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Kurzgesagt (In a Nutshell), An Antidote to Dissatisfaction

An Antidote to Dissatisfaction

Everybody's familiar with the feeling that things are not as they should be.

That you're not successful enough.

Your relationships not satisfying enough.

That you don't have the things you crave.

A chronic dissatisfaction that makes you look outwards with envy,

and inwards with disappointment.

Pop culture, advertising, and social media made this worse

by reminding you that aiming for anything less than your dream job is failure,

you need to have great experiences constantly,

be conventionally attractive, have a lot of friends, and find your soulmate,

and that others have all of these things and are truly happy.

And of course, a vast array of self-improvement products

implies that it's all your fault for not working hard enough for yourself.

In the last two decades, researchers have been starting to investigate how we can counteract these impulses.

The field of positive psychology emerged—the study of what makes life worth living,

while cognitive behavioral therapy was developed to change negative feelings.

Scientists began to ask, "why are some people happier and more satisfied than others,

and are there ways to apply what they're doing right to the rest of us?"

In this video, we want to talk about one of the strongest predictors

of how happy people are, how easily they make friends, and how good they are at dealing with hardship.

And antidote to dissatisfaction, so to speak.


While gratitude might sound like another self-improvement trend preached by people who use hashtags,

What we currently know about it is based on a body of scientific work and studies.

We will include them in the description.

Gratitude can mean very different things to different people in different contexts.

It's a character trait, a feeling, a virtue, and a behavior.

You can feel grateful towards someone who did something for you,

for random events like the weather, or even for nature, or fate.

And it's wired into our biology.

1. How gratitude connects us to each other The predecessor of gratitude is probably reciprocity.

It likely evolved as a biological signal that motivates animals to exchange things for their mutual benefit,

and can be found in the animal kingdom among certain fish, birds, or mammals,

but especially in primates.

When your brain recognizes that someone's done something nice for you,

it reacts with gratitude to motivate you to repay them.

This gratitude makes you care about others and others care about you.

This was important because as human brains got better at reading emotions,

selfish individuals were identified and shunned.

It became an evolutionary advantage to play well with others and build lasting relationships.

For example, if you were hungry and someone else showed you where to find tasty berries,

you felt gratitude towards them, and a bond to return the favor in the future.

A drive to be prosocial.

When you repay them, they felt gratitude towards you.

This brought your ancestors closer together, and forged bonds and friendships.

So early forms of gratitude were biological mechanisms that modified your behavior towards cooperation,

which helped humans to dominate Earth.

But over time, gratitude became more than just an impulse to play fair.

2. The consequences of gratitude Scientists found that gratitude stimulates the pathways in your brain involved in feelings of reward,

forming social bonds,

and interpreting others' intentions.

It also makes it easier to save and retrieve positive memories.

Even more,

gratitude directly counteracts negative feelings and traits like envy and social comparison,

narcissism, cynicism and materialism.

As a consequence, people who are grateful no matter what for tend to be happier and more satisfied.

They have better relationships, an easier time making friends,

they sleep better, tend to suffer less from depression, addiction, and burnout,

and are better at dealing with traumatic events.

In a way, gratitude makes it less likely that

you'll fall into one of the psychological traps modern life has set for you

For example, gratitude measurably counters the tendency to forget

and downplay positive events.

If you work long and hard for something, actually getting it can feel daft and empty.

You can find yourself emotionally back where you started,

and try to achieve the next biggest thing,

looking for that satisfaction instead of being satisfied with yourself.

Or imagine being lonely and wanting to have more friends.

You actually might have someone or even multiple people who want to hangout,

but you might feel that this is not enough,

that you're a loser and feel bad about yourself.

So you might turn down their attempts to hangout,

and become more lonely.

If you feel grateful for your relationships instead,

you might accept invitations, or even take the initiative.

The more often you risk opening up,

the higher the chance of solidifying relationships and meeting new people.

In the best case, gratitude can trigger a feedback loop.

Positive feelings lead to more prosocial behavior,

which leads to more positive social experiences

that cause more positive feelings.

This is a common experience after serious hardship like chemotherapy, for example.

Life can feel amazing after a crisis is over.

The smallest things can be bottomless sources of joy,

from being able to taste, to just sitting in the sun,

or chatting with a friend.


your life is the same or maybe even slightly worse than before,

but your brain compares your present experiences with the times when life was bad,

and reacts with gratitude.

So, in a nutshell, gratitude refocuses your attention towards the good things you have,

and the consequences of this shift are better feelings

and more positive experiences

While it is great to know these things,

is there actually a way to make you feel more of it?

