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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4811)The ABCs of Managing Stress 24 October, 2011

(Spotlight4811)The ABCs of Managing Stress 24 October, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Ryan Geertsma. Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A family awakes to start the day. They have slept too long. They are late. The mother hurries to make the morning meal. The father worries about being late for work. What will his employer say? The youngest child cries. He cannot find his school work. And the oldest child worries about a test at school. Everyone in the family is experiencing feelings of pressure, or stress.

Voice 2

Life can be busy and full of responsibilities. It does not matter where you live or who you are. Life is full of demands. These demands may come from work, school or family. The demands of life can cause feelings of mental, emotional, and even physical pressure. These feelings of stress can be intense.

Voice 1

No one can avoid stress completely. However, there are simple ways to manage stress. And these steps can improve a person's quality of life. Today's Spotlight is on stress and a few basic ways you can manage stress in your life. Voice 2

Stress is a normal, human reaction. When you experience pressure or danger, your body produces stress chemicals. These chemicals prepare your body to either fight or run away from the danger. This reaction can save your life.

Voice 1

But, too much stress can be harmful. It can make you tired. It can make you feel easily angered. And it can even make you sick. Over time, the continual release of stress chemicals can lead to diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Voice 2

The good news is that stress can be managed in healthy ways. And the first three letters of the English alphabet- A, B, and C can help you remember four simple ways to manage stress.

Voice 1

The first two ways you can manage stress begin with the letter A. First, you can alter, or change, your situation.

Voice 2

Imagine that Veejay lives in a small village. He is a fisherman. When he catches his fish, he has to decide where to sell them. He can sell them at the local market. Or he can sail along the coast and sell them at a larger market. He does not know which market needs fish today. If he sells his catch to a market with plenty of fish, he will not make as much money. He does not have much time to decide. The markets are only open for a few hours. Veejay is under pressure to make the best decision. How could Veejay alter the situation and reduce his stress?

Voice 1

One way Veejay could alter his situation is by using a mobile phone. He could call both the local market and other markets along the coast. He could quickly learn which market needs fish that day. Now he can make an informed decision. And he no longer has to worry or feel stressed.

Voice 2

A second way to manage stress is another “A” word. It is to avoid stress. We cannot always avoid stress. But sometimes, it can be easier than you would think.

Voice 1

Imagine a young, married man and women named Cindy and Dave. They live in London, England. They both love milk in the morning. But they like different kinds. Dave likes milk fresh from the cow. Cindy likes milk from the market. They fight over which one to have. The fighting causes much stress for both of them. How could they avoid the situation and reduce their stress?

Voice 2

One way they can avoid the situation is to have both kinds of milk. They could agree to each have their own container of milk. They can reduce their stress by avoiding it. Morning can now be a happy time in their home.

Voice 1

A third way to manage stress begins with the letter B - BUILD your mental, physical and spiritual resistance. Building resistance will increase your ability to live with stress. And it will reduce the affect of stress on your life.

Voice 2

One way to strengthen your mental resistance is to imagine you are in another place. Some people call this "taking a mental holiday". Voice 1

Imagine a man named Tobias. He lives in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. As a boy, he spent most of his time on the Praia de Macuti coast in Beira, Mozambique. Now, he works many long hours at his office. His job is stressful.

Voice 2

Tobias could reduce his stress by remembering the fun he had as a boy. He can think of the blue water and the waves rolling on to the sand. This mental trip can help Tobias calm his mind.

Voice 1

Building physical resistance is also important in stress management. A healthy body will reduce the effects of stress. A good night of sleep will help your body recover from a hard day. Also, eating healthy food and getting exercise will keep your body strong.

Voice 2

Building spiritual resistance to stress is also important. Many people believe it is helpful to pray to God in difficult times. This can build spiritual resistance and even reduce stress. The Christian Bible says:

Voice 3

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

Voice 1

The fourth way to manage stress in your life begins with the letter C - CHANGE . Change the way you understand or feel about a stressful situation.

Voice 2

Imagine that Carmelita lives in Mexico City, Mexico. Traffic problems are very common there. Traffic can stop a car for hours. Carmelita finds this very stressful. She gets very angry when she sits in traffic. How could Carmelita change the way she feels about this situation?

Voice 2

Carmelita can change the way she feels by using that time in a new way. For example, Carmelita loves stories. So, she could start listening to recorded books in her car. By doing something she enjoys, she can begin to look forward to traffic delays. A traffic delay will no longer be a stressful situation. Instead, it can be a chance for her learn what happens next in her newest book.

