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The Infographics Show, How To Survive The Purge

How To Survive The Purge

Hello citizens, welcome to Purge night. For the next twelve hours all emergency

services will be suspended, and all crime is legal. Now, it's time to vent all that

rage and frustration you've been storing up over the last year, it's time to purge.

So you're caught up in the modern dystopia that is the New Founding Fathers of America's version

of the good old US of A, and it's March 21st, purge night. How do you survive the purge without

the benefit of high powered military weaponry, as nothing more than a simple, normal, everyday joe?

First, let's recap the history of the purge briefly. Originally started as

a grand social experiment on Staten Island by the ruling political party,

the New Founding Fathers of America, the Purge quickly grew to be a national event,

and now every March 21st all crime is legalized for twelve hours of absolute pandemonium and

mayhem. But it's not just the everyday citizen getting in on the mass murdering,

because in order to keep up casualty figures, purge night is routinely supplemented

by government kill squads who's sole purpose is to murder as many people as possible.

But wait, you thought that purge night was about people venting their criminal anger and

frustrations out, so that the rest of the year you could live a peaceful, law-abiding life? Well, no,

because it turns out that the New Founding Fathers of America are less interested in making American

a great place to live, and more interested in preserving the interests of the rich and powerful.

Purge night's real purpose isn't to help keep American crime down, it's actually to

rid the United States of minorities and poor people, hence the government kill squads.

So how are you going to survive class warfare in its most literal form?

First, you have to have a plan for purge night.

Waltzing into a twelve hour apocalypse is a great way to get yourself killed,

so you'd better have a good plan, with multiple contingencies, to keep you alive.

Your plan should include a place to shelter,

and how to get there in case you are running late on purge night and get caught out in the open.

You should have both multiple avenues of approach to your shelter, as well

as multiple avenues of escape in case your shelter is breached. If sheltering at home,

things like steel plates over windows and thick security doors will help keep out even the most

determined Purgers, but finding alternative, more secure shelter is probably your best bet.

Places like old mine tunnels, abandoned military structures, and even derelict barges

floating off-shore are the perfect purge shelter. An old mine tunnel may be creepy and dark,

but it typically only has one obvious way in with much less obvious escape shafts that could

be hundreds or even thousands of feet away. With a single entryway, anyone wanting to purge you won't

have the advantage of surprise- as long as you took the time to disguise your escape shafts well.

Even better would be places like abandoned military bunkers or

even old decommissioned missile silos- although those might be difficult to get into

and make usable. Offshore structures means that anyone hellbent on purging you is going

to have to go through a whole lot of effort just to get to you, and if you're armed,

which you should be, then they're going to present a very easy target as they make their way to you.

You might simply opt to skip physical shelter altogether, and instead, just take to the sea on

a boat. Twelve hours isn't that long, and unless purgers are incredibly motivated to hunt you down,

taking off for half a day at sea is a great way to stay away from gangs of roving purgers.

Of course, another way to survive the purge is to simply be someone people don't want

to purge in the first place. Odds are as you go throughout the rest of your year, you're at least

a little bit selfish or rude to your neighbors and co-workers. In a world with a yearly purge,

that's a great way of making sure that you have a big, fat target on your back come purge night.

Instead of being rude or selfish, try to be unselfish and helpful. Mow your neighbor's lawn,

let them borrow your car when theirs breaks down, maybe keep your political views to yourself and

off your Facebook. Make yourself likable and come purge night, anyone wanting to hurt or kill you

is going to find that they have a laundry list of people they want to hurt or kill

even more than you. It's only twelve hours after all, so as long as you make sure you're as close

to the bottom of that hurt/kill list as you can possibly get, you'll be fine.

During purge night, gangs of roving psychopaths roam the streets looking for easy victims, so the

best way to defeat these gangs of roving psychos, is to have an even bigger gang of your own.

Round up like-minded individuals in the months leading up to purge night, and form a neighborhood

militia. Even a small group of well disciplined individuals committed to protecting each other

can fend off larger packs of uncoordinated purgers just looking to cause mayhem.

