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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 041: A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally

041: A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally

There's one way to be rational; there are many ways to be irrational. We could be irrational by getting confused, not taking actions, being myopic, vindictive, emotional. You name it. There's lots of ways to be wrong. And because of that, there's not one way to fix it.

But one interesting way to try and inject some rationality is to think from an outsider's perspective. So here's what happens. When you think about your own life, you're trapped within your own perspective. You're trapped within your own emotions and feelings and so on. But if you give advice to somebody else, all of a sudden you're not trapped within that emotional combination, mish-mash, complexity and you can give advice that is more forward-looking and not so specific to the emotions.

So one idea is to basically ask people for advice. So if you're falling in love with some person, good advice is to go to your mother and say, “Mother, what do you think about the long-term compatibility of that person?” You're infatuated, right. When you're infatuated you're not able to see things three months down the road. You're saying I'm infatuated. I'll stay infatuated forever and this will never go away. Your mother being an outsider is not infatuated and she could probably look at things like long-term compatibility and so on. But there's other ways to do it which is not to be advisors to other people but to be advisors for ourselves.

So for example, in one experiment, we asked people, we said, “Look, you went to your doctor. They gave you this diagnosis. You know that the thing that the doctor recommended is much more expensive and there are other things that would be much cheaper. Would you go for a second opinion?” And people say, “No, my doctor recommended it. How could I not take their advice? How could I say, ‘Can you please refer me for a second opinion? '” Then we asked another group. We said, “Here is the situation. If this happened to your friend, would you recommend that they go for a second opinion?” People said, “Absolutely. How could you not go for a second opinion?” So one idea is to try and get ourselves from an outside perspective. You look at the situation and then you say to yourself if this was about somebody else, somebody I love and care about and then when this situation… what would I advise them? And you would realize that often your advice will be different and often a more rational, useful perspective.

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There's one way to be rational; there are many ways to be irrational. Es gibt einen Weg, rational zu sein; Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, irrational zu sein. 合理的になる方法が1つあります。非合理的な方法はたくさんあります。 Há uma maneira de ser racional; há muitas maneiras de ser irracional. 有一種方法可以保持理性;有很多方法可以變得非理性。 We could be irrational by getting confused, not taking actions, being myopic, vindictive, emotional. Wir könnten irrational sein, indem wir verwirrt werden, nichts unternehmen, kurzsichtig, rachsüchtig oder emotional sind. 私たちは混乱し、行動を起こさず、近視的、復讐心、感情的になることによって、不合理になる可能性があります。 Podemos ser irracionais por ficar confusos, não agir, ser míopes, vingativos, emocionais. Мы можем быть иррациональными, путаясь, не предпринимая действий, будучи близорукими, мстительными, эмоциональными. 我們可能會因為困惑、不採取行動、短視、報復和情緒化而變得不理性。 You name it. Sie nennen es. あなたはそれに名前を付けます。 O que você disser. Называйте как хотите. There's lots of ways to be wrong. Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, falsch zu liegen. 間違っている方法はたくさんあります。 Há muitas maneiras de estar errado. 有很多方法會出錯。 And because of that, there's not one way to fix it. Und deshalb gibt es keine Möglichkeit, es zu beheben. そのため、修正する方法は1つではありません。 E por causa disso, não há uma maneira de corrigi-lo. 正因為如此,沒有一種方法可以解決它。

