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Spotlight August&September/2011, (Spotlight4702)Making Music 08 August, 2011

(Spotlight4702)Making Music 08 August, 2011

Voice 1

Welcome to Spotlight.

I'm Ryan Geertsma. Voice 2

And I'm Robin Basselin.

Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1

Resonaari is a music school in the country of Finland.

Like other music schools around the world, students come to Resonaari to learn how to play musical instruments. But Resonaari is not like other schools. Most people never expected its students to be able to make music. Today's Spotlight is on how the Resonaari Music Center helped these students play music by teaching in a new way. Voice 2

Learning to play a musical instrument takes lots of time and practice.

And playing music requires many skills. A person must learn the musical language. The way that music is written is international. It is a system of symbols. These symbols show things like the notes to play and the speed, or tempo, of the music. A musician needs to translate that information into actions. This is necessary so that the sound coming out of the instrument expresses the written music. So a musician needs to understand the written music. And a musician needs to know how to make the instrument create that music. Voice 1

But Resonaari is different from most other music schools.

Most of its students have mental or physical problems. These problems would normally prevent them from doing anything difficult. But at Resonaari the students' disabilities are not important. Instead, it is a place where people notice their musical skill and not their disabilities. Voice 2

Students often begin at Resonaari with no understanding of the basic ideas of music. Some can use only one finger to play. So it is difficult for these people to learn how to play instruments the traditional way. For some it is difficult to understand the written music. For others it is difficult to translate the written music into what the instrument needs to do to produce the sound. Voice 1

Two of the teachers at Resonaari recognized this difficulty.

So, Markku Kaikkonen and Kaarlo Uusitalo began to develop a new method for writing down music. Markku and Kaarlo spent ten years developing and testing their new method. They call the new method Figurenotes. This is the method that the Resonaari Music Center uses to teach its students. Voice 2

Figurenotes is a system of writing down and teaching music.

It uses small, sticky pieces of colored paper to show the students what to play. These "stickers" are different colors and shapes. Each color shows what note to play. The shapes show which octave the note is in, a higher one or a lower one. Voice 1

The written music uses these shapes and colors to show the music.

And the stickers can be placed on a piano, guitar, or other musical instrument. The Figurenotes sticker on the instrument shows the student exactly what to play when they see the sticker. Students learn to play by finding the same sticker on the instrument that is written on the music. Markku described this to the newspaper ‘Christian Science Monitor'. He explained how the student experiences the Figurenotes method, Voice 3

"In the beginning, it is only colors and symbols.

But then suddenly it starts to be music. That is the miracle moment. When a person is playing for the first time in his life, and he understands, 'I played music!' ... I call it the big-smile effect. Voice 2

It can take many years before the students are ready to perform.

But the teachers at Resonaari are very patient. And they celebrate every little bit of progress a student achieves. Voice 1

People with disabilities can understand Figurenotes more easily than traditionally written music. But Figurenotes can be helpful for anyone who is just beginning to play music - even very young children. Figurenotes gives the same information as traditionally written music. So it can be easy for a new musician to learn Figurenotes first, then, change later to traditionally written music. Voice 2

For many of the students at Resonaari the study of music is just the beginning. This study gives them courage. They begin to trust their own skills and gifts. It opens up the world of music to them, a world which they could not have taken part in before. Music can also improve the quality of life for people with physical or mental disabilities. For many of the students, Figurenotes begins a process of life-long learning. Markku shared an example with the Christian Science Monitor. It is about one of his students named Marko. Voice 3

"The student Marko Koivu began classes about ten years ago.

When he arrived, he had only two friends: his mother and a nurse who cared for him. He was a very quiet boy who just let things happen around him. Soon, Marko was learning to play the piano. His mother called to say, 'Marko is teaching me how to play chords on the piano. Are these groups of notes real chords?' It was a great experience. The son had knowledge about something that the mother did not know anything about. Voice 1

Playing music gave Marko faith in his own skills.

He began to feel like he could do more things on his own. For example, he learned about his local buses. Soon he began riding the bus to his music practices. He became friends with some famous musicians from Finland. These musicians joined him and other Resonaari students in a musical performance. Now Marko says, Voice 4

"Music is my life.

When we have performances, it gives me a good feeling. Voice 2

The Resonaari Music Center has concerts every year.

