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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4737)Traditions of Love 29 August, 2011

(Spotlight4737)Traditions of Love 29 August, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Christy VanArragon. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

Do you know how your parents first met? Do you know what happened before they got married? What did your grandparents do to get to know each other before they got married? How have you looked for a husband or wife? Today's Spotlight is on courtship, the many different ways men and women find a husband or wife. Voice 2

Courtship is a name for the process of finding and getting to know someone that you will marry. Today, many people do this through "dating". But not in every culture! Courtship happens differently in cultures around the world. And courtship today often is very different from courtship hundreds of years ago. Let's look at some of the different ways people find love. Voice 1

In ancient times many marriages started when men from one group or tribe would steal a woman from another tribe. The woman would then be forced to become the man's wife. She would become a part of her new tribe.

Voice 2

Family and community are often important in finding a husband or wife. For royal families, this choice can also affect a whole country. Often, these marriages are arranged. That is, someone helps to choose the husband or wife, or even forces a particular choice.

Voice 1

Arranged marriages were common through history among royal families, as a way to bring security to a country. One example of this is Queen Maria Theresa of Austria. She had thirteen sons and daughters. She used her children as a way to help her country avoid wars. The Queen forced her children to marry dukes and duchesses' from other countries. By the end of her life, Maria had children who were part of the royal families of Spain, France, Netherlands, and Italy.

Voice 2

Arranged marriages do not just happen among rich and powerful people. And they are often a way for parents to love and care for their children. This kind of marriage is common in many cultures.

Voice 1

In some areas of Pakistan, families follow a courtship tradition called Pait likkhi. In the Urdu Language, Pait means "written". Likkhi means Stomach. So Pait Likkhi means "written on the stomach". Two families agree to marry their children before they are born or when they are very young. The marriage then happens when the children are young adults. The children must follow the wishes of their families. They are not permitted to decide who they will marry. But recently, courts in Pakistan have tried to fight this tradition.

Voice 2

There is also a form of arranged marriage in Japan. There, this process is called Miai. Parents will choose a boy for their daughter to meet. Sometimes the family will hire a nakodo or "go between" - a person who knows many young people in the community. This nakodo will then choose two available people. The man and woman look at pictures of each other and then decide to meet. The families and the son and daughter all attend this first meeting. If the meeting goes well, then the couple may meet again and someday get married.

Voice 1

But if a marriage is not arranged, how do two people find each other for marriage? There are many other traditions that help people meet each other.

Voice 2

Meeting in public places is a common custom for courtship. In the village of Croscombe in England, young men and women had an interesting courting tradition. In the fourteen hundreds the young unmarried women in the village would block the village streets. They would make all the unmarried men pay a fine to pass through. The next day, the unmarried men would block the street and the women would have to pay. All the money collected went to the local church and the young men and women got to know each other a little better.

Voice 1

A newer form of courtship is called "speed dating". The idea started in Beverly Hills, California in nineteen ninety eight. Here is how speed dating works. Many men and women gather together at a restaurant or bar. A speed dating leader tells the people what to do. Each man finds a woman to talk to and they sit down at a table. The man and woman talk and ask questions to quickly learn about the other person. After about five minutes, the speed dating leader rings a bell. Everyone must find a new person to talk to.

Voice 2

The men and women talk to many people throughout the night. If a man enjoys talking to one particular woman, he writes her name down. The women do the same thing. At the end of the night everyone gives these names to the speed dating leader. If a man and woman wrote each other's names, they are a match! The speed dating leader gives them the phone number or email address of their match.

Voice 1

Speed dating may seem like a foolish way to meet people. How much can you really learn about a person in just five minutes? But many experts say that some of the most important opinions you make about someone happen within the first thirty seconds. Speed dating is quick courtship!

Voice 2

Courtship traditions in the Philippines are not quick like this. Instead, it has many different parts. The man and the woman slowly show interest in each other. When the interest is confirmed, they begin to go on dates. But in different areas of the country, there are other traditions too. In the Palawan region, men perform courtship through the use of love riddles. A riddle is a question that must be solved. Riddles often have hidden meanings. The parents of the girl ask the man and his parents riddles to learn more about them.

Voice 1

In the Pangasinan region of the Philippines, the man makes liquid love potions. He gives them to the woman hoping she will drink them and fall in love with him. If this does not work, he will act out a story or drama to show his love for the woman.