But one interesting way to try and inject some rationality is to think from an outsider's perspective. Aber ein interessanter Weg, um zu versuchen, etwas Rationalität einzubringen, besteht darin, aus der Perspektive eines Außenstehenden zu denken. しかし、合理性を試して注入する興味深い方法の1つは、部外者の視点から考えることです。 Mas uma maneira interessante de tentar injetar alguma racionalidade é pensar de uma perspectiva de fora. So here's what happens. だからここに何が起こるかです。 Então aqui está o que acontece. When you think about your own life, you're trapped within your own perspective. 自分の人生について考えるとき、自分の視点に閉じ込められています。 Quando você pensa em sua própria vida, fica preso em sua própria perspectiva. 當您考慮自己的生活時,您會被困在自己的觀點中。 You're trapped within your own emotions and feelings and so on. ||dentro de||suas próprias|||||| あなたは自分自身の感情や感情などの中に閉じ込められています。 Você está preso dentro de suas próprias emoções e sentimentos e assim por diante. But if you give advice to somebody else, all of a sudden you're not trapped within that emotional combination, mish-mash, complexity and you can give advice that is more forward-looking and not so specific to the emotions. しかし、誰かにアドバイスを与えると、突然、その感情的な組み合わせ、ミッシュマッシュ、複雑さの中に閉じ込められなくなり、より前向きで、感情にそれほど特有ではないアドバイスを与えることができます。 Mas se você dá conselhos a outra pessoa, de repente você não está preso nessa combinação emocional, mish-mash, complexidade e você pode dar conselhos que são mais voltados para o futuro e não tão específicos para as emoções. 但是如果你給別人建議,突然之間你就不會被困在那種情緒組合、混雜、複雜性中,你可以給出更具前瞻性的建議,而不是針對情緒的具體建議。

So one idea is to basically ask people for advice. つまり、基本的には人々にアドバイスを求めることです。 Então, uma ideia é basicamente pedir conselhos às pessoas. 所以一個想法是基本上向人們徵求意見。 So if you're falling in love with some person, good advice is to go to your mother and say, “Mother, what do you think about the long-term compatibility of that person?” You're infatuated, right. したがって、誰かと恋に落ちた場合、良いアドバイスは、母親のところに行き、「母親、その人の長期的な相性についてどう思いますか?」あなたはうんざりしていますね。 Então, se você está se apaixonando por uma pessoa, um bom conselho é ir até sua mãe e dizer: “Mãe, o que você acha da compatibilidade de longo prazo dessa pessoa?” Você está apaixonado, certo. 所以如果你愛上了一個人,好的建議是去找你媽媽說,“媽媽,你覺得那個人的長期兼容性怎麼樣?”你迷戀了,對吧。 When you're infatuated you're not able to see things three months down the road. Wenn du betört bist, kannst du die Dinge drei Monate später nicht sehen. 夢中になっていると、3か月後に物事を見ることができません。 Quando você está apaixonado, você não consegue ver as coisas daqui a três meses. Когда вы увлечены, вы не способны видеть вещи на три месяца вперед. 當你迷戀時,你無法看到三個月後的事情。 You're saying I'm infatuated. あなたは私が夢中になっていると言っています。 Você está dizendo que estou apaixonada. 你說我癡情。 I'll stay infatuated forever and this will never go away. Ich werde für immer betört bleiben und das wird nie verschwinden. 私はいつまでも夢中になっていて、これが消えることはありません。 Eu vou ficar apaixonado para sempre e isso nunca vai embora. 我會永遠痴迷,這永遠不會消失。 Your mother being an outsider is not infatuated and she could probably look at things like long-term compatibility and so on. Ihre Mutter ist als Außenseiterin nicht vernarrt und könnte sich wahrscheinlich Dinge wie Langzeitverträglichkeit und so weiter ansehen. あなたの母親が部外者であることには夢中になることはなく、おそらく彼女は長期的な互換性などを見ることができます。 Sua mãe sendo uma estranha não está apaixonada e ela provavelmente poderia olhar para coisas como compatibilidade de longo prazo e assim por diante. But there's other ways to do it which is not to be advisors to other people but to be advisors for ourselves. Aber es gibt andere Möglichkeiten, dies zu tun, nämlich nicht Berater für andere zu sein, sondern Berater für uns selbst zu sein. しかし、それを行うには他の方法があります。それは他の人々のアドバイザーではなく、自分自身のアドバイザーになることです。 Mas há outras maneiras de fazer isso, que não é ser conselheiro de outras pessoas, mas ser conselheiro de nós mesmos.

