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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 059: Do Animals Have Language?

059: Do Animals Have Language?

All animals communicate. Crabs wave their claws at each other to signal that they're healthy and ready to mate. Cuttlefish use pigmented skin cells called chromatophores to create patterns on their skin that act as camouflage or warnings to rivals. Honeybees perform complex dances to let other bees know the location and quality of a food source.

All of these animals have impressive communication systems, but do they have language? To answer that question, we can look at four specific qualities that are often associated with language: discreteness, grammar, productivity, and displacement.

Discreteness means that there is a set of individual units, such as sounds or words, that can be combined to communicate new ideas, like a set of refrigerator poetry magnets you can rearrange to create different phrases. Grammar provides a system of rules that tells you how to combine those individual units.

Productivity is the ability to use language to create an infinite number of messages. And displacement is the ability to talk about things that aren't right in front of you, such as past, future, or fictional events. So, does animal communication exhibit any of these qualities? For crabs and cuttlefish, the answer is no.

They don't combine their signals in creative ways. Those signals also don't have to be in a grammatical order, and they only communicate current conditions, like, “I am healthy,” or “I am poisonous.” But some animals actually do display some of these properties. Bees use the moves, angle, duration, and intensity of their waggle dance to describe the location and richness of a food source.

That source is outside the hive, so they exhibit the property of displacement. They share that language trait with prairie dogs, which live in towns of thousands, and are hunted by coyotes, hawks, badgers, snakes, and humans. Their alarm calls indicate the predator's size, shape, speed, and, even for human predators, what the person is wearing and if he's carrying a gun.

Great apes, like chimps and gorillas, are great communicators, too. Some have even learned a modified sign language. A chimpanzee named Washoe demonstrated discreteness by combining multiple signs into original phrases, like, “Please open. Hurry.”

Coco, a female gorilla who understands more than 1000 signs, and around 2000 words of spoken English referred to a beloved kitten that had died. In doing so, she displayed displacement, though it's worth noting that the apes in both of these examples were using a human communication system, not one that appeared naturally in the wild.

There are many other examples of sophisticated animal communication, such as in dolphins, which use whistles to identify age, location, names, and gender. They can also understand some grammar in a gestural language researchers use to communicate with them. However, grammar is not seen in the dolphin's natural communication.

While these communication systems may have some of the qualities of language we've identified, none display all four. Even Washoe and Coco's impressive abilities are still outpaced by the language skills of most three-year-old humans. And animals' topics of conversation are usually limited. Bees talk about food, prairie dogs talk about predators, and crabs talk about themselves.

Human language stands alone due to the powerful combination of grammar and productivity, on top of discreteness and displacement. The human brain can take a finite number of elements and create an infinite number of messages.

We can craft and understand complex sentences, as well as words that have never been spoken before. We can use language to communicate about an endless range of subjects, talk about imaginary things, and even lie.

Research continues to reveal more and more about animal communication. It may turn out that human language and animal communication aren't entirely different but exist on a continuum. After all, we are all animals.

059: Do Animals Have Language? 059: Haben Tiere eine Sprache? 059: ¿Tienen lenguaje los animales? 059 : Les animaux ont-ils un langage ? 059: Gli animali hanno un linguaggio? 059: 動物に言葉はあるのか? 059: Czy zwierzęta mają język? 059: Os animais têm linguagem? 059: Animalele au limbaj? 059: Есть ли у животных язык? 059: Чи мають тварини мову? 059:动物有语言吗?

