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The Infographics Show, How Did These Insanely Smart Hackers Get Caught And Arrested

How Did These Insanely Smart Hackers Get Caught And Arrested

In today's ever more digitally connected world a new breed of criminal has arisen: the hacker,

or cyber criminal.

Some hackers claim to act for the public good, leaking sensitive and derogatory government

information or revealing the depths of a corporation's corruption.

Most however are just simple crooks, and while for many they can successfully evade the law

for a time, the law inevitably catches up with them.

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're taking a look

at hackers who got busted.


Kevin Poulsen

Kevin Poulsen, known online as Dark Dante, was a prolific hacker who at age 23 hacked

into a federal computer network.

This time he decided he'd snoop on files centered around a federal investigation into the notorious

Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos.

A notoriously corrupt official, Marcos had stolen billions from the Philippines and had

a long record of human rights abuses.

No doubt a sensitive subject, Poulsen's intrusion was swiftly detected and the feds started

coming after Poulsen.

Going on the run, Poulsen went underground for 17 months, but like most other hackers

couldn't resist the temptation to keep on hacking.

As if he hadn't brought enough heat on himself already, Poulsen hacked into the FBI's network

and revealed wiretap details for mobsters, foreign politicians, and even the American

Civil Liberties Union.

Public outcry at the leaked details led the FBI to lend their support for the search for

Poulsen, but Poulsen still couldn't help himself- he and some friends took over the phone lines

for an LA radio station and ensured they would be the winning callers in various contests,

ultimately getting two Porsches, several Hawaiian vacations, and $20,000 in cash.

But as the search for Poulsen intensified, the popular TV show Unsolved Mysteries aired

a segment on the renegade hacker, and despite the studio's phone lines going dead when the

segment aired, employees of a local supermarket that had seen the show contacted the authorities

anyways after recognizing Poulsen from the episode.

Called the “The Hannibal Lecter of Computer Crime”, a judge decided to hold Poulsen

without bail for five years in federal prison while the government put their case against

him together- that's how extensive Poulsen's cyber crime spree had been.

Yet at the end they only charged him with lesser crimes such as money laundering and

wire fraud, sentenced to time served, and released on probation, not allowed to touch

a computer for three years.

These days Poulsen is a respected journalist who writes about computer security for Wired

Magazine, along with several books.

He's also turned his prolific skills as a hacker for good by finding 744 registered

sex offenders who used Myspace to troll for underage victims.


Albert Gonzalez

Up next is a story of a bad guy turning good guy turning bad guy again.

Known online as CumbaJohnny, Albert Gonzalez was the ringleader of shadowcrew.com, a black

market website where hackers sold stolen credit card numbers, social security numbers, passports-

basically anything one would need to falsify an identity or steal a real one.

Operating successfully for years, Gonzalez was ultimately discovered and arrested for

credit card fraud in 2003.

Upon his arrest however Gonzalez agreed to become an informant for the government in

exchange for his freedom, playing a key role in Operation: Firewall- a massive program

which targeted the world's most prolific hackers.

With Gonzalez's help the US government arrested 28 hackers across eight states and six foreign

countries, all of them indicted on charges of selling 1.7 million credit card numbers.

Immune to prosecution due to his cooperation, Gonzalez was offered a job with the Secret

Service, which he happily took.

Taking on the online persona of soupnazi- after the famous Seinfield episode- Gonzalez

got to work snaring hackers for the US government.

Because Gonzalez had taught the government most of what they knew about hacking though,

it was easy for him to cover his tracks as he went on to secretly begin his life of crime


Partnering with Ukranian hacker Maksym Yastremski, known as Maksik, Gonzalez began installing

packet sniffers on vulnerable store networks across the US.

Driving around with a laptop hooked up to a powerful antenna, Gonzalez and his friends

breached the networks of stores such as TJMaxx, target, and Barnes & Noble, and installed

their packet sniffers which would secretly grab credit and debit card data.

That data was then sent to one of Yastremski's computers all the way in Turkey, while two

other European cohorts hacked Heartland Payment Systems, stealing credit card information

from 130 million transactions.

In a not exactly subtle move, Gonzalez left his job with the Secret Service and began

living the high life, buying a brand new BMW and blowing thousands of dollars every weekend

as he partied with his hacker friends.

Though the Secret Service suspected that Gonzalez was back to his criminal ways, they couldn't

quite prove it- Gonzalez had taught them everything they knew about hacking in the first place!

