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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 052: The American Thanksgiving Story

052: The American Thanksgiving Story

Early in the 17 century, a group of people called the Pilgrims, wanted to reform and purify England's churches. As a result of their efforts, they were persecuted. So they sailed to the Netherlands, also known as Holland, seeking religious freedom. After 12 years in Holland, where they struggled to make a living and felt threatened by the permissive Dutch society, the Pilgrims decided to seek refuge in a place that they could create a society that matched their religious ideas. In exchange for seven years of work, the Puritans persuaded a London stock company to finance their journey to the New World. In September 1620, 102 passengers set sail from Plymouth, England on a ship called the Mayflower. The journey took 65 days and was filled with much difficulty. Bad storms weakened the ship and caused many leaks. Many passengers were cold and damp for much of the journey and others were concerned that they wouldn't even survive. Though many were sick and one person died, they did make it. On December 11, 1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and began to explore the surrounding area for a suitable place to build their colony. They chose Plymouth because it had an excellent harbor and a large brook in which to catch fish to eat. While living on the Mayflower and ferrying back and forth to land, the Pilgrims built their houses and barns, constructions were hindered by exceptionally heavy snow and intense cold, but the settlement was completed in late March, 1621. Their success was dampened by great sorrow, nearly half of their original group died that first winter.

Besides survival, the Pilgrims were concerned that the native American Indians would attack them. To their surprise an Indian named Samoset walked right into the colony, and welcomed them in broken English. Samoset was from an Indian tribe in Maine and had picked up a few English words from the fishermen who came into the harbors there. He told them also of another Indian named Squanto, a native of that place who had been in England and could speak better English than he. The Pilgrims used the opportunity to negotiate a peace treaty and to establish trading relations. Squanto's importance to the Pilgrims was enormous and it can be said that they would not have survived without his help. It was Squanto who taught the Pilgrims how to tap the maple trees for sap, how to plant Indian corn and other crops, and how to tell which plants were poisonous and which could be used as medicine. As a result, they had a bountiful harvest that provided food for the coming winter. The Pilgrims had much to celebrate, although nearly half of their people died. They had successfully built homes in the wilderness, raised enough crops to keep them alive during the long coming winter, and they were in peace with their Indian neighbors. It was time to give thanks. The Pilgrim Governor, William Bradford, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to God, for helping them survive the brutal winter. They invited Squanto and the other Indians to join them in their celebration. Their chief, Massasoit, and 90 braves came to the celebration which lasted for 3 days.

Two years later the colony suffered a drought and Governor Bradford ordered a day of fasting and prayer. It is reported that soon afterward it began to rain. To celebrate God's answer to prayer November 29th was proclaimed the day of thanksgiving. This date is believed to be the beginning of the present day Thanksgiving Day which is held on the 4th Thursday of November. The custom of an annual thanksgiving celebration held after the harvest continued, but it became a national observance under President's George Washington in 1789, and Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Only after Lincoln did thanksgiving become an annual observance.

Thanksgiving weekend has become one of the busiest travel periods of the year, because it is a 4 to 5 day vacation for many schools and some businesses. It has also become the beginning of the Christmas buying season. Many people today observe the holiday by watching professional football games, Thanksgiving TV programs and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade held in New York City. Thanksgiving is a time when families gather and enjoy time together. Many families give thanks to God for his goodness and faithfulness to them. Regardless of one's religious beliefs, most families will share a large meal together of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn and pumpkin pie. Afterwards, family members may share what they are thankful for from that year. What are somethings you are thankful for?

052: The American Thanksgiving Story 052: Die amerikanische Thanksgiving-Geschichte 052: La historia americana de Acción de Gracias 052: La storia del Ringraziamento americano 052: アメリカ感謝祭物語 052: 미국 추수감사절 이야기 052: Amerykańska historia Święta Dziękczynienia 052: A história do Dia de Ação de Graças americano 052: Американская история благодарения 052: Amerikan Şükran Günü Hikayesi 052:美国感恩节的故事 052:美國感恩節故事