Voice 1

You can never remove all the stress and pressure of life. But the ABCs of stress management can help you reduce stress in healthy ways. The letter A can help you remember to ALTER or AVOID stress. The letter B - to BUILD your resistance. And the letter C - to CHANGE the way you feel about a stressful situation. Together, the ABCs of stress management can help you improve your quality of life!

Voice 1

Do you struggle with stress? What are the causes of stress in your life? And how do you manage it? You can e-mail us your answers and thoughts. Our e-mail address is radio @ radioenglish . net

Voice 2

The writer of today's programme was Ann Wilds. The producer was Mark Drenth. The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. You can find our programs on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net. This programme is called "The ABCs of Managing Stress." Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!

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(Spotlight4811)The ABCs of Managing Stress 24 October, 2011 (Spotlight4811)Das ABC der Stressbewältigung 24 Oktober, 2011 (Spotlight4811) El ABC de la gestión del estrés 24 de octubre de 2011 (スポットライト 4811) ストレス管理の ABC 2011 年 10 月 24 日 (스포트라이트4811)스트레스 관리의 ABC 2011년 10월 24일 (Spotlight4811)ABC zarządzania stresem 24 października, 2011 r. (Spotlight4811)O ABC da gestão do stress 24 outubro, 2011 (Spotlight4811)Азбука управления стрессом 24 октября, 2011 (Spotlight4811)Stresle Başa Çıkmanın ABC'si 24 Ekim, 2011 (Spotlight4811)Азбука управління стресом 24 жовтня, 2011 (Spotlight4811)The ABCs of Managing Stress 24 October, 2011 (Spotlight4811)The ABCs of Managing Stress 24 October, 2011

Voice 1 声音 1

Welcome to Spotlight. ||Scheinwerfer I'm Ryan Geertsma. |Ryan|Geertsma Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. |||||||||||das|||

Voice 1

A family awakes to start the day. Eine||wacht auf|||| ||si sveglia|||| Una familia se despierta para comenzar el día. 家族が目を覚まして一日を始めます。 一家人起床開始新的一天。 They have slept too long. Han dormido demasiado. 彼らは寝すぎた。 他們睡太久了。 They are late. Ellos estan retrasados. 彼らは遅刻している。 The mother hurries to make the morning meal. ||si affretta||||| La madre se apresura a hacer la comida de la mañana. The father worries about being late for work. El padre se preocupa por llegar tarde al trabajo. 父親は仕事に遅刻することを心配しています。 父親擔心上班遲到。 What will his employer say? ¿Qué dirá su patrón? 彼の雇用主は何と言いますか? The youngest child cries. El niño más pequeño llora. 末っ子は泣きます。 He cannot find his school work. No puede encontrar su trabajo escolar. 彼は学校の課題を見つけることができません。 And the oldest child worries about a test at school. Y el hijo mayor se preocupa por un examen en la escuela. そして、一番上の子は学校のテストを心配しています。 Everyone in the family is experiencing feelings of pressure, or stress. Todos en la familia experimentan sentimientos de presión o estrés. 家族の誰もがプレッシャーやストレスを感じています。

Voice 2 Voz 2

Life can be busy and full of responsibilities. La vida puede estar ocupada y llena de responsabilidades. 人生は忙しく、責任がいっぱいです。 It does not matter where you live or who you are. No importa dónde vives o quién eres. あなたがどこに住んでいるか、あなたが誰であるかは問題ではありません。 Life is full of demands. ||||esigenze La vida está llena de exigencias. 人生は要求に満ちています。 These demands may come from work, school or family. Estas demandas pueden provenir del trabajo, la escuela o la familia. The demands of life can cause feelings of mental, emotional, and even physical pressure. Las exigencias de la vida pueden causar sentimientos de presión mental, emocional e incluso física. 生活上の要求は、精神的、感情的、さらには身体的なプレッシャーを引き起こす可能性があります。 These feelings of stress can be intense. Estos sentimientos de estrés pueden ser intensos. これらのストレスの感情は激しい場合があります。

Voice 1 Voz 1

No one can avoid stress completely. Nadie puede evitar el estrés por completo. ストレスを完全に避けることは誰にもできません。 However, there are simple ways to manage stress. Sin embargo, existen formas sencillas de controlar el estrés. ただし、ストレスを管理する簡単な方法があります。 And these steps can improve a person's quality of life. Y estos pasos pueden mejorar la calidad de vida de una persona. そして、これらのステップは、人の生活の質を向上させることができます. Today's Spotlight is on stress and a few basic ways you can manage stress in your life. El Spotlight de hoy trata sobre el estrés y algunas formas básicas en las que puede manejar el estrés en su vida. Voice 2 Voz 2

