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The Infographics Show, Outie Belly Button - Why Do Some People Have It?

Outie Belly Button - Why Do Some People Have It?

It's one of the very few things that all human beings have in common - we all have one,

even if they might look a little bit different. Of course, we're talking

about belly buttons. Innie or outie belly buttons - why do some people have them?

Why do humans even have belly buttons in the first place? Believe it or not, the answer goes back

to before we were even born. As a human fetus is growing inside its mother's uterus, it can't eat,

drink or breath on it's own - you know, all those things that keep us alive. To survive,

the baby needs to get all of these things directly from the mother. The baby is connected to the

mother's placenta by the umbilical cord, and all of the nutrients and oxygen that the baby needs to

survive travel from mother to baby through the umbilical cord. Once the baby is born,

though, it can finally drink milk and breath on its own, and the umbilical cord becomes

useless. That's why, shortly after birth, the doctor will clamp or cut the cord,

severing the connection between mother and baby. Within a week of birth, the little

piece of the umbilical cord that is left will dry up and fall off, and what's left behind becomes

our belly button. That means that our belly buttons are actually our very first scars.

Now we know why all humans have belly buttons - by why do some people have an innie,

while others have an outie? Just like the name implies, an innie belly button looks like a deep,

dark hole, and it is by far the more common type of belly button - about 90% of people have an

innie. An outie, on the other hand, pops outwards like a little button, and only about 10% of people

have one. Whether a person has an innie or an outie depends on how the scar tissue forms after

the umbilical cord is cut. Contrary to popular belief, the doctor who cuts the umbilical cord

has very little control over whether a baby will have an innie or an outie. Cutting the umbilical

cord longer or shorter doesn't guarantee an innie or outie belly button will form,

so unfortunately we can't request our preferred belly button type at birth.

Instead, it actually depends on how much space there is between the skin and the abdominal

wall - less skin leads to an innie, while more skin makes it more likely to have an outie.

Humans aren't the only animals with belly buttons - most mammals have them. But,

since most animals chew off the umbilical cord themselves rather than neatly cut it and let it

dry up and fall off, the resulting scar is usually much flatter and harder to see on other animals,

and it tends to look more like an “in-betweenie” than a typical innie or outie.

So, what if someone really hates their belly button? Is there anything that can be done to

reshape it? As a matter of fact, there is. An umbilicoplasty is a type of surgery that

can turn a less common outie belly button into the more common, and arguably more desirable,

innie. Anyone willing to fork over $2,000 dollars for the 45 minute procedure can finally

have the belly button of their dreams. While the procedure is usually done for cosmetic reasons,

it might also be required to repair an umbilical hernia, a rare complication

where part of the intestine pokes through the umbilical opening in the abdominal wall.

So, do our belly buttons actually do anything? Besides collecting lint and bacteria,

the answer is no. Belly buttons are simply a useless scar, but a 2012 study did find that

there are more than 2,300 different types of bacteria in the human belly button,

so that's something, we guess… And speaking of lint, have you ever wondered why your

belly button seems to collect so much of it? It's actually because of a special type of hair that

grows in our belly buttons. We can thank these fluffy hairs, which have tiny barbs on them,

for getting stuck to our clothing and leaving us with a dryer's worth of belly button lint.

Thanks to their prime location at the very center of our bodies,

the belly button has held a special place in many cultures throughout history,

but it wouldn't do to be caught spending too much time admiring one. The term navel-gazer is

reserved for a self-centered person who spends too much time looking at themselves. For someone with

omphalophobia, though, it likely wouldn't matter whether they have an innie or an outie - thanks

to their fear of belly buttons, they probably wouldn't spend much time naval-gazing, anyways!

If you thought this video was interesting, be sure and check out our other videos,

like this video called “This Is Why You're Fat”. Or, perhaps you'll like this other video instead.

As always, thanks for watching, and don't forget to like, share and subscribe!

See you next time!

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Outie Belly Button - Why Do Some People Have It? بیرون زده|ناف بیرون زده||||||| Protruding navel formation|||||||| 돌출형 배꼽|||||||| Outie Belly Button - Warum haben manche Menschen ihn? Outie Belly Button - Γιατί το έχουν μερικοί άνθρωποι; Outie ombligo - ¿Por qué algunas personas lo tienen? Odstający pępek - dlaczego niektórzy ludzie go mają? Umbigo de Outie - Porque é que algumas pessoas o têm? Выпирающий пупок - почему он у некоторых людей? Outie Belly Button - Neden Bazı İnsanlarda Var? 肚脐眼外凸——为什么有些人会有肚脐眼? 肚臍眼外凸-為什麼有些人會有肚臍眼?

It's one of the very few things that all  human beings have in common - we all have one,

even if they might look a little bit  different. Of course, we're talking

about belly buttons. Innie or outie belly  buttons - why do some people have them? ||ناف‌ها|تو رفته|||||||||| |||غائرة||بارزة|||||||| over navel. Innie of outie navelstrengknopen - waarom hebben sommige mensen ze? göbek deliği hakkında. Innie veya outie göbek deliği - neden bazı insanlar onlara sahip?

