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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 070: The Benefits of Good Posture

070: The Benefits of Good Posture

Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? Comments like that might be annoying, but they're not wrong. Your posture, the way you hold your body when you're sitting or standing, is the foundation for every movement your body makes, and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it.

These stresses can be things like carrying weight, or sitting in an awkward position. And the big one we all experience all day every day: gravity. If your posture isn't optimal, your muscles have to work harder to keep you upright and balanced. Some muscles will become tight and inflexible.

Others will be inhibited. Over time, these dysfunctional adaptations impair your body's ability to deal with the forces on it. Poor posture inflicts extra wear and tear on your joints and ligaments, increases the likelihood of accidents, and makes some organs, like your lungs, less efficient.

Researchers have linked poor posture to scoliosis, tension headaches, and back pain, though it isn't the exclusive cause of any of them. Posture can even influence your emotional state and your sensitivity to pain. So there are a lot of reasons to aim for good posture.

But it's getting harder these days. Sitting in an awkward position for a long time can promote poor posture, and so can using computers or mobile devices, which encourage you to look downward. Many studies suggest that, on average, posture is getting worse.

So what does good posture look like? When you look at the spine from the front or the back, all 33 vertebrae should appear stacked in a straight line. From the side, the spine should have three curves: one at your neck, one at your shoulders, and one at the small of your back.

You aren't born with this s-shaped spine. Babies' spines just have one curve like a “c.” The other curves usually develop by 12-18 months as the muscles strengthen. These curves help us stay upright and absorb some of the stress from activities like walking and jumping.

If they are aligned properly, when you're standing up, you should be able to draw a straight line from a point just in front of your shoulders, to behind your hip, to the front of your knee, to a few inches in front of your ankle. This keeps your center of gravity directly over your base of support, which allows you to move efficiently with the least amount of fatigue and muscle strain.

If you're sitting, your neck should be vertical, not tilted forward. Your shoulders should be relaxed with your arms close to your trunk. Your knees should be at a right angle with your feet flat on the floor. But what if your posture isn't that great? Try redesigning your environment. Adjust your screen so it's at or slightly below eye level.

Make sure all parts of your body, like your elbows and wrists, are supported, using ergonomic aids if you need to. Try sleeping on your side with your neck supported and with a pillow between your legs. Wear shoes with low heels and good arch support, and use a headset for phone calls. It's also not enough to just have good posture.

Keeping your muscles and joints moving is extremely important. In fact, being stationary for long periods with good posture can be worse than regular movement with bad posture. When you do move, move smartly. Keep anything you're carrying close to your body.

Backpacks should be in contact with your back carried symmetrically. If you sit a lot, get up and move around on occasion, and be sure to exercise. Using your muscles will keep them strong enough to support you effectively, on top of all the other benefits to your joints, bones, brain and heart.

And if you're really worried, check with a physical therapist, because yes, you really should stand up straight.

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070: The Benefits of Good Posture 070: Die Vorteile einer guten Körperhaltung 070: Los beneficios de una buena postura 070 : Les avantages d'une bonne posture 070: I benefici di una buona postura 070:良い姿勢の利点 070: Korzyści z dobrej postawy 070: Os Benefícios da Boa Postura 070: Преимущества хорошей осанки 070: Переваги гарної постави 070:良好姿势的好处

Has anyone ever told you, “Stand up straight!” or scolded you for slouching at a family dinner? |||||Стань||||scolded = reprimanded|||slouching|||| Quelqu'un vous a-t-il déjà dit: «Tenez-vous droit!» ou vous a-t-il grondé de vous être affalé lors d'un dîner en famille? 誰かがあなたに「まっすぐ立って!」と言ったことはありますか?または家族の夕食で前かがみにあなたを叱った? Alguém já lhe disse: "Fique de pé direito!" ou te repreendeu por desleixo em um jantar em família? Comments like that might be annoying, but they're not wrong. そのようなコメントは迷惑かもしれませんが、間違いではありません。 Comentários como esse podem ser irritantes, mas não estão errados. Your posture, the way you hold your body when you're sitting or standing, is the foundation for every movement your body makes, and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. |||||||||||||||||all||||||||||||||||| あなたの姿勢、つまり座っているときや立っているときの体の持ち方は、体が行うすべての動きの基礎であり、体がそのストレスにどれだけうまく適応するかを決定することができます。 Sua postura, a maneira como você mantém seu corpo quando está sentado ou em pé, é a base de cada movimento que seu corpo faz e pode determinar o quão bem seu corpo se adapta às tensões nele.