Stress is a normal, human reaction. El estrés es una reacción humana normal. When you experience pressure or danger, your body produces stress chemicals. Cuando experimenta presión o peligro, su cuerpo produce sustancias químicas del estrés. プレッシャーや危険を感じると、体はストレス化学物質を生成します。 These chemicals prepare your body to either fight or run away from the danger. Estos químicos preparan su cuerpo para luchar o huir del peligro. これらの化学物質は、あなたの体が危険から戦うか逃げるかを準備します。 This reaction can save your life. Esta reacción puede salvarle la vida. この反応はあなたの命を救うことができます。

Voice 1 Voz 1

But, too much stress can be harmful. ||||||dannoso Pero, demasiado estrés puede ser dañino. しかし、過度のストレスは害を及ぼす可能性があります。 It can make you tired. Puede hacer que te canses. It can make you feel easily angered. ||||||verärgert ||||||arrabbiato Puede hacerte sentir enojado fácilmente. 怒りっぽくなりやすいのです。 And it can even make you sick. E incluso puede enfermarte. そして、それはあなたを病気にすることさえあります。 Over time, the continual release of stress chemicals can lead to diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease. |||ständige||||||||||||||| |||||||||portare a||||||||| Con el tiempo, la liberación continua de sustancias químicas del estrés puede provocar enfermedades, como presión arterial alta y enfermedades cardíacas. 時間が経つにつれて、ストレス化学物質が継続的に放出されると、高血圧や心臓病などの病気につながる可能性があります.

Voice 2 Voz 2

The good news is that stress can be managed in healthy ways. La buena noticia es que el estrés se puede manejar de manera saludable. 良いニュースは、ストレスは健康的な方法で管理できるということです。 And the first three letters of the English alphabet- A, B, and C can help you remember four simple ways to manage stress. Y las primeras tres letras del alfabeto inglés: A, B y C pueden ayudarlo a recordar cuatro formas simples de manejar el estrés. また、英語のアルファベットの最初の 3 文字である A、B、C は、ストレスを管理する 4 つの簡単な方法を思い出すのに役立ちます。

Voice 1

The first two ways you can manage stress begin with the letter A.  First, you can alter, or change, your situation. ||||||||||||||||modificare|||| Las dos primeras formas en que puede manejar el estrés comienzan con la letra A. Primero, puede ALTERAR o cambiar su situación. ストレスを管理する最初の 2 つの方法は、文字 A で始まります。まず、状況を変える、つまり状況を変えることができます。

Voice 2 Voz 2

Imagine that Veejay lives in a small village. ||Veejay||||| ||Immagina che Veejay viva in un piccolo villaggio.||||| Imagina que Veejay vive en un pequeño pueblo. Veejay が小さな村に住んでいると想像してください。 He is a fisherman. |||Lui è un pescatore. Él es un pescador. When he catches his fish, he has to decide where to sell them. Cuando pesca sus peces, tiene que decidir dónde venderlos. He can sell them at the local market. Puede venderlos en el mercado local. Or he can sail along the coast and sell them at a larger market. O puede navegar a lo largo de la costa y venderlos en un mercado más grande. He does not know which market needs fish today. No sabe qué mercado necesita pescado hoy. If he sells his catch to a market with plenty of fish, he will not make as much money. Si vende su captura en un mercado con mucho pescado, no ganará tanto dinero. 魚がたくさんいる市場に獲物を売っても、彼はそれほど多くのお金を稼ぐことはできません. He does not have much time to decide. No tiene mucho tiempo para decidir. 彼には決断する時間があまりありません。 The markets are only open for a few hours. Los mercados solo están abiertos durante unas pocas horas. Veejay is under pressure to make the best decision. Veejay è sotto pressione per prendere la decisione migliore.|||||||| Veejay está bajo presión para tomar la mejor decisión. Veejay は最善の決断を迫られています。 How could Veejay alter the situation and reduce his stress? ¿Cómo podría Veejay alterar la situación y reducir su estrés? Veejay はどうすれば状況を変え、ストレスを軽減できるでしょうか?

Voice 1 Voz 1

One way Veejay could alter his situation is by using a mobile phone. ||||verändern|||||||| Una forma en que Veejay podría cambiar su situación es mediante el uso de un teléfono móvil. Veejay 氏が状況を変える方法の 1 つは、携帯電話を使用することです。 He could call both the local market and other markets along the coast. Podía llamar tanto al mercado local como a otros mercados a lo largo de la costa. 彼は地元の市場と海岸沿いの他の市場の両方を呼び出すことができました。 He could quickly learn which market needs fish that day. Rápidamente podría saber qué mercado necesita pescado ese día. 彼は、その日に魚が必要な市場をすぐに知ることができました。 Now he can make an informed decision. |||||informata| Ahora puede tomar una decisión informada. 今、彼は十分な情報に基づいた決定を下すことができます。 And he no longer has to worry or feel stressed. ||||||preoccupare||| Y ya no tiene que preocuparse ni sentirse estresado. そして、彼はもはや心配したり、ストレスを感じたりする必要はありません。

Voice 2 Voz 2

A second way to manage stress is another “A” word. Una segunda forma de manejar el estrés es otra palabra "A". ストレスを管理する 2 つ目の方法は、もう 1 つの「A」の言葉です。 It is to avoid stress. Es para EVITAR el estrés. ストレスを避けるためです。 We cannot always avoid stress. No siempre podemos evitar el estrés. 私たちは常にストレスを避けることはできません。 But sometimes, it can be easier than you would think. Pero a veces, puede ser más fácil de lo que piensas. しかし、思ったよりも簡単な場合もあります。

Voice 1 Voz 1

Imagine a young, married man and women named Cindy and Dave. ||||||||Cindy|| Imagine un hombre y una mujer jóvenes y casados llamados Cindy y Dave. シンディとデイブという若い既婚男女を想像してみてください。 They live in London, England. Viven en Londres, Inglaterra. They both love milk in the morning. Ambos aman la leche por la mañana. 二人とも朝は牛乳が大好き。 But they like different kinds. Pero les gustan diferentes tipos. しかし、彼らはさまざまな種類が好きです。 Dave likes milk fresh from the cow. A Dave le gusta la leche recién salida de la vaca. デイブは牛から搾りたての牛乳が好きです。 Cindy likes milk from the market. A Cindy le gusta la leche del mercado. They fight over which one to have. Se pelean por cuál tener. The fighting causes much stress for both of them. La lucha causa mucho estrés para ambos. How could they avoid the situation and reduce their stress? ¿Cómo podrían evitar la situación y reducir su estrés? どうすればその状況を回避し、ストレスを軽減できますか?

Voice 2 Voz 2

One way they can avoid the situation is to have both kinds of milk. Una forma en que pueden evitar la situación es tener ambos tipos de leche. この状況を回避する方法の 1 つは、両方の種類の牛乳を用意することです。 They could agree to each have their own container of milk. ||||||||Behälter|| ||||||||contenitore|| Podrían ponerse de acuerdo en que cada uno tenga su propio recipiente de leche. 彼らは、それぞれが独自の牛乳の容器を持つことに同意することができました. They can reduce their stress by avoiding it. Pueden reducir su estrés evitándolo. 彼らはそれを避けることでストレスを減らすことができます。 Morning can now be a happy time in their home. La mañana ahora puede ser un momento feliz en su hogar. 自宅で朝が楽しい時間になりました。

Voice 1 Voz 1

A third way to manage stress begins with the letter B - BUILD your mental, physical and spiritual resistance. ||||||||||||||||spirituelle| Una tercera forma de manejar el estrés comienza con la letra B: CONSTRUYA su resistencia mental, física y espiritual. ストレスを管理する 3 つ目の方法は、B の文字から始まります。精神的、肉体的、精神的な抵抗力を高めます。 Building resistance will increase your ability to live with stress. |Widerstandskraft|||||||| Desarrollar resistencia aumentará su capacidad para vivir con estrés. 抵抗力を高めることで、ストレスに耐える能力が高まります。 And it will reduce the affect of stress on your life. Y reducirá el efecto del estrés en su vida. そして、それはあなたの人生へのストレスの影響を軽減します。

Voice 2 Voz 2

One way to strengthen your mental resistance is to imagine you are in another place. |||stärken||||||||||| Una forma de fortalecer tu resistencia mental es imaginar que estás en otro lugar. 精神的な抵抗力を強化する 1 つの方法は、自分が別の場所にいると想像することです。 Some people call this "taking a mental holiday". Algunas personas llaman a esto "tomarse unas vacaciones mentales". これを「精神的な休暇」と呼ぶ人もいます。 Voice 1 Voz 1

Imagine a man named Tobias. Imagina a un hombre llamado Tobias. トバイアスという男を想像してみてください。 He lives in the city of Harare, Zimbabwe. Vive en la ciudad de Harare, Zimbabue. As a boy, he spent most of his time on the Praia de Macuti coast in Beira, Mozambique. |||||||||||Strand|||||| De niño, pasó la mayor parte de su tiempo en la costa de Praia de Macuti en Beira, Mozambique. 少年時代、彼はほとんどの時間をモザンビークのベイラにあるプライア デ マクティ海岸で過ごしました。 Now, he works many long hours at his office. Ahora, trabaja muchas horas en su oficina. His job is stressful. Su trabajo es estresante.

Voice 2 Voz 2

Tobias could reduce his stress by remembering the fun he had as a boy. Tobias pudo reducir su estrés al recordar la diversión que tenía cuando era niño. He can think of the blue water and the waves rolling on to the sand. Puede pensar en el agua azul y las olas rodando sobre la arena. This mental trip can help Tobias calm his mind. この精神的な旅は、トバイアスが心を落ち着かせるのに役立ちます。

Voice 1

Building physical resistance is also important in stress management. 身体的抵抗力を高めることも、ストレス管理において重要です。 A healthy body will reduce the effects of stress. 健康な体はストレスの影響を軽減します。 A good night of sleep will help your body recover from a hard day. Also, eating healthy food and getting exercise will keep your body strong. また、健康的な食事と運動をすることで、体は丈夫になります。

Voice 2

Building spiritual resistance to stress is also important. ストレスに対する精神的な抵抗力を高めることも重要です。 Many people believe it is helpful to pray to God in difficult times. 多くの人は、困難な時期に神に祈ることが助けになると信じています。 This can build spiritual resistance and even reduce stress. The Christian Bible says:

Voice 3

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” |||preoccupazioni||preoccupazioni|||||preoccupazioni|| 「心配事や心配事はすべて神に委ねなさい。神はあなたのことを気遣っておられるからです。」

Voice 1

The fourth way to manage stress in your life begins with the letter C - CHANGE . Change the way you understand or feel about a stressful situation. ||||comprendere|||||| ストレスの多い状況についての理解や感じ方を変えてください。

Voice 2

Imagine that Carmelita lives in Mexico City, Mexico. Carmelita がメキシコのメキシコシティに住んでいると想像してください。 Traffic problems are very common there. 交通問題はそこで非常に一般的です。 Traffic can stop a car for hours. 交通量は車を何時間も止めることができます。 Carmelita finds this very stressful. Carmelita は、これが非常にストレスになると感じています。 She gets very angry when she sits in traffic. ||||||si trova|| 彼女は交通渋滞に座っているととても腹を立てます。 How could Carmelita change the way she feels about this situation? カルメリータは、この状況に対する彼女の気持ちをどのように変えることができたでしょうか?

Voice 2

Carmelita can change the way she feels by using that time in a new way. Carmelita は、その時間を新しい方法で使用することで、気分を変えることができます。 For example, Carmelita loves stories. たとえば、カルメリータは物語が大好きです。 So, she could start listening to recorded books in her car. それで、彼女は車の中で録音された本を聞き始めることができました。 By doing something she enjoys, she can begin to look forward to traffic delays. |||||||||||||Verzögerungen 好きなことをすることで、交通渋滞を楽しみにできるようになります。 A traffic delay will no longer be a stressful situation. ||Verspätung||||||| 交通の遅れはもはやストレスの多い状況ではありません。 Instead, it can be a chance for her learn what happens next in her newest book. ||||||für||||||||| ||||||||||||||più recente| 代わりに、彼女が最新の本で次に何が起こるかを知るチャンスになる可能性があります.

Voice 1

You can never remove all the stress and pressure of life. 人生のストレスやプレッシャーをすべて取り除くことはできません。 But the ABCs of stress management can help you reduce stress in healthy ways. The letter A can help you remember to ALTER or AVOID stress. The letter B - to BUILD your resistance. And the letter C - to CHANGE the way you feel about a stressful situation. Together, the ABCs of stress management can help you improve your quality of life!

Voice 1

Do you struggle with stress? ストレスと戦っていますか? What are the causes of stress in your life? あなたの人生におけるストレスの原因は何ですか? And how do you manage it? You can e-mail us your answers and thoughts. Our e-mail address is radio @ radioenglish . ||||||Radio Englisch net

Voice 2

The writer of today's programme was Ann Wilds. ||||||Ann Wilds|Wilds The producer was Mark Drenth. ||||Drenth The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. |Zitate||||gesprochen|| You can find our programs on the internet athttp://www.radioenglish.net. ||||Programme||||im Internet||| This programme is called "The ABCs of Managing Stress." Voice 1

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!