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The Infographics Show, A Day in The Life of Putin

A Day in The Life of Putin

The man, the myth, the legend.

Vladimir Putin.

Most people know him as an impenetrable, and quite frankly terrifying, man.

To you, he's just your boss.

Although you've worked with the man for years, there's still so much you don't

know about the President of Russia.

You've never met his family.

You've never really seen him cry or express any emotions.

Sometimes, you wonder if he even has emotions.

Especially after that time he —

Oh, never mind, that's confidential.

It's time to get on with business as usual.

You're not with him from the minute he gets up in the morning, but you do have a pretty

good idea of what he gets up to.

Before you get disappointed, no, there's no topless bear wrestling or vodka shots.

In many ways, Putin is suspiciously boring.

Most mornings he has a lie-in, finally getting out of bed at around noon.

Well, he needs his beauty sleep — have you seen those abs?

He'll then tuck into a simple, nutritious breakfast — his staple ingredient is cottage


Often, he'll opt for porridge or an omelet, possibly the most vanilla breakfast options


But what he lacks in edginess he makes up for in healthiness.

All his food is locally produced and freshly baked, straight from his kitchen and the land


If you hadn't guessed it already, Putin is a pretty picky eater.

Combined with his general paranoia, it makes for a nightmare scenario whenever he goes


He insists on traveling with his own Russian cook to make sure he always knows what he's

eating, and teams of his diplomats will make agreements with the hosts regarding catering


He refuses to eat anything offered by a host if it hasn't been cleared by the Kremlin


And he definitely can't, under any circumstances, drink milk.

Picky eater or just paranoid?

Maybe it's a bit of both, but it's hardly surprising that Putin is worried about poisoning

after some of his alleged activities abroad...

Of course, he doesn't have to cook anything himself: he has a personal chef.

But don't get his actual cook confused with the wealthy Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin,

who confusingly has the nickname “Putin's chef.”

Prigozhin is just an ex hotdog salesman who made a fortune off catering businesses and

now meddles in all kinds of international affairs, and he'd probably get offended

if you thought he was actually still tasked with working in the kitchen.

All Putin's ingredients come from farms belonging to the Patriarch Kirill, the head

of the Russian Orthodox Church — it helps to have friends in high places.

Instead of living in the busy and congested city of Moscow, Putin's home is an estate

just west of the city, full of parkland and greenery.

After breakfast, he'll have a coffee to set him up for a long, hard day of being Russia's


You might think it's finally time to start working at this point — after all, it's

gone one in the afternoon already.

But not yet.

After already lazing around and enjoying an indulgent breakfast, Putin sets off for two

hours of swimming.

He certainly prioritizes his physique.

Putin is something of a water baby.

Whilst swimming, he remains in deep contemplation and thinking.

While doing a few lengths of breaststroke, he's probably making his plan for world

domination and the newest foreign policy.

Or maybe he just procrastinates.

While Putin is enjoying his leisurely swim, you and the other courtiers wait for him in,

well, the waiting room.

Sometimes, you have a bit of a gossip while you're safely out of earshot.

You can't help but wonder if Putin is on his last legs.

He's been in power for more than two decades, and his popularity is being tested like never


Maybe that's why he spends so much time swimming.

After three terms as president, he must be struggling to keep up with expectations.

Of course, he doesn't talk to anyone.

He hides his emotions like it's a full-time job.

You don't even think he actually wants to be in charge anymore — you wonder if he's

just scared to let go in case Russia falls apart as a result.

After all, there are few people he despises more than the so-called traitors of the country

who lacked strong leadership, like Gorbachev — the man who oversaw the fall of the Soviet


Even after Putin finishes swimming, it's still not time for him to start governing

the country.

Not quite yet.

Instead, he heads to the gym, in a workout outfit worth $3,500.

He really cares about his physique.

Quite the multi-tasker, he watches the news while doing his exercise.

There's nothing that gets you pumped up for a good workout quite like watching a program

telling you how great you are for your country.

As you might expect, he's not much of a cardio guy.

You'll find him lifting weights, not running on the treadmill.

Eventually, by mid-afternoon, Putin is finished with his excessive exercise routine, and he

finally gets dressed.

Like most men in their sixties, he has a pretty conservative fashion sense.

He'll normally opt for a bespoke suit and a tie in a neutral tone.

His favorite brands are Kiton and Brioni, two companies that sell suits for thousands

of dollars a-piece.

At this point, you and the other courtiers have been waiting hours for Putin to grace

you with his presence.

You're not sure why he insists on you arriving so early in the first place, but that's

just the way it is.

As one of Putin's personal courtiers, when you're not sat around waiting for him to

arrive, you spend the best part of the day helping him out with his daily tasks and schedule.


Many people envy your proximity to him, but it's a stressful job and doesn't leave

you with much free time.

After so many hours of prep and personal development, Putin arrives raring to go.

And he needs his energy, because the first job is going through the briefing notes.


First, he heads over to his office and sits at his huge, heavy, wooden desk.

For extra security, the room contains no technology and no screens.

If somebody needs to communicate, it has to be through telephone, old-school style.

Now, there are three thick folders to get through.

The first one contains information from the domestic intelligence service (the FSB), the

second one has information from the foreign intelligence service (the SVR), and the third

is a report about the court, compiled by his close protection army (the FSO).