3. How to make your brain more grateful The ability to experiences more or less gratitude

is not equally distributed.

You have what's known as trait gratitude

that determines how much you are able to feel it.

It depends on your genetics, personality, and culture.

This discovery made scientists wonder

if they could design exercises to change your trait gratitude

and lead to more happiness.

Let's start with important caveats.

It's not yet entirely clear to what degree gratitude can be trained,

or how long the effects last.

There are no magic pills for happiness.

Life is complicated.

On some days it feels like you're in control of yourself,

and on others, you feel like you're not, and this is okay.

Also, sometimes pursuing happiness can make you more unhappy

if you put too much pressure on yourself.

Gratitude should also not be seen as a solution to depression

or a substitute for professional help.

It can only be a piece of the puzzle;

it's not the solution to the puzzle itself.

The easiest gratitude exercise, with the most solid research behind it,

is gratitude journaling.

It means sitting down for a few minutes,

one to three times a week,

and writing down five to ten things you're grateful for.

It might feel weird at first, so start simply.

Can you feel grateful for a little thing

like how great coffee is, or that someone was kind to you?

Can you appreciate something someone else did for you?

Can you reflect on which things or people you would miss if they were gone

and be grateful that they're in your life?

We're all different, so you'll know what works for you.

And that's it really. It feels almost insulting,

like things shouldn't be that simple.

But in numerous studies, the participants reported more happiness

and a higher general life satisfaction

after doing this practice for a few weeks.

And even more, studies have shown changes in brain activity

some months after they ended.

Practicing gratitude may be a real way to reprogram yourself.

This research shows that your emotions are not fixed.

In the end, how you experience life

is a representation of what you believe about it.

If you attack your core beliefs about yourself and your life,

you can change your thoughts and feelings

which automatically changes your behavior.

It's pretty mind-blowing that something as simple as self-reflection

can hack the pathways in our brain

to fight dissatisfaction.

And if this is no reason to be more optimistic, what is?

Being a human is hard, but it doesn't need to be as hard.

And if you actively look, you might find that your life

is much better than you thought

If you're curious and want to try out gratitude,

we made a thing

Please note that you don't need to buy anything from anyone to practice gratitude,

all you need is paper, a pen, and five minutes.

Having said that,

we've made a Kurzgesagt gratitude journal

based on studies we've read,

conversations with experts,

and our personal experiences with gratitude

over the last year

It's structured in a way that

might make it a bit easier to get into the habit

of gratitude journaling.

There are short explanations and reflections to mix it up

and make it more interesting.

We've also made it as pretty as we could.

This video continues the unofficial series

of more personal, introspective videos

from "Optimistic Nihilism" to "Loneliness"

and now, "Gratitude."

We don't want to be a self-help channel,

so we'll keep this sort of video at roughly one per year.

We hope they're helpful to some of you.

Thank you for watching.

An Antidote to Dissatisfaction |Gegenmittel zur Unzufriedenheit||Ein Gegenmittel gegen Unzufriedenheit |||Lack of contentment Ein Gegenmittel gegen Unzufriedenheit An Antidote to Dissatisfaction Un antídoto contra la insatisfacción Un antidote à l'insatisfaction Un antidoto all'insoddisfazione 不満への解毒剤 불만족에 대한 해독제 Priešnuodis nuo nepasitenkinimo Een tegengif voor ontevredenheid Antidotum na niezadowolenie Um antídoto para a insatisfação Противоядие от неудовлетворенности Memnuniyetsizliğe Karşı Bir Panzehir Протиотрута від незадоволення 不满的解药 不滿的解藥

Everybody's familiar with the feeling that things are not as they should be. Everybody's familiar with the feeling that things are not as they should be. 物事が思うようにいかないという感覚は、誰にでもあるものです。 Всем знакомо чувство, что все не так, как должно быть. 每个人都熟悉事情不应该如此的感觉。

That you're not successful enough. That you're not successful enough. 自分が十分に成功していないこと。 Que você não é bem sucedido o suficiente. Что вы недостаточно успешны.

Your relationships not satisfying enough. Your relationships not satisfying enough. あなたの人間関係が十分に満たされていない。

That you don't have the things you crave. |||||||sich sehnen nach |||||||desire intensely That you don't have the things you crave. Que no tienes las cosas que anhelas. 自分が切望するものがないこと。 Que você não tem as coisas que deseja. Что у вас нет того, чего вы жаждете.

