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What I've learned, Everything wrong with the "System" (Educate yourself)

Everything wrong with the "System" (Educate yourself)

In the Movie “Catch me if you can,” Leonardo DiCaprio's character plays the role of Frank

Abagnale - a fugitive who is running from Tom Hanks' character, an FBI agent.

There is one scene where Tom Hanks finally gets to the hotel where Leonardo DiCaprio

is staying, and instead of running, Dicaprio pretends to be a secret service agent who

actually just caught Frank Abagnale.

Hanks doesn't believe him at first but DiCaprio confidently hands him his wallet as proof

that he is indeed a secret service agent.

Tom Hanks accepts the wallet and takes it as reason enough to believe DiCaprio.

After a while he decides to actually open the wallet and he sees it's just filled

with random soft drink and condiment labels.


What this channel is is an invitation to open up the wallet.

And to explain what I mean by that and what this has to do with taking the time to research

things by yourself, let me tell you the story of Jeff:

As per conventional practice, Jeff's life starts out with his mother lying on her back

attempting to give birth to him.

The position she's in makes it harder to push Jeff out so she's having a lot of difficulty

with the birth, is in a lot of pain and an epidural is recommended.

The epidural relieves her pain but makes it even harder to actually give birth.

It's getting pretty late in the day and this whole process is taking far too long

so a C-Section is recommended.

The surgery is completed without complications, and Jeff comes out a healthy baby boy.

A little while after the birth, he is to be circumcized, and since you can't give a

baby anaesthetic, Jeff has his first taste of sugar in the form of a pacifier dipped

in a concentrated sugar solution called "sweet ease" . This activates Jeff's endogenous

opioid system, providing an analgesic effect and the procedure is completed without too

much fuss.

At home, Jeff's mother takes great care of him, and after 6 months puts him on Nestle's

good start baby formula.

When he begins to eat solid foods, his Mom makes sure it's a low fat diet with plenty

of heart healthy whole grains as recommended by the USDA.

His usual breakfast before school would be maybe an egg, some toast, yogurt, cereal (but

not the sweet cereal), and a glass of orange juice- which Jeff will get refills on.

While Jeff is a pretty good kid at home, he can't quite behave and focus properly in

school so his teacher tells his Mom that he may have ADHD.

They have all these commercials for Ambien, Celebrex, Lamisil, Mirapex, Zoloft, Wellbutrin,

Paxil, Rozerem and Crestor that all end with “Ask your doctor about...”

[Ask your doctor, ask your doctor, ask your doctor, ask your doctor, ask your doctor today,

ask your doctor, ask your doctor] so she decided to ask her doctor about Jeff's ADHD, and

he gave her a prescription for him.

At the pharmacy she picks up adderall for Jeff and some Oxycontin for her back pain.

Thanks to the adderrall, Jeff's behavior and grades improve and he quickly develops

a skill for rote memorization and keeping information in his head just long enough to

pass the standardized tests.

Come senior year of high school he is told he needs to decide on what he will be majoring

in college.

He's informed that this decision will ultimately determine the path of his entire adult life

so he needs to consider it thoroughly.

This is a little bewildering considering he spent the past 10 years learning that disobedience

means punishment, and that authority figures should make the important decisions for him.

So during 3rd period, he raises his hand to ask permission to go to the bathroom and think

about this in private.

After high school, the cost of college is steep but he needs an education to get a good

job, so he takes out some loans, gets a part time job and he even got a grant, so it works


Although he is kind of pissed that half of his classes require the newest edition of

each textbook which cost more than a hundred dollars each.

There's barely any difference between the newest one and the 4 preceding editions which

are less than half the price, but the class requires the new edition.

College was tough but he got through it and he even landed a reasonable job.

Adult life isn't too bad, he's making enough money to handle his student loans and

live comfortably.

He meets a great girl, saves up for an engagement ring and proposes to her.

Now that he got that step out of the way, he has to figure out how to finance the wedding.

He doesn't quite understand why it has to be so expensive, but it's a very special

occasion so he tries to make it as extravagant as he can.

"Meet Vicki Howard - she's the author of Brides Incorporated and an expert in wedding commercialization.

Weddings used to be simple affairs but then bridal magazines encouraged brides to marry

like the wealthy.

It was the birth of an entire industry and now the cost of weddings keeps sky rocketing.

The wedding industry systematically overcharges young couples, just because they can.

One study found that a majority of flower shops, photographers charged more for a wedding

than they did for a birthday party of the same size."

Over time Jeff gains a bit of weight so he starts counting calories, makes sure to reduce

the fat in his diet and he even picks up jogging.

He had been hearing that he should reduce his sugar consumption, so he avoids sodas

and candies.

"Much of the sugar we eat is hidden in foods we don't necessarily think of as sweet.

This oatmeal, 3 and 3 quarter teaspoons of sugar a bowl.

You can find sugar added to bread, soup, all kinds of condiments, hot dogs..."

He loses a little bit of weight, but he feels hungry and tired all the time.

He sticks to it, but isn't losing weight as fast as he'd like so just in case, he

checks with his doctor about any health risks coming from his weight.

Jeff's cholesterol is not super high but his doctor recommends he take a statin just

in case.

Jeff says “Yea sure doc, give me the Lipitor”

"all of the long term data on the statins show that you will die sooner if your cholesterol

is lower, particularly if you are over 55 if you are female or male.

There is no benefit to the drugs.

The sickest people I have ever seen in my 32 years of practice were people who's cholsterol

was too low.

Without enough cholesterol in your system, your immune system can't work properly."

A couple weeks later his wife complains about his performance in the bedroom so he gets

some viagra for that.

"What is one of the major side effects of cholesterol lowering drugs?

Impotence is one of the things that is complained about most frequently.

Well guess what the same manufacturer's number 2 selling drug is that makes lipitor?




He's also feeling a little foggy in the head so he consults his doctor and his doc

reassures him he's just getting a little older and probably just under stress.

The doctor finds out Jeff used to have ADHD as a kid, so he recommends Jeff to get back

on some ADHD medication.

He gives Jeff a prescription for the ADHD and a painkiller for some pain in his back

from slipping on the stairs the other day.

Jeff swings by the pharmacy to pick up his ADHD medication, the oxycontin, a refill of

lipitor and some Listerine for his Halitosis.

Jeff was then getting a lot of relief from the pain killer, but he started to worry about

becoming dependent on it.

On the weekend he met up with his friend Tony who said he got off the Oxycontin and started

using Marijuana to treat his pain instead.

Jeff was very wary of illegal drugs, courtesy of Nancy Reagan "say no to drugs."

and the 1987 egg in a frying pan commercial.

"this is your brain on drugs, any questions?"

When Tony started talking about how Oxycontin is essentially legal heroin and substances

like Marijuana only became illegal to benefit Richard Nixon's political campaign, Jeff

politely changed the subject.

