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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4734)Groups for Mothers 29 August, 2011

(Spotlight4734)Groups for Mothers 29 August, 2011

Voice 1


Welcome to Spotlight. I'm Bruce Gulland. Voice 2

And I'm Marina Santee.

This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1

The sun sets over the mountains in Western Nepal.

Women are returning home. They have worked all day in the fields. Their trip home is not easy. The paths are narrow and uneven. And the women carry heavy loads of grass on their heads. They will feed their animals with this grass. As the women get nearer to their homes, they can hear noises. It is coming from one of the village houses. A group of older women are gathering outside the house.

Inside, a husband and wife are arguing. The husband is angry. He is beating his wife. The older women outside the house have formed a circle. They are shouting, loudly. They do not enter the house, but the husband and wife hear them. The husband stops. He knows this group of women. And he is a little afraid of them. He knows that people in the community greatly respect these women. The wife is thankful that he has stopped beating her. She goes to the window and smiles. She knows these women too - they are local village women. They are part of the Mothers' Union. Voice 2

In the villages of Western Nepal, everyone knows about Mothers' Unions.

These groups of women are all mothers from the villages. And they all work to make good changes in their communities. In today's Spotlight we look at the work of Mothers' Union groups in two very different countries – Nepal and England. Voice 1

For many people in the country areas of Nepal, life is not easy.

Most people work as farmers. People in poorer communities do not own their own land. Instead, they work on the land of richer families to earn money or food. They do not have machines to make farming easy. And there is very little water. Travelling to the local market or health service is a long and difficult trip for most people. There is a lack of good jobs. This struggle to survive sometimes causes conflict in the homes. It is in these difficult situations that Mothers' Unions work.

And violence in the home is just one of the issues they deal with. One Mothers' Union member explained: Voice 3

‘The Mothers' Union do many things.

You see these small foot paths? We helped to build them. We collected money from the village people in our community. Then, we went to our local government man. We told him, “You have to help us. We can give you some money. You can provide the work.” And now we have these good footpaths. Voice 2

Some villages do not have a footpath.

For people in these villages, travelling to the local market or school is difficult, and even dangerous. Having a good footpath makes life much easier for families. They can make more money at the market. They can get to health centers more quickly. And children can get to school. Voice 1

Another way Mothers' Unions work is to gather money for community needs. For example, some groups have helped pay for community centres, or farm animals. They also work to deal with alcohol problems. One group set an alcohol limit for all the men in the village! The women in the Mothers' Unions know that they cannot solve all of their village's problems. But they also know that by working together, they can make life better for their people. Voice 2

In England, the Mothers' Union group began from one mother's desire to improve the environment for her children. Mary Summer was born in the eighteen hundreds in Northern England. Her family was wealthy. So she had a good education and later married a priest. However, when Mary had her first child, she was afraid. She was frightened about the huge responsibility of being a mother. She was also concerned about the environment her children would live in. She worried about the lack of morals and values in society. Mary cared for her children as best she could. Years later they married and had their own children. And it was then that Mary decided to act. She wanted to start a women's group in her church to support mothers. During a women's meeting Mary said: Voice 4

‘The power for change lies in the hands of mothers.

If women unite in prayer and faith, they can change a nation. Voice 1

It was from these words that the first Mothers' Union formed.

The groups spread through churches in the England. They were based on the values that Mary spoke about - unity, prayer and faith. Today, the group is an international aid group. It works in eighty-one countries around the world. In many of these countries, the Mother's Union works to improve education among women – helping them to bring change in their own communities. Voice 2

In England, the Mothers' Union works in local communities to serve the needs of mothers and their families. They work in many places – schools, hospitals, churches, even the visitor centres in prisons. These groups have classes and information for parents. In other areas, groups of mothers simply meet to drink tea and talk together - sharing the joys and the difficulties of being a mother. Voice 1

Members also work to change the low morals and values that many people have. They encourage people to lead good lives based on Christian values of respect, love, and faith. This includes writing to governments to fight corruption and crime. They concentrate on issues that particularly affect women and children. Voice 2

Mothers' Unions are different in different parts of the world.