Voice 2

In the Vasayas Region the men sing songs to the women they want to marry. Men also will write love letters and give them to a close friend to bring to the woman. But the man does not only write to the woman. He also writes to her family.

Voice 1

Whatever the culture, courtship is an important part of life. Courtship is how we decide who to marry. It is part of forming families. No matter how you find a husband or wife, courtship is the first part of forming a good marriage relationship.

Voice 2

What do you think of these courtship traditions? What do you look for in a person who you will marry? Share your thoughts with us. You can email us at radio@english.net or visit our website at http://www.radio.english.net. You can also find Spotlight on Facebook. Just search for Spotlight Radio.

Voice 1

The writer and producer of today's program was Joshua Leo. The voices you heard were from the United States. This programme is called "Traditions of Love". We hope you can join us for the next Spotlight program, goodbye.

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(Spotlight4737)Traditions of Love 29 August, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Traditionen der Liebe 29 August, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Tradiciones de amor 29 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Traditions d'amour 29 août 2011 (Spotlight4737)Tradizioni d'amore 29 agosto, 2011 (スポットライト4737)愛の伝統 2011年8月29日 (스포트라이트4737)사랑의 전통 2011년 8월 29일, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Tradycje miłości 29 sierpnia, 2011 r. (Spotlight4737)Tradições de Amor 29 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Традиции любви 29 августа, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Sevgi Gelenekleri 29 Ağustos, 2011 (Spotlight4737)Традиції любові 29 серпня, 2011 (Spotlight4737)爱的传统 2011 年 8 月 29 日 (Spotlight4737)愛的傳統 2011 年 8 月 29 日

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Christy VanArragon. Voice 2

And I'm Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live. 전 세계 어디에 살든 사람들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있습니다.

Voice 1

Do you know how your parents first met? あなたの両親が最初に会った方法を知っていますか? Do you know what happened before they got married? 彼らが結婚する前に何があったか知っていますか? What did your grandparents do to get to know each other before they got married? Qu'est-ce que|||||||||||||| あなたの祖父母は、結婚する前にお互いを知るために何をしましたか? How have you looked for a husband or wife? 夫や妻をどのように探しましたか。 Today's Spotlight is on courtship, the many different ways men and women find a husband or wife. ||||les fiançailles|||||||||||| ||||сватання|||||||||||| Voice 2

Courtship is a name for the process of finding and getting to know someone that you will marry. 연애 과정||||||||||||||||| 求愛とは、結婚する相手を見つけて知り合うプロセスの名前です。 Today, many people do this through "dating". |||font||| 今日、多くの人が「デート」を通じてこれを行っています。 But not in every culture! しかし、すべての文化ではありません! Courtship happens differently in cultures around the world. 求愛は、世界中の文化で異なる方法で行われます。 And courtship today often is very different from courtship hundreds of years ago. そして、今日の求愛は、何百年も前の求愛とは大きく異なることがよくあります。 Let's look at some of the different ways people find love. 人々が愛を見つけるさまざまな方法をいくつか見てみましょう。 Voice 1

In ancient times many marriages started when men from one group or tribe would steal a woman from another tribe. ||||||||||||social group||||||| 古代には、あるグループまたは部族の男性が別の部族の女性を盗むことから、多くの結婚が始まりました。 The woman would then be forced to become the man's wife. ||serait|||||||| その後、女性は男性の妻になることを余儀なくされます。 She would become a part of her new tribe. 彼女は新しい部族の一員になるでしょう。

Voice 2

Family and community are often important in finding a husband or wife. For royal families, this choice can also affect a whole country. 王族にとって、この選択は国全体にも影響を与える可能性があります。 Often, these marriages are arranged. 多くの場合、これらの結婚は手配されています。 That is, someone helps to choose the husband or wife, or even forces a particular choice. つまり、誰かが夫または妻を選択するのを手伝ったり、特定の選択を強制したりすることさえあります。 Tức là có người giúp chọn vợ hoặc chồng, thậm chí ép buộc một sự lựa chọn cụ thể.

Voice 1

Arranged marriages were common through history among royal families, as a way to bring security to a country. 정략적인||||||||||||||||| 見合い結婚は、国に安全をもたらす方法として、歴史を通じて王室の間で一般的でした. One example of this is Queen Maria Theresa of Austria. その一例がオーストリアのマリア・テレジア女王です。 She had thirteen sons and daughters. Elle|||fils|| She used her children as a way to help her country avoid wars. 彼女は自分の国が戦争を避けるのを助ける方法として子供たちを利用しました。 The Queen forced her children to marry dukes and duchesses' from other countries. |||||||공작들||공작부인들||| 女王は自分の子供たちに他国の公爵や公爵夫人との結婚を強要しました。 By the end of her life, Maria had children who were part of the royal families of Spain, France, Netherlands, and Italy. 彼女の人生の終わりまでに、マリアにはスペイン、フランス、オランダ、イタリアの王室の一員である子供がいました.