However it was only a matter of time before the law caught up with Gonzalez and his crew,

as Ukrainian authorities arrested Yastremski and discovered over 600 instant message conversations

with Gonzalez.

Indicted in August 2008, Gonzalez's high life was brought to a quick end, and today he's

spending a 20 year prison sentence behind bars.

However it's estimated that the companies Gonzalez victimized have spent more than $400

million to repair the damage done by him and his crew.


Adrian Lamo

Known as the 'homeless hacker', Adrian Lamo was often seen as a modern day Robin Hood,

or at least a generally benign hacker.

Rising to prominence in 2001, at 20 years old he took advantage of an unguarded content

management tool at Yahoo! to modify a Reuters article, and managed to add a fake quote attributed

to US Attorney General John Ashcroft- whom as the head of the justice department you

really probably don't want to mess with.

Lamo would go on to hack into the systems of Worldcom, only to as he so often did, contact

the victim to let them know of their security vulnerabilities.

Hacking into other corporate networks, Lamo grew a reputation of being a generally benign

hacker, and was even thanked by some of his victims for showing them how to improve their


However in 2002 Lamo stepped a bit into the shadows when he hacked into the New York Times

intranet and included his own name on a list of expert hacking sources, and then used the

newspaper's LexisNexis account to research high-profile individuals.

After a criminal complaint was filed against him, Lamo surrendered to US Marshalls and

plead guilty to one felony count of computer crimes against Microsoft, LexisNexis, and

The New York Times.

He would be sentenced to two years probation with six months to be served in home detention,

and ordered to pay $65,000 in restitution.

Lamo would swing back into the light though when in May 2010 he reported to US Army authorities

that Chelsea Manning had been leaking a large body of classified documents to Wikileaks,

to include 260,000 classified United States diplomatic cables.

The backlash against Lamo from Wikileaks and the hacker community was intense, with Wikileaks

calling him and Kevin Poulsen “notorious felons, informers and manipulators”.

Hackers at the 2010 Hackers on Planet Earth conferenced labeled him a snitch, with one

commenter after his speech during a panel discussion saying that what he did was tantamount

to treason.

However, Lamo defended his actions as wanting to help save lives, and the brutal murder

of Afghan nationals named in the leaked documents by the Taliban showed just how many lives

were at stake from Manning's careless leaking.

Disappearing after turning in Manning and claiming to be fearful for his life, Lamo

popped up in the public eye from time to time, but would go on to die in Wichita Kansas on

March 14th, 2018 at the age of 37.

After an autopsy revealed no definite cause of death, conspiracy theories exploded across

the internet on the real cause- everything from the US government to other hackers receiving

the blame for his death.

Most of our hackers operated in the early days of the internet, before computer security

was as stringent and thorough as it is today.

Yet hacking can still be a lucrative crime for many, and as the world grows ever more

connected, it's a crime that's guaranteed to grow.

Most of the hackers who get busted every year by the military should have probably taken

better steps to protect themselves, and even though you may not be a nefarious hacker,

today's dangerous cyber environment means that you should take steps to protect yourself


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Have you ever hacked anything?

Ever been the victim of a hack?

Let us know in the comments!

And as always if you enjoyed this video don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe for more

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How Did These Insanely Smart Hackers Get Caught And Arrested Как||||||||| In what way||||||||| كيف|||||||تم القبض عليهم|و| |||||||||Arrestati Wie wurden diese wahnsinnig schlauen Hacker geschnappt und verhaftet? Πώς πιάστηκαν και συνελήφθησαν αυτοί οι τρελά έξυπνοι χάκερς ¿Cómo atraparon y detuvieron a estos hackers increíblemente inteligentes? Comment ces pirates informatiques incroyablement intelligents ont-ils été arrêtés ? Come hanno fatto questi hacker follemente intelligenti a essere catturati e arrestati? なぜハッカーたちは逮捕されたのか? 미친 듯이 똑똑한 해커들은 어떻게 잡혀 체포될 수 있었나요? Jak złapano i aresztowano tych szalenie inteligentnych hakerów? Como é que estes piratas informáticos insanamente inteligentes foram apanhados e presos? Как поймали и арестовали этих безумно умных хакеров Bu Delicesine Zeki Hackerlar Nasıl Yakalandı ve Tutuklandı? Як цих шалено розумних хакерів спіймали та заарештували 这些极聪明的黑客是如何被抓到并拘捕的 這些極其聰明的駭客是如何被逮捕的

