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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 035: Are Discipline and Play Compatible?

035: Are Discipline and Play Compatible?

I think of myself as a man of contradictions. I mean first I am very brutal in my way of thinking. I love or I hate; it's black or it's white, which is not very true because then a part of me loves the gray festivals. But anyway I realize that I am a man of contradiction and extreme and very often I state something and within the same sentence I contradict myself. Or I give a rule and of course I add the exceptions to that rule.

The discipline that I demand in many of my arts — the discipline of spending hours in front of a mirror perfecting a magic trick by manipulation — also comes with its antidote or its extreme, which is the opposite of discipline. Forget about what you're doing. Don't work; play. And very often in my arts, taking the magic again as an example, if I stop working on a move, but if I just fool around, as you would say, with a deck of cards, you know, watching a film or talking to a friend — suddenly out of the playfulness will come a great invention. It could be a very small detail, but a way to turn a card or something that I can use in a magic trick and it didn't come from the discipline of work; it came from its opposite. It came with playing, you know. So I advocate that and I think I am a man who works very hard and also plays very hard, enjoys life.

035: Are Discipline and Play Compatible? 035: Sind Disziplin und Spiel miteinander vereinbar? 035: ¿Son compatibles la disciplina y el juego? 035: Disciplina e gioco sono compatibili? 035:しつけと遊びは両立するか? 035: Czy dyscyplina i zabawa są kompatybilne? 035: Disciplina e Jogo são Compatíveis? 035: Совместимы ли дисциплина и игра? 035: Disiplin ve Oyun Uyumlu mudur? 035: Чи сумісні дисципліна та гра? 035:纪律和游戏兼容吗? 035:紀律和遊戲兼容嗎?

I think of myself as a man of contradictions. ||||||||суперечностей 私は自分を矛盾した人だと思っています。 Eu me considero um homem de contradições. Я считаю себя человеком противоречий. I mean first I am very brutal in my way of thinking. 私は最初に私の考え方で非常に残忍であることを意味します。 Quer dizer, primeiro sou muito brutal na minha maneira de pensar. I love or I hate; it's black or it's white, which is not very true because then a part of me loves the gray festivals. 私は好きか嫌いか。それは黒か白ですが、それは私の一部が灰色のお祭りを愛しているので、あまり真実ではありません。 Eu amo ou odeio; é preto ou é branco, o que não é muito verdade, porque uma parte de mim adora os festivais cinzentos. я люблю или ненавижу; это черное или это белое, что не очень верно, потому что тогда часть меня любит серые фестивали. But anyway I realize that I am a man of contradiction and extreme and very often I state something and within the same sentence I contradict myself. ||||||||||суперечність|||||||||||||||суперечити| しかし、とにかく私は自分が矛盾していて極端な人であり、非常に頻繁に何かを述べ、同じ文の中で自分自身と矛盾していることに気づきます。 Mas de qualquer maneira eu percebo que sou um homem de contradições e extremos e muitas vezes eu afirmo algo e dentro da mesma frase eu me contradigo. Но в любом случае я понимаю, что я человек противоречивый и крайний, и очень часто я что-то утверждаю и в том же предложении противоречу сам себе. Or I give a rule and of course I add the exceptions to that rule. Ou dou uma regra e, claro, adiciono as exceções a essa regra.

The discipline that I demand in many of my arts — the discipline of spending hours in front of a mirror perfecting a magic trick by manipulation — also comes with its antidote or its extreme, which is the opposite of discipline. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||counterbalance||||||||| A disciplina que exijo em muitas de minhas artes - a disciplina de passar horas em frente a um espelho aperfeiçoando um truque de mágica pela manipulação - também vem com seu antídoto ou seu extremo, que é o oposto da disciplina. Дисциплина, которую я требую во многих своих искусствах - дисциплина, когда часами сидишь перед зеркалом и совершенствуешь фокус с помощью манипуляций - также имеет свое противоядие или свою крайность, которая является противоположностью дисциплины. Forget about what you're doing. Esqueça o que está fazendo. Don't work; play. Não trabalhe; Toque. And very often in my arts, taking the magic again as an example, if I stop working on a move, but if I just fool around, as you would say, with a deck of cards, you know, watching a film or talking to a friend — suddenly out of the playfulness will come a great invention. E muitas vezes nas minhas artes, tomando a magia novamente como exemplo, se eu parar de trabalhar em um movimento, mas se eu apenas brincar, como você diria, com um baralho de cartas, você sabe, assistindo um filme ou conversando com um amigo - de repente, da brincadeira surgirá uma grande invenção. И очень часто в моем искусстве, если взять в качестве примера магию, если я перестану работать над ходом, а просто буду, как вы сказали бы, дурачиться с колодой карт, смотреть фильм или разговаривать с другом - вдруг из игривости родится великое изобретение. It could be a very small detail, but a way to turn a card or something that I can use in a magic trick and it didn't come from the discipline of work; it came from its opposite. Pode ser um detalhe muito pequeno, mas uma forma de virar uma carta ou algo que eu possa usar em um truque de mágica e não veio da disciplina de trabalho; veio de seu oposto. Это может быть очень маленькая деталь, но способ повернуть карту или что-то, что я могу использовать в фокусе, и это пришло не из дисциплины работы; это пришло из ее противоположности. It came with playing, you know. Veio com a brincadeira, sabe. So I advocate that and I think I am a man who works very hard and also plays very hard, enjoys life. Então eu defendo isso e acho que sou um homem que trabalha muito e também joga muito, aproveita a vida. Поэтому я выступаю за это и считаю себя человеком, который очень много работает, а также очень много играет, наслаждается жизнью.