Why do humans even have belly buttons in the first  place? Believe it or not, the answer goes back ||||||||||في المقام الأول||||||||

to before we were even born. As a human fetus is  growing inside its mother's uterus, it can't eat, |||||||||جنین انسان||رشد کردن|||مادر|رحم مادر||| |||||||||الجنين||||||الرحم||| |||||||||unborn baby||||||||| |||||||||태아||||||||| biz doğmadan önceye kadar. İnsan cenini annesinin rahminde büyüdüğü için yemek yiyemez,

drink or breath on it's own - you know, all  those things that keep us alive. To survive, ||نفس کشیدن||||||||||||||

the baby needs to get all of these things directly  from the mother. The baby is connected to the

mother's placenta by the umbilical cord, and all  of the nutrients and oxygen that the baby needs to |جفت مادر|||بند ناف|بند ناف|||||مواد مغذی||اکسیژن||||| |المشيمة|||||||||المغذيات||||||| |태반|||탯줄||||||||||||| ||||umbilical cord|||||||||||||

survive travel from mother to baby through  the umbilical cord. Once the baby is born, ||||||||بند ناف|بند ناف|||||

though, it can finally drink milk and breath  on its own, and the umbilical cord becomes |||||||||||||بند ناف|بند ناف|

useless. That's why, shortly after birth,  the doctor will clamp or cut the cord, |||به‌زودی||تولد نوزاد||||بستن یا قطع||بریدن||بند ناف |||||||||يقطع|||| |||||||||집게로 집다||||

severing the connection between mother and  baby. Within a week of birth, the little قطع کردن||||||||||||| 단절시키는|||||||||||||

piece of the umbilical cord that is left will dry  up and fall off, and what's left behind becomes |||بند ناف||||||خشک شدن|||||||||

our belly button. That means that our belly  buttons are actually our very first scars. ||||||||||||||ندوب ||||||||||||||흉터

Now we know why all humans have belly buttons  - by why do some people have an innie, ||||||||||||||||تو رفته

while others have an outie? Just like the name  implies, an innie belly button looks like a deep, |||||||||به معنای||تو رفته|||||| diğerlerinin bir çıkışı varken? Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi, küçük bir göbek deliği derin gibi görünür,

dark hole, and it is by far the more common type  of belly button - about 90% of people have an karanlık delik ve açık ara en yaygın göbek deliği türüdür - insanların yaklaşık %90'ında bir

innie. An outie, on the other hand, pops outwards  like a little button, and only about 10% of people ||بیرون زده|||||بیرون می‌زند|به سمت بیرون||||||||| ||||||||바깥쪽으로||||||||| innie. Öte yandan bir outie, küçük bir düğme gibi dışarı doğru fırlar ve insanların yalnızca yaklaşık %10'u

have one. Whether a person has an innie or an  outie depends on how the scar tissue forms after |||||||ناف تو رفته|||بیرون زده|بستگی دارد||||جای زخم|بافت اسکار||

the umbilical cord is cut. Contrary to popular  belief, the doctor who cuts the umbilical cord |بند ناف||||برخلاف|||باور عمومی||||می‌بُرد||بند ناف|بند ناف |||||على عكس||||||||||

has very little control over whether a baby will  have an innie or an outie. Cutting the umbilical |||||||||||ناف تو رفته||||||بند ناف

cord longer or shorter doesn't guarantee  an innie or outie belly button will form, بند ناف|||||تضمین نمی‌کند||تو رفته||||||

so unfortunately we can't request our  preferred belly button type at birth. |متأسفانه|||درخواست کردن|||||||

Instead, it actually depends on how much space  there is between the skin and the abdominal ||||||||||||پوست و شکم|||شکمی بدلاً من ذلك|||||||||||||||البطنية |||||||||||||||복부의 Bunun yerine, aslında cilt ve karın arasında ne kadar boşluk olduğuna bağlıdır.

wall - less skin leads to an innie, while more  skin makes it more likely to have an outie. ||||||تو رفته||||||||||| duvar - daha az cilt bir innie'ye yol açarken, daha fazla cilt bir outie'ye sahip olma olasılığını artırır.

Humans aren't the only animals with belly  buttons - most mammals have them. But, |||||||||پستانداران|||

since most animals chew off the umbilical cord  themselves rather than neatly cut it and let it ||||||بند ناف|بند ناف||||مرتبانه قطع||||| |||يمضغ|بقطع|||||||بشكل مرتب||||| |||||||||||깔끔하게 자르기|||||

dry up and fall off, the resulting scar is usually  much flatter and harder to see on other animals, خشک شدن||||||حاصل شده|||||صاف‌تر||سخت‌تر||||| ||||||결과로 생긴|||||평평해지다|||||||

and it tends to look more like an  “in-betweenie” than a typical innie or outie. ||تمایل دارد|||||||بینابینی|||معمولی|||بیرون‌زده |||||||||بين بين|||||| |||||||||중간 배꼽||||||

