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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 034: Why THE FLASH Is Faster Than You Think!

034: Why THE FLASH Is Faster Than You Think!

You live in the past. It's weird, I know, but even right now you are living life with lag. The only human who isn't is The Flash. In the DC universe a few mortals have assumed the identity of The Flash, but they all possess the almighty speed force, an ability to move at incredible speeds derived from some undefined extra-dimension.

Moving at superhero-speed makes for some weird consequences in physics, but time perception is definitely the weirdest. Light has to go through a few steps in your eyes and brain before you actually see it. For example, when you're looking at your computer screen right now, photons are hitting the backs of your eyes, touching off complex chemical signals, that are then translated into electricity.

These electrical signals are sent along neurons to the back of the brain, and eventually translated into what we see. But this process isn't instantaneous. This path is some distance and it takes some time. If life were a movie, it would be running at about sixty frames per second. This means that there is some of life that you are missing. Not only are you seeing the world as it was, milliseconds ago, but you are seeing life in frames, and not continuously.

Other organisms live a bit more in the now. The golden-mantled ground squirrel, for example, experiences the world at 120 frames per second. Flies see the world at what would effectively look like bullet-time, at 250 frames per second. But the epitome of perception has to be The Flash. It's because he wouldn't be able to see anything otherwise. The Flash can sprint at the speed of light. At those speeds, it would seem like light bunches up, like how an ambulance seems to get louder when it's rushing towards you. If The Flash's brain also couldn't process information at those insane speeds, the world would blur out. It's counter-intuitive, but by moving at or near light-speed, The Flash's world would be one standing still. By processing information as fast as he can run, he is closer to reality than any of us. Woah. There are less philosophical points here too. By processing information that fast, The Flash could pick out any single frame of a movie just by watching it, you know, kinda like that single frame of porn in Fight Club. Or not. He could see every individual flap of a hummingbird's wings. Thinking at the speed of light gives The Flash access to more of reality than any of us have. To him, our lives would look like a laggy MMO. To understand the present it seems, you have to understand the fast. Why? Because science.

Thanks for watching the first episode of my new show, you can check back right here every Thursday for a new episode or click subscribe, to get them delivered automatically. Still have questions? You can find me on the Twitterverse

@Sci_Phile. Thanks!

034: Why THE FLASH Is Faster Than You Think! 034: Warum THE FLASH schneller ist, als Sie denken! 034: Γιατί το FLASH είναι πιο γρήγορο απ' ό,τι νομίζετε! 034: ¡Por qué EL FLASH es más rápido de lo que crees! 034 : Pourquoi le FLASH est plus rapide que vous ne le pensez ! 034: フラッシュはなぜ速いのか? 034: 플래시가 생각보다 빠른 이유! 034: Dlaczego FLASH jest szybszy niż myślisz! 034: Porque é que o FLASH é mais rápido do que pensa! 034: Почему FLASH быстрее, чем вы думаете! 034: FLASH Neden Düşündüğünüzden Daha Hızlı! 034:为什么闪光灯比你想象的要快! 034:為什麼閃光燈比你想像的要快!

You live in the past. あなたは過去に住んでいます。 Você vive no passado. It's weird, I know, but even right now you are living life with lag. It's weird, I know, but even right now you are living life with lag. 変だと思いますが、今でもラグのある生活を送っています。 É estranho, eu sei, mas mesmo agora você está vivendo com lag. The only human who isn't is The Flash. そうでない唯一の人間はフラッシュです。 O único humano que não é é o Flash. In the DC universe a few mortals have assumed the identity of The Flash, but they all possess the almighty speed force, an ability to move at incredible speeds derived from some undefined extra-dimension. ||||||人間|||||||||||||全能の|||||||||||||未定義の|| DCユニバースでは、数人の死すべき者がフラッシュのアイデンティティを想定していますが、それらはすべて、未定義の余分な次元から派生した信じられないほどの速度で動く能力である全能のスピードフォースを持っています。 No universo DC, alguns mortais assumiram a identidade do Flash, mas todos eles possuem a força de velocidade onipotente, uma capacidade de se mover a velocidades incríveis derivada de alguma dimensão extra indefinida. Во вселенной DC несколько смертных приняли облик Флэша, но все они обладают всемогущей силой скорости - способностью двигаться с невероятной скоростью, полученной из какого-то неопределенного сверхизмерения.

Moving at superhero-speed makes for some weird consequences in physics, but time perception is definitely the weirdest. スーパーヒーローの速度で移動すると、物理学に奇妙な結果がもたらされますが、時間の知覚は間違いなく最も奇妙です。 Mover-se na velocidade de um super-herói traz algumas consequências estranhas na física, mas a percepção do tempo é definitivamente a mais estranha. Light has to go through a few steps in your eyes and brain before you actually see it. 光は、実際に見る前に、目と脳のいくつかのステップを通過する必要があります。 A luz tem que passar por alguns passos em seus olhos e cérebro antes de você realmente vê-la. For example, when you're looking at your computer screen right now, photons are hitting the backs of your eyes, touching off complex chemical signals, that are then translated into electricity. |||||||||||光子|||||||||||||||||| Por exemplo, quando você está olhando para a tela do seu computador agora, os fótons estão atingindo a parte de trás dos seus olhos, disparando sinais químicos complexos, que são então traduzidos em eletricidade.