All animals communicate. すべての動物は通信します。 Toate animalele comunică. Crabs wave their claws at each other to signal that they're healthy and ready to mate. カニはお互いに爪を振って、健康で交尾の準備ができていることを知らせます。 Os caranguejos acenam com as garras um para o outro para sinalizar que estão saudáveis e prontos para acasalar. Racii își flutură ghearele unul spre celălalt pentru a semnala că sunt sănătoși și gata să se împerecheze. Крабы машут друг другу клешнями в знак того, что они здоровы и готовы к спариванию. ปูโบกกรงเล็บเข้าหากันเพื่อส่งสัญญาณว่าพวกมันแข็งแรงดีและพร้อมที่จะผสมพันธุ์แล้ว Cuttlefish use pigmented skin cells called chromatophores to create patterns on their skin that act as camouflage or warnings to rivals. หมึกกระดอง||มีสีสัน||||โครมาโตฟอร์||||||||||การพรางตัว||||คู่แข่ง イカは、色素胞と呼ばれる色素性皮膚細胞を使用して、カモフラージュまたはライバルへの警告として機能するパターンを皮膚に作成します。 Os chocos usam células pigmentadas da pele chamadas cromatóforos para criar padrões em sua pele que atuam como camuflagem ou avisos para os rivais. Sepiele folosesc celule pigmentate ale pielii numite cromatofori pentru a crea modele pe pielea lor care acționează ca camuflaj sau avertismente pentru rivali. ปลาหมึกใช้เซลล์ผิวหนังที่มีเม็ดสีที่เรียกว่า โครมาโตฟอร์ เพื่อสร้างลวดลายบนผิวหนังของพวกมันซึ่งทำหน้าที่อำพรางหรือเตือนคู่แข่ง Honeybees perform complex dances to let other bees know the location and quality of a food source. ミツバチは複雑なダンスを行い、他のミツバチに食料源の場所と質を知らせます。 As abelhas realizam danças complexas para que outras abelhas saibam a localização e a qualidade de uma fonte de alimento. Albinele efectuează dansuri complexe pentru a le permite altor albine să cunoască locația și calitatea unei surse de hrană. ผึ้งน้ำผึ้งทำการเต้นรำที่ซับซ้อนเพื่อให้ผึ้งตัวอื่นทราบตำแหน่งและคุณภาพของแหล่งอาหาร

All of these animals have impressive communication systems, but do they have language? これらの動物はすべて印象的なコミュニケーションシステムを持っていますが、言語はありますか? Todos esses animais têm sistemas de comunicação impressionantes, mas eles têm linguagem? Toate aceste animale au sisteme de comunicare impresionante, dar au limbaj? To answer that question, we can look at four specific qualities that are often associated with language: discreteness, grammar, productivity, and displacement. |||||||||||||||||ความแยกต่างหาก|||| Um diese Frage zu beantworten, können wir uns vier spezifische Qualitäten ansehen, die oft mit Sprache in Verbindung gebracht werden: Diskretion, Grammatik, Produktivität und Verdrängung. Pour répondre à cette question, nous pouvons nous pencher sur quatre qualités spécifiques souvent associées au langage: la discrétion, la grammaire, la productivité et le déplacement. その質問に答えるために、言語に関連することが多い4つの特定の性質、つまり、離散性、文法、生産性、および変位を調べることができます。 Para responder a essa pergunta, podemos observar quatro qualidades específicas frequentemente associadas à linguagem: discrição, gramática, produtividade e deslocamento. Pentru a răspunde la această întrebare, putem analiza patru calități specifice care sunt adesea asociate cu limbajul: discretitatea, gramatica, productivitatea și deplasarea. เพื่อตอบคำถามนี้ เราสามารถดูคุณสมบัติเฉพาะสี่ประการที่มักเกี่ยวข้องกับภาษา: ความรอบคอบ ไวยากรณ์ ประสิทธิภาพการทำงาน และการแทนที่

