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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), Out of your depth - The English We Speak - YouTube

Out of your depth - The English We Speak - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: ... and hello, I'm Rob. Feifei, why's

your hair wet - it's not raining, is it?

Feifei: No, Rob. I've just been for my

swimming lesson. It was a bit scary,


Rob: Why's that?

Feifei: Well, for the first time, I swam into

the deep end and couldn't stand up.

The lifeguard had to jump in and save me.

Rob: Oh dear, Feifei. It sounds like you

were out of your depth!

Feifei: Yes, I suppose I was.

Rob: Well, I'm out of my depth too.

Feifei: What - you're learning to swim too?

Rob: No, no. I'm struggling to complete

this project about statistics that the boss

has asked me to do. I know nothing about

statistics and numbers - it's just too

difficult and I just can't do it. So

I'm out of my depth.

Feifei: Ah, I've got it. When you are out of

your depth, it can mean you are in a

difficult situation that you cannot cope

with - it could be because a task exceeds

your knowledge or ability. so it's a bit like

drowning in a situation - but not literally.

Rob: Exactly. Let's hear some examples...

I'm so out of my depth in this new job.

I haven't got a clue what to do!

When everyone started talking about

politics I knew I was out of my depth,

so I politely made my excuses and

went home.

He was clearly out of his depth in the

match - he lacked any skill and couldn't

even pass the ball!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the phrase 'out of your depth'. It

describes a situation that is too

difficult for you, and you do not have

the knowledge or ability to cope with it.

Well, Rob, I may be able to save you! I love

statistics and can help you out.

Rob: Oh that's great. And I can help you

improve your swimming.

Feifei: Oh yes? How can you do that?

Rob: You can borrow my arm bands so

you'll never sink, even in the deep end.

You'll never be out of your depth again!

Feifei: Thanks, but I think I should learn to

swim properly. Anyway, when do you need

to complete this project for the boss by?

Rob: Errr... now.

Feifei: Oh. Come on then. We had better

go and get on with it, otherwise the boss

will throw you in the deep end! Bye.

Rob: Bye.

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Out of your depth - The English We Speak - YouTube |||||Не по зубах||Не по зубах| Außer Rand und Band - The English We Speak - YouTube Out of your depth - El inglés que hablamos - YouTube Out of your depth - L'inglese che parliamo - YouTube アウト・オブ・ユア・ディープ - The English We Speak - YouTube 깊이 있는 영어 - 우리가 말하는 영어 - YouTube Out of your depth - The English We Speak - YouTube Fora da sua profundidade - O inglês que falamos - YouTube Out of your depth - The English We Speak - YouTube Boyundan büyük işlere kalkışmak - The English We Speak - YouTube Out of your depth - The English We Speak - YouTube 你的深度 - 我们说的英语 - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English |||greeting you||| ||||||Англійська

We Speak. I'm Feifei...

Rob: ... and hello, I'm Rob. Feifei, why's

your hair wet - it's not raining, is it? o seu cabelo molhado - não está a chover, pois não?

Feifei: No, Rob. I've just been for my Feifei: Não, Rob. Fui só buscar o meu

swimming lesson. It was a bit scary, |class||||| ||||||un po' spaventoso aula de natação. Foi um pouco assustador, урок плавання. Було трохи страшно,


Rob: Why's that?

Feifei: Well, for the first time, I swam into |||||||nuotai dentro| Feifei: Bem, pela primeira vez, nadei em

the deep end and couldn't stand up. e não se conseguia levantar. і не зміг піднятися.

The lifeguard had to jump in and save me. |il bagnino|||||||

Rob: Oh dear, Feifei. It sounds like you

were out of your depth! estavam fora da vossa profundidade!

Feifei: Yes, I suppose I was. Feifei: Sim, suponho que sim.

Rob: Well, I'm out of my depth too.

Feifei: What - you're learning to swim too?

Rob: No, no. I'm struggling to complete ||||faccio fatica||

this project about statistics that the boss este projeto sobre estatísticas que o chefe

has asked me to do. I know nothing about

statistics and numbers - it's just too

difficult and I just can't do it. So

I'm out of my depth. Estou fora do meu alcance.

Feifei: Ah, I've got it. When you are out of

your depth, it can mean you are in a a sua profundidade, pode significar que está numa

difficult situation that you cannot cope |||||gestire situação difícil com a qual não consegue lidar складна ситуація, з якою ви не можете впоратися

with - it could be because a task exceeds |||||||goes beyond |||||||supera com - pode ser porque uma tarefa excede з - це може бути тому, що завдання перевищує

your knowledge or ability. so it's a bit like ваші знання або здібності. Так що це трохи схоже на

drowning in a situation - but not literally. affogare in una|||||| потонути в ситуації - але не в буквальному сенсі.

Rob: Exactly. Let's hear some examples... Саме так. Давайте послухаємо кілька прикладів...

I'm so out of my depth in this new job. Estou tão fora do meu alcance neste novo emprego.

I haven't got a clue what to do! ||||idea|||

When everyone started talking about

politics I knew I was out of my depth, |ich||||||| política eu sabia que estava fora do meu alcance,

so I politely made my excuses and por isso, educadamente, apresentei as minhas desculpas e тож я ввічливо вибачився і

went home. foi para casa. пішов додому.

He was clearly out of his depth in the Er|||||||| Він явно був не в курсі того, що відбувається в

match - he lacked any skill and couldn't ||mancava di|||| jogo - não tinha qualquer habilidade e não conseguia матч - йому не вистачало навичок і він не міг

even pass the ball! навіть пас м'яча!

Feifei: This is The English We Speak from

BBC Learning English and we're talking

about the phrase 'out of your depth'. It |||außerhalb||||

describes a situation that is too

difficult for you, and you do not have

the knowledge or ability to cope with it. |||||handle it||

Well, Rob, I may be able to save you! I love Bem, Rob, posso ser capaz de o salvar! Eu amo

statistics and can help you out.

Rob: Oh that's great. And I can help you

improve your swimming.

Feifei: Oh yes? How can you do that?

Rob: You can borrow my arm bands so |||||Arm|Armbänder| ||||||arm floaties| Rob: Podes levar as minhas braçadeiras emprestadas

you'll never sink, even in the deep end. ||go under water||||| ||affondare|||||

You'll never be out of your depth again!

Feifei: Thanks, but I think I should learn to Feifei: Obrigada, mas acho que devo aprender a

swim properly. Anyway, when do you need nadar corretamente. De qualquer forma, quando é que precisa de

to complete this project for the boss by?

Rob: Errr... now.

Feifei: Oh. Come on then. We had better |||||Wir|| Feifei: Oh. Então vamos lá. É melhor Фейфей: Ох. Ходімо. Нам краще

go and get on with it, otherwise the boss mach weiter|und||||||| Іди і продовжуй, інакше бос

will throw you in the deep end! Bye. wird||||||| |ti butterò|||||| кине тебе на саму глибину! Бувай.

Rob: Bye.