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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Smombie: The English We Speak - YouTube

Smombie: The English We Speak - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Neil and joining me today is…

Feifei: Argh! Ouch!

Neil: …Feifei… who's just walked right into

a door.

Feifei: Hi. I was just catching up on some

messages on my phone and I sort of lost

track of where I was.

Neil: Hmm yes, you were walking around

like a zombie

– a smartphone zombie.

A smombie is a person who walks around with

their head bowed down, writing messages or

playing games on their phone and not paying

any attention to the world around them!

Feifei: Even if they're in a situation which might

be dangerous – like crossing a road.

Neil: Or walking into a radio studio door!

How's your nose?

Feifei: OK, OK, Neil. You've made your point.

Let's hear some examples.

I'm too terrified to drive past the college

these days. You never know when a smombie's

going step out into the road in front of the car!

I was knocked flying the other day by a smombie

as I was trying to get a bus. I don't even

think she knew she'd bumped into me!

People don't know how to communicate with

each other face-to-face any more. They are

such smombies!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English

and in this programme we're learning

a really new word which is made up of two

words – smartphone and zombie.

Neil: The word is smombie. It's actually

from German and has won

Germany's 'Youth Word of the Year' competition.

Feifei: But people are now starting to use

it in English too.

It describes people who walk around totally

absorbed by their smartphones.

Neil: You know, the kind of people who

walk into

the road without looking at the traffic…

Or into studio doors.

Feifei: Enough now Neil!

Neil: Goodbye!

Feifei: Bye.

Smombie: The English We Speak - YouTube Smombie||||| Zombi dello smartphone||||| zombis del móvil||||| Smombie: Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Smombie: The English We Speak - YouTube Smombie: El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Smombie : L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Smombie: L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube スモンビー私たちが話す英語 - YouTube 스몸비: 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Smombie: Het Engels dat wij spreken - YouTube Smombie: The English We Speak - YouTube Smombie: O inglês que falamos - YouTube Смомби: Английский, на котором мы говорим - YouTube Smombie: Konuştuğumuz İngilizce - YouTube Smombie: Англійська, якою ми говоримо - YouTube Smombie:我们说的英语 - YouTube Smombie:我們說的英語 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Neil and joining me today is… Ich bin Neil und bei mir ist heute...

Feifei: Argh! Ouch! |Argh| Фэйфэй: Аргх! Ай!

Neil: …Feifei… who's just walked right into Neil: …Feifei… who's just walked right into Neil : …Feifei… qui vient juste d'entrer ニール:......フェイフェイが......ちょうど入ってきたところだ Neil: ...Feifei... que acabou de entrar em ...Фэйфэй... которая только что вошла прямо в

a door.

Feifei: Hi. I was just catching up on some Feifei : Salut. J'étais juste en train de rattraper certains Feifei: Olá. Estava a pôr a conversa em dia Привіт. Я просто наздоганяв деякі

messages on my phone and I sort of lost messages sur mon téléphone et j'ai en quelque sorte perdu mensagens no meu telemóvel e perdi-me повідомлення на моєму телефоні, і я трохи загубився.

track of where I was. traccia di dove ero|||| sledovat, kde jsem. trace de l'endroit où j'étais. 自分がどこにいるのか。 de onde eu estava. відстежити, де я був.

Neil: Hmm yes, you were walking around Neil : Hmm oui, tu te promenais

like a zombie ||come un zombie ||zombi comme un zombie

– a smartphone zombie. |Smartphone-Zombie|

A smombie is a person who walks around with |persona distratta|||||||

their head bowed down, writing messages or ||chinato|||| ||inclinada|||| la tête baissée, écrivant des messages ou 頭を下げ、メッセージを書いたり de cabeça baixa, a escrever mensagens ou

playing games on their phone and not paying играют в игры на телефоне и не платят

any attention to the world around them!

Feifei: Even if they're in a situation which might Feifei: I když jsou v situaci, která by mohla. Feifei : Même s'ils sont dans une situation qui pourrait

be dangerous – like crossing a road. být nebezpečné - jako například přecházení silnice.

Neil: Or walking into a radio studio door! Neil: Ou entrar na porta de um estúdio de rádio! Нил: Или войти в дверь радиостудии!

How's your nose? Como está o teu nariz? Як твій ніс?

Feifei: OK, OK, Neil. You've made your point. Feifei: Dobře, dobře, Neile. Vyjádřil jsi svůj názor. Feifei : D'accord, d'accord, Neil. Vous avez fait valoir votre point de vue. Feifei: OK, OK, Neil. Já te fizeste entender. Фейфей: Гаразд, гаразд, Ніле. Ти висловив свою думку.

Let's hear some examples. Poslechněme si několik příkladů.

I'm too terrified to drive past the college ||aterrorizado||||| Mám strach jet kolem koleje. Je suis trop terrifié pour passer devant le collège Tenho demasiado medo de passar pela faculdade Я занадто налякана, щоб проїхати повз коледж

these days. You never know when a smombie's |||||||Smartphone-Zombie v dnešní době. Nikdy nevíte, kdy se smombie в наші дні. Ніколи не знаєш, коли смердота

going step out into the road in front of the car! vstoupí do vozovky před auto! a ir para a estrada à frente do carro! выходить на дорогу перед машиной! виходьте на дорогу перед машиною!

I was knocked flying the other day by a smombie ||Sono stato buttato.||||||| ||golpeado volando||||||| Nedávno mě srazil smombie. J'ai été renversé l'autre jour par un smombie この前、スモンビーに飛ばされたんだ。 No outro dia, fui apanhado a voar por um smombie Якось мене збив під час польоту смерч.

as I was trying to get a bus. I don't even ||war|||||||| když jsem se snažil dostat na autobus. Ani nevím. коли я намагався сісти на автобус. Я навіть не знаю.

think she knew she'd bumped into me! ||sapeva||urtato|| ||||se había encontrado|| Myslím, že věděla, že do mě narazila! crois qu'elle savait qu'elle m'avait bousculé ! Думаю, вона знала, що натрапила на мене!

People don't know how to communicate with Lidé nevědí, jak komunikovat s Люди не знают, как общаться с

each other face-to-face any more. They are se už nesetkávali tváří v tvář. Jsou

such smombies! |Handysüchtige Menschen |zombie del telefono |zombis del teléfono

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English

and in this programme we're learning

a really new word which is made up of two

words – smartphone and zombie.

Neil: The word is smombie. It's actually

from German and has won z němčiny a získal

Germany's 'Youth Word of the Year' competition. Deutschlands|||||| Německá soutěž "Slovo roku pro mládež". Concurso alemão "Palavra Jovem do Ano". Конкурс "Молодежное слово года" в Германии.

Feifei: But people are now starting to use

it in English too.

It describes people who walk around totally

absorbed by their smartphones. |||Smartphones |||teléfonos inteligentes absorvidos pelos seus smartphones.

Neil: You know, the kind of people who

walk into

the road without looking at the traffic… a estrada sem olhar para o trânsito...

Or into studio doors. Ou em portas de estúdios.

Feifei: Enough now Neil! Feifei: Já chega, Neil!

Neil: Goodbye!

Feifei: Bye.