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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4757)The Passion Play 12 September, 2011

(Spotlight4757)The Passion Play 12 September, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Bruce Guland. Voice 2

And I'm Nick Page. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Today's Spotlight is on a theatre event that is much more than theatre. The event happens only every ten years. It is an old tradition that began almost four hundred years ago.

Voice 1

One night in 1632 a man called Kaspar Schisler returned home from a trip. He lived in the mountain village of Oberammergau, in southern Germany. Although Kaspar did not know it, he brought with him a terrible sickness, the bubonic plague.

The plague was a disease that killed millions of people in Europe. But for some time Oberammergau was safe. It was in the mountains, and difficult to reach. Guards stopped people from entering the village. But that night, Kaspar Schisler got past the guards. In a few months he was dead - along with his wife, his children, and many other villagers.

Voice 2

We now know that the plague is a disease spread by small insects carried by rats. But at that time people did not know this. They believed that the sickness had come because God was not pleased with them. So they decided to try to please God.

The people of Oberammergau met in the church and made a promise. 'If God saves us from this sickness, we promise to perform a play about Jesus Christ, his suffering, his death, and his coming to life again. We will perform this play every ten years.' The play would tell the story of the last week of the life of Christ. The story is often called 'the Passion'. This story comes from the Christian Bible.

Voice 1

It happened in Jerusalem, two thousand years ago. When Jesus entered the city, the people welcomed him as a hero and a king. However, the religious authorities did not like Jesus' teaching and decided to arrest him. The Bible says that he did not receive a fair trial. The religious authorities sent Jesus to the Governor and demanded that he be executed. The Governor gave in to their pressure, and ordered the execution. Jesus was killed by hanging on a large wooden cross. However, the story does not end there. The Bible says that Jesus came alive again on the third day after he was executed. This is the story that the people of Oberammergau promised to act in a play every ten years.

Voice 2

It seems that God heard the promise made by the people of Oberammergau. No more people in the village died from the plague. The people believed that this was because of their prayer.

Voice 1

And so the first 'passion play' in Oberammergau was performed in 1634, in the cemetery. That is the place where the plague victims had been buried.

Voice 2

Passion plays were common in Europe in those days, but not many have survived to the twenty-first century. 2010 is the 41st season of the Oberammergau passion play. But the play has not remained the same. Different writers and producers have changed and improved the words of the play.

Voice 1

In 1750 a man named Ferdinand Rosner, wrote a version that was a great success. It appealed to the public of the time. It contained many old stories and blamed Satan, the Devil, for the death of Jesus. However, some people said that it had moved far away from the story as told in the Bible. This led to a ban on passion plays in 1780. However, the people in the village protested against this ban, and a shorter version of the play returned ten years later.

Voice 2

In the early 1800s a music teacher named Rochus Dedler wrote new music for the play. This music is still played for performances today. Also about that time, the theatre was moved from the cemetery to a field at the edge of the village. Five thousand people could sit in the theatre at one time. Today the theatre is just as big, and it is in the same place.

Voice 1

Yet another version of the play appeared in 1860. This proved to be a popular version. It was used until the year 2000. By the end of the nineteenth century the play was more true-to-life, and the costumes, the clothes the actors wear, were based on history.

Voice 2

An interesting tradition at Oberammergau is the 'tableau vivant'. That is a French name, meaning 'living picture'. There are many of these 'living pictures' in the play. For each one, the action of the play stops, the music is played, and a curtain is pulled back to show a group of actors who stand very still. The motionless actors form a living picture. The picture shows a scene from the older part of the Bible - the part that describes God's dealings with people before the birth of Christ. Each picture relates to something that is happening in the play.

Shelagh Godwin writes for Spotlight. She saw the play in 2010. She says:

Voice 3

'The play is performed in the German language and I did not understand all the words. But I found the living pictures very moving. Seeing the play was a wonderful experience.' Voice 1

The late twentieth century brought another change to the passion play. The old version seemed to blame the Jewish people in Jerusalem for Jesus' death. But the 2010 version is careful not to encourage anti-Jewish feelings. This is because of the terrible suffering such ideas caused for Jews during the Second World War.

Voice 2

Every person who acts in the Oberammergau Passion Play must either have been born in the village, or have lived there for 20 years. A year before the performance the people again make the promise that their ancestors made in 1633. Then the men start growing their hair so that they look like men of the first century, when Jesus lived. Many rehearsals are held during the months before the play.

Voice 1

Almost every person in the village is involved in some way. Many take part in the play, but others are involved 'behind the scenes' - away from the public eye. Many people also make and sell the objects made from wood. These wooden carvings made the village famous long before the first Passion Play was performed in 1634. It is a long and wonderful tradition, and it continues today.

Voice 2

The Oberammergau passion play lasts for eight hours. That includes time for the 'living pictures' and a break for people to go and eat! The play is very popular. There are over one hundred performances of the play, yet most seats are sold a year before the event. Maybe it is time to start planning for 2020!

Voice 1

The writers of today's programme were Shelagh Godwin and Mike Procter. The producer was Nick Mangeolles. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom. All quotations were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can read our scripts, hear our programs and see our word list on our website: http://www.radio.english.net. This programme is called "The Passion Play". Voice 2

You are welcome to write to us with questions and comments about Spotlight. Our email address is radio at english dot net. From all of us at Spotlight, goodbye.

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(Spotlight4757)The Passion Play 12 September, 2011 foco de atención|||| (Spotlight4757) مسرحية العاطفة 12 سبتمبر 2011 (Spotlight4757)Die Passionsspiele 12 September, 2011 (Spotlight4757)La Pasión 12 septiembre, 2011 (Spotlight4757)La Passione 12 settembre, 2011 (スポットライト 4757)受難劇 2011 年 9 月 12 日 (스포트라이트4757)열정 연극, 2011년 9월 12일 (Spotlight4757)The Passion Play 12 września, 2011 r. (Spotlight4757)A Peça da Paixão 12 setembro, 2011 (Spotlight4757)Игра страстей 12 сентября 2011 г. (Spotlight4757)Tutku Oyunu 12 Eylül, 2011 (Spotlight4757)П'єса "Страсті Христові" 12 вересня 2011 року (Spotlight4757)受难剧 2011 年 9 月 12 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Bruce Guland. Voice 2

And I'm Nick Page. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. |||||||transmisión يستخدم Spotlight طريقة خاصة بالبث باللغة الإنجليزية. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Today's Spotlight is on a theatre event that is much more than theatre. |||||teatro||||||| يقع Spotlight اليوم على حدث مسرحي أكثر بكثير من مجرد مسرح. 今日のスポットライトは、演劇以上の演劇イベントです。 The event happens only every ten years. يحدث الحدث كل عشر سنوات فقط. このイベントは 10 年に 1 回しか発生しません。 It is an old tradition that began almost four hundred years ago. إنه تقليد قديم بدأ منذ ما يقرب من أربعمائة عام. それは約400年前に始まった古い伝統です。

Voice 1 صوت 1

One night in 1632 a man called Kaspar Schisler returned home from a trip. ذات ليلة في عام 1632 عاد رجل يدعى كاسبار شيسلر إلى منزله من رحلة. He lived in the mountain village of Oberammergau, in southern Germany. عاش في قرية أوبراميرغاو الجبلية في جنوب ألمانيا. Although Kaspar did not know it, he brought with him a terrible sickness, the bubonic plague. ||||||||||||||bubbonico| |||||||trajo consigo|||||enfermedad||bubónica| على الرغم من أن كاسبار لم يكن يعرف ذلك ، فقد أحضر معه مرضًا رهيبًا ، وهو الطاعون الدبلي. カスパーはそれを知らなかったが、腺ペストという恐ろしい病気を持ってきた。

