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Learn English With Videos (Mario Vergara), 021: You Don’t Need College to Get a College Education

021: You Don't Need College to Get a College Education

The key to learning online is actually the same key that has always been to learning, is that you have to take ownership over it yourself. A lot of people have, you know, there's this illusion that is created in our classical education system and even at university that someone is teaching it to you. Really, they're creating a context in which you need to pull information and own it yourself. And that especially happens at the university level where if you're not pulling and if you're not owning it, you're not going to do so well. And when you think online, that becomes that much more important. Because you can create the best software and the best video, but unless you set your own goals and you apply, you know, some of the work from Carol Dweck at Stanford, your own growth mindset, unless you exhibit grit and perseverance where you keep trying until you get to something, then even the fanciest software is not going to be of a ton of value.

And so, what we do as creators is we try to make that easier for the consumer of the content. So, at Khan Academy we do a lot of trying to virtually coach someone to have the right mindset, to be perseverant with things. And, y'know, one thing that we strongly believe is videos you can learn from, but even if you're just looking at a video or reading an article, try to do so actively. Don't just passively listen to it, pause it; try to solve it yourself. Once you figure out what the person making the video is about to do, pause it and see if you can do it yourself. Review it yourself. And ideally there would be exercises. And this is actually where most of Khan Academy's investment is, is unlimited exercises that give people feedback and unlimited practice to make sure that they really do understand the material and allows them to review it in a spaced repetition way so they can understand when do they apply with skills. So it really is the active listening, active learning and the practicing and getting feedback and reviewing this. And then actually applying it in your everyday life through projects and whatever else.

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021: You Don’t Need College to Get a College Education 021: Man braucht kein College, um eine College-Ausbildung zu erhalten 021: No hace falta ir a la universidad para tener estudios universitarios 021 : Il n'est pas nécessaire d'aller à l'université pour obtenir une formation universitaire 021:大学教育を受けるのに大学は必要ない 021: 대학 교육을 받기 위해 대학이 필요하지 않습니다. 021: Nie potrzebujesz college'u, aby zdobyć wykształcenie wyższe 021: Você não precisa de faculdade para obter uma educação universitária 021: Вам не нужен колледж, чтобы получить высшее образование 021: Üniversite Eğitimi Almak İçin Üniversiteye İhtiyacınız Yok 021:你不需要大学来接受大学教育 021:接受大学教育不需要上大学

