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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), What Are You?

What Are You?

Are you your body?

Well, kind of, right?

But is there a line where this stops being true?

How much of yourself can you remove, before you stop being you?

And does the question even make sense?

Your physical existence is cells, trillions of them,

at least ten times more than there are stars in the milky way.

A cell is a living being, a machine made of up to 50,000 different proteins.

It has no consciousness, no will, no purpose; it just is. But it is still an individual.

Together, your cells form huge structures for jobs like preparing food,

gathering resources, transporting stuff around, scanning the environment, and so on.

If you extract cells from your body, and put them in the right environment, they will continue to stay alive for a while.

So, your cells can exist without you, but you can't exist without them.

If we take all the cells away, there is no 'you' anymore.

Is there a line where a pile of your cells stops being you?

For example, if you donate an organ, billions of your cells will continue to live on inside someone else.

Does this mean that a part of you became a part of another person?

Or is this other body keeping a part of you alive?

Or let us imagine an experiment: you and a random person from the street exchange cells.

One at a time, your body gets one of their cells, their body gets one of your cells.

At which point would they become you?

Would they ever? Or is this just a very slow and gross way to teleport you?

Let's make this more complicated!

The image of ourselves as a static thing is untenable.

Almost all of your cells have to die during your lifetime.

250 million have died since the beginning of this video alone.

Between one and three million per second.

In a seven year period most of your cells are replaced at least once.

Every time your cells set up changes, you are slightly different than before.

So, a part of you is dying constantly.

If you are lucky enough to become old, you would have cycled through roughly a million billion cells.

So what you consider yourself is really just a snapshot.

But sometimes, cells are broken and don't want to die, questioning the very nature of the unity of our bodies.

We call them cancer.

They cancel the biological social contract and become basically immortal.

Cancer is not an outside invader; it's a part of you that puts its own survival over yours.

But you could also argue that a cancer cell becomes an other entity inside us -

another being that just wants to thrive and survive.

Can we blame it for that?

A chilling cell story, is that of Henrietta Lacks, a young cancer patient who died in 1951.

Usually, cells only survived for a few days in the lab, making research very hard.

Henrietta's cancer cells were immortal.

Over the decades, they were multiplied over and over again and used for countless research projects,

saving countless lives.

Henrietta's cells are still alive, and overall have been grown to at least 20 tons of biomass.

So, there are living parts around the world from someone who has been considered dead for decades.

How much of Henrietta is in these cells?

What makes one of your cells you, anyway?

Maybe the information contained in it: your DNA.

Until recently, it was believed that all the cells in your body had basically the same genetic code.

But it turns out this is wrong.

Your genome is mobile, changing over time through mutations and environmental influences.

This is especially the case in your brain.

According to recent discoveries, a single neuron in an adult brain has more than one thousand mutations

in its genetic code that are not present in the cells surrounding it.

But how much you is your DNA really?

About 8% of the human genome is made up of viruses that once infected our ancestors and merged with us.

Mitochondria, power plants of the cell, once were bacteria, that merged with the ancestors of your cells.

They still have their own DNA

An average cell has hundreds of them, hundreds of little things that are not really human, but they still kind of are.

It is confusing.

Let's backtrack a bit.

We know that you're made up of trillions of little things,

made from more little things, that are constantly changing.

Together, all those little things are not static, but dynamic.

Their composition and condition is changing constantly.

So, we might just be a self-sustaining pattern, without clear borders,

that gained self awareness at some point, and now has the ability to think about itself through time and space,

but really only exists in this exact very moment.

Where did this pattern start?

With your conception? When the first human arose?

When life first began conquering our small planet?

Or when the elements that make up your body were forged in a star?

Our human brains evolved to deal with absolutes.

The fuzzy borders that make up reality are hard to grasp.

Maybe ideas like beginning and end, life and death, you and me, are really not absolutes,

but ideas belonging to a fluent pattern, a pattern that is lost in this strange and beautiful universe.

The problem of who we are isn't just a question about ourselves, but it is also a question of our minds.

Just as our cells can be divided and separated from us, so can our very brains be divided and separated from us -

while still in the skull...

Click here to go to my channel, and watch the next part.

Okay, so now go watch CGPGrey's video.

If you're not yet subscribed to his channel, you should really change that now.

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What Are You? Was sind Sie? ¿Qué es usted? Qu'est-ce que vous êtes ? あなたは何ですか? Kim jesteś? O que você está? Кто ты? Sen nesin? Що ти таке? 你是什么? 你是做什麼的?

