?

Is there an afterlife?

Studies have shown that after someone is clinically dead their consciousness remains in or around

the body for a period of time.

Since death is not an off switch, but more of a slider, you aren't alive one second

and dead the next.

When the heart stops, everything else in the body keeps going, then slowly starts to die

over time.

This means that for a significant time after death, death can be fully reversible.

Technically, there are loads of people walking around in their afterlife today.

People who have had heart attacks or gone into cardiac arrest have had their heart stop.

They were dead.

Doctors then brought them back to life.

Therefore, they are living post death, or after life.

But let's focus on what happens when your heart shuts down for good, when there is no

bringing you back.

What happens to your consciousness then?

If you are dead you should have no recollection of the time your heart stopped and when it


However, this is not the case.

There have been many scientific reports that show people have lucid memories and experiences

even while their heart is not beating.

Accounts of patients seeing bright lights while they are clinically dead is common.

Even though the brain is not receiving oxygen, it would seem that there are still experiences

and memories being formed.

The process of making observations, and then being able to recall those observations, is

part of what makes you you.

Why do so many people who are dead see a bright light?

Maybe it is an experience that gives a glimpse into life after death.

People who can recall experiences after their heart stops beating are recalling events from

the afterlife.

It is entirely possible that the light people see after they die could be the first step

towards moving into the afterlife.

Other accounts have recorded people hearing full conversations after they were pronounced


When their heart is restarted and they regain the ability to talk, these people recount

what the doctors and nurses were talking about while trying to bring them back to life.

If the brain and your consciousness stop at the time of death this would not be possible.

Perhaps this is happening because the mind is gathering information to prepare your consciousness

for the afterlife.

There is evidence to suggest that a burst of energy flows through the brain after someone


This may be your consciousness transitioning to the afterlife.

The brain may be carrying out a yet unknown process that allows your consciousness to

prepare for whatever comes next.

After this burst of energy, your brain cells take days to reach a point where they are

no longer carrying out basic functions.

To be clear, this does not mean the person is not dead, they are, but their consciousness

may be transitioning to the after life.

Another commonality between people who have had post death experiences is that they often

see a guiding figure.

The figure varies between people and accounts, but it seems that there is someone or something

to guide you after death.

Is this figure just a way your mind copes with being dead, or is there more to it?

It has been suggested that these guiding figures might just be hallucinations.

It's interesting to note that hallucinations are individualistic, so it is odd that multiple

people are having similar apparitions taking them into the afterlife.

The only reason we know of these mysterious figures is because people who have been brought

back to life through CPR or shocking the heart have told us.

Perhaps the guiding figure is a manifestation of the medical professionals that are bringing

these people back to life.

Or maybe they are something in the afterlife that helps us transition from being alive

to being dead.

Some of the most interesting and unexplainable afterlife experiences are accounts of people

who claim they had left their dead body and watched themselves be operated on from above.

It would be easy to chalk these stories up as hallucinations or that they are made up.

The problem is the patients can recount vivid details from their out of body experience.

On more than one occasion patients who have died can recall events that occured after

their heart stopped.

They could explain what the doctors were doing and objects in the room.

When medical professionals were asked if the memories the patients recalled were accurate,

they confirmed that they were.

How could someone who was clinically dead have seen and observed so many details?

We just don't know.

Perhaps it has something to do with what our consciousness is made of.

Maybe after we die our consciousness leaves our body in a form of energy yet to be discovered.

This seems unbelievable, but it does serve as a preliminary hypothesis as to how people

could have out of body experiences.

As of yet there are no real good explanations for how people are able to make accurate observations

from outside of their bodies, especially when they are considered clinically dead.

You might wonder if these experiences are happening only in certain parts of the world

or in certain age groups?

It would seem not.

Post death experiences tend to be pretty universal across age groups and location.

Data gathered from every content and every age group have similarities when comparing

afterlife experiences.

When Dr. Parina interviewed a three year old boy who survived a cardiac arrest from an

epileptic seizure he said "When I died I saw a bright lamp."

This aligns to the stories of adults seeing a bright light when confronted by death.