These musical performances give the students a chance to play for people. Many famous musicians join the students. The crowds that come to hear the concerts are always surprised. Before, no one thought that these students were able to create music. But using Figurenotes shows that even students with disabilities have the gift of music. Voice 1

The Figurenotes method is becoming popular.

It is now being used in other countries - such as Japan, Estonia, Italy, and Iceland. Brian Cope is the director of Drake Music Scotland. His school will be the first school in Scotland to use the Figurenotes method. The school will be using Figurenotes for students with and without disabilities. He heard Resonaari students play a concert. Now he thinks that Figurenotes will change how people learn and teach music. He says, Voice 5

"The Resonaari music students are teaching us.

They are teaching us that people with learning disabilities are able to do so much more in music than what we knew before. Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Courtney Schutt.

The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. Computer users can visit our website at http://www.Radio.English.net. This program is called "Making Music." You can also find Spotlight on Facebook. Just search for ‘Spotlight Radio'. We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. Goodbye!

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(Spotlight4702)Making Music 08 August, 2011 Feature presentation|Creating|Creating melodies|August Spotlight||| |||agosto (Spotlight4702) صنع الموسيقى 8 أغسطس 2011 (Spotlight4702)Musizieren 08 August, 2011 (Spotlight4702)Making Music 08 August, 2011 (Spotlight4702)Hacer música 08 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4702) ساخت موسیقی 08 اوت 2011 (Spotlight4702)Faire de la musique 08 août 2011 (Spotlight4702)Fare musica 08 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4702) 音楽を作る 2011 年 8 月 8 日 (스포트라이트4702)음악 만들기, 2011년 08월 08일 (Spotlight4702)Tworzenie muzyki 08 sierpień, 2011 (Spotlight4702)Making Music 08 agosto, 2011 (Spotlight4702)Создание музыки 08 августа, 2011 (Spotlight4702)Making Music 08 Ağustos, 2011 (Spotlight4702)Створення музики 08 серпня, 2011 (Spotlight4702)制作音乐 2011 年 8 月 8 日 (Spotlight4702)製作音樂 2011 年 8 月 8 日

Voice 1 Голос 1 صوت 1 Voice 1 Voz 1

Welcome to Spotlight. ||Добро пожаловать в "Прожектор". ||Spotlight program ||Destaque مرحبا بكم في أضواء كاشفة. Vítejte v sekci Spotlight. Willkommen bei Spotlight. Bienvenido a Spotlight. به Spotlight خوش آمدید. スポットライトへようこそ。 Bem-vindo ao Spotlight. 欢迎来到聚光灯。

I’m Ryan Geertsma. I am|| ||أنا ريان غيرتسما |Eu sou Ryan Geertsma.|Eu sou Ryan Geertsma. أنا ريان غيرتسما. Soy Ryan Geertsma. ライアン・ギアズマだ。 Chamo-me Ryan Geertsma. Voice 2 Tone صوت 2 Voz 2

And I’m Robin Basselin. ||روبن|باسلين ||Robin Basselin|No translation needed. ||e eu sou Robin Basselin.|e eu sou Robin Basselin. وأنا روبن باسلين. Y yo soy Robin Basselin. E eu chamo-me Robin Basselin.

Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. |||||метод||вещания |||||technique|| |||||||transmissão يستخدم Spotlight طريقة خاصة باللغة الإنجليزية للبث. Spotlight utiliza un método especial de difusión en inglés. スポットライトは特殊な英語放送方式を採用している。 O Spotlight utiliza um método especial de transmissão em inglês. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live. Это|является||||||||||||| ||||||||||||the world|| من الأسهل على الناس أن يفهموا، بغض النظر عن المكان الذي يعيشون فيه في العالم. Lidé ji snáze pochopí, ať už žijí kdekoli na světě. Es más fácil que la gente lo entienda, vivan en el lugar del mundo que vivan. درک آن برای مردم آسان تر است، مهم نیست در کجای جهان زندگی می کنند. Dünyanın neresinde yaşıyor olurlarsa olsunlar, insanların anlaması daha kolay. Voice 1 صوت 1 Voz 1 ボイス1

Resonaari is a music school in the country of Finland. |||||||Land|| ريزوناري|||||||||فنلندا Resonaari music school|||musical education||||||northern European nation レソナリ||||||||| Resonaari||||||||| Resonaari هي مدرسة موسيقى في دولة فنلندا. Resonaari, Finlandiya ülkesinde bulunan bir müzik okuludur. Resonaari 是芬兰国家的一所音乐学校。

Like other music schools around the world, students come to Resonaari to learn how to play musical instruments. |||||||||||||||||آلات موسيقية ||musical education|music academies||||||||||||||musical tools ||||||||||Resonaari'ye||||||| |||||||||||||||||instrumentos مثل مدارس الموسيقى الأخرى حول العالم ، يأتي الطلاب إلى Resonaari لتعلم كيفية العزف على الآلات الموسيقية. Как и в других музыкальных школах мира, студенты приходят в "Резонари", чтобы научиться играть на музыкальных инструментах. Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki diğer müzik okulları gibi, öğrenciler Resonaari'ye müzik enstrümanlarını çalmayı öğrenmek için geliyor. 与世界各地的其他音乐学校一样,学生来到雷索纳里学习如何演奏乐器。 But Resonaari is not like other schools. ||est||pareille à|| ||||wie|anderen| لكن ريسوناري ليست مثل المدارس الأخرى. Resonaari však není jako ostatní školy. Most people never expected its students to be able to make music. لم يتوقع معظم الناس أبدًا أن يتمكن طلابها من تأليف الموسيقى. Většina lidí nikdy neočekávala, že její studenti budou umět dělat hudbu. ほとんどの人は、学生が音楽を作れるとは思っていませんでした。 Большинство людей не ожидали, что его студенты смогут заниматься музыкой. Çoğu insan, öğrencilerinin müzik yapabilmesini asla beklemiyordu. 大多数人从未想到它的学生能够创作音乐。 Today’s Spotlight is on how the Resonaari Music Center helped these students play music by teaching in a new way. ||||||||||||||||||innovative|innovative method |||||その|||||||||||||| تدور أحداث "Spotlight" اليوم حول كيفية مساعدة Resonaari Music Center لهؤلاء الطلاب على تشغيل الموسيقى من خلال التدريس بطريقة جديدة. Сегодня мы рассказываем о том, как музыкальный центр "Резонари" помог этим студентам играть музыку, обучая их по-новому. Bugünün Spot Işığı, Resonaari Müzik Merkezi'nin bu öğrencilere yeni bir yöntemle müzik öğreterek nasıl yardımcı olduğunu anlatıyor. 今天的焦点是雷索纳里音乐中心如何通过新的教学方式帮助这些学生演奏音乐。 Voice 2

Learning to play a musical instrument takes lots of time and practice. |||||||||||Übung Öğrenmek||||||||||| |||||um instrumento|||||| Aprender a tocar un instrumento musical requiere mucho tiempo y práctica. یادگیری نواختن آلات موسیقی نیازمند زمان و تمرین زیادی است. 楽器の演奏を学ぶには、たくさんの時間と練習が必要だ。 Обучение игре на музыкальном инструменте требует много времени и практики. Bir müzik aleti çalmayı öğrenmek çok zaman ve pratik gerektirir.

