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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 042: Nature’s Real Life Monsters!

042: Nature's Real Life Monsters!

Picture a monster. It's probably a ghost or a vampire or a Frankenstein beast or something but it should probably look like something with a bit more legs, or none at all, because nature has been literally making monsters for millions of years before goosebumps were even a thing.

Let's start with a Hollywood staple: vampires. Vampires are undead or mutated humans with a thirst for blood and a tendency to get really bad sunburns. Sometimes they explode or sparkle, but generally it's their blood diet that defines them. Now, you probably know about the real-world blood suckers like the leech, the mosquito, and the vampire bat. But birds have gotten in on the hemoglobin game too. One island in the Galapagos is ruled by so-called mobs of vampire finches. One of Darwin's famed finches, these vampires get their food by relentlessly pestering larger birds – they peck at the tail feathers until the blood starts flowing, and slurp it up.

Whole gangs of these vampires conspire to drain the blood of island birds, roll eggs off cliffs for the food inside, and to slurp up their vomit. How about nature's Frankenstein? Well, there's nothing really in nature stitched together and reanimated like Frankenstein, but there is a bug that pieces body parts together for a purpose. The assassin bug is like a vampire crossed with Frankenstein. When the assassin bug gets a hold of its prey, it stabs it with a mouth sword then slurps up what's inside. But it doesn't let the body go to waste. It piles the corpses and body parts of its victims on its back to act like armor and camouflage. It gives you the perfect opportunity to yell “IT'S ALIVE!” when that pile of dead bugs starts moving around. I think body-snatching monsters are probably the creepiest of all. Yep, nature has those too, and they take over your eyes. Leucochloridium is a fancy name for a parasite that turns a snail's eyestocks into pulsing rave lights.

This parasitic worm is a cross between a zombifier and a body snatcher. After eating one of the worm's eggs, the snail gets basically a worm tumor in its liver. Then it's chemically castrated. After that, the worm sends sacs of larvae into the eye stocks of the snail, which dance like every bird is watching. The eyestocks now look like tasty caterpillars to passing birds, but the snails don't just wait around all day waiting to be blinded. So the worm changes the snail's behavior so that it's no longer nocturnal and makes it move around up to three times as much. Then the snails get their eyes plucked out by birds.

In Hollywood they say, never work with kids or animals. The latter is much better advice, especially if you're making a monster movie. We know that nature has been making its own horror film fodder for billions of years, and we are just playing catch-up. Why? Because Science. Want more creepy science? Check out my latest video on The Walking Dead virus. And got questions?

Follow me on the Twitterverse @Sci_Phile. Thanks!

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042: Nature’s Real Life Monsters! 042: Die wahren Monster der Natur! 042: ¡Los monstruos de la naturaleza! 042 : Les monstres de la nature ! 042:自然の実在のモンスター! 042: Prawdziwe potwory natury! 042: Monstros da Vida Real da Natureza! 042: Настоящие монстры природы! 042: Doğanın Gerçek Hayat Canavarları! 042: Реальні монстри природи! 042:自然界的真实怪物! 042:大自然的真实怪物!

Picture a monster. モンスターを描いてください。 画一个怪物。 It's probably a ghost or a vampire or a Frankenstein beast or something but it should probably look like something with a bit more legs, or none at all, because nature has been literally making monsters for millions of years before goosebumps were even a thing. It's probably a ghost or a vampire or a Frankenstein beast or something but it should probably look like something with a bit more legs, or none at all, because nature has been literally making monsters for millions of years before goosebumps were even a thing. それは恐らく幽霊か吸血鬼かフランケンシュタインの獣か何かですが、自然は鳥のさえものになる前に何百万年もの間文字通りモンスターを文字通り作り続けてきたので、おそらく足がもう少しあるようなものになるでしょう。 Provavelmente é um fantasma ou um vampiro ou uma besta de Frankenstein ou algo assim, mas provavelmente deveria parecer algo com um pouco mais de pernas, ou nenhuma, porque a natureza literalmente criou monstros por milhões de anos antes que os arrepios existissem. Вероятно, это призрак, или вампир, или зверь Франкенштейна, или что-то в этом роде, но он, вероятно, должен выглядеть как что-то с немного большим количеством ног или вообще без них, потому что природа буквально создавала монстров миллионы лет до того, как мурашки по коже появились.