The plague was a disease that killed millions of people in Europe. ||||disease||||||| ||||enfermedad||||||| كان الطاعون مرضًا قتل ملايين الأشخاص في أوروبا. ペストは、ヨーロッパで何百万人もの人々を殺した病気でした。 But for some time Oberammergau was safe. ||||Oberammergau||a salvo لكن لبعض الوقت كان أوبراميرغاو آمنًا. しかし、しばらくの間、オーバーアマガウは安全でした。 It was in the mountains, and difficult to reach. كانت في الجبال ويصعب الوصول إليها. 山奥にあり、なかなか行けませんでした。 Guards stopped people from entering the village. 경비원들|||||| ||||entrando|| منع الحراس الناس من دخول القرية. 警備員は人々が村に入るのを止めました。 But that night, Kaspar Schisler got past the guards. لكن في تلك الليلة ، تجاوز كاسبار شيسلر الحراس. しかしその夜、カスパー・シスラーは警備員を追い抜いた。 In a few months he was dead - along with his wife, his children, and many other villagers. |||||||함께||||||||| في غضون أشهر قليلة مات - مع زوجته وأطفاله والعديد من القرويين الآخرين. 数か月後、彼は妻、子供たち、そして他の多くの村人とともに亡くなりました。

Voice 2 صوت 2

We now know that the plague is a disease spread by small insects carried by rats. |||||전염병|||||||||| ||||||||enfermedad|transmitida|||insectos pequeños|transportados por|| نحن نعلم الآن أن الطاعون مرض ينتشر عن طريق الحشرات الصغيرة التي تنقلها الفئران. ペストは、ネズミが運ぶ小さな昆虫によって広がる病気であることがわかっています。 But at that time people did not know this. لكن في ذلك الوقت لم يكن الناس يعرفون ذلك. They believed that the sickness had come because God was not pleased with them. كانوا يعتقدون أن المرض قد جاء لأن الله لم يرض عنهم. 彼らは、神が彼らを喜ばなかったために病気が来たと信じていました。 Они верили, что болезнь пришла потому, что Бог был недоволен ими. So they decided to try to please God. ||||||신을 기쁘게 하다| それで彼らは神を喜ばせようと決心しました。 Поэтому они решили попытаться угодить Богу.

The people of Oberammergau met in the church and made a promise. オーバーアマガウの人々は教会に集まり、約束をしました。 'If God saves us from this sickness, we promise to perform a play about Jesus Christ, his suffering, his death, and his coming to life again. ||||||||||representar|||||||sufrimiento|||||||vida| 「神が私たちをこの病気から救ってくださるなら、イエス・キリストの苦しみ、死、そして復活についての劇を上演することを約束します。 Если Бог спасет нас от этой болезни, мы обещаем поставить пьесу об Иисусе Христе, его страданиях, смерти и возвращении к жизни. We will perform this play every ten years.' Мы будем играть эту пьесу каждые десять лет". The play would tell the story of the last week of the life of Christ. この劇は、キリストの生涯の最後の週の物語です。 Спектакль расскажет о последней неделе жизни Христа. The story is often called 'the Passion'. Эту историю часто называют "Страстями". This story comes from the Christian Bible.

