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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 September, 2011

(Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 September, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Adam Navis. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Imagine a world where the sun never sets. Children can laugh and play in the streets all through the night. Fishermen enjoy twenty four hours of daylight on the open sea. To get any sleep, people must block all the light from their windows.

Voice 2

Now imagine a world with only darkness. Even in the middle of the day, the sun does not shine. The only light comes from the moon and the stars in the black sky. Cars must drive with their lights on all the time. When people awake in the morning, it looks like the middle of the night.

Voice 1

This is the situation for people who live above the Arctic Circle. The sun clearly influences their lives. This includes people in northern Russia, Canada, Alaska and Greenland. For part of the year they cannot see the sun. And part of the year the sun never disappears.

Voice 2

But do you ever think about the sun? All life depends on the power of the sun. Year after year, the sun warms the earth, gives us light, builds life on our planet, and even keeps us healthy. Today's Spotlight is on the sun and its place in our lives. Voice 1

Ancient cultures knew that the sun was important. Many cultures worshipped the sun as a god. Here is a part from an ancient Egyptian song to the sun

Voice 3

"You are beautiful, in the sky, Oh living Sun, beginning of life. When you rise in the east, you fill every land, with your beauty. Bright is the earth when you rise in the east. When you shine by day, you drive away the darkness. You feed every plant. When you rise, they live. They grow because of you. You make the seasons, in order to create all your work. Winter to bring them cold. Summer brings heat, that they may feel you." Voice 2

Other cultures also knew that they depended on the sun for their food to grow. But they did not think the sun was a God. Early Christians believed that the sun gave glory to God. Here is a part of the Bible.

Voice 3

"Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!" Voice 1

Whatever early people thought about the sun, they did not know much about it. But as people began to use science they learned more about the sun. In 1543, Nicholas Copernicus demonstrated that the earth travels around the sun. One hundred years later, scientists estimated the distance to the sun. And as recently as 1904, a man named Ernest Rutherford showed how the sun produced such large amounts of heat. These people discovered that the sun is a star like all the other stars in the sky. However, for our planet, it is a very special star.

Voice 2

The earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun. Here is one way to imagine this great distance. Imagine that you are standing on the sun. Your friends are on the earth. If they turned on a light, it would take eight minutes for you to see it! But this is the perfect distance for the earth to use the sun's heat. Voice 1

The temperature of the sun is around six thousand [6000] degrees Celsius at its surface, and fifteen million [15,000,000] degrees at its centre! If the earth were any closer, we would burn. But if the earth were any further away, we would freeze. And yet, the sun is more than a big heater.

Voice 2

The sun also helps provide us with fresh air. The sun heats the oceans. Then the water heats the air. The changing air temperatures create most of the world's wind. Wind moves air to different places so plants can remove carbon dioxide from the air and create oxygen.

Voice 1

But the sun also affects plants directly. The sun makes plants grow through the process of photosynthesis. Plants can change light from the sun into energy. They use the energy to grow bigger and stronger. All life on earth depends on plants. Without the sun, we could not grow food for ourselves or for our animals.

Voice 2

Plants are not the only things who capture the power of the sun. Human can turn sunlight into electricity with solar cells. A solar cell collects the power of the sun and stores it. Then, this power can be used to run anything that uses electricity: cars, computers, or homes.

Voice 1

Besides all these amazing things, the sun also helps us to do something very simple, but needed. Without the sun, we would not be able to see anything!

Voice 2

The sun also helps people to be healthy and strong. It acts as a natural cleaner for our skin. The sun can help kill harmful bacteria that live ON our skin. And the sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D. People need vitamin D to have strong bones.

Voice 1

The sun can also improve our mental health. In places where the sun does not shine, people can suffer from seasonal affective disorder. This is a kind of depression. People with season affective disorder do not have energy and feel sad. They are treated by sitting near a special light. But nothing is as good as being in real sunlight. Sunlight can help prevent depression and keep people happy. When the sun is shining, people have more hope about the future.

Voice 2

The sun does many other things as well. It helps us tell time. It controls the where and when animals travel. The sun's gravity keeps the planet in orbit. It even lets us see at night. This is because the sun shines on the moon and the moon sends the light down to the earth. The sun makes the colors of a rainbow after it rains. And it paints the sky during a sunset.

Voice 1

There are many things we still do not know about the sun. But the more we learn about the sun, the more we can thank God for giving us this wonderful gift.

Voice 2

This program was written by Sara DeKoster and Adam Navis. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can hear our programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website at http://www.Radio.English.net. This program is called "The Sun." Voice 1

If you have a comment or question for Spotlight you can email us. Our email address is radio@english.net. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Thank you for listening. Goodbye!

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(Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 September, 2011 (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 September, 2011 (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 septiembre, 2011 (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 septembre, 2011 (Spotlight4747)Il Sole 05 settembre, 2011 (Spotlight4747)The Sun 2011 年 9 月 5 日 (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 września, 2011 r. (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 setembro, 2011 (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 сентября 2011 г. (Spotlight4747)The Sun 05 Eylül, 2011 (Spotlight4747)太阳报 2011 年 9 月 5 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Adam Navis. Voice 2

And I'm Liz Waid. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Imagine a world where the sun never sets. Children can laugh and play in the streets all through the night. Fishermen enjoy twenty four hours of daylight on the open sea. i pescatori|||||||||| 漁師は外海で 24 時間日光を楽しみます。 To get any sleep, people must block all the light from their windows. 睡眠をとるためには、窓からのすべての光を遮断する必要があります。 Uyuyabilmek için insanların pencerelerinden gelen tüm ışığı engellemeleri gerekir.

Voice 2

Now imagine a world with only darkness. 闇だけの世界を想像してみてください。 Şimdi sadece karanlığın olduğu bir dünya hayal edin. Even in the middle of the day, the sun does not shine. 昼間でも日が当たらない。 The only light comes from the moon and the stars in the black sky. Cars must drive with their lights on all the time. When people awake in the morning, it looks like the middle of the night. 人々が朝起きたとき、それは真夜中のように見えます。

Voice 1

This is the situation for people who live above the Arctic Circle. これは、北極圏の上に住む人々の状況です。 The sun clearly influences their lives. 太陽は明らかに彼らの生活に影響を与えます。 This includes people in northern Russia, Canada, Alaska and Greenland. これには、ロシア北部、カナダ、アラスカ、グリーンランドの人々が含まれます。 For part of the year they cannot see the sun. 一年のうちの一部は太陽を見ることができません。 And part of the year the sun never disappears. そして、太陽が消えることのない年もあります。

Voice 2

But do you ever think about the sun? しかし、太陽について考えたことはありますか? All life depends on the power of the sun. Year after year, the sun warms the earth, gives us light, builds life on our planet, and even keeps us healthy. 毎年、太陽は地球を暖め、私たちに光を与え、地球上に生命を育み、さらには私たちの健康を維持しています。 Today's Spotlight is on the sun and its place in our lives. Voice 1

Ancient cultures knew that the sun was important. Many cultures worshipped the sun as a god. 多くの文化が太陽を神として崇拝しました。 Here is a part from an ancient Egyptian song to the sun これは古代エジプトの太陽にまつわる歌の一部です İşte eski Mısırlıların güneşe söylediği bir şarkıdan bir bölüm

Voice 3

"You are beautiful, in the sky, Oh living Sun, beginning of life. 「君は美しい、空に、生ける太陽よ、生命の始まり。 When you rise in the east, you fill every land, with your beauty. あなたが東に昇るとき、あなたはすべての土地をあなたの美しさで満たします。 Bright is the earth when you rise in the east. あなたが東に昇るとき、地球は明るいです。 When you shine by day, you drive away the darkness. あなたが昼に輝くとき、あなたは暗闇を追い払います。 Gündüzleri parladığınızda, karanlığı uzaklaştırırsınız. You feed every plant. あなたはすべての植物に餌をやる。 When you rise, they live. あなたが立ち上がるとき、彼らは生きています。 They grow because of you. 彼らはあなたのために成長します。 You make the seasons, in order to create all your work. すべての作品を作成するために、季節を作成します。 Tüm çalışmalarınızı yaratmak için mevsimleri siz yaratırsınız. Winter to bring them cold. 彼らを寒くする冬。 Summer brings heat, that they may feel you." 夏は暑さをもたらし、彼らはあなたを感じるかもしれません。」 Voice 2