But forming a deadly neighborhood watch to survive purge night is only the first step. In the world

of national security, the best way to ensure that your facility or your VIP isn't targeted for

attack, is to discourage an attack in the first place. This is known as becoming a 'hard target',

and involves taking steps to ensure that when an attacker sizes you up for a possible attack,

they realize that doing so would be too costly, even if successful,

to be worth the effort. On purge night, being a hard target might be so effective

that you wouldn't be targeted in the first place. After all, if you only have twelve

hours to cause mayhem, why waste most of that time going after the neighborhood that's well

defended and equipped to protect itself? Better to prey on weaker, more vulnerable people instead.

So to become a hard target on purge night, forget going solo and round up that posse of

like-minded neighbors like we said. Against undisciplined bands of roving purgers,

just realizing that they'd be going up against a disciplined force

might be enough to discourage an attack in the first place- there's

likely easier picking elsewhere anyways and like we said, the clock is ticking.

But being disciplined is key, you don't want to appear like a group of random rabble. Create a

uniform for your neighborhood protection force, and have every member wear it on purge night.

Uniforms mean solidarity, and for roving purgers, it also lets them know that a well-established

force is present in this area, best to move along and look for more vulnerable targets. Next,

practice basic self-defense drills together, and if you've got access to them- which you absolutely

should in the insane world of The Purge- make sure everyone is armed and knows how to use a firearm.

Next, you'll want to roll out homemade barricades to shut off vehicle access to your neighborhood,

as well as seal off avenues of approach that could be taken on foot. You can do this with

physical barriers or by stationing groups of armed guards. Much like with the defense of a military

installation, you can purposefully leave one very obvious path for attackers to take, and this is

where you would funnel anyone wishing to purge you so they can be easily taken out. Set up defensive

positions for your guards with criss-crossing fields of fire, and anyone wishing to purge your

neighborhood, including government forces, will find the effort's simply not worth it.

But what if you're forced to go solo? Well, your best bet is to hide. Get out of the city,

fleet to the countryside and take to the hills. Park your car somewhere remote, and then take

off on foot pushing deeper and deeper into the wilds. Ideally you would've begun your camping

trip well before purge night, and made sure that your ultimate destination required multiple modes

of travel to get there, like parking your car at the end of a dirt road somewhere,

then taking a boat ride, and then hiking to reach your final destination. The United States has

a great deal of truly wild places, and you can survive purge night by hiding out with bigfoot.

Ofcourse, the best way to survive the purge though is to make sure you aren't purgeable

to begin with. Like we said in our recap of purge history, the entire event is basically an excuse

for rich people to kill off poor people, so to survive purge night, just be rich. The wealthy

and powerful are not just in many cases the most horrific proponents of violence on purge night,

but are basically immune to being purged themselves thanks to their massive resources.

Elite security agents, intruder-proof safe rooms, and homes that double as military

fortresses all make being rich during purge night the best way to stay safe.

Though you'd still have to watch out for your fellow 1%, who love nothing more than to play

their sick, sadistic games of revenge and torture on each other come purge night.

If you're financially challenged, then good news because there's still a chance to make

yourself an untouchable come purge night. The America of The Purge is still sort of a democracy,

so simply run for a high enough government office and you can be classified a level 10

government employee, which is still illegal to kill on purge night. The government still

needs to operate post-purge after all, and if all our political differences could be

settled with mass murder, well, at least Facebook would be a lot quieter place.

Alright, you're not rich, and you're not likable enough to get elected. Matter of fact, you're not

likeable enough to not get purged and you just know that the kid you cut off at the green light

a week ago is definitely going to be looking to get all purge'y on you come purge night.

Your home is kind of indefensible because you can't afford the fancy security systems

other people can, and you don't have access to a whole cache of weapons- what are you going to do?

Often the best place to hide isn't where people won't go looking, but where they don't want to go

looking. We're talking about the worst places you could imagine spending twelve hours in,

places that no human being in their right mind would ever even enter, like a T-mobile store.

Not as good as a T-mobile store, but close, would be a sewage treatment plant, or even a

rancid landfill. These are places people avoid in their normal lives, and for someone to hunt

you down in one of these disgusting locations they're gonna have to be really, extra motivated.

Become one with the filth, dig in deep to a pile of fresh trash, or camp out next to a

large sewage holding pond. These places are going to smell so disgusting, that very few people are

going to even think about looking for victims in a place they themselves would never willingly go.