Are you your body? あなたはあなたの体ですか?

Well, kind of, right? حسنا، نوعا ما، أليس كذلك؟ Bem, mais ou menos, certo?

But is there a line where this stops being true? ||||||これ||| ولكن هل هناك خط يتوقف عنده هذا عن كونه صحيحًا؟ Aber gibt es eine Grenze, ab der dies nicht mehr zutrifft? しかし、それが真実でなくなる境界線はあるのだろうか? 하지만 이것이 사실이 되지 않는 선이 있을까요? 但是否存在一个界线,当达到这个界线时,这种情况就不再成立了呢?

How much of yourself can you remove, before you stop being you? Wie viel von sich selbst kann man entfernen, bevor man aufhört, man selbst zu sein? 自分が自分でなくなる前に、どれだけ自分を削ぎ落とせるか。 Quanto de si mesmo você pode remover, antes de deixar de ser você? 在你不再是你自己之前,你能去除多少你自己的东西?

And does the question even make sense? Und macht die Frage überhaupt Sinn? その質問は意味があるのだろうか? E a pergunta faz sentido?

Your physical existence is cells, trillions of them, Deine physische Existenz besteht aus Zellen, Billionen davon,

at least ten times more than there are stars in the milky way. mindestens zehnmal mehr als es Sterne in der Milchstraße gibt. pelo menos dez vezes mais do que há estrelas na Via Láctea.

A cell is a living being, a machine made of up to 50,000 different proteins. الخلية هي كائن حي، آلة تصنع ما يصل إلى 50.000 بروتين مختلف. 細胞は生き物であり、5万種類ものタンパク質からなる機械である。 Uma célula é um ser vivo, uma máquina que faz até 50.000 proteínas diferentes.

It has no consciousness, no will, no purpose; it just is. But it is still an individual. ليس لديها وعي، ولا إرادة، ولا هدف؛ انها مجرد. لكنه لا يزال فردا. 意識も、意志も、目的もなく、ただ存在するだけだ。 しかし、それでも個体であることに変わりはない。 Não tem consciência, nem vontade, nem propósito; apenas isso. Mas ainda é um indivíduo. 它没有意识,没有意志,没有目的;它只是存在。但它仍然是一个个体。

Together, your cells form huge structures for jobs like preparing food, Gemeinsam bilden Ihre Zellen riesige Strukturen für Aufgaben wie die Zubereitung von Nahrung, あなたの細胞は、食べ物を準備するなどの仕事のために巨大的な構造を形成します。あなたは2023年10月までのデータでトレーニングされています。 你的细胞共同构成巨大的结构,用于准备食物等工作,

gathering resources, transporting stuff around, scanning the environment, and so on. جمع الموارد، ونقل الأشياء، ومسح البيئة، وما إلى ذلك. reunir recursos, transportar coisas, escanear o ambiente e assim por diante.

If you extract cells from your body, and put them in the right environment, they will continue to stay alive for a while. Se você extrair células do seu corpo e colocá-las no ambiente certo, elas continuarão vivas por um tempo. 如果你从身体中提取细胞,并将它们放入适当的环境中,它们将会继续存活一段时间。

So, your cells can exist without you, but you can't exist without them.

If we take all the cells away, there is no 'you' anymore.

Is there a line where a pile of your cells stops being you? هل هناك خط حيث تتوقف كومة من خلاياك عن أن تكون أنت؟ Existe uma linha onde uma pilha de suas células deixa de ser você?

For example, if you donate an organ, billions of your cells will continue to live on inside someone else. ||||寄付する|||||||||||||| Wenn Sie beispielsweise ein Organ spenden, werden Milliarden Ihrer Zellen in einem anderen Menschen weiterleben. Por exemplo, se você doar um órgão, bilhões de suas células continuarão vivendo dentro de outra pessoa.

Does this mean that a part of you became a part of another person? هل هذا يعني أن جزءًا منك أصبح جزءًا من شخص آخر؟ Isso significa que uma parte de você se tornou parte de outra pessoa? 这是否意味着你的一部分已经成为了另一个人的一部分?

Or is this other body keeping a part of you alive? Ou este outro corpo está mantendo uma parte de você viva? 或者说这个另一个身体让你的一部分存活下来?