Discreteness means that there is a set of individual units, such as sounds or words, that can be combined to communicate new ideas, like a set of refrigerator poetry magnets you can rearrange to create different phrases. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||แม่เหล็กตู้เย็น||||||||| Diskretion bedeutet, dass es eine Reihe individueller Einheiten wie Töne oder Wörter gibt, die kombiniert werden können, um neue Ideen zu kommunizieren, wie eine Reihe von Kühlschrank-Poesiemagneten, die Sie neu anordnen können, um verschiedene Sätze zu erstellen. 離散性とは、音や単語などの個々のユニットのセットがあり、それらを組み合わせて新しいアイデアを伝えることができることを意味します。たとえば、冷蔵庫の詩の磁石のセットを並べ替えて、さまざまなフレーズを作成できます。 Distinção significa que há um conjunto de unidades individuais, como sons ou palavras, que podem ser combinadas para comunicar novas ideias, como um conjunto de imãs de poesia de geladeira que você pode reorganizar para criar frases diferentes. Discretitatea înseamnă că există un set de unități individuale, cum ar fi sunete sau cuvinte, care pot fi combinate pentru a comunica idei noi, cum ar fi un set de magneți de poezie de la frigider pe care îi poți rearanja pentru a crea diferite fraze. ความรอบคอบหมายความว่ามีชุดของหน่วยต่างๆ เช่น เสียงหรือคำพูด ที่สามารถนำมารวมกันเพื่อสื่อสารแนวคิดใหม่ๆ ได้ เช่น ชุดแม่เหล็กติดบทกวีติดตู้เย็น ที่คุณสามารถจัดเรียงใหม่เพื่อสร้างวลีต่างๆ ได้ Grammar provides a system of rules that tells you how to combine those individual units. 文法は、それらの個々のユニットを組み合わせる方法を説明するルールのシステムを提供します。 A gramática fornece um sistema de regras que informa como combinar essas unidades individuais. Gramatica oferă un sistem de reguli care vă spune cum să combinați acele unități individuale. ไวยากรณ์มีระบบกฎที่บอกวิธีรวมแต่ละหน่วยเข้าด้วยกัน

Productivity is the ability to use language to create an infinite number of messages. 生産性とは、言語を使用して無限の数のメッセージを作成する能力です。 Produtividade é a capacidade de usar a linguagem para criar um número infinito de mensagens. Productivitatea este capacitatea de a folosi limbajul pentru a crea un număr infinit de mesaje. And displacement is the ability to talk about things that aren't right in front of you, such as past, future, or fictional events. そして、変位とは、過去、未来、架空の出来事など、目の前にないことについて話す能力です。 E o deslocamento é a capacidade de falar sobre coisas que não estão bem na sua frente, como eventos passados, futuros ou fictícios. Iar deplasarea este abilitatea de a vorbi despre lucruri care nu sunt chiar în fața ta, cum ar fi evenimente trecute, viitoare sau fictive. So, does animal communication exhibit any of these qualities? それで、動物のコミュニケーションはこれらの性質のいずれかを示しますか? Deci, comunicarea cu animalele prezintă vreuna dintre aceste calități? For crabs and cuttlefish, the answer is no. カニやイカの場合、答えはノーです。 Pentru crabi și sepie, răspunsul este nu.

They don't combine their signals in creative ways. 彼らは創造的な方法で彼らの信号を組み合わせません。 Eles não combinam seus sinais de forma criativa. Ei nu își combină semnalele în moduri creative. Those signals also don't have to be in a grammatical order, and they only communicate current conditions, like, “I am healthy,” or “I am poisonous.” But some animals actually do display some of these properties. これらの信号も文法的な順序である必要はなく、「私は健康です」や「私は有毒です」などの現在の状態を伝えるだけです。しかし、一部の動物は実際にこれらの特性のいくつかを表示します。 Esses sinais também não precisam estar em ordem gramatical e apenas comunicam as condições atuais, como "estou saudável" ou "sou venenoso". Mas alguns animais realmente exibem algumas dessas propriedades. De asemenea, aceste semnale nu trebuie să fie într-o ordine gramaticală și comunică doar condițiile curente, cum ar fi „Sunt sănătos” sau „Sunt otrăvitor”. Dar unele animale prezintă de fapt unele dintre aceste proprietăți. Bees use the moves, angle, duration, and intensity of their waggle dance to describe the location and richness of a food source. ||||||||||การส่ายตัว||||||||||| ミツバチは、動き、角度、持続時間、およびワッグルダンスの強さを使用して、食料源の場所と豊かさを説明します。 As abelhas usam os movimentos, o ângulo, a duração e a intensidade de sua dança para descrever a localização e a riqueza de uma fonte de alimento. Albinele folosesc mișcările, unghiul, durata și intensitatea dansului lor waggle pentru a descrie locația și bogăția unei surse de hrană.