And playing music requires many skills. |||demands|| |||gerektirir|| |||requer|| A hraní hudby vyžaduje mnoho dovedností. そして、音楽を演奏するには多くのスキルが必要です。 Ve müzik çalmak birçok beceri gerektirir. A person must learn the musical language. 人は音楽言語を学ばなければなりません。 Bir kişi müzik dilini öğrenmelidir. The way that music is written is international. 音楽の書き方は国際的です。 Müziğin yazılış şekli uluslararasıdır. It is a system of symbols. ||||من|رموز |||||signs or icons It is a system of symbols. シンボルのシステムです。 Bu bir semboller sistemidir. These symbols show things like the notes to play and the speed, or tempo, of the music. |||||||||||||الإيقاع||| |||||||||||hız||||| |símbolos||||||||||velocidade||tempo||| |||||||||||||pace of music||| Tyto symboly označují například noty, které se mají hrát, a rychlost nebo tempo hudby. これらの記号は、演奏する音符や音楽の速さ、またはテンポなどを示します。 Bu semboller, çalınacak notalar ve müziğin hızı veya temposu gibi şeyleri gösterir. 这些符号显示诸如要演奏的音符和音乐的速度或节奏之类的信息。 A musician needs to translate that information into actions. |müzisyen|||||||eylemler ||||traduzir|||| ミュージシャンはその情報をアクションに変換する必要があります。 Bir müzisyenin bu bilgiyi eyleme dönüştürmesi gerekir. Một nhạc sĩ cần chuyển thông tin đó thành hành động. This is necessary so that the sound coming out of the instrument expresses the written music. ||||||||||||يُعبّر عن||| ||||||||||||expresse||| To je nutné, aby zvuk vycházející z nástroje vyjadřoval napsanou hudbu. これは、楽器から出る音が書かれた音楽を表現するために必要です。 Это необходимо для того, чтобы звук, издаваемый инструментом, выражал написанную музыку. Bu, enstrümandan çıkan sesin yazılı müziği ifade etmesi için gereklidir. 这是必要的,这样乐器发出的声音才能表达所写的音乐。 So a musician needs to understand the written music. |||||||escrita| したがって、音楽家は書かれた音楽を理解する必要があります。 And a musician needs to know how to make the instrument create that music. ミュージシャンは、楽器にその音楽を作成させる方法を知る必要があります。 Ve bir müzisyenin, enstrümanın bu müziği nasıl yaratacağını bilmesi gerekir. Voice 1 ボイス1

But Resonaari is different from most other music schools. しかし、りそなりは他の多くの音楽学校とは違う。

Most of its students have mental or physical problems. 生徒のほとんどは精神的、身体的問題を抱えている。 大多数学生都有心理或身体问题。 These problems would normally prevent them from doing anything difficult. これらの問題は、通常、困難なことを行うことを妨げます。 Эти проблемы, как правило, не позволяют им заниматься сложными делами. Những vấn đề này thường ngăn cản họ làm bất cứ điều gì khó khăn. But at Resonaari the students' disabilities are not important. |||||الإعاقات||| |||||engelleri||| |||||deficiências||| |||||limitations||| V Resonaari však na postižení studentů nezáleží. しかし、りそなりでは生徒の障害は重要ではない。 Ancak Resonaari'de öğrencilerin engelleri önemli değildir. Instead, it is a place where people notice their musical skill and not their disabilities. ||||||||||||||إعاقاتهم Bunun yerine|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||deficiências Místo toho je to místo, kde si lidé všímají svých hudebních dovedností, a ne svého postižení. 代わりに、それは人々が彼らの障害ではなく彼らの音楽的スキルに気付く場所です。 Bunun yerine, insanların engellerini değil müzik becerilerini fark ettikleri bir yer. Thay vào đó, đó là nơi mọi người chú ý đến kỹ năng âm nhạc của họ chứ không phải khuyết tật của họ. Voice 2

Students often begin at Resonaari with no understanding of the basic ideas of music. |||||||||||ideias|| 学生は音楽の基本的な考え方を理解せずにResonaariから始めることがよくあります。 Some can use only one finger to play. certaines||||||| ||kullanmak|||parmak|| |||||dedo|| 1 本の指だけで演奏できる人もいます。 So it is difficult for these people to learn how to play instruments the traditional way. ||||||||||||||geleneksel| そのため、これらの人々が伝統的な方法で楽器を演奏する方法を学ぶことは困難です. For some it is difficult to understand the written music. ||||||entender||| For some it is difficult to understand the written music. 書かれた音楽を理解するのが難しい人もいます。 For others it is difficult to translate the written music into what the instrument needs to do to produce the sound. ||||||||||||||||||create|| 他の人にとっては、書かれた音楽を楽器が音を出すために必要なものに翻訳するのは難しい. Voice 1

Two of the teachers at Resonaari recognized this difficulty. ||||||أدركوا|| ||||||fark etti||zorluk ||||||reconheceram|| Two of the teachers at Resonaari recognized this difficulty. りそなりの2人の教師は、この難しさを認識していた。