After browsing through three thick folders, it's time for — you guessed it — more


Now, some lighter reading: the press clippings from both the heavily censored national tabloids

and the less-censored broadsheets.

Both are important for different reasons: you want to control what the general public

is thinking as well as the Kremlin courts.

Finally, it's the foreign press, but who cares about that, really?

They always have something horrible to say about Putin based entirely on lies and defamation.

He does, however, get some satisfaction from reading the German news in its original German.

It's a skill he developed from working for the KGB in Dresden in his younger years.

If Putin is in a particularly good mood, he might let you show him some satirical videos

or memes from the internet.

Outside of his screen-free office, of course.

So, Putin, if you're watching this: hi!

After a few hours of keeping up with the press, it's time to proceed with the daily schedule.

Like most powerful individuals, Putin follows a tight schedule that he has little control


His plan is divided into 15-minute blocks that are scheduled months or years ahead.

The day could consist of meetings with royalty or leaders from other world states, or

carrying out honors to the great citizens of his own country.

However, he dislikes meetings and tries to avoid them whenever possible.

Who would have guessed from watching him on TV that he wasn't much of a people person?

Although Putin lives away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, he can get there

easily if he needs to.

There's a special route closed off and reserved just for him so he can get to the Kremlin,

Russia's parliamentary building, in just twenty-five minutes.

Since the only two places Putin ever seems to go are the Kremlin and the airport, it's

not particularly difficult to clear the roads for him.

However, he hates going there and will avoid it whenever possible.

Unfortunately, today there's a meeting, which means it's a bad day.

As soon as Putin enters the room, everyone goes silent.

Nobody looks him in the eye.

He doesn't exactly come across as the friendliest guy in the world — he never smiles and barely


The bodyguards stay close by Putin's side, preventing anyone from getting too close — three

meters at most.

At least he's well-prepared for any upcoming pandemics.

If he has to give any speeches, Putin is sure to appear completely emotionless.

He prepares everything beforehand and memorizes it to make sure he avoids any spontaneous

bursts of feeling.

He normally gets you to write things, too, to achieve the maximum emotional distance.

Finally, the meeting finishes.

Time to go home — but not for you.

You're back to Putin's house, and there's a long evening ahead of you.

Putin finds the greatest mental clarity in the cold hours of the evening, so that's

when it's time to do the real work.

A real night owl.

He summons you and the rest of the courtiers to discuss plans.

This is slightly inconvenient for you since you're more of a morning person, but it

is what it is.

In the night time, he focuses more on deep strategy work.

You would reveal the details, but they're far too confidential.

He's not one for a late-night swig of vodka, despite what you might expect.

In fact, he's a complete teetotal outside of formal receptions.

Despite Russia's reputation for being vodka-crazed, the social issues the country has faced due

to alcoholism have led many of its politicians to ditch the booze.

One of Putin's prime traitors of the motherland, ex-Prime Minister Boris Yeltsin, was notorious

for his alcohol problems, and he's stayed away from the bottle as a result.

Instead, Putin is more likely to spend the time before bed cuddling up with his babies

— his dogs.


What children?

Nobody ever talks about them — Putin has two adult daughters, but they stay under the

radar and nobody is sure if he spends much time with them.

However, we know plenty about his dogs.

He owns a labrador named Konni, an Akita Inu named Yume, and a Karakachan dog named Buffy.

In case you don't know what those breeds are, they're very big and fluffy.

Once, Yume caused an incident in a political meeting by barking at a Japanese journalist.

But, instead of punishing his naughty dog, Putin gave her a treat!

He says he finds it endearing his dogs aren't afraid of him.

There are also some rumors that Putin likes to read, perhaps history books or fiction,

but Putin doesn't like to be seen as an intellectual reader.

Despite preferring his reputation as a strong man, Putin is actually an extremely intelligent

guy who came from an ordinary family, achieved near-perfect grades and rose to the top of

his field.

But eventually, although sleep is for the weak, even Putin has to head off for bed.

As he lies there waiting to drift off, he might think about his military strategy, or

perhaps his upcoming weekend plans.

He sometimes goes to Church to pray.

Whilst he has emphasized that he isn't necessarily a devout Christian, that hasn't stopped

him from saying same-sex marriage is on a par with Satan.

Putin also enjoys studying English — he's already fluent in German but still perfecting

his English — and playing ice hockey.

If they're really lucky, figures high up in an oligarchic society might be honored

to attend one of Putin's regular ice hockey games.

As a lowly courtier, you've never had that honor.

Putin sleeps alone.

He was once married for thirty years, but divorced his wife Lyudmila back in 2013.

Allegedly, they split up after an argument during the interval of a ballet show, but

you're too scared to ask about the details.

It seems like he's a single pringle and eligible bachelor.

Some lady out there must be very lucky.

As he drifts into slumber, maybe he dreams about crowds of Russians clapping for him

and millions of adoring eyes.

Or maybe he has nightmares about an American election he doesn't meddle in.