The child also recounted that "grandma came to meet me and said I was going to be okay."

This is reminiscent to the guiding figure that many people see during their after life


Other children have described their experience after death as seeing a "being of light."

Maybe this is a marriage between the bright light and guiding figure.

There are no accounts of them describing the light as God, Jesus, or Santa Clause, because

as children, these concepts are not associated with death.

Yet younger children report after life experiences similar to older children and adults.

It is important to note that these experiences are not the same as sleep paralysis or “locked-in”

syndrome, where people are conscious and awake, but unable to speak or move.

Researchers have ruled this out due to the fact that the patient's heart has completely

stopped beating.

During paralysis the heart slows to a meditative state, but never stops.

The accounts from patients who have seen themselves on the operating table consistently state

they were in no pain, and oftentimes they were confused why everyone was worried about


It is almost as if when you die your mind and consciousness relaxes, and all of the

pain your body feels is cut off from your mind.

Maybe this shows that your consciousness is not a part of the body at all, but just contained

within it waiting to be set free.

It is uncanny events like these that make Dr. Sam Parnia hypothesize that the psyche

or “self” may not originate in the brain at all, but could possibly be a separate undiscovered


Parnia believes that consciousness could be something similar in nature to electromagnetic

radiation, like radio waves and visible light.

There is no definitive evidence for what makes up consciousness or your psyche.

But if it was something similar to energy waves, that would help explain observations

that occur from outside the body because energy is not confined to a corporeal form.

Then again, if that's the case why can't we just shoot our conscious selves out of

our brain any time we want?

Not all after life experiences are equal or pleasent.

During a study one man recounted that when his heart stopped beating, and the doctors

were trying to bring him back to life, he experienced the guiding figure.

Except in this case it was an unfamiliar woman.

She was floating and beckoning him to join her from the ceiling in the corner of the


Kind of creepy when you think about it.

The man remembers thinking, “I can't get up there.”

Then as he finished the thought he suddenly was “up there, looking down” at himself.

He saw his blood pressure being taken and a breathing tube put into his mouth.

The nurse was giving him CPR.

He could accurately describe the people, sounds, and events leading up to his resuscitation.

Other people have recounted being sucked into a deep black void.

Almost like a star being sucked into a blackhole and torn apart.

Clearly not the most reassuring after life experience.

But it could be worse.

There are others who have seen grotesque creatures that wail and moan in pain.

They beckon the person towards them.

Luckily those people were brought back to life before they were forced to follow the


But it begs the question…

what happens to the people who experience these visions and don't get pulled out of

it by doctors restarting their heart?

Dr. Parnia is not a religious man and insists that his experiments are not to prove there

is a supernatural afterlife.

Instead, he aims to understand what happens to the consciousness after the body dies to

avoid “disorders of the consciousness.”

This includes patients who are left in a permanent vegitative state after their brain is starved

too long for oxygen.

Parnia wants to prevent cases like this, while also testing the accuracy of after life experiences

using a scientific approach.

Research shows that people who have these after death experiences are often transformed

by the experience itself.

They change their lifestyle to help others and become less self-centered.

Parina says patients who have died and have been brought back to life “view the world

in a different way.”

People who have an after life experience tend to have a shift in perspective that focuses

on their humanity.

Parnia also reports that following an after life experience people become more empathetic

and reflective on things they've done.

Especially if their actions have hurt others.

They often describe the experience from the other person's perspective, which causes

emotional distress to themselves.

Is this our consciousness reaching out to another consciousness?

Do people who have experienced death literally have a more connected world view?

Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, scientists are finding more and more evidence

that consciousness remains even after the body dies.

Experiences that people have had while clinically dead are hard to explain at this moment in


It would seem that the frequency of shared after life experiences across the world and

age groups would indicate something happens to you after you are clinically dead.

We don't know what is in store for us after this life, but we do know that death of the

body is not the end for our consciousness, maybe not even by a long shot.

If talking about death doesn't freak you out too much, you should check out our video

on What Happens After You Die?

If death does freak you out, check out one of our funny challenges videos like I Didn't

Wear Underwear For A Month And This Is What Happened.

