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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4741)A Man at Peace 05 September, 2011

(Spotlight4741)A Man at Peace 05 September, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Liz Waid. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A small group of people sit together. They are sharing a meal in a restaurant, a public eating place. The men have not seen each other in several years. When their food arrives, it includes a small serving of rice. Without warning, one of the men shouts in anger. Why would a small serving of rice make someone so angry?

Voice 2

One of the men at the table was Louis Zamperini. Louis has been many different things in his life: a star runner, a soldier, a prisoner. He experienced many terrible things. These experiences almost destroyed his life. But now, Louis Zamperini shares an unexpected story. A story of hope and forgiveness. Today's Spotlight is on the life of Louis Zamperini. Voice 1

In 1943, the United States and Japan were at war. Louis was a soldier in the United States Air Force. But in the month of May, his airplane crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Only three men survived. The men had a small boat, but they did not have food or water. They hoped for rescue. But no-one came for them.

Voice 2

The men floated for forty seven days on the ocean. They drank rain water and they caught a few fish and birds to eat. They faced many dangers. They fought sharks. Enemy airplanes shot at them. The United States military told their families they were dead. Finally, one man did die.

Voice 1

They floated more than 3000 kilometres. Finally, Louis and the other man were found. But the men who found them were Japanese soldiers. Louis and the other man were now prisoners.

Voice 2

Both men were very weak. Each had lost half of their body weight. They could not stand without help. They were given some food and put in a hospital for two days. After that, the Japanese military sent them to a prison camp for captured soldiers.

Voice 1

For the next two years, Louis stayed in the prison camp. The conditions were terrible. He had very little food to eat - usually just one small serving of rice each day. It was the memory of these meals that made the men angry many years later.

Voice 2

The guards forced him to work hard. And they beat him often. One guard took a special interest in Louis. The prisoners called this man “The Bird.” The Bird hurt many people, and he hurt Louis most of all. Every day for one year, the Bird tortured Louis. He beat Louis with a long belt from around his waist. He hit Louis with his hands, and with hard wooden sticks.

Voice 1

Why did the Bird choose Louis for these beatings? No one knows for sure. But it may be because of who Louis was. Before World War Two, Louis had been a star sports player. As a runner, he had set records. And he competed in the 1936 Olympic Games. The Bird knew about this success. It may have made him feel important to beat someone who had been great.

Voice 2

The war finally ended in 1945. Like thousands of other soldiers, Louis returned to his family in the United States.

Voice 1

But things did not go well for Louis at home. He continued to suffer. He had left the prison camp. But he could not forget his experiences. These bad times were always with him. He could not sleep at night. In his dreams, The Bird would visit him and beat him again.

Voice 2

Three years after the war had ended, Louis was not at peace. He felt lost. He was often angry. He dealt with this by drinking alcohol. But it did not help. He got into fights. He only wanted one thing. He wanted to return to Japan. He wanted to find The Bird and murder him.

Voice 1

During this time, Louis met a woman named Cynthia. They got married. But Louis' problems continued. Some nights when he was fighting The Bird in his dreams, he would attack his wife instead. Finally, Cynthia decided to divorce Louis.

Voice 2

Then, in 1949, Cynthia went to an event that would change their lives. She went to hear a Christian minister named Billy Graham. He was speaking in large meetings to many people. Graham's message was simple. He talked about Jesus Christ. He said that Jesus Christ offered peace and forgiveness to all people. He said that following Jesus changed people's lives. As a result of his message, Cynthia decided not to divorce Louis. She had changed. She believed that Louis could change too. The next day, she asked Louis to go and hear Billy Graham's message. Voice 1

Louis agreed. But the message made Louis uncomfortable. He left in the middle of the meeting. His bad dreams, drinking and fighting continued. But Cynthia did not stop. She asked him to go hear the message again.

Voice 2

This second meeting changed Louis' life. He became a follower of Jesus Christ. That night, for the first time since the war ended, Louis did not dream about The Bird. Through Jesus Christ, peace finally came to Louis. This peace continued for the rest of his life. Louis became a Christian speaker. He shared his story with other people. He even travelled to Japan. Earlier, he wanted to hurt the guards who had hurt him. But now, he had a different message. He forgave his former guards. He had new love for his former enemies.

Voice 1

In 1998, the Olympic Games were in Japan. At the beginning of every Olympic Games, there is a special ceremony. It involves the Olympic torch. The torch holds a fire. It travels around the world, from Greece. People from many countries carry it for short distances, all the way to the Games.

Voice 2

That year, Louis carried the torch in Japan. He carried it past the place where he had been a prisoner. Crowds of Japanese people cheered for him - people who knew his story, and his experiences. Louis felt great joy and great love. He was a man at peace. He told the news organization CBS,

Voice 3

“I think back to 1945, when we left the prison camp. It was such a horrible place in our minds. I could not look back. But when I leave here today, I will look back. And I will never forget.”

Voice 1

The writer of today's program was Jeff Munroe. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can find our programs on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called “A Man at Peace.”

Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

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Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Liz Waid. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. |||||||diffusion It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A small group of people sit together. 少人数のグループが一緒に座っています。 They are sharing a meal in a restaurant, a public eating place. The men have not seen each other in several years. les||||||||| 男性は数年間お互いに会っていません。 When their food arrives, it includes a small serving of rice. 彼らの食べ物が届くと、少量のご飯が含まれています。 Without warning, one of the men shouts in anger. Sans avertissement||||||crie|| 警告なしに、男性の 1 人が怒りの叫びを上げました。 Why would a small serving of rice make someone so angry? Pourquoi|||||||rendre||| 少量のご飯で人はなぜそんなに怒るのですか?

Voice 2

One of the men at the table was Louis Zamperini. テーブルにいた男性の 1 人がルイ・ザンペリーニでした。 Louis has been many different things in his life: a star runner, a soldier, a prisoner. ルイは、スターランナー、兵士、囚人など、人生でさまざまなことを経験してきました。 He experienced many terrible things. 彼は多くの恐ろしいことを経験しました。 These experiences almost destroyed his life. But now, Louis Zamperini shares an unexpected story. しかし今、ルイス・ザンペリーニは予想外の話を共有します。 A story of hope and forgiveness. |||||de pardon 希望と許しの物語。 Today's Spotlight is on the life of Louis Zamperini. 今日のスポットライトはルイ・ザンペリーニの生涯です。 Voice 1

In 1943, the United States and Japan were at war. Louis was a soldier in the United States Air Force. But in the month of May, his airplane crashed into the Pacific Ocean. Only three men survived. The men had a small boat, but they did not have food or water. They hoped for rescue. But no-one came for them.

Voice 2

The men floated for forty seven days on the ocean. 男性は海に47日間浮かんでいました。 They drank rain water and they caught a few fish and birds to eat. They faced many dangers. 彼らは多くの危険に直面しました。 They fought sharks. Enemy airplanes shot at them. The United States military told their families they were dead. Finally, one man did die. 最後に、一人の男が死にました。

Voice 1

They floated more than 3000 kilometres. Finally, Louis and the other man were found. 最後に、ルイともう一人の男が見つかりました。 But the men who found them were Japanese soldiers. しかし、彼らを見つけたのは日本兵だった。 Louis and the other man were now prisoners. ルイともう一人の男は今や囚人でした。

Voice 2

Both men were very weak. les deux|||| 両方の男性は非常に弱かった。 Each had lost half of their body weight. それぞれが体重の半分を失っていました。 They could not stand without help. 彼らは助けなしでは立つことができませんでした。 They were given some food and put in a hospital for two days. 彼らは食事を与えられ、2日間入院しました。 After that, the Japanese military sent them to a prison camp for captured soldiers. その後、日本軍は彼らを捕虜収容所に送った。

Voice 1

For the next two years, Louis stayed in the prison camp. 次の 2 年間、ルイは捕虜収容所に留まりました。 The conditions were terrible. He had very little food to eat - usually just one small serving of rice each day. 彼は食べるものがほとんどなく、通常は毎日少量のご飯しか食べませんでした。 It was the memory of these meals that made the men angry many years later. 何年も後に男性を怒らせたのは、これらの食事の記憶でした.

Voice 2

The guards forced him to work hard. 警備員は彼に一生懸命働かせた。 And they beat him often. ||battent|| One guard took a special interest in Louis. 警備員の一人がルイに特別な関心を寄せていました。 The prisoners called this man “The Bird.” The Bird hurt many people, and he hurt Louis most of all. 囚人たちはこの男を「鳥」と呼んだ。鳥は多くの人を傷つけました、そして彼は何よりもルイを傷つけました。 Every day for one year, the Bird tortured Louis. 1年間毎日、鳥はルイを拷問しました。 He beat Louis with a long belt from around his waist. 彼は腰の周りから長いベルトでルイを殴った. He hit Louis with his hands, and with hard wooden sticks.

Voice 1

Why did the Bird choose Louis for these beatings? なぜ鳥はこれらの殴打のためにルイを選んだのですか? No one knows for sure. 確かなことは誰にもわかりません。 But it may be because of who Louis was. しかし、それはルイが誰であったかによるかもしれません。 Before World War Two, Louis had been a star sports player. As a runner, he had set records. ランナーとして、彼は記録を打ち立てました。 And he competed in the 1936 Olympic Games. そして彼は1936年のオリンピックに出場しました。 The Bird knew about this success. It may have made him feel important to beat someone who had been great. ||||||||||qui||| 偉大な人を打ち負かすことが重要だと感じたのかもしれません。

Voice 2

The war finally ended in 1945. Like thousands of other soldiers, Louis returned to his family in the United States. Diğer binlerce asker gibi Louis de Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki ailesinin yanına döndü.

