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Spotlight October&November/2011, (Spotlight4807)Changing Behavior by Keeping a Record17 October, 2011

(Spotlight4807)Changing Behavior by Keeping a Record17 October, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Adam Navis. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Jennie wanted to lose weight. She says:

Voice 3

"I wanted to be able to keep up with my very energy-filled fifteen [15] month old children... I wanted to be able to take them on walks. One summer I did not take them outside because I could not stand the heat. I was very sad. I was wearing clothes designed to hide my body... But then I started writing everything I ate using a food record. Every day, I wrote what I was thinking and feeling. These records have been very helpful. I have lost ten pounds." Voice 2

Have you ever felt like making a change in your life? Today's Spotlight is on ways to change our future behavior just by writing down what we do. Voice 1

Everyone does things that they know are bad for them. Some people smoke cigarettes. Other people eat too much unhealthy food. Still others spend too much time watching television or playing computer games. You may have something in your life that you wish were different.

Voice 2

We seem out of control because there is a part of our brain that still thinks like a child. This part of our brain wants to feel good right now. It does not care about what may happen in the future. This is why children need adults in their lives to help them make good decisions.

Voice 1

But as adults, we need to think about the future. We need to make ourselves do what we know is good. Even if it does not feel good right now. When we smoke cigarettes or eat too much, we do this because it feels good right now. But we forget about the long-term effects on our health. So, a part of our brain is trying to get us to do things that feel good right now. And another part knows that we need to do things that will help us live long, healthy lives. One way to help this second part is to keep a record of what we do

Voice 2

Our brain knows which things are bad for us. But it tells us we can permit ourselves one more serving of food or one more cigarette. Then one more. Then one more. In this way, we underestimate what we have actually done. We do this because food tastes good, smoking helps us relax, and our brain wants more, and wants it now.

Voice 1

Writing down what we do removes the estimation from our brain. Jennie has learned this from trying to lose weight, she says:

Voice 3

"Write down everything you eat! You will be amazed at how quickly the "little" things add up... Even when I was eating healthy foods I was eating way too much. I also had too much fat in my diet. Writing it down helped me keep an honest record of what I was eating." Voice 2

By removing the estimation from our brains we make it more difficult for our brains to lie to us. But there is still one question: how does recording what we do make us want to change? After all, most overweight people already know they are overweight.

Voice 1

One reason is because writing down what you do creates a way to measure yourself. Imagine you want to watch less television. But what does "less" mean? After recording yourself you discover you watch twenty [20] hours each week. Now you have a goal you can measure. For example, you want to watch five hours less each week. This is easy to understand and measure. You can just look at your record.

Voice 2

This idea can be used for eating too much as well. Saying you want to eat less is easy. But it is not very helpful. Once you know how much you are really eating, you can make a plan. You can say, "I want to eat six hundred [600] less calories each day." And then, by writing down what you do, you can more easily reach that goal.

Voice 1

Meeting your goal is a positive reinforcement. One website describes reinforcement as, "something that strengthens a behavior. For example, if you want your dog to sit on command, you may give him a treat every time he sits for you. The dog will come to understand that sitting when told to will result in a treat. This treat is reinforcing because he likes it. It will result in him sitting when told to do so." In the same way, keeping a record and seeing even small progress will reinforce our good behavior.

Voice 2

Sometimes people will change their behavior because they simply do not want to write down what they did. Writing it down gives them time to stop and think about what they are doing. Some people even share their record with a friend. Knowing that someone will see what they wrote down is sometimes enough to change their behavior.

Voice 1

Writing down what you do is not the only method for changing behavior. Sometimes record keeping is used as one part of behavioral change. Some people may need counseling, prayer, education, or medicine to help them. It is also true that record keeping is only as good as the person who is keeping the record. People can still lie to themselves. They can fail to record everything they do. This will not help them make any real change.