So, Markku Kaikkonen and Kaarlo Uusitalo began to develop a new method for writing down music. |ماركو|كايككونن||كارلو أوسيتالو|أوسيتالو|||||||||| ||a surname|||a person's name|||||||||| |Markku|Kaikkonen||Kaarlo|Uusitalo|começaram||||||||| そこで、Markku Kaikkonen と Kaarlo Uusitalo は、音楽を書き留める新しい方法を開発し始めました。 Böylece Markku Kaikkonen ve Kaarlo Uusitalo müziği yazıya dökmek için yeni bir yöntem geliştirmeye başladı. Markku and Kaarlo spent ten years developing and testing their new method. a person's name||no translation needed||||||||| ||||||||اختبار منهجهم الجديد||| |||passaram|||desenvolvendo||testando||| Markku a Kaarlo strávili deset let vývojem a testováním své nové metody. マーククとカーロは10年かけて新しい方法を開発し、テストした。 They call the new method Figurenotes. |||||النوتات التصويرية |||||Figürnotlar olarak adlandırıyorlar. |||||Figurenotes 彼らは新しいメソッド Figurenotes を呼び出します。 他们将新方法称为“Figurenotes”。 This is the method that the Resonaari Music Center uses to teach its students. これは、りそなり音楽センターが生徒たちに教えている方法である。 Bu, Resonaari Müzik Merkezi'nin öğrencilerine öğretmek için kullandığı yöntemdir. Voice 2

Figurenotes is a system of writing down and teaching music. ||||de|écriture|||| musical notation system||||||||| Figurály jsou systémem zápisu a výuky hudby. フィギュアノートは、音楽を書き留め、教えるシステムである。 Figür notaları, müziği yazma ve öğretme sistemidir.

It uses small, sticky pieces of colored paper to show the students what to play. |||adhesive||||||||||| |||yapışkan|parçalar||renkli|kağıt parçası||||||| |||adesivas|||coloridas||||||||tocar 小さな粘着性のある色紙を使用して、生徒に何をプレイするかを示します。 These "stickers" are different colors and shapes. |autocollants|||||formes ||||renkler||şekiller |adesivos|||cores||formas これらの「ステッカー」は、色や形が異なります。 Each color shows what note to play. ||||nota|| 各色は、演奏する音符を示しています。 The shapes show which octave the note is in, a higher one or a lower one. ||||sekizlik dilim||||||daha yüksek||||| ||||oitava||||||||||mais baixa| 形状は、音符がどのオクターブにあるか、高いオクターブか低いオクターブかを示します。 Các hình dạng cho biết nốt đó nằm trong quãng tám nào, quãng cao hơn hay quãng thấp hơn. Voice 1

The written music uses these shapes and colors to show the music. 書かれた音楽は、これらの形と色を使用して音楽を表示します。

And the stickers can be placed on a piano, guitar, or other musical instrument. |||||colocados|||||||| また、ステッカーはピアノ、ギター、その他の楽器に貼ることができます。 The Figurenotes sticker on the instrument shows the student exactly what to play when they see the sticker. |||||||||||||||||стікер |||||||||||||||||adesivo 楽器の Figurenotes ステッカーは、生徒がステッカーを見たときに何を演奏するかを正確に示しています。 Students learn to play by finding the same sticker on the instrument that is written on the music. 生徒は楽譜に書かれているのと同じステッカーを楽器に貼ることで演奏を学びます。 Markku described this to the newspaper ‘Christian Science Monitor'. |descreveu|||||cristão|| マークは『クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター』紙にこのように語っている。 马库向《基督教科学箴言报》描述了这一点。 He explained how the student experiences the Figurenotes method, |explicou||||experiências||| 彼は生徒が Figurenotes メソッドをどのように体験するかを説明しました。 Voice 3

"In the beginning, it is only colors and symbols. 「最初は色と記号だけだ。

But then suddenly it starts to be music. しかし、突然それは音楽になり始めます。 That is the miracle moment. |||mucize anı| |||milagre| それが奇跡の瞬間だ。 Đó chính là khoảnh khắc kỳ diệu. When a person is playing for the first time in his life, and he understands, 'I played music!' ||||||||||||||entende||| 人が生まれて初めて演奏し、「私は音楽を演奏した!」と理解したとき。 ... I call it the big-smile effect. … 私はこれをビッグスマイル効果と呼んでいます。 Voice 2

It can take many years before the students are ready to perform. |||||||||||se apresentar 学生が演技の準備が整うまでには、何年もかかることがあります。

