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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 24 October, 2011

(Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 24 October, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Colin Lowther. Voice 2

And I'm Rena Dam. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand - no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A group of people stand in a large room. Above their heads there is a small white airplane. But it is not flying in the sky. It is hanging from the ceiling. It is part of an art show. Other art hangs on the walls. There are many pictures of women. Some are wearing green clothes that cover their whole body. The women are pilots. They fly airplanes.

Voice 2

This art show is at San Diego State University in the United States. It is part of a meeting about women's rights. It is called “Seize the Sky.” All the art is by Simone Aaberg Kaern. She is an artist from Denmark. Today's Spotlight is on the work of this artist. Voice 1

Simone's first art work was about the air and the sky. She saw the air as a place where people can be free. She produced paintings and videos to represent this freedom. Simone began to think that this freedom was especially important for women. She had heard about women who had flown airplanes in World War Two. So for her next project, she decided to talk to these women. She wanted to produce art about their lives.

Voice 2

But one of the women pilots would only meet with Simone under one condition. The woman wanted Simone to learn how to fly an airplane. So Simone took flying lessons. She became a pilot. She flew herself to the United States. There she met with the female pilots from World War Two. She took pictures of them and made drawings. The result was an art show called “Sisters in the Sky.”

Voice 1

Simone loved flying. While flying, she felt free from the limits of land. And she believed this feeling was important for all women. She travelled around the world to meet other female pilots. She made a film about the first female pilot in Iran. Simone also spent time with female fighter pilots in Turkey. She took their pictures and included them in another art project. She put many photographs together to make interesting images.

Voice 2

Then a few years later Simone was reading a Danish newspaper. She read a story about a sixteen year old girl in Kabul, Afghanistan. The girl's name was Farial. Farial's story gave Simone an idea for her next project. Simone told Cinema Netherlands about the story she read:

Voice 3

“The story begins with a girl in Kabul, just out of Taliban rule. She comes to school and her wish for the future is to fly. I read about it and decided to test it! At least she should have a chance to try to fly an airplane”

Voice 1

So in September 2002, Simone flew a small airplane from Denmark to Kabul, Afghanistan. She travelled with another pilot, Magnus Bejmar [MAG-noose bedge-mar]. Their airplane was very old and small. Simone told the television show Wide Angle about the difficulties of the journey:

Voice 3

“There are so many it is hard to tell them all. Generally, weather plays a large part in relation to the challenge of flying in any country. This is especially true when flying in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan. We were not very sure of the airplane's performance as we reached heights up to 12,000 feet.” Voice 2

It was also difficult to get permission to fly. Airplane pilots must tell people on land about their plans to fly. But in 2002 Afghanistan was at war. This area of the sky was very controlled. The authorities were not permitting any airplanes in the sky. But Simone wanted to show that the sky can be free.

Voice 1

Simone and Magnus faced many troubles on their flight. It was difficult for them to find fuel. They had to talk to many people for permission to fly or land their airplane. But they met many people along the way who were willing to help them.

Voice 2

They finally landed their airplane in Kabul. This was very dangerous because they did not have permission to fly there. But Simone found Farial and taught her to fly. Farial was able to reach her dream of flying an airplane. And Simone was very happy to reach her goal too.

Voice 1

Simone and Magnus spent some time with Farial and her family. Then they returned to Denmark. Magnus made a film about their journey. It is called “Smiling in a War Zone.” It shows how Farial learned to fly. But Simone and Magnus also learned many things. Magnus tells the Danish Film Institute about a discovery that he made:

Voice 4

“As it turns out, there are already two sisters in Afghanistan who are helicopter pilots. We came to Afghanistan with a completely developed idea. We thought that Farial would be the first girl in that country, after the Taliban, to fly. Here we come with our artistic ideas and our dreams, and...they are already flying!" Voice 2

Two sisters did train at the Afghan Air Force Academy. They flew together for over 16 years. One of them, Lailuma, died a few years ago. The other sister is now the ONLY female pilot in the Afghan army. Her name is Colonel Latifa Nabizada. She flies a helicopter that brings supplies to Afghan soldiers.