A chronic dissatisfaction that makes you look outwards with envy, A chronic dissatisfaction that makes you look outwards with envy, Una insatisfacción crónica que te hace mirar al exterior con envidia, Une insatisfaction chronique qui vous fait regarder vers l'extérieur avec envie, Uma insatisfação crônica que faz você olhar para fora com inveja, Хроническая неудовлетворенность, которая заставляет вас с завистью смотреть по сторонам, 一种长期的不满情绪,让你羡慕地向外张望、

and inwards with disappointment. y hacia dentro con decepción. 并感到内心失望。

Pop culture, advertising, and social media made this worse La cultura pop, la publicidad y las redes sociales empeoraron la situación A cultura pop, a publicidade e as mídias sociais pioraram isso Поп-культура, реклама и социальные сети усугубили ситуацию

by reminding you that aiming for anything less than your dream job is failure, recordándote que aspirar a cualquier cosa que no sea el trabajo de tus sueños es un fracaso, en vous rappelant que viser moins que l'emploi de vos rêves est un échec, lembrando-lhe que almejar algo menos do que o seu emprego dos sonhos é um fracasso, напоминанием о том, что стремление к чему-либо меньшему, чем работа вашей мечты, - это провал,

you need to have great experiences constantly, necesitas vivir grandes experiencias constantemente, você precisa ter grandes experiências constantemente, вам необходимо постоянно получать отличный опыт,

be conventionally attractive, have a lot of friends, and find your soulmate, |konventionell|||||||||| |typically||||||||||perfect partner ser convencionalmente atractivo, tener muchos amigos y encontrar tu alma gemela, быть условно привлекательным, иметь много друзей и найти свою вторую половинку,

and that others have all of these things and are truly happy. y que otros tienen todas estas cosas y son verdaderamente felices. e que outros tenham todas essas coisas e sejam verdadeiramente felizes. и что другие имеют все эти вещи и по-настоящему счастливы.

And of course, a vast array of self-improvement products Y, por supuesto, una amplia gama de productos de superación personal. Et bien sûr, une vaste gamme de produits d'amélioration de soi E, claro, uma vasta gama de produtos de auto-aperfeiçoamento И, конечно, огромное количество товаров для самосовершенствования.

implies that it's all your fault for not working hard enough for yourself. suggests|||||||||||| implica que todo es culpa tuya por no trabajar lo suficiente para ti. sous-entend que tout est de votre faute parce que vous ne travaillez pas assez dur pour vous. implica que é tudo culpa sua por não trabalhar duro o suficiente para si mesmo.

In the last two decades, researchers have been starting to investigate how we can counteract these impulses. ||||||||||||||neutralize||urges En las dos últimas décadas, los investigadores han empezado a estudiar cómo podemos contrarrestar estos impulsos. 近二十年来,研究人员开始研究如何抵消这些冲动。

The field of positive psychology emerged—the study of what makes life worth living, |领域|||||||||||| Surgió el campo de la psicología positiva, el estudio de lo que hace que merezca la pena vivir, Surgiu o campo da psicologia positiva – o estudo do que faz a vida valer a pena,

while cognitive behavioral therapy was developed to change negative feelings. |认知的|behavioral||||||| بينما تم تطوير العلاج السلوكي المعرفي لتغيير المشاعر السلبية. mientras que la terapia cognitivo-conductual se desarrolló para cambiar los sentimientos negativos. 而认知行为疗法则是为了改变负面情绪而开发的。

Scientists began to ask, "why are some people happier and more satisfied than others, Los científicos empezaron a preguntarse por qué algunas personas son más felices y están más satisfechas que otras,

and are there ways to apply what they're doing right to the rest of us?" and are there ways to apply what they're doing right to the rest of us?" y ¿hay formas de aplicar lo que ellos hacen bien al resto de nosotros?". e existem maneiras de aplicar o que eles estão fazendo para o resto de nós?"

In this video, we want to talk about one of the strongest predictors في هذا الفيديو، نريد أن نتحدث عن أحد أقوى المتنبئين In this video, we want to talk about one of the strongest predictors En este vídeo queremos hablar de uno de los predictores más potentes Dans cette vidéo, nous voulons parler de l'un des facteurs prédictifs les plus importants. 在这段视频中,我们想谈谈最强大的预测因素之一

of how happy people are, how easily they make friends, and how good they are at dealing with hardship. of how happy people are, how easily they make friends, and how good they are at dealing with hardship. de lo felices que son las personas, de lo fácil que hacen amigos y de lo bien que saben afrontar las dificultades. de la joie des gens, de la facilité avec laquelle ils se font des amis et de leur capacité à surmonter les épreuves. de como as pessoas são felizes, com que facilidade fazem amigos e como são boas em lidar com as dificuldades.