"He said quote: The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that, had

two enemies: The antiwar left and black people.

We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black.

But by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin,

and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.

Did we know we were lying about the drugs?

Of course we did."

Later Jeff and his wife have a beautiful son Jack, who has an upbringing similar to Jeff's.

In primary school, Jack's teacher tells Jeff that his son has trouble focusing so

medical attention may be necessary.

Jeff recently had gone off the ADHD medication and the Oxycontin because it was making him

feel weird and he didn't want his son to have to go through that.

He starts doing some research and learns that Jack's ADHD may stem from a couple things,

one of them being Jack having been delivered via C-Section.

Apparently the procedure doesn't allow the healthy bacteria in his mother's vaginal

canal to be transferred to the baby, making it hard for Jack to develop a healthy gastrointestinal


This sounded a little cooky to Jeff but it would explain his own difficulties with ADHD

as a child.

Considering the recommended treatment to improve Jack's GI microbiome was just to make some

changes in his diet like adding fermented foods and probiotics, he figures it's worth

trying before giving his kid prescription methanphetamine.

"The drugs that the doctors are giving us are the same as the drugs being sold on the


Take adderrall and ritalin which are made from the same stuff as meth.

So basically, those pills that you have your children popping are street legal meth."

A while after changing Jack's diet, Jack's teacher mentions to Jeff that his focus had

noticeably improved.

They continued Jack on the diet and he kept getting better little by little without any

bad effects at all.

At this point Jack is kind of pissed off that he didn't learn things like this earlier

as it could have saved him a lot of trouble as kid.

He starts to question other things like whether or not he really needs to be on the statin.

Some articles he read suggest that his low fat diet and the sugar in all these things

he's been consuming virtually ever since birth could be causing his weight troubles

and some other health problems.

The calories in calories out thing never really quite worked for him so he gives that low

carb thing a shot even though he's worried about heart disease.

Then he starts to lose weight without feeling like crap and his bloodwork actually shows

better numbers.

He starts to think that all these potential diseases linked to being overweight are certainly

not prevented by and could even be caused by the USDA dietary guidelines.

Later, his son Jack seems to be frustrated with school despite having good grades.

After seeing the kind of homework he has to do, Jeff starts to think he might as well

save his kid 10 years and a just teach him how to use an Encyclopedia.

Then he finds out he doesn't technically have to have Jack in public school and there

are other school systems like ISD's or Montessori School or Sudbury schools or Charter Schools

that are actually more conducive to creativity, critical thinking and better financial achievement

later in life.

What Jeff realizes is that more often than not, organizations don't always have the

best methods, and are just saying and doing whatever best suits their interests and their


"In 1971, then president Richard Nixon began the war on drugs.

Since then, the war on drugs has cost the US over 1 TRILLION dollars.

And the prison population has risen over 700%."

"But in 1996, a company called Purdue Pharma released a new drug: OxyContin.

Purdue spent hundreds of millions of dollars to convince doctors that OxyContin was safe

and not addictive."

"Just yes or no, do you believe nicotine is not addictive?

I believe nicotine is not addictive, yes.

Mr. Johnston?

I don't believe that nicotine or our products are addictive.

I believe nicotine is not addictive.

I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

And I too believe that nicotine is not addictive."

"You know, there were imminent scientists of the time saying this is nonsense, there

is no good scientific evidence that either fat or cholesterol y'know is at the root of

heart disease.

And I have pleaded in my report and will plead again orally here for more research on the

problem before we make announcements to the american public.

I would only argue that senators don't have the luxury that a research scientist does

of waiting until every last shred of evidence is in."

"Does the money that students put into their tuition, do they actually get it back?

A lot of this extra money that students pay for tuition is not going into the classroom

to improve their education but is going for administrators."


Back to Catch me if you can.

In that scene, Tom Hanks could have looked inside the wallet DiCaprio gave him much earlier,

found that it was filled with a bunch of garbage and catch Frank Abagnale on the spot.

So this is what I am encouraging people to do: be like Jeff.

Take the time to look inside the standard systems, conventional practices and mainstream

products we've been asked to buy into, because you may start to find that most of them are

filled with random soft drink and condiment labels.

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Everything wrong with the "System" (Educate yourself) Alles, was mit dem "System" nicht stimmt (Informieren Sie sich) Everything wrong with the "System" (Educate yourself) Todo lo que está mal en el "Sistema" (Infórmese) Tout ce qui ne va pas avec le "système" (Éduque-toi) Tutto ciò che non va nel "Sistema" (Educare se stessi) システム」のすべてが間違っている(Educate yourself) "시스템"에 문제가 있는 모든 것(스스로 교육하기) Viskas, kas negerai "Sistemoje" (Išsilavinimas) Wszystko nie tak z "systemem" (dokształć się) Tudo o que está errado com o "Sistema" (Eduque-se) Все не так с «Системой» (Обучайтесь) "Sistem "de yanlış olan her şey (Kendinizi eğitin) Все, що не так із "Системою" (Просвіти себе сам) 该 "系统 "的所有问题(教育自己) “系統”的一切錯誤(教育自己)

In the Movie “Catch me if you can,” Leonardo DiCaprio's character plays the role of Frank |||||||||DiCapriova|||||| ||||||||莱昂纳多|迪卡普里奥的|||||| |||||||||DiCaprio personažas|||||| |||Yakala|beni||||||||||| |||||||||DiCapriovog|||||| No filme "Apanha-me se puderes", a personagem de Leonardo DiCaprio interpreta o papel de Frank

Abagnale - a fugitive who is running from Tom Hanks' character, an FBI agent. ||runaway|||||||||| Abagnejl - begunac||||||||Toma Henksa|||| ||kaçak|||||||||| 阿巴内尔||逃犯||||||汉克斯|角色||| ||bėglys|||||||||| Abagnale||uprchlík||||||Hanksův agent|||FBI| ||fugitivo|||||||||| Abagnale - um fugitivo que está a fugir da personagem de Tom Hanks, um agente do FBI.

There is one scene where Tom Hanks finally gets to the hotel where Leonardo DiCaprio ||||||||||||||DiCaprija |||||||||||||Leonardo DiCaprio| There|||sahne||||||||||| Há uma cena em que Tom Hanks chega finalmente ao hotel onde Leonardo DiCaprio

is staying, and instead of running, Dicaprio pretends to be a secret service agent who |||||||předstírá||||||| ||||||迪卡普里奥|||||||| |kalıyor||||||||||||| |||en lugar de|||||||||||quien |||||||pretvara se||||||| fica, e em vez de fugir, Dicaprio finge ser um agente dos serviços secretos que

actually just caught Frank Abagnale. ||uhapsili|| ||||pagavo Franką Abagnale'ą ||capturó|| Na verdade, acabei de apanhar o Frank Abagnale.