If you're mad about the Russians, check out our videos about how Russia can launch

missiles from beyond the grave and whether the United States or Russia has the deadliest


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A Day in The Life of Putin un|||||| Ein Tag im Leben von Putin Μια μέρα στη ζωή του Πούτιν Un día en la vida de Putin Une journée dans la vie de Poutine Un giorno nella vita di Putin プーチンの一日 푸틴의 하루 Putino gyvenimo diena Dzień z życia Putina Um dia na vida de Putin Один день из жизни Путина Putin'in Hayatında Bir Gün Один день з життя Путіна 普京一生中的一天 普丁一生中的一天

The man, the myth, the legend. |||신화|| |||efsane|| 그 사람, 신화, 전설. Человек, миф, легенда.

Vladimir Putin. 블라디미르| 블라디미르 푸틴.

Most people know him as an impenetrable, and quite frankly terrifying, man. |люди|знают||||непроницаемый|||честно говоря|ужасающий| 대부분|대부분 사람들||그를|||뚫을 수 없는|||솔직히|무서운| Большинство людей знают его как непроницаемого и, откровенно говоря, ужасающего человека. Çoğu insan onu aşılmaz ve açıkçası korkutucu bir adam olarak tanır.

To you, he's just your boss. ||он|просто|| Для тебя он просто твой босс. Senin için o sadece patronun.

Although you've worked with the man for years, there's still so much you don't ||일해왔다||||||아직||||| aunque||||||||||||| Embora||||||||||||| Adamla yıllardır çalışmanıza rağmen, hala bilmediğiniz çok şey var.

know about the President of Russia. Rusya Başkanı hakkında bilgi sahibi.

You've never met his family. ||встречал|| Вы никогда не видели его семью. Ailesiyle hiç tanışmadın.

You've never really seen him cry or express any emotions. Onu hiç ağlarken ya da duygularını ifade ederken görmediniz.

Sometimes, you wonder if he even has emotions. Иногда вы задаетесь вопросом, есть ли у него вообще эмоции. Bazen, duyguları olup olmadığını bile merak ediyorsunuz.

Especially after that time he — Özellikle o zamandan sonra -

Oh, never mind, that's confidential. ||||gizli ||||비밀입니다 О, неважно, это конфиденциально. Boş ver, bu gizli bilgi.

It's time to get on with business as usual. ||||계속|와||| Пришло время заняться обычными делами. Her zamanki gibi işimize devam etme zamanı.

You're not with him from the minute he gets up in the morning, but you do have a pretty Sabah kalktığı andan itibaren onunla birlikte değilsiniz, ama oldukça

good idea of what he gets up to. |||무엇을|||| 그가 무슨 일을 하는지 잘 알 수 있습니다. хорошее представление о том, что он вытворяет. ne yaptığına dair iyi bir fikir.

Before you get disappointed, no, there's no topless bear wrestling or vodka shots. |||||||맨몸||||| 실망하실까 봐 말씀드리자면, 상의를 탈의한 곰 레슬링이나 보드카 샷은 없습니다. Прежде чем вы разочаруетесь, нет, здесь нет медвежьей борьбы топлесс или шотов водки.

In many ways, Putin is suspiciously boring. |||||의심스럽게| |||||疑わしいほど| |||||suspeitosamente| Во многих отношениях Путин подозрительно скучен.

Most mornings he has a lie-in, finally getting out of bed at around noon. ||||||||||||||midday |||||늦잠||||||침대||| ||||||||||||||meio-dia Na maioria das manhãs, ele fica deitado, finalmente saindo da cama por volta do meio-dia. Чаще всего по утрам он ложится спать, наконец, вставая с постели около полудня.

Well, he needs his beauty sleep — have you seen those abs? ||||||||||복근 Bem, ele precisa de seu sono de beleza - você viu esses abdominais? Ну, ему нужен его прекрасный сон — вы видели этот пресс?

He'll then tuck into a simple, nutritious breakfast — his staple ingredient is cottage ||먹다|안으로||||||주식 재료|||코티지 치즈 ||saborear|||||||alimento principal||| Ele então se alimentará de um café da manhã simples e nutritivo - seu ingrediente básico é o chalé Затем он съест простой питательный завтрак — его основной ингредиент — творог.


Often, he'll opt for porridge or an omelet, possibly the most vanilla breakfast options |그는|선택하다||죽||||아마도|||가장 평범한|| ||||papas||||||||| Muitas vezes, ele opta por mingau ou omelete, possivelmente as opções de café da manhã com mais baunilha Часто он выбирает овсянку или омлет, возможно, самые ванильные варианты завтрака.


But what he lacks in edginess he makes up for in healthiness. |||||boldness or daring|||||| 하지만|무엇||||날카로움||보충한다||||건강함 |||||尖った感じ||||||健康さ |||falta||mas o que lhe falta em ousadia ele compensa em saúde||||||saúde 그러나 그가 날카로운 점에서 부족한 것은 건강한 점에서 보충된다. Mas o que falta em nervosismo ele compensa em saúde. Но то, что ему не хватает остроты, он компенсирует здоровьем.

All his food is locally produced and freshly baked, straight from his kitchen and the land 그의 모든 음식은 현지에서 생산되고 갓 구워져 나오며, 그의 주방과 근처의 땅에서 직송된다. Toda a sua comida é produzida localmente e recém-assada, direto da sua cozinha e da terra Вся его еда местного производства и свежеиспеченная, прямо с его кухни и земли.

nearby. 근처에 근처에. próximo. рядом, поблизости.