And antidote to dissatisfaction, so to speak. Y antídoto contra la insatisfacción, por así decirlo. E antídoto para a insatisfação, por assim dizer.

Gratitude Thankfulness

While gratitude might sound like another self-improvement trend preached by people who use hashtags, ||||||||popular movement|advocated by|||||#selfimprovement Aunque la gratitud pueda sonar como otra tendencia de superación personal predicada por gente que usa hashtags, La gratitude peut sembler être une autre tendance d'amélioration personnelle prônée par des personnes qui utilisent des hashtags, Embora a gratidão possa soar como outra tendência de auto-aperfeiçoamento pregada por pessoas que usam hashtags, 虽然感恩听起来像是使用标签的人宣扬的另一种自我提升趋势,

What we currently know about it is based on a body of scientific work and studies. What we currently know about it is based on a body of scientific work and studies. Lo que sabemos actualmente sobre ella se basa en un conjunto de trabajos y estudios científicos. O que sabemos atualmente sobre isso é baseado em um corpo de trabalhos e estudos científicos.

We will include them in the description. Vamos incluí-los na descrição. 我们会将它们包含在描述中。

Gratitude can mean very different things to different people in different contexts. La gratitud puede significar cosas muy distintas para personas diferentes en contextos diferentes.

It's a character trait, a feeling, a virtue, and a behavior. |||||||Tugend||| |||||||moral excellence||| Es un rasgo del carácter, un sentimiento, una virtud y un comportamiento. É um traço de caráter, um sentimento, uma virtude e um comportamento.

You can feel grateful towards someone who did something for you, Puedes sentirte agradecido hacia alguien que hizo algo por ti, Você pode se sentir grato por alguém que fez algo por você,

for random events like the weather, or even for nature, or fate. |||||||||||Destiny para sucesos aleatorios como el tiempo, o incluso para la naturaleza, o el destino. para eventos aleatórios como o clima, ou mesmo para a natureza ou destino. 对于像天气这样的随机事件,甚至对于自然或命运。

And it's wired into our biology. Y está conectado a nuestra biología. Et c'est inscrit dans notre biologie. E está ligado à nossa biologia. 它与我们的生物学特性紧密相关。

1\. How gratitude connects us to each other The predecessor of gratitude is probably reciprocity. ||||||Gegenseitigkeit |precursor|||||mutual exchange El antecesor de la gratitud es probablemente la reciprocidad. Le prédécesseur de la gratitude est probablement la réciprocité. O predecessor da gratidão é provavelmente a reciprocidade. 感恩的前身,大概就是礼尚往来吧。

It likely evolved as a biological signal that motivates animals to exchange things for their mutual benefit, |||||||||||||||shared advantage| Probablemente evolucionó como una señal biológica que motiva a los animales a intercambiar cosas en beneficio mutuo, Provavelmente evoluiu como um sinal biológico que motiva os animais a trocar coisas para benefício mútuo,

and can be found in the animal kingdom among certain fish, birds, or mammals, y puede encontrarse en el reino animal entre ciertos peces, aves o mamíferos,

but especially in primates. |||灵长类动物 pero sobre todo en los primates.

When your brain recognizes that someone's done something nice for you, Cuando tu cerebro reconoce que alguien ha hecho algo bueno por ti,

it reacts with gratitude to motivate you to repay them. reacciona con gratitud para motivarte a devolverles el favor. ele reage com gratidão para motivá-lo a recompensá-los.

This gratitude makes you care about others and others care about you. Esta gratitud hace que te preocupes por los demás y que los demás se preocupen por ti.

This was important because as human brains got better at reading emotions, This was important because as human brains got better at reading emotions, Esto era importante porque a medida que los cerebros humanos mejoraban en la lectura de las emociones, C'est important parce que le cerveau humain est devenu plus apte à lire les émotions, Isso foi importante porque, à medida que o cérebro humano melhorava na leitura de emoções,

selfish individuals were identified and shunned. egoistisch|||||gemieden |||recognized||Ostracized selfish individuals were identified and shunned. Los individuos egoístas fueron identificados y rechazados. indivíduos egoístas foram identificados e evitados. 自私的人就会被识别并被排斥。

It became an evolutionary advantage to play well with others and build lasting relationships. |||进化上的|||||||||| Se convirtió en una ventaja evolutiva jugar bien con los demás y establecer relaciones duraderas. Tornou-se uma vantagem evolutiva jogar bem com os outros e construir relacionamentos duradouros.

