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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It?

Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It?

Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have released

over 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide or CO₂, into the Earth's atmosphere.

In the year 2019, we were still pumping out around 37 billion more.

That's 50 percent more than the year 2000 and almost three times as much as 50 years ago.

And it's not just CO₂,

we're also pumping out growing volumes of other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide.

Combining all of our greenhouse gases, we're emitting 51 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents each year.

And emissions keep rising.

But they need to get down to zero.

In recent years, the consequences have become more serious and visible.

Almost every year breaks some horrible record:

We've had more heat waves, the most glaciers melting, and the lowest amount of ice ever recorded at the North Pole.

Of the last 22 years, 20 have been the hottest on record.

The only way to limit this rapid climate change is to decrease our collective emissions quickly.

But although all countries agree on this goal in principle,

they do not agree who is responsible or who should bear the heaviest load.

The developed countries point at their own efforts to reduce emissions

and the fact that the large developing countries on the rise, especially China,

are currently releasing much more CO₂.

On the other hand, developing countries argue that emissions by the West are lifestyle emissions,

while for developing countries, they are survival emissions.

Others call rich countries hypocrites that got rich by polluting without restraint

and now expect others not to industrialize and stay poor.

So who is responsible for climate change and CO₂ emissions?

And regardless of the past, who needs to do the most today?

In this video, we'll talk exclusively about nation-states.

We'll look at the fossil fuel industry in another video.

Question 1 of 3: Which countries emit the most carbon dioxide today?

In 2017, humans emitted about 36 billion tons of CO₂.

More than 50% came from Asia. North America and Europe followed with 18% and 17%.

While Africa, South America, and Oceania together only contributed eight percent.

China is by far the world's largest emitter with 10 billion tons of CO₂ every year,

or 27% of global emissions.

It's followed by the USA with 15% and the European Union with around 10%.

Together, this is more than half of the world's CO₂ emissions.

So it's clear that without the willingness and action of these three industrial blocs,

humanity will not be able to become carbon neutral and prevent severe climate change.

Next on our list is India at seven percent, Russia at five percent, Japan at three percent,

and Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Canada all just short of two percent.

Together with the first three, the top 10 are responsible for 75% of global emissions.

But if we only look at the current situation, we're not getting the full picture.

Question 2 of 3: Which countries have emitted the most in total?

If we look at emissions throughout history until today, the outlook changes drastically.

The US and the EU both knock China off the top spot.

The US is responsible for 25% of the world's historical emissions emitting 400 billion tons,

mostly in the 20ᵗʰ century.

In second place is the EU at 22%.

China comes in third at just under 13 percent, around half of the USA's contribution.

India's contribution shrinks to 3 percent along with the whole of Africa and South America.

The UK is responsible for one percent of annual global emissions

but takes five percent of the historical responsibility.

Germany, producing two percent of emissions per year today, has contributed almost six percent,

as much as the whole of Africa and South America combined.

So the narrative that rapid climate change is really the responsibility of the developing world

is hard to defend if facts matter to you.

But this is still not the whole story, because focusing on countries mixes two things:

population numbers and total emissions.

If a country has more people in general, its emissions are of course higher.

Things look very different if we look at individuals like you, dear viewer.

Question 3 of 3: Which countries emit the most carbon dioxide per person?

The average human is responsible for around five tons of CO₂ each year, but averages can be misleading.

The countries with the largest CO₂ emissions per person are some of the world's major oil and gas producers.

In 2017, Qatar had the highest emissions at a hefty 49 tons per person,

followed by Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia.

But those are outliers.

Australians have one of the highest carbon footprints per person: 17 tons a year.

That's more than triple the global average

and slightly more than the average US American and Canadian at 16 tons.

The Germans do a little better at close to 10 tons, but this is still twice the global average.

China may be the world's largest emitter,

but it's also the world's most populous country with over 1.4 billion people,

18.5% of the world population.

Per person, it's above average at seven tons.

Historically, CO₂ emissions have been closely tied to a high standard of living.

Wealth is one of the strongest indicators of our carbon footprint, because as we move from poor to rich,

we gain access to electricity, heating, air conditioning, lighting, modern cooking,

cars or planes, smartphones, computers, and interact with people across the world online.

The enormous rise of China's CO₂ emissions is coupled with the greatest reduction of poverty in history.

If we order CO₂ emissions by income,

we see that the richest half of countries are responsible for 86% of global emissions

and the bottom half for only 14%.

The average German emits more than five times as much as the average Indian.

In just 2.3 days, the average American emits as much as the average Nigerian in a year.

And not only that, the harsh reality is that

it's the countries that contribute least to the problem that stand to lose the most from rapid climate change.

The developing world will be hit the hardest.

The consequences could be food insecurity, conflicts over resources,

harsher and more frequent natural disasters, and large climate refugee movements.

Question 4... of 3: So who should take responsibility?

Many of today's richest countries are in a convenient position.

They have become rich over centuries of fossil fuel burning and industrial production.

They have a large historical footprint, and their wealth means they still emit a lot per person.

But their country's annual emissions are now dwarfed by other countries,

because the giant that is China is finally catching up, and other giants like India are on their way.

Many Germans, for example, wonder how if Germany only accounts for two percent of yearly emissions,

it can have a meaningful impact on reducing emissions.

The answer is simple.

For one, the richest countries have the resources, highly educated workforces, and technology

to develop low-cost, low-carbon solutions and spread them around the world.

If we don't want poorer countries to become as fossil fuel-dependent as we are,

we need low-carbon technology to be cheap and available.

And we're getting there.

The cost of renewables is falling quickly and a variety of solutions are on the horizon for many different sectors.

But it needs to happen much faster.

If the rich countries of the West decide to seriously tackle rapid climate change,

the rest of the world would follow, because it has no choice.

Just like when the European Union enforced energy efficiency standards for technology,

the rest of the world adopted them too, because they wanted to be able to continue trading with the block.

Still, this doesn't absolve others of their responsibility.

China is the largest CO₂ emitter today, and it's China's responsibility to grow in a way

that will make it possible to transition to a zero-carbon world in time.

Others acting irresponsibly yesterday is a horrible excuse for repeating the same mistakes today.

Climate change is a global problem, and no country alone can fix it.

Working out who's responsible is not as simple as it seems, and in a way, it's a daft question,

but one that has plagued international politics for decades.

In the end, it's pretty simple.

Everybody needs to do the best they can, and right now we are all not doing that.

But we can begin today.

This video is part of a series about climate change supported by Breakthrough Energy,

a coalition founded by Bill Gates that's working to expand clean energy investment

and support the innovations that will lead the world to net zero carbon emissions.

Also, a special thanks to the team at Our World in Data for helping us out with data and research.

[Calm outro music]

Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It? Wer|||||||||reparieren| Wer ist für den Klimawandel verantwortlich? - Wer muss ihn beheben? Who Is Responsible For Climate Change? – Who Needs To Fix It? ¿Quién es responsable del cambio climático? - ¿Quién debe solucionarlo? Qui est responsable du changement climatique ? - Qui doit y remédier ? Chi è responsabile del cambiamento climatico? - Chi deve risolvere il problema? 気候変動は誰の責任か?- 誰がそれを修正する必要があるのか? Wie is verantwoordelijk voor klimaatverandering? - Wie moet het oplossen? Kto jest odpowiedzialny za zmiany klimatu? - Kto musi je naprawić? Quem é responsável pelas alterações climáticas? - Quem precisa de as resolver? Кто несет ответственность за изменение климата? - Кто должен это исправить? Vem är ansvarig för klimatförändringarna? - Vem måste åtgärda det? İklim Değişikliğinden Kim Sorumlu? - Kimin Düzeltmesi Gerekiyor? Хто несе відповідальність за зміну клімату? - Хто повинен це виправити? 谁应对气候变化负责? – 谁需要修复它? 谁对气候变化负责?- 谁需要解决这个问题?

Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have released ||||||freigesetzt Desde a Revolução Industrial, os seres humanos têm libertado

over 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide or CO₂, into the Earth's atmosphere.

In the year 2019, we were still pumping out around 37 billion more. ||||||pumpen||||

That's 50 percent more than the year 2000 and almost three times as much as 50 years ago.

And it's not just CO₂,

we're also pumping out growing volumes of other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide. ||ausstoßen|||Mengen|||||||Methan||Lachgas|Distickstoffoxid |||||量||||||||||

Combining all of our greenhouse gases, we're emitting 51 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalents each year. Kombinieren|||||||emittieren||||||Äquivalente|| |||||||排出している||||||||

And emissions keep rising. Und|Und die Emissionen steigen weiter.|steigen weiter| И выбросы продолжают расти.

But they need to get down to zero. |Aber sie müssen auf null kommen.||auf null|sich reduzieren|||

In recent years, the consequences have become more serious and visible. В последние годы последствия стали более серьезными и заметными.

Almost every year breaks some horrible record: Практически каждый год бьет какой-нибудь ужасный рекорд:

We've had more heat waves, the most glaciers melting, and the lowest amount of ice ever recorded at the North Pole. wir haben|||||||Gletscher|||||||||||||Nordpol У нас было больше волн тепла, больше всего ледников и самое низкое количество льда, когда-либо зарегистрированное на Северном полюсе. 我们经历了更多次热浪,更多冰川融化,北极的冰量达到有史以来的最低值。

Of the last 22 years, 20 have been the hottest on record. ||||gewesen sind|||wärmsten|| |||||||最も暑い||

The only way to limit this rapid climate change is to decrease our collective emissions quickly. ||||||||||zu|||kollektiven||schnell この急速な気候変動を制限する唯一の方法は、私たちの共同の排出量を迅速に減少させることです。

But although all countries agree on this goal in principle, しかし、すべての国がこの目標に原則として同意しているにもかかわらず、

they do not agree who is responsible or who should bear the heaviest load. ||||||||||tragen||schwersten Teil|Lasten ||||||||||||最も重い| 誰が責任を負うべきか、誰が最も重い負担を負うべきかについては合意していません。 они не согласны с тем, кто несет ответственность или кто должен нести самую тяжелую ношу.

The developed countries point at their own efforts to reduce emissions |||zeigen auf|||||||

and the fact that the large developing countries on the rise, especially China, ||||||||auf|||| и тот факт, что крупные развивающиеся страны, особенно Китай,

are currently releasing much more CO₂.

On the other hand, developing countries argue that emissions by the West are lifestyle emissions, |||||||||||||Lebensstil| С другой стороны, развивающиеся страны утверждают, что выбросы на Западе - это выбросы, связанные с образом жизни,

while for developing countries, they are survival emissions. в то время как для развивающихся стран это выбросы для выживания.

Others call rich countries hypocrites that got rich by polluting without restraint ||||Heuchler|||||verschmutzend||ohne Zurückhaltung |||||||||||抑制なしに Andere nennen reiche Länder Heuchler, die durch ungebremste Verschmutzung reich geworden sind Другие называют богатые страны лицемерами, разбогатевшими за счет безудержного загрязнения окружающей среды. 另一些人称富裕国家是伪君子,通过无节制的污染而致富

and now expect others not to industrialize and stay poor. und jetzt erwarten, dass andere sich nicht industrialisieren und arm bleiben.

So who is responsible for climate change and CO₂ emissions? Wer ist also für den Klimawandel und die CO₂-Emissionen verantwortlich?

And regardless of the past, who needs to do the most today? |unabhängig von||||||||||

In this video, we'll talk exclusively about nation-states. |||||ausschließlich||Nation|

We'll look at the fossil fuel industry in another video. ||||Fossil|||||

Question 1 of 3: Which countries emit the most carbon dioxide today? ||||emittieren|||||

In 2017, humans emitted about 36 billion tons of CO₂. ||emittiert||||| ||排出した|||||

More than 50% came from Asia. North America and Europe followed with 18% and 17%.

While Africa, South America, and Oceania together only contributed eight percent. |||||Ozeanien||||| |||||オセアニア|||||

China is by far the world's largest emitter with 10 billion tons of CO₂ every year, |||||||Emitter||||||| |||||||排出者|||||||

or 27% of global emissions.

It's followed by the USA with 15% and the European Union with around 10%.

Together, this is more than half of the world's CO₂ emissions.

So it's clear that without the willingness and action of these three industrial blocs, |||||||||||||Blöcke 很明显,如果没有这三个工业集团的意愿和行动,

humanity will not be able to become carbon neutral and prevent severe climate change.

Next on our list is India at seven percent, Russia at five percent, Japan at three percent, |||||||||||||Japan|||

and Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Canada all just short of two percent. ||||||||alle||knapp unter||| 伊朗、沙特阿拉伯、韩国和加拿大的占比均略低于 2%。

Together with the first three, the top 10 are responsible for 75% of global emissions.

But if we only look at the current situation, we're not getting the full picture.

Question 2 of 3: Which countries have emitted the most in total? |||||ausgestoßen||||

If we look at emissions throughout history until today, the outlook changes drastically. ||||||||||||drastisch ||||||||||見通し||

The US and the EU both knock China off the top spot. |||||||||||Platz США и ЕС сбивают Китай с первого места.

The US is responsible for 25% of the world's historical emissions emitting 400 billion tons, ||||||||historischen||||

mostly in the 20ᵗʰ century. |||20 Jahrhundert|Jahrhundert |||20世紀|

In second place is the EU at 22%.

China comes in third at just under 13 percent, around half of the USA's contribution. ||||||||||||der USA| ||||||||||||アメリカの|

India's contribution shrinks to 3 percent along with the whole of Africa and South America. Indiens||schrumpft|||||||||||

The UK is responsible for one percent of annual global emissions

but takes five percent of the historical responsibility.

Germany, producing two percent of emissions per year today, has contributed almost six percent, |||||||||||fast||

as much as the whole of Africa and South America combined.

So the narrative that rapid climate change is really the responsibility of the developing world Also||Erzählung||||||||||||

is hard to defend if facts matter to you. ||||wenn||eine Rolle spielen|| é difícil de defender se os factos são importantes para si.

But this is still not the whole story, because focusing on countries mixes two things: ||||||||||||mischt zusammen||

population numbers and total emissions.

If a country has more people in general, its emissions are of course higher.

Things look very different if we look at individuals like you, dear viewer. |||||||||||lieber|

Question 3 of 3: Which countries emit the most carbon dioxide per person?

The average human is responsible for around five tons of CO₂ each year, but averages can be misleading. ||||||||||||||Durchschnittswerte|Durchschnittswerte|sein|irreführend |||||||||||||||||誤解を招く

The countries with the largest CO₂ emissions per person are some of the world's major oil and gas producers.

In 2017, Qatar had the highest emissions at a hefty 49 tons per person, |Katar|||||bei||beträchtliche||| |カタール||||||||||

followed by Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. ||Trinidad||Tobago|Kuwait|||arabisch|Vereinigte Arabische Emirate|Brunei|Bahrain||| ||トリニダード||トバゴ|||||アラブ首長国|ブルネイ|バーレーン||| 其次是特立尼达和多巴哥、科威特、阿联酋、文莱、巴林和沙特阿拉伯。

But those are outliers. |||Aber das sind Ausreißer. |||外れ値

Australians have one of the highest carbon footprints per person: 17 tons a year. Australier|||||||Fußabdrücke||||| |||||||足跡||||| オーストラリア人は、一人あたりのカーボンフットプリントが最も高い国の一つで、年間17トンです。

That's more than triple the global average |mehr||dreifach||| これは世界平均の3倍以上です。

and slightly more than the average US American and Canadian at 16 tons. そして、平均的なアメリカ人およびカナダ人の16トンよりも少し多いです。

The Germans do a little better at close to 10 tons, but this is still twice the global average. |die Deutschen||||||||||dies||||||

China may be the world's largest emitter,

but it's also the world's most populous country with over 1.4 billion people, ||||||bevölkerungsreichste||||| ||||||人口が最も多い|||||

18.5% of the world population.

Per person, it's above average at seven tons.

Historically, CO₂ emissions have been closely tied to a high standard of living. Historisch|||geworden sind||||||hohen||| Historisch gesehen waren CO₂-Emissionen eng mit einem hohen Lebensstandard verbunden.

Wealth is one of the strongest indicators of our carbon footprint, because as we move from poor to rich, |||||stärksten|Indikatoren||||CO2-Fußabdruck||als|||||| ||||||指標|||||||||||| Reichtum ist einer der stärksten Indikatoren für unseren CO₂-Fußabdruck, denn während wir von arm zu reich wechseln,

we gain access to electricity, heating, air conditioning, lighting, modern cooking, |||||Heizung|||Beleuchtung|| erhalten wir Zugang zu Elektrizität, Heizung, Klimaanlage, Beleuchtung und modernem Kochen.

cars or planes, smartphones, computers, and interact with people across the world online. |||Smartphones|||||||||

The enormous rise of China's CO₂ emissions is coupled with the greatest reduction of poverty in history. ||||Chinas||||gekoppelt an|||||||| ||||||||結びついた|||||||| 中国のCO₂排出量の増加は、歴史上最も大きな貧困削減と結びついています。

If we order CO₂ emissions by income, Wenn wir|||||| CO₂排出量を所得別に並べると、 Se ordenarmos as emissões de CO₂ por rendimento,

we see that the richest half of countries are responsible for 86% of global emissions ||||reichsten||||||||| 最も裕福な半数の国々が世界の排出量の86%を占めていることがわかります。

and the bottom half for only 14%.

The average German emits more than five times as much as the average Indian. |||stößt aus|mehr|||||||||

In just 2.3 days, the average American emits as much as the average Nigerian in a year. ||||||||||||nigerianisch|||

And not only that, the harsh reality is that |||||harte||| И не только это, суровая реальность такова, что

it's the countries that contribute least to the problem that stand to lose the most from rapid climate change. |||||最も少ない||||||||||||| Es sind die Länder, die am wenigsten zum Problem beitragen, die am meisten unter dem schnellen Klimawandel zu leiden haben. 急激な気候変動によって最も大きな損失を被るのは、問題への貢献度が低い国々です。 именно страны, которые меньше всего способствуют возникновению проблемы, больше всего пострадают от быстрого изменения климата.

The developing world will be hit the hardest. |entwickelnd||||||am stärksten |||||||最も厳しく Die Entwicklungsländer werden am stärksten betroffen sein. O mundo em desenvolvimento será o mais afetado.

The consequences could be food insecurity, conflicts over resources, |||||Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit||| Die Folgen könnten Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit, Konflikte um Ressourcen sein.

harsher and more frequent natural disasters, and large climate refugee movements. härtere|||häufig||Katastrophen|||Klima|Flüchtling|Bewegungen より厳しい|||||||||| catástrofes naturais mais severas e mais frequentes e grandes movimentos de refugiados climáticos. более суровые и частые стихийные бедствия и массовые перемещения климатических беженцев. 自然灾害更加严重、更加频繁,气候难民流动更加大规模。

Question 4... of 3: So who should take responsibility? |||||übernehmen|

Many of today's richest countries are in a convenient position. ||||||||vorteilhafter Lage|

They have become rich over centuries of fossil fuel burning and industrial production. Они разбогатели за столетия сжигания ископаемого топлива и промышленного производства.

They have a large historical footprint, and their wealth means they still emit a lot per person.

But their country's annual emissions are now dwarfed by other countries, |||||||übertroffen von||| |||||||圧倒されている||| 但他们国家的年度排放量与其他国家相比却相形见绌,

because the giant that is China is finally catching up, and other giants like India are on their way. ||||||||||||Riesen|||||| porque o gigante que é a China está finalmente a recuperar o atraso e outros gigantes como a Índia estão a caminho.

Many Germans, for example, wonder how if Germany only accounts for two percent of yearly emissions, ||||||||nur|||||||

it can have a meaningful impact on reducing emissions. |kann|||||||

The answer is simple.

For one, the richest countries have the resources, highly educated workforces, and technology ||||||||hochqualifiziert||Arbeitskräfte|| ||||||||||労働力||

to develop low-cost, low-carbon solutions and spread them around the world.

If we don't want poorer countries to become as fossil fuel-dependent as we are, Wenn wir nicht wollen, dass ärmere Länder genauso abhängig von fossilen Brennstoffen werden wie wir, もし私たちが貧しい国々が私たちのように化石燃料に依存することを望まないのなら、 Если мы не хотим, чтобы более бедные страны стали так же зависимы от ископаемого топлива, как мы,

we need low-carbon technology to be cheap and available. brauchen wir günstige und verfügbare Technologien mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt. 私たちは低炭素技術が安価で利用可能である必要があります。

And we're getting there. Und wir sind auf dem Weg dorthin. そして、私たちはそこに向かっています。

The cost of renewables is falling quickly and a variety of solutions are on the horizon for many different sectors. |||Erneuerbare Energien|||||||||||||||| |||再生可能エネルギー||||||||||||地平線|||| 可再生能源的成本正在快速下降,许多不同领域的各种解决方案即将面世。

But it needs to happen much faster. |es|||||

If the rich countries of the West decide to seriously tackle rapid climate change, |||||||entscheiden sich dazu||||||

the rest of the world would follow, because it has no choice.

Just like when the European Union enforced energy efficiency standards for technology, ||||||durchsetzte||||| Tal como quando a União Europeia impôs normas de eficiência energética para a tecnologia, 就像欧盟强制执行技术能效标准一样,

the rest of the world adopted them too, because they wanted to be able to continue trading with the block. |||||||||sie|||||||||| 他の国々もそれらを採用しました。なぜなら、ブロックとの貿易を続けたいと思ったからです。 остальной мир тоже принял их, потому что хотел иметь возможность продолжать торговлю с блоком.

Still, this doesn't absolve others of their responsibility. |dies||entbinden von Verantwortung|||| |||免れる|||| それでも、これが他の人々の責任を免除するわけではありません。

China is the largest CO₂ emitter today, and it's China's responsibility to grow in a way 中国は現在、最大のCO₂排出国であり、中国が成長する方法には責任があります。 中国是当今最大的二氧化碳排放国,中国有责任以某种方式实现增长

that will make it possible to transition to a zero-carbon world in time.

Others acting irresponsibly yesterday is a horrible excuse for repeating the same mistakes today. ||無責任に||||||||||| O facto de outros terem agido de forma irresponsável ontem é uma desculpa horrível para repetir os mesmos erros hoje.

Climate change is a global problem, and no country alone can fix it.

Working out who's responsible is not as simple as it seems, and in a way, it's a daft question, |||||||||||||||||dumme Frage| 誰が責任を負うべきかを特定するのは、一見簡単なことに思えるが、実際には難しいことであり、ある意味では馬鹿げた質問だ。 弄清楚谁应该负责并不像看起来那么简单,从某种程度上来说,这是一个愚蠢的问题,

but one that has plagued international politics for decades. しかし、それは何十年にもわたって国際政治を悩ませてきた問題でもある。

In the end, it's pretty simple. 結局のところ、これはかなり簡単なことだ。

Everybody needs to do the best they can, and right now we are all not doing that.

But we can begin today.

This video is part of a series about climate change supported by Breakthrough Energy,

a coalition founded by Bill Gates that's working to expand clean energy investment

and support the innovations that will lead the world to net zero carbon emissions.

Also, a special thanks to the team at Our World in Data for helping us out with data and research.

[Calm outro music]