Voice 1

Colonel Latifa came to speak at San Diego University. She was part of the meeting about international women's rights. Simone Aaberg Kaern's art show “Sieze the Sky” was also part of this meeting. First, people saw the videos and art about female pilots. Then they listened to Colonel. Latifa tell her story. The U.S. Air Force reports that at the meeting, Colonel Latifa said:

Voice 5

“I am very happy to attend. It is a good opportunity for me to share my experiences with other women. I am very happy that I can participate as a woman pilot. I am proud for me and for my country and for Afghan Air Corps." Voice 2

Above Colonel Latifa, the small airplane hangs from the ceiling. It is the airplane that Simone and Magnus flew to Afghanistan. Farial flew the same airplane in Kabul. Colonel Latifa is encouraging girls like Farial to one day become pilots. Then they will join what Simone Aaberg Kearn calls the “sisterhood across cultures and generations.”

Voice 1

The writer and producer of this program was Rena Dam. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called, ‘Sisters in the Sky'. Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

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(Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 24 October, 2011 (Spotlight4815)Schwestern im Himmel 24 Oktober, 2011 (Spotlight4815)Hermanas en el cielo 24 octubre, 2011 (Spotlight4815)Sœurs dans le ciel 24 octobre 2011 (Spotlight4815)Sorelle nel cielo 24 ottobre 2011 (Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 2011 年 10 月 24 日 (스포트라이트4815)하늘의 자매들, 2011년 10월 24일 (Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 24 października 2011 r. (Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 24 outubro, 2011 (Spotlight4815)Сестры в небе 24 октября 2011 г. (Spotlight4815)Sisters in the Sky 24 Ekim, 2011 (Spotlight4815)Сестри в небі 24 жовтня, 2011 (Spotlight4815)天空姐妹 2011 年 10 月 24 日 (Spotlight4815)天空姊妹 2011 年 10 月 24 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Colin Lowther. ||Lowther Voice 2

And I'm Rena Dam. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand - no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A group of people stand in a large room. 広い部屋に大勢の人が立っています。 Above their heads there is a small white airplane. But it is not flying in the sky. しかし、空を飛んでいるわけではありません。 It is hanging from the ceiling. 天井からぶら下がっています。 It is part of an art show. Other art hangs on the walls. ||hängt||| There are many pictures of women. 女性の絵が多い。 Some are wearing green clothes that cover their whole body. 全身を覆う緑色の服を着ている人もいます。 The women are pilots. They fly airplanes.

Voice 2

This art show is at San Diego State University in the United States. ||||||Diego|||||| このアートショーは、米国のサンディエゴ州立大学で開催されます。 It is part of a meeting about women's rights. これは、女性の権利に関する会議の一部です。 It is called “Seize the Sky.” All the art is by Simone Aaberg Kaern. |||Erobere||||||||Simone Aaberg|Aaberg Kaern|Kaern She is an artist from Denmark. Today's Spotlight is on the work of this artist. Voice 1

Simone's first art work was about the air and the sky. Simones|||||||||| She saw the air as a place where people can be free. 彼女は空気を人々が自由になれる場所だと考えていました。 She produced paintings and videos to represent this freedom. |schuf|Gemälde|||||| 彼女はこの自由を表現するために絵画やビデオを制作しました。 Simone began to think that this freedom was especially important for women. She had heard about women who had flown airplanes in World War Two. |||||||geflogen||||| 彼女は、第二次世界大戦で飛行機を操縦した女性について聞いたことがあります。 So for her next project, she decided to talk to these women. ||||Projekt||||||| 彼女の次のプロジェクトでは、これらの女性と話をすることにしました。 She wanted to produce art about their lives. 彼女は彼らの生活についての芸術を作りたかった.

Voice 2

But one of the women pilots would only meet with Simone under one condition. しかし、女性パイロットの 1 人は、ある条件の下でしかシモーネと会うことはありませんでした。 The woman wanted Simone to learn how to fly an airplane. その女性は、シモーネに飛行機の操縦方法を習わせたかった。 So Simone took flying lessons. そこでシモーネは飛行訓練を受けました。 She became a pilot. She flew herself to the United States. There she met with the female pilots from World War Two. そこで彼女は第二次世界大戦の女性パイロットに会いました。 She took pictures of them and made drawings. 彼女はそれらの写真を撮り、絵を描きました。 The result was an art show called “Sisters in the Sky.” その結果が、「Sisters in the Sky」というアート ショーでした。