That source is outside the hive, so they exhibit the property of displacement. |||||รังผึ้ง|||||||การเคลื่อนที่ そのソースはハイブの外側にあるため、変位の特性を示します。 Essa fonte está fora da colméia, então elas exibem a propriedade de deslocamento. Acea sursă se află în afara stupului, așa că prezintă proprietatea de deplasare. แหล่งกำเนิดนั้นอยู่นอกรัง ดังนั้นพวกมันจึงแสดงคุณสมบัติของการกระจัด They share that language trait with prairie dogs, which live in towns of thousands, and are hunted by coyotes, hawks, badgers, snakes, and humans. ||||||||||||||||ถูกล่า||หมาป่าโคโยตี้|เหยี่ยว|แบดเจอร์||| 彼らはその言語特性を数千の町に住むプレーリードッグと共有し、コヨーテ、タカ、アナグマ、ヘビ、そして人間によって狩られています。 Eles compartilham esse traço de linguagem com os cães da pradaria, que vivem em cidades com milhares de habitantes e são caçados por coiotes, falcões, texugos, cobras e humanos. Ei împărtășesc această trăsătură lingvistică cu câinii de prerie, care trăiesc în orașe cu mii de oameni și sunt vânați de coioți, șoimi, bursuci, șerpi și oameni. Они разделяют эту языковую особенность с прерийными собаками, которые живут в городах тысячами, и на которых охотятся койоты, ястребы, барсуки, змеи и люди. พวกมันมีลักษณะทางภาษาเหมือนกับแพร์รีด็อก ซึ่งอาศัยอยู่ในเมืองหลายพันคน และถูกล่าโดยหมาป่า เหยี่ยว แบดเจอร์ งู และมนุษย์ Their alarm calls indicate the predator's size, shape, speed, and, even for human predators, what the person is wearing and if he's carrying a gun. 彼らの警報呼び出しは、捕食者のサイズ、形、速度、そして人間の捕食者でさえ、その人が何を着ているか、そして彼が銃を持っているかどうかを示します。 Suas chamadas de alarme indicam o tamanho, a forma, a velocidade do predador e, mesmo para predadores humanos, o que a pessoa está vestindo e se está carregando uma arma. Apelurile lor de alarmă indică dimensiunea, forma, viteza prădătorului și, chiar și pentru prădătorii umani, ce poartă persoana respectivă și dacă poartă o armă. เสียงแจ้งเตือนจะระบุขนาด รูปร่าง ความเร็วของผู้ล่า และแม้แต่ผู้ล่าที่เป็นมนุษย์ สิ่งที่บุคคลนั้นสวม และหากเขาถือปืน

Great apes, like chimps and gorillas, are great communicators, too. チンパンジーやゴリラのような類人猿も、優れたコミュニケーターです。 Grandes símios, como chimpanzés e gorilas, também são ótimos comunicadores. Marile maimuțe, precum cimpanzeii și gorilele, sunt și ele mari comunicatoare. Some have even learned a modified sign language. 修正された手話を学んだ人さえいます。 Unii au învățat chiar și un limbaj semnelor modificat. Некоторые даже выучили модифицированный язык жестов. A chimpanzee named Washoe demonstrated discreteness by combining multiple signs into original phrases, like, “Please open. Ein Schimpanse namens Washoe demonstrierte Diskretion, indem er mehrere Zeichen zu originellen Sätzen kombinierte, wie „Bitte öffnen. ワショーというチンパンジーは、「開いてください。 Um chimpanzé chamado Washoe demonstrou discrição combinando vários sinais em frases originais, como: “Por favor, abra. Un cimpanzeu pe nume Washoe a demonstrat discreție combinând mai multe semne în fraze originale, cum ar fi „Te rog deschide. Hurry.” Grabă."