Early in the 17 century, a group of people called the Pilgrims, wanted to reform and purify England's churches. ||||||||||순례자들|||개혁하다||정화하다|| Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts wollte eine Gruppe namens Pilgrims Englands Kirchen reformieren und reinigen. 17世紀初頭、巡礼者と呼ばれる人々のグループは、イングランドの教会を改革し、浄化したいと考えていました。 No início do século 17, um grupo de pessoas chamado Peregrinos queria reformar e purificar as igrejas da Inglaterra. В начале 17 века группа людей, называемых пилигримами, хотела реформировать и очистить церкви Англии. As a result of their efforts, they were persecuted. ||||||||박해받았다 彼らの努力の結果、彼らは迫害されました。 Como resultado de seus esforços, eles foram perseguidos. В результате их усилий они подверглись преследованиям. So they sailed to the Netherlands, also known as Holland, seeking religious freedom. それで彼らは、宗教の自由を求めて、オランダとしても知られるオランダに航海しました。 Então eles navegaram para a Holanda, também conhecida como Holanda, em busca de liberdade religiosa. Поэтому они отплыли в Нидерланды, также известные как Голландия, в поисках религиозной свободы. After 12 years in Holland, where they struggled to make a living and felt threatened by the permissive Dutch society, the Pilgrims decided to seek refuge in a place that they could create a society that matched their religious ideas. |||||||||||||위협을 느끼다|||관대한||||||||피난처|||||||만들 수 있는||||||| オランダで12年間暮らした後、彼らは生計を立てるのに苦労し、寛容なオランダ社会に脅かされたと感じました。巡礼者たちは、自分たちの宗教的思想に合った社会を作ることができる場所に避難することにしました。 Depois de 12 anos na Holanda, onde lutaram para ganhar a vida e se sentiram ameaçados pela permissiva sociedade holandesa, os peregrinos decidiram buscar refúgio em um lugar onde pudessem criar uma sociedade que combinasse com suas ideias religiosas. После 12 лет в Голландии, где они изо всех сил пытались заработать на жизнь и чувствовали угрозу со стороны снисходительного голландского общества, пилигримы решили искать убежище в месте, где они могли бы создать общество, соответствующее их религиозным идеям. In exchange for seven years of work, the Puritans persuaded a London stock company to finance their journey to the New World. |대가로|||||||청교도들||||||||||||| 7年間の仕事と引き換えに、ピューリタンはロンドンの証券会社に新世界への旅の資金を調達するよう説得しました。 Em troca de sete anos de trabalho, os puritanos persuadiram uma sociedade por ações de Londres a financiar sua viagem ao Novo Mundo. В обмен на семь лет работы пуритане убедили лондонскую акционерную компанию профинансировать их путешествие в Новый Свет. In September 1620, 102 passengers set sail from Plymouth, England on a ship called the Mayflower. ||||||플리머스||||||| Em setembro de 1620, 102 passageiros partiram de Plymouth, Inglaterra, em um navio chamado Mayflower. В сентябре 1620 года 102 пассажира отплыли из Плимута, Англия, на корабле под названием «Мэйфлауэр». The journey took 65 days and was filled with much difficulty. 旅は65日かかり、多くの困難に満ちていました。 Путешествие длилось 65 дней и было сопряжено с большими трудностями. Bad storms weakened the ship and caused many leaks. ひどい嵐が船を弱体化させ、多くの漏れを引き起こしました。 As fortes tempestades enfraqueceram o navio e causaram muitos vazamentos. Сильные штормы ослабили корабль и вызвали множество утечек. Many passengers were cold and damp for much of the journey and others were concerned that they wouldn't even survive. 多くの乗客は旅の多くで寒くて湿気があり、他の乗客は彼らが生き残れないのではないかと心配していました。 Muitos passageiros ficaram com frio e úmidos durante grande parte da viagem e outros temeram que nem sobrevivessem. Многие пассажиры были холодными и сырыми на протяжении большей части пути, а другие были обеспокоены тем, что они даже не выживут. Though many were sick and one person died, they did make it. 多くの人が病気で一人が亡くなりましたが、彼らはそれを成し遂げました。 Хотя многие были больны и один человек умер, они выжили. On December 11, 1620 the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and began to explore the surrounding area for a suitable place to build their colony. 1620年12月11日、巡礼者たちはプリマスロックに上陸し、植民地を建設するのに適した場所を探すために周辺地域を探索し始めました。 Em 11 de dezembro de 1620, os peregrinos desembarcaram em Plymouth Rock e começaram a explorar a área circundante em busca de um local adequado para construir sua colônia. 11 декабря 1620 года пилигримы высадились на Плимут-Рок и начали исследовать окрестности в поисках подходящего места для постройки своей колонии. They chose Plymouth because it had an excellent harbor and a large brook in which to catch fish to eat. 彼らはプリマスを選びました。それは、素晴らしい港と、魚を捕まえて食べるための大きな小川があったからです。 Eles escolheram Plymouth porque tinha um excelente porto e um grande riacho onde pescar peixes para comer. Они выбрали Плимут, потому что у него была отличная гавань и большой ручей, в котором можно было ловить рыбу для еды. While living on the Mayflower and ferrying back and forth to land, the Pilgrims built their houses and barns, constructions were hindered by exceptionally heavy snow and intense cold, but the settlement was completed in late March, 1621. メイフラワー号に住み、陸路を行き来しながら、巡礼者たちは家や納屋を建て、非常に大雪と極寒のために建設が妨げられましたが、1621年3月下旬に開拓地が完成しました。 Enquanto viviam no Mayflower e iam e vinham para a terra, os peregrinos construíram suas casas e celeiros, as construções foram prejudicadas por neve excepcionalmente pesada e frio intenso, mas o assentamento foi concluído no final de março de 1621. Живя на Мэйфлауэре и переправляясь туда и обратно на сушу, пилигримы строили свои дома и амбары, строительству мешали исключительно сильный снегопад и сильный холод, но поселение было завершено в конце марта 1621 года. Their success was dampened by great sorrow, nearly half of their original group died that first winter. |||약화되었다||||||||||||| 彼らの成功は大きな悲しみによって弱められ、彼らの元のグループのほぼ半分がその最初の冬に亡くなりました。 Seu sucesso foi abafado por grande tristeza, quase metade de seu grupo original morreu naquele primeiro inverno. Их успех был омрачен большим горем, почти половина их первоначальной группы умерла в ту первую зиму.