For example, if you were hungry and someone else showed you where to find tasty berries, Por ejemplo, si tuvieras hambre y otra persona te indicara dónde encontrar bayas sabrosas, Por exemplo, se você estivesse com fome e alguém lhe mostrasse onde encontrar frutas saborosas,

you felt gratitude towards them, and a bond to return the favor in the future. 你对他们心怀感激,并希望将来能回报他们。

A drive to be prosocial. ||||prosozial ||||pro-social Un impulso para ser prosocial. Um impulso para ser pró-social. 亲社会的动力。

When you repay them, they felt gratitude towards you.

This brought your ancestors closer together, and forged bonds and friendships. |||||||formed||| This brought your ancestors closer together, and forged bonds and friendships. Esto acercó a sus antepasados y forjó lazos y amistades. Isso aproximou seus ancestrais e criou laços e amizades.

So early forms of gratitude were biological mechanisms that modified your behavior towards cooperation, |||||||biological processes||||||合作 Assim, as primeiras formas de gratidão eram mecanismos biológicos que modificavam seu comportamento em relação à cooperação,

which helped humans to dominate Earth. ||||统治|

But over time, gratitude became more than just an impulse to play fair. Pero con el tiempo, la gratitud se convirtió en algo más que un impulso de jugar limpio. Mas com o tempo, a gratidão se tornou mais do que apenas um impulso para jogar limpo. 但随着时间的推移,感恩不仅仅是一种公平竞争的冲动。

2\. The consequences of gratitude |Positive outcomes|| Scientists found that gratitude stimulates the pathways in your brain involved in feelings of reward, ||||||neural pathways|||||||| Los científicos han descubierto que la gratitud estimula las vías cerebrales implicadas en los sentimientos de recompensa, Os cientistas descobriram que a gratidão estimula os caminhos em seu cérebro envolvidos em sentimentos de recompensa,

forming social bonds, la formación de vínculos sociales, formando laços sociais,

and interpreting others' intentions. |理解|| e interpretar las intenciones de los demás. e interpretar as intenções dos outros. 并解读他人的意图。

It also makes it easier to save and retrieve positive memories. ||||||||access|| También facilita guardar y recuperar recuerdos positivos. Il facilite également la sauvegarde et la récupération des souvenirs positifs. Também torna mais fácil salvar e recuperar memórias positivas. 这也使得保存和检索积极的记忆变得更容易。

Even more, Aún más, Ainda mais,

gratitude directly counteracts negative feelings and traits like envy and social comparison, ||entgegenwirkt||||||||| La gratitud contrarresta directamente sentimientos y rasgos negativos como la envidia y la comparación social, dankbaarheid gaat negatieve gevoelens en eigenschappen zoals jaloezie en sociale vergelijking direct tegen, gratidão neutraliza diretamente sentimentos e traços negativos como inveja e comparação social, 感恩可以直接抵消嫉妒和社会比较等负面情绪和特征,

narcissism, cynicism and materialism. |Zynismus|| 自恋主义|skepticism, distrust||物质主义 narcisismo, cinismo y materialismo.

As a consequence, people who are grateful no matter what for tend to be happier and more satisfied. En consecuencia, las personas que se muestran agradecidas pase lo que pase tienden a ser más felices y a estar más satisfechas. Como consequência, as pessoas que são gratas, não importa o motivo, tendem a ser mais felizes e satisfeitas. 因此,无论如何都会心存感激的人往往会更快乐、更满足。

They have better relationships, an easier time making friends, Eles têm melhores relacionamentos, um tempo mais fácil para fazer amigos,

they sleep better, tend to suffer less from depression, addiction, and burnout, |||||||||substance dependence||exhaustion duermen mejor, tienden a sufrir menos depresión, adicción y agotamiento, eles dormem melhor, tendem a sofrer menos de depressão, vício e esgotamento,

and are better at dealing with traumatic events. ||||||创伤性事件| y se enfrentan mejor a los acontecimientos traumáticos. e são melhores em lidar com eventos traumáticos. 并且更善于处理创伤事件。

In a way, gratitude makes it less likely that En cierto modo, la gratitud hace menos probable que De certa forma, a gratidão torna menos provável que

you'll fall into one of the psychological traps modern life has set for you caerás en una de las trampas psicológicas que la vida moderna te ha tendido você cairá em uma das armadilhas psicológicas que a vida moderna preparou para você 你会陷入现代生活为你设置的心理陷阱之一

