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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), The best of both worlds: The English We Speak - YouTube

The best of both worlds: The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak,

with you Rob...

Rob: ...and you, Feifei.

Feifei: Hey Rob, how are you enjoying your new life

in the countryside?

Rob: It's great Feifei. When I get home at night,

I get to smell the fresh air and look out on green fields.

Yes, the country life is for me.

Feifei: But come on Rob, you must miss the bright lights

and the excitement of living in the city?

Rob: Well, I get that by coming to work right here

in the centre of London. I have a great night out

and then slip off to the peace and quiet of the country.


Feifei: Perfect? I don't think so -

the countryside is too quiet.

The city is the only place for me.

Rob: No way. I've got the best of both worlds -

excitement in the city, relaxation in the country.

Feifei: The best of the both worlds -

you think you get the advantages of two very different

things at the same time.

Rob: Yes that's right. Let's hear some examples

of the phrase 'the best of both worlds' in action...

Examples: Working part-time means I get the best of

both worlds: time with the kids and a steady income.

Our hotel is by the beach

and just a short train ride away from the city,

so we get the best of both worlds.

We get the best of both worlds with our new car:

excellent fuel efficiency

and great acceleration and speed.

Feifei: So the phrase 'the best of both worlds'

means you have the benefits of two different

things and none of the disadvantages.

But surely Rob there must be some negative things

about living in the country?

Rob: Such as?

Feifei: No shops, no pubs or clubs,

having a long commute to work every day.

Rob: I can cope - anyway, commuting by train is fine -

time to relax and shake off the stress of the city.

Feifei: Maybe not today Rob.

Rob: Why?

Feifei: My news feed says there's been a major signal

failure - all trains to your village are cancelled!

Rob: Cancelled? Grrr. So I can't get home!

Err, any chance I could sleep on your sofa tonight?

Feifei: Ha, so maybe it's not always possible

to have the best of BOTH worlds Rob?

Rob: Maybe!

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye.

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The best of both worlds: The English We Speak - YouTube Das Beste aus beiden Welten: The English We Speak – YouTube Lo mejor de dos mundos: el inglés que hablamos - YouTube Le meilleur des deux mondes : l'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Il meglio dei due mondi: l'inglese che parliamo - YouTube 両方の世界のベスト:私たちが話す英語 - YouTube 두 세계의 최고: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube O melhor de dois mundos: o inglês que falamos - YouTube Лучшее из двух миров: английский язык, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Her iki dünyanın da en iyisi: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Найкраще з обох світів: англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube 两全其美:我们说的英语 - YouTube 兩全其美:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak,

with you Rob...

Rob: ...and you, Feifei.

Feifei: Hey Rob, how are you enjoying your new life Feifei : Hey Rob, comment apprécies-tu ta nouvelle vie ?

in the countryside?

Rob: It's great Feifei. When I get home at night,

I get to smell the fresh air and look out on green fields. ||||||||||||田野 Ich rieche die frische Luft und schaue auf grüne Felder. Je sens l'air frais et je regarde les champs verdoyants. Я відчуваю запах свіжого повітря і дивлюся на зелені поля.

Yes, the country life is for me.

Feifei: But come on Rob, you must miss the bright lights Feifei: Aber komm schon Rob, du musst die hellen Lichter vermissen Feifei : Mais allez Rob, les lumières te manquent.

and the excitement of living in the city? ||excitement||||| und die Aufregung, in der Stadt zu leben?

Rob: Well, I get that by coming to work right here Rob: Nun, das verstehe ich, wenn ich hier zur Arbeit komme Rob : Eh bien, je l'obtiens en venant travailler ici même Rob:嗯,我来这里工作就明白了

in the centre of London. I have a great night out im Zentrum Londons. Ich habe eine tolle Nacht dans le centre de Londres. Je passe une excellente soirée 在伦敦市中心。我度过了一个愉快的夜晚

and then slip off to the peace and quiet of the country. ||溜走|off|||||宁静|||country und dann ab in die Ruhe des Landes. 然后溜到这个宁静祥和的国家。