They speak different languages, are of different religions and ethnic groups. But like Mary, they share an important hope. They all want to improve the world that their children are growing up in. And together, women around the world are showing that the power for change really can lie in the hands of mothers. Voice 1

Is there a Mothers' Union where you live?

Would you like to start one? Write and tell us. Our email address is radio@radioenglish.net. Voice 2

The writer of this program was Marina Santee.

The producer was Luke Haley. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called, ‘Groups for Mothers'. Voice 1

You can also leave your comments on our website.

Or you can email us at radio at radioenglish dot net. You can also find us on Facebook - just search for spotlightradio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.

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(Spotlight4734)Groups for Mothers 29 August, 2011 焦点|||| (Spotlight4734)Gruppen für Mütter 29 August, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Groups for Mothers 29 August, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Grupos para madres 29 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Groupes pour les mères 29 August, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Gruppi per madri 29 agosto, 2011 (スポットライト 4734) 母親のためのグループ 2011 年 8 月 29 日 (스포트라이트4734)엄마를 위한 그룹 2011년 8월 29일, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Grupy dla matek 29 sierpnia, 2011 r. (Spotlight4734)Grupos para mães 29 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Группы для матерей 29 августа, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Grupper för mödrar 29 augusti, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Anneler için Gruplar 29 Ağustos, 2011 (Spotlight4734)Групи для матерів 29 серпня, 2011 (Spotlight4734)母亲小组 2011 年 8 月 29 日 (Spotlight4734)母親小組 2011 年 8 月 29 日

Voice 1


Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Bruce Gulland. ||Gulland Voice 2

And I’m Marina Santee.

This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. Bu programda özel bir İngilizce yayın yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Dünyanın neresinde yaşıyor olurlarsa olsunlar, insanların anlaması daha kolay. Voice 1

The sun sets over the mountains in Western Nepal. Batı Nepal'de güneş dağların üzerinden batıyor.

Women are returning home. 여성들||| 女性は家に帰っています。 They have worked all day in the fields. Their trip home is not easy. |여행|||| 家に帰るのは簡単ではありません。 The paths are narrow and uneven. |les chemins||étroites||irrégulières |||||고르지 않은 |||||нерівний 道は狭くてでこぼこです。 And the women carry heavy loads of grass on their heads. ||||lourdes|||||| そして、女性たちは頭に重い草を背負っています。 They will feed their animals with this grass. 彼らはこの草を動物に食べさせます。 As the women get nearer to their homes, they can hear noises. ||||더 가까이||||||| 女性が家に近づくと、騒音が聞こえてきます。 It is coming from one of the village houses. Köy evlerinden birinden geliyor. A group of older women are gathering outside the house. ||||||se rassemblent||| 年配の女性グループが家の外に集まっています。 Một nhóm phụ nữ lớn tuổi đang tụ tập bên ngoài ngôi nhà.

Inside, a husband and wife are arguing. ||||||en train de se dis 内部では、夫と妻が議論しています。 The husband is angry. He is beating his wife. ||bat en train de|| Anh ta đang đánh vợ mình. The older women outside the house have formed a circle. 家の外の年配の女性が輪を組んでいます。 They are shouting, loudly. 彼らは大声で叫んでいます。 Họ đang la hét, ầm ĩ. They do not enter the house, but the husband and wife hear them. |||||||||||entendent| 彼らは家に入ることはありませんが、夫と妻は彼らの声を聞いています。 The husband stops. He knows this group of women. 彼はこの女性グループを知っています。 And he is a little afraid of them. He knows that people in the community greatly respect these women. 彼は、コミュニティの人々がこれらの女性を大いに尊敬していることを知っています. The wife is thankful that he has stopped beating her. |||reconnaissante|||||| 妻は、彼が彼女を殴るのをやめたことに感謝しています。 She goes to the window and smiles. She knows these women too - they are local village women. 彼女はこれらの女性も知っています - 彼らは地元の村の女性です。 They are part of the Mothers' Union. 彼らはマザーズユニオンの一員です。 Voice 2

In the villages of Western Nepal, everyone knows about Mothers' Unions.