So for example, in one experiment, we asked people, we said, “Look, you went to your doctor. So fragten wir zum Beispiel in einem Experiment Leute, wir sagten: „Schauen Sie, Sie sind zu Ihrem Arzt gegangen. たとえば、ある実験で、私たちは人々に尋ねました。 Então, por exemplo, em um experimento, perguntamos às pessoas e dissemos: “Olha, você foi ao seu médico. 例如,在一項實驗中,我們問人們,我們說,“看,你去看了醫生。 They gave you this diagnosis. Sie haben Ihnen diese Diagnose gegeben. 彼らはあなたにこの診断をしました。 Eles lhe deram esse diagnóstico. You know that the thing that the doctor recommended is much more expensive and there are other things that would be much cheaper. Sie wissen, dass das, was der Arzt empfohlen hat, viel teurer ist und es andere Dinge gibt, die viel billiger wären. あなたは医者が勧めたものははるかに高価であり、はるかに安くなる他のものがあることを知っています。 Você sabe que a coisa que o médico recomendou é muito mais cara e tem outras coisas que seriam bem mais baratas. 你知道醫生推薦的東西要貴得多,還有其他的東西會便宜得多。 Would you go for a second opinion?” And people say, “No, my doctor recommended it. セカンドオピニオンを求めますか?」そして人々は言う、「いいえ、私の医者はそれを勧めました。 Você procuraria uma segunda opinião?” E as pessoas dizem: “Não, meu médico recomendou. 你會去征求第二意見嗎?”人們說,“不,我的醫生推薦的。 How could I not take their advice? Wie konnte ich ihren Rat nicht annehmen? どうすれば彼らの助言が得られないのでしょうか? Como eu poderia não seguir seus conselhos? How could I say, ‘Can you please refer me for a second opinion? Wie könnte ich sagen: „Können Sie mir bitte eine zweite Meinung einholen? 「セカンドオピニオンについて私を紹介していただけませんか?」 Como eu poderia dizer: 'Você pode me indicar uma segunda opinião? 我怎麼能說,‘你能請我給我第二個意見嗎? '” Then we asked another group. それから、別のグループに尋ねました。 '” Então perguntamos a outro grupo. We said, “Here is the situation. 「これが状況です。 Dissemos: “Aqui está a situação. If this happened to your friend, would you recommend that they go for a second opinion?” People said, “Absolutely. Wenn dies Ihrem Freund passiert ist, würden Sie ihm empfehlen, eine zweite Meinung einzuholen?“ Die Leute sagten: „Absolut. これがあなたの友人に起こった場合、彼らはセカンドオピニオンをとることを勧めますか?」人々は「絶対に。 Se isso acontecesse com seu amigo, você recomendaria que ele procurasse uma segunda opinião?” As pessoas diziam: “Com certeza. How could you not go for a second opinion?” So one idea is to try and get ourselves from an outside perspective. Wie konntest du nicht eine zweite Meinung einholen?“ Eine Idee ist also, zu versuchen, uns selbst aus einer Außenperspektive zu bekommen. どうしてセカンドオピニオンを求められないのですか?」したがって、1つのアイデアは、外部の視点から自分自身を試すことです。 Como você pode não ir para uma segunda opinião?” Então, uma ideia é tentar nos ver de uma perspectiva externa. 你怎麼能不徵求第二意見?”因此,一個想法是嘗試從外部角度了解自己。 You look at the situation and then you say to yourself if this was about somebody else, somebody I love and care about and then when this situation… what would I advise them? Du siehst dir die Situation an und dann sagst du dir, wenn es um jemand anderen ginge, jemanden, den ich liebe und um den ich mich sorge, und dann, wenn diese Situation … was würde ich ihnen raten? あなたは状況を見て、これが他の誰か、私が愛し、気にかけている誰かについてであるかどうかを自分に言い、そしてこの状況がいつ…私は彼らに何をアドバイスしますか? Você olha para a situação e então diz a si mesmo se isso fosse sobre outra pessoa, alguém que eu amo e me importo e então quando essa situação... o que eu aconselharia a eles? 你看看情況,然後你對自己說,如果這是關於別人,我愛和關心的人,然後當這種情況……我會給他們什麼建議? And you would realize that often your advice will be different and often a more rational, useful perspective. Und Sie würden erkennen, dass Ihr Rat oft anders und oft eine rationalere, nützlichere Perspektive ist. そして、あなたはしばしばあなたのアドバイスが異なり、しばしばより合理的で有用な見方をすることを理解するでしょう。 E você perceberia que muitas vezes seu conselho será diferente e muitas vezes uma perspectiva mais racional e útil. 你會意識到,你的建議通常會有所不同,而且往往是一個更理性、更有用的觀點。