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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), The Ebola Virus Explained — How Your Body Fights For Survival

The Ebola Virus Explained — How Your Body Fights For Survival

What makes Ebola so dangerous?

How can a virus overwhelm the very complex

defense system of the body so quickly

and so effectively?

Let's take a look at what Ebola does.

(Theme music)

Ebola is a virus.

A virus is a very small thing.

A bit of RNA or DNA

and a few proteins

and a hull.

It has no ability to do anything

by itself whatsoever,

and can only survive and proliferate by infecting cells.

To avoid this we have the immune system.

The immune system is super complex

so we develop a visual system

that makes it easy to understand.

So it looks like this:

Let's concentrate on the part that is critical to understanding Ebola

and ignore the rest.

So usually dendritic cells will activate the army

of anti-virus cells, support cells

and anti-body factories

that work together with the guard cells

wipe out the infection in a matter of days.

But when Ebola strikes, it directly

attacks the immune system.

Some of the first cells it takes over are

the dendritic cells, the brains of

the immune system.

The Ebola virus enters a dendritic cell by

binding into receptors for cell transport.

Once it is inside, it dissolves its outer hull and releases

its genetic material, nucleoproteins and enzymes.

In a nutshell it takes over the cell,

disables the cells protective mechanisms and

reprograms it.

The cell now becomes a virus production machine

and uses its resources to build Ebola viruses.

Once the cell is saturated, it dissolves the cell membrane

and millions of viruses are released into the tissue.

The virus not only prevents the dendritic cells

from activating the specialized and anti-virus forces,

it manipulates them into sending signal proteins

that tricks specialized cells

into ending their own life's prematurely.

So the immune system is seriously disrupted

and unable to react.

When the virus rapidly multiplies, we're talking billions,

there are cells that should deal with infected cells,

the natural killer cells, but they also get infected

and just die before they can prevent

the disease from spreading.

At the same time Ebola infects

the guard cells of the body

macrophages and monocytes,

not only managing to circumvent their defenses,

it also manipulates some to signal to

the cells make up the blood vessels

telling into release fluid into the body

Usually this makes sense, but in this case

it just causes mayhem.

All of the body's neutrophils are activated

awaken by the virus and the macrophages signals

then are not very effective against viruses and

should not be involve in this fight and

begin to do lots of stuffs they shouldn't do.

The neutrophils signals to the blood vessels to

release more fluid causing internal bleeding.

Another area of the body Ebola

attacks is the liver. The virus finds it

very easy to enter the liver and

it quickly starts killing loads of liver cells

and causing organ failure and more internal bleeding.

And all those things are going on at the same time.

As the virus spreads, it's like nukes exploding every where.

One incident of this in one region will be problem enough

But now is starting to happen everywhere at once.

All the mechanisms of the immune system have evolve to

handle infections work against you.

And the virus continues to spread and spread.

And finally begins to infect more and more body cells

while the body desperately struggles to stay alive.

In a desperate last effort to turn the tide

the immune system launches a cytokine storm.

A cytokine storm is an S.O.S signal

that causes the immune system to launch all of its weapons,

all at once in a desperate kamikaze attack.

This hurts the virus but leaves behind tons of collateral damage,

Especially in the blood vessels.

Paradoxically the healthier the immune system,

the more damage it can do to itself

More and more fluid leaves the blood stream.

Blood pours after every opening of the body.

You become seriously dehydrated

that just not now blood left to supply the organs with oxygen

and cells begin to die. If you reach this point

the chance of you dying is very high.

Currently six out of ten infected die from Ebola.

Wow! Ok. Ebola is nasty. So it's time to panic, right?

No, not even close.

The severity of Ebola gets paper sold and

YouTube videos shared so everybody is talking about Ebola.

But currently the only way to get infected by Ebola

is to come into contact with the body fluids

of a person who shows symptoms

Or from infected bat. So just don't do that.

Ebola has killed 5,000 people since June 2014.

The common flu kills up to 500,000 people each year.

Malaria causes up to one million each year.

3,000 people every single day. Ten children since this video started.

So even if Ebola is terrible and scary,

don't let yourself be scared. The most infectious thing about Ebola

is the media hype around it.

You could learn a bit more about the immune system though

Transcription made by Miriam Delgado

Subtitles by the Amara .org community

Revised by: Ace Ervite

The Ebola Virus Explained — How Your Body Fights For Survival Das Ebola-Virus erklärt - Wie Ihr Körper um sein Überleben kämpft El virus del Ébola: cómo lucha el cuerpo para sobrevivir Le virus Ebola expliqué - Comment votre corps lutte pour survivre Il virus Ebola spiegato - Come il vostro corpo lotta per la sopravvivenza エボラウイルスの説明 - 生存のために体が戦う方法 에볼라 바이러스 설명 - 신체가 생존을 위해 싸우는 방법 Het ebolavirus uitgelegd - hoe je lichaam vecht om te overleven Wyjaśnienie wirusa Ebola - jak organizm walczy o przetrwanie O vírus Ébola explicado - Como o seu corpo luta pela sobrevivência Вирус Эбола - как ваше тело борется за выживание Ebola Virüsü Açıklandı - Vücudunuz Hayatta Kalmak İçin Nasıl Savaşıyor? Пояснення вірусу Ебола - як ваш організм бореться за виживання 埃博拉病毒解析——你的身体如何为生存而战 埃博拉病毒的解釋——你的身體如何為生存而戰

What makes Ebola so dangerous? ||埃博拉病毒||

How can a virus overwhelm the very complex

defense system of the body so quickly

and so effectively?