Of course, you could also opt to wait out the purge in places that are just

incredibly unlikely to be targeted by purgers- places like a local library. Think about it,

what psychopath purger is going to even consider for a second

to check a local library for victims or anything worth stealing? You'll naturally

want to avoid hiding out in places that could attract looters, after all, every crime is

legal come purge night and a bunch of people are just going to be looking for free loot,

but who in the world is going to be breaking into a library looking for things to steal?

The best way to avoid purge night though is to just leave the country altogether.

You don't even have to be rich to do it, just hop in a car and drive either north or south

until you hit the Canadian or Mexican border. It'll take you a couple of tanks

of gas and a day road trip, but you can plan out a long weekend for yourself and

sit in a crappy canadian motel room eating poutine and watching America burn itself

to the ground on the tv- just like the real founding fathers would've wanted.

Odds are, you're still going to end up getting hurt come purge night,

so watch our video How to actually survive getting shot. Or click this other video instead!

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How To Survive The Purge 如何|||| ||||Survival during Purge Как|Как|выжить|| Wie man die Säuberung überlebt Cómo sobrevivir a la purga Come sopravvivere all'epurazione パージを生き延びる方法 숙청에서 살아남는 방법 Kaip išgyventi valymą Jak przetrwać czystkę Como sobreviver à purga Как пережить чистку Як пережити Чистку 如何在大清洗中生存 如何在清洗中生存

Hello citizens, welcome to Purge night.  For the next twelve hours all emergency ||||||||||||urgent situations

services will be suspended, and all crime  is legal. Now, it's time to vent all that |||Temporarily halted|||illegal activities|||||||release frustrations||

rage and frustration you've been storing  up over the last year, it's time to purge. Intense anger||pent-up frustration|||bottling up|||||||||

So you're caught up in the modern dystopia that  is the New Founding Fathers of America's version |||||||nightmare society|||||Establishing|Founding Leaders||| Итак, вы попали в современную антиутопию, которая является версией Новых Отцов-основателей Америки.

of the good old US of A, and it's March 21st,  purge night. How do you survive the purge without старого доброго США из А, и сейчас 21 марта, ночь чистки. Как выжить в чистке без

the benefit of high powered military weaponry, as  nothing more than a simple, normal, everyday joe? ||||highly advanced||Military arms advantage|||||||||ordinary person выгода от мощного военного оружия, как не более чем простой, нормальный, повседневный джо?

First, let's recap the history of the  purge briefly. Originally started as ||summarize briefly|||||||initially began as||

a grand social experiment on Staten  Island by the ruling political party, |||||Staten Island||||governing|| грандиозный социальный эксперимент на Статен-Айленде, проводимый правящей политической партией,

the New Founding Fathers of America, the  Purge quickly grew to be a national event,

and now every March 21st all crime is legalized  for twelve hours of absolute pandemonium and ||||||||made lawful|||||complete chaos|chaos and mayhem|

mayhem. But it's not just the everyday  citizen getting in on the mass murdering, chaos and violence|||||||ordinary person||||||mass killing spree

because in order to keep up casualty figures,  purge night is routinely supplemented ||||||death toll|casualty numbers||||regularly|augmented

by government kill squads who's sole purpose  is to murder as many people as possible. |||death squads||only|||||||||

But wait, you thought that purge night was  about people venting their criminal anger and ||||||||||releasing pent-up emotions||illegal behavior|violent rage| Maar wacht, je dacht dat die zuiveringsavond ging over mensen die hun criminele woede uitten en

frustrations out, so that the rest of the year you  could live a peaceful, law-abiding life? Well, no, Irritations|||||||||||||calm and orderly||Following the law|||

because it turns out that the New Founding Fathers  of America are less interested in making American

a great place to live, and more interested in  preserving the interests of the rich and powerful. |||||||||protecting|||||||

Purge night's real purpose isn't to help  keep American crime down, it's actually to

rid the United States of minorities and poor  people, hence the government kill squads. eliminate|||||Marginalized groups||||therefore||||

So how are you going to survive class  warfare in its most literal form? ||||||||||||exact meaning|

First, you have to have a plan for purge night.