Voice 2

We will never be perfect people. There will always be things about ourselves that we wish were different. Further, there is nothing wrong with enjoying good food or watching television. It is only a problem when these things stop us from living the kind of life we want to live. Jennie wanted to be able to play with her children. And writing down what she was eating helped her do that. She says:

Voice 3

"I am much more happy with myself. I am no longer sad and hating myself. I look forward to going out with friends. Before I would turn them down because I had nothing to wear that I felt comfortable in. There are so many benefits from losing weight!" Voice 1

Keeping a record, of either good or bad actions, will give us a clearer picture of ourselves. Once we can see ourselves for who we are, hopefully we will find the strength to become the kind of people we want to be.

Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Adam Navis. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can hear our programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website athttp://www.radio.english.net. This program is called "Changing Behavior by Keeping a Record." We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight Program.

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(Spotlight4807)Changing Behavior by Keeping a Record17 October, 2011 (Spotlight4807)تغيير السلوك من خلال الاحتفاظ بسجل17 أكتوبر 2011 (Spotlight4807)Verhaltensänderung durch Aufzeichnung17 Oktober, 2011 (Spotlight4807)Cambiar el comportamiento llevando un registro17 octubre, 2011 (Spotlight4807)Changer les comportements en gardant une trace17 October, 2011 (Spotlight4807)Cambiare il comportamento tenendo un registro17 ottobre, 2011 (Spotlight4807)記録を残すことで行動を変える2011年10月17日 (스포트라이트4807)기록을 통한 행동 변화 2011년 10월 17일 (Spotlight4807)Mudar o comportamento mantendo um registo17 outubro, 2011 (Spotlight4807)Измените поведение, ведя записи17 октября, 2011 (Spotlight4807)Kayıt Tutarak Davranış Değiştirmek17 Ekim, 2011 (Spotlight4807)通过保留记录改变行为2011 年 10 月 17 日 (Spotlight4807)透過保留記錄改變行為2011 年 10 月 17 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Adam Navis. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Jennie wanted to lose weight. Jennie|||| أرادت جيني أن تفقد وزنها. She says:

Voice 3

"I wanted to be able to keep up with my very energy-filled fifteen [15] month old children... I wanted to be able to take them on walks. "أردت أن أكون قادرة على مواكبة أطفالي الذين يبلغون من العمر خمسة عشر شهرًا [15] والذين يتمتعون بطاقة كبيرة... أردت أن أكون قادرة على اصطحابهم في جولات سيرا على الأقدام. 「とても元気いっぱいの生後 15 か月の子供たちについていきたいと思っていました。散歩に連れて行ってあげたいと思っていました。 "Queria poder acompanhar os meus filhos de quinze [15] meses, cheios de energia... Queria poder levá-los a passear. One summer I did not take them outside because I could not stand the heat. ある夏、私は暑さに耐えられなかったので、彼らを外に連れ出さなかった。 I was very sad. I was wearing clothes designed to hide my body... But then I started writing everything I ate using a food record. 体が隠れるような服を着ていたのに…。 Every day, I wrote what I was thinking and feeling. These records have been very helpful. I have lost ten pounds." Voice 2

Have you ever felt like making a change in your life? 人生を変えたいと思ったことはありませんか? Today's Spotlight is on ways to change our future behavior just by writing down what we do. Voice 1

Everyone does things that they know are bad for them. 誰もが自分に悪いとわかっていることをします。 Some people smoke cigarettes. Other people eat too much unhealthy food. Still others spend too much time watching television or playing computer games. さらに、テレビを見たり、コンピューターゲームをしたりすることに多くの時間を費やしている人もいます。 You may have something in your life that you wish were different. あなたの人生には、違っていたらいいのにと思う何かがあるかもしれません。

Voice 2

We seem out of control because there is a part of our brain that still thinks like a child. まだ子供のように考えている脳の部分があるため、私たちは制御不能に見えます。 This part of our brain wants to feel good right now. 私たちの脳のこの部分は、今、気分が良くなりたいと思っています。 It does not care about what may happen in the future. 将来何が起こるかは気にしません。 This is why children need adults in their lives to help them make good decisions. これが、子供たちが良い決断を下すのを助けるために、彼らの生活の中で大人を必要とする理由です。