These stresses can be things like carrying weight, or sitting in an awkward position. ||||||||||||不自然的| これらのストレスは、体重を運ぶ、またはぎこちない姿勢で座っているようなものである可能性があります。 Essas tensões podem ser coisas como carregar peso ou sentar-se em uma posição estranha. And the big one we all experience all day every day: gravity. |||||||||||重力 そして、私たち全員が毎日毎日経験する大きなもの、重力。 E o maior que todos experimentamos o dia todo, todos os dias: a gravidade. If your posture isn't optimal, your muscles have to work harder to keep you upright and balanced. ||姿勢|||||||||||||| あなたの姿勢が最適でない場合、あなたの筋肉はあなたを直立させてバランスを保つためにもっと一生懸命働かなければなりません。 Se sua postura não for ideal, seus músculos terão que trabalhar mais para mantê-lo ereto e equilibrado. Some muscles will become tight and inflexible. 一部の筋肉はきつくなり、柔軟性がなくなります。 Alguns músculos ficarão tensos e inflexíveis.

Others will be inhibited. その他は禁止されます。 Outros serão inibidos. Over time, these dysfunctional adaptations impair your body's ability to deal with the forces on it. |||||deteriorare|||||||||| 時間が経つにつれて、これらの機能不全の適応は、それにかかる力に対処するあなたの体の能力を損ないます。 Com o tempo, essas adaptações disfuncionais prejudicam a capacidade do corpo de lidar com as forças que o envolvem. Poor posture inflicts extra wear and tear on your joints and ligaments, increases the likelihood of accidents, and makes some organs, like your lungs, less efficient. |||||||||||зв'язки|||||||||||||| 姿勢が悪いと、関節や靭帯に余分な傷みが生じ、事故の可能性が高くなり、肺などの一部の臓器の効率が低下します。 A postura inadequada provoca desgastes extras nas articulações e ligamentos, aumenta a probabilidade de acidentes e torna alguns órgãos, como os pulmões, menos eficientes.

Researchers have linked poor posture to scoliosis, tension headaches, and back pain, though it isn't the exclusive cause of any of them. 研究者たちは、姿勢の悪さを脊柱側弯症、緊張性頭痛、腰痛に関連付けていますが、それがそれらの唯一の原因ではありません。 Os pesquisadores relacionaram a má postura à escoliose, dores de cabeça tensionais e dores nas costas, embora não seja a causa exclusiva de nenhuma delas. Posture can even influence your emotional state and your sensitivity to pain. 姿勢は、あなたの感情状態や痛みに対する感受性にも影響を与える可能性があります。 A postura pode até influenciar seu estado emocional e sua sensibilidade à dor. So there are a lot of reasons to aim for good posture. ですから、良い姿勢を目指す理由はたくさんあります。 Portanto, há muitos motivos para se ter uma boa postura.

But it's getting harder these days. しかし、最近はますます難しくなっています。 Mas está ficando mais difícil hoje em dia. Sitting in an awkward position for a long time can promote poor posture, and so can using computers or mobile devices, which encourage you to look downward. ぎこちない姿勢で長時間座っていると、姿勢が悪くなる可能性があります。また、コンピュータやモバイルデバイスを使用すると、下を向いてしまう可能性があります。 Ficar sentado por muito tempo em uma posição inadequada pode promover uma postura inadequada, assim como o uso de computadores ou dispositivos móveis, que o incentivam a olhar para baixo. Many studies suggest that, on average, posture is getting worse. 多くの研究は、平均して、姿勢が悪化していることを示唆しています。 Muitos estudos sugerem que, em média, a postura está piorando.

So what does good posture look like? では、良い姿勢はどのように見えますか? Então, como é uma boa postura? When you look at the spine from the front or the back, all 33 vertebrae should appear stacked in a straight line. |||||хребет||||||||||||||| 脊椎を正面または背面から見ると、33個の椎骨すべてが一直線に積み重なっているように見えます。 Quando você olha para a coluna de frente ou de trás, todas as 33 vértebras devem aparecer empilhadas em uma linha reta. From the side, the spine should have three curves: one at your neck, one at your shoulders, and one at the small of your back. 側面から見ると、脊椎には3つの曲線があります。1つは首、1つは肩、もう1つは背中の小さな部分です。 De lado, a coluna deve ter três curvas: uma no pescoço, uma nos ombros e uma na região lombar.

You aren't born with this s-shaped spine. あなたはこのS字型の背骨を持って生まれていません。 Você não nasceu com essa coluna vertebral em forma de S. Babies' spines just have one curve like a “c.” The other curves usually develop by 12-18 months as the muscles strengthen. 赤ちゃんの背骨には、「c」のような曲線が1つだけあります。他の曲線は通常、筋肉が強化されるにつれて12〜18か月で発達します。 A coluna vertebral dos bebês tem apenas uma curva como um “c”. As outras curvas geralmente se desenvolvem por volta dos 12-18 meses, conforme os músculos se fortalecem. These curves help us stay upright and absorb some of the stress from activities like walking and jumping. これらの曲線は、私たちが直立した状態を保ち、ウォーキングやジャンプなどの活動からのストレスの一部を吸収するのに役立ちます。 Essas curvas nos ajudam a ficar em pé e a absorver parte do estresse de atividades como caminhar e pular.