Voice 2

Arranged marriages do not just happen among rich and powerful people. 見合い結婚は、裕福で力のある人々の間だけで起こるわけではありません。 Những cuộc hôn nhân sắp đặt không chỉ xảy ra giữa những người giàu có và quyền lực. And they are often a way for parents to love and care for their children. ||||une|||||||||| また、親が子供を愛し、世話をする方法でもあります。 This kind of marriage is common in many cultures. この種の結婚は、多くの文化で一般的です。

Voice 1

In some areas of Pakistan, families follow a courtship tradition called Pait likkhi. パキスタンのいくつかの地域では、家族はパイトリッキと呼ばれる求愛の伝統に従います。 In the Urdu Language, Pait means "written". ウルドゥー語で、Pait は「書かれた」という意味です。 Likkhi means Stomach. リッキーとは胃という意味です。 So Pait Likkhi means "written on the stomach". つまり、パイトリッキは「お腹に書かれた」という意味です。 Two families agree to marry their children before they are born or when they are very young. 2 つの家族が、子どもが生まれる前または幼いうちに結婚することに同意します。 The marriage then happens when the children are young adults. その後、結婚は子供たちが青年期に行われます。 The children must follow the wishes of their families. 子どもたちは家族の意向に従わなければなりません。 They are not permitted to decide who they will marry. 誰と結婚するかを決めることは許されていません。 Họ không được phép quyết định sẽ kết hôn với ai. But recently, courts in Pakistan have tried to fight this tradition. ||법원|||||||| しかし最近、パキスタンの裁判所はこの伝統に反対しようとしている。

Voice 2

There is also a form of arranged marriage in Japan. 日本にも見合い結婚の形態があります。 There, this process is called Miai. そこでは、このプロセスをMiaiと呼びます。 Parents will choose a boy for their daughter to meet. Sometimes the family will hire a nakodo or "go between" - a person who knows many young people in the community. ||||employ||matchmaker||||||||||||| 時々、家族はナコドまたは「仲人」を雇います - コミュニティの多くの若者を知っている人. This nakodo will then choose two available people. ||||||disponibles| |пара|||||| このナコドは、利用可能な人を 2 人選びます。 The man and woman look at pictures of each other and then decide to meet. The families and the son and daughter all attend this first meeting. 家族と息子と娘は全員、この最初の会議に出席します。 If the meeting goes well, then the couple may meet again and someday get married. ||||||||||||un jour||

Voice 1

But if a marriage is not arranged, how do two people find each other for marriage? There are many other traditions that help people meet each other. 人々がお互いに出会うのを助ける他の多くの伝統があります。

Voice 2

Meeting in public places is a common custom for courtship. |||||||coutume|| 公共の場所で会うことは、求愛のための一般的な習慣です。 In the village of Croscombe in England, young men and women had an interesting courting tradition. イングランドのクロスコム村では、若い男性と女性が興味深い求愛の伝統を持っていました。 In the fourteen hundreds the young unmarried women in the village would block the village streets. |||||||||||avaient l'habitude de|||| 1400 年代には、村の未婚の若い女性が村の通りをふさいでいました。 They would make all the unmarried men pay a fine to pass through. ||||||||une|||| |||||||||penalty fee||| 彼らはすべての未婚の男性に罰金を払わせて通過させました。 The next day, the unmarried men would block the street and the women would have to pay. 翌日、未婚の男性が通りを封鎖し、女性は支払いをしなければなりませんでした。 All the money collected went to the local church and the young men and women got to know each other a little better. |||||||||||||||ont eu||||||| 集められたお金はすべて地元の教会に寄付され、若い男性と女性はお互いをよりよく知るようになりました。

