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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 057: A brief history of video games (Part I)

057: A brief history of video games (Part I)

Hi, I'm Medium Invader from the classic video game Space Invaders, and I want to tell you a little bit about where video games came from. A video game is an electronic game that has an interface designed for human interaction on a video device. Simple.

Video games are used by scientists, the military, and people like you, and their evolution has spread across arcades, consoles, computers, smart phones, and all kinds of other electronics. These days video games are everywhere, but they were actually made in science labs. In fact, the earliest U.S. video game patent on record was in 1948, and at the time it was referred to as a cathode-ray tube amusement device.

That's a mouthful! Some of the earliest video games include the Nimrod computer, OXO, Tennis for Two, and my personal favorite, Spacewar! But none of these early video games were ever sold to the public because they were either too huge or too expensive to get out of the lab.

This all changed when a man named Ralph Baer looked at his television screen and wondered how else it might be used. In 1972, Baer's idea to get video games out of the science lab and into the living room led to the release of a game console called Odyssey. Odyssey allowed you to play a game on your TV.

At about the same time, two other people, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, were working on something similar in a little company called Atari. You might have heard of it, and even if you haven't, I'm sure that your Dad has. Atari's first major game release was in 1972, an arcade game called Pong. It was an immediate hit, and it's credited as the first commercially successful video game.

Atari then released a home version of Pong in 1974. By 1978, competition between Atari and another game company called Midway was heating up. Midway had licensed an arcade game for the Japanese company, Taito, that put them on the map. The game: Space Invaders. It featured iconic actors, like me, and it went on to become the second highest selling arcade game of all time.

Space Invaders also helped kick off what is known as the Golden Age of Arcade Games. In response, Atari followed with the release of the arcade game Asteroids, which ranked sixth on the list of highest selling arcade games. It was a good game, but it's no Space Invaders. By 1980, color came to arcade games, and this was also the year that another video gaming milestone was born.

Pac-Man, created by the Japanese company Namco, was brought to the U.S. by Midway. Important to the spread of video games into popular culture, Pac-Man was a character that could be licensed. It wasn't long before it had a song on the charts, a Saturday morning television show, and all sorts of other products. In just a year, Pac-Man arcade games made over one billion dollars in quarters.

Then, in 1981, a company called Nintendo started making waves in the U.S. video game market with their release of Donkey Kong. It was the earliest video game to have a storyline. The story went a bit like this: Donkey Kong is the pet of a carpenter named Jumpman. Jumpman mistreats his pet ape, so the ape steals his girlfriend, leaving the game player to assume the role of Jumpman and rescue the girl.

Jumpman was eventually renamed to Mario. Other iconic arcade games from the early 80s include Frogger, Dragon's Lair, and Mario Brothers. Perhaps the last iconic game considered to be part of the Golden Age of Arcade Games is Double Dragon. It was the first really successful example of the beat-them-up genre. It was released in 1987, and, like Donkey Kong, it featured a damsel in distress storyline, a storyline common in many video games.

By the mid-90s, the Golden Age of Arcade Games was coming to an end, and the home game console was gaining in popularity. While arcade games continued to decline in sales over the years, the popularity of video games was merely beginning, and we'll talk about that and a lot more in part two of a brief history of video games.

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057: A brief history of video games (Part I) 057: تاريخ موجز لألعاب الفيديو (الجزء الأول) 057: Eine kurze Geschichte der Videospiele (Teil I) 057: Μια σύντομη ιστορία των βιντεοπαιχνιδιών (Μέρος Ι) 057: Breve historia de los videojuegos (Parte I) 057 : Une brève histoire des jeux vidéo (Partie I) 057: Breve storia dei videogiochi (Parte I) 057:ビデオゲームの簡単な歴史(パートI) 057: Een korte geschiedenis van videogames (deel I) 057: Krótka historia gier wideo (część I) 057: Uma breve história dos videojogos (Parte I) 057: Краткая история видеоигр (часть I) 057: Video oyunlarının kısa tarihi (Bölüm I) 057: Коротка історія відеоігор (частина І) 057:电子游戏简史(上)