In today's ever more digitally connected world a new breed of criminal has arisen: the hacker, ||||through digital means|||||||||emerged|| ||||رقميًا|||||||مجرم|||| |||||||||||||現れた|| |||||||||||||surgido|| |||||||||vrsta|||||| 在当今数字连接更加紧密的世界中出现了一种新型犯罪分子:黑客,

or cyber criminal. 或网络犯罪分子。

Some hackers claim to act for the public good, leaking sensitive and derogatory government ||||يتصرف|||||تسريب|||مسيء|الحكومة ||||||||||||disparaging or offensive| ||||||||||||中傷的な| ||||||||||||despectivo/a| |||||||||razkrivanje|||žaljiv| 一些黑客声称是为了公共利益行事,泄露敏感和贬低政府

information or revealing the depths of a corporation's corruption. ||كاشف||أعماق|||شركة| |||||||de la corporación| 信息或揭露公司腐败的深度。

Most however are just simple crooks, and while for many they can successfully evade the law |ومع ذلك|||||||||||||| |||||criminals|||||||||| |||||||||||||eludir|| |||||||||||||izogniti se|| 但大多数只是简单的骗子,虽然对许多人来说他们可以成功逃避法律

for a time, the law inevitably catches up with them. |||||unavoidably|||| per un certo periodo|||||inevitabilmente|raggiunge||| 一段时间,法律终将追上他们。

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're taking a look 你好,欢迎收看《信息图表秀》的另一集 - 今天我们来看看

at hackers who got busted. ||||caught by authorities 被抓的黑客们。

3. 3.

Kevin Poulsen 凯文·波尔森

Kevin Poulsen, known online as Dark Dante, was a prolific hacker who at age 23 hacked 凯文·波尔森,网名Dark Dante,是一位多产的黑客,23岁时成功攻入了联邦计算机网络。

into a federal computer network. ||федеральный|| 凯文·波尔森

This time he decided he'd snoop on files centered around a federal investigation into the notorious |||||spy on files|||||||||| |||||порпатися в файлах|||||||||| |||||vohuniti po|na|||||||||zloglasen 这次,他决定窥探围绕针对臭名昭著的菲律宾总统费迪南德·马科斯的联邦调查的文件。

Filipino President Ferdinand Marcos. 作为一个臭名昭著的腐败官员,马科斯从菲律宾窃取了数十亿美元。

A notoriously corrupt official, Marcos had stolen billions from the Philippines and had |общеизвестно коррумпированный|коррумпированный|||||||||| |بشكل notorious|||||||||الفلبين|| 从菲律宾窃取了数十亿美元,并

a long record of human rights abuses. ||||||порушення прав людини 一系列人权虐待事件。

No doubt a sensitive subject, Poulsen's intrusion was swiftly detected and the feds started ||||||||быстро||||| ||||||||بسرعة||||| ||||||vdor||hitro||||zvezni agenti| Ongetwijfeld een gevoelig onderwerp, Poulsen's inbraak werd snel opgemerkt en de FBI begon 毫无疑问,这是一个敏感的话题,鲍尔森的入侵很快就被发现,联邦政府开始对鲍尔森展开追查。

coming after Poulsen. 对鲍尔森展开追查。

Going on the run, Poulsen went underground for 17 months, but like most other hackers ||||||v ilegalo||||||| Poulsen逃跑后潜入地下17个月,但像大多数其他黑客一样

couldn't resist the temptation to keep on hacking. не смог устоять перед соблазном продолжить взлом. 无法抗拒继续黑客行为的诱惑。

As if he hadn't brought enough heat on himself already, Poulsen hacked into the FBI's network Поулсен взломал сеть ФБР. 仿佛他还没有给自己带来足够的麻烦,Poulsen还侵入了FBI的网络

and revealed wiretap details for mobsters, foreign politicians, and even the American |||||mafiosos|||||| ||prisluškovanje|||gangsterji|||||| 并透露了对黑帮分子、外国政客甚至美国公民的窃听细节

Civil Liberties Union. 公民自由联盟。

Public outcry at the leaked details led the FBI to lend their support for the search for ||||filtrados|||||||||||| |javna ogorčenost|||razkritih podatkov||||||posoditi svojo podporo|||||| 泄露的细节引起了公众强烈抗议,导致FBI支持对其进行追捕