Voice 1 Голос 1

It happened in Jerusalem, two thousand years ago. それは二千年前のエルサレムで起こった。 Это случилось в Иерусалиме две тысячи лет назад. When Jesus entered the city, the people welcomed him as a hero and a king. ||entró|||||dieron la bienvenida||||||| However, the religious authorities did not like Jesus' teaching and decided to arrest him. ||||||||||||arrestar| しかし、宗教当局はイエスの教えを気に入らず、イエスを逮捕することにしました。 Однако религиозным властям не понравилось учение Иисуса, и они решили арестовать Его. The Bible says that he did not receive a fair trial. |||||||receive||| |||||||||justo juicio|juicio justo 聖書は、彼が公正な裁判を受けなかったと述べています。 Библия говорит, что он не получил справедливого суда. The religious authorities sent Jesus to the Governor and demanded that he be executed. ||종교 당국|||||총독|||||| |||||||gobernador|||||| 宗教当局はイエスを総督に送り、処刑を要求しました。 Религиозные власти отправили Иисуса к губернатору и потребовали, чтобы Его казнили. The Governor gave in to their pressure, and ordered the execution. ||||||압력|||| ||||||presión||ordenó||ejecución de la sentencia 知事は彼らの圧力に屈し、処刑を命じました。 Губернатор уступил их давлению и приказал казнить. Jesus was killed by hanging on a large wooden cross. ||||crucifixión||||de madera| Иисуса убили, повесив на большом деревянном кресте. However, the story does not end there. しかし、話はそれだけではありません。 Однако на этом история не заканчивается. The Bible says that Jesus came alive again on the third day after he was executed. |||||||||||||||처형당한 聖書は、イエスが処刑されてから3日目に生き返ったと述べています。 This is the story that the people of Oberammergau promised to act in a play every ten years. ||||||||오베라메르가우||||||||| Это история, которую жители Обераммергау обещали разыгрывать в спектакле каждые десять лет.

Voice 2

It seems that God heard the promise made by the people of Oberammergau. 神はオーバーアマガウの人々の約束を聞いたようです。 Похоже, что Бог услышал обещание, данное жителями Обераммергау. No more people in the village died from the plague. |||||||||peste Больше ни один человек в деревне не умер от чумы. The people believed that this was because of their prayer. ||creían|||||||oración 人々は、これは彼らの祈りによるものだと信じていました。 Люди верили, что это произошло благодаря их молитве.

Voice 1

And so the first 'passion play' in Oberammergau was performed in 1634, in the cemetery. |||||||||||||cimitero ||||열정||||||||| Так в 1634 году на кладбище была сыграна первая "пьеса страстей" в Обераммергау. That is the place where the plague victims had been buried. そこはペストの犠牲者が埋葬されていた場所です。 Именно в этом месте были похоронены жертвы чумы.

Voice 2

Passion plays were common in Europe in those days, but not many have survived to the twenty-first century. 当時ヨーロッパでは受難劇が一般的でしたが、21世紀まで生き残ったものは多くありません。 В те времена страстные спектакли были распространены в Европе, но до XXI века дошло не так много. 2010 is the 41st season of the Oberammergau passion play. 2010 год - это 41-й сезон спектакля "Страсти Обераммергау". But the play has not remained the same. しかし、プレーは同じままではありませんでした。 Но спектакль не остался прежним. Different writers and producers have changed and improved the words of the play. さまざまな作家やプロデューサーが劇の言葉を変更し、改善しました。 Разные сценаристы и продюсеры меняли и улучшали слова пьесы.

Voice 1

In 1750 a man named Ferdinand Rosner, wrote a version that was a great success. 1750 年に Ferdinand Rosner という男が、大成功を収めたバージョンを書きました。 В 1750 году человек по имени Фердинанд Рознер написал версию, которая имела большой успех. It appealed to the public of the time. |atrajo a|||||| 当時の大衆にアピールした。 Она пришлась по душе публике того времени. It contained many old stories and blamed Satan, the Devil, for the death of Jesus. |contenía|||||culpaba a|||||||| そこには多くの古い物語が含まれており、イエスの死を悪魔であるサタンのせいにしていました。 В нем было много старых историй, а в смерти Иисуса обвиняли сатану, дьявола. However, some people said that it had moved far away from the story as told in the Bible. しかし、聖書に書かれている話とはかけ離れていると言う人もいました。 Однако некоторые люди говорили, что она далеко отошла от истории, рассказанной в Библии. This led to a ban on passion plays in 1780. |condujo a|||prohibición|||| これにより、1780 年に受難劇が禁止されました。 However, the people in the village protested against this ban, and a shorter version of the play returned ten years later. しかし、村の人々はこの禁止に抗議し、10年後に短いバージョンの劇が戻ってきました. Однако жители деревни протестовали против этого запрета, и через десять лет пьеса вернулась в сокращенном варианте.

