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BBC - English In A Minute (YouTube), How to use prepositions of place - English In A Minute - YouTube

How to use prepositions of place - English In A Minute - YouTube

Hello, I'm Sam and in this lesson

we're going to look at the differences between

'at', 'in' and 'on' for location.

'At' can be used to talk about a single specific location.

I'm at work.

Or: I'm at the BBC right now.

'On' is used in relation to a surface.

I'm sitting on a chair.

And 'in' is used to talk about a three-dimensional space,

usually with four walls.

It's similar to 'inside'.

I'm in a room.

So to help you remember these rules,

try to think of a concert:

I'm at the front.

The band is on the stage.

And my friends are in the crowd.

And where are you right now?

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How to use prepositions of place - English In A Minute - YouTube |||||||||Минута| |||||||||دقيقة واحدة| |||yer edatları||||||| |||de||||||| Wie man Ortspräpositionen verwendet - English In A Minute - YouTube How to use prepositions of place - English In A Minute - YouTube Cómo utilizar las preposiciones de lugar - English In A Minute - YouTube Comment utiliser les prépositions de lieu - English In A Minute - YouTube Come usare le preposizioni di luogo - English In A Minute - YouTube 장소의 전치사 사용법 - 1분 안에 영어 - YouTube Jak używać przyimków miejsca - English In A Minute - YouTube Como usar as preposições de lugar - Inglês Num Minuto - YouTube Как использовать предлоги места - English In A Minute - YouTube Yer edatları nasıl kullanılır - English In A Minute - YouTube Як використовувати прийменники місця - English In A Minute - YouTube 如何使用地点介词 - 一分钟英语 - YouTube 如何使用地點介係詞 - 一分鐘英語 - YouTube

Hello, I'm Sam and in this lesson ||||||درس ||||||teaching session

we're going to look at the differences between |planning to|||||| ||||||diferenças|

'at', 'in' and 'on' for location. |||||em

'At' can be used to talk about a single specific location.

I'm at work.

Or: I'm at the BBC right now.

'On' is used in relation to a surface. |||||||سطح |||||||Oberfläche ||||관계에서||| |||||||na

I'm sitting on a chair.

And 'in' is used to talk about a three-dimensional space, |||||||||dreidimensionalen| |||||||||boyutlu| |||||||||三次元の| |||||||||tridimensional| |||||||||spatial|

usually with four walls. |||Wände |||paredes

It's similar to 'inside'.

I'm in a room.

So to help you remember these rules,

try to think of a concert: |||||konser düşün

I'm at the front.

The band is on the stage. |||||المسرح |||||Bühne |||üzerinde|| |a banda||||

And my friends are in the crowd.

And where are you right now?