Voice 1

Simone loved flying. While flying, she felt free from the limits of land. 飛んでいる間、彼女は土地の限界から解放されたと感じました。 And she believed this feeling was important for all women. そして彼女は、この感覚がすべての女性にとって重要であると信じていました. She travelled around the world to meet other female pilots. She made a film about the first female pilot in Iran. 彼女はイラン初の女性パイロットについての映画を制作しました。 Simone also spent time with female fighter pilots in Turkey. シモーネはまた、トルコで女性戦闘機パイロットと時間を過ごしました。 She took their pictures and included them in another art project. 彼女は彼らの写真を撮り、それらを別のアート プロジェクトに含めました。 She put many photographs together to make interesting images. ||||||||Bilder 彼女はたくさんの写真を組み合わせて面白いイメージを作りました。

Voice 2

Then a few years later Simone was reading a Danish newspaper. それから数年後、シモーネはデンマークの新聞を読んでいました。 She read a story about a sixteen year old girl in Kabul, Afghanistan. |||||||||||Kabul Afghanistan|Afghanistan 彼女はアフガニスタンのカブールに住む 16 歳の少女の話を読みました。 The girl's name was Farial. ||||Farial Farial's story gave Simone an idea for her next project. Farial's||||||||| Simone told Cinema Netherlands about the story she read: シモーネはシネマ・ネザーランドに彼女が読んだ物語について語った:

Voice 3

“The story begins with a girl in Kabul, just out of Taliban rule. |||||||||||Taliban-Herrschaft| She comes to school and her wish for the future is to fly. 彼女は学校に来て、将来への願いは空を飛ぶことです。 I read about it and decided to test it! 私はそれについて読んで、それをテストすることにしました! At least she should have a chance to try to fly an airplane” せめて飛行機を飛ばしてみるチャンスがあればいいのに」

Voice 1

So in September 2002, Simone flew a small airplane from Denmark to Kabul, Afghanistan. She travelled with another pilot, Magnus Bejmar [MAG-noose bedge-mar]. |||||Magnus Bejmar|Bejmar|MAG|Schlinge|Bedge|Bejmar 彼女は別のパイロット、Magnus Bejmar [MAG-noose bedge-mar] と一緒に旅行しました。 Their airplane was very old and small. Simone told the television show Wide Angle about the difficulties of the journey:

Voice 3

“There are so many it is hard to tell them all. 「すべてを紹介するのは難しいほどたくさんあります。 Generally, weather plays a large part in relation to the challenge of flying in any country. 一般的に、天候はどの国でも飛行の難しさに大きな影響を与えます。 This is especially true when flying in the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan. |||||||||Hindu Kush|| これは、アフガニスタンのヒンドゥークシュで飛行する場合に特に当てはまります。 We were not very sure of the airplane's performance as we reached heights up to 12,000 feet.” |||||||des Flugzeugs|||||Höhen||| 高度 12,000 フィートに達したため、飛行機の性能については確信が持てませんでした。」 Voice 2

It was also difficult to get permission to fly. Airplane pilots must tell people on land about their plans to fly. 飛行機のパイロットは、地上の人々に飛行の計画を伝えなければなりません。 But in 2002 Afghanistan was at war. This area of the sky was very controlled. 空のこの領域は非常に制御されていました。 The authorities were not permitting any airplanes in the sky. |Behörden|||erlaubten||||| 当局は空に飛行機を飛ばすことを許可していませんでした。 But Simone wanted to show that the sky can be free. しかし、シモーネは空が自由であることを示したかったのです。

Voice 1

Simone and Magnus faced many troubles on their flight. シモーネとマグナスは飛行中に多くの問題に直面しました。 It was difficult for them to find fuel. |||||||Treibstoff 彼らが燃料を見つけるのは困難でした。 They had to talk to many people for permission to fly or land their airplane. 彼らは、飛行機を飛ばしたり着陸させたりする許可を得るために、多くの人々と話をしなければなりませんでした。 But they met many people along the way who were willing to help them. しかし、彼らは途中で彼らを助けようとする多くの人々に会いました。

Voice 2

They finally landed their airplane in Kabul. This was very dangerous because they did not have permission to fly there. 彼らはそこに飛ぶ許可を持っていなかったので、これは非常に危険でした。 But Simone found Farial and taught her to fly. しかし、シモーネはファリアルを見つけ、彼女に飛ぶことを教えました。 Farial was able to reach her dream of flying an airplane. ファリアルは飛行機を飛ばすという夢を実現することができました。 And Simone was very happy to reach her goal too. シモーネも目標を達成できてとても幸せでした。