If you hadn't guessed it already, Putin is a pretty picky eater. Se você ainda não adivinhou, Putin é um comedor muito exigente. Если вы еще не догадались, Путин довольно разборчив в еде.

Combined with his general paranoia, it makes for a nightmare scenario whenever he goes 결합된||그의||편집증||||||||| Combinado com sua paranóia geral, cria um cenário de pesadelo sempre que ele vai В сочетании с его общей паранойей это превращает сценарий в кошмар, когда бы он ни уходил.

abroad. за рубежом.

He insists on traveling with his own Russian cook to make sure he always knows what he's

eating, and teams of his diplomats will make agreements with the hosts regarding catering |||||||||||||food service arrangements |||||외교관들|||||||| comer, e as equipes de seus diplomatas farão acordos com os anfitriões sobre alimentação еды, а команды его дипломатов договариваются с хозяевами о питании


He refuses to eat anything offered by a host if it hasn't been cleared by the Kremlin |||||||||||||승인을 받지|||크렘린 Он отказывается есть все, что предлагает хозяин, если это не было одобрено Кремлем.


And he definitely can't, under any circumstances, drink milk. 그리고|||||||| И уж точно ни в коем случае нельзя пить молоко.

Picky eater or just paranoid? Comedor exigente ou apenas paranóico? Придирчивый едок или просто параноик?

Maybe it's a bit of both, but it's hardly surprising that Putin is worried about poisoning Может быть, и то, и другое, но неудивительно, что Путин беспокоится об отравлении.

after some of his alleged activities abroad... |일부|||주장된||해외에서 그의 외국에서의 일부 주장된 활동 이후... после его предполагаемой деятельности за границей...

Of course, he doesn't have to cook anything himself: he has a personal chef. 물론, 그는 직접 요리를 할 필요가 없다: 그는 개인 셰프가 있다.

But don't get his actual cook confused with the wealthy Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, 하지만 그의 실제 요리사와 부유한 러시아 사업가 예브게니 프리고진을 혼동하지 마세요. Mas não confunda seu cozinheiro real com o rico empresário russo Yevgeny Prigozhin, Но не путайте его настоящего повара с богатым российским бизнесменом Евгением Пригожиным.

who confusingly has the nickname “Putin's chef.” |혼란스럽게||||| |que confusamente tem o apelido de "chef de Putin"||||| у которого сбивающее с толку прозвище «повар Путина».

Prigozhin is just an ex hotdog salesman who made a fortune off catering businesses and ||||||판매원||만든||재산|||사업들| Prigozhin é apenas um ex-vendedor de cachorro-quente que fez fortuna com empresas de catering e Пригожин — всего лишь бывший продавец хот-догов, заработавший состояние на ресторанном бизнесе и

now meddles in all kinds of international affairs, and he'd probably get offended |interferes||||||||||| 지금|간섭하다||||||문제들||||| |干渉する||||||||||| |se intromete||||||||||| agora se intromete em todos os tipos de assuntos internacionais e provavelmente ficaria ofendido теперь лезет во всякие международные дела, и, наверное, обиделся бы

if you thought he was actually still tasked with working in the kitchen. se você achasse que ele ainda estava encarregado de trabalhar na cozinha. если вы думали, что ему по-прежнему поручено работать на кухне.

All Putin's ingredients come from farms belonging to the Patriarch Kirill, the head Todos os ingredientes de Putin vêm de fazendas pertencentes ao Patriarca Kirill, o chefe Все ингредиенты для Путина поступают с ферм, принадлежащих патриарху Кириллу, главе

of the Russian Orthodox Church — it helps to have friends in high places. |||정교회||||||||| Русской православной церкви — это помогает иметь друзей в высоких кругах.

Instead of living in the busy and congested city of Moscow, Putin's home is an estate |||||||혼잡한|||||||| Em vez de morar na movimentada e congestionada cidade de Moscou, a casa de Putin é uma propriedade Вместо того, чтобы жить в шумной и перегруженной Москве, дом Путина — это поместье.

just west of the city, full of parkland and greenery. |||||||green open spaces||lush vegetation |서쪽에||||||공원 지역|| |||||||a oeste da cidade, cheio de áreas verdes e parques||a oeste da cidade, cheio de parques e vegetação a oeste da cidade, cheio de parques e vegetação. к западу от города, полный парков и зелени.

After breakfast, he'll have a coffee to set him up for a long, hard day of being Russia's Após o café da manhã, ele tomará um café para prepará-lo para um dia longo e difícil de ser o da Rússia

hero. герой.

You might think it's finally time to start working at this point — after all, it's ||||||||||||후에|| Вы можете подумать, что пришло время начать работать в этот момент — в конце концов, это

gone one in the afternoon already. 지나간||||| ушел уже час дня.

But not yet.

After already lazing around and enjoying an indulgent breakfast, Putin sets off for two ||빈둥거리기|||||사치스러운|||출발하다||| |||||||贅沢な|||||| ||descansando|||||indulgente|||||| I'm sorry, can you provide more context or complete the sentence so that I can provide a proper translation? Depois de já descansar e desfrutar de um café da manhã indulgente, Putin parte para dois Уже повалявшись и насладившись сытным завтраком, Путин отправляется на двоих

hours of swimming.