Poulsen, but Poulsen still couldn't help himself- he and some friends took over the phone lines Poulsen,但Poulsen 仍然无法自制- 他和一些朋友接管了电话线路

for an LA radio station and ensured they would be the winning callers in various contests, |||||||||||||||natečaji для радиостанции в Лос-Анджелесе и гарантировал, что они станут победителями в различных конкурсах, 为洛杉矶一家广播电台确保他们成为各种比赛的获胜者,

ultimately getting two Porsches, several Hawaiian vacations, and $20,000 in cash. |||dos Porsches|||||| 最终获得了两辆保时捷、数次夏威夷度假和2万美元现金。

But as the search for Poulsen intensified, the popular TV show Unsolved Mysteries aired 但随着对波尔森的搜寻加剧,备受欢迎的电视节目《未解之谜》播出了一段报道

a segment on the renegade hacker, and despite the studio's phone lines going dead when the |||||||||del estudio|||||| ||||odpadniški heker||||||||||| 关于这位叛逆的黑客,尽管在这一段报道播出时,工作室的电话线都中断了,但一家当地超市的员工看到了节目后联系了当局

segment aired, employees of a local supermarket that had seen the show contacted the authorities 员工看到了节目后联系了当局

anyways after recognizing Poulsen from the episode. 在认出波尔森之后。

Called the “The Hannibal Lecter of Computer Crime”, a judge decided to hold Poulsen ||||Lecter računalniškega kriminala||||||||| 被称为“计算机犯罪汉尼拔·莱克特”,一名法官决定让波尔森入狱

without bail for five years in federal prison while the government put their case against |brez varščine||||||||||||| 五年期间政府对其提起诉讼

him together- that's how extensive Poulsen's cyber crime spree had been. ||||||||divjanje kriminala|| 将他们联系在一起-这就是Poulsen进行的网络犯罪活动的规模有多大。

Yet at the end they only charged him with lesser crimes such as money laundering and |||||||||manjša kazniva dejanja|||||pranje denarja| 然而,最终他们只指控他犯了较轻的罪行,如洗钱和欺诈,判处罚款并释放,并处于缓刑状态,不允许接触现金。

wire fraud, sentenced to time served, and released on probation, not allowed to touch |||||||||supervised release period|||| |||||||||pogojna kazen|||| мошенничество, приговорен к отбытию срока и освобожден условно, не имея права прикасаться к 电子欺诈,判处监禁,并缓刑释放,不得接触

a computer for three years. 三年的时间内使用过一台计算机。

These days Poulsen is a respected journalist who writes about computer security for Wired 如今Poulsen是一位备受尊敬的记者,为《连线》杂志撰写有关计算机安全的文章,还出版了几本书。

Magazine, along with several books. 杂志,以及几本书籍。

He's also turned his prolific skills as a hacker for good by finding 744 registered 他还将自己作为黑客的多产技能用于正面,找到了744名注册

sex offenders who used Myspace to troll for underage victims. 性犯罪犯,他们利用Myspace寻找未成年受害者。

2. 2.

Albert Gonzalez 阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯

Up next is a story of a bad guy turning good guy turning bad guy again. 接下来讲述一个坏人变好人又变坏人的故事。

Known online as CumbaJohnny, Albert Gonzalez was the ringleader of shadowcrew.com, a black ||||||||cabecilla||||| ||||||||vodja tolpe||||| 在网上被称为CumbaJohnny,阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯是shadowcrew.com的头目,这是一个黑市网站,在那里黑客出售被盗的信用卡号码、社会保障号码、护照等

market website where hackers sold stolen credit card numbers, social security numbers, passports- 下一个故事是一个坏人变好人又变坏人的故事。

basically anything one would need to falsify an identity or steal a real one. 基本上任何人需要伪造身份或窃取真实身份的东西。

Operating successfully for years, Gonzalez was ultimately discovered and arrested for يعمل|||||||||| 多年来成功运作,冈萨雷斯最终于2003年因信用卡欺诈被发现并逮捕。

credit card fraud in 2003. 2003年因信用卡欺诈被发现并逮捕。

Upon his arrest however Gonzalez agreed to become an informant for the government in |||||||||ovaduh za vlado|||| 然而,在他被捕后,冈萨雷斯同意成为政府的通报者,以换取自由,在

exchange for his freedom, playing a key role in Operation: Firewall- a massive program تبادل||||||||||||| “防火墙行动”中扮演一个关键角色——这是一个针对世界上最为活跃的黑客的大规模计划。

which targeted the world's most prolific hackers. |aimed at||||| 该计划旨在打击世界上最多产的黑客。