Voice 2

In the early 1800s a music teacher named Rochus Dedler wrote new music for the play. This music is still played for performances today. この音楽は、今日でも公演のために演奏されています。 Эта музыка звучит на спектаклях и сегодня. Also about that time, the theatre was moved from the cemetery to a field at the edge of the village. |||||teatro|||||||||||||| またその頃、劇場は墓地から村のはずれの畑に移されました。 Примерно в это же время театр был перенесен с кладбища на поле на окраине деревни. Five thousand people could sit in the theatre at one time. 一度に5000人が劇場に座ることができました。 Одновременно в театре могли находиться пять тысяч человек. Today the theatre is just as big, and it is in the same place. 今日、劇場は同じくらい大きく、同じ場所にあります。 Сегодня театр такой же большой и находится на том же месте.

Voice 1

Yet another version of the play appeared in 1860. 劇のさらに別のバージョンが 1860 年に登場しました。 Еще одна версия пьесы появилась в 1860 году. This proved to be a popular version. これは人気のあるバージョンであることが証明されました。 Эта версия оказалась популярной. It was used until the year 2000. 2000年まで使用されていました。 Он использовался до 2000 года. By the end of the nineteenth century the play was more true-to-life, and the costumes, the clothes the actors wear, were based on history. ||||||||||||||||los trajes|||||llevan puestos|eran||| 19世紀の終わりまでに、劇はより現実に即したものになり、衣装、俳優が着る服は歴史に基づいていました. К концу девятнадцатого века пьеса стала более правдивой, а костюмы - одежда актеров - были основаны на истории.

Voice 2

An interesting tradition at Oberammergau is the 'tableau vivant'. オーバーアマガウの興味深い伝統は「タブロー・ヴィヴァン」です。 Интересной традицией Обераммергау является "tableau vivant". That is a French name, meaning 'living picture'. それはフランス語で「生きている絵」を意味する名前です。 Это французское имя, означающее "живая картина". There are many of these 'living pictures' in the play. 劇中にはこうした「生絵」が数多く登場します。 Таких "живых картин" в пьесе множество. For each one, the action of the play stops, the music is played, and a curtain is pulled back to show a group of actors who stand very still. |||||||||||||||telón||||||||||||| それぞれ、芝居の動作が止まり、音楽が流れ、幕が引き下げられて、じっと立っている俳優のグループが表示されます。 Для каждого из них действие пьесы останавливается, звучит музыка, и занавес отодвигается, чтобы показать группу актеров, которые стоят очень неподвижно. The motionless actors form a living picture. |inmóviles||||| 動かない役者が生きた絵を描く。 Неподвижные актеры образуют живую картину. The picture shows a scene from the older part of the Bible - the part that describes God's dealings with people before the birth of Christ. |||||||||||||||||tratos|||||nacimiento|| 写真は、聖書の古い部分からのシーンを示しています。この部分は、キリストの誕生前に神が人々を扱ったことを説明しています。 На картинке изображена сцена из более древней части Библии - той, что описывает отношения Бога с людьми до рождения Христа. Resim Kutsal Kitap'ın eski bölümünden bir sahneyi göstermektedir - Mesih'in doğumundan önce Tanrı'nın insanlarla olan ilişkilerini anlatan bölüm. Each picture relates to something that is happening in the play. それぞれの絵は、劇中で起こっていることに関連しています。 Каждая картинка связана с тем, что происходит в пьесе.