Hanks doesn't believe him at first but DiCaprio confidently hands him his wallet as proof ||||||||||||||důkaz |||||||||递给|||钱包|| Hanks iš pradžių|||||||DiCaprio|užtikrintai|||||| ||||||||con confianza||||cartera||prueba Hanks não acredita no início, mas DiCaprio entrega-lhe a sua carteira como prova

that he is indeed a secret service agent. |||effectivement|||| |onun||gerçekten|||| que ele é de facto um agente dos serviços secretos.

Tom Hanks accepts the wallet and takes it as reason enough to believe DiCaprio. ||accetta||||||||||| ||||ví tiền||||||||| ||kabul eder||||||||||| Tom Hanks aceita a carteira e considera que isso é razão suficiente para acreditar em DiCaprio.

After a while he decides to actually open the wallet and he sees it's just filled ||después de un rato||||||||||||| Passado algum tempo, decide abrir a carteira e vê que está cheia

with random soft drink and condiment labels. |||||condiment|étiquettes de boissons |||||Flavor enhancer| |||||začini i pića|etikete proizvoda |||||sos veya çeşni| |||||调味品| |||||prieskoniai ir gėrimai| |||||ochucovadlo| con etiquetas|||||| com rótulos aleatórios de refrigerantes e condimentos.


What this channel is is an invitation to open up the wallet. ||||||invito||||| ||||||邀请函||||| ||kanal||||||||| このチャンネルとは、ウォレットを開くための招待状です。 Este canal é um convite para abrir a carteira.

And to explain what I mean by that and what this has to do with taking the time to research Ve||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||y|||||||||||investigación E para explicar o que quero dizer com isso e o que isso tem a ver com dedicar tempo à investigação И объяснить, что я имею в виду под этим и какое это имеет отношение к тому, чтобы тратить время на исследования

things by yourself, let me tell you the story of Jeff: ||||||||||Džef coisas por si, deixe-me contar-lhe a história do Jeff:

As per conventional practice, Jeff's life starts out with his mother lying on her back |Selon||||||||||||| ||uobičajena praksa||Džefovog|||||||||| ||||杰夫的||||||母亲|||| ||||Džefo|||||||||| ||||Jeffův|||||||||| ||||||comienza|||||acostada||| De acordo com a prática convencional, a vida de Jeff começa com a sua mãe deitada de costas

attempting to give birth to him. pokušavajući da rodi||||| intentando|||dar a luz|| a tentar dar-lhe à luz.

The position she's in makes it harder to push Jeff out so she's having a lot of difficulty ||||||||||||ella|está teniendo|||| 彼女がいる位置はジェフを押し出すのを難しくしているので、彼女は多くの困難を抱えています A posição em que se encontra torna mais difícil empurrar Jeff para fora, pelo que está a ter muita dificuldade

with the birth, is in a lot of pain and an epidural is recommended. |||||||||||péridurale|| |||||||||||pain relief injection|| |||||||||||epiduralna anestezija|| |||||||||||硬膜外麻醉|| |||||||||||epidūrinė nejautra|| |||||||||||epidurální|| 出産時に、多くの痛みがあり、硬膜外麻酔が推奨されます。 com o parto, tem muitas dores e é recomendada uma epidural.

The epidural relieves her pain but makes it even harder to actually give birth. ||zmírňuje||||||||||| ||ublažava||||||||||| ||alivia||||||||||| ||缓解||||||||||| A epidural alivia-lhe as dores, mas torna ainda mais difícil o parto.

It's getting pretty late in the day and this whole process is taking far too long |||||||||todo este||||demasiado|demasiado| Está a ficar muito tarde e todo este processo está a demorar demasiado tempo

so a C-Section is recommended. por isso é recomendada uma cesariana.

The surgery is completed without complications, and Jeff comes out a healthy baby boy. |La chirurgie|||||||||||| |cirugía||||complicaciones|||||||| 手術は合併症なく完了し、ジェフは健康な男の子を出します。 A cirurgia é concluída sem complicações e Jeff sai de lá um bebé saudável.

A little while after the birth, he is to be circumcized, and since you can't give a ||||||||||obřezán|||||| ||||||||||obrezan|||||| ||||||||||circoncis|||||| ||||||||||circumcised|||||| ||||||||||割礼|||||| Pouco tempo depois do nascimento, ele deve ser circuncidado e, como não se pode dar um

baby anaesthetic, Jeff has his first taste of sugar in the form of a pacifier dipped |anestezie|||||||||||||| |anestetik za bebe|||||||||||||Cucla za bebe| |anesthésique pour bébé|||||||||||||| |||||اولین|||||||||| |麻醉剂|||||||||||||安抚奶嘴| anestesia para bebés, Jeff prova pela primeira vez o açúcar sob a forma de uma chupeta mergulhada Детская анестезия, Джефф впервые попробовал сахар в виде соски, смоченной

in a concentrated sugar solution called "sweet ease" . This activates Jeff's endogenous |||||||||||endogenní |||||||||||endogeni sistem |||||||||||vidinis |||||||||||endogène |||||||||||内源性物质 in een geconcentreerde suikeroplossing genaamd "sweet gemak". Dit activeert de endogene van Jeff numa solução concentrada de açúcar chamada "sweet ease". Isto ativa o sistema endógeno de Jeff

opioid system, providing an analgesic effect and the procedure is completed without too opioidový||||analgetický|||||||| ||||analgetik|||||||| système opioïde||||analgésique|||||||| ||||Pain-relieving|||||||| ||||镇痛药|||||||| opioid system, providing an analgesic effect and the procedure is completed without too sistema opióide, proporcionando um efeito analgésico e o procedimento é concluído sem demasiado

much fuss. |mnogo buke |beaucoup d'agitation |excessive concern |大惊小怪 muito barulho.

At home, Jeff's mother takes great care of him, and after 6 months puts him on Nestle's |||||||||||||||Nestlé |||||||||||||||Nestleovom mleku |||||||||||||||Nestlé mišinuką |||||||||||||||雀巢奶粉 Em casa, a mãe de Jeff cuida muito bem dele e, após 6 meses, coloca-o a tomar Nestlé's

good start baby formula. fórmula para bebés Good Start.

When he begins to eat solid foods, his Mom makes sure it's a low fat diet with plenty Quando começa a comer alimentos sólidos, a mãe certifica-se de que se trata de uma dieta com baixo teor de gordura e muito

of heart healthy whole grains as recommended by the USDA. ||||全谷物||||| |||||||||JAV žemės ūkio departamentas |||||||||USDA of heart healthy whole grains as recommended by the USDA.

