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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4754)The Sapling Project 12 September, 2011

(Spotlight4754)The Sapling Project 12 September, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight, I'm Adam Navis. Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Do you ever wonder if you can make a difference? Do the world's problems seem too big? Many people have this feeling. And many people do not know what to do. But two men in India are trying to change that. They want people to make one small change in their communities. They hope if enough people make this change, it will make a big difference. They want people to plant trees.

Voice 2

Today's Spotlight is on 'The Sapling Project.' Voice 1

Satish Vijaykumar and Ranjeet Walunj live in Mumbai, India. They started the Sapling Project. Satish believes that their idea is like a tree. It starts with a seed – the seed is like an idea. Then the seed grows into a small tree - a sapling. Soon, the tree is bigger. It has branches that can reach far. Like the tree, as an idea grows, it can touch many people. Ranjeet told Spotlight about their idea,

Voice 4

"Most of us just keep thinking that we want to do something. But we never actually do anything. With the sapling project, we give one small opportunity to ACT on something - something which will give our next generation to best environment." Voice 2

This is a problem for many people in the world. It is difficult to know what to do about our worries. But Satish and Ranjeet decided to do something. They decided to plant trees.

Voice 1

So why plant trees? What problems does planting trees solve? Well, in Mumbai, India, there are millions of people. They all need places to live and work. This requires new buildings. But, when new buildings appear, they also get rid of trees.

Voice 2

The Indian government did a study of the country's trees. This study shows that India has millions of trees. But India also cuts down three to four thousand trees every day. That is a lot of trees being cut down. It is not healthy for the environment. Trees clean the air. And they can help fight climate change.

Voice 1

Satish said many people blame the government for letting so many trees get cut down. But he says that blaming does not solve problems. People often say they want to 'save the trees' but they do not do anything. Instead, people should say 'let us plant trees!' This way, people can work together to solve problems. Often, when Satish tells people about the project, he asks,

Voice 3

"Do you want your children and grand-children to breathe clean air? If the answer is yes, do something. Plant a tree. Or help us plant a tree!" Voice 2

Satish told his friend Ranjeet about his idea. Ranjeet thought of a great way to get other people involved. He used the internet to tell people about the project. Soon, people were giving money. And Satish and Ranjeet were bringing saplings all over the city for people to plant.

Voice 1

Planting trees is not a new idea. Many people have been planting trees to help change the world for many years. But, the Sapling Project is different from other tree planting projects. Most tree planting happens in country areas where there once were large forests. But Satish and Ranjeet believe that it is important to plant trees in cities and towns. Trees can help block noise from busy city streets. And, if people plant trees near their homes and businesses they can help care for them.

Voice 2

This is an important part of the Sapling Project. It is designed to get many Indian people involved in their own communities. It is designed to encourage people to make a difference. Satish told The Christian Science Monitor,

Voice 3

"The world is full of nice people. The only thing you need to do is get them moving." Voice 1

Many people are moving in India now. The Sapling Project is growing. Indian people have already planted over a thousand trees. Here is how it works. One sapling costs 44 cents. People give money to Satish and Ranjeet to buy the trees. Anyone can give money - even people in other countries! Then, Satish and Ranjeet put the trees in a car and drive around the city. Anyone can take a tree from the car and plant it. They just have to promise to take care of the tree for two years. That is the time a tree needs to grow strong roots.

Voice 2

Satish says that it is a good thing for people to have to care for the tree for two years. Caring for a tree is a little like caring for a child. You get to watch it grow. He says caring for these trees is also a way to care for future Indian children. For Ranjeet this is particularly true. He has a young daughter. He wants to see her grow up in a city that is green and healthy.

Voice 1

There is another interesting thing about the Sapling Project. We said that they use the Internet to tell people about the project. But they also use the Internet to show how the trees are growing. First someone plants a sapling. Then, if they can, they put information on a website like facebook or twitter or a blog. They can take pictures of their sapling and show how it is growing. It is a great way to make people happy about the project. And it also makes people want to do a good job caring for their tree.

Voice 2

Satish and Ranjeet have given away about six thousand [6,000] saplings so far. And the project has spread to five other cities in India.

Voice 1

People in Mumbai are very happy about the project. It is already making big changes. The Christian Science Monitor talked to one mother about the project.

Voice 2

Veeni Bhagat was looking for trees to plant. Then she found the Sapling Project website. She decided to give a sapling to all of the children in her building. The children planted their own saplings. Now the children must care for them. They use the waste water from their homes to water the trees.

Voice 1

Before the trees were planted the area was just open and full of waste. Now, the children have a nice place to play. Veeni says this is a good way to teach children the value of nature and how to care for the environment.

Voice 2

India has the second largest population of any country in the world. But lots of people can make little changes. And together, those little changes can make a big difference.

Voice 1

If you would like to join or learn more about the sapling project, please visit our website at radio.english.net. There we have a link to the Sapling Project's website. Voice 2

The writer of this program was Sara DeKoster. The producer was Adam Navis. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. This program is called "The Sapling Project."

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(Spotlight4754)The Sapling Project 12 September, 2011 ||саджанець|| (Spotlight4754) مشروع الشتلة 12 سبتمبر 2011 (Spotlight4754)Das Sapling-Projekt 12 September, 2011 (Spotlight4754)El proyecto Sapling 12 septiembre, 2011 (Spotlight4754)Le projet Sapling 12 septembre 2011 (Spotlight4754)Il progetto Sapling 12 settembre, 2011 (スポットライト 4754) 苗木プロジェクト 2011 年 9 月 12 日 (스포트라이트4754)묘목 프로젝트 2011년 9월 12일 (Spotlight4754)The Sapling Project 12 września, 2011 r. (Spotlight4754)The Sapling Project 12 setembro, 2011 (Spotlight4754)Проект "Саженец" 12 сентября, 2011 (Spotlight4754)The Sapling Project 12 Eylül, 2011 (Spotlight4754)Проект "Саджанець" 12 вересня, 2011 (Spotlight4754)树苗计划 2011 年 9 月 12 日 (Spotlight4754)樹苗計畫 2011 年 9 月 12 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight, I'm Adam Navis. ||Spotlight||| Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Do you ever wonder if you can make a difference? هل تساءلت يومًا ما إذا كان بإمكانك إحداث فرق؟ 違いを生むことができるかどうか疑問に思ったことはありませんか? Do the world's problems seem too big? هل تبدو مشاكل العالم كبيرة جدًا؟ 世界の問題は大きすぎるように見えますか? Many people have this feeling. 多くの人がこの感覚を持っています。 And many people do not know what to do. そして、何をすればいいのかわからない人も多いでしょう。 But two men in India are trying to change that. しかし、インドの 2 人の男性がそれを変えようとしています。 They want people to make one small change in their communities. 彼らは、人々がコミュニティに小さな変化をもたらすことを望んでいます。 They hope if enough people make this change, it will make a big difference. 彼らは、十分な人数がこの変更を行えば、大きな違いが生まれることを望んでいます。 They want people to plant trees. 彼らは人々に木を植えてもらいたいのです。

Voice 2

Today's Spotlight is on 'The Sapling Project.' |||||새싹(1| Voice 1

Satish Vijaykumar and Ranjeet Walunj live in Mumbai, India. Satish Vijaykumar と Ranjeet Walunj は、インドのムンバイに住んでいます。 They started the Sapling Project. Satish believes that their idea is like a tree. Satish は、自分たちのアイデアは木のようなものだと考えています。 It starts with a seed – the seed is like an idea. |починається||||||||| Then the seed grows into a small tree - a sapling. |||||||||sapling |||||||||묘목 Soon, the tree is bigger. It has branches that can reach far. 遠くまで届く枝があります。 Like the tree, as an idea grows, it can touch many people. 木のように、アイデアが成長するにつれて、多くの人々に影響を与えることができます。 Ranjeet told Spotlight about their idea,

Voice 4

"Most of us just keep thinking that we want to do something. 「私たちのほとんどは、何かをしたいと考え続けています。 But we never actually do anything. しかし、実際には何もしません。 With the sapling project, we give one small opportunity to ACT on something - something which will give our next generation to best environment." 苗木プロジェクトでは、私たちの次世代に最高の環境を与える何かに取り組む小さな機会を与えます。」 Voice 2

This is a problem for many people in the world. これは世界中の多くの人々にとって問題です。 It is difficult to know what to do about our worries. 私たちの心配事について何をすべきかを知ることは困難です。 But Satish and Ranjeet decided to do something. They decided to plant trees.

Voice 1

So why plant trees? では、なぜ木を植えるのでしょうか? What problems does planting trees solve? 木を植えることで解決する問題とは? Well, in Mumbai, India, there are millions of people. They all need places to live and work. This requires new buildings. But, when new buildings appear, they also get rid of trees. しかし、新しい建物が現れると、木もなくなります。

Voice 2

The Indian government did a study of the country's trees. インド政府は国の樹木の調査を行いました。 This study shows that India has millions of trees. この研究は、インドには何百万本もの木があることを示しています。 But India also cuts down three to four thousand trees every day. しかし、インドでは毎日 3 ~ 4,000 本の木が伐採されています。 That is a lot of trees being cut down. それは多くの木が伐採されていることです。 It is not healthy for the environment. 環境にとって健康的ではありません。 Trees clean the air. And they can help fight climate change. また、気候変動との闘いにも役立ちます。

Voice 1

Satish said many people blame the government for letting so many trees get cut down. サティシュ氏によると、多くの人が、これほど多くの木を伐採させた政府を非難しているという。 But he says that blaming does not solve problems. しかし、非難しても問題は解決しないと彼は言います。 People often say they want to 'save the trees' but they do not do anything. 人々はしばしば「木を救いたい」と言うが、何もしない。 Instead, people should say 'let us plant trees!' 代わりに、人々は「木を植えよう!」と言うべきです。 This way, people can work together to solve problems. このようにして、人々は協力して問題を解決することができます。 Often, when Satish tells people about the project, he asks, 多くの場合、サティシュはこのプロジェクトについて人々に話すとき、次のように尋ねます。

Voice 3

"Do you want your children and grand-children to breathe clean air? 「子供や孫にきれいな空気を吸わせたいですか? If the answer is yes, do something. 答えが「はい」の場合は、何かをしてください。 Plant a tree. 木を植える。 Or help us plant a tree!" または、木を植えるのを手伝ってください!」 Voice 2

Satish told his friend Ranjeet about his idea. Ranjeet thought of a great way to get other people involved. Ranjeet は、他の人を巻き込む素晴らしい方法を考えました。 He used the internet to tell people about the project. 彼はインターネットを使ってプロジェクトについて人々に伝えました。 Soon, people were giving money. And Satish and Ranjeet were bringing saplings all over the city for people to plant. ||||||саджанці|||||||| そして、サティシュとランジートは、人々が植えるために街中に苗木を運んでいました。

Voice 1

Planting trees is not a new idea. Many people have been planting trees to help change the world for many years. 長年にわたり、多くの人々が世界を変える手助けをするために木を植えてきました。 But, the Sapling Project is different from other tree planting projects. しかし、苗木プロジェクトは他の植林プロジェクトとは異なります。 Most tree planting happens in country areas where there once were large forests. ほとんどの植林は、かつて大きな森林があった田舎で行われます。 But Satish and Ranjeet believe that it is important to plant trees in cities and towns. Trees can help block noise from busy city streets. And, if people plant trees near their homes and businesses they can help care for them.

Voice 2

This is an important part of the Sapling Project. これは苗木プロジェクトの重要な部分です。 It is designed to get many Indian people involved in their own communities. 多くのインド人が自分たちのコミュニティに参加できるように設計されています。 It is designed to encourage people to make a difference. 人々が違いを生み出すことを奨励するように設計されています。 Satish told The Christian Science Monitor, サティシュはクリスチャン・サイエンス・モニターに次のように語った。

Voice 3

"The world is full of nice people. 「世界は素敵な人でいっぱいです。 The only thing you need to do is get them moving." あなたがする必要がある唯一のことは、それらを動かすことです。」 Voice 1