Waltzing into a twelve hour apocalypse  is a great way to get yourself killed, Casually entering|||||catastrophic event||||||||

so you'd better have a good plan, with  multiple contingencies, to keep you alive. |||||||||backup plans||||

Your plan should include a place to shelter, |||||||take cover

and how to get there in case you are running late  on purge night and get caught out in the open.

You should have both multiple avenues  of approach to your shelter, as well |||||routes||ways to access|||||

as multiple avenues of escape in case your  shelter is breached. If sheltering at home, ||||||||||||taking refuge at||

things like steel plates over windows and thick  security doors will help keep out even the most ||metal barrier|||||heavily reinforced|||||||||

determined Purgers, but finding alternative,  more secure shelter is probably your best bet. |Aggressive cleaners||||||safe place||||| vastberaden Purgers, maar het vinden van een alternatieve, veiligere schuilplaats is waarschijnlijk de beste keuze.

Places like old mine tunnels, abandoned  military structures, and even derelict barges ||||||||||Abandoned or neglected|flat-bottomed boats

floating off-shore are the perfect purge shelter.  An old mine tunnel may be creepy and dark, ||coastline|||||Safe haven||||underground passageway|||||

but it typically only has one obvious way in  with much less obvious escape shafts that could ||||||||||||||escape routes||

be hundreds or even thousands of feet away. With a  single entryway, anyone wanting to purge you won't |||||||||||main entrance||desiring to harm||||

have the advantage of surprise- as long as you  took the time to disguise your escape shafts well. |||||||||||||conceal or camouflage||||

Even better would be places like  abandoned military bunkers or ||||||||military shelters|

even old decommissioned missile silos-  although those might be difficult to get into ||Taken out of service|Rocket weapon system|missile storage structures||||||||

and make usable. Offshore structures means  that anyone hellbent on purging you is going |||Foreign-based|||||determined at all costs||eliminating completely|||

to have to go through a whole lot of effort  just to get to you, and if you're armed,

which you should be, then they're going to present  a very easy target as they make their way to you.

You might simply opt to skip physical shelter  altogether, and instead, just take to the sea on |||choose||bypass||physical protection|completely||||||||

a boat. Twelve hours isn't that long, and unless  purgers are incredibly motivated to hunt you down, ||||||||||||||pursue or chase|| лодку. Двенадцать часов - не такой уж большой срок, и если только чистильщики не будут невероятно мотивированы, чтобы выследить вас,

taking off for half a day at sea is a great  way to stay away from gangs of roving purgers. ||||||||||||||||groups of criminals||wandering or marauding|

Of course, another way to survive the purge  is to simply be someone people don't want

to purge in the first place. Odds are as you go  throughout the rest of your year, you're at least ||||||Chances are|||||during all of||||||||

a little bit selfish or rude to your neighbors  and co-workers. In a world with a yearly purge, |||self-centered|||||||||||||||

that's a great way of making sure that you have  a big, fat target on your back come purge night.

Instead of being rude or selfish, try to be  unselfish and helpful. Mow your neighbor's lawn, |||||||||selfless|||cut the grass||neighbor's yard|grass area

let them borrow your car when theirs breaks down,  maybe keep your political views to yourself and

off your Facebook. Make yourself likable and come  purge night, anyone wanting to hurt or kill you |||||appealing|||||||||||

is going to find that they have a laundry  list of people they want to hurt or kill ||||||||long list||||||||| обнаружит, что у них есть целый список людей, которых они хотят ранить или убить.

even more than you. It's only twelve hours after  all, so as long as you make sure you're as close

to the bottom of that hurt/kill list as  you can possibly get, you'll be fine.

During purge night, gangs of roving psychopaths  roam the streets looking for easy victims, so the ||||||violent individuals|move around||||||easy targets||

best way to defeat these gangs of roving psychos,  is to have an even bigger gang of your own. |||Overcome|||||violent individuals||||||||||

Round up like-minded individuals in the months  leading up to purge night, and form a neighborhood

militia. Even a small group of well disciplined  individuals committed to protecting each other Well-disciplined group|||||||||dedicated to|||| ополчение. Даже небольшая группа хорошо дисциплинированных людей, стремящихся защищать друг друга

can fend off larger packs of uncoordinated  purgers just looking to cause mayhem. |ward off|||groups of attackers||disorganized||||||chaos and destruction