The key to learning online is actually the same key that has always been to learning, is that you have to take ownership over it yourself. Der Schlüssel zum Online-Lernen ist eigentlich derselbe Schlüssel, der schon immer zum Lernen gehörte, nämlich dass man es selbst in die Hand nehmen muss. オンラインで学習するための鍵は、実際に常に学習してきたものと同じです。自分でそれを所有する必要があります。 A chave para aprender online é, na verdade, a mesma chave que sempre foi para aprender, é que você mesmo deve assumir a responsabilidade. Çevrimiçi öğrenmenin anahtarı, aslında her zaman öğrenmenin anahtarıdır, sahipliğini kendiniz almanız gerektiğidir. A lot of people have, you know, there's this illusion that is created in our classical education system and even at university that someone is teaching it to you. Viele Menschen haben, wissen Sie, diese Illusion, die in unserem klassischen Bildungssystem und sogar an der Universität erzeugt wird, dass jemand es ihnen beibringt. 多くの人々が、私たちの古典的な教育システム、そして大学でさえ、誰かがあなたにそれを教えているという幻想が生まれています。 Muitas pessoas têm, você sabe, há essa ilusão que é criada em nosso sistema educacional clássico e até na universidade de que alguém está ensinando para você. Pek çok insan, bilirsiniz, klasik eğitim sistemimizde ve hatta üniversitede bile birileri size öğretiyormuş gibi yaratılan bir illüzyona sahiptir. Really, they're creating a context in which you need to pull information and own it yourself. In Wirklichkeit schaffen sie einen Kontext, in dem man sich selbst Informationen beschaffen und zu eigen machen muss. 本当に、彼らはあなたが情報を引き出して自分でそれを所有する必要があるコンテキストを作成しています。 Na verdade, eles estão criando um contexto no qual você precisa obter informações e possuí-las. And that especially happens at the university level where if you're not pulling and if you're not owning it, you're not going to do so well. Und das gilt besonders für die Universität, wo man nicht so gut abschneidet, wenn man nicht an einem Strang zieht und es sich nicht zu eigen macht. そして、それは特に大学レベルで起こり、あなたが引っ張っていない、そしてあなたがそれを所有していないなら、あなたはそうすることがうまくいかないでしょう。 E isso acontece especialmente no nível universitário, onde se você não está puxando e se você não possui, você não vai se sair tão bem. Ve bu özellikle üniversite düzeyinde olur, eğer çekmezseniz ve ona sahip değilseniz, o kadar iyi yapmayacaksınız. 这尤其发生在大学层面,如果你不拉动并且不拥有它,你就不会做得那么好。 And when you think online, that becomes that much more important. そして、オンラインで考えると、それははるかに重要になります。 E quando você pensa online, isso se torna muito mais importante. Ve çevrimiçi düşündüğünüzde, bu çok daha önemli hale geliyor. Because you can create the best software and the best video, but unless you set your own goals and you apply, you know, some of the work from Carol Dweck at Stanford, your own growth mindset, unless you exhibit grit and perseverance where you keep trying until you get to something, then even the fanciest software is not going to be of a ton of value. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||毅力|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||наполегливість|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Denn Sie können die beste Software und das beste Video erstellen, aber wenn Sie sich keine eigenen Ziele setzen und nicht die Arbeit von Carol Dweck aus Stanford anwenden, wenn Sie nicht den Mut und die Ausdauer aufbringen, es so lange zu versuchen, bis Sie etwas erreicht haben, dann wird auch die tollste Software keinen großen Wert haben. 最高のソフトウェアと最高のビデオを作成できますが、自分の目標を設定して適用しない限り、あなたの成長の考え方であるスタンフォードのキャロル・ドウェックの仕事の一部は、あなたが維持している場所に根気と忍耐力を示さない限り、何かにたどり着くまで試してみると、最も空想的なソフトウェアでさえ、それほどの価値はありません。 Porque você pode criar o melhor software e o melhor vídeo, mas a menos que você defina seus próprios objetivos e aplique, você sabe, parte do trabalho de Carol Dweck em Stanford, sua própria mentalidade de crescimento, a menos que você demonstre determinação e perseverança onde você mantém tentando até chegar a algo, então mesmo o software mais sofisticado não terá muito valor. Потому что вы можете создать лучшее программное обеспечение и лучшее видео, но если вы не поставите собственные цели и не примените, знаете, некоторые из работ Кэрол Двек в Стэнфорде, свой собственный менталитет роста, если вы не проявите смелость и настойчивость, когда вы продолжаете пытаться, пока не добьетесь чего-то, тогда даже самое красивое программное обеспечение не будет иметь большой ценности. Çünkü en iyi yazılımı ve en iyi videoyu yaratabilirsiniz, ancak kendi hedeflerinizi belirlemezseniz ve uygularsanız, bilirsiniz, Stanford'daki Carol Dweck'in çalışmalarının bir kısmı, kendi büyüme zihniyetiniz, nerede azim ve azim sergilemediğiniz sürece bir şeye ulaşana kadar çabalarsanız, o zaman en lüks yazılım bile bir ton değere sahip olmayacaktır. 因为你可以创建最好的软件和最好的视频,但除非你设定自己的目标并应用,你知道,斯坦福大学 Carol Dweck 的一些工作,你自己的成长心态,除非你表现出勇气和毅力。尝试直到你得到一些东西,那么即使是最漂亮的软件也不会有很大的价值。