Voice 1

But as adults, we need to think about the future. しかし、大人として、私たちは将来について考える必要があります。 We need to make ourselves do what we know is good. 私たちは、自分が良いと知っていることを自分自身に行わせる必要があります。 Even if it does not feel good right now. 今は気分が良くなくても。 When we smoke cigarettes or eat too much, we do this because it feels good right now. たばこを吸ったり、食べ過ぎたりするとき、今は気分がいいのでそうします。 But we forget about the long-term effects on our health. So, a part of our brain is trying to get us to do things that feel good right now. そのため、私たちの脳の一部は、今気分が良いことを私たちにさせようとしています。 And another part knows that we need to do things that will help us live long, healthy lives. そして別の部分は、私たちが健康で長生きするために何かをする必要があることを知っています. One way to help this second part is to keep a record of what we do この 2 番目の部分を支援する 1 つの方法は、私たちが行ったことを記録することです。

Voice 2

Our brain knows which things are bad for us. 私たちの脳は、何が私たちにとって悪いのかを知っています。 But it tells us we can permit ourselves one more serving of food or one more cigarette. ||||||||||Portion||||||Zigarette しかし、それは私たちがもう一皿の食べ物やもう一本のタバコを許すことができることを教えてくれます. Then one more. それからもう1つ。 Then one more. In this way, we underestimate what we have actually done. ||||unterschätzen||||| このようにして、私たちは実際に行ったことを過小評価しています。 We do this because food tastes good, smoking helps us relax, and our brain wants more, and wants it now. 私たちがこれを行うのは、食べ物が美味しく、喫煙がリラックスに役立ち、脳がもっと欲しがり、今それを求めているからです.

Voice 1

Writing down what we do removes the estimation from our brain. |||||entfernt||Schätzung||| 私たちがしていることを書き留めると、脳から推定が取り除かれます。 Jennie has learned this from trying to lose weight, she says: ジェニーは体重を減らそうとすることからこれを学びました、と彼女は言います:

Voice 3

"Write down everything you eat! You will be amazed at how quickly the "little" things add up... Even when I was eating healthy foods I was eating way too much. 「ちょっとした」ものが積み重なっていくスピードに驚かれることでしょう... 健康食品を食べていたときでさえ、食べ過ぎていました。 I also had too much fat in my diet. また、食事に脂肪が多すぎました。 Writing it down helped me keep an honest record of what I was eating." Voice 2

By removing the estimation from our brains we make it more difficult for our brains to lie to us. 脳から推定を取り除くことで、脳が嘘をつきにくくなります。 But there is still one question: how does recording what we do make us want to change? しかし、まだ 1 つの疑問があります。自分の行動を記録することで、どのように変化したいと思うようになるのでしょうか? After all, most overweight people already know they are overweight. 結局のところ、ほとんどの太りすぎの人は、自分が太りすぎであることをすでに知っています。

Voice 1

One reason is because writing down what you do creates a way to measure yourself. 理由の 1 つは、自分がしていることを書き留めることで、自分自身を測定する方法ができるからです。 Imagine you want to watch less television. テレビを見る時間を減らしたいと想像してみてください。 But what does "less" mean? しかし、「少ない」とはどういう意味ですか? After recording yourself you discover you watch twenty [20] hours each week. 自分自身を記録した後、毎週 20 時間視聴していることに気付きます。 Now you have a goal you can measure. これで、測定可能な目標ができました。 For example, you want to watch five hours less each week. たとえば、視聴時間を毎週 5 時間減らしたいとします。 This is easy to understand and measure. これは理解しやすく、測定も簡単です。 You can just look at your record. 記録を見るだけでも構いません。

Voice 2

This idea can be used for eating too much as well. この考え方は食べ過ぎにも使えます。 Saying you want to eat less is easy. 食事を減らしたいと言うのは簡単です。 But it is not very helpful. しかし、それはあまり役に立ちません。 Once you know how much you are really eating, you can make a plan. 実際にどれくらい食べているかがわかれば、計画を立てることができます。 You can say, "I want to eat six hundred [600] less calories each day." 「毎日 600 カロリー減らしたい」と言うことができます。 And then, by writing down what you do, you can more easily reach that goal.