If they are aligned properly, when you're standing up, you should be able to draw a straight line from a point just in front of your shoulders, to behind your hip, to the front of your knee, to a few inches in front of your ankle. |||вирівняні||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||щиколотка それらが適切に位置合わせされている場合、立っているときに、肩のすぐ前、腰の後ろ、膝の前、前の数インチまで直線を描くことができるはずです。あなたの足首の。 Se eles estiverem alinhados corretamente, quando você estiver de pé, você deve ser capaz de traçar uma linha reta de um ponto bem na frente de seus ombros, atrás de seu quadril, na frente de seu joelho, alguns centímetros à frente do seu tornozelo. This keeps your center of gravity directly over your base of support, which allows you to move efficiently with the least amount of fatigue and muscle strain. |||||||||||||||||||||||疲勞|||拉傷 これにより、重心がサポートのベースの真上に保たれ、倦怠感や筋肉への負担を最小限に抑えて効率的に移動できます。 Isso mantém seu centro de gravidade diretamente sobre sua base de suporte, o que permite que você se mova com eficiência com o mínimo de fadiga e tensão muscular.

If you're sitting, your neck should be vertical, not tilted forward. 座っている場合は、首を前に傾けるのではなく、垂直にする必要があります。 Se você estiver sentado, seu pescoço deve estar vertical, não inclinado para a frente. Your shoulders should be relaxed with your arms close to your trunk. |||||||||||軀幹 腕を体幹に近づけて肩をリラックスさせる必要があります。 Seus ombros devem estar relaxados com os braços próximos ao tronco. Your knees should be at a right angle with your feet flat on the floor. 膝は、足が床に平らになるように直角にする必要があります。 Seus joelhos devem estar em ângulo reto com os pés apoiados no chão. But what if your posture isn't that great? しかし、あなたの姿勢がそれほど良くない場合はどうなりますか? Mas e se a sua postura não for tão boa? Try redesigning your environment. Essayez de repenser votre environnement. 環境を再設計してみてください。 Tente redesenhar seu ambiente. Adjust your screen so it's at or slightly below eye level. 画面を調整して、目の高さまたはそれより少し下になるようにします。 Ajuste a tela para que fique no nível dos olhos ou ligeiramente abaixo.

Make sure all parts of your body, like your elbows and wrists, are supported, using ergonomic aids if you need to. 必要に応じて人間工学に基づいた補助器具を使用して、肘や手首など、体のすべての部分が支えられていることを確認してください。 Certifique-se de que todas as partes do corpo, como cotovelos e pulsos, estejam apoiadas, usando recursos ergonômicos se necessário. Try sleeping on your side with your neck supported and with a pillow between your legs. 首を支え、両足の間に枕を置いて横向きに寝てみてください。 Experimente dormir de lado com o pescoço apoiado e um travesseiro entre as pernas. Wear shoes with low heels and good arch support, and use a headset for phone calls. ローヒールでアーチサポートの良い靴を履き、電話にはヘッドセットを使用します。 Use sapatos com salto baixo e um bom suporte para o arco e use um fone de ouvido para chamadas telefônicas. It's also not enough to just have good posture. また、姿勢を整えるだけでは不十分です。 Também não é suficiente apenas ter uma boa postura.

Keeping your muscles and joints moving is extremely important. 筋肉や関節を動かし続けることは非常に重要です。 Manter os músculos e articulações em movimento é extremamente importante. In fact, being stationary for long periods with good posture can be worse than regular movement with bad posture. 実際、良い姿勢で長期間静止していると、悪い姿勢で通常の動きよりも悪くなる可能性があります。 Na verdade, ficar parado por longos períodos com boa postura pode ser pior do que o movimento regular com má postura. When you do move, move smartly. 移動するときは、賢く移動してください。 Quando você se mover, mova-se com inteligência. Keep anything you're carrying close to your body. 持ち運んでいるものはすべて体の近くに置いてください。 Mantenha tudo o que estiver carregando perto do corpo.

Backpacks should be in contact with your back carried symmetrically. バックパックは、対称的に背負った背中と接触している必要があります。 As mochilas devem estar em contato com as costas carregadas simetricamente. If you sit a lot, get up and move around on occasion, and be sure to exercise. たくさん座っている場合は、立ち上がって時々動き回って、必ず運動してください。 Se você se sentar muito, levante-se e mova-se ocasionalmente e certifique-se de fazer exercícios. Using your muscles will keep them strong enough to support you effectively, on top of all the other benefits to your joints, bones, brain and heart. 筋肉を使用すると、関節、骨、脳、心臓に対する他のすべての利点に加えて、効果的にサポートするのに十分な強度を維持できます。 Usar os músculos irá mantê-los fortes o suficiente para apoiá-lo de forma eficaz, além de todos os outros benefícios para as articulações, ossos, cérebro e coração.

And if you're really worried, check with a physical therapist, because yes, you really should stand up straight. そして、本当に心配している場合は、理学療法士に確認してください。そうです、あなたは本当にまっすぐに立つ必要があります。 E se você estiver realmente preocupado, consulte um fisioterapeuta, porque sim, você realmente deve se levantar.