For example, gratitude measurably counters the tendency to forget ||感恩之心|significantly|offsets|||| Zum Beispiel wirkt Dankbarkeit der Tendenz zum Vergessen messbar entgegen Por ejemplo, la gratitud contrarresta de forma mensurable la tendencia a olvidar Par exemple, la gratitude contrecarre de manière mesurable la tendance à l'oubli Por exemplo, a gratidão contraria de forma mensurável a tendência de esquecer

and downplay positive events. |minimize|| und positive Ereignisse herunterspielen. y restar importancia a los acontecimientos positivos. e minimizar eventos positivos. 并淡化积极事件。

If you work long and hard for something, actually getting it can feel daft and empty. |||||||||||||pointless|| Si trabajas mucho y duro por algo, conseguirlo puede parecer una tontería y un vacío. Lorsque l'on travaille dur et longtemps pour obtenir quelque chose, le fait de l'obtenir peut donner l'impression d'être stupide et vide. Se você trabalha muito e arduamente por algo, realmente conseguir isso pode parecer estúpido e vazio. 如果你为某件事付出了长时间的努力,那么真正得到它会让人觉得愚蠢和空虚。

You can find yourself emotionally back where you started, Vous risquez de vous retrouver émotionnellement au point de départ, Você pode encontrar-se emocionalmente de volta onde começou,

and try to achieve the next biggest thing,

looking for that satisfaction instead of being satisfied with yourself. buscando esa satisfacción en lugar de estar satisfecho contigo mismo. procurando essa satisfação em vez de estar satisfeito consigo mesmo.

Or imagine being lonely and wanting to have more friends. O imagina que te sientes solo y quieres tener más amigos. Ou imagine estar sozinho e querer ter mais amigos.

You actually might have someone or even multiple people who want to hangout, ||||||||||||spend time Puede que haya alguien o incluso varias personas que quieran pasar el rato, Il se peut que quelqu'un ou même plusieurs personnes veuillent passer du temps ensemble, Na verdade, você pode ter alguém ou até várias pessoas que querem sair,

but you might feel that this is not enough, pero puede que le parezca insuficiente,

that you're a loser and feel bad about yourself. que você é um perdedor e se sente mal consigo mesmo.

So you might turn down their attempts to hangout, ||||||efforts|| Así que puede que rechaces sus intentos de quedar, Então, você pode recusar as tentativas de hangout deles,

and become more lonely.

If you feel grateful for your relationships instead, Se você se sente grato por seus relacionamentos,

you might accept invitations, or even take the initiative. ||||||||initiative você pode aceitar convites, ou mesmo tomar a iniciativa.

The more often you risk opening up, Cuanto más a menudo te arriesgues a abrirte, Quanto mais você corre o risco de se abrir,

the higher the chance of solidifying relationships and meeting new people. mayores serán las posibilidades de consolidar relaciones y conocer gente nueva.

In the best case, gratitude can trigger a feedback loop. ||||||initiate||| En el mejor de los casos, la gratitud puede desencadenar un bucle de retroalimentación. Na melhor das hipóteses, a gratidão pode desencadear um ciclo de feedback. 在最好的情况下,感恩可以触发反馈循环。

Positive feelings lead to more prosocial behavior, Sentimentos positivos levam a um comportamento mais pró-social,

which leads to more positive social experiences que conduce a experiencias sociales más positivas o que leva a experiências sociais mais positivas

that cause more positive feelings. que causam sentimentos mais positivos.

This is a common experience after serious hardship like chemotherapy, for example. |||||||||cancer treatment|| Se trata de una experiencia habitual después de sufrir dificultades graves como, por ejemplo, la quimioterapia. Esta é uma experiência comum após sérias dificuldades como a quimioterapia, por exemplo.

Life can feel amazing after a crisis is over. A vida pode parecer incrível depois que uma crise termina.

The smallest things can be bottomless sources of joy, |||||endless||| Las cosas más pequeñas pueden ser fuentes inagotables de alegría, Les plus petites choses peuvent être des sources de joie inépuisables, As menores coisas podem ser fontes inesgotáveis de alegria, 最微小的事物也能成为无尽的快乐源泉,

from being able to taste, to just sitting in the sun, desde poder saborear, hasta simplemente sentarse al sol, de ser capaz de provar, para apenas sentar ao sol, 从品尝美食到只是坐在阳光下,

or chatting with a friend.

Objectively, Without bias Objetivamente,

your life is the same or maybe even slightly worse than before, tu vida sigue igual o incluso un poco peor que antes, sua vida é a mesma ou talvez até um pouco pior do que antes,

but your brain compares your present experiences with the times when life was bad, |||contrasts, evaluates, assesses|||||||||| mas seu cérebro compara suas experiências atuais com os tempos em que a vida era ruim,

and reacts with gratitude.