Voice 1

A newer form of courtship is called "speed dating". 求愛の新しい形は「スピードデート」と呼ばれます。 The idea started in Beverly Hills, California in nineteen ninety eight. このアイデアは、1998 年にカリフォルニア州ビバリーヒルズで始まりました。 Here is how speed dating works. スピードデートの仕組みは次のとおりです。 Many men and women gather together at a restaurant or bar. ||||se rassemblent|||||| A speed dating leader tells the people what to do. Each man finds a woman to talk to and they sit down at a table. The man and woman talk and ask questions to quickly learn about the other person. 男性と女性が話したり、質問したりして、相手のことをすぐに知ることができます。 After about five minutes, the speed dating leader rings a bell. Everyone must find a new person to talk to. 誰もが話す新しい人を見つけなければなりません。

Voice 2

The men and women talk to many people throughout the night. 男性と女性は一晩中多くの人と話します。 If a man enjoys talking to one particular woman, he writes her name down. |||||||||il|||| 男性が特定の女性と話すのが好きなら、その女性の名前を書き留めます。 The women do the same thing. At the end of the night everyone gives these names to the speed dating leader. If a man and woman wrote each other's names, they are a match! |||||ont écrit||||||| The speed dating leader gives them the phone number or email address of their match. スピードデートのリーダーは、相手の電話番号またはメールアドレスを教えてくれます。

Voice 1

Speed dating may seem like a foolish way to meet people. ||||||absurde|||| スピードデートは、人々に会うためのばかげた方法のように思えるかもしれません. How much can you really learn about a person in just five minutes? たった 5 分間で、その人について実際にどれだけのことを学べるでしょうか? But many experts say that some of the most important opinions you make about someone happen within the first thirty seconds. しかし、多くの専門家は、誰かについて行う最も重要な意見のいくつかは、最初の 30 秒以内に発生すると言います。 Speed dating is quick courtship! ||||rapid romantic pursuit

Voice 2

Courtship traditions in the Philippines are not quick like this. Instead, it has many different parts. The man and the woman slowly show interest in each other. 男と女はゆっくりとお互いに興味を示します。 When the interest is confirmed, they begin to go on dates. 興味が確認されると、彼らはデートを始めます。 But in different areas of the country, there are other traditions too. In the Palawan region, men perform courtship through the use of love riddles. ||||||||||||énigmes d'amour パラワン地方では、男性は愛のなぞなぞを使って求愛を行います。 A riddle is a question that must be solved. なぞなぞは解決しなければならない問題です。 Riddles often have hidden meanings. |||cachées| なぞなぞにはしばしば隠された意味があります。 The parents of the girl ask the man and his parents riddles to learn more about them. 女の子の両親は、男性と彼の両親になぞなぞについてもっと学ぶように頼みます。

Voice 1

In the Pangasinan region of the Philippines, the man makes liquid love potions. フィリピンのパンガシナン地方で、男性は媚薬を作っています。 He gives them to the woman hoping she will drink them and fall in love with him. ||||||en espérant|||||||||| 彼は、彼女がそれらを飲んで彼に恋をすることを望んで、それらを女性に渡します。 If this does not work, he will act out a story or drama to show his love for the woman. |||||il|||||||||||||| これがうまくいかない場合、彼は物語やドラマを演じて、女性への愛を示します。

Voice 2

In the Vasayas Region the men sing songs to the women they want to marry. Men also will write love letters and give them to a close friend to bring to the woman. |||||||les donner||||proche|||||| 男性もラブレターを書いて親しい友人に渡し、女性に持ってきます。 But the man does not only write to the woman. しかし、男性は女性に手紙を書くだけではありません。 He also writes to her family.

Voice 1

Whatever the culture, courtship is an important part of life. 文化が何であれ、求愛は人生の重要な部分です。 Courtship is how we decide who to marry. 求愛は、誰と結婚するかを決める方法です。 It is part of forming families. それは家族形成の一部です。 No matter how you find a husband or wife, courtship is the first part of forming a good marriage relationship. Peu importe||||||||||||||de||||| どのような方法で夫や妻を見つけたとしても、求愛は良好な結婚関係を築くための最初の部分です。

Voice 2

What do you think of these courtship traditions? これらの求愛の伝統についてどう思いますか。 What do you look for in a person who you will marry? あなたは結婚する相手に何を求めますか? Share your thoughts with us. You can email us at radio@english.net or visit our website at http://www.radio.english.net. ||||||||||||||||français| You can also find Spotlight on Facebook. Just search for Spotlight Radio.

Voice 1

The writer and producer of today's program was Joshua Leo. The voices you heard were from the United States. This programme is called "Traditions of Love". We hope you can join us for the next Spotlight program, goodbye.