Let's start with a Hollywood staple: vampires. Let's start with a Hollywood staple: vampires. ハリウッドの定番である吸血鬼から始めましょう。 Vamos começar com um grampo de Hollywood: vampiros. Vampires are undead or mutated humans with a thirst for blood and a tendency to get really bad sunburns. 吸血鬼は、血への渇望と本当にひどい日焼けをする傾向があるアンデッドまたは突然変異した人間です。 Vampiros são mortos-vivos ou humanos mutantes com sede de sangue e uma tendência a sofrer queimaduras solares muito graves. Вампиры — это нежить или мутировавшие люди с жаждой крови и склонностью к сильным солнечным ожогам. Sometimes they explode or sparkle, but generally it's their blood diet that defines them. Někdy vybuchují nebo jiskří, ale většinou je určuje jejich krevní strava. Às vezes eles explodem ou brilham, mas geralmente é sua dieta sanguínea que os define. Иногда они взрываются или сверкают, но обычно их определяет их кровяная диета. Now, you probably know about the real-world blood suckers like the leech, the mosquito, and the vampire bat. Agora, você provavelmente conhece os sugadores de sangue do mundo real, como a sanguessuga, o mosquito e o morcego vampiro. But birds have gotten in on the hemoglobin game too. しかし、鳥もヘモグロビンゲームに参加しています。 Mas os pássaros também entraram no jogo da hemoglobina. Но птицы тоже участвовали в игре с гемоглобином. One island in the Galapagos is ruled by so-called mobs of vampire finches. Jeden z ostrovů na Galapágách ovládají takzvané tlupy upířích pěnkav. Uma ilha nas Galápagos é governada pelas chamadas turbas de tentilhões-vampiros. На одном из островов Галапагосских островов правят так называемые толпы вьюрков-вампиров. One of Darwin's famed finches, these vampires get their food by relentlessly pestering larger birds – they peck at the tail feathers until the blood starts flowing, and slurp it up. Tito upíři, jedni z Darwinových proslulých pěnkav, získávají potravu tím, že vytrvale obtěžují větší ptáky - klovou do ocasních per, dokud nezačne téct krev, a pak ji vysávají. One of Darwin's famed finches, these vampires get their food by relentlessly pestering larger birds – they peck at the tail feathers until the blood starts flowing, and slurp it up. Um dos famosos tentilhões de Darwin, esses vampiros obtêm sua comida importunando implacavelmente pássaros maiores – eles bicam as penas da cauda até que o sangue comece a fluir e o suga. Один из знаменитых дарвиновских зябликов, эти вампиры добывают себе пищу, безжалостно приставая к более крупным птицам — они клюют хвостовые перья, пока не потечет кровь, и глотают ее.

Whole gangs of these vampires conspire to drain the blood of island birds, roll eggs off cliffs for the food inside, and to slurp up their vomit. Celé tlupy těchto upírů se spolčují, aby vysávaly krev ostrovních ptáků, shazovaly vejce z útesů pro potravu uvnitř a chlemtaly jejich zvratky. Gangues inteiras desses vampiros conspiram para drenar o sangue dos pássaros da ilha, rolar ovos de penhascos para a comida lá dentro e engolir seu vômito. Целые банды этих вампиров сговариваются, чтобы выпивать кровь островных птиц, скатывать яйца со скал для еды внутри и глотать их рвоту. How about nature's Frankenstein? Well, there's nothing really in nature stitched together and reanimated like Frankenstein, but there is a bug that pieces body parts together for a purpose. V přírodě sice neexistuje nic, co by bylo sešito dohromady a oživeno jako Frankenstein, ale existuje brouk, který spojuje části těla dohromady za určitým účelem. さて、フランケンシュタインのように実際に縫い合わされて蘇生するものは実際にはありませんが、目的のために体の部分をつなぎ合わせるバグがあります。 Bem, não há nada na natureza costurado e reanimado como Frankenstein, mas há um inseto que junta partes do corpo para um propósito. Ну, на самом деле в природе нет ничего сшитого и реанимированного, как Франкенштейна, но есть жук, который соединяет части тела вместе с определенной целью. The assassin bug is like a vampire crossed with Frankenstein. Brouk zabiják je jako upír zkřížený s Frankensteinem. サシガメは、フランケンシュタインと交配した吸血鬼のようなものです。 O inseto assassino é como um vampiro cruzado com Frankenstein. When the assassin bug gets a hold of its prey, it stabs it with a mouth sword then slurps up what's inside. Když se brouk zabiják zmocní své kořisti, probodne ji ústním mečem a pak vycucne to, co je uvnitř. サシガメが獲物を捕まえると、それを口の剣で刺し、中身を丸呑みにします。 Quando o inseto assassino pega sua presa, ele a esfaqueia com uma espada na boca e depois suga o que está dentro. Когда жук-убийца хватает свою добычу, он наносит ей удар мечом во рту, а затем глотает то, что находится внутри. But it doesn't let the body go to waste. Ale nenechá tělo zahálet. しかし、それは体を無駄にすることはありません。 Но это не дает организму пропадать. It piles the corpses and body parts of its victims on its back to act like armor and camouflage. Na hřbetě má mrtvoly a části těl svých obětí, které slouží jako brnění a maskování. 犠牲者の死体と体の部分を背中に積み上げて、鎧やカモフラージュのように振る舞います。 Ele empilha os cadáveres e partes do corpo de suas vítimas nas costas para agir como armadura e camuflagem. Он складывает трупы и части тел своих жертв на спину, чтобы действовать как доспехи и камуфляж. It gives you the perfect opportunity to yell “IT'S ALIVE!” when that pile of dead bugs starts moving around. Dá a você a oportunidade perfeita de gritar “ESTÁ VIVO!” quando aquela pilha de insetos mortos começa a se mover. I think body-snatching monsters are probably the creepiest of all. Acho que os monstros que roubam corpos são provavelmente os mais assustadores de todos. Я думаю, монстры, похищающие тела, наверное, самые жуткие из всех. Yep, nature has those too, and they take over your eyes. Ano, i ty má příroda a ovládnou vaše oči. うん、自然にもそれらがあり、それらはあなたの目を引き継ぎます。 Sim, a natureza também os tem e eles dominam seus olhos. Leucochloridium is a fancy name for a parasite that turns a snail's eyestocks into pulsing rave lights. Leucochloridium é um nome chique para um parasita que transforma os olhos de um caracol em luzes pulsantes. Leucochloridium — причудливое название паразита, который превращает глазные яблоки улиток в пульсирующие восторженные огоньки.