His usual breakfast before school would be maybe an egg, some toast, yogurt, cereal (but ||||||||||||jogurt|| ||||||||||||jogurt|| |||||||||||||麦片|

not the sweet cereal), and a glass of orange juice- which Jeff will get refills on. ||||||||||||||recharges| ||||||||||||||additional servings| ||||||||||||||续杯| ||||||||||||||dopune pića| ||||||||||||||refills| |||||||||||جف|||| ||||||||||||||papildymai| ||||||||||||||doplňky| niet de zoete ontbijtgranen), en een glas sinaasappelsap - waar Jeff vullingen op krijgt.

While Jeff is a pretty good kid at home, he can't quite behave and focus properly in |||||||||||完全|||||

school so his teacher tells his Mom that he may have ADHD.

They have all these commercials for Ambien, Celebrex, Lamisil, Mirapex, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, ||||||Ambien|Celebrex|Lamisil|Mirapex|Zoloft|Wellbutrin ||||reklame||Ambien (lek)|Celebrex|Lamisil|Mirapex|Zoloft|Velbutrin ||||||Ambien|Celebrex|Lamisil|Mirapex|Zoloft|Wellbutrin |||||||塞来昔布|||| They have all these commercials for Ambien, Celebrex, Lamisil, Mirapex, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, У них есть все эти рекламные ролики Амбиена, Целебрекса, Ламизила, Мирапекса, Золофта, Велбутрина,

Paxil, Rozerem and Crestor that all end with “Ask your doctor about...” Paxil|Rozerem||Crestor|||||||| |Rozerem||Crestor|||||||| Paxil vaistai|Rozerem vaistas||Kreipkitės į gydytoją|||||||| Paxil, Rozerem en Crestor die allemaal eindigen met "Vraag uw arts naar ..." Paxil, Rozerem и Crestor, которые заканчиваются словами «Спросите своего врача о...»

[Ask your doctor, ask your doctor, ask your doctor, ask your doctor, ask your doctor today,

ask your doctor, ask your doctor] so she decided to ask her doctor about Jeff's ADHD, and

he gave her a prescription for him. ||||recept za njega|| он дал ей рецепт для него.

At the pharmacy she picks up adderall for Jeff and some Oxycontin for her back pain. ||||||Adderall|||||Oxycontin|||| ||U apoteci ona preuzima adderall za Džefa i nešto oksikontina za bolove u leđima.||||U apoteci ona uzima adderall za Džefa i malo oksikontina za bolove u leđima.||||||||| ||||||vaistų nuo ADHD|||||Oksikontinas|||| ||||||在药房,她为杰夫拿了阿得拉尔,还为她的背痛拿了一些奥施康定。|||||奥施康定|||| В аптеке она покупает аддерол для Джеффа и немного оксиконтина от болей в спине.

Thanks to the adderrall, Jeff's behavior and grades improve and he quickly develops |||zahvaljujući adderallu||||||||| |||dėka Adderall||||||||| |||Adderall||||||||| |||Thanks to the Adderall, Jeff's behavior and grades improve and he quickly develops. 由于阿得拉,杰夫的行为和成绩有所改善,他迅速发展。||||||||| Dankzij de adderrall verbeteren Jeff's gedrag en cijfers en ontwikkelt hij zich snel Благодаря аддерралу поведение и оценки Джеффа улучшаются, и он быстро развивается.

a skill for rote memorization and keeping information in his head just long enough to |||mechanické|zapamatování|||||||||| |||死记硬背||||||||||| |||atmintinai||||||||||| |||mechanical repetition||||||||||| умение запоминать наизусть и удерживать информацию в голове достаточно долго, чтобы

pass the standardized tests. ||standardizované| пройти стандартизированные тесты.

Come senior year of high school he is told he needs to decide on what he will be majoring ||||||||||||||||||obor studia |završna godina|||||||||||||||||specijalizovati se ||||||||||||||||||specializuotis В старшем классе средней школы ему говорят, что ему нужно решить, что он будет специализироваться.

in college.

He's informed that this decision will ultimately determine the path of his entire adult life

so he needs to consider it thoroughly. ||||||temeljno ||||||soigneusement だから彼はそれを徹底的に考慮する必要があります。 так что он должен тщательно все обдумать.

This is a little bewildering considering he spent the past 10 years learning that disobedience ||||déroutant|||||||||désobéissance ||||confusing||||||||| ||||zbunjujuće|||||||||neposlušnost ||||sconcertante|considerando||||||||disobey ||||令人困惑||||||||| ||||gluminantis|||||||||nepaklusnumo ||||zmatené|vzhledem k tomu|||||||| Dit is een beetje verbijsterend als je bedenkt dat hij de afgelopen 10 jaar die ongehoorzaamheid heeft geleerd Это немного сбивает с толку, учитывая, что он провел последние 10 лет, изучая непослушание.

means punishment, and that authority figures should make the important decisions for him. |||||figure autoriteta||||||| означает наказание, и что важные решения за него должны принимать авторитетные лица.

So during 3rd period, he raises his hand to ask permission to go to the bathroom and think So during 3rd period, he raises his hand to ask permission to go to the bathroom and think Итак, во время 3-го урока он поднимает руку, чтобы попросить разрешения пойти в ванную и подумать.

about this in private.

After high school, the cost of college is steep but he needs an education to get a good ||||||||||||||||a| ||||费用||||||||||||| ||||||||didelis||||||||| ||||||||élevé||||||||| После окончания школы стоимость обучения в колледже высока, но ему нужно образование, чтобы получить хорошее образование.

job, so he takes out some loans, gets a part time job and he even got a grant, so it works ||||||kredite|||||||||||||| baan, dus hij sluit wat leningen af, krijgt een parttime baan en hij kreeg zelfs een beurs, dus het werkt работу, так что он берет кредиты, устраивается на неполный рабочий день и даже получает грант, так что это работает


Although he is kind of pissed that half of his classes require the newest edition of |||||naštvaný|||||předmětů||||| |||||有点生气|||||||||| |||||||||||||la plus récente|| Хотя его немного бесит, что половине его занятий требуется новейшее издание

each textbook which cost more than a hundred dollars each. |učebnice|||||||| |chaque manuel coûte|||||||| каждый учебник стоимостью более ста долларов каждый.

There's barely any difference between the newest one and the 4 preceding editions which ||||||||||předchozí|| ||||||||||prethodna izdanja|| Практически нет никакой разницы между самой новой и 4 предыдущими версиями, которые

are less than half the price, but the class requires the new edition. ||||||||třída|||| стоят меньше половины цены, но для класса требуется новое издание.

College was tough but he got through it and he even landed a reasonable job. ||težak|||||||||||| Колледж был трудным, но он справился и даже нашел приличную работу.

Adult life isn't too bad, he's making enough money to handle his student loans and |||||||||||||kredite za studije| Взрослая жизнь не так уж плоха, он зарабатывает достаточно денег, чтобы расплатиться со своими студенческими кредитами и

live comfortably.