Other cultures also knew that they depended on the sun for their food to grow. 他の文化もまた、食物が成長するために太陽に依存していることを知っていました. But they did not think the sun was a God. Early Christians believed that the sun gave glory to God. 初期のキリスト教徒は、太陽が神に栄光を与えると信じていました。 İlk Hıristiyanlar güneşin Tanrı'ya yücelik verdiğine inanırlardı. Here is a part of the Bible. ここに聖書の一部があります。 İşte İncil'den bir bölüm.

Voice 3

"Praise the Lord! Give thanks to|| 「主をほめたたえよ! "Tanrı'ya şükürler olsun! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights! 天から主をたたえよ。高みで彼をたたえよ! Praise him all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! 彼のすべての天使を賛美します。彼をたたえよ、彼のすべてのホストよ! Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! 太陽と月よ、彼をたたえよ、輝く星たちよ、彼をたたえよ! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!" 彼をほめたたえよ、あなたは最も高い天であり、あなたは天の上にある水です!」 Voice 1

Whatever early people thought about the sun, they did not know much about it. 初期の人々が太陽についてどう考えていたとしても、彼らは太陽についてあまり知りませんでした。 But as people began to use science they learned more about the sun. しかし、人々が科学を使い始めると、太陽についてより多くのことを学びました。 In 1543, Nicholas Copernicus demonstrated that the earth travels around the sun. ||Copernicus|||||||| 1543年、ニコラス・コペルニクスは、地球が太陽の周りを回っていることを証明しました。 One hundred years later, scientists estimated the distance to the sun. 100年後、科学者たちは太陽までの距離を推定しました。 And as recently as 1904, a man named Ernest Rutherford showed how the sun produced such large amounts of heat. そして1904年、アーネスト・ラザフォードという男が、太陽がどのように大量の熱を発生させるかを示しました。 These people discovered that the sun is a star like all the other stars in the sky. これらの人々は、空の他のすべての星と同じように、太陽が星であることを発見しました。 However, for our planet, it is a very special star. しかし、私たちの惑星にとって、それは非常に特別な星です.

Voice 2

The earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun. 地球は太陽から 1 億 5000 万キロ離れています。 Here is one way to imagine this great distance. この大きな距離を想像する 1 つの方法を次に示します。 Imagine that you are standing on the sun. あなたが太陽の上に立っていると想像してください。 Güneşin üzerinde durduğunuzu hayal edin. Your friends are on the earth. If they turned on a light, it would take eight minutes for you to see it! 彼らが明かりをつけたら、あなたがそれを見るのに8分かかるでしょう! But this is the perfect distance for the earth to use the sun's heat. しかし、これは地球が太陽の熱を利用するのに最適な距離です。 Voice 1

The temperature of the sun is around six thousand [6000] degrees Celsius at its surface, and fifteen million [15,000,000] degrees at its centre! If the earth were any closer, we would burn. 地球がもっと近くにあれば、私たちは燃えるでしょう。 But if the earth were any further away, we would freeze. しかし、地球がこれ以上離れていれば、私たちは凍ってしまうでしょう。 And yet, the sun is more than a big heater. それでも、太陽は大きなヒーター以上のものです。 Yine de güneş büyük bir ısıtıcıdan daha fazlasıdır.

Voice 2

The sun also helps provide us with fresh air. 太陽は新鮮な空気を私たちに提供するのにも役立ちます。 Güneş ayrıca temiz hava almamıza da yardımcı olur. The sun heats the oceans. 太陽は海を温めます。 Then the water heats the air. 次に、水が空気を加熱します。 The changing air temperatures create most of the world's wind. 変化する気温は、世界の風の大部分を生み出します。 Wind moves air to different places so plants can remove carbon dioxide from the air and create oxygen. 風は空気をさまざまな場所に移動させるため、植物は空気から二酸化炭素を取り除き、酸素を作り出すことができます。

Voice 1

But the sun also affects plants directly. しかし、太陽は植物にも直接影響を与えます。 The sun makes plants grow through the process of photosynthesis. 太陽は、光合成のプロセスを通じて植物を成長させます。 Güneş, fotosentez süreci sayesinde bitkilerin büyümesini sağlar. Plants can change light from the sun into energy. 植物は太陽の光をエネルギーに変えることができます。 They use the energy to grow bigger and stronger. All life on earth depends on plants. 地球上のすべての生命は植物に依存しています。 Dünya üzerindeki tüm yaşam bitkilere bağlıdır. Without the sun, we could not grow food for ourselves or for our animals. 太陽がなければ、私たちは自分自身や動物のために食べ物を育てることができませんでした.

Voice 2

Plants are not the only things who capture the power of the sun. 太陽の力を借りるのは植物だけではありません。 Human can turn sunlight into electricity with solar cells. 人間は太陽電池で太陽光を電気に変えることができます。 İnsan, güneş pilleri ile güneş ışığını elektriğe dönüştürebilir. A solar cell collects the power of the sun and stores it. 太陽電池は、太陽のエネルギーを集めて蓄えます。 Bir güneş pili güneşin gücünü toplar ve depolar. Then, this power can be used to run anything that uses electricity: cars, computers, or homes. 次に、この電力を使用して、電気を使用するあらゆるものを動かすことができます: 車、コンピューター、または家。

Voice 1

Besides all these amazing things, the sun also helps us to do something very simple, but needed. これらすべての驚くべきことに加えて、太陽は私たちが非常に単純だが必要なことをするのにも役立ちます. Without the sun, we would not be able to see anything! 太陽がなければ何も見えません!

Voice 2

The sun also helps people to be healthy and strong. It acts as a natural cleaner for our skin. それは私たちの肌の自然なクリーナーとして機能します。 The sun can help kill harmful bacteria that live ON our skin. 太陽は、私たちの皮膚に生息する有害なバクテリアを殺すのに役立ちます. And the sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D. People need vitamin D to have strong bones.

Voice 1

The sun can also improve our mental health. In places where the sun does not shine, people can suffer from seasonal affective disorder. ||||||||||||||disorder 太陽の当たらない場所では、季節性情動障害に苦しむことがあります。 This is a kind of depression. これは一種のうつ病です。 People with season affective disorder do not have energy and feel sad. 季節性情動障害の人は元気がなく、悲しくなります。 They are treated by sitting near a special light. 彼らは特別な光の近くに座って治療されます。 But nothing is as good as being in real sunlight. しかし、実際の日光に当たるほど良いものはありません。 Sunlight can help prevent depression and keep people happy. When the sun is shining, people have more hope about the future.

Voice 2

The sun does many other things as well. 太陽は他にも多くのことをしています。 It helps us tell time. 時間を伝えるのに役立ちます。 It controls the where and when animals travel. 動物が移動する場所と時間を制御します。 The sun's gravity keeps the planet in orbit. 太陽の重力は惑星を軌道に保ちます。 It even lets us see at night. 夜でも見ることができます。 This is because the sun shines on the moon and the moon sends the light down to the earth. これは、太陽が月を照らし、月が地球に光を送るためです。 The sun makes the colors of a rainbow after it rains. And it paints the sky during a sunset.

Voice 1

There are many things we still do not know about the sun. But the more we learn about the sun, the more we can thank God for giving us this wonderful gift.

Voice 2

This program was written by Sara DeKoster and Adam Navis. The voices you heard were from the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can hear our programs, read our scripts, and see our word list on our website at http://www.Radio.English.net. This program is called "The Sun." Voice 1

If you have a comment or question for Spotlight you can email us. Our email address is radio@english.net. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Thank you for listening. Goodbye!