This parasitic worm is a cross between a zombifier and a body snatcher. この寄生虫は、ゾンビファイアとボディスナッチャーの交配種です。 Este verme parasita é um cruzamento entre um zumbi e um ladrão de corpos. After eating one of the worm's eggs, the snail gets basically a worm tumor in its liver. Depois de comer um dos ovos do verme, o caracol fica basicamente com um tumor de verme no fígado. Съев одно из яиц червя, у улитки в печени образуется глистная опухоль. Then it's chemically castrated. Depois é castrado quimicamente. Потом его химически кастрируют. After that, the worm sends sacs of larvae into the eye stocks of the snail, which dance like every bird is watching. その後、ワームは幼虫の袋をカタツムリの目のストックに送ります。カタツムリはすべての鳥が見ているように踊ります。 Depois disso, o verme envia sacos de larvas para os olhos do caracol, que dançam como se todo pássaro estivesse olhando. После этого червь отправляет мешочки с личинками в глазницы улитки, которые танцуют так, как будто за ними наблюдает каждая птица. The eyestocks now look like tasty caterpillars to passing birds, but the snails don't just wait around all day waiting to be blinded. Os olhos agora parecem lagartas saborosas para os pássaros que passam, mas os caracóis não ficam esperando o dia todo para serem cegados. Глазные стаи теперь выглядят как вкусные гусеницы для пролетающих птиц, но улитки не просто ждут весь день, ожидая, когда их ослепят. So the worm changes the snail's behavior so that it's no longer nocturnal and makes it move around up to three times as much. Assim, o verme muda o comportamento do caracol para que ele deixe de ser noturno e o faça se movimentar até três vezes mais. Таким образом, червь меняет поведение улитки, так что она больше не ведет ночной образ жизни и заставляет ее двигаться в три раза больше. Then the snails get their eyes plucked out by birds. Затем улиткам вырывают глаза птицы.

In Hollywood they say, never work with kids or animals. В Голливуде говорят, никогда не работай с детьми или животными. The latter is much better advice, especially if you're making a monster movie. O último é um conselho muito melhor, especialmente se você estiver fazendo um filme de monstros. Последний совет гораздо лучше, особенно если вы снимаете фильм о монстрах. We know that nature has been making its own horror film fodder for billions of years, and we are just playing catch-up. Sabemos que a natureza tem feito seu próprio filme de terror por bilhões de anos, e estamos apenas tentando recuperar o atraso. Мы знаем, что природа миллиарды лет сама готовила корм для фильмов ужасов, а мы просто играем в догонялки. Why? Because Science. Want more creepy science? Quer ciência mais assustadora? Хотите больше жуткой науки? Check out my latest video on The Walking Dead virus. And got questions?

Follow me on the Twitterverse @Sci_Phile. Thanks!