It is sure to make you laugh!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

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Science Experiment Proves Afterlife Is Real ||Demonstrates|Life after death|| Wissenschaftliches Experiment beweist: Das Leben nach dem Tod ist real Επιστημονικό πείραμα αποδεικνύει ότι η μετά θάνατον ζωή είναι πραγματική Un experimento científico demuestra que la vida después de la muerte es real Une expérience scientifique prouve que la vie après la mort est réelle Un esperimento scientifico dimostra che la vita dopo la morte è reale 死後の世界が実在することを証明する科学実験 Mokslinis eksperimentas įrodo, kad pomirtinis gyvenimas yra tikras Wetenschappelijk experiment bewijst dat leven na de dood echt is Eksperyment naukowy udowadnia, że życie pozagrobowe jest prawdziwe Experiência científica prova que a vida depois da morte é real Научный эксперимент доказывает, что жизнь после смерти реальна การทดลองวิทยาศาสตร์พิสูจน์ชีวิตหลังความตายมีจริง Bilim Deneyi Ölümden Sonra Yaşamın Gerçek Olduğunu Kanıtladı 科学实验证明来世是真实的

We have all thought about what happens after we die. Todos nós já pensamos sobre o que acontece depois que morremos. Мы все думали о том, что происходит после смерти.

Do we go to a place in the sky and are welcomed by family and friends? |||||||||||greeted warmly|||| Vamos para um lugar no céu e somos recebidos por familiares e amigos? Мы отправляемся в какое-нибудь место в небе и нас приветствуют семья и друзья?

Do we get reincarnated as a beautiful butterfly? |||born again||||beautiful insect |||환생하나요||||

Is there nothing at all? Não há absolutamente nada?

At this point in time, no one can definitively say what happens to your consciousness or ||||||||||||||ცნობიერება| ||||||||with certainty||||||awareness or mind|

spirit after you die. Soul|||

However, doctors such as Sam Parnia at NYU Langone Health have discovered evidence that |||||პარნია|||||||| |||||Sam Parnia||New York University|NYU Langone|||||

after the body dies, your consciousness may continue on.

Is this proof there is an afterlife?

Can science provide evidence for the existence of consciousness after the body shuts down? ||||||||||||ceases to function| A ciência pode fornecer evidências da existência da consciência após o desligamento do corpo?

Let's find out. მოვძებნ|| |discover| Vamos descobrir.

Someone is considered clinically dead when their heart stops beating. ||მოიხელმძღვან||||||| |||medically||||||stops pumping blood

It is called death by cardiopulmonary criteria. ||||||კარდიოპულ |||||heart and lung|heart and lungs Ini disebut kematian dengan kriteria kardiopulmoner. Chama-se morte por critérios cardiopulmonares.

Death occurs in this way because the heart stops pumping oxygen rich blood and nutrients ||||||||||||||essential substances A morte ocorre dessa maneira porque o coração para de bombear sangue rico em oxigênio e nutrientes

around the body, which causes all the organs and tissues to shut down. |||||||||body structures||cease functioning| ao redor do corpo, o que faz com que todos os órgãos e tecidos se desliguem. по всему телу, что приводит к остановке работы всех органов и тканей.

Advances in medical practices such as CPR and defibrillators have made death reversible Progress in developments|||medical procedures|||Cardiopulmonary resuscitation||life-saving devices||||able to reverse Avanços nas práticas médicas, como RCP e desfibriladores, tornaram a morte reversível

in a sense. num sentido. в некотором смысле.

It is believed right now that after the heart stops, you still have five to ten minutes Acredita-se agora que depois que o coração pára, você ainda tem cinco a dez minutos

before you brain cells die and brain damage becomes irreversible. |||||||||უკანასკნელი |||||||||cannot be undone sebelum sel-sel otak Anda mati dan kerusakan otak menjadi tidak dapat diperbaiki.

However, recent research suggests that five to ten minutes worth of brain activity after |||||||||ღირებულების|||| No entanto, pesquisas recentes sugerem que cinco a dez minutos de atividade cerebral após Однако недавние исследования показывают, что активность мозга занимает от пяти до десяти минут после

the heart stops beating is incorrect.

Instead, a person may have hours, or even days, of brain activity after their heart Em vez disso, uma pessoa pode ter horas, ou mesmo dias, de atividade cerebral após o coração


If this is true, then what is happening in your brain when you are clinically declared |||||||||||||||გამოცხადებული


What is your consciousness doing?

This paradox is what medical researchers are trying to figure out. |contradictory situation|||||||||

What is consciousness? O que é a consciência?

Where does it lie within the body? |||მდებარეობს||| Onde fica dentro do corpo?

Your consciousness makes you, you.

It is undeniably a product of the brain, but we are not entirely sure where your consciousness ||არასოდეს უეჭ||პროდუქტი||||||||||||

is manifested and kept within the nervous system. |გამოიხატება|||||| |is shown|||||| manifesteert zich en wordt bewaard in het zenuwstelsel. é manifestada e mantida dentro do sistema nervoso.

Is it in the muscle tissue? |||||muscle cells É no tecido muscular?

The synapsis? |Chromosome pairing Sinapsis?

Or is it the energy flowing between nerves that gives us consciousness? |||||moving through nerves||nerve cells|||| Ou é a energia que flui entre os nervos que nos dá consciência?

Because of countless research studies, we know that when we have a thought parts of ||ბევრი|||||||||||| ||numerous|||||||||||| Por causa de inúmeros estudos de pesquisa, sabemos que quando temos um pensamento partes de

our brain send chemical and electrical signals through the nerve cells. ||||||messages|||nerve cells|

Since thoughts and consciousness are closely related, our essence may be contained within ||||||||სულიერი არსება|||| |||||intimately|||||||inside Como os pensamentos e a consciência estão intimamente relacionados, nossa essência pode estar contida Поскольку мысли и сознание тесно связаны, наша сущность может содержаться внутри

the cells and chemicals of the brain.

This means your sense of self, and what makes you you, could just be bundles of proteins ||||||||||||||||amino acid chains Isso significa que seu senso de si mesmo, e o que faz de você você, podem ser apenas feixes de proteínas

and organic compounds. ||შედარებები |natural carbon-based| e compostos orgânicos.

You may ask, “when the brain shuts down and the cells start to die does our consciousness Você pode perguntar: “quando o cérebro desliga e as células começam a morrer, nossa consciência

go with it?” vai com isso?"

That's the question Dr. Sam Parina and others are trying to figure out. |||||Dr. Parina|||||||

Can one brain cell hold your consciousness or do you need millions of brain cells to |||brain neuron|||||||||||| Uma célula cerebral pode manter sua consciência ou você precisa de milhões de células cerebrais para

create who you are? Parina states that there is no reason to believe that millions of cells

are necessary for your consciousness to exist.

It's difficult to quantify, but your consciousness may be contained in every one of your trillions |||მზომვა|||||||||||| |||measure||||||||||||trillions of cells

of cells. ячеек.

Just think, every time you lose a brain cell you may be losing a part of yourself. Apenas pense, toda vez que você perde uma célula cerebral, você pode estar perdendo uma parte de si mesmo.

Spooky right? საშინელი|მართლა Eerie, isn't it?| Assustador certo?

If your brain hurts from thinking about what gives you consciousness, stay with me for Se seu cérebro dói de pensar sobre o que lhe dá consciência, fique comigo por

just a while longer. só mais um pouco.

Regardless of which part of the brain gives you emotions, personality, and your essence, |||||||||||||სულიერი არსება No matter||||||||||||| Independentemente de qual parte do cérebro lhe dá emoções, personalidade e sua essência,

none of that matters when all of your cells die. все это не имеет значения, когда все ваши клетки умирают.

So what happens to you after the heart stops beating and your consciousness moves on? Então, o que acontece com você depois que o coração para de bater e sua consciência segue em frente?

Is there an afterlife?

Studies have shown that after someone is clinically dead their consciousness remains in or around

the body for a period of time.

Since death is not an off switch, but more of a slider, you aren't alive one second |||||||||||სლაიდერი||||| |||||||||||gradual transition||||| Como a morte não é um interruptor, mas mais um controle deslizante, você não está vivo um segundo Поскольку смерть - это не выключатель, а скорее ползунок, вы не живете ни секунды

and dead the next. e morto no próximo.