Besides survival, the Pilgrims were concerned that the native American Indians would attack them. 生存に加えて、巡礼者はネイティブアメリカンインディアンが彼らを攻撃することを心配していました。 Além da sobrevivência, os peregrinos temiam que os índios nativos americanos os atacassem. Помимо выживания, пилигримы были обеспокоены тем, что индейцы Америки нападут на них. To their surprise an Indian named Samoset walked right into the colony, and welcomed them in broken English. 彼らの驚いたことに、サモセットという名前のインディアンが植民地に足を踏み入れ、壊れた英語で彼らを歓迎した。 Para sua surpresa, um índio chamado Samoset entrou direto na colônia e os recebeu em um inglês ruim. К их удивлению, индеец по имени Самосет вошел прямо в колонию и приветствовал их на ломаном английском. Samoset was from an Indian tribe in Maine and had picked up a few English words from the fishermen who came into the harbors there. サモセットはメイン州のインディアン部族出身で、そこの港にやってきた漁師からいくつかの英語の単語を拾いました。 Samoset era de uma tribo indígena do Maine e aprendera algumas palavras em inglês dos pescadores que chegavam aos portos de lá. Самосет был из индейского племени в штате Мэн и перенял несколько английских слов от рыбаков, которые заходили в гавани. He told them also of another Indian named Squanto, a native of that place who had been in England and could speak better English than he. 彼はまた、イギリスにいて、彼よりも上手に英語を話すことができた、その場所の原住民であるスクアントという名前の別のインド人についても彼らに話しました。 Ele lhes contou também sobre outro índio chamado Squanto, um nativo daquele lugar que havia estado na Inglaterra e falava inglês melhor do que ele. Он также рассказал им о другом индейце по имени Скванто, уроженце тех мест, который был в Англии и говорил по-английски лучше, чем он. The Pilgrims used the opportunity to negotiate a peace treaty and to establish trading relations. 巡礼者たちはこの機会を利用して、平和条約を交渉し、貿易関係を確立しました。 Os peregrinos aproveitaram a oportunidade para negociar um tratado de paz e estabelecer relações comerciais. Паломники использовали возможность заключить мирный договор и установить торговые отношения. Squanto's importance to the Pilgrims was enormous and it can be said that they would not have survived without his help. 巡礼者にとってのスクアントの重要性は非常に大きく、彼の助けがなければ彼らは生き残れなかったと言えます。 A importância de Squanto para os peregrinos foi enorme e pode-se dizer que eles não teriam sobrevivido sem sua ajuda. Значение Скванто для пилигримов было огромным, и можно сказать, что они не выжили бы без его помощи. It was Squanto who taught the Pilgrims how to tap the maple trees for sap, how to plant Indian corn and other crops, and how to tell which plants were poisonous and which could be used as medicine. カエデの木を樹液のために叩く方法、インドのトウモロコシや他の作物を植える方法、そしてどの植物が有毒でどれが薬として使用できるかを知る方法を巡礼者に教えたのはスクアントでした。 Foi Squanto quem ensinou os peregrinos a extrair seiva dos bordos, a plantar milho e outras culturas e a saber quais plantas eram venenosas e quais podiam ser usadas como remédio. Именно Скванто научил пилигримов, как собирать сок из кленов, как сажать индийскую кукурузу и другие культуры и как определять, какие растения ядовиты, а какие можно использовать в качестве лекарства. As a result, they had a bountiful harvest that provided food for the coming winter. その結果、彼らは来たる冬に食料を提供する豊作をもたらしました。 Como resultado, eles tiveram uma colheita abundante que fornecia alimento para o inverno que se aproximava. В результате они собрали обильный урожай, обеспечивший пропитание на предстоящую зиму. The Pilgrims had much to celebrate, although nearly half of their people died. 巡礼者の半数近くが亡くなりましたが、巡礼者は祝うことがたくさんありました。 Паломникам было что праздновать, хотя почти половина их людей погибла. They had successfully built homes in the wilderness, raised enough crops to keep them alive during the long coming winter, and they were in peace with their Indian neighbors. Eles construíram casas com sucesso no deserto, cultivaram colheitas suficientes para mantê-los vivos durante o longo inverno que se aproximava e estavam em paz com seus vizinhos índios. Они успешно построили дома в пустыне, вырастили достаточно урожая, чтобы сохранить им жизнь в течение долгой приближающейся зимы, и они жили в мире со своими индийскими соседями. It was time to give thanks. 感謝する時が来ました。 Пришло время поблагодарить. The Pilgrim Governor, William Bradford, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to God, for helping them survive the brutal winter. 巡礼者の知事、ウィリアム・ブラッドフォードは、彼らが残酷な冬を乗り切るのを助けてくれた神に感謝の日を宣言しました。 O governador peregrino, William Bradford, proclamou um dia de ação de graças a Deus, por ajudá-los a sobreviver ao inverno brutal. Губернатор паломников Уильям Брэдфорд объявил день благодарности Богу за то, что он помог им пережить суровую зиму. They invited Squanto and the other Indians to join them in their celebration. Они пригласили Скванто и других индейцев присоединиться к ним в их праздновании. Their chief, Massasoit, and 90 braves came to the celebration which lasted for 3 days. 彼らの首長であるマサソイトと90人の勇者が3日間続いた祝賀会にやって来ました。 Seu chefe, Massasoit, e 90 bravos compareceram à celebração que durou 3 dias. Их вождь Массасойт и 90 храбрецов прибыли на праздник, который длился 3 дня.