So, in a nutshell, gratitude refocuses your attention towards the good things you have, Así que, en pocas palabras, la gratitud vuelve a centrar tu atención en las cosas buenas que tienes, Então, em poucas palavras, a gratidão redireciona sua atenção para as coisas boas que você tem,

and the consequences of this shift are better feelings y las consecuencias de este cambio son mejores sentimientos e as consequências dessa mudança são melhores sentimentos

and more positive experiences

While it is great to know these things, Embora seja ótimo saber dessas coisas,

is there actually a way to make you feel more of it? Existe-t-il un moyen de vous faire ressentir plus de choses ? existe realmente uma maneira de fazer você se sentir mais do mesmo?

3\. How to make your brain more grateful The ability to experiences more or less gratitude La capacidad de experimentar más o menos gratitud

is not equally distributed. |||分布

You have what's known as trait gratitude Du hast das, was als Eigenschaft Dankbarkeit bekannt ist You have what's known as trait gratitude Tienes lo que se conoce como rasgo de gratitud Você tem o que é conhecido como gratidão característica

that determines how much you are able to feel it. das bestimmt, wie sehr du es fühlen kannst.

It depends on your genetics, personality, and culture.

This discovery made scientists wonder Esta descoberta fez os cientistas se perguntarem

if they could design exercises to change your trait gratitude se eles pudessem criar exercícios para mudar seu traço de gratidão

and lead to more happiness. e levar a mais felicidade.

Let's start with important caveats. ||||important warnings Empecemos con advertencias importantes. Commençons par des mises en garde importantes. Vamos começar com advertências importantes.

It's not yet entirely clear to what degree gratitude can be trained, |||completely|||||||| Aún no está del todo claro hasta qué punto se puede entrenar la gratitud, Ainda não está totalmente claro até que ponto a gratidão pode ser treinada,

or how long the effects last. ou quanto tempo duram os efeitos.

There are no magic pills for happiness. No hay píldoras mágicas para la felicidad. 没有什么灵丹妙药可以让人获得幸福。

Life is complicated.

On some days it feels like you're in control of yourself, Em alguns dias parece que você está no controle de si mesmo,

and on others, you feel like you're not, and this is okay.

Also, sometimes pursuing happiness can make you more unhappy ||verfolgen|||||| ||seeking|||||| Além disso, às vezes perseguir a felicidade pode torná-lo mais infeliz

if you put too much pressure on yourself. se você colocar muita pressão sobre si mesmo.

Gratitude should also not be seen as a solution to depression A gratidão também não deve ser vista como uma solução para a depressão

or a substitute for professional help. ||replacement|||

It can only be a piece of the puzzle; Só pode ser uma peça do quebra-cabeça;

it's not the solution to the puzzle itself. no es la solución al rompecabezas en sí. não é a solução para o quebra-cabeça em si.

The easiest gratitude exercise, with the most solid research behind it, O exercício de gratidão mais fácil, com a pesquisa mais sólida por trás dele,

is gratitude journaling. ||keeping a journal es llevar un diario de gratitud. é um diário de gratidão.

It means sitting down for a few minutes, Significa sentarse unos minutos,

one to three times a week,

and writing down five to ten things you're grateful for.

It might feel weird at first, so start simply. Al principio puede resultar extraño, así que empieza por lo sencillo. Pode parecer estranho no começo, então comece de forma simples. 一开始可能会感觉很奇怪,所以从简单的开始。

Can you feel grateful for a little thing

like how great coffee is, or that someone was kind to you? como o café é bom, ou que alguém foi gentil com você?

Can you appreciate something someone else did for you? Você pode apreciar algo que outra pessoa fez por você?

Can you reflect on which things or people you would miss if they were gone ||think about|||||||||||| ¿Puede reflexionar sobre qué cosas o personas echaría de menos si desaparecieran? Pouvez-vous réfléchir aux choses ou aux personnes qui vous manqueraient si elles n'étaient plus là ? Você pode refletir sobre quais coisas ou pessoas você sentiria falta se elas se fossem? 你能想一想,如果他们不在了,你会想念哪些人或事吗?

and be grateful that they're in your life?

We're all different, so you'll know what works for you. Nous sommes tous différents, vous saurez donc ce qui vous convient. Somos todos diferentes, então você saberá o que funciona para você.