When the heart stops, everything else in the body keeps going, then slowly starts to die Quando o coração para, todo o resto do corpo continua, então lentamente começa a morrer

over time. hora extra. через некоторое время.

This means that for a significant time after death, death can be fully reversible.

Technically, there are loads of people walking around in their afterlife today. Strictly speaking|||a lot of|||||||| Tecnicamente, há muitas pessoas andando em sua vida após a morte hoje. Технически, сегодня в загробной жизни гуляет множество людей.

People who have had heart attacks or gone into cardiac arrest have had their heart stop. |||||heart incidents||||heart-related|cardiac failure||||| As pessoas que tiveram ataques cardíacos ou sofreram parada cardíaca tiveram seu coração parado.

They were dead.

Doctors then brought them back to life.

Therefore, they are living post death, or after life.

But let's focus on what happens when your heart shuts down for good, when there is no Mas vamos nos concentrar no que acontece quando seu coração se fecha para sempre, quando não há

bringing you back. trazendo você de volta.

What happens to your consciousness then?

If you are dead you should have no recollection of the time your heart stopped and when it ||||||||მახსოვრობა||||||||| ||||||||memory of||||||||| Se você estiver morto, você não deve se lembrar da hora em que seu coração parou e quando

restarted. Started again. reiniciado.

However, this is not the case. Тем не менее, это не так.

There have been many scientific reports that show people have lucid memories and experiences ||||||||||clear and vivid||| Tem havido muitos relatórios científicos que mostram que as pessoas têm memórias e experiências lúcidas

even while their heart is not beating. mesmo quando seu coração não está batendo.

Accounts of patients seeing bright lights while they are clinically dead is common. 환자들의 보고|||||||||||| Het komt vaak voor dat patiënten felle lichten zien terwijl ze klinisch dood zijn. Relatos de pacientes vendo luzes brilhantes enquanto estão clinicamente mortos é comum. Рассказы о пациентах, которые видели яркий свет, когда они были клинически мертвыми, являются обычным явлением.

Even though the brain is not receiving oxygen, it would seem that there are still experiences |despite the fact|||||||||||||| Несмотря на то, что мозг не получает кислород, казалось бы, что есть переживания.

and memories being formed. |||being created

The process of making observations, and then being able to recall those observations, is Процесс проведения наблюдений, а затем возможность их вспомнить - это

part of what makes you you.

Why do so many people who are dead see a bright light?

Maybe it is an experience that gives a glimpse into life after death. ||||||||brief look||||

People who can recall experiences after their heart stops beating are recalling events from |||||||||||remembering||

the afterlife.

It is entirely possible that the light people see after they die could be the first step

towards moving into the afterlife.

Other accounts have recorded people hearing full conversations after they were pronounced


When their heart is restarted and they regain the ability to talk, these people recount |||||||recover|||||||tell stories ||||||||||||||이야기한다 Wanneer hun hart opnieuw is opgestart en ze weer kunnen praten, vertellen deze mensen

what the doctors and nurses were talking about while trying to bring them back to life. ||||medical staff|||||||||||

If the brain and your consciousness stop at the time of death this would not be possible.

Perhaps this is happening because the mind is gathering information to prepare your consciousness ||||||||collecting|||get ready||

for the afterlife.

There is evidence to suggest that a burst of energy flows through the brain after someone |||||||sudden increase|||moves through||||| Есть данные, позволяющие предположить, что прилив энергии проходит через мозг за кем-то.


This may be your consciousness transitioning to the afterlife. |||||shifting into|||

The brain may be carrying out a yet unknown process that allows your consciousness to ||||Executing||||||||||

prepare for whatever comes next.

After this burst of energy, your brain cells take days to reach a point where they are

no longer carrying out basic functions. |||||basic tasks больше не выполняет основные функции.

To be clear, this does not mean the person is not dead, they are, but their consciousness

may be transitioning to the after life.