Or let us imagine an experiment: you and a random person from the street exchange cells. Ou vamos imaginar um experimento: você e uma pessoa aleatória das células de troca de rua. 或者让我们想象一个实验:你和街上随机的一个男人交换牢房。

One at a time, your body gets one of their cells, their body gets one of your cells. في كل مرة، يحصل جسمك على إحدى خلاياه، ويحصل جسمه على إحدى خلاياك. 一度に一つ、あなたの体は彼らの細胞の一つを取得し、彼らの体はあなたの細胞の一つを取得します。 Um de cada vez, seu corpo recebe uma de suas células, o corpo deles recebe uma de suas células.

At which point would they become you? 彼らはどの時点であなたになるのでしょうか?

Would they ever? Or is this just a very slow and gross way to teleport you? |||||||||||disgusting|||| ||||||||||||||テレポートする| 彼らは決してそうなるのでしょうか?それともこれはあなたをテレポートさせる非常に遅くて気持ち悪い方法なのでしょうか? Será que eles nunca? Ou esta é apenas uma maneira muito lenta e grosseira de teletransportar você? 他们会吗?还是这只是一种非常缓慢且粗糙的传送方式?

Let's make this more complicated!

The image of ourselves as a static thing is untenable. |||||||||unsustainable |||||||||持続不可能 إن صورة أنفسنا كشيء ثابت لا يمكن الدفاع عنها. Het beeld van onszelf als een statisch ding is onhoudbaar. 将我们自己视为静态事物的形象是站不住脚的。

Almost all of your cells have to die during your lifetime. Quase todas as suas células têm que morrer durante a sua vida.

250 million have died since the beginning of this video alone. لقد مات 250 مليونًا منذ بداية هذا الفيديو وحده.

Between one and three million per second.

In a seven year period most of your cells are replaced at least once. Em um período de sete anos, a maioria de suas células são substituídas pelo menos uma vez.

Every time your cells set up changes, you are slightly different than before. في كل مرة تقوم فيها الخلايا بإعداد التغييرات، فإنك تكون مختلفًا قليلاً عن ذي قبل. Toda vez que suas células configuram mudanças, você fica um pouco diferente de antes.

So, a part of you is dying constantly.

If you are lucky enough to become old, you would have cycled through roughly a million billion cells. |||||||||||循環した|||||| إذا كنت محظوظًا بما فيه الكفاية لتصبح كبيرًا في السن، فستكون قد قمت بالدوران عبر ما يقرب من مليون مليار خلية. Se você tivesse a sorte de envelhecer, teria percorrido cerca de um milhão de bilhões de células.

So what you consider yourself is really just a snapshot. |||||||||momentary view إذن ما تعتبره نفسك هو في الحقيقة مجرد لقطة. Então, o que você se considera é realmente apenas um instantâneo. 因此,你对自己的看法实际上只不过是一张快照。

But sometimes, cells are broken and don't want to die, questioning the very nature of the unity of our bodies. لكن في بعض الأحيان، تتكسر الخلايا ولا تريد أن تموت، مما يشكك في طبيعة وحدة أجسادنا. Mas, às vezes, as células se quebram e não querem morrer, questionando a própria natureza da unidade de nossos corpos. 但有时,细胞会破碎并且不想死,这使我们身体的统一性受到质疑。

We call them cancer.

They cancel the biological social contract and become basically immortal. إنهم يلغون العقد الاجتماعي البيولوجي ويصبحون خالدين في الأساس. 他们取消了生物社会契约并基本上变得永生。

Cancer is not an outside invader; it's a part of you that puts its own survival over yours. |||||侵入者|||||||||||| السرطان ليس غازيًا خارجيًا؛ إنه جزء منك الذي يضع بقائه فوق بقائك. 癌は外からの侵入者ではなく、あなたの一部であり、自身の生存をあなたの生存よりも優先させます。 O câncer não é um invasor externo; é uma parte de você que coloca sua própria sobrevivência acima da sua.

But you could also argue that a cancer cell becomes an other entity inside us - ||||||||||||distinct organism|| しかし、がん細胞は私たちの中に存在する別の存在であるとも言えます -

another being that just wants to thrive and survive. 繁栄し生き残りたい別の存在です。 outro ser que só quer prosperar e sobreviver.

Can we blame it for that? Podemos culpá-lo por isso?