Coco, a female gorilla who understands more than 1000 signs, and around 2000 words of spoken English referred to a beloved kitten that had died. 1000以上の兆候を理解している女性のゴリラであるココと約2000語の英語の話し言葉は、死んだ最愛の子猫を指しています。 Coco, uma gorila fêmea que entende mais de 1.000 sinais e cerca de 2.000 palavras faladas em inglês se referem a um gatinho amado que morreu. Coco, o femeie gorilă care înțelege mai mult de 1000 de semne și aproximativ 2000 de cuvinte vorbite în engleză se referă la un pisoi iubit care murise. Коко, самка гориллы, понимающая более 1000 знаков и около 2000 слов на разговорном английском языке, рассказала о любимом котенке, который умер. In doing so, she displayed displacement, though it's worth noting that the apes in both of these examples were using a human communication system, not one that appeared naturally in the wild. そうすることで、彼女は変位を示しましたが、これらの例の両方の類人猿は、野生で自然に現れたものではなく、人間のコミュニケーションシステムを使用していたことは注目に値します。 Ao fazer isso, ela exibiu deslocamento, embora seja importante notar que os macacos em ambos os exemplos estavam usando um sistema de comunicação humano, não um que aparecia naturalmente na natureza. Făcând acest lucru, ea a arătat deplasare, deși este demn de remarcat faptul că maimuțele din ambele exemple foloseau un sistem de comunicare uman, nu unul care a apărut în mod natural în sălbăticie.

There are many other examples of sophisticated animal communication, such as in dolphins, which use whistles to identify age, location, names, and gender. イルカのように、年齢、場所、名前、性別を識別するために笛を使用する洗練された動物のコミュニケーションの例は他にもたくさんあります。 Existem muitos outros exemplos de comunicação animal sofisticada, como os golfinhos, que usam assobios para identificar idade, localização, nomes e sexo. Există multe alte exemple de comunicare sofisticată cu animale, cum ar fi delfinii, care folosesc fluiere pentru a identifica vârsta, locația, numele și sexul. They can also understand some grammar in a gestural language researchers use to communicate with them. ||||||||ภาษาท่าทาง||||||| 彼らはまた、研究者が彼らとコミュニケーションをとるために使用するジェスチャー言語の文法を理解することができます。 Eles também podem entender alguma gramática em uma linguagem gestual que os pesquisadores usam para se comunicar com eles. Ei pot înțelege și o anumită gramatică într-un limbaj gestual pe care cercetătorii îl folosesc pentru a comunica cu ei. Вони також можуть розуміти деяку граматику мови жестів, яку дослідники використовують для спілкування з ними. However, grammar is not seen in the dolphin's natural communication. Cependant, la grammaire n'est pas vue dans la communication naturelle du dauphin. しかし、イルカの自然なコミュニケーションには文法は見られません。 No entanto, a gramática não é vista na comunicação natural do golfinho. Cu toate acestea, gramatica nu este văzută în comunicarea naturală a delfinului. Однак граматика не спостерігається в природному спілкуванні дельфіна.