Another commonality between people who have had post death experiences is that they often |shared trait||||||||||||

see a guiding figure. ||leading|

The figure varies between people and accounts, but it seems that there is someone or something ||||||reports|||||||||

to guide you after death.

Is this figure just a way your mind copes with being dead, or is there more to it? ||||||||deals with|||||||||

It has been suggested that these guiding figures might just be hallucinations. |||||||||||imaginary perceptions

It's interesting to note that hallucinations are individualistic, so it is odd that multiple |||||||unique to individuals||||unusual||

people are having similar apparitions taking them into the afterlife. ||||ghostly visions||||| ||||환영|||||

The only reason we know of these mysterious figures is because people who have been brought

back to life through CPR or shocking the heart have told us.

Perhaps the guiding figure is a manifestation of the medical professionals that are bringing ||||||embodiment|||||||

these people back to life.

Or maybe they are something in the afterlife that helps us transition from being alive |||||||||||move between states|||

to being dead.

Some of the most interesting and unexplainable afterlife experiences are accounts of people ||||||inexplicable||||||

who claim they had left their dead body and watched themselves be operated on from above. ||||||||||||surgically treated|||

It would be easy to chalk these stories up as hallucinations or that they are made up. |||||attribute to||||||||||| Het zou gemakkelijk zijn om deze verhalen te omschrijven als hallucinaties of dat ze verzonnen zijn. Легко было бы списать эти истории на галлюцинации или на то, что они выдуманы.

The problem is the patients can recount vivid details from their out of body experience. ||||||describe in detail|clear and detailed||||||| Het probleem is dat de patiënten levendige details kunnen vertellen over hun uittreding. O problema é que os pacientes podem contar pormenores vívidos da sua experiência fora do corpo.

On more than one occasion patients who have died can recall events that occured after |||||||||||||took place|

their heart stopped.

They could explain what the doctors were doing and objects in the room. |||||||||items|||

When medical professionals were asked if the memories the patients recalled were accurate, ||||||||||remembered||

they confirmed that they were. |verified|||

How could someone who was clinically dead have seen and observed so many details?

We just don't know.

Perhaps it has something to do with what our consciousness is made of.

Maybe after we die our consciousness leaves our body in a form of energy yet to be discovered.

This seems unbelievable, but it does serve as a preliminary hypothesis as to how people ||||||act as|||initial|preliminary assumption||||

could have out of body experiences.

As of yet there are no real good explanations for how people are able to make accurate observations

from outside of their bodies, especially when they are considered clinically dead.

You might wonder if these experiences are happening only in certain parts of the world

or in certain age groups?

It would seem not.

Post death experiences tend to be pretty universal across age groups and location. |||||||widely consistent|||||geographical areas

Data gathered from every content and every age group have similarities when comparing |collected|||||||||commonalities||when analyzing

afterlife experiences.

When Dr. Parina interviewed a three year old boy who survived a cardiac arrest from an ||||||||||remained alive|||||

epileptic seizure he said "When I died I saw a bright lamp." epileptic fit|epileptic episode||||||||||bright light Quando morreu, disse: "Quando morri, vi uma lâmpada brilhante".

This aligns to the stories of adults seeing a bright light when confronted by death. ||||||||||||faced with|| Este facto está de acordo com as histórias de adultos que vêem uma luz brilhante quando confrontados com a morte.

The child also recounted that "grandma came to meet me and said I was going to be okay." |||told again||grandmother||||||||||||

This is reminiscent to the guiding figure that many people see during their after life


Other children have described their experience after death as seeing a "being of light."

Maybe this is a marriage between the bright light and guiding figure. Возможно, это брак между ярким светом и направляющей фигурой.

There are no accounts of them describing the light as God, Jesus, or Santa Clause, because |||reports||||||||Jesus||Santa Claus|| Não há relatos em que descrevam a luz como Deus, Jesus ou o Pai Natal, porque

as children, these concepts are not associated with death.