He certainly prioritizes his physique. ||||체격 ||||体格 Ele certamente prioriza seu físico. Он определенно отдает предпочтение своему телосложению.

Putin is something of a water baby. Putin é uma espécie de bebê da água. Путин - что-то вроде водяного ребенка.

Whilst swimming, he remains in deep contemplation and thinking. ||||||사색|| ||||||熟考|| |||permanece||||| Enquanto nada, ele permanece em profunda contemplação e pensamento. Во время плавания он остается в глубоком созерцании и размышлении.

While doing a few lengths of breaststroke, he's probably making his plan for world ||||||swimming style||||||| 하는 동안||||길이||||||||| ||||||平泳ぎ||||||| ||||enquanto fazendo algumas braçadas de peito||nado peito||||||| Ao fazer alguns comprimentos de nado peito, ele provavelmente está fazendo seu plano para o mundo Выполняя несколько длин брассом, он, вероятно, строит свой план на будущее.

domination and the newest foreign policy. dominação e a mais nova política externa. господства и новейшей внешней политики.

Or maybe he just procrastinates. ||||미루고 있다 ||||もしかして彼はただ先延ばしにしているだけかも。 А может, он просто медлит.

While Putin is enjoying his leisurely swim, you and the other courtiers wait for him in, |||||여유로운||||||신하들|기다린다||| |||||||||||廷臣たち|||| |||||enquanto Putin está desfrutando de seu mergulho tranquilo,|||||||||| Enquanto Putin está nadando tranquilamente, você e os outros cortesãos esperam por ele, Пока Путин наслаждается своим неторопливым купанием, вы и другие придворные ждете его в

well, the waiting room. ну зал ожидания.

Sometimes, you have a bit of a gossip while you're safely out of earshot. |||||||||||||hearing range |||||||소문 이야기|||||| |||||||||||||聞こえない所 |||||||||||||alcance auditivo Sometimes, you have a bit of a gossip while you're safely out of earshot. Às vezes, você faz uma fofoca enquanto está fora do alcance da voz. Иногда вы немного посплетничаете, находясь вне пределов слышимости.

You can't help but wonder if Putin is on his last legs. 당신은||||||||위기||| You can't help but wonder if Putin is on his last legs. 푸틴이 마지막 다리를 놓고 있는지 궁금하지 않을 수 없다. Você não pode deixar de se perguntar se Putin está em suas últimas pernas. Вы не можете не задаться вопросом, находится ли Путин на последнем издыхании.

He's been in power for more than two decades, and his popularity is being tested like never He's been in power for more than two decades, and his popularity is being tested like never 그는 20년 넘게 권력을 잡고 있으며, 그의 인기는 그 어느 때보다도 시험대에 오르고 있다.

before. 있다.

Maybe that's why he spends so much time swimming. 아마도||||||||

After three terms as president, he must be struggling to keep up with expectations. ||||||||고민하고 있을 것이다||유지하다|||기대감 Após três mandatos como presidente, ele deve estar lutando para manter as expectativas.

Of course, he doesn't talk to anyone.

He hides his emotions like it's a full-time job.

You don't even think he actually wants to be in charge anymore — you wonder if he's |||생각해||||에|||||||| 그가 이제 실제로 책임지고 싶어하는지조차 생각하지 않게 되었습니다 — 그가 원하는 것인지 궁금해집니다.

just scared to let go in case Russia falls apart as a result. ||||||경우|러시아||||| 러시아가 무너지면 안 되기 때문에 그냥 놓아줄까 두렵다. apenas com medo de desistir caso a Rússia desmorone como resultado.

After all, there are few people he despises more than the so-called traitors of the country |||||||||||||배신자들||| |||||||軽蔑している||||||||| |||||||odeia||||||||| 결국, 그가 경멸하는 사람은 국가의 이른바 배신자들보다 더 적다. Afinal, há poucas pessoas que ele despreza mais do que os chamados traidores do país

who lacked strong leadership, like Gorbachev — the man who oversaw the fall of the Soviet |||||고르바초프||||감독한||||| |||||||||supervisionou||||| 고르바초프처럼 강력한 리더십이 부족한 사람들 — 소련의 붕괴를 감독한 그 사람.


Even after Putin finishes swimming, it's still not time for him to start governing |||||||||||||통치하는

the country.

Not quite yet. |ainda| Ainda não.

Instead, he heads to the gym, in a workout outfit worth $3,500. ||||||안에||운동복|| Em vez disso, ele vai para a academia, com uma roupa de treino no valor de $ 3.500.

He really cares about his physique.

Quite the multi-tasker, he watches the news while doing his exercise. 상당히||||||||||| Bastante multitarefa, ele assiste ao noticiário enquanto faz seu exercício.

There's nothing that gets you pumped up for a good workout quite like watching a program |||gets||흥분하게 만드는|||||||||| Não há nada que te anima tanto para um bom treino como assistir a um programa

telling you how great you are for your country.

As you might expect, he's not much of a cardio guy. ||||||별로|||유산소 운동| Como você poderia esperar, ele não é muito um cara cardio.