He meets a great girl, saves up for an engagement ring and proposes to her. |||||||||веренички прстен|||zaporosi je|| |||||économise||||||||| Hij ontmoet een geweldige meid, spaart voor een verlovingsring en stelt haar voor. Он встречает прекрасную девушку, копит на обручальное кольцо и делает ей предложение.

Now that he got that step out of the way, he has to figure out how to finance the wedding. 彼はその一歩を踏み出したので、結婚式の資金を調達する方法を理解する必要があります。 Теперь, когда он решился на этот шаг, ему нужно придумать, как профинансировать свадьбу.

He doesn't quite understand why it has to be so expensive, but it's a very special

occasion so he tries to make it as extravagant as he can. ||||||||raskošno||| ||||||||奢华的||| случае, поэтому он пытается сделать его как можно более экстравагантным.

"Meet Vicki Howard - she's the author of Brides Incorporated and an expert in wedding commercialization. |Vicki Howard|||||||Incorporated|||||| |Vicki Howard||||||Neveste|Inkorporisano||||||komercijalizacija venčanja |||||||Nuotakos|Įmonėse|||||| |||||||新娘们|||||||婚礼商业化 «Познакомьтесь с Вики Ховард — автором Brides Incorporated и экспертом по коммерциализации свадеб.

Weddings used to be simple affairs but then bridal magazines encouraged brides to marry ||||||||nevěstinské||podporovaly||| |||||događaji|||mladenački||||| ||||||||nuotakų||||| ||||||||related to brides|||women getting married|| |||||||||||mariées|| Раньше свадьбы были простыми мероприятиями, но затем свадебные журналы поощряли невест выходить замуж.

like the wealthy. ||kao bogati ||comme les riches как богатые.

It was the birth of an entire industry and now the cost of weddings keeps sky rocketing. |||||||||||||||neustále roste|raketově roste ||||||||||||||||飞涨 ||||||||||||||||sparčiai kyla ||||||||||||||||montant en flèche Это было рождение целой индустрии, и теперь стоимость свадеб продолжает стремительно расти.

The wedding industry systematically overcharges young couples, just because they can. |||systematicky|přehnaně|||||| ||||naplaćuje previše|||||| ||||pernelyg didelės kainos|||||| ||||过度收费|||||| De bruiloftsindustrie rekent systematisch jonge stellen te veel aan, gewoon omdat ze dat kunnen. Свадебная индустрия систематически завышает цены с молодых пар просто потому, что они могут.

One study found that a majority of flower shops, photographers charged more for a wedding |||||||||fotografové||||| |||||||||фотографи||||| Одно исследование показало, что в большинстве цветочных магазинов фотографы берут больше за свадьбу.

than they did for a birthday party of the same size." чем они сделали для вечеринки по случаю дня рождения того же размера».

Over time Jeff gains a bit of weight so he starts counting calories, makes sure to reduce |||dobija na težini|||||||||kalorije|||kako bi|smanjiti unos kalorija Со временем Джефф немного прибавляет в весе, поэтому начинает считать калории и старается их уменьшить.

the fat in his diet and he even picks up jogging. жир в его рационе, и он даже начинает бегать трусцой.

He had been hearing that he should reduce his sugar consumption, so he avoids sodas ||||||||||potrošnja šećera||||gazirane sokove |||||||||||||évite| Он слышал, что ему следует сократить потребление сахара, поэтому он избегает газированных напитков.

and candies. |bonbóny |i bombone |et des bonbons |糖果。 и конфеты.

"Much of the sugar we eat is hidden in foods we don't necessarily think of as sweet. «Большая часть сахара, который мы едим, скрыта в продуктах, которые мы не обязательно считаем сладкими.

This oatmeal, 3 and 3 quarter teaspoons of sugar a bowl. |ovesné vločky||čtvrtě||||| |ova ovsena kaša|||kašičice šećera|||| |ce gruau||||||| Это овсянка, 3 и 3 четверти чайной ложки сахара на миску.

You can find sugar added to bread, soup, all kinds of condiments, hot dogs..." |||||||||||omáčky|| |||||||||||začini|| |||||||||||prieskoniai|| |||||||||||condiments|| |||||||||||调味品|| Вы можете найти сахар, добавленный в хлеб, суп, всевозможные приправы, хот-доги...»

He loses a little bit of weight, but he feels hungry and tired all the time. Он немного теряет в весе, но все время чувствует голод и усталость.

He sticks to it, but isn't losing weight as fast as he'd like so just in case, he |s'en tient|||||||||||||||| Он придерживается этого, но худеет не так быстро, как хотелось бы, так что на всякий случай он

checks with his doctor about any health risks coming from his weight. проверяет у своего врача любые риски для здоровья, связанные с его весом.

Jeff's cholesterol is not super high but his doctor recommends he take a statin just ||||très élevé|||||||||statine| |||||||||||||cholesterol-lowering drug| |holesterol||||||||||||statin| |||||||||||||他汀类药物| |||||||||||||statiną vartoti| |||||||||||||statinový lék| Jeff's cholesterol is niet super hoog, maar zijn dokter raadt hem aan om gewoon een statine te nemen Холестерин у Джеффа не очень высокий, но его врач рекомендует ему просто принимать статины.

in case. в случае.

Jeff says “Yea sure doc, give me the Lipitor” ||jo||||||Lipitor ||||doktore||||Lipitor ||||||||Lipitor ||||||||Lipitor ||||||||立普妥 Jeff zegt "Ja zeker dokter, geef me de Lipitor" Джефф говорит: «Да, конечно, док, дайте мне липитор».

"all of the long term data on the statins show that you will die sooner if your cholesterol ||||||||statiny||||||||| ||||||||statini||||||||| ||||||||他汀类药物||||||||| «Все долгосрочные данные о статинах показывают, что вы умрете раньше, если уровень холестерина

is lower, particularly if you are over 55 if you are female or male. ниже, особенно если вы старше 55 лет, если вы мужчина или женщина.

There is no benefit to the drugs. 薬には何のメリットもありません。 Пользы от лекарств нет.

The sickest people I have ever seen in my 32 years of practice were people who's cholsterol |nejhorší||||||||||||||cholesterol |najbolesniji ljudi||||||||||||||holesterol |最病重的人||||||||||||||胆固醇 私が32年間の練習で見た中で最も病気の人は、コルステロールをしている人でした。 Самыми больными людьми, которых я когда-либо видел за свою 32-летнюю практику, были люди с повышенным холестерином.

was too low. ||trop bas был слишком низким.

Without enough cholesterol in your system, your immune system can't work properly." システムに十分なコレステロールがないと、免疫システムは適切に機能しません。」 Без достаточного количества холестерина в вашей системе ваша иммунная система не может работать должным образом».