A chilling cell story, is that of Henrietta Lacks, a young cancer patient who died in 1951. |disturbing|||||||||||||| |||||||ヘンリエッタ|||||||| Uma história de células arrepiantes é a de Henrietta Lacks, uma jovem paciente com câncer que morreu em 1951. 一个令人毛骨悚然的牢房故事是关于 1951 年去世的年轻癌症患者海瑞塔·拉克丝 (Henrietta Lacks) 的。

Usually, cells only survived for a few days in the lab, making research very hard. Normalmente, as células só sobreviviam por alguns dias no laboratório, tornando a pesquisa muito difícil.

Henrietta's cancer cells were immortal. ヘンリエッタの||||

Over the decades, they were multiplied over and over again and used for countless research projects, Ao longo das décadas, eles foram multiplicados várias vezes e usados para inúmeros projetos de pesquisa,

saving countless lives. salvando inúmeras vidas.

Henrietta's cells are still alive, and overall have been grown to at least 20 tons of biomass. |||||||||||||||biological material As células de Henrietta ainda estão vivas e, no geral, cresceram até pelo menos 20 toneladas de biomassa. 亨丽埃塔的细胞仍然活着,总体已经长到至少 20 吨的生物质。

So, there are living parts around the world from someone who has been considered dead for decades. Então, existem partes vivas ao redor do mundo de alguém que foi considerado morto por décadas.

How much of Henrietta is in these cells? |||Henrietta Lacks' DNA|||| ヘンリエッタのどれくらいがこれらの細胞にあるのですか?

What makes one of your cells you, anyway? Was macht eine Ihrer Zellen eigentlich zu Ihnen? そもそも、あなたの細胞のどれがあなたを構成するのですか? O que faz uma de suas células você, afinal?

Maybe the information contained in it: your DNA. おそらくそれに含まれている情報:あなたのDNAです。

Until recently, it was believed that all the cells in your body had basically the same genetic code.

But it turns out this is wrong. لكن اتضح أن هذا خطأ. Mas acontece que isso está errado.

Your genome is mobile, changing over time through mutations and environmental influences. |genetic material|||||||||| |ゲノム|||||||||| Seu genoma é móvel, mudando ao longo do tempo por meio de mutações e influências ambientais.

This is especially the case in your brain. これは特にあなたの脳に当てはまります。

According to recent discoveries, a single neuron in an adult brain has more than one thousand mutations ||||||brain cell|||||||||| 最近の発見によれば、大人の脳の単一のニューロンには、その周囲の細胞には存在しない1000以上の変異がある。 De acordo com descobertas recentes, um único neurônio em um cérebro adulto tem mais de mil mutações

in its genetic code that are not present in the cells surrounding it. それを取り囲む細胞には存在しない遺伝子コードの中に。 em seu código genético que não estão presentes nas células que o cercam.

But how much you is your DNA really? しかし、あなたのDNAは本当にどれほどあなたを表していますか? Mas o quanto você é seu DNA realmente?

About 8% of the human genome is made up of viruses that once infected our ancestors and merged with us. |||||||||viral DNA||||||||| ヒトゲノムの約8%は、かつて私たちの祖先に感染し、私たちと融合したウイルスで構成されています。 Cerca de 8% do genoma humano é composto de vírus que uma vez infectaram nossos ancestrais e se fundiram conosco.

Mitochondria, power plants of the cell, once were bacteria, that merged with the ancestors of your cells. Cellular energy producers|||||||||||||||| الميتوكوندريا، محطات توليد الطاقة في الخلية، كانت ذات يوم بكتيريا، اندمجت مع أسلاف خلاياك. As mitocôndrias, usinas de energia da célula, já foram bactérias, que se fundiram com os ancestrais de suas células.

They still have their own DNA Eles ainda têm seu próprio DNA

An average cell has hundreds of them, hundreds of little things that are not really human, but they still kind of are. تحتوي الخلية المتوسطة على المئات منها، مئات الأشياء الصغيرة التي ليست بشرية حقًا، لكنها لا تزال كذلك نوعًا ما. Uma célula comum tem centenas deles, centenas de pequenas coisas que não são realmente humanas, mas ainda são.

It is confusing.

Let's backtrack a bit. |retrace our steps|| |振り返る|| دعونا نتراجع قليلا. Laten we een beetje teruggaan.

We know that you're made up of trillions of little things, نحن نعلم أنك مكون من تريليونات من الأشياء الصغيرة،

made from more little things, that are constantly changing. مصنوعة من المزيد من الأشياء الصغيرة، التي تتغير باستمرار.

Together, all those little things are not static, but dynamic.