You'll find him lifting weights, not running on the treadmill. |||||||||exercise machine |||||||||러닝머신 |||||||||esteira Você o encontrará levantando pesos, não correndo na esteira.

Eventually, by mid-afternoon, Putin is finished with his excessive exercise routine, and he 결국||중반|||||||과도한|||| Eventualmente, no meio da tarde, Putin termina com sua rotina excessiva de exercícios, e ele

finally gets dressed. finalmente se veste.

Like most men in their sixties, he has a pretty conservative fashion sense. ||||||||||보수적인||

He'll normally opt for a bespoke suit and a tie in a neutral tone. |||||custom-made|||||||| |||||맞춤형|||||||중립적인| |||||sob medida|||||||| Ele normalmente opta por um terno sob medida e uma gravata em tom neutro.

His favorite brands are Kiton and Brioni, two companies that sell suits for thousands

of dollars a-piece.

At this point, you and the other courtiers have been waiting hours for Putin to grace |||||||||||||||영광을 베풀다

you with his presence.

You're not sure why he insists on you arriving so early in the first place, but that's

just the way it is.

As one of Putin's personal courtiers, when you're not sat around waiting for him to 로서|하나|||개인적인||||||주변에|||| Como um dos cortesãos pessoais de Putin, quando você não está sentado esperando que ele

arrive, you spend the best part of the day helping him out with his daily tasks and schedule. 도착하다|||||||||||||||||

. ele com suas tarefas diárias e agenda.

Many people envy your proximity to him, but it's a stressful job and doesn't leave ||Jealous of|||||||||||| ||||근접성||||||||||

you with much free time. |||자유로운|

After so many hours of prep and personal development, Putin arrives raring to go. |||||||||||eager and ready|| |||||준비||||푸틴|도착한다|의욕이 넘치는|| |||||||||||ansioso|| Depois de tantas horas de preparação e desenvolvimento pessoal, Putin chega ansioso para partir.

And he needs his energy, because the first job is going through the briefing notes. |||||||||||||브리핑 노트| |||||||||||||briefing| E ele precisa de sua energia, porque o primeiro trabalho é passar pelas notas do briefing.

Sexy. Sexy.

First, he heads over to his office and sits at his huge, heavy, wooden desk. Primeiro, ele vai para seu escritório e se senta em sua enorme e pesada mesa de madeira.

For extra security, the room contains no technology and no screens.

If somebody needs to communicate, it has to be through telephone, old-school style.

Now, there are three thick folders to get through. |||||||통과하다| ||||grossas|pastas||| Agora, há três pastas grossas para percorrer.

The first one contains information from the domestic intelligence service (the FSB), the |||||||국내|정보|||FSB| O primeiro contém informações do serviço de inteligência doméstico (o FSB), o

second one has information from the foreign intelligence service (the SVR), and the third

is a report about the court, compiled by his close protection army (the FSO). |||||법원|작성된|||가까운|||| é um relatório sobre o tribunal, compilado por seu exército de proteção próxima (o FSO).

After browsing through three thick folders, it's time for — you guessed it — more |검색하기|||두꺼운|||||||| |depois de navegar|||||||||adivinhou|| Depois de navegar por três pastas grossas, é hora de - você adivinhou - mais


Now, some lighter reading: the press clippings from both the heavily censored national tabloids ||더 가벼운|||언론|신문 기사|||||검열된||타블로이드 |||||||||||||大衆紙 ||leitura mais leve||||||||||| Agora, uma leitura mais leve: os recortes de imprensa de ambos os tablóides nacionais fortemente censurados

and the less-censored broadsheets. ||||대형 신문 ||||より検閲の少ない大判新聞 ||||jornais de grande circulação e os jornais menos censurados.

Both are important for different reasons: you want to control what the general public

is thinking as well as the Kremlin courts. |||||||궁정 está pensando tão bem quanto os tribunais do Kremlin.

Finally, it's the foreign press, but who cares about that, really? Finalmente, é a imprensa estrangeira, mas quem se importa com isso, realmente?

They always have something horrible to say about Putin based entirely on lies and defamation. ||||||||||||||명예 훼손 |いつも|||||||||||||

He does, however, get some satisfaction from reading the German news in its original German.

It's a skill he developed from working for the KGB in Dresden in his younger years. |||||||||||드레스덴|||| É uma habilidade que ele desenvolveu ao trabalhar para a KGB em Dresden em sua juventude.

If Putin is in a particularly good mood, he might let you show him some satirical videos |||||||||||||||풍자적인|비디오들

or memes from the internet. |밈|||

Outside of his screen-free office, of course. Fora de seu escritório sem tela, é claro.

So, Putin, if you're watching this: hi!

After a few hours of keeping up with the press, it's time to proceed with the daily schedule. |하나||||지켜보기|||||||||||| Depois de algumas horas acompanhando a imprensa, é hora de prosseguir com a programação diária.

Like most powerful individuals, Putin follows a tight schedule that he has little control ||||푸틴||||||그가||거의 없는|통제 |||||||rígida|||||| Como a maioria dos indivíduos poderosos, Putin segue um cronograma apertado que ele tem pouco controle

over. 끝났다

His plan is divided into 15-minute blocks that are scheduled months or years ahead. |||||||||planned|||| ||||||||||개월||| Seu plano é dividido em blocos de 15 minutos que são programados com meses ou anos de antecedência.