These groups of women are all mothers from the villages. And they all work to make good changes in their communities. そして、彼らは皆、コミュニティに良い変化をもたらすために働いています。 In today’s Spotlight we look at the work of Mothers' Union groups in two very different countries – Nepal and England. Dans|aujourd'hui|point de mire||||||||||||||||| Voice 1

For many people in the country areas of Nepal, life is not easy.

Most people work as farmers. People in poorer communities do not own their own land. 貧しいコミュニティの人々は自分の土地を所有していません。 Instead, they work on the land of richer families to earn money or food. À la place||||||||||gagner||| 代わりに、彼らは裕福な家族の土地で働き、お金や食べ物を稼ぎます。 They do not have machines to make farming easy. 彼らは農業を容易にするための機械を持っていません。 And there is very little water. Travelling to the local market or health service is a long and difficult trip for most people. ほとんどの人にとって、地元の市場や医療サービスへの移動は、長く困難な旅です。 There is a lack of good jobs. 良い仕事が不足しています。 This struggle to survive sometimes causes conflict in the homes. ||||||갈등||| 生き残るためのこの闘争は、家庭内で対立を引き起こすことがあります。 It is in these difficult situations that Mothers' Unions work. こうした困難な状況の中で、マザーズ ユニオンが活動しています。

And violence in the home is just one of the issues they deal with. ||||||||||||s'attaquent à| 家庭での暴力は、彼らが対処する問題の 1 つにすぎません。 Ve evdeki şiddet, uğraştıkları sorunlardan sadece biri. One Mothers' Union member explained: Voice 3

‘The Mothers' Union do many things.

You see these small foot paths? これらの小さな小道が見えますか? We helped to build them. We collected money from the village people in our community. 私たちはコミュニティの村の人々からお金を集めました。 Then, we went to our local government man. Daha sonra yerel hükümet yetkilimize gittik. We told him, “You have to help us. We can give you some money. You can provide the work.” And now we have these good footpaths. |||||||||||보행로 |||||||||||пішохідні доріжки あなたは仕事を提供することができます。」そして今、私たちはこれらの良い歩道を持っています. Voice 2

Some villages do not have a footpath.

For people in these villages, travelling to the local market or school is difficult, and even dangerous. |||||여행하는 것||||||||||| これらの村の人々にとって、地元の市場や学校への移動は困難であり、危険ですらあります。 Having a good footpath makes life much easier for families. 良い歩道があると、家族の生活がずっと楽になります。 They can make more money at the market. They can get to health centers more quickly. 彼らはより迅速に保健センターに到着できます。 And children can get to school. Voice 1

Another way Mothers' Unions work is to gather money for community needs. マザーズ ユニオンのもう 1 つの活動は、地域社会のニーズに合わせて資金を集めることです。 For example, some groups have helped pay for community centres, or farm animals. たとえば、一部のグループは、コミュニティ センターや家畜の支払いを支援しています。 They also work to deal with alcohol problems. 彼らはまた、アルコールの問題に対処するために働きます. One group set an alcohol limit for all the men in the village! あるグループは、村のすべての男性にアルコール制限を設定しました! The women in the Mothers' Unions know that they cannot solve all of their village’s problems. マザーズ・ユニオンの女性たちは、村の問題をすべて解決することはできないことを知っています。 But they also know that by working together, they can make life better for their people. しかし、彼らは協力することで人々の生活をより良くできることも知っています。 Voice 2

