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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'take the rough with the smooth' mean? - YouTube

What does 'take the rough with the smooth' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak

and I'm Feifei.

Neil: And hello, I'm Neil.

Feifei: Hey great news, Neil!

Neil: Oh yes, what's that?

Feifei: I got a promotion.

Neil: Oh well done.

Congratulations and all that.

Feifei: Come on, Neil - you were never

going to get one. And anyway,

it's not all good news.

Neil: A promotion - a pay rise, more power

- how is that not all good news?

Feifei: Well, it means longer hours,

harder work, having to work

with you more. I expect

you have some English expression

to describe that!

Neil: I do, Feifei. You have to take

the rough with the smooth.

It means you have to accept

the bad or unpleasant things in a situation

as well as the good things. In other words,

you can't have everything.

Feifei: Thanks for the sympathy, Neil.

Neil: Here are some good

things though, Feifei: examples!

A: I'm going to use my qualification to get

a really good job, but I've lots of studying

to do before I get it.

B: Well you have to take the rough with

the smooth but good luck!

Having kids is very fulfilling but it can

be challenging too, especially the lack of

sleep - but I guess I have to take

the rough with the smooth!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're learning

about the phrase 'to take the rough

with the smooth' which means you have

to accept the bad things

in a situation as well as the good things.

Neil: So poor you, Feifei - you've got

a great new promotion but

you're going to have to

work longer. So fewer lunches with me,

less time at the pub...

Feifei: The expression for that

would be 'to take the smooth with

the smooth'. But do you

know what - this programme is

a good example of taking the rough

with the smooth.

Neil: So you mean there are some

good things and some bad things?

Hmm, so what are they?

Feifei: Well, the rough things

are presenting with you...

Neil: And the smooth things?

Feifei: The smooth things -

the good things - are it's a short

programme and it's nearly

over. It's time to go, Neil.

Neil: Thank goodness. Enjoy your

promotion then - hope it goes smoothly

Feifei: It will! Bye.

Neil: Bye.

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What does 'take the rough with the smooth' mean? - YouTube ||||ruvido||||| ¿Qué significa "tomar lo áspero con lo suave"? - YouTube Que signifie "prendre ce qui est dur avec ce qui est doux" ? - YouTube Cosa significa "prendere il ruvido con il liscio"? - YouTube 粗は挽回せよ」とは?- YouTube Co oznacza "brać szorstkie z gładkim"? - YouTube O que é que significa "o que é duro é bom"? - YouTube Что означает выражение "принимать грубое за гладкое"? - YouTube 'Sert olanı yumuşak olanla birlikte almak' ne anlama geliyor? - YouTube Що означає "поєднувати приємне з корисним"? - YouTube 以柔克刚 "是什么意思?- YouTube 「以柔克剛」是什麼意思? - Youtube

Feifei: Hello, this is The English We Speak

and I'm Feifei. ||Feifei

Neil: And hello, I'm Neil.

Feifei: Hey great news, Neil!

Neil: Oh yes, what's that?

Feifei: I got a promotion. ||||ascenso laboral

Neil: Oh well done.

Congratulations and all that.

Feifei: Come on, Neil - you were never Фейфей: Облиш, Ніле, ти ніколи не був

going to get one. And anyway, збираюся придбати його. І взагалі,

it's not all good news. це не всі хороші новини.

Neil: A promotion - a pay rise, more power

- how is that not all good news?

Feifei: Well, it means longer hours,

harder work, having to work

with you more. I expect

you have some English expression

to describe that!

Neil: I do, Feifei. You have to take Я знаю, Фейфей. Ти мусиш взяти

the rough with the smooth. шорстке з гладким.

It means you have to accept Це означає, що ви повинні прийняти

the bad or unpleasant things in a situation погані або неприємні речі в ситуації

as well as the good things. In other words, так само, як і хороші речі. Іншими словами,

you can't have everything. не можна мати все.

Feifei: Thanks for the sympathy, Neil.

Neil: Here are some good

things though, Feifei: examples!

A: I'm going to use my qualification to get В: Я збираюся використати свою кваліфікацію, щоб отримати

a really good job, but I've lots of studying 本当にいい仕事だと思う。 дуже хороша робота, але мені треба багато вчитися

to do before I get it. зробити до того, як я його отримаю.

B: Well you have to take the rough with |||||||lo áspero|

the smooth but good luck!

Having kids is very fulfilling but it can ||||soddisfacente||| ||||satisfactorio||| Мати дітей - це дуже приємно, але це може

be challenging too, especially the lack of також може бути складним завданням, особливо через брак

sleep - but I guess I have to take поспати - але, мабуть, мені доведеться взяти

the rough with the smooth! |lo áspero||| шорстке з гладким!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're learning

about the phrase 'to take the rough

with the smooth' which means you have

to accept the bad things

in a situation as well as the good things.

Neil: So poor you, Feifei - you've got

a great new promotion but

you're going to have to

work longer. So fewer lunches with me, ||||pranzi|| |||menos|almuerzos||

less time at the pub... ||||pub

Feifei: The expression for that

would be 'to take the smooth with は、「スムースであること」である。

the smooth'. But do you

know what - this programme is

a good example of taking the rough

with the smooth.

Neil: So you mean there are some

good things and some bad things?

Hmm, so what are they?

Feifei: Well, the rough things Feifei: Zor şeyler||||

are presenting with you... sunuyorlar||| あなたとともに...

Neil: And the smooth things?

Feifei: The smooth things -

the good things - are it's a short

programme and it's nearly

over. It's time to go, Neil.

Neil: Thank goodness. Enjoy your ||per fortuna|| ニール:よかった。楽しんでください。

promotion then - hope it goes smoothly

Feifei: It will! Bye.

Neil: Bye.