The day could consist of meetings with royalty or leaders from other world states, or |||||||royalty figures||||||| 그|||구성되다||회의|||||||세계|| O dia poderia consistir em reuniões com a realeza ou líderes de outros estados do mundo, ou

carrying out honors to the great citizens of his own country. 수여하는||영예|||||||| honras aos grandes cidadãos de seu próprio país.

However, he dislikes meetings and tries to avoid them whenever possible. 하지만|||||||||| No entanto, ele não gosta de reuniões e tenta evitá-las sempre que possível.

Who would have guessed from watching him on TV that he wasn't much of a people person? Quem teria adivinhado ao vê-lo na TV que ele não era uma pessoa muito popular?

Although Putin lives away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, he can get there ||||||activity|||||||||| ||||||번잡함||소음과 혼잡|||||||| Embora Putin viva longe da agitação da cidade grande, ele pode chegar lá

easily if he needs to.

There's a special route closed off and reserved just for him so he can get to the Kremlin, |||||||예약된||||||||||

Russia's parliamentary building, in just twenty-five minutes. |parliament|||||| |의회 건물|||||| edifício parlamentar da Rússia, em apenas vinte e cinco minutos.

Since the only two places Putin ever seems to go are the Kremlin and the airport, it's

not particularly difficult to clear the roads for him. |그다지|||||||

However, he hates going there and will avoid it whenever possible.

Unfortunately, today there's a meeting, which means it's a bad day.

As soon as Putin enters the room, everyone goes silent.

Nobody looks him in the eye.

He doesn't exactly come across as the friendliest guy in the world — he never smiles and barely 그|||오다|전달하다|||가장 친절한|||||||||거의 안 웃는다 |||||||最も親しみやすい||||||||| ||||||||||||||||mal Ele não parece exatamente o cara mais amigável do mundo - ele nunca sorri e mal


The bodyguards stay close by Putin's side, preventing anyone from getting too close — three Os guarda-costas ficam ao lado de Putin, impedindo que alguém se aproxime demais – três

meters at most. metros no máximo.

At least he's well-prepared for any upcoming pandemics. ||||||||전염병 Pelo menos ele está bem preparado para as próximas pandemias.

If he has to give any speeches, Putin is sure to appear completely emotionless. Se ele tiver que fazer algum discurso, Putin certamente parecerá completamente sem emoção. Если ему придется выступать с речами, Путин наверняка будет выглядеть абсолютно безэмоциональным.

He prepares everything beforehand and memorizes it to make sure he avoids any spontaneous |||미리||||||||||즉흥적인 상황 |||antecipadamente|||||||||| Он все готовит заранее и заучивает наизусть, чтобы избежать спонтанных действий.

bursts of feeling. 폭발|| explosões|| rajadas de sentimento.

He normally gets you to write things, too, to achieve the maximum emotional distance. 그는||||||||||||| Ele normalmente faz você escrever coisas também, para alcançar a máxima distância emocional.

Finally, the meeting finishes.

Time to go home — but not for you.

You're back to Putin's house, and there's a long evening ahead of you. Você está de volta à casa de Putin, e há uma longa noite pela frente.

Putin finds the greatest mental clarity in the cold hours of the evening, so that's ||||||||차가운||||||

when it's time to do the real work.

A real night owl. ||밤| |||uma coruja noturna real

He summons you and the rest of the courtiers to discuss plans. |소환하다|||||||신하들||| |ele convoca você e o resto dos cortesãos para discutir planos.|||||||||| Ele convoca você e o resto dos cortesãos para discutir planos.

This is slightly inconvenient for you since you're more of a morning person, but it ||||||||||||||그것은 ||ligeiramente||||||||||||

is what it is.

In the night time, he focuses more on deep strategy work.

You would reveal the details, but they're far too confidential. ||||||그것들은|너무|| Você revelaria os detalhes, mas eles são muito confidenciais.

He's not one for a late-night swig of vodka, despite what you might expect. |||||||drink||||||| ||||||밤|한 모금||||||| Ele não é de um gole de vodka tarde da noite, apesar do que você poderia esperar.

In fact, he's a complete teetotal outside of formal receptions. |||||abstainer from alcohol|||| |||||술을 전혀 마||||행사 |||||禁酒主義者|||| Na verdade, ele é totalmente abstêmio fora das recepções formais.

Despite Russia's reputation for being vodka-crazed, the social issues the country has faced due ||||||||||||||때문에 Apesar da reputação da Rússia de ser louca por vodca, os problemas sociais que o país enfrenta são devidos

to alcoholism have led many of its politicians to ditch the booze. |||||||||give up|| |알코올 중독||||||||버리다||술 |アルコール依存症||||||||やめる||酒類 ao alcoolismo levaram muitos de seus políticos a abandonar a bebida.

One of Putin's prime traitors of the motherland, ex-Prime Minister Boris Yeltsin, was notorious |||||||조국|||||||악명 높은 |||||||祖国||||||| Um dos principais traidores da pátria de Putin, o ex-primeiro-ministro Boris Yeltsin, era notório

for his alcohol problems, and he's stayed away from the bottle as a result. ||||||지켜왔다||||||| por causa de seus problemas com o álcool, e por isso ele ficou longe da garrafa.