Hi, I'm Medium Invader from the classic video game Space Invaders, and I want to tell you a little bit about where video games came from. |||入侵者|||||||入侵者||||||||||||||| مرحبًا ، أنا Medium Invader من لعبة الفيديو الكلاسيكية Space Invaders ، وأود أن أخبركم قليلاً عن مصدر ألعاب الفيديو. こんにちは、私は古典的なビデオゲームスペースインベーダーのミディアムインベーダーです。ビデオゲームがどこから来たのかについて少しお話ししたいと思います。 Olá, sou o Medium Invader do clássico videogame Space Invaders e quero contar um pouco sobre a origem dos videogames. A video game is an electronic game that has an interface designed for human interaction on a video device. لعبة الفيديو هي لعبة إلكترونية لها واجهة مصممة للتفاعل البشري على جهاز فيديو. ビデオゲームは、ビデオデバイス上での人間の相互作用のために設計されたインターフェースを備えた電子ゲームです。 Um videogame é um jogo eletrônico que possui uma interface projetada para interação humana em um dispositivo de vídeo. Simple. بسيط. 単純。

Video games are used by scientists, the military, and people like you, and their evolution has spread across arcades, consoles, computers, smart phones, and all kinds of other electronics. ||||||||||||||演變||||遊樂場|遊戲主機||||||||| يتم استخدام ألعاب الفيديو من قبل العلماء والجيش وأشخاص مثلك ، وقد انتشر تطورها عبر الأروقة ووحدات التحكم وأجهزة الكمبيوتر والهواتف الذكية وجميع أنواع الأجهزة الإلكترونية الأخرى. ビデオゲームは、科学者、軍隊、およびあなたのような人々によって使用されており、その進化は、アーケード、コンソール、コンピューター、スマートフォン、およびその他のあらゆる種類の電子機器に広がっています。 Os videogames são usados por cientistas, militares e pessoas como você, e sua evolução se espalhou por fliperamas, consoles, computadores, smartphones e todos os tipos de outros eletrônicos. These days video games are everywhere, but they were actually made in science labs. |||||||||||||實驗室 最近のビデオゲームはいたるところにありますが、実際には科学実験室で作られています。 Hoje em dia, os videogames estão por toda parte, mas na verdade foram feitos em laboratórios de ciências. In fact, the earliest U.S. 実際、最も初期の米国 video game patent on record was in 1948, and at the time it was referred to as a cathode-ray tube amusement device. ||專利|||||||||||||||陰極射線管|射線|管子|娛樂裝置| 記録されているビデオゲームの特許は1948年にあり、当時は陰極線管アミューズメント装置と呼ばれていました。 A patente registrada do videogame foi em 1948 e, na época, era conhecida como um dispositivo de diversão de tubo de raios catódicos.

That's a mouthful! ||一口的 それは一口です! Вот это да! Some of the earliest video games include the Nimrod computer, OXO, Tennis for Two, and my personal favorite, Spacewar! ||||||||尼姆羅德||OXO||||||||太空戰爭 初期のビデオゲームには、Nimrodコンピューター、OXO、Tennis for Two、そして私の個人的なお気に入りであるSpacewarが含まれます。 Alguns dos primeiros videogames incluem o computador Nimrod, OXO, Tennis for Two e meu favorito, Spacewar! But none of these early video games were ever sold to the public because they were either too huge or too expensive to get out of the lab. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||實驗室 しかし、これらの初期のビデオゲームはどれも、ラボから出るには大きすぎるか高すぎるため、一般に販売されることはありませんでした。 Mas nenhum desses primeiros videogames foi vendido ao público porque eram muito grandes ou muito caros para sair do laboratório.

This all changed when a man named Ralph Baer looked at his television screen and wondered how else it might be used. |||||||拉爾夫|拉爾夫·貝爾||||||||||||| ラルフ・ベアという男が自分のテレビ画面を見て、他にどのように使用できるのか疑問に思ったとき、これはすべて変わりました。 Tudo isso mudou quando um homem chamado Ralph Baer olhou para a tela de sua televisão e se perguntou de que outra forma ela poderia ser usada. In 1972, Baer's idea to get video games out of the science lab and into the living room led to the release of a game console called Odyssey. |貝爾||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1972年、ビデオゲームを科学実験室からリビングルームに持ち込むというベアのアイデアは、オデッセイと呼ばれるゲーム機のリリースにつながりました。 Em 1972, a ideia de Baer de tirar os videogames do laboratório de ciências e colocá-los na sala de estar levou ao lançamento de um console de videogame chamado Odyssey. Odyssey allowed you to play a game on your TV. オデッセイはあなたがあなたのテレビでゲームをすることを可能にしました。