Feifei: Perfect? I don't think so - 菲菲:完美?我不这么认为——

the countryside is too quiet. 乡村太安静了。

The city is the only place for me. 这座城市是我唯一的地方。

Rob: No way. I've got the best of both worlds - Rob : Pas question, j'ai le meilleur des deux mondes - 罗布:不可能。我有两全其美-

excitement in the city, relaxation in the country. ||||放松||| ||||Entspannung auf dem Land||| 城市里的兴奋,乡村里的放松。

Feifei: The best of the both worlds - 菲菲:两全其美——

you think you get the advantages of two very different 你认为你得到了两种截然不同的优势

things at the same time. 同时的事情。

Rob: Yes that's right. Let's hear some examples 罗布:是的,没错。让我们听一些例子

of the phrase 'the best of both worlds' in action... |||||||situations|| “两全其美”这句话的实际应用...

Examples: Working part-time means I get the best of |working|||||||| Beispiele: Teilzeit zu arbeiten bedeutet, dass ich das Beste aus mir heraushole

both worlds: time with the kids and a steady income. ||||||||稳定的| ||||||||stettem| beide Welten: Zeit mit den Kindern und ein geregeltes Einkommen. ambos mundos: tiempo con los niños y un ingreso estable. 两全其美:陪伴孩子的时间和稳定的收入。

Our hotel is by the beach فندقنا على الشاطئ Unser Hotel liegt am Strand

and just a short train ride away from the city, |just|||||||| وعلى بعد مسافة قصيرة بالقطار من المدينة ، und nur eine kurze Zugfahrt von der Stadt entfernt, et à une courte distance en train de la ville, 距离市区只有很短的火车车程,

so we get the best of both worlds.

We get the best of both worlds with our new car:

excellent fuel efficiency |fuel| ||eficiencia hervorragende Kraftstoffeffizienz une excellente efficacité énergétique 出色的燃油效率

and great acceleration and speed. ||acceleration|| ||und große Beschleunigung|| und große Beschleunigung und Geschwindigkeit. 和伟大的加速度和速度。

Feifei: So the phrase 'the best of both worlds' 飞飞:所以说“两全其美”

means you have the benefits of two different

things and none of the disadvantages. |||||缺点 |||||inconvénients |||||Nachteile |||||欠点 und keinen der Nachteile.

But surely Rob there must be some negative things 但肯定罗布肯定有一些负面的东西

about living in the country?

Rob: Such as?

Feifei: No shops, no pubs or clubs, ||||酒吧|| ||||bares||

having a long commute to work every day. |||通勤|||| |||通勤|||| الحصول على رحلة طويلة إلى العمل كل يوم.

Rob: I can cope - anyway, commuting by train is fine - |io||应付||通勤|||| Rob: Ich komme zurecht - jedenfalls ist das Pendeln mit dem Zug in Ordnung - Rob : Je peux me débrouiller - de toute façon, faire la navette en train, c'est bien - Rob:我能应付——反正坐火车通勤就可以了——

time to relax and shake off the stress of the city. ||||shake|||||| ||||secouer|||||| حان الوقت للاسترخاء والتخلص من ضغوط المدينة. Zeit, um sich zu entspannen und den Stress der Stadt abzuschütteln. Le temps de se détendre et de se débarrasser du stress de la ville. 是时候放松一下,摆脱城市的压力了。

Feifei: Maybe not today Rob. Feifei: Vielleicht nicht heute Rob.

Rob: Why?

Feifei: My news feed says there's been a major signal ||news|feed||||||signal |||fil d'actualité|||||| Feifei: Mein Newsfeed sagt, dass es ein wichtiges Signal gegeben hat Feifei : Mon fil d'actualité indique qu'il y a eu un signal majeur Фейфей: У моїй стрічці новин сказано, що надійшов серйозний сигнал 飞飞:我的动态消息说有一个重大信号

failure - all trains to your village are cancelled! failure|||||||取消了 Ausfall - alle Züge in dein Dorf fallen aus!

Rob: Cancelled? Grrr. So I can't get home! ||<呜呜>||||| ||verdammt||||| Rob: Abgesagt? Grrr. Ich komme also nicht nach Hause!

Err, any chance I could sleep on your sofa tonight? 呃,今晚我有机会睡在你的沙发上吗?

Feifei: Ha, so maybe it's not always possible

to have the best of BOTH worlds Rob?

Rob: Maybe!

Feifei: Bye.

Rob: Bye.