Two years later the colony suffered a drought and Governor Bradford ordered a day of fasting and prayer. 2年後、植民地は干ばつに見舞われ、ブラッドフォード知事は断食と祈りの日を命じました。 Dois anos depois, a colônia sofreu uma seca e o governador Bradford ordenou um dia de jejum e oração. Два года спустя колония пострадала от засухи, и губернатор Брэдфорд назначил день поста и молитвы. It is reported that soon afterward it began to rain. その後まもなく雨が降り始めたとのことです。 Сообщается, что вскоре после этого пошел дождь. To celebrate God's answer to prayer November 29th was proclaimed the day of thanksgiving. 祈りに対する神の答えを祝うために、11月29日は感謝の日と宣言されました。 Para celebrar a resposta de Deus à oração, 29 de novembro foi proclamado o dia de ação de graças. В ознаменование Божьего ответа на молитву 29 ноября было провозглашено днем благодарения. This date is believed to be the beginning of the present day Thanksgiving Day which is held on the 4th Thursday of November. この日は、11月の第4木曜日に開催される現在の感謝祭の始まりと考えられています。 Эта дата считается началом нынешнего Дня благодарения, который отмечается в 4-й четверг ноября. The custom of an annual thanksgiving celebration held after the harvest continued, but it became a national observance under President's George Washington in 1789, and Abraham Lincoln in 1863. 収穫後も毎年恒例の感謝祭が行われる習慣がありましたが、1789年にジョージワシントン大統領、1863年にエイブラハムリンカーンの下で全国的な儀式となりました。 O costume de uma celebração anual de ação de graças realizada após a colheita continuou, mas tornou-se uma observância nacional sob o presidente George Washington em 1789 e Abraham Lincoln em 1863. Обычай ежегодного празднования Дня благодарения после сбора урожая продолжался, но стал национальным праздником при президенте Джордже Вашингтоне в 1789 году и Аврааме Линкольне в 1863 году. Only after Lincoln did thanksgiving become an annual observance. リンカーンが感謝祭を行った後で初めて、毎年恒例の行事になりました。 Somente depois de Lincoln o Dia de Ação de Graças se tornou uma observância anual. Только после Линкольна День благодарения стал ежегодным.

Thanksgiving weekend has become one of the busiest travel periods of the year, because it is a 4 to 5 day vacation for many schools and some businesses. 感謝祭の週末は、多くの学校や一部の企業にとって4〜5日間の休暇であるため、1年で最も忙しい旅行期間の1つになっています。 O fim de semana de Ação de Graças se tornou um dos períodos de viagem mais movimentados do ano, porque são férias de 4 a 5 dias para muitas escolas e algumas empresas. Выходные в День Благодарения стали одним из самых загруженных периодов для путешествий в году, потому что это 4-5-дневные каникулы для многих школ и некоторых предприятий. It has also become the beginning of the Christmas buying season. また、クリスマスの購入シーズンの始まりにもなっています。 Это также стало началом сезона рождественских покупок. Many people today observe the holiday by watching professional football games, Thanksgiving TV programs and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade held in New York City. 今日、多くの人々がプロのサッカーゲーム、感謝祭のテレビ番組、ニューヨーク市で開催されるメイシーズサンクスギビングデイパレードを見ながら休日を観察しています。 Muitas pessoas hoje observam o feriado assistindo a jogos de futebol profissional, programas de TV de Ação de Graças e o Desfile do Dia de Ação de Graças da Macy's, realizado na cidade de Nova York. Многие люди сегодня отмечают праздник, наблюдая за профессиональными футбольными матчами, телевизионными программами в честь Дня благодарения и парадом Macy's в честь Дня благодарения, который проходит в Нью-Йорке. Thanksgiving is a time when families gather and enjoy time together. 感謝祭は家族が集まり、一緒に時間を楽しむ時間です。 День Благодарения — это время, когда семьи собираются и проводят время вместе. Many families give thanks to God for his goodness and faithfulness to them. Многие семьи благодарят Бога за Его доброту и верность им. Regardless of one's religious beliefs, most families will share a large meal together of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn and pumpkin pie. Independentemente das crenças religiosas, a maioria das famílias compartilha uma grande refeição de peru, recheio, purê de batata com molho, batata-doce, molho de cranberry, milho doce e torta de abóbora. Независимо от религиозных убеждений, большинство семей разделят обильную трапезу из индейки, начинки, картофельного пюре с подливкой, сладкого картофеля, клюквенного соуса, сладкой кукурузы и тыквенного пирога. Afterwards, family members may share what they are thankful for from that year. その後、家族はその年から感謝していることを分かち合うことができます。 Depois, os familiares podem compartilhar pelo que são gratos naquele ano. После этого члены семьи могут поделиться тем, за что они благодарны тому году. What are somethings you are thankful for? あなたが感謝していることは何ですか? Quais são as coisas pelas quais você é grato? За что вы благодарны?