At about the same time, two other people, Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, were working on something similar in a little company called Atari. ||||||||諾蘭·布什內爾|布什奈爾||泰德|泰德·達布尼|||||||||||雅達利 ほぼ同時に、ノーラン・ブッシュネルとテッド・ダブニーの2人が、アタリという小さな会社で似たような作業をしていました。 Mais ou menos na mesma época, duas outras pessoas, Nolan Bushnell e Ted Dabney, estavam trabalhando em algo semelhante em uma pequena empresa chamada Atari. You might have heard of it, and even if you haven't, I'm sure that your Dad has. 聞いたことがあるかもしれませんが、聞いたことがなくても、お父さんは聞いたことがあると思います。 Возможно, вы слышали об этом, а если и нет, то я уверен, что ваш отец слышал. Atari's first major game release was in 1972, an arcade game called Pong. 雅達利的|||||||||||乒乓 Atariの最初のメジャーゲームリリースは1972年で、Pongと呼ばれるアーケードゲームでした。 O primeiro lançamento de um grande jogo da Atari foi em 1972, um jogo de arcade chamado Pong. It was an immediate hit, and it's credited as the first commercially successful video game. |||||||被認為||||||| それはすぐにヒットし、最初の商業的に成功したビデオゲームとして認められています。 Foi um sucesso imediato e é considerado o primeiro videogame de sucesso comercial.

Atari then released a home version of Pong in 1974. その後、Atariは1974年にPongのホームバージョンをリリースしました。 By 1978, competition between Atari and another game company called Midway was heating up. |||||||||中途||| 1978年までに、AtariとMidwayと呼ばれる別のゲーム会社との間の競争は激化していた。 Em 1978, a competição entre a Atari e outra empresa de jogos chamada Midway estava esquentando. Midway had licensed an arcade game for the Japanese company, Taito, that put them on the map. ||||||||||太東公司|||||| ミッドウェイは、日本企業のタイトーにアーケードゲームのライセンスを供与し、それらを地図に載せました。 A Midway licenciou um jogo de arcade para a empresa japonesa Taito, que os colocou no mapa. The game: Space Invaders. ゲーム:スペースインベーダー。 It featured iconic actors, like me, and it went on to become the second highest selling arcade game of all time. ||標誌性|||||||||||||||||| 私のような象徴的な俳優が登場し、史上2番目に売れたアーケードゲームになりました。 Apresentava atores icônicos, como eu, e se tornou o segundo jogo de arcade mais vendido de todos os tempos.

Space Invaders also helped kick off what is known as the Golden Age of Arcade Games. スペースインベーダーはまた、アーケードゲームの黄金時代として知られているものを開始するのに役立ちました。 In response, Atari followed with the release of the arcade game Asteroids, which ranked sixth on the list of highest selling arcade games. |||||||||||小行星|||第六|||||||| これに応えて、AtariはアーケードゲームAsteroidsのリリースに続き、これは最も売れているアーケードゲームのリストで6位にランクされました。 Em resposta, a Atari lançou o jogo de arcade Asteroids, que ficou em sexto lugar na lista dos jogos de arcade mais vendidos. It was a good game, but it's no Space Invaders. 良いゲームでしたが、スペースインベーダーではありません。 By 1980, color came to arcade games, and this was also the year that another video gaming milestone was born. ||||||||||||||||里程碑|| 1980年までに、アーケードゲームに色が加わり、今年は別のビデオゲームのマイルストーンが生まれた年でもありました。 Em 1980, a cor chegou aos jogos de arcade, e este também foi o ano em que nasceu outro marco dos videogames.

Pac-Man, created by the Japanese company Namco, was brought to the U.S. 吃豆人|||||||南夢宮|||||| 日本の会社ナムコによって作成されたパックマンは、米国に持ち込まれました Pac-Man, criado pela empresa japonesa Namco, foi trazido para os EUA by Midway. ミッドウェイによって。 Important to the spread of video games into popular culture, Pac-Man was a character that could be licensed. ビデオゲームを大衆文化に広めるために重要なのは、パックマンは免許を取得できるキャラクターでした。 Importante para a disseminação dos videogames na cultura popular, Pac-Man era um personagem que podia ser licenciado. Важным для распространения видеоигр в популярной культуре был персонаж Pac-Man, которого можно было лицензировать. It wasn't long before it had a song on the charts, a Saturday morning television show, and all sorts of other products. ||||||||||排行榜||||||||||| チャートに曲が載ったり、土曜日の朝のテレビ番組やその他のあらゆる種類の製品が登場するまで、そう長くはかかりませんでした。 Прошло совсем немного времени, прежде чем песня попала в чарты, появилось субботнее утреннее телешоу и всевозможные другие продукты. In just a year, Pac-Man arcade games made over one billion dollars in quarters. わずか1年で、パックマンアーケードゲームは四半期で10億ドル以上を稼ぎました。 Всего за год аркадные игры Pac-Man заработали более одного миллиарда долларов в четвертях.