Instead, Putin is more likely to spend the time before bed cuddling up with his babies |||||||||||포옹하며|||| |||||||||||aninhando|||| Em vez disso, é mais provável que Putin passe o tempo antes de dormir abraçado com seus bebês

— his dogs.


What children?

Nobody ever talks about them — Putin has two adult daughters, but they stay under the

radar and nobody is sure if he spends much time with them. 레이더|||||||||||

However, we know plenty about his dogs. No entanto, sabemos muito sobre seus cães.

He owns a labrador named Konni, an Akita Inu named Yume, and a Karakachan dog named Buffy. |||래브라도||||아키타 인우||||||카라카찬|||

In case you don't know what those breeds are, they're very big and fluffy. |||||||types of dogs|||||| |||||||품종||||||

Once, Yume caused an incident in a political meeting by barking at a Japanese journalist. ||||||||||짖다|||일본 기자|기자 Certa vez, Yume causou um incidente em uma reunião política ao latir para um jornalista japonês.

But, instead of punishing his naughty dog, Putin gave her a treat! |||||mischievous|||||| |||||장난꾸러기||||||간식 |||||levada|||||| Mas, em vez de punir seu cão travesso, Putin deu-lhe um presente!

He says he finds it endearing his dogs aren't afraid of him. 그|||||사랑스러운|||||| Ele diz que acha cativante seus cães não terem medo dele.

There are also some rumors that Putin likes to read, perhaps history books or fiction,

but Putin doesn't like to be seen as an intellectual reader. |||||||||지식인|

Despite preferring his reputation as a strong man, Putin is actually an extremely intelligent

guy who came from an ordinary family, achieved near-perfect grades and rose to the top of ||||||||거의|||||||| cara que veio de uma família comum, alcançou notas quase perfeitas e chegou ao topo de

his field.

But eventually, although sleep is for the weak, even Putin has to head off for bed. |결국||||||약한 사람들|||||자러 가다||| Mas, eventualmente, embora o sono seja para os fracos, até Putin precisa ir para a cama.

As he lies there waiting to drift off, he might think about his military strategy, or ||||||잠들다|||||에 대해|그의||| Enquanto ele está lá esperando para adormecer, ele pode pensar sobre sua estratégia militar, ou

perhaps his upcoming weekend plans. ||||계획 talvez seus próximos planos de fim de semana.

He sometimes goes to Church to pray.

Whilst he has emphasized that he isn't necessarily a devout Christian, that hasn't stopped |||강조했지만||||||독실한|||| Embora ele tenha enfatizado que não é necessariamente um cristão devoto, isso não parou

him from saying same-sex marriage is on a par with Satan. |||||||||동등한|| ele de dizer que o casamento do mesmo sexo está no mesmo nível de Satanás. его от того, что он говорит, что однополые браки наравне с сатаной.

Putin also enjoys studying English — he's already fluent in German but still perfecting

his English — and playing ice hockey. seu inglês — e jogando hóquei no gelo.

If they're really lucky, figures high up in an oligarchic society might be honored ||||인물들|높은||||과두제의|||| Se eles forem realmente sortudos, figuras importantes em uma sociedade oligárquica podem ser homenageadas

to attend one of Putin's regular ice hockey games.

As a lowly courtier, you've never had that honor. ||하찮은|||||| Como um humilde cortesão, você nunca teve essa honra.

Putin sleeps alone. |혼자 잔다|

He was once married for thirty years, but divorced his wife Lyudmila back in 2013.

Allegedly, they split up after an argument during the interval of a ballet show, but 전해진 바에|||||||||막간||||| alegadamente|||||||||||||| Alegadamente, eles se separaram após uma discussão durante o intervalo de um show de balé, mas

you're too scared to ask about the details. você está com muito medo de perguntar sobre os detalhes.

It seems like he's a single pringle and eligible bachelor. ||||||single person||| ||||||프링글||적격인|독신 남성 Parece que ele é um solteiro e solteiro elegível.

Some lady out there must be very lucky.

As he drifts into slumber, maybe he dreams about crowds of Russians clapping for him ||gradually falls asleep|||||||||||| ||잠에 빠져든||잠||||||||박수치는 소리|| ||ele se deixa levar||sono||||||||aplaudindo|| Enquanto ele cai no sono, talvez ele sonhe com multidões de russos aplaudindo por ele

and millions of adoring eyes. |||사랑스러운| e milhões de olhos adoradores.

Or maybe he has nightmares about an American election he doesn't meddle in. |||||||||||간섭하지| Ou talvez ele tenha pesadelos com uma eleição americana em que não se intrometa.

If you're mad about the Russians, check out our videos about how Russia can launch ||||||||||||||발사할 Se você é louco pelos russos, confira nossos vídeos sobre como a Rússia pode lançar

missiles from beyond the grave and whether the United States or Russia has the deadliest 미사일||저 너머||무덤 너머||||||||||가장 치명적인 ||||||||||||||mais letais mísseis do além-túmulo e se os Estados Unidos ou a Rússia têm o mais mortal