But forming a deadly neighborhood watch to survive  purge night is only the first step. In the world |Creating||||||||||||||||

of national security, the best way to ensure  that your facility or your VIP isn't targeted for ||||||||||secure location|||Very Important Person||singled out for|

attack, is to discourage an attack in the first  place. This is known as becoming a 'hard target', |||Deter||||||||||||||

and involves taking steps to ensure that when  an attacker sizes you up for a possible attack, |||||||||potential threat|||||||

they realize that doing so would  be too costly, even if successful, ||||||||too expensive|||

to be worth the effort. On purge night,  being a hard target might be so effective ||||worth the effort|||||||||||

that you wouldn't be targeted in the first  place. After all, if you only have twelve

hours to cause mayhem, why waste most of that  time going after the neighborhood that's well

defended and equipped to protect itself? Better  to prey on weaker, more vulnerable people instead. ||armed||||||target weaker individuals||less resilient||easily harmed||

So to become a hard target on purge night,  forget going solo and round up that posse of |||||||||||alone|||||group of friends|

like-minded neighbors like we said. Against  undisciplined bands of roving purgers, |||||||uncontrolled|||wandering or marauding|

just realizing that they'd be going  up against a disciplined force просто понимая, что им предстоит сразиться с дисциплинированной силой.

might be enough to discourage an  attack in the first place- there's ||||Deter|||||||

likely easier picking elsewhere anyways  and like we said, the clock is ticking. ||||in any case||||||||

But being disciplined is key, you don't want to  appear like a group of random rabble. Create a |||||||||||||||disorderly crowd||

uniform for your neighborhood protection force,  and have every member wear it on purge night. ||||Safety or defense||||||||||

Uniforms mean solidarity, and for roving purgers,  it also lets them know that a well-established ||unity|||wandering or patrolling||||allows||||||well-recognized

force is present in this area, best to move  along and look for more vulnerable targets. Next,

practice basic self-defense drills together, and  if you've got access to them- which you absolutely |||self-protection|training exercises|||||||||||

should in the insane world of The Purge- make sure  everyone is armed and knows how to use a firearm.

Next, you'll want to roll out homemade barricades  to shut off vehicle access to your neighborhood, ||||deploy||handmade or improvised|roadblocks||block||||||

as well as seal off avenues of approach that  could be taken on foot. You can do this with |||block|||||||||||||||

physical barriers or by stationing groups of armed  guards. Much like with the defense of a military |Physical obstacles|||Positioning||||||||||||

installation, you can purposefully leave one very  obvious path for attackers to take, and this is Setup|||intentionally|||||||intruders|||||

where you would funnel anyone wishing to purge you  so they can be easily taken out. Set up defensive |||Channel attackers strategically|||||||||||||||protective measures

positions for your guards with criss-crossing  fields of fire, and anyone wishing to purge your |||||intersecting||||||||||

neighborhood, including government forces,  will find the effort's simply not worth it. |||||||attempt's value||||

But what if you're forced to go solo? Well,  your best bet is to hide. Get out of the city,

fleet to the countryside and take to the hills.  Park your car somewhere remote, and then take Escape|||rural areas||||||||||isolated location|||

off on foot pushing deeper and deeper into the  wilds. Ideally you would've begun your camping |||||||||untamed natural areas|Preferably||would have|started your camping||outdoor adventure trip

trip well before purge night, and made sure that  your ultimate destination required multiple modes ||||||||||||||transportation methods

of travel to get there, like parking your  car at the end of a dirt road somewhere, ||||||Parking spot||||||||unpaved road|Dirt path|

then taking a boat ride, and then hiking to reach  your final destination. The United States has

a great deal of truly wild places, and you can  survive purge night by hiding out with bigfoot. ||||||||||||||Taking cover|||Sasquatch

Ofcourse, the best way to survive the purge  though is to make sure you aren't purgeable Certainly|||||||||||||||subject to elimination Natuurlijk is de beste manier om de zuivering te overleven, ervoor te zorgen dat je niet kunt zuiveren

to begin with. Like we said in our recap of purge  history, the entire event is basically an excuse

for rich people to kill off poor people, so to  survive purge night, just be rich. The wealthy

and powerful are not just in many cases the most  horrific proponents of violence on purge night, |||||||||||advocates of violence|||||

but are basically immune to being purged  themselves thanks to their massive resources. |||resistant to removal|||removed from power||||||