Shelagh Godwin writes for Spotlight. Шела Годвин пишет для журнала Spotlight. She saw the play in 2010. Она посмотрела спектакль в 2010 году. She says:

Voice 3

'The play is performed in the German language and I did not understand all the words. Пьеса идет на немецком языке, и я не понимал всех слов. But I found the living pictures very moving. しかし、生きている写真はとても感動的でした。 Но живые картины показались мне очень трогательными. Seeing the play was a wonderful experience.' Просмотр спектакля - это замечательный опыт". Voice 1

The late twentieth century brought another change to the passion play. 20 世紀後半は受難劇に別の変化をもたらしました。 Конец двадцатого века принес еще одно изменение в игру страсти. The old version seemed to blame the Jewish people in Jerusalem for Jesus' death. |||||||judíos|||||| 古いバージョンでは、イエスの死についてエルサレムのユダヤ人を非難しているように見えました。 В старой версии в смерти Иисуса обвинялся еврейский народ в Иерусалиме. But the 2010 version is careful not to encourage anti-Jewish feelings. |||||||fomentar||| しかし、2010年版は、反ユダヤ感情を助長しないように注意しています. Но версия 2010 года старается не поощрять антиеврейские настроения. This is because of the terrible suffering such ideas caused for Jews during the Second World War. これは、第二次世界大戦中にそのような考えがユダヤ人にもたらした恐ろしい苦しみのためです. Это связано с теми ужасными страданиями, которые подобные идеи причинили евреям во время Второй мировой войны.

Voice 2

Every person who acts in the Oberammergau Passion Play must either have been born in the village, or have lived there for 20 years. ||||||||||o|||||||||||| オーバーアマガウ受難劇に出演するすべての人は、その村で生まれたか、20 年以上そこに住んでいる必要があります。 Каждый участник Страстной игры в Обераммергау должен либо родиться в этой деревне, либо прожить в ней 20 лет. A year before the performance the people again make the promise that their ancestors made in 1633. |||||||||||||antepasados|| パフォーマンスの1年前に、人々は先祖が1633年に行った約束を再び行います。 Then the men start growing their hair so that they look like men of the first century, when Jesus lived. Many rehearsals are held during the months before the play. |rehearsals|||||||| |ensayos||||||||obra de teatro 公演前の数か月間、多くのリハーサルが行われます。

Voice 1

Almost every person in the village is involved in some way. 村のほぼ全員が何らかの形で関わっています。 Many take part in the play, but others are involved 'behind the scenes' - away from the public eye. 多くの人が劇に参加しますが、世間の目から離れて「舞台裏」で関与する人もいます。 Many people also make and sell the objects made from wood. 木で作ったオブジェを作って販売する人も多いです。 These wooden carvings made the village famous long before the first Passion Play was performed in 1634. |de madera|tallados en madera||||||||||||| これらの木彫りは、1634 年に最初の受難劇が上演されるずっと前から村を有名にしました。 It is a long and wonderful tradition, and it continues today.

Voice 2

The Oberammergau passion play lasts for eight hours. |Oberammergau|||||| That includes time for the 'living pictures' and a break for people to go and eat! これには、「生きた写真」の時間と、人々が行って食事をするための休憩が含まれます。 The play is very popular. There are over one hundred performances of the play, yet most seats are sold a year before the event. |||||||||||asientos||||||| 上演回数は 100 回を超えますが、ほとんどの席は開催の 1 年前に売り切れます。 Maybe it is time to start planning for 2020! 2020年の計画を始める時かもしれません!

Voice 1

The writers of today's programme were Shelagh Godwin and Mike Procter. The producer was Nick Mangeolles. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom. All quotations were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. |citas|||||| Computer users can read our scripts, hear our programs and see our word list on our website: http://www.radio.english.net. |||||||||||||||||||radio|| |||||guiones|||||||||||||||| This programme is called "The Passion Play". Voice 2

You are welcome to write to us with questions and comments about Spotlight. usted puede|||||||||||| Our email address is radio at english dot net. From all of us at Spotlight, goodbye.