Let's take a look at what Ebola does.

(Theme music)

Ebola is a virus.

A virus is a very small thing.

A bit of RNA or DNA

and a few proteins

and a hull.

It has no ability to do anything

by itself whatsoever,

and can only survive and proliferate by infecting cells. |||||multiply rapidly|||

To avoid this we have the immune system.

The immune system is super complex

so we develop a visual system

that makes it easy to understand.

So it looks like this: Así que parece esto:

Let's concentrate on the part that is critical to understanding Ebola Concentrémonos en la parte fundamental para comprender el ébola

and ignore the rest.

So usually dendritic cells will activate the army Así que por lo general las células dendríticas se activará el ejército

of anti-virus cells, support cells

and anti-body factories

that work together with the guard cells que trabajan junto con las células guardianas

wipe out the infection in a matter of days.

But when Ebola strikes, it directly

attacks the immune system.

Some of the first cells it takes over are

the dendritic cells, the brains of

the immune system.

The Ebola virus enters a dendritic cell by

binding into receptors for cell transport. ||binding sites|||

Once it is inside, it dissolves its outer hull and releases Una vez dentro, disuelve su casco exterior y libera

its genetic material, nucleoproteins and enzymes. |||protein-DNA complexes|| 它的遗传物质、核蛋白和酶。

In a nutshell it takes over the cell,

disables the cells protective mechanisms and |||defensive|defense systems|

reprograms it.

The cell now becomes a virus production machine

and uses its resources to build Ebola viruses.

Once the cell is saturated, it dissolves the cell membrane |||||||||cell outer layer

and millions of viruses are released into the tissue.

The virus not only prevents the dendritic cells

from activating the specialized and anti-virus forces,

it manipulates them into sending signal proteins

that tricks specialized cells |Deceives||

into ending their own life's prematurely. |||||too soon

So the immune system is seriously disrupted

and unable to react.

When the virus rapidly multiplies, we're talking billions,

there are cells that should deal with infected cells,

the natural killer cells, but they also get infected

and just die before they can prevent

the disease from spreading.

At the same time Ebola infects

the guard cells of the body

macrophages and monocytes, ||white blood cells

not only managing to circumvent their defenses, ||||get around|| no sólo logrando burlar sus defensas,

it also manipulates some to signal to también manipula algunos para señalar a

the cells make up the blood vessels las células forman los vasos sanguíneos

telling into release fluid into the body diciendo en la liberación de líquido en el cuerpo

Usually this makes sense, but in this case Normalmente esto tiene sentido, pero en este caso

it just causes mayhem. |||chaos and disorder

All of the body's neutrophils are activated ||||white blood cells|| Todos los neutrófilos del cuerpo se activan

awaken by the virus and the macrophages signals despertado por el virus y las señales de los macrófagos

then are not very effective against viruses and

should not be involve in this fight and no debe involucrarse en esta lucha y

begin to do lots of stuffs they shouldn't do. |||||wrong activities||| empiezan a hacer muchas cosas que no deberían hacer.

The neutrophils signals to the blood vessels to Los neutrófilos envían señales a los vasos sanguíneos para que

release more fluid causing internal bleeding. liberan más líquido causando hemorragias internas.

Another area of the body Ebola

attacks is the liver. The virus finds it

very easy to enter the liver and

it quickly starts killing loads of liver cells rápidamente comienza a matar a un montón de células del hígado

and causing organ failure and more internal bleeding.

And all those things are going on at the same time.

As the virus spreads, it's like nukes exploding every where. ||||||devastating explosions|||

One incident of this in one region will be problem enough

But now is starting to happen everywhere at once.

All the mechanisms of the immune system have evolve to

handle infections work against you.

And the virus continues to spread and spread. |||||||keep moving around

And finally begins to infect more and more body cells

while the body desperately struggles to stay alive.

In a desperate last effort to turn the tide ||||||||change momentum

the immune system launches a cytokine storm. |||initiates||immune signaling protein|intense reaction

A cytokine storm is an S.O.S signal

that causes the immune system to launch all of its weapons,

all at once in a desperate kamikaze attack. ||||||suicidal assault|

This hurts the virus but leaves behind tons of collateral damage, |||||||||unintended harmful effects|

Especially in the blood vessels.

Paradoxically the healthier the immune system, Ironically|||||

the more damage it can do to itself

More and more fluid leaves the blood stream.

Blood pours after every opening of the body.

You become seriously dehydrated |||severely lacking water

that just not now blood left to supply the organs with oxygen

and cells begin to die. If you reach this point

the chance of you dying is very high.

Currently six out of ten infected die from Ebola.

Wow! Ok. Ebola is nasty. So it's time to panic, right?

No, not even close.

The severity of Ebola gets paper sold and ||||||increased sales|

YouTube videos shared so everybody is talking about Ebola.

But currently the only way to get infected by Ebola

is to come into contact with the body fluids

of a person who shows symptoms

Or from infected bat. So just don't do that.

Ebola has killed 5,000 people since June 2014.

The common flu kills up to 500,000 people each year.

Malaria causes up to one million each year.

3,000 people every single day. Ten children since this video started.

So even if Ebola is terrible and scary,

don't let yourself be scared. The most infectious thing about Ebola |||||||contagious|||

is the media hype around it. |||exaggerated promotion||

You could learn a bit more about the immune system though

Transcription made by Miriam Delgado

Subtitles by the Amara .org community 자막 제공|||||

Revised by: Ace Ervite