Elite security agents, intruder-proof safe  rooms, and homes that double as military Top-tier||security personnel|Unauthorized person|||||||||

fortresses all make being rich during  purge night the best way to stay safe. secure strongholds|||||||||||||

Though you'd still have to watch out for your  fellow 1%, who love nothing more than to play Even if|||||||||peers|||||||

their sick, sadistic games of revenge and  torture on each other come purge night. ||cruel and brutal|||retaliation||||||||

If you're financially challenged, then good  news because there's still a chance to make |||struggling with money||||||||||

yourself an untouchable come purge night. The  America of The Purge is still sort of a democracy, ||immune to harm||||||||||||||

so simply run for a high enough government  office and you can be classified a level 10 |||||||||||||Top secret||

government employee, which is still illegal  to kill on purge night. The government still |Government worker||||against the law||||||||

needs to operate post-purge after all, and  if all our political differences could be

settled with mass murder, well, at least  Facebook would be a lot quieter place.

Alright, you're not rich, and you're not likable  enough to get elected. Matter of fact, you're not |||||||||||voted into office|||||

likeable enough to not get purged and you just  know that the kid you cut off at the green light

a week ago is definitely going to be looking  to get all purge'y on you come purge night. ||||||||||||violent and vengeful|||||

Your home is kind of indefensible because  you can't afford the fancy security systems |||||not well-protected||||||||

other people can, and you don't have access to a  whole cache of weapons- what are you going to do? |||||||||||Stockpile||||||||

Often the best place to hide isn't where people  won't go looking, but where they don't want to go

looking. We're talking about the worst places  you could imagine spending twelve hours in,

places that no human being in their right mind  would ever even enter, like a T-mobile store.

Not as good as a T-mobile store, but close,  would be a sewage treatment plant, or even a |||||||||||||wastewater treatment|||||

rancid landfill. These are places people avoid  in their normal lives, and for someone to hunt Foul-smelling|Garbage dump||||||||||||||

you down in one of these disgusting locations  they're gonna have to be really, extra motivated. |||||||awful places||||||||

Become one with the filth, dig in deep to a  pile of fresh trash, or camp out next to a ||||dirt or grime|immerse yourself|||||heap of garbage|||||Settle temporarily||||

large sewage holding pond. These places are going  to smell so disgusting, that very few people are |Wastewater|||||||||||||||

going to even think about looking for victims in  a place they themselves would never willingly go. |||||||||||||||by choice|

Of course, you could also opt to wait  out the purge in places that are just |||||choose||||||||||

incredibly unlikely to be targeted by purgers-  places like a local library. Think about it,

what psychopath purger is going  to even consider for a second |deranged individual|violent killer|||||||| welke psychopaat-purger zelfs maar een seconde zal overwegen

to check a local library for victims or  anything worth stealing? You'll naturally ||||||||||taking unlawfully||

want to avoid hiding out in places that could  attract looters, after all, every crime is ||||||||||thieves or robbers|||||

legal come purge night and a bunch of people  are just going to be looking for free loot, ||||||group of people|||||||||||stolen goods

but who in the world is going to be breaking  into a library looking for things to steal?

The best way to avoid purge night though  is to just leave the country altogether. ||||||||||||||completely

You don't even have to be rich to do it, just  hop in a car and drive either north or south |||||||||||get into|||||||||

until you hit the Canadian or Mexican  border. It'll take you a couple of tanks ||||||Mexican border||||||||fuel refills

of gas and a day road trip, but you can  plan out a long weekend for yourself and |||||journey||||||||||||

sit in a crappy canadian motel room eating  poutine and watching America burn itself |||run-down||cheap roadside inn|||cheese curds fries||||| zitten in een waardeloze Canadese motelkamer poutine te eten en te kijken hoe Amerika zichzelf verbrandt

to the ground on the tv- just like the  real founding fathers would've wanted.

Odds are, you're still going to end  up getting hurt come purge night, Chances are||||||||||||

so watch our video How to actually survive  getting shot. Or click this other video instead!