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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), The 3rd conditional: What is it? How to use it! - English In A Minute - YouTube

The 3rd conditional: What is it? How to use it! - English In A Minute - YouTube

Welcome to BBC Learning English.

I'm Sam and today we're talking about

the third conditional.

The third conditional is a little strange

because we're talking about something that

didn't happen in the past.

Why would we do that?

Well, because sometimes we want to imagine

a different outcome.

A friend of mine came to visit me yesterday.

It was a surprise, so when I opened my front door, I said:

"If I'd known you were coming,

I would have baked a cake!"

Did I know she was coming? No.

Did I bake a cake? No.

So I'm imagining a different result.

Because we're talking about an imaginary past,

we use:

If + the subject + the past perfect,

the subject + would have + past participle

And you can also swap those round:

What would you have done

if you'd known your friend was coming?

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The 3rd conditional: What is it? How to use it! - English In A Minute - YouTube Das 3. Konditional: Was ist das? Wie man es benutzt! - Englisch in einer Minute - YouTube El 3er condicional: ¿Qué es? Cómo utilizarlo - Inglés en un minuto - YouTube Le troisième conditionnel : Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Comment l'utiliser ! - L'anglais en une minute - YouTube Il 3° condizionale: Che cos'è? Come usarlo! - Inglese in un minuto - YouTube 第3の条件:それは何ですか?どう使うの?- English In A Minute - YouTube 세 번째 조건: 그게 뭔가요? 사용 방법! - 1분 만에 배우는 영어 - YouTube De 3e voorwaarde: Wat is het? Hoe te gebruiken! - Engels in een minuut - YouTube Trzeci warunek: Co to jest? Jak go używać! - Angielski w minutę - YouTube A terceira condicional: O que é? Como usá-lo! - Inglês num minuto - YouTube Третье условное: Что это такое? Как его использовать! - Английский за минуту - YouTube 3. koşul: Bu nedir? Nasıl kullanılır! - Bir Dakikada İngilizce - YouTube 3-й умовний: Що це? Як його використовувати! - Англійська за хвилину - YouTube 第三个条件:它是什么?如何使用它! - 一分钟英语 - YouTube 第三個條件:它是什麼?如何使用它! - 一分鐘英語 - YouTube

Welcome to BBC Learning English.

I'm Sam and today we're talking about

the third conditional.

The third conditional is a little strange

because we're talking about something that потому что мы говорим о чем-то, что

didn't happen in the past.

Why would we do that? perché|||| Почему мы должны это делать?

Well, because sometimes we want to imagine

a different outcome. ||risultato ||resultado diferente другой результат.

A friend of mine came to visit me yesterday. ||||è venuto||||

It was a surprise, so when I opened my front door, I said:

"If I'd known you were coming, Se|sapevo||||

I would have baked a cake!"

Did I know she was coming? No.

Did I bake a cake? No. ||cuocere|||

So I'm imagining a different result. ||immaginando||diverso|

Because we're talking about an imaginary past,

we use:

If + the subject + the past perfect,

the subject + would have + past participle

And you can also swap those round: ||||trocar|| E você também pode trocar por esses:

What would you have done

if you'd known your friend was coming?