With Gonzalez's help the US government arrested 28 hackers across eight states and six foreign 在冈萨雷斯的帮助下,美国政府逮捕了28名黑客,分布在八个州和六个外国。

countries, all of them indicted on charges of selling 1.7 million credit card numbers. ||||obtožene|||||||| 所有这些黑客都被起诉出售170万信用卡号码。

Immune to prosecution due to his cooperation, Gonzalez was offered a job with the Secret ||pregon|||||||||||| 由于他的合作,冈萨雷斯免于起诉,被提供了一份特工的工作。

Service, which he happily took. 他高兴地接受了服务。

Taking on the online persona of soupnazi- after the famous Seinfield episode- Gonzalez De online persona van soupnazi- na de beroemde Seinfield-aflevering - Gonzalez Взяв на себя онлайн-персону Супнази - в честь знаменитого эпизода из "Сейнфилда" - Гонсалес 在著名的《辛菲尔德》剧集之后,冒充网名为“soupnazi”的冈萨雷斯开始抓获黑客。

got to work snaring hackers for the US government. |||atrapando||||| |||loviti||||| занялся ловлей хакеров для правительства США. 为美国政府工作,抓获黑客。

Because Gonzalez had taught the government most of what they knew about hacking though, 因为戈恩萨雷斯已经教会政府大部分关于黑客的知识。

it was easy for him to cover his tracks as he went on to secretly begin his life of crime Ему было легко замести следы, когда он тайно начал свою преступную жизнь. 他很容易掩盖自己的行踪,然后秘密开始他的犯罪生涯。

anew. na novo 重新开始。

Partnering with Ukranian hacker Maksym Yastremski, known as Maksik, Gonzalez began installing 与乌克兰黑客Maksym Yastremski(也称为Maksik)合作,冈萨雷斯开始安装

packet sniffers on vulnerable store networks across the US. |rastreadores de paquetes||||||| packet sniffers op kwetsbare winkelnetwerken in de VS. 在美国易受攻击的商店网络上使用数据包嗅探器。

Driving around with a laptop hooked up to a powerful antenna, Gonzalez and his friends |||||povezan||||||||| 冈萨雷斯和他的朋友们在车里携带着连接到强大天线的笔记本电脑四处转悲,

breached the networks of stores such as TJMaxx, target, and Barnes & Noble, and installed 侵入了TJMaxx、Target和Barnes&Noble等商店的网络,并安装了

their packet sniffers which would secretly grab credit and debit card data. 他们的数据嗅探器可以秘密地获取信用卡和借记卡数据。

That data was then sent to one of Yastremski's computers all the way in Turkey, while two 然后,这些数据被发送到亚斯特列姆斯基在土耳其的一台电脑上,同时,另外两名欧洲同伙入侵了哈特兰支付系统,窃取了信用卡信息

other European cohorts hacked Heartland Payment Systems, stealing credit card information ||sodelavci|||||||| andere Europese cohorten hebben Heartland Payment Systems gehackt en creditcardgegevens gestolen 他们的数据嗅探器可以秘密地获取信用卡和借记卡数据。

from 130 million transactions. 来自1.3亿笔交易。

In a not exactly subtle move, Gonzalez left his job with the Secret Service and began ||||ne ravno subtilen||||||||||| Не совсем ловко поступив, Гонсалес оставил работу в Секретной службе и начал 冈萨雷斯毫不掩饰地辞去了特勤局的工作,开始

living the high life, buying a brand new BMW and blowing thousands of dollars every weekend ||||||||||zapravljaš||||| 过着奢华的生活,购买了一辆全新的宝马,每个周末花费数千美元。

as he partied with his hacker friends. ||žural|||| 他与他的黑客朋友一起狂欢。

Though the Secret Service suspected that Gonzalez was back to his criminal ways, they couldn't 尽管特勤局怀疑冈萨雷斯重操旧业,但他们无法

quite prove it- Gonzalez had taught them everything they knew about hacking in the first place! 完全证明- 冈萨雷斯一开始就教会他们有关黑客技术的所有知识!