Voice 1

Simone and Magnus spent some time with Farial and her family. Then they returned to Denmark. その後、彼らはデンマークに戻りました。 Magnus made a film about their journey. It is called “Smiling in a War Zone.” It shows how Farial learned to fly. それは「戦場で微笑む」と呼ばれています。ファリアルがどのように飛ぶことを学んだかを示しています。 But Simone and Magnus also learned many things. Magnus tells the Danish Film Institute about a discovery that he made: マグヌスはデンマーク映画協会に対し、彼が発見したことについて次のように語っています。

Voice 4

“As it turns out, there are already two sisters in Afghanistan who are helicopter pilots. 「結局のところ、アフガニスタンにはすでにヘリコプターのパイロットをしている2人の姉妹がいます。 We came to Afghanistan with a completely developed idea. 私たちは完全に発展したアイデアを持ってアフガニスタンに来ました。 We thought that Farial would be the first girl in that country, after the Taliban, to fly. 私たちは、ファリアルがタリバンの後、その国で最初に空を飛んだ少女になるだろうと考えていました。 Here we come with our artistic ideas and our dreams, and...they are already flying!" |||||künstlerischen||||||||| 私たちは芸術的なアイデアと夢を持ってここに来て、そして...それらはすでに飛んでいます!」 Voice 2

Two sisters did train at the Afghan Air Force Academy. ||||||afghanischen||| 2 人の姉妹がアフガニスタン空軍士官学校で訓練を受けました。 They flew together for over 16 years. 彼らは16年以上一緒に飛んでいました。 One of them, Lailuma, died a few years ago. |||Lailuma||||| そのうちの一人、ライルーマは数年前に亡くなりました。 The other sister is now the ONLY female pilot in the Afghan army. もう一人の姉妹は現在、アフガニスタン軍で唯一の女性パイロットです。 Her name is Colonel Latifa Nabizada. |||Oberst|Latifa|Nabizada 彼女の名はラティファ・ナビザダ大佐。 She flies a helicopter that brings supplies to Afghan soldiers. 彼女はアフガニスタンの兵士に物資を運ぶヘリコプターを飛ばします。

Voice 1

Colonel Latifa came to speak at San Diego University. She was part of the meeting about international women's rights. 彼女は、国際的な女性の権利に関する会議に参加していました。 Simone Aaberg Kaern's art show “Sieze the Sky” was also part of this meeting. ||Kaerns|||Erobere|||||||| Simone Aaberg Kaern のアート ショー「Sieze the Sky」もこの会議の一部でした。 First, people saw the videos and art about female pilots. まず、人々は女性パイロットに関するビデオとアートを見ました。 Then they listened to Colonel. Latifa tell her story. The U.S. Air Force reports that at the meeting, Colonel Latifa said:

Voice 5

“I am very happy to attend. It is a good opportunity for me to share my experiences with other women. I am very happy that I can participate as a woman pilot. |||||||teilnehmen|||| 女性パイロットとして参加できることをとても嬉しく思います。 I am proud for me and for my country and for Afghan Air Corps." |||||||||||||Luftwaffe 私は、私と私の国、そしてアフガニスタン航空隊を誇りに思っています。」 Voice 2

Above Colonel Latifa, the small airplane hangs from the ceiling. ラティファ大佐の頭上には、小さな飛行機が天井からぶら下がっています。 It is the airplane that Simone and Magnus flew to Afghanistan. シモーネとマグナスがアフガニスタンに飛んだ飛行機です。 Farial flew the same airplane in Kabul. ファリアルはカブールで同じ飛行機を飛ばしました。 Colonel Latifa is encouraging girls like Farial to one day become pilots. ラティファ大佐は、ファリアルのような女の子がいつかパイロットになることを奨励しています. Then they will join what Simone Aaberg Kearn calls the “sisterhood across cultures and generations.” |||||||Kearn|||||||Generationen その後、彼らはシモーネ・アーバーグ・カーンが「文化や世代を超えた姉妹関係」と呼んでいるものに参加します。

Voice 1

The writer and producer of this program was Rena Dam. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called, ‘Sisters in the Sky'. Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.