So, what if someone really hates their belly  button? Is there anything that can be done to

reshape it? As a matter of fact, there is.  An umbilicoplasty is a type of surgery that تغییر شکل دادن||||||||||عمل جراحی ناف|||||جراحی ناف| ||||||||||navel reshaping surgery|||||| 재형성하다||||||||||배꼽 성형술||||||

can turn a less common outie belly button into  the more common, and arguably more desirable, |||||بیرون‌زده||||||||احتمالاً|| |||||||||||||من المحتمل||الأكثر جاذبية

innie. Anyone willing to fork over $2,000  dollars for the 45 minute procedure can finally ||||پرداخت کردن||||||عمل جراحی|| ||||يدفع|||||||| ||||||||||시술|| Инни. Каждый, кто готов выложить 2000 долларов за 45-минутную процедуру, наконец-то сможет innie. 45 dakikalık prosedür için 2.000 dolardan fazla harcamak isteyen herkes sonunda

have the belly button of their dreams. While the  procedure is usually done for cosmetic reasons, ||||||||||||||زیبایی| ||||||||||||||미용상의|

it might also be required to repair an  umbilical hernia, a rare complication ||||لازم باشد||ترمیم کردن||فتق نافی|||نادر|عوارض نادر |||||||||فتق||| ||||||수술하다|||제대 탈장|||합병증 |||||||||umbilical rupture|||

where part of the intestine pokes through  the umbilical opening in the abdominal wall. ||||روده||||ناف||||شکمی| ||||장, 창자|튀어나오다|||||||| bağırsağın bir kısmının karın duvarındaki göbek açıklığından çıktığı yer.

So, do our belly buttons actually do anything?  Besides collecting lint and bacteria, ||||||||||||باکتری‌ها ||||||||||وبر الغبار|| ||||||||||보풀과 박테리아||

the answer is no. Belly buttons are simply a  useless scar, but a 2012 study did find that

there are more than 2,300 different types  of bacteria in the human belly button,

so that's something, we guess… And speaking  of lint, have you ever wondered why your ||||||||پرز لباس|||||| ||||||||small fibers||||||

belly button seems to collect so much of it? It's  actually because of a special type of hair that ||||جمع کردن||||||||||||||

grows in our belly buttons. We can thank these  fluffy hairs, which have tiny barbs on them, |||||||||کرکی|موهای کرکی||||خارهای ریز|| ||||||||||||||tiny hooks|| |||||||||보송보송한|||||작은 갈고리|| göbek deliğimizde büyür. Üzerinde minik dikenler olan bu kabarık tüylere teşekkür edebiliriz.

for getting stuck to our clothing and leaving  us with a dryer's worth of belly button lint. ||چسبیدن||||||||||||||پرز لباس |||||||||||건조기의||||| за то, что они прилипают к нашей одежде и оставляют после себя катышки из сушилки. Giysilerimize yapıştığın ve bizi bir kurutucu değerinde göbek deliği tiftiği bıraktığın için.

Thanks to their prime location  at the very center of our bodies, |||ممتاز|موقعیت مکانی|||||||

the belly button has held a special place  in many cultures throughout history, ||||نگه داشته|||||||در طول|

but it wouldn't do to be caught spending too  much time admiring one. The term navel-gazer is ||||||گرفتار شدن|||||تحسین کردن||||ناف‌بین|| ||||||مكتشف|||||التأمل في||||مراقب السرة|متأمل السرة| ||||||잡히다||||||||||응시자| Но не стоит ловить себя на том, что вы проводите слишком много времени, любуясь им. Термин "пупкозавр" означает ama birine hayran kalarak çok fazla zaman harcarken yakalanmak olmazdı. Navel-gazer terimi

reserved for a self-centered person who spends too  much time looking at themselves. For someone with خودشیفته||||خودمحور|||صرف می‌کند||||||||| محجوز لشخص||||متمركز حول نفسه|||||||||||| 자기중심적인 사람|||자기 중심적|자기 중심적인||||||||||||

omphalophobia, though, it likely wouldn't matter  whether they have an innie or an outie - thanks ترس از ناف||||||||||تو رفته|||بیرون‌زده| رهاب السرة|||||||||||||| Fear of navels|||||||||||||| 배꼽 공포증||||||||||||하나의|| omfalofobi olsa da, bir innie ya da outie olması muhtemelen fark etmez - teşekkürler

to their fear of belly buttons, they probably  wouldn't spend much time naval-gazing, anyways! ||||||||||||ناف|خیره شدن|به هر حال ||||||||||||배꼽에 대한|배꼽 응시|어쨌든 Göbek deliği korkularına rağmen, zaten muhtemelen denizciliği gözlemlemek için fazla zaman harcamazlar!

If you thought this video was interesting,  be sure and check out our other videos,

like this video called “This Is Why You're Fat”.  Or, perhaps you'll like this other video instead.

As always, thanks for watching, and don't  forget to like, share and subscribe!

See you next time!