A couple weeks later his wife complains about his performance in the bedroom so he gets ||||||žali se||||||||| ||||||抱怨||||||||| Пару недель спустя его жена жалуется на его выступление в спальне, поэтому он получает

some viagra for that. |nějaká viagra|| |neki vijagra za to|| |伟哥||

"What is one of the major side effects of cholesterol lowering drugs? "Wat is een van de belangrijkste bijwerkingen van cholesterolverlagende medicijnen? «Каков один из основных побочных эффектов препаратов для снижения уровня холестерина?

Impotence is one of the things that is complained about most frequently. impotence||||||||||| Impotencija||||||||||| L'impuissance||||||||||| 阳痿||||||||||| Импотенция – одна из вещей, на которые жалуются чаще всего.

Well guess what the same manufacturer's number 2 selling drug is that makes lipitor? |||||výrobce||nejprodávanější||||| |||||proizvođača||||||| |||||制造商的||||||| Well guess what the same manufacturer's number 2 selling drug is that makes lipitor? 同じメーカーの2番目に売れている薬がリピトールを作っているのは何だと思いますか? Угадайте, какое лекарство номер 2 от того же производителя делает липитор?



Heyyyy!" Ahoj Heeeej!

He's also feeling a little foggy in the head so he consults his doctor and his doc |||||||||||konzultuje||||| |||||maglovito u glavi||||||||||| |||||confus||||||||||| |||||||||||咨询||||| У него также немного туман в голове, поэтому он консультируется со своим врачом и врачом.

reassures him he's just getting a little older and probably just under stress. ujistí|||||||||||| uverenje|||||||||||| уверяет его, что он просто немного постарел и, вероятно, просто переживает стресс.

The doctor finds out Jeff used to have ADHD as a kid, so he recommends Jeff to get back Врач узнает, что у Джеффа в детстве был СДВГ, поэтому он рекомендует Джеффу вернуться.

on some ADHD medication.

He gives Jeff a prescription for the ADHD and a painkiller for some pain in his back ||||||||||止痛药|||||| ||||||||||analgésique|||||| Он дает Джеффу рецепт от СДВГ и обезболивающее от боли в спине.

from slipping on the stairs the other day. |滑倒|||||| от поскользнуться на лестнице на днях.

Jeff swings by the pharmacy to pick up his ADHD medication, the oxycontin, a refill of ||||||||||||||náhradní balení| ||||||||||||||续药| |passe par|||||||||||||renouvellement d'ordonnance| ||||||||||||||prescription renewal| Jeff swings by the pharmacy to pick up his ADHD medication, the oxycontin, a refill of Джефф заходит в аптеку, чтобы купить лекарство от СДВГ, оксиконтин, добавку

lipitor and some Listerine for his Halitosis. |||Listerine|||halitóza |||李施德林|||口臭 |||Listerinas|||blogas kvapas Lipitor medication||||||bad breath lipitor и немного Listerine для его неприятного запаха изо рта.

Jeff was then getting a lot of relief from the pain killer, but he started to worry about |||||||缓解|||||||||| Тогда Джефф почувствовал значительное облегчение от болеутоляющего, но начал беспокоиться о

becoming dependent on it. попадание в зависимость от него.

On the weekend he met up with his friend Tony who said he got off the Oxycontin and started На выходных он встретился со своим другом Тони, который сказал, что отказался от оксиконтина и начал

using Marijuana to treat his pain instead. |||traiter||| вместо этого использует марихуану для лечения боли.

Jeff was very wary of illegal drugs, courtesy of Nancy Reagan "say no to drugs." |||opatrný||||||||||| |||||||由于南希·里根||||||| |||atsargus dėl|||||||Reiganas|||| |||méfiant||||||||||| Джефф очень настороженно относился к незаконным наркотикам, любезно предоставленным Нэнси Рейган «Скажи наркотикам нет».

and the 1987 egg in a frying pan commercial. |||||pánev na smažení|| |||||||广告 |||||cooking with oil|| and the 1987 egg in a frying pan commercial. и реклама яйца на сковороде 1987 года.

"this is your brain on drugs, any questions?" "Это твой мозг под наркотиками, есть вопросы?"

When Tony started talking about how Oxycontin is essentially legal heroin and substances Когда Тони начал говорить о том, что оксиконтин по сути является легальным героином и веществами

like Marijuana only became illegal to benefit Richard Nixon's political campaign, Jeff ||||||||Niksono||| как марихуана стала незаконной только для того, чтобы принести пользу политической кампании Ричарда Никсона, Джефф

politely changed the subject. zdvořile|zdvořile změnil||téma вежливо сменил тему.

"He said quote: The Nixon campaign in 1968 and the Nixon White House after that, had ||||尼克松|||||||||| |||||||||Niksono kampanija||||| "Dijo cita: La campaña de Nixon en 1968 y la Casa Blanca de Nixon después de eso, habían «Он сказал цитату: Кампания Никсона в 1968 году и Белый дом Никсона после этого имели

two enemies: The antiwar left and black people. |||protiwarová|||| |||反战|||| dos enemigos: la izquierda pacifista y los negros. два врага: антивоенные левые и чернокожие.

We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black. Sabíamos que no podíamos convertir en ilegal estar en contra de la guerra o ser negro. Мы знали, что не можем сделать незаконным выступать против войны или быть черными.

But by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, ||||||联系起来||嬉皮士||||黑人|| Pero al hacer que el público asocie a los hippies con la marihuana y a los negros con la heroína, Но заставив общественность ассоциировать хиппи с марихуаной, а негров с героином,

and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. ||刑事化|||||破坏|| |||||||perturber|| y luego criminalizar a ambos fuertemente, podríamos perturbar esas comunidades. а затем жестко криминализировать и то, и другое, мы могли бы разрушить эти сообщества.

Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Wussten wir, dass wir bei den Drogen gelogen haben? ¿Sabíamos que estábamos mintiendo sobre las drogas? Знали ли мы, что лжем о наркотиках?

Of course we did." Конечно, мы сделали».

Later Jeff and his wife have a beautiful son Jack, who has an upbringing similar to Jeff's. |||||||||||||成长经历||| |||||||||||||auklėjimas||| |||||||||||||childhood experience||| Позже у Джеффа и его жены рождается прекрасный сын Джек, воспитание которого похоже на воспитание Джеффа.

In primary school, Jack's teacher tells Jeff that his son has trouble focusing so |||Džeko|||||||||| В начальной школе учитель Джека говорит Джеффу, что у его сына проблемы с концентрацией внимания.

medical attention may be necessary. может потребоваться медицинская помощь.

Jeff recently had gone off the ADHD medication and the Oxycontin because it was making him ジェフは最近、ADHD薬とオキシコンチンをやめました。 Джефф недавно отказался от лекарств от СДВГ и оксиконтина, потому что это делало его

feel weird and he didn't want his son to have to go through that. 奇妙に感じ、彼は息子にそれを経験させたくありませんでした。 чувствовать себя странно, и он не хотел, чтобы его сын прошел через это.