Many people are moving in India now. The Sapling Project is growing. Indian people have already planted over a thousand trees. インドの人々はすでに千本以上の木を植えています。 Here is how it works. これがどのように機能するかです。 One sapling costs 44 cents. 苗木は 1 本 44 セントです。 People give money to Satish and Ranjeet to buy the trees. 人々は木を買うためにサティシュとランジートにお金を与えます。 Anyone can give money - even people in other countries! 誰でもお金を寄付できます - 他の国の人でも! Then, Satish and Ranjeet put the trees in a car and drive around the city. それから、サティシュとランジートは木を車に積み込み、街中をドライブします。 Anyone can take a tree from the car and plant it. 누구나|||||||||| 誰でも車から木を取り出して植えることができます。 They just have to promise to take care of the tree for two years. 彼らは、その木の世話を 2 年間行うことを約束するだけです。 That is the time a tree needs to grow strong roots. 木がしっかりとした根を張るのに必要な時間です。

Voice 2

Satish says that it is a good thing for people to have to care for the tree for two years. サティシュさんは、人々がその木の世話を 2 年間しなければならないのは良いことだと言います。 Caring for a tree is a little like caring for a child. 木の世話は子供の世話に少し似ています。 You get to watch it grow. あなたはそれが成長するのを見ることができます。 He says caring for these trees is also a way to care for future Indian children. これらの木の世話をすることは、将来のインドの子供たちの世話をする方法でもあると彼は言います。 For Ranjeet this is particularly true. ランジャートの場合、これは特に当てはまります。 He has a young daughter. He wants to see her grow up in a city that is green and healthy. 彼は彼女が緑豊かで健康的な街で育つところを見たいと思っています。

Voice 1

There is another interesting thing about the Sapling Project. 苗木プロジェクトにはもう一つ興味深いことがあります。 We said that they use the Internet to tell people about the project. But they also use the Internet to show how the trees are growing. First someone plants a sapling. まず誰かが苗木を植えます。 Then, if they can, they put information on a website like facebook or twitter or a blog. そして、可能であれば、フェイスブックやツイッター、ブログなどのウェブサイトに情報を掲載します。 They can take pictures of their sapling and show how it is growing. 彼らは苗木の写真を撮り、それがどのように成長しているかを示すことができます. It is a great way to make people happy about the project. プロジェクトについて人々を幸せにする素晴らしい方法です。 And it also makes people want to do a good job caring for their tree. また、人々は自分たちの木の世話をうまくやりたいと思うようになります。

Voice 2

Satish and Ranjeet have given away about six thousand [6,000] saplings so far. Satish と Ranjeet は、これまでに約 6,000 本の苗木を寄付しました。 Satish ve Ranjeet şimdiye kadar yaklaşık altı bin [6.000] fidan dağıttı. And the project has spread to five other cities in India.

Voice 1

People in Mumbai are very happy about the project. It is already making big changes. The Christian Science Monitor talked to one mother about the project.

Voice 2

Veeni Bhagat was looking for trees to plant. ヴィーニ・バガットは植える木を探していました。 Then she found the Sapling Project website. そんな時、苗木プロジェクトのサイトを見つけました。 She decided to give a sapling to all of the children in her building. |||||sapling|||||||| The children planted their own saplings. Now the children must care for them. 今、子供たちは彼らの世話をしなければなりません。 They use the waste water from their homes to water the trees. 彼らは家からの廃水を使って木々に水をまきます。

Voice 1

Before the trees were planted the area was just open and full of waste. 木が植えられる前は、この地域は開けたばかりでゴミだらけでした。 Now, the children have a nice place to play. Veeni says this is a good way to teach children the value of nature and how to care for the environment. ヴィーニさんは、これは子供たちに自然の価値と環境への配慮を教える良い方法だと言います。

Voice 2

India has the second largest population of any country in the world. インドは、世界で 2 番目に人口が多い国です。 But lots of people can make little changes. しかし、多くの人は小さな変更を加えることができます。 And together, those little changes can make a big difference. そして、これらの小さな変化が合わさって、大きな違いを生む可能性があります。

Voice 1

If you would like to join or learn more about the sapling project, please visit our website at radio.english.net. There we have a link to the Sapling Project's website. Voice 2

The writer of this program was Sara DeKoster. The producer was Adam Navis. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. This program is called "The Sapling Project."