However it was only a matter of time before the law caught up with Gonzalez and his crew, 然而,冈萨雷斯和他的团队迟早会违法被抓住,

as Ukrainian authorities arrested Yastremski and discovered over 600 instant message conversations ||||||||trenutnih sporočil|| 乌克兰当局逮捕了亚斯特列姆斯基,并发现了600多条与冈萨雷斯的即时消息对话。

with Gonzalez. 与冈萨雷斯一起。

Indicted in August 2008, Gonzalez's high life was brought to a quick end, and today he's Obtožen|||||||||||||| 冈萨雷斯于2008年8月被起诉,他那种奢侈的生活很快就结束了,今天他正坐在监狱里度过20年的刑期。

spending a 20 year prison sentence behind bars. 在2008年8月被起诉后,冈萨雷斯的豪华生活很快结束,如今他正在监狱中度过20年的刑期。

However it's estimated that the companies Gonzalez victimized have spent more than $400 |||||||victimizado|||| 据估计,冈萨雷斯 victimized 的公司们已经花费了超过 4 亿美元来修复他及其团队造成的损害。

million to repair the damage done by him and his crew. 但据估计,冈萨雷斯 victimized 的公司们已经花费了超过 4 亿美元来修复他及其团队造成的损害。

1. 1.

Adrian Lamo 阿德里安·拉莫

Known as the 'homeless hacker', Adrian Lamo was often seen as a modern day Robin Hood, 被称为“无家可归的黑客”的阿德里安·拉莫经常被视为现代的罗宾汉,

or at least a generally benign hacker. |||||neškodljiv| 或者至少是一个普遍良性的黑客。

Rising to prominence in 2001, at 20 years old he took advantage of an unguarded content ||||||||||||contenido desprotegido| ||poudarjen položaj||||||||||| 2001年崭露头角,20岁的他利用一段无人看守的内容

management tool at Yahoo! to modify a Reuters article, and managed to add a fake quote attributed 在Yahoo!的管理工具中修改一篇路透社文章,并成功添加了一句归因于美国司法部长约翰·阿什克罗夫的假引述

to US Attorney General John Ashcroft- whom as the head of the justice department you 作为司法部负责人,你可能真的不想去惹。

really probably don't want to mess with. 真的不想去惹。

Lamo would go on to hack into the systems of Worldcom, only to as he so often did, contact 拉莫以后会侵入世界通信系统,就像他经常做的那样,与受害者联系

the victim to let them know of their security vulnerabilities. 让他们知道他们的安全漏洞。

Hacking into other corporate networks, Lamo grew a reputation of being a generally benign ||||||||ugled||||| 侵入其他公司网络,拉莫逐渐声名远播,被认为是一个相对温和的人

hacker, and was even thanked by some of his victims for showing them how to improve their 黑客,甚至得到一些受害者的感谢,因为他展示了如何改进他们的方法

security. 安全性。

However in 2002 Lamo stepped a bit into the shadows when he hacked into the New York Times 然而在2002年,拉莫在黑客入侵纽约时报的内部网络时稍微隐身一点,并在一份专家黑客来源名单上加入了自己的名字,然后利用了这一

intranet and included his own name on a list of expert hacking sources, and then used the intranet in vključil|||||||||||||||| 机会。

newspaper's LexisNexis account to research high-profile individuals. cuenta de LexisNexis||||||| 使用报纸的LexisNexis账户研究知名人士。

After a criminal complaint was filed against him, Lamo surrendered to US Marshalls and |||||||||turned himself in|||| |||kazenska ovadba||||||predal se|||| 在一项刑事投诉被提起后,拉莫向美国联邦法警自首,并

plead guilty to one felony count of computer crimes against Microsoft, LexisNexis, and priznati krivdo za||||kaznivo dejanje|ena točka||||||| 对Microsoft、LexisNexis等公司的计算机犯罪行为表示认罪,认罪罪名一项。