He starts doing some research and learns that Jack's ADHD may stem from a couple things, 彼はいくつかの研究を始め、ジャックのADHDがいくつかのことに起因する可能性があることを学びました。 Он начинает проводить некоторые исследования и узнает, что СДВГ Джека может быть вызвано несколькими причинами:

one of them being Jack having been delivered via C-Section. ||||||||||剖腹产 uno de ellos es Jack habiendo sido entregado a través de cesárea. そのうちの1つは、帝王切開で出産したジャックです。 один из них - Джек, доставленный через кесарево сечение.

Apparently the procedure doesn't allow the healthy bacteria in his mother's vaginal |||||||||||阴道的 Aparentemente, el procedimiento no permite que las bacterias saludables en la vagina de su madre Очевидно, процедура не позволяет здоровым бактериям проникнуть во влагалище его матери.

canal to be transferred to the baby, making it hard for Jack to develop a healthy gastrointestinal 产道||||||||||||||||消化道 ||||||||||||||||digestive system canal para ser transferido al bebé, lo que dificulta que Jack desarrolle un sistema gastrointestinal saludable. канал должен быть передан ребенку, что мешает Джеку развить здоровый желудочно-кишечный тракт.

microbiome. 微生物群 микробиом.

This sounded a little cooky to Jeff but it would explain his own difficulties with ADHD ||||古怪的|||||||||||多动症 ||||keistai||||||||||| Джеффу это показалось немного странным, но это объясняет его собственные трудности с СДВГ.

as a child.

Considering the recommended treatment to improve Jack's GI microbiome was just to make some |||治疗方案|||||||||| |||||||virškinimo trakto|||||| Учитывая, что рекомендуемое лечение для улучшения микробиома желудочно-кишечного тракта Джека было просто

changes in his diet like adding fermented foods and probiotics, he figures it's worth ||||||发酵的|||益生菌|||| изменения в его диете, такие как добавление ферментированных продуктов и пробиотиков, он считает, что это того стоит.

trying before giving his kid prescription methanphetamine. ||||||处方甲基苯丙胺 trying before giving his kid prescription methanphetamine. пытается, прежде чем давать своему ребенку метанфетамин по рецепту.

"The drugs that the doctors are giving us are the same as the drugs being sold on the «Лекарства, которые нам дают врачи, такие же, как и лекарства, которые продаются на


Take adderrall and ritalin which are made from the same stuff as meth. |||利他林|||||||||冰毒 |||ritalinas||||||||| Возьмите аддеррал и риталин, которые сделаны из того же материала, что и метамфетамин.

So basically, those pills that you have your children popping are street legal meth." |||||||||ryja|||| Die Pillen, die Sie Ihren Kindern verabreichen, sind also im Grunde genommen legales Meth". So basically, those pills that you have your children popping are street legal meth." Así que, básicamente, esas pastillas que hace que sus hijos tomen son metanfetamina legal en la calle ". Так что, по сути, те таблетки, которые глотают ваши дети, — это уличный метамфетамин».

A while after changing Jack's diet, Jack's teacher mentions to Jeff that his focus had ||||||||提到|||||| Через некоторое время после изменения диеты Джека учитель Джека упоминает Джеффу, что его внимание сместилось.

noticeably improved. 显著改善| заметно улучшилось.

They continued Jack on the diet and he kept getting better little by little without any Continuaron con la dieta de Jack y fue mejorando poco a poco sin Они продолжили диету Джека, и он потихоньку поправлялся, без каких-либо последствий.

bad effects at all. плохие последствия вообще.

At this point Jack is kind of pissed off that he didn't learn things like this earlier At this point Jack is kind of pissed off that he didn't learn things like this earlier この時点で、ジャックは以前にこのようなことを学ばなかったことに少し腹を立てています В этот момент Джек немного разозлился, что не узнал об этом раньше.

as it could have saved him a lot of trouble as kid. ya que podría haberle ahorrado muchos problemas cuando era niño. それは彼が子供の頃に多くのトラブルを救うことができたかもしれないので。 так как это могло бы избавить его от многих проблем в детстве.

He starts to question other things like whether or not he really needs to be on the statin. Он начинает сомневаться в других вещах, например, действительно ли ему нужно принимать статины.

Some articles he read suggest that his low fat diet and the sugar in all these things |文章||||||||||||||| Некоторые статьи, которые он читал, предполагают, что его диета с низким содержанием жиров и сахар во всех этих вещах

he's been consuming virtually ever since birth could be causing his weight troubles que ha estado consumiendo prácticamente desde que nació podría estar causando sus problemas de peso он потребляет практически с самого рождения, что может быть причиной его проблем с весом

and some other health problems. и некоторые другие проблемы со здоровьем.

The calories in calories out thing never really quite worked for him so he gives that low The calories in calories out thing never really quite worked for him so he gives that low Las calorías en calorías que salen nunca funcionaron realmente para él, por lo que da ese bajo Калорийность в калориях никогда не работала на него, поэтому он дает такую низкую

carb thing a shot even though he's worried about heart disease. algo de carbohidratos a pesar de que está preocupado por las enfermedades del corazón. Карбюраторная вещь выстрел, хотя он беспокоится о болезни сердца.

Then he starts to lose weight without feeling like crap and his bloodwork actually shows ||||||||||||验血结果|| ||||||||||||blood test results|| Dan begint hij af te vallen zonder zich rot te voelen en zijn bloedonderzoek is echt te zien Затем он начинает терять вес, не чувствуя себя дерьмом, и его анализ крови действительно показывает

better numbers.

He starts to think that all these potential diseases linked to being overweight are certainly Он начинает думать, что все эти потенциальные болезни, связанные с лишним весом, безусловно,

not prevented by and could even be caused by the USDA dietary guidelines. |||||||||||饮食指南| |||||||||||alimentaires| no prevenidas e incluso podrían ser causadas por las pautas dietéticas del USDA. не предотвращено и даже может быть вызвано рекомендациями по питанию Министерства сельского хозяйства США.

Later, his son Jack seems to be frustrated with school despite having good grades. ||||||||||尽管||| Позже его сын Джек, похоже, разочаровался в школе, несмотря на хорошие оценки.

After seeing the kind of homework he has to do, Jeff starts to think he might as well Увидев, какую домашнюю работу он должен сделать, Джефф начинает думать, что он мог бы также

save his kid 10 years and a just teach him how to use an Encyclopedia. |||||||||||||百科全书 спасти его ребенка на 10 лет и просто научить его пользоваться энциклопедией.