While these communication systems may have some of the qualities of language we've identified, none display all four. これらの通信システムは、私たちが特定した言語の品質のいくつかを備えている可能性がありますが、4つすべてを表示するものはありません。 Deși aceste sisteme de comunicare pot avea unele dintre calitățile limbajului pe care le-am identificat, niciunul nu le afișează pe toate patru. Even Washoe and Coco's impressive abilities are still outpaced by the language skills of most three-year-old humans. ワショーとココの印象的な能力でさえ、ほとんどの3歳の人間の言語スキルをまだ上回っています。 Mesmo as habilidades impressionantes de Washoe e Coco ainda são superadas pelas habilidades de linguagem da maioria dos humanos de três anos. Chiar și abilitățile impresionante ale lui Washoe și Coco sunt încă depășite de abilitățile lingvistice ale majorității oamenilor de trei ani. Даже впечатляющие способности Уошо и Коко все еще превосходят языковые навыки большинства трехлетних людей. Навіть вражаючі здібності Уошо та Коко все ще випереджають мовні навички більшості трирічних людей. And animals' topics of conversation are usually limited. そして、動物の会話のトピックは通常限られています。 E os tópicos de conversa dos animais geralmente são limitados. Iar subiectele de conversație ale animalelor sunt de obicei limitate. Bees talk about food, prairie dogs talk about predators, and crabs talk about themselves. Albinele vorbesc despre mâncare, câinii de prerie vorbesc despre prădători, iar crabii vorbesc despre ei înșiși.

Human language stands alone due to the powerful combination of grammar and productivity, on top of discreteness and displacement. 人間の言語は、離散性と置き換えに加えて、文法と生産性の強力な組み合わせにより、独立しています。 Limbajul uman este singur datorită combinației puternice de gramatică și productivitate, pe lângă discreție și deplasare. The human brain can take a finite number of elements and create an infinite number of messages. 人間の脳は有限数の要素を取り、無限の数のメッセージを作成することができます。 O cérebro humano pode pegar um número finito de elementos e criar um número infinito de mensagens. Creierul uman poate prelua un număr finit de elemente și poate crea un număr infinit de mesaje. Людський мозок може приймати кінцеву кількість елементів і створювати нескінченну кількість повідомлень.

We can craft and understand complex sentences, as well as words that have never been spoken before. 複雑な文章だけでなく、これまでに話されたことのない単語も作成して理解することができます。 Putem crea și înțelege propoziții complexe, precum și cuvinte care nu au mai fost rostite până acum. Ми можемо створювати та розуміти складні речення, а також слова, які ніколи раніше не вимовлялися. We can use language to communicate about an endless range of subjects, talk about imaginary things, and even lie. 言語を使って、無限の範囲の主題についてコミュニケーションしたり、想像上のことについて話したり、嘘をついたりすることができます。 Podemos usar a linguagem para nos comunicar sobre uma gama infinita de assuntos, falar sobre coisas imaginárias e até mentir. Putem folosi limbajul pentru a comunica despre o gamă infinită de subiecte, pentru a vorbi despre lucruri imaginare și chiar pentru a minți.

Research continues to reveal more and more about animal communication. A pesquisa continua a revelar mais e mais sobre a comunicação animal. Cercetările continuă să dezvăluie din ce în ce mai multe despre comunicarea cu animalele. It may turn out that human language and animal communication aren't entirely different but exist on a continuum. |||||||||||||||||ความต่อเนื่อง Es könnte sich herausstellen, dass die menschliche Sprache und die tierische Kommunikation nicht völlig unterschiedlich sind, sondern auf einem Kontinuum existieren. 人間の言語と動物のコミュニケーションは完全に異なるわけではなく、連続して存在していることがわかるかもしれません。 Se poate dovedi că limbajul uman și comunicarea cu animalele nu sunt complet diferite, ci există într-un continuum. Возможно, окажется, что человеческий язык и общение животных не являются абсолютно разными, а существуют на одном континууме. Може виявитися, що людська мова та спілкування тварин не зовсім різні, а існують у континуумі. After all, we are all animals. 結局のところ、私たちはすべて動物です。 La urma urmei, toți suntem animale.