And that's it really. It feels almost insulting, |||||||冒犯的 Und das ist es wirklich. Es fühlt sich fast beleidigend an, Y eso es todo. Parece casi insultante, Et c'est tout, c'est presque insultant, E é isso mesmo. Parece quase insultante, 事实就是这样。感觉几乎是一种侮辱,

like things shouldn't be that simple. como si las cosas no debieran ser tan sencillas. comme si les choses ne devaient pas être aussi simples.

But in numerous studies, the participants reported more happiness |||||study subjects|||

and a higher general life satisfaction

after doing this practice for a few weeks.

And even more, studies have shown changes in brain activity Y aún más, los estudios han demostrado cambios en la actividad cerebral

some months after they ended. alguns meses depois que eles terminaram.

Practicing gratitude may be a real way to reprogram yourself. 心存感激也许是重塑自我的真正方法。

This research shows that your emotions are not fixed. Esta investigación demuestra que tus emociones no son fijas.

In the end, how you experience life No final, como você experimenta a vida

is a representation of what you believe about it. ||depiction|||||| é uma representação do que você acredita sobre isso.

If you attack your core beliefs about yourself and your life, Si atacas tus creencias fundamentales sobre ti mismo y tu vida, 如果你攻击自己和生活的核心信念,

you can change your thoughts and feelings ||||思维||

which automatically changes your behavior. |自动地|||

It's pretty mind-blowing that something as simple as self-reflection |||astonishing|||||||self-examination Es bastante alucinante que algo tan simple como la autorreflexión Il est assez étonnant que quelque chose d'aussi simple que l'autoréflexion É muito impressionante que algo tão simples como a auto-reflexão

can hack the pathways in our brain |manipulate||||| puede hackear las vías de nuestro cerebro pode hackear os caminhos em nosso cérebro

to fight dissatisfaction. para combater a insatisfação.

And if this is no reason to be more optimistic, what is? |||||||||乐观的||

Being a human is hard, but it doesn't need to be as hard. Être un être humain est difficile, mais il n'est pas nécessaire que ce soit aussi difficile. Ser humano é difícil, mas não precisa ser tão difícil.

And if you actively look, you might find that your life E se você procurar ativamente, poderá descobrir que sua vida

is much better than you thought é muito melhor do que você pensava

If you're curious and want to try out gratitude, Si tienes curiosidad y quieres probar la gratitud, Se você está curioso e quer experimentar a gratidão,

we made a thing

Please note that you don't need to buy anything from anyone to practice gratitude, Observe que você não precisa comprar nada de ninguém para praticar a gratidão,

all you need is paper, a pen, and five minutes.

Having said that, Dicho esto,

we've made a Kurzgesagt gratitude journal fizemos um diário de gratidão Kurzgesagt

based on studies we've read,

conversations with experts, 对话||

and our personal experiences with gratitude

over the last year Ao longo do último ano

It's structured in a way that Está estruturado de uma forma que

might make it a bit easier to get into the habit pode tornar um pouco mais fácil adquirir o hábito

of gratitude journaling. de llevar un diario de gratitud.

There are short explanations and reflections to mix it up |||brief descriptions|||||| Hay breves explicaciones y reflexiones para mezclarlo todo Há breves explicações e reflexões para misturar

and make it more interesting. e torná-lo mais interessante.

We've also made it as pretty as we could. |||||尽可能漂亮||| También lo hemos hecho lo más bonito posible. Nous l'avons également rendu aussi joli que possible. Também deixamos o mais bonito possível.

This video continues the unofficial series ||keeps going||非官方的| Este vídeo continua a série não oficial 本视频延续了非官方系列

of more personal, introspective videos |||内省的| de vídeos mais pessoais e introspectivos 更加个人化、内省性的视频

from "Optimistic Nihilism" to "Loneliness" ||虚无主义|| de "Nihilismo optimista" a "Soledad" van "optimistisch nihilisme" tot "eenzaamheid" 从“乐观虚无主义”到“孤独”

and now, "Gratitude."

We don't want to be a self-help channel, We don't want to be a self-help channel, Não queremos ser um canal de auto-ajuda,

so we'll keep this sort of video at roughly one per year. so we'll keep this sort of video at roughly one per year. así que mantendremos este tipo de vídeos aproximadamente uno al año. Nous maintiendrons donc ce type de vidéo à environ une par an. então manteremos esse tipo de vídeo em aproximadamente um por ano. 因此,我们将保持这种视频每年播放一次。

We hope they're helpful to some of you. We hope they're helpful to some of you. Esperamos que eles sejam úteis para alguns de vocês.

Thank you for watching.