Then, in 1981, a company called Nintendo started making waves in the U.S. |||||任天堂|||引起轟動|||| その後、1981年に任天堂という会社がアメリカで波を起こし始めました Então, em 1981, uma empresa chamada Nintendo começou a fazer sucesso nos Estados Unidos. video game market with their release of Donkey Kong. |||||||驢子| ドンキーコングのリリースでビデオゲーム市場。 It was the earliest video game to have a storyline. |||||||||劇情 ストーリー展開があったのは、最も初期のビデオゲームでした。 Foi o primeiro videogame a ter um enredo. The story went a bit like this: Donkey Kong is the pet of a carpenter named Jumpman. ||||||||||||||木匠||跳人 話は少しこのようになりました:ドンキーコングはジャンプマンという名前の大工のペットです。 A história foi mais ou menos assim: Donkey Kong é o animal de estimação de um carpinteiro chamado Jumpman. Jumpman mistreats his pet ape, so the ape steals his girlfriend, leaving the game player to assume the role of Jumpman and rescue the girl. |虐待|||猿猴||||偷走||||||||||||||拯救|| ジャンプマンはペットの類人猿を虐待するので、類人猿はガールフレンドを盗み、ゲームプレーヤーにジャンプマンの役割を引き受けて女の子を救出します。 Jumpman maltrata seu macaco de estimação, então o macaco rouba sua namorada, deixando o jogador assumir o papel de Jumpman e resgatar a garota.

Jumpman was eventually renamed to Mario. |||重新命名||瑪利歐 ジャンプマンは最終的にマリオに改名されました。 Jumpman acabou sendo renomeado para Mario. Other iconic arcade games from the early 80s include Frogger, Dragon's Lair, and Mario Brothers. |||||||||青蛙過河|龍的|巢穴||| 80年代初頭のその他の象徴的なアーケードゲームには、フロッガー、ドラゴンズレア、マリオブラザーズなどがあります。 Outros jogos de arcade icônicos do início dos anos 80 incluem Frogger, Dragon's Lair e Mario Brothers. Perhaps the last iconic game considered to be part of the Golden Age of Arcade Games is Double Dragon. ||||||||||||||||||雙龍 おそらく、アーケードゲームの黄金時代の一部と見なされる最後の象徴的なゲームはダブルドラゴンです。 It was the first really successful example of the beat-them-up genre. ||||||||||||類型 これは、格闘ゲームのジャンルの最初の本当に成功した例でした。 Foi o primeiro exemplo realmente bem-sucedido do gênero beat-them-up. It was released in 1987, and, like Donkey Kong, it featured a damsel in distress storyline, a storyline common in many video games. |||||||||||少女||危險處境|||||||| それは1987年にリリースされ、ドンキーコングのように、多くのビデオゲームで一般的なストーリーラインである苦痛のストーリーラインの乙女を特集しました。 Foi lançado em 1987 e, como Donkey Kong, apresentava um enredo de donzela em perigo, um enredo comum em muitos videogames.

By the mid-90s, the Golden Age of Arcade Games was coming to an end, and the home game console was gaining in popularity. |||||||||||||||||||||||受歡迎程度 90年代半ばまでに、アーケードゲームの黄金時代は終わりを告げ、家庭用ゲーム機の人気が高まりました。 Em meados dos anos 90, a Era de Ouro dos Arcade Games estava chegando ao fim e o console doméstico estava ganhando popularidade. While arcade games continued to decline in sales over the years, the popularity of video games was merely beginning, and we'll talk about that and a lot more in part two of a brief history of video games. |||||下降||||||||||||僅僅|||||||||||||||||||| アーケードゲームの売り上げはここ数年減少し続けていますが、ビデオゲームの人気はまだ始まったばかりです。これについては、ビデオゲームの簡単な歴史のパート2で詳しく説明します。 Enquanto os jogos de fliperama continuaram a cair nas vendas ao longo dos anos, a popularidade dos videogames estava apenas começando, e falaremos sobre isso e muito mais na parte dois de uma breve história dos videogames.