These electrical signals are sent along neurons to the back of the brain, and eventually translated into what we see. Esses sinais elétricos são enviados ao longo dos neurônios para a parte posterior do cérebro e, eventualmente, traduzidos no que vemos. But this process isn't instantaneous. ||||瞬時ではない Mas esse processo não é instantâneo. This path is some distance and it takes some time. Esse caminho é um pouco distante e leva algum tempo. If life were a movie, it would be running at about sixty frames per second. 人生が映画だとしたら、それは毎秒約60フレームで実行されます。 Se a vida fosse um filme, estaria rodando a cerca de sessenta quadros por segundo. This means that there is some of life that you are missing. これは、あなたが失っている人生のいくつかがあることを意味します。 Isso significa que você está perdendo um pouco da vida. Not only are you seeing the world as it was, milliseconds ago, but you are seeing life in frames, and not continuously. ||||||||||ミリ秒||||||||||| 数ミリ秒前の世界を見ているだけでなく、継続的にではなく、フレームで生命を見ているのです。 Você não está apenas vendo o mundo como ele era, milissegundos atrás, mas está vendo a vida em quadros, e não continuamente.

Other organisms live a bit more in the now. 他の生物は今ではもう少し生きています。 Outros organismos vivem um pouco mais no agora. The golden-mantled ground squirrel, for example, experiences the world at 120 frames per second. ||覆われた||||||||||| たとえば、キンイロジリスは毎秒120フレームで世界を体験します。 O esquilo com manto dourado, por exemplo, experimenta o mundo a 120 quadros por segundo. Flies see the world at what would effectively look like bullet-time, at 250 frames per second. ハエは、毎秒250フレームで、効果的にバレットタイムのように見える世界を見ることができます。 As moscas veem o mundo no que efetivamente pareceria com tempo de bala, a 250 quadros por segundo. But the epitome of perception has to be The Flash. しかし、知覚の縮図はフラッシュでなければなりません。 Mas o epítome da percepção tem que ser o Flash. Но воплощением восприятия должен быть "Флэш". It's because he wouldn't be able to see anything otherwise. それ以外は何も見えないからです。 É porque ele não seria capaz de ver nada de outra forma. Потому что иначе он не смог бы ничего увидеть. The Flash can sprint at the speed of light. フラッシュは光速でスプリントできます。 O Flash pode correr na velocidade da luz. Флэш может бегать со скоростью света. At those speeds, it would seem like light bunches up, like how an ambulance seems to get louder when it's rushing towards you. それらの速度では、救急車があなたに向かって急いでいるときに救急車がどのように大きくなるように見えるかのように、光が集まっているように見えます。 Nessas velocidades, parece que a luz aumenta, como uma ambulância parece ficar mais barulhenta quando está vindo em sua direção. На таких скоростях кажется, что свет сгущается, подобно тому, как скорая помощь становится громче, когда мчится навстречу. If The Flash's brain also couldn't process information at those insane speeds, the world would blur out. ||フラッシュの|||||||||||||| フラッシュの脳もこれらの異常な速度で情報を処理できなければ、世界はぼやけてしまうでしょう。 Se o cérebro do Flash também não pudesse processar informações nessas velocidades insanas, o mundo ficaria borrado. It's counter-intuitive, but by moving at or near light-speed, The Flash's world would be one standing still. É contra-intuitivo, mas movendo-se na velocidade da luz ou próximo a ela, o mundo do Flash seria um parado. Это противоречит интуиции, но, двигаясь со скоростью света или близкой к ней, мир Флэша будет стоять на месте. By processing information as fast as he can run, he is closer to reality than any of us. 彼はできるだけ速く情報を処理することで、私たちの誰よりも現実に近づいています。 Ao processar informações tão rápido quanto pode executar, ele está mais perto da realidade do que qualquer um de nós. Woah. Uau. There are less philosophical points here too. ここにも哲学的なポイントはありません。 Existem pontos menos filosóficos aqui também. Здесь есть и менее философские моменты. By processing information that fast, The Flash could pick out any single frame of a movie just by watching it, you know, kinda like that single frame of porn in Fight Club. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ポルノ||| 情報を非常に高速に処理することで、フラッシュは映画を見るだけで映画の1つのフレームを選択できます。これは、ファイトクラブのポルノの1つのフレームのようなものです。 Ao processar informações tão rápido, o Flash poderia escolher qualquer quadro único de um filme apenas assistindo, você sabe, meio que aquele único quadro de pornografia no Clube da Luta. Благодаря такой быстрой обработке информации, Флэш мог выбрать любой отдельный кадр фильма, просто посмотрев его, как тот отдельный кадр порно в "Бойцовском клубе". Or not. He could see every individual flap of a hummingbird's wings. ||||||||ハチドリの| 彼はハチドリの羽の個々の羽ばたきを見ることができました。 Ele podia ver cada batida individual das asas de um colibri. Он мог видеть каждый отдельный взмах крыльев колибри. Thinking at the speed of light gives The Flash access to more of reality than any of us have. Pensar na velocidade da luz dá ao Flash acesso a mais realidade do que qualquer um de nós. To him, our lives would look like a laggy MMO. ||||||||遅延の|大規模多人数オンラインゲーム Para ele, nossas vidas pareceriam um MMO vagaroso. Для него наша жизнь была бы похожа на лагающую MMO. To understand the present it seems, you have to understand the fast. どうやら現在を理解するには、速く理解する必要があります。 Para entender o presente, ao que parece, você tem que entender o jejum. Кажется, чтобы понять настоящее, нужно понять прошлое. Why? Because science.

Thanks for watching the first episode of my new show, you can check back right here every Thursday for a new episode or click subscribe, to get them delivered automatically. Obrigado por assistir ao primeiro episódio do meu novo programa, você pode voltar aqui todas as quintas-feiras para ver um novo episódio ou clicar em assinar, para que sejam entregues automaticamente. Still have questions? Ainda tem dúvidas? You can find me on the Twitterverse ||||||ツイッター界 Você pode me encontrar no Twitterverse

@Sci_Phile. 科学|フィル Thanks!