Then he finds out he doesn't technically have to have Jack in public school and there Затем он узнает, что технически ему не обязательно иметь Джека в государственной школе.

are other school systems like ISD's or Montessori School or Sudbury schools or Charter Schools |||||ISD (valstybinės mokyklos)||Montessori mokykla|||Sudbury mokyklos|||Chartijos mokyklos| zijn andere schoolsystemen zoals ISD's of Montessori School of Sudbury-scholen of Charter Schools другие школьные системы, такие как ISD, школа Монтессори, школы Садбери или чартерные школы.

that are actually more conducive to creativity, critical thinking and better financial achievement ||||有助于|||||||| ||||palankios|||||||| ||||favorable for|||||||| ||||propices à|||||||| которые на самом деле больше способствуют творчеству, критическому мышлению и лучшим финансовым достижениям

later in life.

What Jeff realizes is that more often than not, organizations don't always have the Lo que Jeff se da cuenta es que la mayoría de las veces, las organizaciones no siempre tienen la Джефф понимает, что чаще всего организации не всегда имеют

best methods, and are just saying and doing whatever best suits their interests and their mejores métodos, y simplemente dicen y hacen lo que mejor se adapte a sus intereses y sus лучшие методы, и просто говорят и делают то, что лучше всего соответствует их интересам и их

profits. прибыль.

"In 1971, then president Richard Nixon began the war on drugs. «В 1971 году тогдашний президент Ричард Никсон начал войну с наркотиками.

Since then, the war on drugs has cost the US over 1 TRILLION dollars. |||||||||||万亿美元| С тех пор война с наркотиками обошлась США более чем в 1 ТРИЛЛИОН долларов.

And the prison population has risen over 700%." ||监狱人口|||| А количество заключенных увеличилось более чем на 700%».

"But in 1996, a company called Purdue Pharma released a new drug: OxyContin. |||||Purdue Pharma|||||| «Но в 1996 году компания Purdue Pharma выпустила новый препарат: оксиконтин.

Purdue spent hundreds of millions of dollars to convince doctors that OxyContin was safe Purdue Pharma||||||||||||| Purdue gab Hunderte von Millionen Dollar aus, um Ärzte davon zu überzeugen, dass OxyContin sicher sei Purdue gastó cientos de millones de dólares para convencer a los médicos de que OxyContin era seguro Purdue потратила сотни миллионов долларов, чтобы убедить врачей в безопасности оксиконтина.

and not addictive." ||上瘾的 и не вызывает привыкания».

"Just yes or no, do you believe nicotine is not addictive? |||||||尼古丁||| «Просто да или нет, вы верите, что никотин не вызывает привыкания?

I believe nicotine is not addictive, yes. Я считаю, что никотин не вызывает привыкания, да.

Mr. Johnston? |Ponas Johnstonas

I don't believe that nicotine or our products are addictive. Я не верю, что никотин или наши продукты вызывают привыкание.

I believe nicotine is not addictive. |||||上瘾的 Я считаю, что никотин не вызывает привыкания.

I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

I believe that nicotine is not addictive.

And I too believe that nicotine is not addictive." И я тоже считаю, что никотин не вызывает привыкания».

"You know, there were imminent scientists of the time saying this is nonsense, there ||||杰出的||||||||| ||||imminent||||||||| "Sabes, hubo científicos inminentes de la época diciendo que esto es una tontería, no «Вы знаете, были немые ученые того времени, говорящие, что это ерунда, там

is no good scientific evidence that either fat or cholesterol y'know is at the root of ||||||||||tu sais||||à l'origine| No hay buena evidencia científica de que la grasa o el colesterol, ya sabes, estén en la raíz de нет хороших научных доказательств того, что жир или холестерин, знаете ли, лежат в основе

heart disease. сердечное заболевание.

And I have pleaded in my report and will plead again orally here for more research on the |||||||||恳求||口头上|||||| |||||||||maldausi|||||||| |||advocated||||||advocate for||by speaking|||||| |||||||||||de vive voix|||||| Y he pedido en mi informe y volveré a suplicar oralmente aquí por más investigación sobre el И я умолял в своем отчете и буду снова умолять здесь о дополнительных исследованиях по

problem before we make announcements to the american public. |||||||美国公众| problema antes de hacer anuncios al público estadounidense. проблема, прежде чем мы сделаем объявления для американской общественности.

I would only argue that senators don't have the luxury that a research scientist does |||||参议员||||||||| Solo diría que los senadores no pueden darse el lujo de que lo haga un científico investigador. Я бы только сказал, что сенаторы не могут позволить себе такую роскошь, как ученый-исследователь.

of waiting until every last shred of evidence is in." |||||证据碎片|||| |||||kiekvienas įrodymas|||| |||||small piece|||| |||||bribe|||| de esperar hasta la última pizca de evidencia ". van wachten tot het laatste stukje bewijs binnen is. " ждать, пока не будут собраны все последние доказательства».

"Does the money that students put into their tuition, do they actually get it back? ||||||||education fees|||||| "¿El dinero que los estudiantes ponen en su matrícula, realmente lo recuperan? «Деньги, которые студенты вкладывают в свое обучение, действительно ли они возвращаются?

A lot of this extra money that students pay for tuition is not going into the classroom ||||||||||education fees|||||| Большая часть этих дополнительных денег, которые студенты платят за обучение, не идет в класс.

to improve their education but is going for administrators." om hun opleiding te verbeteren, maar gaat voor beheerders. " чтобы улучшить свое образование, но собирается для администраторов».


Back to Catch me if you can.

In that scene, Tom Hanks could have looked inside the wallet DiCaprio gave him much earlier, В этой сцене Том Хэнкс мог заглянуть в бумажник, который дал ему ДиКаприо гораздо раньше.

found that it was filled with a bunch of garbage and catch Frank Abagnale on the spot. |||||||||垃圾||||||| |||||||tas de||||||||| descubrió que estaba lleno de un montón de basura y atrapó a Frank Abagnale en el acto. обнаружил, что он был заполнен кучей мусора и поймал Фрэнка Абигнейла на месте.

So this is what I am encouraging people to do: be like Jeff. Вот к чему я призываю людей: будьте как Джефф.

Take the time to look inside the standard systems, conventional practices and mainstream ||||||||||||courant dominant Tómese el tiempo para mirar dentro de los sistemas estándar, las prácticas convencionales y la corriente principal. Потратьте время, чтобы заглянуть внутрь стандартных систем, общепринятых практик и мейнстрима.

products we've been asked to buy into, because you may start to find that most of them are productos que nos han pedido que compremos, porque es posible que empiece a descubrir que la mayoría son продукты, которые нас попросили купить, потому что вы можете обнаружить, что большинство из них

filled with random soft drink and condiment labels. lleno de etiquetas de refrescos y condimentos al azar. заполнены случайными этикетками безалкогольных напитков и приправ.