The New York Times. 《纽约时报》。

He would be sentenced to two years probation with six months to be served in home detention, |||||||supervised release period||||||||| Он будет приговорен к двум годам условно с отбыванием шести месяцев в домашнем заключении, 他将被判处两年缓刑,其中六个月要在家中服刑,

and ordered to pay $65,000 in restitution. |||||odškodnina 并被命令支付65,000美元的赔偿。

Lamo would swing back into the light though when in May 2010 he reported to US Army authorities 拉莫会在2010年5月向美国军方报告的时候重新出现在公众视野中,

that Chelsea Manning had been leaking a large body of classified documents to Wikileaks, |||||razkrivala|||||||| 他报告切尔西·曼宁一直向维基解密网站泄露大量机密文件,

to include 260,000 classified United States diplomatic cables. ||||||cables diplomáticos clasificados 包括26万份分类的美国外交电报。

The backlash against Lamo from Wikileaks and the hacker community was intense, with Wikileaks |odziv javnosti|||||||||||| 来自维基解密和黑客社区对Lamo的强烈抨击,维基解密称他和凯文·波尔森为“臭名昭著的重犯、告密者和操纵者”。

calling him and Kevin Poulsen “notorious felons, informers and manipulators”. ||||||delincuentes notorios|||manipuladores |||||zloglasni zločinci|zločinci||| 2010年地球黑客大会上的黑客们将他标记为告密者,其中一人

Hackers at the 2010 Hackers on Planet Earth conferenced labeled him a snitch, with one |||||||conferenciaron||||soplón|| |||||||||||ovaduh|| Hackers op de Hackers on Planet Earth-conferentie in 2010 noemden hem een verrader, met één

commenter after his speech during a panel discussion saying that what he did was tantamount ||||||||||||||Equivalent to that ||||||||||||||Equivalente a komentator po govoru||||||||||||||enako kot commentator na zijn toespraak tijdens een paneldiscussie en zei dat wat hij deed gelijk was 等同于

to treason. |Commit betrayal. 叛国。

However, Lamo defended his actions as wanting to help save lives, and the brutal murder 然而,Lamo为自己的行为辩护,称希望帮助拯救生命,阿富汗国民在泄露文件中被塔利班谋杀的残忍行为展示了有多少生命

of Afghan nationals named in the leaked documents by the Taliban showed just how many lives 受到影响

were at stake from Manning's careless leaking. ||na kocki|||| 由于曼宁的泄密而岌岌可危。

Disappearing after turning in Manning and claiming to be fearful for his life, Lamo 在交出曼宁并声称害怕生命危险后消失的Lamo

popped up in the public eye from time to time, but would go on to die in Wichita Kansas on Время от времени появлялся на публике, но впоследствии умер в Уичито, штат Канзас. 偶尔会在公众视野中出现,但最终在堪萨斯州威奇托去世

March 14th, 2018 at the age of 37. 2018年3月14日,享年37岁。

After an autopsy revealed no definite cause of death, conspiracy theories exploded across ||obdukcija|||||||zarote||| 在尸检结果未发现明确死因的情况下,各种阴谋论在互联网上蔓延开来,涉及从美国政府到其他黑客的真正原因。

the internet on the real cause- everything from the US government to other hackers receiving 2018年3月14日,享年37岁。

the blame for his death. |krivda za smrt||| 他的死亡应该受到谴责。

Most of our hackers operated in the early days of the internet, before computer security 我们大多数的黑客是在互联网的早期时代活动的,在计算机安全变得像今天这样严格和彻底之前。

was as stringent and thorough as it is today. ||stroga in temeljita|||||| 他的死亡应该受到谴责。

Yet hacking can still be a lucrative crime for many, and as the world grows ever more ||||||donosen|||||||||| 然而黑客依然可以成为许多人的一种有利可图的犯罪行为,随着世界变得愈加连接,黑客这种犯罪行为注定会增长。

connected, it's a crime that's guaranteed to grow. 每年被军方抓获的大部分黑客可能本应该采取措施。

Most of the hackers who get busted every year by the military should have probably taken ||||||caught by authorities||||||||| 每年被军方抓获的大部分黑客可能本应该采取措施。

better steps to protect themselves, and even though you may not be a nefarious hacker, |||||||||||||malicious or criminal| |||||||||||||zloben|heker 采取更好的措施保护自己,尽管你可能不是一个邪恶的黑客,

today's dangerous cyber environment means that you should take steps to protect yourself 如今危险的网络环境意味着你应该采取措施保护自己


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Have you ever hacked anything? 你有没有黑过什么东西?

Ever been the victim of a hack? Kdajkoli|||||| 曾经被黑过吗?

Let us know in the comments! 在评论中告诉我们!

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