But the teachers at Resonaari are very patient. |||||sont|| |||||||sabırlı でも、りそなりの先生たちはとても辛抱強い。 And they celebrate every little bit of progress a student achieves. |||chaque||||||| ||kutlarlar|||||ilerleme|||elde eder ||||||||||досягає ||celebram|||||||| そして、彼らは生徒が達成した進歩を少しずつ祝います。 Voice 1

People with disabilities can understand Figurenotes more easily than traditionally written music. ||engelliler|||Figürnotlar||||geleneksel olarak|| 障がいのある人たちは、従来の書かれた楽譜よりもフィギュアノートを理解しやすい。 But Figurenotes can be helpful for anyone who is just beginning to play music - even very young children. |Figürnotlar|||||||||||||||| しかし、Figurenotes は、音楽を始めたばかりの人なら誰でも、非常に幼い子供にも役立ちます。 Figurenotes gives the same information as traditionally written music. ||||||geleneksel olarak|| ||||||tradicionalmente|| Figurenotes は、伝統的に書かれた音楽と同じ情報を提供します。 So it can be easy for a new musician to learn Figurenotes first, then, change later to traditionally written music. |||||||||||피겨노트|||||||| そのため、新しいミュージシャンが最初に Figurenotes を学び、後で伝統的に書かれた音楽に変更するのは簡単です。 Voice 2

For many of the students at Resonaari the study of music is just the beginning. りそなーりの学生の多くにとって、音楽の勉強は始まりに過ぎません。 This study gives them courage. ||||cesaret ||||coragem この研究は彼らに勇気を与えます。 They begin to trust their own skills and gifts. ||||||||talents ||||||||yetenekler 彼らは自分自身のスキルや才能を信頼し始める。 It opens up the world of music to them, a world which they could not have taken part in before. それは彼らに音楽の世界、彼らが以前は参加できなかった世界を開きます。 Music can also improve the quality of life for people with physical or mental disabilities. ||||||||||||||장애인 |||||||||||physiques||| |||||kalite|||||||||engellilikler |||||qualidade||||||||| 音楽はまた、身体的・精神的障害を持つ人々の生活の質を向上させることができる。 For many of the students, Figurenotes begins a process of life-long learning. |||||||un||||| 多くの生徒にとって、Figurenotes は生涯学習のプロセスの始まりです。 Đối với nhiều học sinh, Fignotes bắt đầu một quá trình học tập suốt đời. Markku shared an example with the Christian Science Monitor. |compartilhou||||||| マークはクリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター紙にある例を紹介した。 It is about one of his students named Marko. ||||||||his student Marko ||||||||Marko マルコという生徒の話だ。 Voice 3

"The student Marko Koivu began classes about ten years ago. |||Marko Birch|||||| |||Koivu|||||| 「マルコ・コイヴは10年ほど前からレッスンを受け始めた。

When he arrived, he had only two friends: his mother and a nurse who cared for him. ||vardığında||||||||||||baktı|| ||||||||||||enfermeira|||| 到着したとき、彼には母親と看護婦の2人しか友達がいなかった。 He was a very quiet boy who just let things happen around him. |||||||simplement||||| ||||quiet|||||||| 彼はとても物静かな少年で、自分の周りで起こることにただ任せていました。 Soon, Marko was learning to play the piano. やがてマルコはピアノを習うようになった。 His mother called to say, 'Marko is teaching me how to play chords on the piano. sa||||||||||||des accords||| ||||||||||||musical notes together||| ||||||||||||akorlar||| ||||||||||||acordes||| 彼の母親から電話があり、「マルコがピアノでコードを弾く方法を教えてくれています。 Are these groups of notes real chords?' これらの音符のグループは実際の和音ですか?」 It was a great experience. ||||harika bir deneyimdi それはすごく良い経験でした。 The son had knowledge about something that the mother did not know anything about. |||bilgi|||||||||| |||conhecimento|||||||||| 息子は、母親が何も知らなかった何かについての知識を持っていました。 Voice 1

Playing music gave Marko faith in his own skills. ||||confiance|||| ||||fé|||| 音楽を演奏することで、マルコは自分のスキルを信じるようになりました。 Chơi nhạc giúp Marko tin tưởng vào kỹ năng của chính mình.