And so, what we do as creators is we try to make that easier for the consumer of the content. そして、私たちがクリエーターとしてしていることは、コンテンツの消費者にとってそれをより簡単にすることです。 E assim, o que fazemos como criadores é tentar tornar isso mais fácil para o consumidor do conteúdo. Dolayısıyla, içerik oluşturucular olarak yaptığımız şey, içeriğin tüketicisi için bunu kolaylaştırmaya çalışmaktır. So, at Khan Academy we do a lot of trying to virtually coach someone to have the right mindset, to be perseverant with things. |||||||||||||||||||||堅持不|| |||||||||||||||||||||наполегливий|| In der Khan Academy versuchen wir also viel, jemanden virtuell zu coachen, damit er die richtige Einstellung hat und ausdauernd ist. したがって、カーンアカデミーでは、適切な考え方を持ち、物事に忍耐力を持つように、事実上誰かを指導するために多くのことを行っています。 Então, na Khan Academy, tentamos treinar virtualmente alguém para ter a mentalidade certa, para ser perseverante com as coisas. And, y'know, one thing that we strongly believe is videos you can learn from, but even if you're just looking at a video or reading an article, try to do so actively. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||文章||||| Wir sind der festen Überzeugung, dass man aus Videos lernen kann, aber selbst wenn man sich nur ein Video ansieht oder einen Artikel liest, sollte man versuchen, dies aktiv zu tun. そして、私たちが強く信じていることの1つは、学ぶことができる動画です。しかし、動画を見ているだけでも、記事を読んでいるだけでも、積極的にそうするようにしてください。 E, sabe, uma coisa em que acreditamos fortemente são os vídeos com os quais você pode aprender, mas mesmo que esteja apenas assistindo a um vídeo ou lendo um artigo, tente fazê-lo ativamente. Ve biliyorsunuz, kesinlikle inandığımız bir şey de videolardan öğrenebileceğinizdir, ancak sadece bir videoya bakıyor veya bir makale okuyor olsanız bile, bunu aktif bir şekilde yapmaya çalışın. Don't just passively listen to it, pause it; try to solve it yourself. Hören Sie nicht nur passiv zu, halten Sie inne und versuchen Sie, das Problem selbst zu lösen. 受動的に聞くだけではなく、一時停止してください。自分で解決してみてください。 Não apenas ouça passivamente, faça uma pausa; tente resolver sozinho. Sadece pasif bir şekilde dinlemeyin, duraklatın; kendiniz çözmeye çalışın. Once you figure out what the person making the video is about to do, pause it and see if you can do it yourself. ビデオを作成している人が何をしようとしているのかがわかったら、一時停止して自分でできるかどうかを確認します。 Depois de descobrir o que a pessoa que está fazendo o vídeo está prestes a fazer, pause-o e veja se você pode fazer isso sozinho. Videoyu yapan kişinin ne yapmak üzere olduğunu anladıktan sonra, durdurun ve kendiniz yapıp yapamayacağınıza bakın. Review it yourself. 自分で確認してください。 Reveja você mesmo. Kendiniz gözden geçirin. And ideally there would be exercises. Und im Idealfall gäbe es Übungen. そして理想的には演習があるでしょう。 E, idealmente, haveria exercícios. Ve ideal olarak egzersizler olacaktır. And this is actually where most of Khan Academy's investment is, is unlimited exercises that give people feedback and unlimited practice to make sure that they really do understand the material and allows them to review it in a spaced repetition way so they can understand when do they apply with skills. そして、これは実際にカーンアカデミーのほとんどの投資が行われる場所です。無制限のエクササイズで、フィードバックを提供し、無制限の練習をして、材料を本当に理解していることを確認し、間隔を置いて繰り返しレビューして、いつ実行するかを理解できるようにします。スキルを適用します。 E é aqui que está a maior parte do investimento da Khan Academy, são exercícios ilimitados que dão feedback às pessoas e prática ilimitada para garantir que eles realmente entendam o material e permita que eles o revisem de forma espaçada de repetição para que possam entender quando aplicar com habilidade. Khan Academy'nin en çok yatırım yaptığı nokta da aslında burasıdır; insanlara geri bildirim veren sınırsız alıştırmalar ve materyali gerçekten anladıklarından emin olmak için sınırsız pratik yapmak ve becerileri ne zaman uygulayacaklarını anlayabilmeleri için aralıklı tekrarlama yöntemiyle gözden geçirmelerini sağlamak. 这实际上是可汗学院的大部分投资,是无限的练习,为人们提供反馈和无限的练习,以确保他们真正理解材料,并允许他们以间隔重复的方式复习它,这样他们就可以理解他们什么时候做应用技能。 So it really is the active listening, active learning and the practicing and getting feedback and reviewing this. Es geht also wirklich um aktives Zuhören, aktives Lernen, Üben, Feedback einholen und Überprüfen. ですから、実際には、積極的に聞いて、積極的に学び、実践し、フィードバックを得て、これを見直します。 Então é realmente ouvir ativamente, aprender ativamente e praticar e receber feedback e revisar isso. Yani gerçekten aktif dinleme, aktif öğrenme ve pratik yapma, geri bildirim alma ve bunu gözden geçirme. And then actually applying it in your everyday life through projects and whatever else. そして実際に、プロジェクトなどを通じて日常生活にそれを適用します。 E então realmente aplicando-o em sua vida cotidiana através de projetos e qualquer outra coisa.