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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube

Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei...

Rob: ...and hello, I'm Rob. Hey Feifei, listen

to this...


Feifei: ...ok, interesting. Has your ready meal

finished cooking in the microwave?

Rob: Yes actually - but I wanted you to

name that sound.

Feifei: Errr well, it's a 'ping' sound - obvs.

So what's that got to do with today's piece

of authentic English?

Rob: Well, we can use the word 'ping' to

describe something else.

Feifei: I know that, Rob. 'Ping' is a short

sharp sound - like a microwave makes to

alert you that the food in it is cooked.

But the word 'ping' is also an informal way

of describing sending an email or

a text message. So if I ping you an

email, I basically send you an email.

Rob: Exactly and [TEXT ALERT SOUND]...

Oh, someone's pinged me a text

message. It says

"Let's have some examples, Rob!"

Feifei: That was me, Rob. Come on then...

I need to know the details of the contract.

Could you ping them over to me as soon

as possible, please.

My friend's just pinged me to say she

can't go out tonight so I suppose I'll have

to stay in and watch TV.

I'll ping you over the address of the party

and hopefully I'll see you there later.

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

the BBC and we're finding out about the

word 'ping' which is an informal

way to describe sending an email or a text

message. And Rob,

I'm going to ping you something.

Rob: Oh yes, what's that?

Feifei: I'm going to ping you an email

containing a recipe.

Rob: A recipe? What would I need that for?

Feifei: You need to start cooking some

real food - you can't live on unhealthy

microwave dinners!

Rob: Oh right. And I'm pinging you a

message right now... Send!

Feifei: [TEXT ALERT SOUND] ... "If you'd

invited me for dinner, I wouldn't have to

eat microwave dinners."

OK Rob, I get the hint. How about tonight?

Rob: Great! But can you remind me where

you live?

Feifei: I'll ping you my address. See ya.

Rob: Don't forget. Bye!

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Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube Ping - Das Englisch, das wir sprechen - YouTube Ping - El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Ping - L'anglais que nous parlons - YouTube Ping - L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube ピン - 私たちが話す英語 - YouTube Ping - 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Ping - O inglês que falamos - YouTube Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube Ping - The English We Speak - YouTube Ping - 我們說的英語 - YouTube

Feifei: Welcome to The English We Speak.

I'm Feifei...

Rob: ...and hello, I'm Rob. Hey Feifei, listen

to this...


Feifei: ...ok, interesting. Has your ready meal

finished cooking in the microwave?

Rob: Yes actually - but I wanted you to

name that sound. その音に名前をつける。

Feifei: Errr well, it's a 'ping' sound - obvs. |||||||offensichtlich

So what's that got to do with today's piece それが、今日の記事とどう関係があるのか?

of authentic English?

Rob: Well, we can use the word 'ping' to

describe something else.

Feifei: I know that, Rob. 'Ping' is a short

sharp sound - like a microwave makes to

alert you that the food in it is cooked.

But the word 'ping' is also an informal way

of describing sending an email or

a text message. So if I ping you an |||||ich|||

email, I basically send you an email.

Rob: Exactly and [TEXT ALERT SOUND]...

Oh, someone's pinged me a text |jemand||||

message. It says

"Let's have some examples, Rob!"

Feifei: That was me, Rob. Come on then...

I need to know the details of the contract. 契約の詳細を知りたい。

Could you ping them over to me as soon könntest|||||||| すぐに私に送ってくれる?

as possible, please.

My friend's just pinged me to say she Meine||||||| 友達から連絡があったんだ。

can't go out tonight so I suppose I'll have 今夜は出かけられないから、そうしよう。

to stay in and watch TV. 家にこもってテレビを見る。

I'll ping you over the address of the party ich werde|||||||| パーティのアドレスをPingで送るよ。

and hopefully I'll see you there later. また後でお会いできることを期待しています。

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

the BBC and we're finding out about the

word 'ping' which is an informal

way to describe sending an email or a text

message. And Rob,

I'm going to ping you something. ich|||||

Rob: Oh yes, what's that?

Feifei: I'm going to ping you an email

containing a recipe.

Rob: A recipe? What would I need that for? ロブ:レシピ?何に使うんだ?

Feifei: You need to start cooking some

real food - you can't live on unhealthy 不健康な食べ物だけでは生きていけない

microwave dinners!

Rob: Oh right. And I'm pinging you a ロブ:そうか。で、今

message right now... Send! 今すぐメッセージを...送信する

Feifei: [TEXT ALERT SOUND] ... "If you'd

invited me for dinner, I wouldn't have to

eat microwave dinners."

OK Rob, I get the hint. How about tonight? |||||suggerimento||| わかったよ、ロブ。今夜はどうだ?

Rob: Great! But can you remind me where

you live?

Feifei: I'll ping you my address. See ya.

Rob: Don't forget. Bye!