Voice 1

Meeting your goal is a positive reinforcement. ||||||Verstärkung 目標を達成することは、正の強化です。 One website describes reinforcement as, "something that strengthens a behavior. |||||||verstärkt|| あるウェブサイトは、強化を「行動を強化する何か. For example, if you want your dog to sit on command, you may give him a treat every time he sits for you. ||||||||||Befehl|||||||||||| たとえば、犬に命令に従って座らせたい場合は、犬があなたのために座るたびにおやつを与えることができます。 The dog will come to understand that sitting when told to will result in a treat. 犬は、座るように言われたときに座るとおやつになることを理解するようになります。 This treat is reinforcing because he likes it. |||bestärkend|||| 彼はそれが好きなので、この御馳走は強化されています. It will result in him sitting when told to do so." そうするように言われると、彼は座ります。」 In the same way, keeping a record and seeing even small progress will reinforce our good behavior. |||||||||||||verstärken||| 同様に、記録をつけて小さな進歩を確認することで、私たちの良い行動が強化されます。

Voice 2

Sometimes people will change their behavior because they simply do not want to write down what they did. 自分がしたことを単に書き留めたくないという理由で、人は行動を変えることがあります。 Writing it down gives them time to stop and think about what they are doing. それを書き留めることで、立ち止まって自分が何をしているのかを考える時間を与えることができます。 Some people even share their record with a friend. Knowing that someone will see what they wrote down is sometimes enough to change their behavior. 書き留めた内容が誰かに表示されることを知っているだけで、行動を変えることができる場合があります。

Voice 1

Writing down what you do is not the only method for changing behavior. 自分の行動を書き留めることが、行動を変える唯一の方法ではありません。 Sometimes record keeping is used as one part of behavioral change. |||||||||verhaltensbezogen| 行動変容の一環として、記録管理が使用されることもあります。 Some people may need counseling, prayer, education, or medicine to help them. ||||Beratung||||||| カウンセリング、祈り、教育、または薬が必要な人もいます。 It is also true that record keeping is only as good as the person who is keeping the record. 記録保持は、記録を保持している人物と同じくらい優れていることも事実です。 People can still lie to themselves. 人々はまだ自分自身に嘘をつくことができます。 They can fail to record everything they do. ||versäumen||||| 彼らはすべてのことを記録するのに失敗する可能性があります。 This will not help them make any real change. これは、彼らが実際の変化を起こすのに役立ちません。

Voice 2

We will never be perfect people. 私たちは決して完璧な人間にはなりません。 There will always be things about ourselves that we wish were different. 私たちが違っていたらいいのにと思うことは、常に自分自身についてあるでしょう。 Further, there is nothing wrong with enjoying good food or watching television. さらに、おいしい食べ物を楽しんだり、テレビを見たりすることは何も悪いことではありません。 It is only a problem when these things stop us from living the kind of life we want to live. これらのことが私たちが生きたいと思う種類の人生を送ることを妨げているとき、それは唯一の問題です. Jennie wanted to be able to play with her children. ジェニーは子供たちと遊べるようになりたいと思っていました。 And writing down what she was eating helped her do that. そして、彼女が食べていたものを書き留めることは、彼女がそれをするのに役立ちました. She says:

Voice 3

"I am much more happy with myself. 「私は自分自身にもっと満足しています。 I am no longer sad and hating myself. ||||||verachte| 私はもはや悲しく、自分自身を憎むことはありません。 I look forward to going out with friends. Before I would turn them down because I had nothing to wear that I felt comfortable in. 快適に着られるものが何もなかったために断る前に。 There are so many benefits from losing weight!" Voice 1

Keeping a record, of either good or bad actions, will give us a clearer picture of ourselves. 良い行動も悪い行動も記録することで、自分自身をより明確に把握できます。 Once we can see ourselves for who we are, hopefully we will find the strength to become the kind of people we want to be. ありのままの自分を見ることができれば、自分がなりたい人間になるための力を見つけることができるでしょう。

Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Adam Navis. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can hear our programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website athttp://www.radio.english.net. This program is called "Changing Behavior by Keeping a Record." We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight Program.