In England, the Mothers' Union group began from one mother’s desire to improve the environment for her children. イギリスでは、マザーズ ユニオン グループは、ある母親の子供たちの環境を改善したいという願望から始まりました。 Mary Summer was born in the eighteen hundreds in Northern England. メアリー・サマーは1800年代にイングランド北部で生まれました。 Her family was wealthy. |||riche So she had a good education and later married a priest. ||||||||||prêtre ||||||||||신부 それで彼女は良い教育を受け、後に司祭と結婚しました。 However, when Mary had her first child, she was afraid. しかし、メアリーが最初の子供を産んだとき、彼女は恐れていました。 She was frightened about the huge responsibility of being a mother. |||||énorme||||| She was also concerned about the environment her children would live in. She worried about the lack of morals and values in society. 彼女は、社会におけるモラルと価値観の欠如を心配していました。 Mary cared for her children as best she could. メアリーはできる限り子供たちの世話をしました。 Years later they married and had their own children. 数年後、彼らは結婚し、自分の子供をもうけました。 And it was then that Mary decided to act. そして、メアリーが行動することを決めたのはその時でした。 She wanted to start a women’s group in her church to support mothers. During a women’s meeting Mary said: Voice 4

‘The power for change lies in the hands of mothers. ||||se trouve||||| ||||resides||||| 「変化の力は母親の手にあります。 'Değişim için gerekli güç annelerin elindedir.

If women unite in prayer and faith, they can change a nation. ||||||foi||||| ||단결하다||기도||믿음||||| 女性が祈りと信仰で団結すれば、国を変えることができます。 Voice 1

It was from these words that the first Mothers' Union formed. 最初のマザーズ・ユニオンが形成されたのは、これらの言葉からでした。

The groups spread through churches in the England. ||se répandent||||| They were based on the values that Mary spoke about - unity, prayer and faith. |||||||||||||la foi ||||||||||단결||| それらは、メアリーが語った価値観、つまり団結、祈り、信仰に基づいていました。 Today, the group is an international aid group. ||||||원조| 今日、このグループは国際援助団体です。 It works in eighty-one countries around the world. In many of these countries, the Mother’s Union works to improve education among women – helping them to bring change in their own communities. Voice 2

In England, the Mothers' Union works in local communities to serve the needs of mothers and their families. イングランドでは、マザーズ ユニオンが地域社会で活動し、母親とその家族のニーズに応えています。 They work in many places – schools, hospitals, churches, even the visitor centres in prisons. These groups have classes and information for parents. Ces||ont|des cours|||| In other areas, groups of mothers simply meet to drink tea and talk together - sharing the joys and the difficulties of being a mother. 他の地域では、母親のグループが集まってお茶を飲みながら話し、母親であることの喜びと困難を分かち合います。 Voice 1

Members also work to change the low morals and values that many people have. |||||||도덕|||||| They encourage people to lead good lives based on Christian values of respect, love, and faith. 彼らは、尊敬、愛、信仰というキリスト教の価値観に基づいて人々が良い生活を送ることを奨励しています。 This includes writing to governments to fight corruption and crime. |||||||부패|| これには、汚職や犯罪と闘うための政府への手紙が含まれます。 They concentrate on issues that particularly affect women and children. ||||||영향을 미치는||| 特に女性と子供に影響を与える問題に焦点を当てています。 Voice 2

Mothers' Unions are different in different parts of the world. 母親の組合は、世界のさまざまな地域で異なります。

They speak different languages, are of different religions and ethnic groups. |||||||||cultural backgrounds| |||||||||민족| But like Mary, they share an important hope. しかし、メアリーと同じように、彼らは重要な希望を共有しています。 They all want to improve the world that their children are growing up in. 彼らは皆、子供たちが育っている世界をより良くしたいと考えています。 And together, women around the world are showing that the power for change really can lie in the hands of mothers. |||||||||||||||se trouver||||| Và cùng nhau, phụ nữ trên khắp thế giới đang cho thấy rằng sức mạnh tạo nên sự thay đổi thực sự nằm trong tay các bà mẹ. Voice 1

Is there a Mothers' Union where you live?

Would you like to start one? Write and tell us. Our email address is radio@radioenglish.net. Voice 2

The writer of this program was Marina Santee.

The producer was Luke Haley. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom and the United States. All quotes were adapted for this program and voiced by Spotlight. You can listen to this program again, and read it, on the internet at http://www.radioenglish.net. This program is called, ‘Groups for Mothers'. Voice 1

You can also leave your comments on our website.

Or you can email us at radio at radioenglish dot net. You can also find us on Facebook - just search for spotlightradio. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye.