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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), Lend or borrow: what's the difference? - English In A Minute - YouTube

Lend or borrow: what's the difference? - English In A Minute - YouTube

I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Have you ever thought about the difference between

'lend' and 'borrow'?

They are both verbs but they're used in different ways.

'Lend' means 'to give something to someone'

generally for a short time.

For example:

The bank lent me some money.

If you want to say who you lent something to,

you can use the preposition 'to'.

I lent my mobile phone to James.

Oh no! I forgot my pen. Can you lend me a pen?

'Borrow' means 'to ask someone for something'.

Oh no! I can't read this. Can I borrow your glasses?

If you want to say who you borrowed something from,

you can use the preposition 'from'.

For example:

I borrowed a book from the library.

Oh, I'm late!

I need to borrow a laptop from Sam for my meeting

– got to go!

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I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Have you ever thought about the difference between の違いについて考えたことがあるだろうか?

'lend' and 'borrow'? 貸す||借りる 貸す」と「借りる」?

They are both verbs but they're used in different ways. どちらも動詞だが、使い方が違う。

'Lend' means 'to give something to someone' emprestar|||||| Lend」は「誰かに何かを与える」という意味である。

generally for a short time. 一般的には短期間である。

For example: 例えば、こうだ:

The bank lent me some money.

If you want to say who you lent something to, 誰に何かを貸したかを言いたい場合、

you can use the preposition 'to'. ||||edat| という前置詞を使うことができる。

I lent my mobile phone to James. ben|||||| 私は携帯電話をジェームズに貸した。

Oh no! I forgot my pen. Can you lend me a pen?

'Borrow' means 'to ask someone for something'. pedir emprestado|||||| Borrow」は「誰かに何かを借りる」という意味だ。

Oh no! I can't read this. Can I borrow your glasses? これ読めないんだけど、メガネ貸してくれる?

If you want to say who you borrowed something from, 誰から何かを借りたと言いたいなら、

you can use the preposition 'from'. という前置詞を使うことができる。

For example: 例えば、こうだ:

I borrowed a book from the library. |借りた||||| 図書館で本を借りた。

Oh, I'm late!

I need to borrow a laptop from Sam for my meeting ||||||||||会議 会議のためにサムからラップトップを借りたいんだけど

– got to go! 行くぞ||行かなきゃ - 行くしかない!