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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 October, 2011

(Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 October, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Joshua Leo. Voice 2

And I'm Christy VanArragon. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Do you recognize this voice? People around the world have heard this singer. This is the music of international celebrity Michael Jackson. He was a star. But people do not just know Jackson for his music. He is also famous for the struggles and problems of his personal life. When he died in 2009, his story dominated news around the world. Today's Spotlight is on Michael Jackson. Voice 2

Michael Jackson was born in 1958, in Gary Indiana, in the United States. He was the eighth of ten children. His father, Joe, worked in a steel mill. But this was not the work Joe wanted to do. He was also a musician. And he hoped that music could change their life.

Voice 1

The Jackson children had musical skill too. And Joe was determined to develop that skill. Joe formed a musical group with five of the boys. They were called "The Jackson Five". Soon they became very popular.

Voice 2

Joe was their manager and trainer. He planned their music and their performances. He helped them to practice. He gave them strong discipline, to develop their skills. They practiced often, and they learned to do what he said. This was one of the reasons people liked the group. The boys were excellent singers and dancers.

Voice 1

It was during this time that the family became very famous. They began recording music with Motown Records in 1968. Radio stations played their songs. Many people bought their records. They even had their own television show! And Michael was the most popular. People were amazed by his skill at such a young age. He was just ten years old.

Voice 2

All of this was especially amazing because the Jacksons are black. In the nineteen sixties and seventies, there were some popular black musicians. But the Jacksons were one of the first musical groups that were equally popular with black and white Americans.

Voice 1

What many people did not know is that this success came with a great cost. Only the Jackson children know all the details, but it is clear that Joe hurt his children. Later, as an adult, Michael talked about this abuse. He said that Joe threatened the children when they practiced. He beat them if they made mistakes. He hurt them emotionally and physically. As an adult, Michael explained that he was afraid of his father. As a child, he had felt alone with this pain.

Voice 2

But even though the family struggled at home, they grew more and more successful. They changed recording studios, to CBS Records. They wanted to have more control over their music. At CBS Records, they started writing their own songs. And it was here that Michael started recording music by himself, without his brothers. In 1979, he recorded his first solo record, "Off the Wall". This record is still one of the best selling records in the world. He was just twenty-one years old. It included the song, "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough." Voice 1

But it was Jackson's next album that made him an international star. It has sold over one hundred million copies - the highest selling album in the world! It won many awards. People everywhere in the world heard the songs. This was the album "Thriller". Voice 2

But people did not only hear the songs. They also WATCHED them. Thriller came out in 1982. This was soon after a new television channel started in the United States - MTV. The channel was just for music videos - films that played with a song. However, at first, MTV did not play music videos from black musicians. MTV has never stated why they did not play these videos. Today, many sources agree that racism was probably the reason - the channel did not believe that black musicians would bring a large audience. This was not true. There were many popular black musicians at the time. Finally, in 1984, they began to play Jackson's video for the song Billy Jean. With the success of that video, they began to play videos from many other black musicians too.

Voice 1

Jackson's most famous video was for the song "Thriller". Groups of people still perform the dance for this song today!

Voice 2

Jackson continued to release new and interesting music through the eighties and nineties. His albums continued to be very popular. But people did not just know Michael Jackson because of his music. Newspapers and television followed his private life closely. They told increasingly strange stories.

Voice 1

For example, Jackson's appearance changed a lot as he grew older. In the nineteen eighties and nineties, Jackson's skin became lighter and lighter. Many people believed that this was because he was bleaching his skin - using chemicals to make it lighter. Jackson and his doctors stated that this was because of health and skin problems - vitiligo and lupus. Jackson also used heavy makeup on his face, and this made his skin appear lighter too. But his skin was not the only thing that changed. After several injuries, Jackson had operations on his nose. He continued to have similar plastic surgeries on his face. Because of these operations, his appearance continued to change. Friends and doctors later said that he had mental problems, including an addiction to pain medicine.

Voice 2

More seriously, in 1993 and 2003, Jackson faced accusations of sexual abuse of children. He often invited children to his home - and he made his home fun for children. This may be because of his own unhappy childhood. However, some of the children later said that Jackson had abused them sexually. Jackson was tried in court on these charges in 2005, but the jury found him innocent.

Voice 1

As a result of the trial, Jackson lost most of his money. He moved away from the United States. He was planning a new album and concert tour in 2009. It would have been his first tour in more than ten years. But Jackson died very suddenly in June 2009. Around the world, people mourned his death in memorials and ceremonies.

Voice 2

Michael Jackson was truly an international star. People everywhere knew him and his music. But that was both a blessing and a curse. Jackson shared his amazing, inspiring, joyful music with the world. But growing up as a star left him with deep mental wounds. It is important to remember both things - his amazing music and dance, and the sad results of a public life.

Voice 1

The writer of today's program was Christy VanArragon. The producer was Joshua Leo. The voices you heard were from the United States. Visit our website and leave a comment athttp://www.radio.english.net. This program is called "Michael Jackson."

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(Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 October, 2011 |麥可·傑克森|麥可·傑克森| (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 Oktober, 2011 (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 octubre, 2011 (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 ottobre, 2011 (Spotlight4817)マイケルジャクソン2011年10月24日 (스포트라이트4817)마이클 잭슨, 2011년 10월 24일 (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 października, 2011 (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 outubro, 2011 (Spotlight4817)Майкл Джексон 24 октября, 2011 (Spotlight4817)Michael Jackson 24 Ekim, 2011 (Spotlight4817)Майкл Джексон 24 жовтня, 2011 (Spotlight4817)迈克尔·杰克逊 2011 年 10 月 24 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. Welcome to Spotlight. Spotlightへようこそ。 I'm Joshua Leo. |Joshua|Leo ジョシュア・レオです。 Voice 2

And I'm Christy VanArragon. |||VanArragon そして、私はChristyVanArragonです。 Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. Spotlightは、英語の特別な放送方法を使用しています。 It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. 世界のどこに住んでいても、人々は理解しやすいです。

Voice 1

Do you recognize this voice? ||認得|這個聲音| この声を認識しますか? 你認識這個聲音嗎? People around the world have heard this singer. |||||||歌手 世界中の人々がこの歌手を聞いたことがあります。 世界各地的人都聽過這位歌手。 This is the music of international celebrity Michael Jackson. |||||國際知名||| ||||||Berühmtheit|| これは国際的な有名人マイケルジャクソンの音楽です。 這是國際名人麥可傑克森的音樂。 He was a star. But people do not just know Jackson for his music. しかし、人々はジャクソンの音楽を知っているだけではありません。 He is also famous for the struggles and problems of his personal life. er||||||Kämpfe|||||| 彼はまた、彼の個人的な生活の苦労と問題で有名です。 When he died in 2009, his story dominated news around the world. ||||||beherrschte|||| 彼が2009年に亡くなったとき、彼の話は世界中のニュースを支配しました。 Today's Spotlight is on Michael Jackson. 今日のスポットライトはマイケルジャクソンにあります。 Voice 2

Michael Jackson was born in 1958, in Gary Indiana, in the United States. マイケルジャクソンは、1958年に米国のインディアナ州ゲーリーで生まれました。 He was the eighth of ten children. |||achte||| 彼は10人の子供の8番目でした。 His father, Joe, worked in a steel mill. |||||||Stahlwerk 彼の父、ジョーは製鉄所で働いていました。 But this was not the work Joe wanted to do. He was also a musician. And he hoped that music could change their life. そして彼は音楽が彼らの人生を変えることができることを望んでいた。

Voice 1

The Jackson children had musical skill too. ジャクソンの子供たちは音楽のスキルも持っていました。 And Joe was determined to develop that skill. そして、ジョーはそのスキルを開発することを決心しました。 Joe formed a musical group with five of the boys. ジョーは5人の男の子と音楽グループを結成しました。 They were called "The Jackson Five". Soon they became very popular.

Voice 2

Joe was their manager and trainer. |||||Trainer He planned their music and their performances. ||||||Auftritte He helped them to practice. He gave them strong discipline, to develop their skills. 彼は彼らのスキルを伸ばすために、彼らに強い規律を与えました。 They practiced often, and they learned to do what he said. |geübt||||||||| 彼らは頻繁に練習し、彼が言ったことをすることを学びました。 This was one of the reasons people liked the group. これが、人々がグループを気に入った理由の1つでした。 The boys were excellent singers and dancers. ||||||Tänzer

Voice 1

It was during this time that the family became very famous. 家族がとても有名になったのはこの時期でした。 They began recording music with Motown Records in 1968. |||||Motown|| Radio stations played their songs. Many people bought their records. They even had their own television show! 彼らは自分のテレビ番組さえ持っていました! And Michael was the most popular. そしてマイケルが一番人気でした。 People were amazed by his skill at such a young age. He was just ten years old.

Voice 2

All of this was especially amazing because the Jacksons are black. ||||||||Jacksons|| ジャクソンは黒人なので、これらすべては特に素晴らしかったです。 In the nineteen sixties and seventies, there were some popular black musicians. |||sechziger||siebziger|||||| 1960年代と70年代には、人気のある黒人ミュージシャンが何人かいました。 But the Jacksons were one of the first musical groups that were equally popular with black and white Americans. ||||||||||||gleichmäßig|||||| しかし、ジャクソンは、黒人と白人のアメリカ人に等しく人気があった最初の音楽グループの1つでした。

Voice 1

What many people did not know is that this success came with a great cost. 多くの人が知らなかったのは、この成功には多大なコストがかかったということです。 Only the Jackson children know all the details, but it is clear that Joe hurt his children. |||||||Einzelheiten||||||||| ジャクソンの子供たちだけがすべての詳細を知っていますが、ジョーが彼の子供たちを傷つけたことは明らかです。 Later, as an adult, Michael talked about this abuse. 後で、大人として、マイケルはこの虐待について話しました。 He said that Joe threatened the children when they practiced. ||||bedrohte||||| 彼は、ジョーが練習するときに子供たちを脅したと言った。 He beat them if they made mistakes. 彼らが間違いを犯した場合、彼は彼らを打ち負かしました。 He hurt them emotionally and physically. |||emotional|| 彼は彼らを感情的および肉体的に傷つけました。 As an adult, Michael explained that he was afraid of his father. 大人として、マイケルは彼が彼の父を恐れていたと説明しました。 As a child, he had felt alone with this pain. 子供の頃、彼はこの痛みで孤独を感じていました。

Voice 2

But even though the family struggled at home, they grew more and more successful. |||||kämpfte|||||||| しかし、家族は家で苦労していましたが、彼らはますます成功しました。 They changed recording studios, to CBS Records. |||||CBS Records| 彼らはレコーディング スタジオを CBS レコードに変更しました。 They wanted to have more control over their music. 彼らは自分たちの音楽をもっとコントロールしたかったのです。 At CBS Records, they started writing their own songs. CBS Records で、彼らは自分の曲を書き始めました。 And it was here that Michael started recording music by himself, without his brothers. そして、マイケルが兄弟なしで一人で音楽を録音し始めたのはここでした。 In 1979, he recorded his first solo record, "Off the Wall". |||||Soloalbum|||| This record is still one of the best selling records in the world. このレコードは今でも世界で最も売れているレコードの1つです。 He was just twenty-one years old. It included the song, "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough." 「今夜はドント・ストップ」という曲が含まれていました。 Voice 1

But it was Jackson's next album that made him an international star. |||Jacksons||Album|||||| しかし、彼を国際的なスターにしたのは、ジャクソンの次のアルバムでした。 It has sold over one hundred million copies - the highest selling album in the world! 1億枚以上の売り上げを記録しました。これは世界で最も売れているアルバムです。 It won many awards. 多くの賞を受賞しました。 People everywhere in the world heard the songs. This was the album "Thriller". ||||Thriller Voice 2

But people did not only hear the songs. しかし、人々は歌を聞いただけではありませんでした。 They also WATCHED them. 彼らはまたそれらを見ました。 Thriller came out in 1982. スリラーは1982年に登場しました。 This was soon after a new television channel started in the United States - MTV. |||||||Sender||||||Musikfernsehen これは、新しいテレビチャンネルが米国で始まった直後でした-MTV。 The channel was just for music videos - films that played with a song. ||||für|||||||| このチャンネルは、ミュージックビデオ(曲で再生される映画)専用でした。 However, at first, MTV did not play music videos from black musicians. しかし、当初、MTVは黒人ミュージシャンのミュージックビデオを再生しませんでした。 MTV has never stated why they did not play these videos. |hat||angegeben||||||| MTVは、なぜこれらのビデオを再生しなかったのかを述べたことはありません。 Today, many sources agree that racism was probably the reason - the channel did not believe that black musicians would bring a large audience. ||Quellen|||||||||||||||||||| 今日、多くの情報筋は、人種差別がおそらく理由であることに同意しています-チャンネルは、黒人ミュージシャンが大勢の視聴者を連れてくるとは信じていませんでした。 This was not true. これは真実ではありませんでした。 There were many popular black musicians at the time. 当時、人気のある黒人ミュージシャンがたくさんいました。 Finally, in 1984, they began to play Jackson's video for the song Billy Jean. |||||||||||Billy|Jean 最後に、1984年に、彼らはビリー・ジーンという曲のジャクソンのビデオを再生し始めました. With the success of that video, they began to play videos from many other black musicians too. そのビデオの成功により、彼らは他の多くの黒人ミュージシャンのビデオも再生し始めました.

Voice 1

Jackson's most famous video was for the song "Thriller". Groups of people still perform the dance for this song today! ||||aufführen|||||| 今日でも人々のグループがこの曲のダンスを披露しています!