Yet younger children report after life experiences similar to older children and adults. Even||||||||||||

It is important to note that these experiences are not the same as sleep paralysis or “locked-in” ||||||||||||||immobility||| É importante notar que essas experiências não são o mesmo que paralisia do sono ou "bloqueio"

syndrome, where people are conscious and awake, but unable to speak or move. Locked-in syndrome||||||||||||

Researchers have ruled this out due to the fact that the patient's heart has completely ||dismissed|||||||||the patient's||| Os pesquisadores descartaram isso devido ao fato de que o coração do paciente foi completamente

stopped beating.

During paralysis the heart slows to a meditative state, but never stops. ||||decelerates|||calm and focused||||

The accounts from patients who have seen themselves on the operating table consistently state ||||||||||||regularly|

they were in no pain, and oftentimes they were confused why everyone was worried about ||||||often|||||||| eles não estavam com dor, e muitas vezes eles estavam confusos por que todos estavam preocupados com


It is almost as if when you die your mind and consciousness relaxes, and all of the ||||||||||||loosens up||||

pain your body feels is cut off from your mind. a dor que seu corpo sente é cortada de sua mente.

Maybe this shows that your consciousness is not a part of the body at all, but just contained

within it waiting to be set free. inside|||||| dentro dele esperando para ser libertado.

It is uncanny events like these that make Dr. Sam Parnia hypothesize that the psyche ||strange|||||||||suggest a theory|||mind or soul ||||||||||||||정신 São eventos estranhos como esses que fazem o Dr. Sam Parnia levantar a hipótese de que a psique

or “self” may not originate in the brain at all, but could possibly be a separate undiscovered ||||come from|||||||||||| ou o "eu" pode não ter origem no cérebro, mas pode ser uma forma separada ainda por descobrir

entity. Subject in context <entity(1)>

Parnia believes that consciousness could be something similar in nature to electromagnetic |||||||||||electromagnetic Parnia acredita que a consciência pode ser algo de natureza semelhante ao eletromagnético

radiation, like radio waves and visible light.

There is no definitive evidence for what makes up consciousness or your psyche. |||conclusive||||||||| Não há evidências definitivas para o que compõe a consciência ou sua psique.

But if it was something similar to energy waves, that would help explain observations

that occur from outside the body because energy is not confined to a corporeal form. |happen|||||||||restricted|||physical body| |||||||||||||물질적| que ocorrem de fora do corpo porque a energia não está confinada a uma forma corpórea.

Then again, if that's the case why can't we just shoot our conscious selves out of Então, novamente, se for esse o caso, por que não podemos simplesmente atirar em nosso eu consciente para fora

our brain any time we want?

Not all after life experiences are equal or pleasent. ||||||||pleasant

During a study one man recounted that when his heart stopped beating, and the doctors

were trying to bring him back to life, he experienced the guiding figure.

Except in this case it was an unfamiliar woman. |||||||unknown|

She was floating and beckoning him to join her from the ceiling in the corner of the ||||calling him over|||||||upper interior surface||||| Ela estava flutuando e chamando-o para se juntar a ela do teto no canto da


Kind of creepy when you think about it. Meio assustador quando você pensa sobre isso.

The man remembers thinking, “I can't get up there.” ||recalls||||||

Then as he finished the thought he suddenly was “up there, looking down” at himself.

He saw his blood pressure being taken and a breathing tube put into his mouth. Ele viu sua pressão arterial sendo medida e um tubo de respiração colocado em sua boca. Он видел, как ему измеряли давление и вставляли в рот дыхательную трубку.

The nurse was giving him CPR. |medical professional|||| A enfermeira estava lhe dando RCP.

He could accurately describe the people, sounds, and events leading up to his resuscitation. |||||||||||||revival Ele poderia descrever com precisão as pessoas, sons e eventos que levaram à sua ressuscitação.

Other people have recounted being sucked into a deep black void. |||||drawn into||||| Andere mensen hebben verteld dat ze in een diepe zwarte leegte werden gezogen. Outras pessoas contam que foram sugadas para um vazio profundo e negro.

Almost like a star being sucked into a blackhole and torn apart. ||||||||black hole||ripped apart| Quase como uma estrela sendo sugada para um buraco negro e dilacerada.

Clearly not the most reassuring after life experience. ||||comforting||| Claramente não é a experiência mais reconfortante após a vida. Явно не самый обнадеживающий опыт после жизни.

