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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube

What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hello again, everyone.

Tom here for BBC Learning English.

Today, I'm going to explain the difference between

what and which in questions.

'What' is used to ask a question which has a lot

of possible answers.

Consider the question:

What do you want to eat for lunch?

Here, there are no choices to limit your reply.

You could choose anything you want.

We use 'which' when we have options to choose from.

So, here we have two choices

– a sandwich and a melon.

So I can say: Which do you want to eat?

The sandwich or the melon?

Now, next time you need to ask a question,

you'll know which word to use.

'What' for anything and 'which' when you have a choice.

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What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube Co vs která – angličtina za minutu – YouTube Was vs. Welches – Englisch in einer Minute – YouTube What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube What vs Which - Inglese in un minuto - YouTube What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube What vs Which - 1분 만에 배우는 영어 - YouTube What vs Which - Inglês Num Minuto - YouTube What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube What vs Which - English In A Minute - YouTube What vs Which - 一分钟英语 - YouTube What vs Which - 一分鍾英語 - YouTube

Hello again, everyone. Zdravím všechny znovu. Hallo nochmal, alle zusammen. Ще раз привіт усім.

Tom here for BBC Learning English. Том тут для BBC Learning English.

Today, I'm going to explain the difference between Dnes vám vysvětlím rozdíl mezi

what and which in questions. was und was in Fragen. що і яке в питаннях.

'What' is used to ask a question which has a lot „Co“ se používá k položení otázky, která má hodně „Was“ wird verwendet, um eine Frage zu stellen, die viel beinhaltet «Що» використовується, щоб поставити запитання, яке має багато

of possible answers. možných odpovědí. von möglichen Antworten. of possible answers. можливих відповідей.

Consider the question: Betrachten Sie die Frage: 질문을 생각해 보세요: Розглянемо питання:

What do you want to eat for lunch? Was möchtest du zu Mittag essen?

Here, there are no choices to limit your reply. Zde nejsou žádné možnosti, jak omezit vaši odpověď. Hier gibt es keine Auswahlmöglichkeiten, um Ihre Antwort einzuschränken. Тут немає варіантів обмеження вашої відповіді.

You could choose anything you want. Mohli jste si vybrat, co chcete. Sie könnten wählen, was Sie wollen. Ви можете вибрати все, що забажаєте.

We use 'which' when we have options to choose from. Wir verwenden „what“, wenn wir Optionen zur Auswahl haben. 선택할 수 있는 옵션이 있을 때 '어느'를 사용합니다. Ми використовуємо «який», коли маємо варіанти вибору.

So, here we have two choices Takže tady máme dvě možnosti Hier haben wir also zwei Möglichkeiten Отже, у нас є два варіанти

– a sandwich and a melon. – sendvič a meloun. – ein Sandwich und eine Melone.

So I can say: Which do you want to eat? Takže můžu říct: Co chceš jíst? Also kann ich sagen: Was möchtest du essen? Тож я можу сказати: що ти хочеш їсти?

The sandwich or the melon? Das Sandwich oder die Melone?

Now, next time you need to ask a question, Wenn Sie jetzt das nächste Mal eine Frage stellen müssen, 이제 다음에 질문이 있을 때 질문하세요, Тепер, наступного разу, коли вам потрібно буде поставити запитання,

you'll know which word to use. Sie werden wissen, welches Wort Sie verwenden müssen. 를 입력하면 어떤 단어를 사용해야 하는지 알 수 있습니다. ви будете знати, яке слово використовувати.

'What' for anything and 'which' when you have a choice. „Was“ für alles und „Welches“, wenn Sie die Wahl haben. «Що» для будь-чого і «який», коли у вас є вибір.