Voice 2

Jackson continued to release new and interesting music through the eighties and nineties. ||||||||||achtziger||neunziger ジャクソンは、80 年代から 90 年代にかけて、新しい興味深い音楽をリリースし続けました。 His albums continued to be very popular. |Alben||||| 彼のアルバムは引き続き非常に人気がありました。 But people did not just know Michael Jackson because of his music. しかし、人々は彼の音楽のためにマイケルジャクソンを知っているだけではありませんでした。 Newspapers and television followed his private life closely. |||||Privatleben||genau They told increasingly strange stories. 彼らはますます奇妙な話をしました。

Voice 1

For example, Jackson's appearance changed a lot as he grew older. たとえば、ジャクソンの外見は年をとるにつれて大きく変わりました。 In the nineteen eighties and nineties, Jackson's skin became lighter and lighter. 1980年代と90年代に、ジャクソンの肌はどんどん軽くなりました。 Many people believed that this was because he was bleaching his skin - using chemicals to make it lighter. |||||||||bleichen|||||||| 多くの人々は、これは彼が皮膚を漂白していたためだと信じていました-化学物質を使用して皮膚を軽くしました。 Jackson and his doctors stated that this was because of health and skin problems - vitiligo and lupus. ||||||||||||||Vitiligo||Lupus ジャクソンと彼の医師は、これは健康と皮膚の問題、つまり白斑と狼瘡が原因であると述べました。 Jackson also used heavy makeup on his face, and this made his skin appear lighter too. ジャクソンも顔に濃いメイクをしていて、肌も明るく見えました。 But his skin was not the only thing that changed. しかし、変わったのは彼の肌だけではありませんでした。 After several injuries, Jackson had operations on his nose. |||||Operationen||| 数回の怪我の後、ジャクソンは鼻を手術した。 He continued to have similar plastic surgeries on his face. ||||||Plastische Operationen||| 彼は彼の顔に同様の整形手術を続けました。 Because of these operations, his appearance continued to change. これらの手術のために、彼の外見は変わり続けました。 Friends and doctors later said that he had mental problems, including an addiction to pain medicine. 友人や医師は後に、彼は鎮痛剤への依存症を含む精神的な問題を抱えていると述べました。

Voice 2

More seriously, in 1993 and 2003, Jackson faced accusations of sexual abuse of children. |||||sah sich konfrontiert|Vorwürfe||||| さらに深刻なことに、1993年と2003年に、ジャクソンは子供の性的虐待の告発に直面しました。 He often invited children to his home - and he made his home fun for children. 彼はしばしば子供たちを彼の家に招待しました-そして彼は彼の家を子供たちのために楽しくしました。 This may be because of his own unhappy childhood. これは、彼自身の不幸な子供時代のせいかもしれません。 However, some of the children later said that Jackson had abused them sexually. ||||||||||missbraucht|| しかし、子供たちの何人かは後に、ジャクソンが彼らを性的に虐待したと言いました. Jackson was tried in court on these charges in 2005, but the jury found him innocent. |||||||||||Jury||| ジャクソンは2005年にこれらの容疑で法廷で裁判にかけられましたが、陪審員は彼を無実と認定しました。

Voice 1

As a result of the trial, Jackson lost most of his money. |||||Prozess|||||| 裁判の結果、ジャクソンは所持金のほとんどを失いました。 He moved away from the United States. He was planning a new album and concert tour in 2009. It would have been his first tour in more than ten years. 10年以上ぶりのツアーだったでしょう。 But Jackson died very suddenly in June 2009. Around the world, people mourned his death in memorials and ceremonies. ||||betrübten||||Gedenkfeiern||Zeremonien 世界中の人々が追悼式や式典で彼の死を悼みました。

Voice 2

Michael Jackson was truly an international star. People everywhere knew him and his music. But that was both a blessing and a curse. |das||||Segen|||Fluch しかし、それは祝福と呪いの両方でした。 Jackson shared his amazing, inspiring, joyful music with the world. |||||freudige|||| ジャクソンは彼の驚くべき、刺激的で楽しい音楽を世界と共有しました。 But growing up as a star left him with deep mental wounds. |||||||||||Wunden しかし、星として成長したことで、彼は深い精神的な傷を負いました。 It is important to remember both things - his amazing music and dance, and the sad results of a public life. 彼の素晴らしい音楽とダンス、そして公の生活の悲しい結果の両方を覚えておくことが重要です。

Voice 1

The writer of today's program was Christy VanArragon. 今日のプログラムの作者はChristyVanArragonでした。 The producer was Joshua Leo. The voices you heard were from the United States. Visit our website and leave a comment athttp://www.radio.english.net. 当社のウェブサイトにアクセスし、http://www.radio.english.netにコメントを残してください。 This program is called "Michael Jackson."