He began to feel like he could do more things on his own. 彼は自分でできることが増えたと感じ始めた。 For example, he learned about his local buses. |||||ses|| |||||||otobüsler たとえば、彼は地元のバスについて学びました。 Soon he began riding the bus to his music practices. |||andando de ônibus||||||práticas すぐに彼は音楽の練習にバスに乗り始めました。 He became friends with some famous musicians from Finland. ||||||músicos|| 彼はフィンランドの有名なミュージシャンと友達になりました。 These musicians joined him and other Resonaari students in a musical performance. これらのミュージシャンは、彼と他のりそなーりの学生と一緒に音楽演奏を行いました。 Now Marko says, Voice 4

"Music is my life.

When we have performances, it gives me a good feeling. |||les spectacles|||||| |||apresentações|||||| パフォーマンスがあると、いい気分になる。 Voice 2

The Resonaari Music Center has concerts every year. |||||concertos|| りそなり音楽センターでは毎年コンサートを開催している。

These musical performances give the students a chance to play for people. このような音楽公演は、生徒たちに人前で演奏する機会を与えてくれる。 Many famous musicians join the students. de nombreux||||| 多くの有名ミュージシャンが生徒たちに加わる。 许多著名的音乐家加入了学生的行列。 The crowds that come to hear the concerts are always surprised. Les|||||||||| As multidões que vêm ouvir os concertos estão sempre surpresas.|as multidões|||||||||surpresos コンサートを聴きに来る観客はいつも驚いている。 Before, no one thought that these students were able to create music. |personne|||||||||| 以前は、これらの学生が音楽を作成できるとは誰も考えていませんでした。 But using Figurenotes shows that even students with disabilities have the gift of music. |||||||||||don|| |||||||||||dom|| しかし、Figurenotes を使用すると、障害のある生徒にも音楽の才能があることがわかります。 Но использование Figurenotes показывает, что даже студенты с ограниченными возможностями обладают музыкальным даром. Voice 1

The Figurenotes method is becoming popular. Figurenotes方式が人気を集めている。

It is now being used in other countries - such as Japan, Estonia, Italy, and Iceland. |||||||||||Estônia|||Islândia Brian Cope is the director of Drake Music Scotland. ||||||Drake||Escócia ブライアン・コープはドレイク・ミュージック・スコットランドのディレクターである。 布莱恩·科普 (Brian Cope) 是苏格兰德雷克音乐公司的总监。 His school will be the first school in Scotland to use the Figurenotes method. 彼の学校は、スコットランドで初めてFigurenotes方式を採用する学校となる。 The school will be using Figurenotes for students with and without disabilities. 同校では、障害のある生徒もない生徒もFigurenotesを使用する。 He heard Resonaari students play a concert. 彼は、りそナリの学生たちのコンサートを聴いた。 Он слышал концерт студентов Резонари. Now he thinks that Figurenotes will change how people learn and teach music. 彼は今、Figurenotesが人々の音楽の学び方や教え方を変えるだろうと考えている。 He says, Voice 5

"The Resonaari music students are teaching us. |레조나리||||| "りそなりの音大生が教えてくれる。

They are teaching us that people with learning disabilities are able to do so much more in music than what we knew before. 彼らは、学習障害を持つ人々が、私たちが以前に知っていたよりもはるかに多くのことを音楽で行うことができることを私たちに教えています. Они учат нас тому, что люди с нарушениями обучаемости способны на гораздо большее в музыке, чем мы знали раньше. Voice 2

The writer and producer of this program was Courtney Schutt. ||||||||Courtney Schutt|Schutt ||||||||Courtney|Schutt この番組のライター兼プロデューサーはコートニー・シャット。 该节目的编剧兼制片人是考特尼·舒特。

The voices you heard were from the United States and the United Kingdom. Sesler|||||||||||| あなたが耳にしたのは、アメリカとイギリスからの声だった。 All quotes were adapted and voiced by Spotlight. Toutes|citations|||et||| |alıntılar|||||| |цитати|||||| すべての引用はスポットライトが脚色し、声をあてた。 Computer users can visit our website at http://www.Radio.English.net. This program is called "Making Music." このプログラムは "Making Music "と呼ばれている。 You can also find Spotlight on Facebook. スポットライトはフェイスブックでもご覧いただけます。 Just search for ‘Spotlight Radio'. Spotlight Radio』で検索してみて。 We hope you can join us again for the next Spotlight program. 次回のスポットライト・プログラムにもぜひご参加ください。 Goodbye!