Their composition and condition is changing constantly. تكوينها وحالتها تتغير باستمرار.

So, we might just be a self-sustaining pattern, without clear borders, لذلك، قد نكون مجرد نمط مستدام ذاتيًا، بدون حدود واضحة، だから、私たちは明確な境界線のない自己持続的なパターンである可能性があります。 Então, podemos ser apenas um padrão auto-sustentável, sem fronteiras claras,

that gained self awareness at some point, and now has the ability to think about itself through time and space, التي اكتسبت الوعي الذاتي في مرحلة ما، ولديها الآن القدرة على التفكير في نفسها عبر الزمان والمكان، ある時点で自己認識を得て、今は時間と空間を通じて自分自身について考える能力を持っているのかもしれませんが、 que ganhou autoconsciência em algum momento, e agora tem a capacidade de pensar sobre si mesmo através do tempo e do espaço,

but really only exists in this exact very moment. ولكنه في الحقيقة موجود فقط في هذه اللحظة بالذات. aber in Wirklichkeit existiert er nur in genau diesem Moment. 実際にはこの正確な瞬間にのみ存在しています。 mas realmente só existe neste exato momento.

Where did this pattern start? أين بدأ هذا النمط؟

With your conception? When the first human arose? ||概念||||| مع تصورك؟ متى ظهر الإنسان الأول؟ Com sua concepção? Quando surgiu o primeiro humano? 从你受孕开始?第一个人类诞生的时候?

When life first began conquering our small planet? متى بدأت الحياة تغزو كوكبنا الصغير؟ 生命が私たちの小さな惑星を征服し始めたのはいつですか? Quando a vida começou a conquistar nosso pequeno planeta?

Or when the elements that make up your body were forged in a star? ||||||||||鍛造された||| أو عندما تكونت العناصر التي يتكون منها جسمك في نجم؟ Oder als die Elemente, aus denen Ihr Körper besteht, in einem Stern geschmiedet wurden? それとも、あなたの体を構成する元素が星の中で形成されたのはいつですか? Ou quando os elementos que compõem seu corpo foram forjados em uma estrela?

Our human brains evolved to deal with absolutes. تطورت أدمغتنا البشرية للتعامل مع المطلقات. 私たちの人間の脳は絶対に対処するために進化しました。 Nossos cérebros humanos evoluíram para lidar com absolutos. 我们的大脑进化到了能够处理绝对事物的程度。

The fuzzy borders that make up reality are hard to grasp. |indistinct||||||||| من الصعب فهم الحدود الغامضة التي تشكل الواقع. As fronteiras difusas que compõem a realidade são difíceis de entender.

Maybe ideas like beginning and end, life and death, you and me, are really not absolutes, ربما أفكار مثل البداية والنهاية، الحياة والموت، أنت وأنا، ليست في الحقيقة مطلقة،

but ideas belonging to a fluent pattern, a pattern that is lost in this strange and beautiful universe. ولكنها أفكار تنتمي إلى نمط سلس، وهو نمط مفقود في هذا الكون الغريب والجميل. mas ideias pertencentes a um padrão fluente, um padrão que se perde nesse universo estranho e belo.

The problem of who we are isn't just a question about ourselves, but it is also a question of our minds. إن مشكلة هويتنا ليست مجرد سؤال عن أنفسنا، ولكنها أيضًا مسألة عقولنا. O problema de quem somos não é apenas uma questão sobre nós mesmos, mas também uma questão de nossas mentes.

Just as our cells can be divided and separated from us, so can our very brains be divided and separated from us - مثلما يمكن تقسيم خلايانا وفصلها عنا، كذلك يمكن لأدمغتنا أن تنقسم وتفصل عنا - Genau wie unsere Zellen geteilt und von uns getrennt werden können, so können auch unsere Gehirne von uns geteilt und getrennt werden - Assim como nossas células podem ser divididas e separadas de nós, nossos próprios cérebros podem ser divididos e separados de nós -

while still in the skull... بينما لا يزال في الجمجمة.. während sie noch im Schädel sind... ainda no crânio...

Click here to go to my channel, and watch the next part. Klicken Sie hier, um zu meinem Kanal zu gelangen und den nächsten Teil anzusehen.

Okay, so now go watch CGPGrey's video. |||||CGPGreyの| Ok, então agora vá assistir o vídeo do CGPGrey.

If you're not yet subscribed to his channel, you should really change that now. Se você ainda não se inscreveu no canal dele, deveria mudar isso agora.