Voice 1

But things did not go well for Louis at home. しかし、自宅でのルイスの状況はうまくいきませんでした。 He continued to suffer. 彼は苦しみ続けました。 He had left the prison camp. But he could not forget his experiences. These bad times were always with him. He could not sleep at night. In his dreams, The Bird would visit him and beat him again.

Voice 2

Three years after the war had ended, Louis was not at peace. He felt lost. Il|| 彼は途方に暮れた。 He was often angry. He dealt with this by drinking alcohol. 彼はアルコールを飲むことでこれに対処しました。 But it did not help. He got into fights. 彼は喧嘩をした。 He only wanted one thing. 彼が望んだことはただ一つ。 He wanted to return to Japan. 彼は日本に帰りたかった。 He wanted to find The Bird and murder him. 彼は鳥を見つけて殺そうとした。

Voice 1

During this time, Louis met a woman named Cynthia. この間、ルイはシンシアという女性と出会いました。 They got married. But Louis' problems continued. Some nights when he was fighting The Bird in his dreams, he would attack his wife instead. 彼が夢の中で鳥と戦っていたある夜、彼は代わりに妻を攻撃しました。 Finally, Cynthia decided to divorce Louis.

Voice 2

Then, in 1949, Cynthia went to an event that would change their lives. その後、1949 年に、シンシアは人生を変えるイベントに参加しました。 She went to hear a Christian minister named Billy Graham. 彼女はビリー・グラハムというクリスチャンの牧師の話を聞きに行きました。 He was speaking in large meetings to many people. 彼は大規模な会議で多くの人々に話していました。 Graham's message was simple. He talked about Jesus Christ. He said that Jesus Christ offered peace and forgiveness to all people. 彼は、イエス・キリストがすべての人々に平和と赦しを与えたと言いました。 He said that following Jesus changed people's lives. 彼は、イエスに従うことが人々の生活を変えたと言いました。 As a result of his message, Cynthia decided not to divorce Louis. 彼のメッセージの結果、シンシアはルイと離婚しないことに決めました。 She had changed. She believed that Louis could change too. 彼女はルイも変わることができると信じていました. The next day, she asked Louis to go and hear Billy Graham's message. Voice 1

Louis agreed. But the message made Louis uncomfortable. しかし、そのメッセージはルイスを不快にさせました。 He left in the middle of the meeting. 彼は会議の途中で立ち去った。 His bad dreams, drinking and fighting continued. 彼の悪い夢、飲酒、喧嘩は続きました。 But Cynthia did not stop. She asked him to go hear the message again.

Voice 2

This second meeting changed Louis' life. He became a follower of Jesus Christ. 彼はイエス・キリストの追随者になりました。 That night, for the first time since the war ended, Louis did not dream about The Bird. その夜、戦争が終わってから初めて、ルイは鳥の夢を見ませんでした。 Through Jesus Christ, peace finally came to Louis. This peace continued for the rest of his life. この平和は彼の残りの人生の間続きました。 Louis became a Christian speaker. He shared his story with other people. He even travelled to Japan. Il|||| Earlier, he wanted to hurt the guards who had hurt him. 以前、彼は自分を傷つけた警備員を傷つけたかった. But now, he had a different message. He forgave his former guards. Il|||| He had new love for his former enemies. 彼はかつての敵に新たな愛を抱きました。

Voice 1

In 1998, the Olympic Games were in Japan. At the beginning of every Olympic Games, there is a special ceremony. It involves the Olympic torch. それはオリンピック聖火を含みます。 The torch holds a fire. It travels around the world, from Greece. People from many countries carry it for short distances, all the way to the Games. 多くの国の人々が、オリンピックまでの短距離移動に携帯しています。

Voice 2

That year, Louis carried the torch in Japan. He carried it past the place where he had been a prisoner. 彼はそれを持って、囚人だった場所を通り過ぎました。 Crowds of Japanese people cheered for him - people who knew his story, and his experiences. ||||acclamaient|||||||||| 大勢の日本人が彼を応援しました - 彼の物語と彼の経験を知っていた人々. Louis felt great joy and great love. He was a man at peace. Huzurlu bir adamdı. He told the news organization CBS,

Voice 3

“I think back to 1945, when we left the prison camp. 「私たちが捕虜収容所を出た1945年のことを思い出します。 It was such a horrible place in our minds. I could not look back. But when I leave here today, I will look back. しかし、今日ここを去るとき、私は振り返ります。 And I will never forget.”

Voice 1

The writer of today's program was Jeff Munroe. The producer was Michio Ozaki. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can find our programs on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called “A Man at Peace.”

Voice 2

We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.