But it could be worse.

There are others who have seen grotesque creatures that wail and moan in pain. ||||||distorted and ugly|||cry loudly||groan in pain|| Anderen hebben groteske wezens gezien die jammeren en kreunen van pijn. Outros viram criaturas grotescas que gemem e gemem de dor.

They beckon the person towards them. |Call over|||| Eles acenam a pessoa para eles.

Luckily those people were brought back to life before they were forced to follow the Fortunately||||||||||||||


But it begs the question… ||raises|| Mas isso levanta a questão ...

what happens to the people who experience these visions and don't get pulled out of ||||||||hallucinations|||||| o que acontece com as pessoas que experimentam essas visões e não são retiradas

it by doctors restarting their heart? |||restarting their heart|| por médicos que reiniciaram o seu coração?

Dr. Parnia is not a religious man and insists that his experiments are not to prove there |||||||||||||||demonstrate|

is a supernatural afterlife. ||beyond natural laws|

Instead, he aims to understand what happens to the consciousness after the body dies to ||seeks|||||||||||| In plaats daarvan probeert hij te begrijpen wat er met het bewustzijn gebeurt nadat het lichaam sterft Em vez disso, ele visa entender o que acontece com a consciência depois que o corpo morre para

avoid “disorders of the consciousness.” |mental disturbances||| evitar “distúrbios da consciência”.

This includes patients who are left in a permanent vegitative state after their brain is starved |||||||||vegetative state||||||deprived of oxygen Isso inclui pacientes que são deixados em estado vegetativo permanente depois que seu cérebro passa fome

too long for oxygen.

Parnia wants to prevent cases like this, while also testing the accuracy of after life experiences

using a scientific approach. |||Method or technique

Research shows that people who have these after death experiences are often transformed ||||||||||||profoundly changed

by the experience itself. pela própria experiência.

They change their lifestyle to help others and become less self-centered. |||||||||||self-focused Eles mudam seu estilo de vida para ajudar os outros e se tornam menos egocêntricos.

Parina says patients who have died and have been brought back to life “view the world

in a different way.”

People who have an after life experience tend to have a shift in perspective that focuses |||||||||||Change||viewpoint|| As pessoas que têm uma experiência pós-vida tendem a ter uma mudança de perspectiva que se concentra

on their humanity.

Parnia also reports that following an after life experience people become more empathetic ||||||||||||more understanding

and reflective on things they've done. |thoughtful about||||

Especially if their actions have hurt others.

They often describe the experience from the other person's perspective, which causes Они часто описывают переживания с точки зрения другого человека, что вызывает

emotional distress to themselves. Psychological|emotional suffering|| sofrimento emocional para si mesmos.

Is this our consciousness reaching out to another consciousness? Esta é a nossa consciência alcançando outra consciência?

Do people who have experienced death literally have a more connected world view? У людей, переживших смерть в буквальном смысле, более цельное мировоззрение?

Whether you believe in the afterlife or not, scientists are finding more and more evidence

that consciousness remains even after the body dies.

Experiences that people have had while clinically dead are hard to explain at this moment in As experiências que as pessoas tiveram enquanto clinicamente mortas são difíceis de explicar neste momento


It would seem that the frequency of shared after life experiences across the world and Parece que a frequência de experiências pós-vida compartilhadas em todo o mundo e

age groups would indicate something happens to you after you are clinically dead.

We don't know what is in store for us after this life, but we do know that death of the Não sabemos o que está reservado para nós depois desta vida, mas sabemos que a morte do

body is not the end for our consciousness, maybe not even by a long shot. o corpo não é o fim da nossa consciência, talvez nem por um longo tempo. Тело - это не конец для нашего сознания, возможно, даже не конец.

If talking about death doesn't freak you out too much, you should check out our video Se falar sobre a morte não te assusta muito, você deveria conferir nosso vídeo

on What Happens After You Die?

If death does freak you out, check out one of our funny challenges videos like I Didn't

Wear Underwear For A Month And This Is What Happened. |Underclothes||||||||

It is sure to make you laugh! É certo fazer você rir!

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